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a former president, pedro castillo is ousted and attained to form a coolie does go head to head in fiji is election and what's seen as a test of its democracy. handcuffed and taken away, the f t x. crypto boss is denied. bail on the bahamas after he's charged with one of the biggest frauds in us history and to party on the streets of argentina, as we will messy roles back the years to lead his team into the welcome final ah, where we begin this news out with breaking news, a rescue operation is currently under way to save dozens of people off the british coast. their boats thank in the english channel and up to 50 migrants with ought to be on board. french rescue services are also said to be taking part in the operation. well, let's get more now from andrew simmons. he joins us from london. andrew, i know this is all happening as we speak, but at this stage, what do we know? well, we do know sources on the french side are suggesting that something like 30 to 50 migrants were on board. the small boat, which i got into trouble out off the coast of kent and it's thought it capsized. the waters are, i see called a sub 0 temperatures and throughout the u. k. in a really cold snap. so the chances of surviving for any length of time for those people are absolutely ready 0. so it is said, this is a major incident, sir. there are a number of lifeboats around the scene there as a or an air ambulance that's been dispatched. the royal navy is involved and the police are involved. border force are involved. everybody is doing their very best . it would seem to try at to rescue a people, but it does look grim at this stage. and it's thought that this, this boat was heading for either dover or done janice, which are both the channel ports. and we're also learning of that sir sewell, a brother mon, the interior minister, the home secretary, as she's called the k, has said that she's aware of this distressing incident. and she says that it's a cause of great concern. the issue of immigrants coming across the channel is huge in the u. k. only hours before this tragedy happened. the prime minister is she soon act had been addressing a m p 's or saying that he had to find new laws to try and stem the tide of unlikely crossing the channel early. it appears anything but a decrease in this, in this a tide of people coming over is mango. it's increasing and nothing really has been effective to stop the tide of immigrants coming over to attempt to get up. but to get to the asylum are in from a whole host of countries which at these been or either escaping or for economic reasons or for political reasons are leaving their home countries. andrew, some unfair for us with all the latest from london. we'll be staying across that story for you. he announced there. thanks, andrew. well, the ukrainian president says caves air defenses have shut down 13 russian drones. officials say that 2 administrative buildings have been damaged. prussia has destroyed much of ukraine's energy facilities, causing rolling blackouts as winter sets in. well, it's nothing to worry challenge. he joins me live from the ukrainian capital, rory, i see that president lensky is saying that they did get them all the drains. yeah, it's not a very pleasant morning today in key if but the, the kind of morning that ukrainians have gotten very, very used to over recent months. another day where russia tries to hate energy infrastructure targets. but thankfully today, as we just heard from president the landscape at least a day when they did not succeed, 13 after 13 drones was shot down. you can see the results. one of those shooting downs behind me. now this is an administrative building. thankfully not the residential one so you can see the damage the joy and did even as it came down. after being shot out to the sky by ed offense. there were several waves the launch we were told that they come up, the denita river flying low to avoid detection so that they're only spotted at the last minute, but at offense has done his job. today we are speaking to a woman who lives in one of the apartment. so father isn't one of the apartments just over there. and i asked her whether this would be any kind of dent in the morale of the people. not a soul. she said, no, this is something that they can pick up, they can break clear out the broken glass and they can get on with their life. she said that she felt for the, for the soldiers on the front lines, he were existing in sub 0 temperatures. they still had bomb apartments and they could, they could survive through this no problem. and you say warm apartments that we are talking temperatures below freezing and kids. how's everyone holding up with all the power shortages we've seen yeah, it can be very tough indeed. certainly, if the electricity is off for any length of time and you know, let's not forget the every thermal power plant has been damaged in ukraine by recent ways of ass strikes, missile strikes, drones strikes. so the country has a massive energy deficit to just cannot produce as much energy as it needs to light all the buildings to keep everything running. so you have these emergency power outages shuttled power outages. it's the new reality for, for this country. it's why ukraine and it's government have been asking it's international friends and allies for so much help and assistance just yesterday in paris at a donor conference, $1000000000.00, which was pledged $400000000.00 of that to go to fixing the energy infrastructure. the rest of it to go to foods, to go to health care, to go to transportation, other things that you cry needs. and of course ukraine has been asking for better ad offense as well. yes, it managed to shoot down all the drains today, but who's to say that if the same happens to morrow, they'll have they'll have just as much