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Will not actually stay for the customers. And polls open in india, nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote in the walls largest general election the while it is 7, g m t. And we begin this news out in iran, the government that says its edison systems have shut down 3 drones. And these interceptions are reported to of happens near the central, around and city of ispa home. It ran and media, it says a nucleus science and the military base and of as soon as he would not damage. American media sizing us Officials Say it was, and his really attacked with the as really ministry itself has not commented. Israel had said it would retaliate off to around north hundreds of drones and missiles at israel last saturday. Lets take a look at the flight way though, is that ron sites will briefly suspend a to and from several cities, including the capital to iran is behind. And sharon as well. We have a team of correspondence following these developments for us. As you can see that, but we are going to begin in the rain and capital tyrone withdrawal. So jabari dosa took us through exactly what happened. Weve obviously had numerous different accounts from, from various different parties here. What are you hearing from your radians . Well, according to the Army Officials as well as a seat tv at 3, a small on on the, on the firewall. Objects were shot down near the um, a rate in armies airbase uh, just north east of the city of san within as the home province. Now, and this is known as the ac tactical air base, which is home. So iran sweets of american f, 14 tomcats, which are on purchased before that i to 79 revolution now weve been sharing from a uh Army Commander abdur rahim lou savvy, who speaking to local media has said that there were shots fired at some flying objects. And there was no damage cause to this air base. But when he was asked whether or not this will in sight or response by the radiance, he said that you have seen iran response already indicating that this attack most likely by israel, could be for now the end of this back and forth at threats and counter threats that have been made by iranian officials, as well as there was really counterparts in those. I see that the i a has concerns now what the radians were saying that there has been no damage to Nuclear Facility. Thats why you have to remember there is a Nuclear Facility within us behind itself as well as nearby and thats hands. Thats a one of the main Nuclear Facilities in the country. One of 6, that times is where enrichment happens at 60 percent, as well as 20 percent. Its a very big facility and one of the main ones we heard from the International Atomic Energy Agency in vienna. They had a statement by the director general Rafael Grossi saying that the agency can confirm there is no damage to iran, new clear sights, and that the director general continues to call for extreme restrained from everyone and reiterates that Nuclear Facilities should never be a target. In military conflicts, the statement also went on to say that the is monitoring the situation very closely. Of course, the agency decided on sunday to suspend its monitoring activities for 2 days as a result of aarons attack on israel ad that took place on saturday evening. Early sunday morning. They needed some stuff that they are responding to aggression by israel, after the consul of section of the wrongs embassy in damascus was targeted in an error stripe on april 1st, that killed 7 members of its revolutionary guards. Joseph jabari van with a very license for us on this developing story from tyrone. Thank you very much. Dosa. Well, thats now go to the us capital and speak to john henry and hes in washington dc. John, i understand that us officials are saying that they were warned that this was going to happen, but they dont endorse this attack necessarily. Thats right. The official response from the u. S. Government is still to me had it, of course is having a late at night and it will be hours before us officials are expected to be in front of the camera. The 1st person who might do that might be antony blinking, and could pre, hes scheduled to have a News Conference among other events there, but us officials have confirmed to us media. This was in his really strike that the us was given 24 to 40. Ready hours a warning that this would happen rather on thursday, they were told would have them within 24 to 48 hours. Of course this happened on the early side of that. And previously wed been getting indications that israel would strike after passover. And that has that of course was not the. Ready pass over is on monday and so. Ready this happened a little quicker than a lot of us officials were anticipating and in a different format, then it might have us Officials Say to outline the, the array of possibilities of visitors and his really retaliation. Of course, President Biden had urged restraints had said to Benjamin Netanyahu. They were, is really Prime Minister take the when meaning you dont need to retaliate. And if you do, dont retaliate in force. But at the state department, they laid out a number of different possibilities for it is rarely strike. One of them would have been on his really proxies. This of course, may have been limited in scope as we are hearing, but it was on a ronnie and saw it. So this was sort of formed a middle ground. And thats essentially what we know us Officials Say was not a targeting the Nuclear Facility there in the us, officials were not involved. There was no us military participation, they say. And this was entirely in his really strong john harrington. There was a very nice as far as from washington dc. Thank you, john. Well, thats now get the perspective from occupied easter eastern, where will speak to ben a smith. Both of these rileys husband debasing their response. Now the days to what happened on saturday, they wanted something measured calibration fund, also a response and kind sir, is this what they decided as well, but no official comment from these rarely government. The only official news weve had is from these riley military that simply saying it hasnt changed these instructions to be as riley public, a National Security minister involved and event. Hes a fall right. Member of the coalition government, hes commented a single word on x for me to write that hes just bored, feeble, seemingly, in response to these right . To what is a suspected to be. And hes right at the drug strike on around those 3 drones, a spec to the, to hitches writing a territory. We know all week since last off, todays rails war cabinet has been debasing the level of response how we should respond to the radian attack, the unprecedented the right impact on his riley territory. And we also know theres been a lot of times by farm house to persuade israel not took to retaliate or to at least do, with the minimum that will baffle get not much of response from a radians. Remember joe biden and told these rallies to take the wind, and the british and German Foreign ministers were here a couple of days ago, carrying a similar message while israel house still report responded. But it is, if it is only these 3 drones, that is ro might all, he might be able to argue that is the very minimal response. And we are hearing, as we know from around, the radian government says it has no plans for immediate retaliation, not being forwarded by voices. And it says it hasnt even received any external attack. Very interesting. Well, well continue following this very closely. Indeed, bennet smith, that and occupied is true some for us. Well, thats now there is an out of here as during the how hes been covering the g 7 Foreign Ministers meeting on the italian islands of country. He joins us now from the german. Im sure this has been the main topic of conversation over coffee. This one is foreign minister started to arrive. What have you been hearing of the stuff, to be honest, not a great deal at the illuminating, coming out of the Foreign Ministers just yet the moaning section is going underway. Theres a tweet by and telling you its a Johnny Vitale and foreign minister who his hosting this meeting on the on and up could pre saying theyre looking at reports and monitoring developments coming in. And well discuss them in the morning session. The morning session that was about to do was supposed to be about in the pacific macros i followed by a session on global connectivity. This is essentially the end of a 3 day meeting. Was press conferences due around mid day. As you say, that is likely to be overwhelmed by events in the middle east, which would dominate too much of this meeting so far. One thing we could be relatively sure of i think, is that these strikes spies right on the wrong. Were not carried out with the direct participation of either the us for the you case both had said in the wake of the weekends attacked by around a nice raw that they would not stand by israel and help in the event of any military retaliation. Instead, the g 7, g maximum caution and re restraint whilst restating its commitment to israels defense and security and accepting that israel had every right to defend itself. But we know what happened next. Of course on wednesday morning, i hate of this meeting to the Foreign Ministers visited Benjamin Netanyahu. Another in a bad luck of germany and David Cameron of britain carrying that message of caution and restraint. They were essentially rebuffed Benjamin Netanyahu saying, thanks very much, we will make our own decision. And now we know whats happened at one thing we con, confirm are those reports that the us was warned in advance to expect an attack between 24 and 48 hours off to some point on thursday afternoon. And given assurances, the due runs Nuclear Facilities would not be hit. Those reports would have been sent immediately to secretary of state tents, the blinking hip p manual though not necessarily have shared with these fellows or administer. So it is possible they had for warning that this attack was coming eggs at, but a call to confirm that some of the sites is shed use hold and weve not heard anything at country to that. We should have a press conference with anthony blinking the us secretary of state at a minimum, within a couple of hours and will be bringing you that live here on out to 0 sonata and a how on the island of country for us at the 27 thank you john. The whole im joins now by our different magic editor, james base here and other hoss judy or james just jonathan with what weve been hearing in iran coverage of this and what weve been hearing from a range and officials. It sounds like to have them really wants to down play this. Yeah, i think thats the Positive Side of this. Weve had an attack which has had no thats, thats with state. And remembering that on the 13th of april, the last attack on israel, they would know this. If it is in terms open attacks, that israel couldve planned on the range and soil about the most limited, you could have had, there was those hawks in israel who would like to see, you know, allowed to attack. And it was some of the us also, its a doing this an allowance attack on it runs you care for services that has not happened. Its not a tech set of things civilian. It isnt a very limited attack on the military facility we think. And an attack that has been repelled that has been shot down. Its been down played by the radians, no comment from these right. These thats not surprising. Cause they still commented on the very 1st one of these attacks on the 1st of april on the consulate in damascus. So thats a good news in terms of potential escalation. The thing to worry about is this was an attack on a rainy install, and iran had made statements about that before they said any further, minute traction by israel will be met by the Immediate Response on a massive scale maximum maximum level. I think with the words of the 4 minutes to speaking to you. And just as before, this attack was really interesting because we all hearing now and, and these are unconfirmed reports that are raining and officials the same that the, they havent even confirmed that there was an aerial attack. That the will not necessarily be a response. It feels like some of thats being worked back now in terms of the scale that youre talking about of the attack that weve seen. Symmetrical because it was on the rain and soil, but certainly not meant to be escrowed, a tory. It seems, i mean very, very broad concerns about escalation. That seems to be the case. But remember, this is the 3rd attack. So the 1st attack, it was the wrong size on this. So because it was the consulate in damascus, the response was the, the, the big it right me and attacked, but very well telegraphed on the 13th attacking is route and this is then the next phase. Does the cycle continue to the the next moment, which would of course be iran then responding to this attack on israel. It looks like that, but that playing things down at this moment. But remember between the 1st attack on the constant in damascus and the response that was 13 days. So i think theyll be discussions going on. Remember also that its a friday today. And so youre not going to get instant responses necessarily from, from the writing and government. I think one thing to look at is what happens diplomatically, because if iraq iran wants to make a fuss, diplomatically, it can cool on one of the members of the Security Council, the cool, the Security Council meeting, im sure russia would apply to that one to 10 and if you look back at the attack on the 13th with it now, is the u. S. On behalf of this radical Security Council meeting. So if the un Security Council is meeting and just a few as time, i think that will show that iran wont send international response. The question then is with the iran itself