success. so it once patriot missile systems, not necessarily the right thing for shooting down drones, but certainly good for shooting down cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. it needs that kind of tier that lead at offense to deal with all the different threats facing at the moment. when we challenge there with all the ages for from the ground into you, thanks so much for re the we are now just hours away from finding out the 2nd wildcat finalist morocco will be playing front of al bate stadium later on wednesday. the 1st african team to make this fall in a wild cup. and not only are they up against the raining champions, but france is also the former colonial ruler. natasha butler is with the french moroccans in paris. not yours any you. there's no question which t mina is supporting. she wears her morocco shirt with pride in her own cannon grocery shop in paris. born in france, american parents, she said she'd love to see morocco when the well cut for the 1st time, but she will support france if they go through this. they keep up with these other jo, symbolic teams for us, and they will present the front in our friendship of our country, our house divided between the 2. we can't separate one from the other. i mean, as on says she feels the same. i would be happy the role for when, but in, in friends when i will be happy, you know, because it's my love and my 2 friends are the best thing in my life when i made it to the semi finals last saturday. there was celebrations in paris. news at france will all say through added to the excitement a dream semifinal for many, nearly 7 years after the end of french colonial rule in the north african come there also ties between france and morocco on the page. some morocco plays were born in france, and one of france's players is a moroccan heritage. and there were friendships best friends and p s t, teammates, fringe strike, killing him, pappy and morocco defender ash rough hacky, me of caught up in doha and wished each other luck. i think of it tomorrow. so yan owns a furniture store in the city. a few years ago, his brother meds in it, in sudan to french, algerian football, inspired many young french people of north african origin. so fiances morocco, success, and cancer is nurturing the dreams of a new generation. oh, for the moment he, he's both what's happening is magnificent. it's not just because real moral good, it's the enthusiasm across the world in africa in all arab countries. everyone is supporting morocco like so. fianna mina will watch the semi final with her family? she says, she's sure the web, the frauds or morocco when victory would be at their fingertips. natasha butler, al jazeera piracy. or let's now bring in as is to figure he is a former football player for morocco, and he joins us today from amsterdam as he is watching there. the idea of moral can identity for so many living in europe has remained so powerful. i understand what 14 players and morocco's national team were raised outside morocco, yourself american, you pay for the netherlands. does any of that resonate with you when it comes to identity? as these just checking that you can hear me? no. what i heard your groups. oh, brilliant as these i was just asking you about how you feel about your moroccan identity as someone who is a moroccan, but played also for a european team yourself. if i hear what you say, you say our work her, if you knew about mo, what they're doing is it works in what you say to me. i'm about your moroccan identity theft. i'm as you go in to watching a match tonight against, well, france versus morocco. how do you feel as someone of moroccan origin living in europe? i'm sorry, i can hear you. good. what do you see? okay, so we will try to work out our audio issues and get back to you a bit later. thank you for now there. well, moving on, jemma nash and fire ismael will have much more as well in our special world cup coverage at $1030.00 g. m. t. well, it's still plenty more. i had this news our including the u. s. president signs into law protections, the same sex marriage devastation in the congolese capital. massive floods have destroyed roads and killed nearly 200 people and will have more on argentina overpowering croatia to reach the well cut fine ah now peruse government has expanded a state of emergency as protests continue to spread across the country. demonstrators are demanding that former president pedro castillo, be released from jail. he's accused of an attempted coo and was arrested last week . at least 7 people, including teenagers, have now been killed in the unrest. marianna sanchez reports from lima ah violent protests continued the streets of didn't it was more does it include anything in the whiteness and explosive went off wounding at least 15 police officers in lea. my 5000 police have been deployed to contain the protests. will he say they've been authorized to use rubber pellets? it is defense minister says the armed forces will take control of key infrastructure like airports, highways at liquid plants in light of protests. 