is going to respond militarily at the moment. I think people watching this will be thinking that perhaps is right at the iran is going to draw a line on the of this at this moment given their initial response. But i think its a little early to, to, to be sure thats going to be the case. Then we had off to that last attack on israel, the one on saturday that they, they felt that the matter was concluded. So let me see whether this is now the last one here, which is what, nothing you all who wanted to have. Let me ask you, youre talking about international players. How much influence do you think washington had on the scale of what weve seen here . And for that, not the u. K. In germany, whos also been in his role having told, yeah, i mean the, the u. K for him this and the german 4 minutes, the basement with Prime Minister netanyahu before they flew then to which end was in a temporary they would have been saying that we want you to limits any response and not to cause any escalation. That certainly was the message coming from washington. I think some will argue that that is whats his role as dom bought it is at the tank, as i said before, on arabian. So which had to be a red line in the previous statements from iran. And i think theyll now be lots of back channels being worked because remember the us and the wrong dont talk to each other, but there are other intermediaries, other countries, the do talk to both sides. Look, i think, to the tux to the goals countries. And in particular, a mom has been has been the place thats been an important back channel between the us and the run in the past. Well, certainly a very busy morning. So many, many diplomats today will leave this amount of different medicaid at a james base. Thanks for joining the hold of us and israel have agreed on a shed objective to defeat him. Us and rafa during virtual talks on israels plan to launch a ground operation. And nazi the pentagon says that it believes israel can complete its offensive whilst protecting civilian lives. Despite mounting pressure from right scripts warning that it would turn rough on to a graveyard. And i think the discussions continue in terms of, again, enabling the United States to share with israel what our concerns are and to provide Lessons Learned that weve uh, gleaned over the years and conducting these type of operations. And i think well have those conversations going forward. Again, our position has been pretty clear. We understand the need for israel to go after im austin, to eliminate or defeat him off as a threat. And so we believe theres a way to do that. Well, also taking into account civilian safety and ensuring humanitarian assistance. Well, lets talk correspondent on the ground and rafa and Southern Gaza talk a couple of them. Talk to you in rough uh, and the usaa saying that the protection of civilians is paramount. But is that possible . What, what would that even look like on the ground . Well, the is really made a tree, in fact, has been working on finalizing its military onto a carry out military encouraging for rough, our district which is the last remaining area for the majority of cons. As it has been clearly designated as a safe zone by the is very ministry where the majority of the gods as population has been told to seek refuge in that area right now. As now move saw in booming and the rise in regarding the potential monitoring could, you know, we can clearly touch an initial preparation by the is very mandatory as they have money to deploy more shoes on the across things and full areas that are adjacent to rough our district, as since the early hours of this morning, they have been bouncing the majority of Agricultural Land in the eastern areas of rough life, include things in a short cut neighborhood. Now thats clearly to be assigned to the preparation is being made by the is very military and the military plot, that is what has been stressing on been even in proposing to the American Administration. Distressing them the fact that they are team on evacuating the vast majority of population from roughly 2 of the areas in gauze of these areas to now is to unknown and a to be a very good the cool process for evacuating those civilians. But the re question is, where these locations or these areas will be on the light of the ongoing destruction of the dirty or disabled infrastructure. The which means a lot lower in other areas of the gaza strip will be critically difficult for those people. Our space really is preparing to buy more than once, more than 10000 tons in order to help palestinians to live and thought clearly this a potential attack cause is parked out a great deal of criticism and even a concerns among not only palestinians, but in neighboring countries who had been clearly warning from potential look back that to be a result of from a such a minute attack as right now so far is the most densely populated area and kind of tied up was in there with the very latest for us, from the ground in rockford and southern gauze that thank you very much time all the United States, meanwhile, has a veto to drop the resolution that the un Security Council, which called for palestine to become a full member of the United Nations. The west was the only country to vote against it. 12 members voted in favor with the u. K, in switzerland up staining, get rid of us under reports now from un headquarters in new york. Those against a single raised hand signaling the United States veto, which ended palestine aspirations to become a full member of the United Nations. Also showing how isolated america has become on the issue. They were the only no vote. The u. K. In switzerland abstained, while the 12 other Council Members all voted in favor of palestine to the palestinian people. Diana will never abandon you. We will continue to use our advice until justice is served a grunting membership in the you went to palestine could be an important step towards peace. It would strengthen the role of the Palestinian Authority and which contributes to the security of the instead of as well. What i low as well how all the fun in remarks after the us, vito palestine, sam baset or gathered himself. As he talked about his peoples quest for dignity and acceptance. The chamber sat silent. Some diplomats were seen wiping away tears as he spoke. We love life to live in freedom and dignity in our nation at home that we will not dispute either. You deal with us with fairness and give us a lot of rights or to give us our rights the United States justified. Its vito, by casting doubt on palestine qualifications as reflected in the report of the admission committee. There was not unanimity among Committee Members as to whether the applicant met the criteria for membership and set forth in article 4 of the un charter. Earlier in the day, in a separate Council Session opened to oh you and member states, the secretary general brief the council on the reality on the ground, gaza 6 and off months of use of a lead. Me to tell you, will patients have created the many dead in health skate . Tens of thousands of people have been killed. 2000000 palestinians, thatd be able to do this, this direction, and the denial of live saving you meditate in the aides. And they are now standing down on a sort of ation. It was a long day of more than 5 hours of speeches on palestine and the humanitarian crisis and gaza, followed by nearly 2 more hours, focused on palestine ins bid to join a 193. 00 other countries and become a full member of the United Nations but despite overwhelming support, its now abundantly clear, it likely wont happen until the United States changes its position. Gabriels on to, ill just say to at United Nations in new york a while thats not bringing hudson but all right, heres the professor of International Affairs at castle university. How sound . Thank you for joining us again. This us v to the palestinian bid and now the palestinian bid. It feels like it comes over in a shifting International Landscape where we are actually seeing more and more countries in favor of a recognizing palestine as a full number. It is obvious that the majority of states around the world have came to the realization thats probably the only way for solving or resolving down at the rate of conflict is by empowering the thought of seeing and giving the mistakes. And it seems that only the United States who was not to be on board and they actually making the case that the, this what they should come after negotiation problem here. The when, when you say this and you give this way, it is the, the right to veto and the echo outcome because they just have not been the forthcoming with come when it comes to giving they put a scene of their own right as of determination. So yes, as you said from the get go, it is more people more conscious around the work. The realize that the for the seeing is, should be a see if itd be given their independence. I should be admitted to another nation as a phone number and that, that none of you ever. But well see what those conversations go. I do also want to ask you about rafa. Obviously, the us has been pretty vocal about what they view would be a mistake and rasa and recent weeks. And having these conversations with you is really, how much influence and leverage does washington have right now on what is rel decides in the south. What a prior to the remaining attack, when is, when the american seem to me having more, probably the leverage to influence manual. But now with, with the, with the attack, i think this has eased and now, and then you all feel that, you know, his country was the victim. And now he has right to continue whatever you want to do. His argument to the american and everyone else that the to the fee will not be achieved without moving into a 5. 00. So the problem is here is does. What are you going to do with the humanitarian, the dimension of the complex, how many people are going to kill . How many civilians are going to be displace . And all these questions are actually being debated with the american. But it seems to me that the americans have been moving slowly, but surely towards any hoas decision to move into proper. Well, if nothing, yahoo is now feeling and folded, and hes still saying to the us that they will try to protect civilians. Were hearing from our correspondence about vague plans for that to ations. We still dont know where people would even be evacuated to. Were talking about 1500000 people is, is something of that scale even possible given whats already happened and also i dont see this is happening in a safe way. I think what this rate is trying to do is to give the impression that there are they care about the civilian, but they dont, you know, so you know, given to the and the total and more than 34000 people were killed, then maybe 80000 people were injured, 80 percent of the houses with the amount of so you get the, the and that could have 5 more really to talk about this. And indeed, what youre interested is just, you know, its a smoke screen behind this. It can seals. What is what it is are trying to do is to dismount of how much and to achieve of what the total of 50 at any cost. Well, so let me ask you then about the us perspective on this because theyre saying they share this objective, defeating her mouse and rafa, but they do believe its possible to do that while protecting civilians. What are the americans proposing some kind of limited special ups kind of an issue . I think all these statements come from bivens and destruction of performance. I mean, theyre just general think to the use of the americans because theres a lot of critiques in america about as tell bidens administrations administration has, has, has supported as well. So were just trying to show them that to make is still cared about too. Maturing. Ask for, but at the same time, you know, hes playing into the hands of 90 out anyhow. Has been them. Good. Thats many plaything the American Administration to his own. And hes moving slowly. But surely as the americans who are like say, you know, to an invasion or a 5 now say yes, but, you know, and, and this is, you know, when you give this way it is yes. But if means, you know, is it like a green lights . Well, another critical part of the humanitarian picture here is obviously that rafa is the primary entry points. A line crossing is of age into the gaza strip to the whole goal is to strip at them. And weve seen these rileys in, in recent weeks open. I should put that in nebraska comments open another crossing in the north where were seeing very little aid come through. Ive been wondering whether thats been preparation. So some kind of buffer offensive and, and what the broader impact on aid. A huge and defensive in the south would, would be. Well, i think this is part of this really propaganda that the casual at the cannibal theyve had a seen is because, you know, the americans who are likes cape as i think is read for nothing down for the a to come into and together. And now with the american mean just last night, they were talking about the improvement and imitating aspect. But you know, that is what it is, but the really dont care about the point of seeing that they dont see them as the human to see the mess. Some human, you know, given the way they have to do as emma dick and also the minnesota defense, are talking about them as even any model is human, anybody, vehicle them. But, you know, they, they want to, uh, uh, the one, the International Community to be assured that is taken care of the 8th. But as you know, at the same time, we know that is what it is. Were trying to actually to pick it up on a scene in the expel, exposed himself. Starvation is one of the, one of your weapons use my this way. It is. And effectively around defensive and rough i would pretty much cut off for that. The only path in freight as