8. so the regions are now in a state of emergency resident dina, when one of the pleated with demonstrators to stop, the violence will yell at the gambling i left basket. i calling you to ask the social bases to come down the violin week. peruvian don't deserve these deaths if that's the situation of gales peruvian. do not deserve it. when one of the has formed a crisis committee, the defense and interior ministers have been tasked to whole talks with demonstrators. but many protesters say they've stopped them tweedy and the former president. didn't. christie is free and what he meant we want freedom for president castillo, not mrs. blue, or that she has done the presidency. that number. for now, gusty york will remain under arrest. a judge denied his appeal to be freed, the support forfeited august the or has gone beyond, fiddles, borders, the left wing precedence of mexico argentina columbia. believe you have said that he is a victim of harassment and he was legitimately elected the foreign ministry has responded seen castillo without it for attempting to dissolve congress illegal. these protesters won castillo freed, calling for general elections. no, proceed in them. what the has committed to bring them forward to 2024. for now. she's bleeding for comb with in the front to so just either human bidding. now fiji is prime minister has promised to respect the result of the general election there as boat counting gets under way. the contest between 2 former crew leaders has been seen as the test of the countries democracy. prime minister frank binding miramonte is power in a 2006 group, but has since gone on to when to elections his rival. that of any rebecca is a former prime minister who himself led to cruise in 1987. i think there's a lot of sort of apprehension and people are just really nervous about how things are going to turn out. and i'm excited also for the possibility of change. but william longer one got bach, her tongue i is a ph. d scholar in politics and international relations and university of adelaide, he says that the biggest issue for vs is the soaring cost of living. it is now the 3rd election cycle since 2013 constitution. and what is at stake is whether they still want are 4 more years of the previous 8 under, uh, frank ben mariama. so the, well, what is take you here is whether they, they, they want him to continue again, or they want something they want to change. there are several issues, but i'll, i'll, a point out for one is definitely the storing cost of living. the issue that was the war in the ukraine has had an impact on but up before the, the, the, the, the war in the ukraine. fiji was already going through our economic difficulties and it hasn't hoped of having gone through the pandemic. another issue is to re deteriorating infrastructure. i'm looking around. oh, is aging infrastructure? um and the lack of service delivery or the government has struggled with that. i'm also up. a question is the bungled a coven 19 response. and also the issue with the university of south pacific, where there has been political interference and fiji always the university are $80000000.00 for fijian dollars and this are has an impact on of the university as a, as original tosha education. another issue in a selection is the growing chinese influence in fiji that's happened under incumbent prime minister. frank benny marana, that opposition leaders. it if anybody has signal that he can pull it away from beijing if he comes to power. earlier this year, china signed a security patch with the solomon islands, a move that alarmed australia. and on tuesday, congress signed a similar agreement with banner warranty, beefing up its rivalry with china. but meanwhile, the united states is trying to count a growing chinese and russian influence on the african continent. present. joe biden invited dozens of african leaders. it's the biggest international gathering in the u. s. capital it since the start of the curve at 19 pandemic biden is expected to announce american support for the african union becoming a permanent member at the g. 20. ellia my colleague to rena gate, as spoke to the us national security council spokesman john cabby. he says, america is concerned about the influence of both russia and china in the region. the difference is that when the united states comes to the table, we don't just come with a dollar figure, although that we are and it's a significant one. it's coming with added commitment, 55000000 over 3 years. it's not just a check that we're caching. it's going to be followed up to make sure that we're delivering on what we promise. and we're not asking nations throughout the african continent to choose between united states and china, or the united states and russia. they have to make these decisions for themselves, their sovereign states. we respect that. i finance conference is really about their needs. so mr. kirby china already has direct state involvement in africa through loans and infrastructure projects, from ports to power stations, as are very well aware. so this might, must make it much harder for the u. s. to compete because china has effectively outpaced washington when it comes to africa. i think, you know, you talking to many of our african partners, they'll tell you that they have become fairly dissatisfied with all those chinese loans because they're start to come do. and it's actually impoverishing many states rather than enriching them rather than giving them a chance to look after their own prosperity. that's not the way the united states is approaching it, nor is it are the g 7. again, this, this partnership for global investment that's going to be really and innovation that's going to really be about investing in their capabilities and in their future and allowing them to prosper from it. that's the difference. on the national security front, how important is it to have these leaders in washington, d. c. because the u. s. must see africa is essential to its national security due to the presence of armed groups like boca hot, i'm in west africa and, and shop as well. there are certain, certainly there are, you know, u. s. national security interest at stake throughout the continent as they are at stake throughout other parts of the world. latin america, the middle east, certainly europe, right now. we certainly have national security interests here, but so do they. so do these countries and these are the kinds of concerns that they also want to bring to the table and talk about. and they will find in the united states, a willing partners. certainly a sympathetic ear and a willingness to continue to