a would would be really tough for the thought of seeing as how some variety thank you for joining us together on the out of there and use that. So the Hotel Listings and Southern Gaza all currently facing the difficult task of searching for their loved ones. The region a makeshift grave. Theyve been looking through a temporary symmetry. And the city of con eunice, more than a week now of to israels military, withdrew from that area. Sometimes these have found the bodies of their relatives, while others are still searching for kind of a sudden. Now im you waiting for my daughter to be brought out to me. She was in high school. She had gone to get water from nothing. Hospitalization was hit 10 days ago. I come here looking for her and smelled a bad smell of what is important is to find a body to take her and very her. I swear to god everyday from morning to some said i come and go. I hope to find to have really hope to find a still a has here on out a 0 just how did cove it 19 spread . The World Health Organization we defines what exactly and everyone disease the the, heres our forecast for europe in africa on friday, right. Here right now, lets go good to see this. So to zones of disturbed weather one in the north, one in the south. Well dive into those details. Got to take you to the north sea. Weve got this wind blowing down so really raw fueling day in the netherlands, belgium, northern friends, and some of these winds will actually catch se single in london looking to see gas of about 40 Kilometers Per Hour on friday. Thunderstorms, rumbling across italy, pushing into grease. There is a slice of sunshine though to be found bosnia as we look into southern and eastern hungry and some of this what weather will also drip itself over western side of turkey as so assemble 16 degrees at slightly below where you should be for this point of the year breezy at times through beer. Yeah. And the softer friends as well, but continues to be mostly dry here. And we have last set seabreeze across. The can be a so bundle 43. 00 degrees for you. And with that disturbs weather around the central mediterranean, it will be windy for 2 days. Your temperature at 19, and thats also below average for this point in the year for southern africa. Here is how the story goes. Still some foggy starts to the day for the west coast of south africa. Cape town though, coming in at 25. 00 degrees on friday of the o. Well, its a thread, but who pays the price . When we came to clean up new orleans more than 1200. 00 poor black people lost their lights. Not a single rich american. Less than like the real cost of the climate to emergency. The most vulnerable of people who are suffering are poor people. But even rich people are going to be affected by the impacts of climate shift. Outages here as new series dying us off to the higher again. Ok, foundation is deliberate, over 300000000. 00 will suffice. Emboldened 75. 00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts, and emergency donation spence on projects. We ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300. 00 on luis covenants. It goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. Our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. The welcome back to watching al jazeera and this tells you tag here. And uh huh. Lets remind you about top stories around says its addison, systems have shut down 3 drugs. The interception is reportedly happens. We have the central irradiance, which is fun. Writing media say it was a new p, a science and a military base in the vicinity. And they would not damage american media, citing us Officials Say to us and his really attacks. But these very minute, truth itself has not commented us. And israel have a great me a lot on this ed objectives of to see thing home us ross that during that total the pentagon says and believes israel 10 companies of funds, minute tree offensive, and Southern Gaza while protecting civilian us has vetoed a draft resolution for you and Security Council, which cool for full recognition of palestine. 12 member states, 1st it in favor to india. Now, when nearly a 1000000000 vote is costing the balance and a 6 week election, Prime Minister and the rent remote is seeking us the consecutive time that office, the Indian Government has failed to give our correspondence. A visa is to cover the story. So were covering it from outside the country and alpha and as reports. After no means, luckily contested campaigns, hundreds of millions of indians now have that chance to get the voices of the state of money polluted the northeast of india is being run by violence between the hindu majority mated and cookies of tribal communities. Since last me as the gunfire, the one that i guess the existence between all the company, it is the ruling bgp enters the election on the high new a cleaning. The tub of charged Indian Economy is one of the major, a treatments. But higher unemployment, police, and mistakes and economic anxiety driven by soaring prices. Pinson volta, im of the son of a t cell, is 73. 00. It would be g p, lead in the range a movie is seen as the spot is most effective weapon. However, if you give one vote to the Congress Party or the communist, they cannot form a government at the center. Youll go to the go, we started, and so it looks at go to the b b, which would inform the government. That is my getting the 26. So position policies have created an alliance to stop the b g p the a to use the government of using state agencies to track down on the opposition Congress Party politician brianca gun. The says the ruling party wants to kill victory, is that hes a level playing field, or that is this man, is the elections are free and stare where the Voting Machines are not tampered with . Then i can say constantly. They can not when more than 180. 00 seats are progress, the be g. P is successfully marketed. It seemed to nationalist brand of politics in a nation where 80 percent of the population is in do with them. And they say its not the only factor for the party success, Welfare Benefits need ownership, weakness off, off position. So that a multitude so think him to full evaluation or any single issue can not win any part the election. But not everyone is buying the b g p. Page type of the politicians have rejected what they call religious and costs based politics. What others a weary of your normal because for poor people in for daily wages, his party in his government have not done anything for the good. The money. 10 years ago, more these less campaigned on the platform of cool. Hes 2nd term judge trust. And as he seeks to, hes guaranteeing that he will make india a bigger and better country for its 1400000000 people. Critics said, the only way for that to happen is to have a strong opposition that holds the government accountable. You know fernandez g 0. Well, just to remind you, we are covering the selection from outside india as the government has not granted visas to watch on this. Lets take a closer look at how india will be working. As we mentioned, any 1000000000 people are registered to vote. Thatll be costing the balance and 7 phases at 1000000. 00 polling stations until at leisure. And there are 543. 00 seats and the looks of the lower house of parliament. A party needs a simple majority of 272 seats to govern. India as 28. 00 states will decide whether to extend to the role of Prime Minister and render modis b. J. P. Body was 1st selected 10 years ago. He was re elected in 2019, after the highest versa, china in indias history, b j b as main challenge a is the Indian National congress led by roll gone the, the policy is governed for much of the 77 years since independence. Moody is accused of silencing his critics and those are cracking down and independent media. India has 4 and 21 paces in the annual world. Press freedom index. And india is 200000000 muslims say theyve been prosecuted under the beach if hes injured nationalist policies. Lets get into this with political jealous, robust the, the scope, those who joins us now from new delhi survosity. I want to start with some of the control. This is, weve been seeing the lead up to the selection setting here, the political fundraising. How free and fed is this holding views . Thats right. So a lot of questions being raised about these elections, being free and said, especially after, as you mentioned, the electorate of bonds issue, which is um, those anonymous donations that was struck down by the Supreme Court, which was brought in by law by the b, u. B. Like a Central Government in february, the Supreme Court which is the ethics quote in india, struck down. And thats it all. But the fact is that the money is already in the system and the b g, b, which is the willing 5. He has benefited the most out of the scheme and has, oh gosh, more than 60 percent of all electricity bones. So the financing bridges, it is a cost of factor. And the other part of it is that the Election Commission over in del, which is the body to conduct selections in india, its own independence and expand this is also being questioned, which is religion being consist of consistency, invoked by the ruling bgp as well as Prime Minister movie himself and all of his campaign speeches, including yes to be which is a d before the elections, which is supposed to be a silent spirit during down painting. Even then the beach, if you on a sufficient for to handle invoked the law did on a he knew board and the you can put in austin for board. And so, but the Election Commission did not take any action as of now. So the question of fitness level blink viewed is, or being these by opposition, 5, hes as well as critics, as the fully is on to be in the fees. One of the looks by elections as we speak. Im curious about your takes about say on view is brought the public views of moody at the moment, especially his push for india to be a hindu fuss nation. I know he wont get results for 47 days. Obviously this is a huge logistical exercise, but, but what is his popularity like right now . And i would say the safe to say that most of these popularity is, is, is hes as popular as he has ever been in. If 2014, some questions will be in grades about him being projected as a prime and staggered candidate due to his fast as the chief minister of good you dots and having per site. It will with the religious rights in would you live in 2002. And those adults was set to rest in 2014 after a massive victory, which he went on to cement for those in 2019 with the for the victoria. Now in 2024, just a few months before election. And as we all know, he has integrated a huge or im them put it in the religious down all or you would tell which has been welcomed with huge fall across northern india, which is the human, the speaking base, which is essentially the core of water base of the package on top party. Now of course the region and around them is not as popular in the southern india, for instance. A big suit in south in death. Im in idaho is going to the fullest to be and then diocese which is about 39. 00 seats out of the 100 into seats. Thats going to be election, stood 839 seats are going to be from some in i know big b has not been able to make in roads in the previous 2 elections, despite massive popularity, all 5 minutes to move across the rest of the country. So the question that is austins, i mean i do, of course is the fact that is a really just full evaluation on religion and religion based politics not to walking in from and i do, and on. So just perhaps yes, because those states i used to base their programs and videos and deliver the beast of governance and that is not what the b u. B is known for an environment as to more the especially with is a push for them temple along with the biggest and i know a programs were in since projecting indians g. 20 president s. He has a mutual movement in india as um, international, a foreign policy. Even though the g 20 presidency is, happens every your to every country by invitation, but to the index is projected as a massive victory of with these foreign policy. These are all factors, and i think he also claims that and yeah, its been brought from the fragile inside the economy for the top 3 go to stop by recall. And then hes in the next few years, he wants to bring him to the top 3 going to move. So all of these factors have looked well with motors. Who do seem to think that movies extremely popular, not just nationally, but dont say internationally as well. Its interesting what will obviously be following the results as they trickle down very closely and, and well see what the outcome is. But i do want to ask you a few of us to as a political journalist yourself, can i ask you what you feel the climate is like that for reporting right now weve seen what appears to be a broad, a crack down on freedoms. Thats right. So of course the kind of reporting that we are doing is, is also under the shadow off or logical crackdown on press freedom and joined us in india have been g and, and just 6 months ago and, and used click editor and shes gonna be from the guys that was june on today, theres some laws and still continues to be in g rest. Freedom and india is also in depression, along with the fact that a large section of Mainstream Media is a subset of you into the government. And at the do not question the government started schemes, or its means which also for the narrative of the government and is makes it even more difficult for those of us. Why these in questions do have, id rather do full dodge was made by a lot, you know, by a large number of people be present to question the agenda off doors and use for those who are questioning the government. Because the large section of Mainstream Media, especially can be speaking the dell, which is the large part of northern india and the, the in the speaking baby to be are watching