help them address these challenges. meanwhile, u. s. president joe biden has also signed the dual protections for same sex marriage. it's been a right since a landmark supreme court decision in 2015. this new law provide safeguard. if the now conservative leaning court versus the ruling, it includes legalizing same sex unions and protecting interracial marriages or supreme court. your court overturned a ruling on abortion and june. why data don't to hate his love. this law, the law of a defense strike, a blow against hate in all its forms. and that's why there's law matters to every single american. no matter who you are or who you love. it shouldn't be about conservative or liberal red or blue. now of course, in the bahamas has denied bail to the founder of collapsed crypto currency exchange . f t. x. san bankin fried will remain behind bars until february, as he has been declared a flight risk. he was arrested on monday and faces several fuel charges in the u. s . capitalize on day reports now from new york. yet is a global. he was the face of crypto currency. sam bank min fried a 30 year old rising business star, who became so famous. he was known simply as se f, viewing his start him was f t x, the wealthy crypto trading firm he founded. but last month that firm came crashing down. and on tuesday, federal court, new york, when he charged bank, been fried with 8 counts, including fraud and money laundering. hours after more charges were filed from the securities and exchange commission. he prayed on his customers. the victims of this case, abusing the trust, placed not only in his company, but in himself as the lead of that company. on monday he was arrested in the bahamas where he'd been living, he's expected to be extradited to the us. just weeks earlier, f t x filed for bankruptcy with millions of his customers, unable to access their money. 50 extra weights were millions of people invested in crypto currency from bitcoin to a theory and which own point called f t t at its peak just last year. f t x is worth more than $32000000000.00 making. it's a world's a 3rd largest crypto exchange. but bakeman fried, also owned another company, alameda research, a trading hedge fund. it's alleged that be greatly funnel money from f t x to help prop up alameda and also support his lavish lifestyle. even in the notoriously volatile crypto currency industry, experts say f t x's fall is remarkable. one is the sheer size that we're talking about potentially upwards of $10000000000.00 worth of client assets that were lost . next is the brand and reputation of f t x. because this is a company that had really gone out of its way to make an impression, among mainstream audiences, with things like celebrity endorsements and stadium naming rights. those celebrity endorsement even included in advertisement during the superbowl. it featured the actor comedian, larry david. i don't think so. turns out he was right to be skeptical. gabriel sancho al jazeera new york at least 180 people have been killed and flooding and can shatter the capital of democratic republic of congo. there been lands live across the city of 15000000 people destroying homes and roads . the president has blamed climate change for the disaster. alex bad has been the backbone of the democratic republic of congo highway system. the in one cuts in heavy rains across the capital can shasta have submerged anti neighborhood. it's being described as some of the worst flooding to ever hit the city. a landslide slammed into this home in the cities been the del voe district. 9 members of the same family were killed. up until i got to number like evaded country against you. we went back to the house to sleep. since we were soaked and cold, we went back to bed. and just after the war collapse and the children and the patterns, and then a neighbor was passing by secret, i found a hot bed. i have no chance to bury the dead bodies. poor regulation and reparative in isolation have made kinshasa increasingly vulnerable to flash floods, which have become more frequent due to climate change. many homes have been poorly built on flood prone slopes, and the city suffers from inadequate drainage and storage a lot by, by point level more. nathan, one on both. and i'm, i've been a window since 2015 and now my house is gone with the rain. i can't find one of my children. i don't know where he is in. i'm a poor woman who is managing, but i don't know where to go. i've lost almost everything. even my cards. and i see that the prime minister and the provincial governor have been visiting fled, had areas around the city. they hoped to reopen the key in one highway and next 4 days. but until its reappeared, the capital main supply route is cut off. nothing. i would like everyone passes in the trade and now we will suffer more entries of goods. so even the fuel will not be able to arrive and can shop. in 2019 dozens of people were killed and similar flooding across kinshasa and as heavy rains become more frequent, many in the city of 15000000 lives wondering when this will happen. once again, alex bid al jazeera while it's now time for the weather. he is kara, hello there, let's have a look at the world cup weather ahead of the semi final between france and morocco here in kata. and while they may have their differences on the pitch, weatherwise, it is looking pretty similar. we've got systems moving in from the atlantic, bringing some really wet and windy weather to about southern parts of europe as well as north africa. so rain is expected across much of france, a bit of a wintry mix at play as well. and that snow is likely to fall in paris suddenly on wednesday evening, but it's an improving picture. we'll see sunshine here by friday. now that's not the case. across morocco we've got wet and windy weather pulling in. you can see that moving into real bad. it's