this, this news on tv and tv in, in just still manages drive a massive reach. So these kinds of media being sub sub into the government and essentially just showing what the government wants to show. Even then we saw, you know, during the electron bonds case, but a television use me that did not show even a fraction of what was going on. So the idea that button that corruption is going on at the highest levels has not lots of people needed to the lowest levels of the country. So immediately is a huge role in the elections. And of course, independent media for those are trying their best. But as it was, as long as we dont have the reach of the main screen, television, news, media that can actually exert its influence in 5 to inform the vote does. It remains very difficult political janice, for of us to desktop to speaking to us that from new delhi on the 1st day of losing and india today. Thank you so much for vanity and best of luck with your reporting over the coming month. Thank you. The 12 drawers have now been selected, informing us president Donald Trumps hush money trial is kind of just hours of to 2. 00 drawers who had been sworn in for the trial were excused. From the case, one of the dismiss, taurus said that you had experienced intimidation. Come faces, charges stemming from alleged of book payments made to an adult on stone 2 days president gabriel bar, which has accepted an invitation by ben as well as the them nicholas madura, to discuss a Violent Crime wave believe to be led by venezuelan criminal gang. But birch says he wants more than just rest, work as tensions escalate between the 2 nations history and even the posts from santiago, it was the kidnappings, decapitations extortion, and much more had spread fears, ro, chilly, ever since the so called. And i would train in organized crime syndicates arrived here from the, in his way left. So when venezuelas foreign minister said that i would train pigment of the medias imagination, but truly it was the last straw simple form. The buck is, was a deeply troubling and are a great insult to the families and victims of criminal organizations should attracted by any stable economy. Tens of thousands of on documents have been as well as have entered this country. The vast majority have come looking for on this to work, but chiles, horse, floors and borders with neighboring bolivia. M for rule have also allowed been as well as Largest Criminal Organization to set up shop here decision. But each has recall to some bassinger to venezuela. Much with bi lateral tensions escalating venezuelas president is now offering an olive branch at a fee and say, what is that . Im only loving point. So in a fight tell president for its publicly that if you want to talk about the subject, lets talk personally because they tossed out accusations that are picked up by the media which uses them in their campaign against venezuela. Voltage has agreed, but with caution, i got to put the body goes beyond the rhetoric on my slides. What we expect is concrete collaboration. What should happen is that venezuela hand over the criminals, committed a very grave crime. A little bit in wednesday did come. If you dont, he is referring to, to lease requests to cooperation to arrest tube in his wayland men who return to their country after having allegedly kidnapped and murdered a former then as well an army officer, an opponent to president my buddha right here in chile, the prosecutor says, this investigation has led to the conclusion that this was a political crime organized in his way law. But he does not say by whom president buddage is under pressure. Give us the key will we ask the foreign minister and the president to leave on both of the here and consider breaking ties with venezuela . Even a socialist congressman from the left Wing Government Coalition is proposing a bill to ban venezuelans from entering chile for the next 2 years, deteriorating bi lateral situation that will take more than offers of cooperation to fix the c and human al jazeera santiago. At least a 135 people have died in pakistan and ive got a strong and Severe Weather across the region. Flash floods have left thousands of people homeless and even move thunderstorms are expected in the coming days. Interested in getting for reports in western pakistan. Homeowners inspect the damage, knee deep in muddy waters for 5 days to view whether invalid has done an eastern have gone, its done, has effected roads, destroyed homes and livelihoods. Dozens of people and animals died when their roof collapsed. On them, they got the 3 goats in this room that were lost. People are taking out the animals and belongings from under the money. They suffered huge losses. All the walls of the houses have been destroyed and need to be rebuilt. So within 2000 livestock were lost in this part of afghanistan, and up to 4000 homes were destroyed across the region. The heavy rains are unusual, nearly double the rainfall of previous years. Experts say countries experiencing the effects of Climate Change. Well see more erratic weather like this. It has been raining continuously for the last few days and it is now turned into flooding. The government should provide assistance and relief to the people. This region, the southern pack is done is still reeling from the unprecedented floods of nearly 2 years ago. More than 1700 people died and thousands were injured and one of the worst flooding and pockets duns history. Millions were left homeless. Their sources of clean Drinking Water contaminated for month, august done is the 5th most vulnerable country to Climate Change according to the u. Whens Global Climate risk index and have gone its done wrong. So is one of the least prepared to face extreme weather events. Whats the ink . Uh, so we ask for an countries to help the fund victims and other people to need to know the kind of rebuilds by themselves. As they bury their dead, people in both countries of bracing for more send a storms. Officials war next week can bring more flooding and heavy rain for it to some good food. Ill just 0. I also have here on altos here. One of the worlds biggest baby food manufacturers, fails to come the sugar added to its products, and for a country the the the military helicopter carrying kenya as a defense chief is crushed. Coming on board, the aircraft went down some 400 kilometers north west of the capitol, nairobi, general francis and one day of gold. I was among 10 senior officials on that helicopter pots of admission with all the Defense Force troops in the region. There remains have been taken to my review for burial canyon. President william realtor has ordered an investigation, announced 3 days of national mourning. Milan has lost one of her most valuable generals. We have been for most of us subsidies men and women, the demise of general lavoy lie. Its a painful loss to me and such envy the soto. We all feel about these putting on each share by order of the people and most, especially the idea for a ton of, of the World Health Organization has expanded its definition of an air borne pathogen. Comes off to control the sea around the original definition, which also let some miscommunication during the coven 19 pandemic. The new criteria for a born infections now means that a virus can still be defined as an a borne pathogen. Regardless, the size of the actual drop cut that spreads the illness, your quote, during the early days of depends on mac scientists complains that the w h are failed to warn people, the risk, the virus could be spread through the scientist say, this new definition is more precise and that could help to save lives in the future without the emissions algebra is a senior scholar, the Johns Hopkins sent us a health security. He says, a new report is crucial in preventing future. Pandemic threats. Us, if we would have understood that small aerosol transmissions were occurring over short distances that might influence what personal protective equipment were recommended for individuals to use. It also might have influenced people kind of falsely relying on a 6 foot distance to be kind of iron clad. So i think what it would have done has been more exact. But i think what this really does is try to bring the science up to date because we were using some outdated ways of thinking about disease transmission that really wasnt fitting with arrow biology. Even though it had a purpose in a role in hospital infection control. I do think that weve all always known that for example, influenza does transmit through the airborne route to some extent and some through the droplet route. I think its much more better to think about this in terms of what is the actual risk. So when you take a standard airborne disease like measles, it still has a very different epidemiology. Its much more contagious, for example, than kogan or influenza. So, so theres still gradations within it. But what i think it does is kind of keep us from being very rigid about what needs to be done for each type of virus. And really allows for the fact that improving air quality, improving uh, you know, bringing in outdoor air, improving air changes make sense for a whole host of respiratory viruses. And there may be a larger role for and 95 maps, especially during certain medical procedures as shareholders of the food and beverage joy necessary have rejected a proposal for the company to reduce its reliance on unhealthy foods. The plan is aimed at cutting back the use of salt, sugar, and thoughts and nest as most popular products. This coincides with the control the see about the high sugar content and baby food. So low and middle Income Countries and investigation found that nestle cereals in European Countries contains no added sugar. But the same products in africa, asia, and latin america was sweetened with up to 7 grams of sugar solving. No say has given the statements in response to swiss medias thing or formulation is comply with international and local laws including labeling regulations and added that minor variations and formulations from country to country depend on various factors including legislation without effecting the quality of products. Ness, they said that its an evolving its instant serial products to further reduce added sugars without compromising on quite a seat, safety or taste. All manually baby is a co author of the report. He says, this is not the 1st time that an estimate has put consumers in danger. This is donald trills, if were really talking about babies here. So up to 3 years of age, when they start eating, heavily added sugar fluids. They will start to develop an advantage preference for sweet foods. And so they will become focused on these kinds of sugary fluids. And they will a cheap on eating these foods until later in life, which leads to, to slippers low off of potential obesity. And im to link, this is just like that, which is also something that you dont want to box at 1st, a baby hardly gets to choose what it needs itself, but even then, pirates are heavily targeted by an essay for the rest of marketing. Weve seen it reaches health plans made on these kinds of food. They are supposed to make some predicting to Brain Development enveloping in june in june, systems furnace troll events. And thats place also using influencers and nutritionists to specifically target tyrants. Otherwise, the same products contain up to 2 cubes of added sugar per meal. Well, its comes 50 years after the original in some form. A lot of times. People may recall the favorite color scandal, which shows how misplaced practiced in low Income Countries contributed to its thousands of favorite thats and so its really shows that the company, even though it seems to have some nerves permits, not really. And thats also the largest spanish little corporation in the world. You have to remember 14000000000 of space in sales per year for an s like. And so if even the biggest corporation kind of take care of these babies, it seems to be a really a problem here, as well as that for me to start paying for this new though the sun go away. Ill be back in just a couple of minutes with much more the in the via now more the us army use the highly toxic herbicides with catastrophic consequences. Agent orange was the most destructive instance of Chemical Warfare a decade later. The same happened. The us state of oregon, these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didnt even see the case for 2 women fought for justice. I get some of the most powerful forces in the world. The people versus agents orange analogies. 0, growing up in greece means taking action. Welcome to generation change, a playful series, it takes to understand the challenge is mobilizing, use around the world. We need to a Political Party that well talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0 is being seem to groups the size of the system as know for most the interest of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on algebra. Now, Scientists Say prime needs remain crucial for biomedical research. The but some of being given new lives beyond the bodies on the outskirts of virus is nothing is essentially for all kinds of fine to move, including those ones used in scientific research. The century houses 22 retired live monkeys from across europe. This female recess, mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. She was the 1st lab funky to be given any useful at lot. And yet the to the around says its shut down 3 drones. And what the us says was an attack by is ran the other there on this policy attain. This is elder 0 at like from the also come in. The us veto is a draft resolution of the United Nations and called for palestine to be admitted as a full you and member ukraine says its shut down a russian phone that used to launch christmas on

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