going to be a bit of a washout of a weekend with funder storms through to friday, but it's unlikely to rain on the teens. parades here in cutter in the middle east, looking rather unsettled up in the north as systems pull east out of the mediterranean, bring some very heavy rain to parts of the levant, but for the south, for the gulf states fine and dry conditions. the temperature in doha sitting where expect it to be for this time of year. it will however, cool slightly as we go into that late kick off. well coming up after the reg, gemma and faro will be here with our special well comp coverage. that's rightness. darzy on the countdown to kick off in the 2nd semi final has started. it's a sunny day hearing day hall, but will the french team be able to weather the rocking storm later this evening? as the address lines make more history? the african vote ah, anticipation is rising. and so with sibling at all anyways. hello there. it's been very wet across southern parts of europe and there's more heavy rain to come. now we've already seen flooding in lisbon portugal. we could see more of that. that's as one system moves away east across the mediterranean. we've got another one coming in behind that bringing very heavy rain. so portugal and spain during the mid week, no farther north of this. it is looking rather wintry. we've got red warnings out to southern parts of germany. we are expecting the snow to 4 heaviest. here we will see some of that snow as well trickled down into the out. for the north west, we've got yellow warnings out for snow and ice pots of britain and island that snow falling in scotland. it is much why a further south, both wintry sunshine coming in, but it remains rather cold temperatures in london and paris well below the average . and we're going to see, tempt, just dropped down across much of scandinavia as that wintry weather pushes its way towards the north east minus 12 degrees in stock. and sweden by thursday, for the south of this is gonna be some improvement coming in for the se. that's after nasty weather sweets it's way further. east. a temperature recovery in athens, 22 degrees celsius. but for the likes of the central mediterranean, some very heavy rain to come. that sure weather update to with sponsored by cattle. and i always join the debate when we talk about climate change in africa, we should focus on adaptation knocked mitigation on air or online at your voice. it shouldn't be exploiting. that's what that love, what not is being right now is doing everything that is going to benefit them more revealing new perspectives like getting this out of proportion. no, no. his reach and has power is what is disproportionate. the stream we're a global audience becomes a global community. on al jazeera, tens of thousands of children were born in 2 will lived under the i still regime in iraq and syria. now many are in camps, either old funds or with the widowed mothers, rejected by their own communities shaken de la hue thing for people are going to welcome them after that. of course, not an emmy award winning documentary. he is that chilling and traumatic story from the children throw stones at me erects last generation on al jazeera. ah ah ha mercy here. let's see hold off by claudio missy away from broadway. i with argentina are the 1st team to reach the world cup final, but who will they face nat, welcome along to world cup today on a smile. and i've given us plenty of talk about including reaction from what if i resolved argentina and celebrate that c breach in the final to remain on track. when i 1st woke up 1986. there is another huge, semi final coming up later rock and said they were delighted to reach the last 4, but they're determined to go all the way. but they will be up against offending at champions franks, who say they are prepared to face rocker noisy fans as well. and here this arc as the red all is for ball analissa jama, filler. ah, let's start with the auction and we have our 1st talks 2020 to find a list, argentina, south american side, east pasco, aisha. it's a book i take it into the wild showcase argentina, awarded a policy in the 34 minute period. alvarez was brought down in a messy who else scoring films box overtake gabrielle bassi as argentina thought. go for them, oliver. as with them, i'm responsible for doubling argentina's lead. 5 minutes later, the 22 year tried to save a single unbelief. in the middle of the 2nd half a messy shade, his claws, the vfc man rolled back to you, provided you with this address, the school had been to from etc. that creates it. as i can see, they made it through email and talking to them free to the help finding that we get the details for the final in 2014. and perhaps this is not gonna seem in $1086.00 delight because that's the entity rate. go back out yourself stadium on someone who's going to deal cuomo. it's very difficult what we've done because all the game since the last, the saudi arabia have been like finals for us. and that puts a huge burden on us mentally to treat every game like a funnel. because we knew that if we didn't win, it would make things difficult for us. so we've already played 5 funnels in a row. he's hoping that the next one and the same way. so another huge win for massey. let's get the perspective from argentina to raise about was with supporters out of you with party in the capitol point to sorry. i can't read a . c get a big compared with on a well it well yeah. like i said are, you know, i didn't really, i what people here are feeling right now the where they're gonna want to call me and what the, what the not to see me read what you mean. 4 the right with the political, when i say it's about one thing that united country, even now county everyone's celebrated. they want they want to be doing the wrong sandals. i celebrated outside the home of the late dak madonna who kept in them that night as yet we were joined by another layer not messing the audience in and done this. and i know that you said that wouldn't cut might finally put leslie on the same level as marathon missy's funds were why i didn't see the funds lot messy, but they have like you like this increment and feeling about might be enough. and also if you woke up maybe need to make you go was for us like like like all know so may see needs for many to be and people do when the sub to level madonna. yes. and you said to me all summer that you think messy now is playing better football than the messy 10 years ago. yes. because you know, you know, if you submitted they make, you're done embracing, for example, on rochelle. so, so now. busy miss, he is not only on the score and you know, make a messy place with the team against him. so if for every team and mrs. late last also because coca i stop missing now it's impossible. that's bringing the jealous more reaction to that game. jump up, but mine again, lino messy. somebody you followed very closely of your career or you were a boss later for a long time and now covering pastries matches. are we seeing a different side? it's a messy this tournament. i'm not sure if it's different or an evolved version of the messy we used to know. he feels very comfortable being the leader, being in the absolute spotlight. she's quite the shy character. he feels comfortable now there he is talking before and after every much the press is something different as well. and i said, or i explain it earlier a, he's got a motivated, dirty luke. i've seen that before, but it's been a long time without seeing it. and the other thing i would highlight that's definitely different is that he is more argentinian than ever. he was always very urgent in anyway, he spent most of the hope of his life in spain, but now he isn't afraid to show it all the time. and he feels very confident. no argentina's hadn't quite the journey at this world cab that's been sort of up and down a rollercoaster ride some people are going to say i, but do you think their performance last night was the best at this world cup so far? it definitely was, and it's changed quite a lot in lucille that opening a shock defeat against the saudi arabia. and they came from war to the best term. definitely yesterday was the best for 4 months. and i think we have to give credit 1st to the coach stores, kaloni, he has been flexible, he has adapt his idea to the momentum of the play years. he decided to drop a pub warmers and low title, ambling and so, and now william alvarez. and he got all that together, most of the team of argentina with now that we are enjoying the best version. now to another huge semi final taking place later on wednesday morocco, the 1st african side to make it this far at a world car or out to make more history against the defending champions. france, joanna gosh, rosco reports ah, they've arrived in their thousands, in the hope of witnessing a historic upset. never before has an african team got to the semi finals of welcome. and it could be a once in a lifetime, chance to see morocco go step further as they faced france. 30 extra flights have been put on over the past 2 days. boosting a bass of supporters who've already made sure the atlas lions as they're known, have been one of the best and most loudly supported teams at this tournament. so here's the thing history. we've never witnessed anything like this before, and everyone is excited about it. everyone is here for it's very overwhelming and it's very nice to see anyone. and united with morocco go into the game as giant killers having already beaten belgium, spain, and portugal. they've conceded just a single goal in cattle, and that was an own goal. their coach is pushing his players to continue to rewrite history normally course on his shaw sala dimensional. i've noticed that for 2 or 3 days, we have wanted to be satisfied with making the similes that whatever happens, we will have succeeded in this world cup. and i want to change that mentality to that you might think i'm crazy, but we want to get to the final of the world cup. we're facing the best team in the world. and when you have desire commitment in the support of your crowd, then you can win it. but france the defending champions and have a star started line up, which includes the tournaments joined to top scorer killian and bob pay. still they know that morocco will turn up to al bait. with a 12 man on this side. miss us on play venue. i told the players about the noise from iraq funds, but that's not going to school. you goes, well there is something we need to take into account and it's great to morocco. players have such a lot of support that when you prepare for a match, you've also got to prepare for the atmosphere for match. we know what to expect. oh yeah, it's not just neural confound, getting behind the team. lions have united supporters from across north africa and the arab world, making sure that kathy 2022 has felt like a home world cup for them to join, gives raska punches they're going over to you. okay, now and you can pack is in casablanca for us, nick, the excitement level here in katara pretty high. but i could imagine the excitement that must be off the charts off the chart and electric. in fact, it's been raining things this morning and that hasn't damp and feeling that morocco can take this world cup by storm. many people here when there was rain pouring in, this counters were sharing videos. you know why? because that's a good omen. they feel that that's the skies and they have the spirit with them for this game. where a couple of hours away, the government over the, the, the moroccan authorities had organized 30 extra flights to go to cause her to, to ship the fans off the car. so to build the momentum and to have even more of a presence there. but i can assure you here and cause a blank of the main cities of morocco. there will be millions of people watching the game in can phase like this one where there screen where people are following the events are following the commentary ahead of the game. let me give you the headlines of the news paper this morning and sound. it says that the lions have an appointment to honor a history today. and then here i'll buy on who quotes the carney, coach, welch regarding thing. we will win and we will go to the final. and then finally, there's rule. there. headline. morocco is a breeding ground for talent, and you can see that some people think it's just as simple coincident. the morocco went so far in this world cup, but you have to admit that's what we said. the players on the moroccan side evolve in the european league are stars in their own right. and what's really interesting with this game against friends, the world champion, is that on both sides of the scene, you have dual citizen. there are some members of the french team that are moroccan in french and you have members of the moral can teams that are french and moroccan . it really feels like this man is much more than friends versus morocco. but europe and africa and players that are mix playing together. and this has really high in the feeling that the game is extra special for people here in, in morocco. and they'll be following this closely. and what's interesting is a lot of the players that are from the cause of blank have been spotted by major clubs. louis moreno responded nani, who's the number 8 mic midfielder that sees the talent in some of these players. some of the players that have been too often overlooked. so there's a sense here that after the world cup, finally, people will recognize the talents that there is in the arab world world and in africa in terms of players and that they can move on further. and that's either and that's the success of moral who doesn't stop here. it will continue further. thank you. make me enjoy your web upon me of more on that semi final between morocco and france were joined by e. s. p, a netherlands reporter. and more, ronnie, he's followed the career of netherlands born. how come she ash and joins us now live from amsterdam. thank you so much for joining us. i just wanna start by asking you at what point did the ashes career really take off and become the star player that we see today? well, actually took a long time because there were a lot of daughters about his physique about this. now his body is not a typical football or if you, if you see him on the street, you think it's just a regular guy. so in the early years, there are a lot of doubt, if you went from a small team drawn in drunk, where he was born to here and, and after here and then you went to 20 and right after that in 2016, it was finally that i asked to came and then everything went well for him because when i actually went to the europe final, you went to the champs, the 7 finals, and all the european big teams finally saw what type of players yet is and still, you know, was it still is yes, have a chance to play for the netherlands, but chose to play for morocco instead. why did he do that? while he was called up or by your former south coach and i was really a coach crusading, and he took him to a training with the dutch national team. and he was supposed to make his debut for, for the netherlands in 2015. but he was injured, so he had to left the team and afterwards proceeding left the national team and there was a new code, but the new coast didn't call as yes up and for his yes, it was like know if you don't want me, i will go to morocco and ducky, the dead coach of morocco went to amsterdam, went to ask de, and no talk with spoke with with us and told me, you know, i want you to play for morocco and just immediately say yes. oh, do you think he is inspiring young dad shamrock and football players to follow in his footsteps? definitely definite. the ding was when he chose for m morocco. a lot of our youth players went the same way. and instead of choosing that metal and they went to morocco and that just for the 1st team, but also what do you do for under $17.28 and inspiration for the youth. the air in the air in the netherlands, inspire them. and you know, most people don't see it, but he does. it does a lot of charity work also. so he helps the dutch, dutch moroccans here, not only on the, on the field goals, so outside is firing them and taste is yes, there are a lot of dutch players in the moroccan national team. and you know, it's good to have this type of player, the national team of morocco, and you can see we're all, she's now how good i can. yes, she's at the world cup. alright on why ronnie? thank you so much for your time. so this is bring you back in tennessee, we focus quite a bit there on moore. okay, so that's certainly attention to france. do you see them having any problem getting past this moroccan defense which has been so like a brick wall during this torment? has it? yes. i see them having problems because of war champions, have struggled with that before. and bells you must bane for to all proof that these really dove to score to the disease. moral coal hard wall defense. even though i think a broadly front is the best bill team and they have the best forward line, the ford and they will for sure have difficulties. i think they will have to be very sharp and take their opportunities otherwise because they will cover few ones at, in, in, but just having a momentum guzman as well. then billy has this amazing and predictability as but, and julie is in a, in a with momentum talk, but morocco at the defensive line as being one of the most surprising things on this tournament. one of the rockers coach fast, they have no special plan team, counter kilian and bob a is that wise? no. yeah, i think it's wise sir, because i was mentioning now the 4 forwards that france has. if you fuck using one, you lose the other ones and morocco have roof. that being a tough a, having the togetherness in the back line has a quarter for them. a great. i mean, only you, canada were able to find all any g wasn't oh, i don't remind me, it was fine. but it's something that no one else has been able to do it. so i think the plan of regarding is working well. and if something works on change it all right, at k or earlier this week i spoke to former england international and broadcaster gary novel about what he found america's performance so far as this world cup. how morocco was defended, its been absolutely exceptional, honestly, the way in which they a compact they get the ball. but when they, when the ball by the way, they try to play out through the actual players we when we were in the ball. but sometimes we defended being, we could get long and try to rush up the face. they play through each other account to create good moments in the game. that spirit is unbelievable. they've had injuries as well to cope with. i think this so far the story the tournament and so the 1st african seems to ever get to a welcome semi final is a is a huge moment and i think the morocco of made everybody proud. i couldn't believe it again, spain i couldn't believe again. yesterday and portugal, he thinks why morocco have done here has really justified bringing the world cup to the middle east for the 1st time. i don't whether you can link the to a personally, i think that you know, my view would be that that should be a welcome for the middle east. what else should be great representation and pos, patient themes from all around the world as well. and you know, i'm glad that morocco i don't, well, i'm show people from the middle east. will say that justifies it. but you know, both separately word we kind of an african c and getting to the 5 to the filing for cyber america. but with it also feel that the middle east should have a will. the middle east should have a world called for me on this beautiful and should never have been down since the middle east deserves a world cup. i think that you know, how it was handled in the beginning was a bit messy how it was handled in respect to the fact that it was someone told me that they moved to a winter. could have been a lot better. you know, that was some good fee for the handle. well, it's all bull looking, i think now, i mean this whole is limited on believable football. well, i'm afraid that so we've got time for thank you as always, dumber are back at 1330 g m t with much more built up to france versus morocco. but for now it's back to nist azia. thanks very much ladies. well, still ahead here on this news, allan will look at the crisis unfolding on the afghan border as iran de ports children looking for was 10 years since 20 children have gone down at sandy hook score, a mass choosing that shook the u. s. we meet a grieving mother hoping to drive a gun reform in her country. ah, join the debate. when we talk about climate change in africa, we should focus on education, not mitigation on air or online at your voice. it shouldn't be exploiting as what love what not is doing right now is doing everything that is going to benefit them . the more revealing new perspectives, like getting this out of proportion. no, no. his reach and has power is what is disproportionate. the stream we're a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera lou . ah, welcome back. now the united nation says iran is stepping up deportations of afghan children who left their homes to find work. hundreds dropped at the border and harassed and western afghanistan every month, but the di economic situation is pushing even more to leave. has stephanie data reports. many of these afghans have been through really tough times. a large number of miners among the, returning from iran. mugosa jose commercial among the children registered we thus are from age is 10 to 17. sometimes we get children aged 8 or 9 as well, but not too many. helena, and on the home they left their homes in afghanistan to find work across the border . some have been to puerto because they don't have permits, and others simply decided to come back. oh, wow. what's another only a 100 years ago. everyone has their own problems, so i can't tell them not to go to iran. maybe they're desperate to go there. if someone is not desperate that they wouldn't set foot in iran, when you go this way, have your own blood on your hands. there are lots of obstacles, possibly even death. i'll know joe. yes, the key don't on my message to the young people is that they should not go abroad illegally because it's tough and they can even die lot feeling my message to them is to stay in their country long as they should study and work hard here to help build their country and my request from the taliban is to create conditions for people to work out and provide employment for young people so they can stay here. but conditions in afghanistan are pushing more and more people to search for a better life abroad. since the taliban to power last year, foreign funds of dried up and it's become increasingly difficult to make ends meet . according to the un, the number of miners leaving afghanistan has almost doubled compared to last year. and i think this an indication of the severity of visitors, i mean for child support in such a situation to make a decision to live the school and to cross over 3 around to get a job. i'm to support the family. if i think that's a very good description, what violence situation of grandson is like, and this is not just one guess all the cases that ah, children crossing because of the current economic situation. they will be given medical checkups and psychological counseling. and then they will head back to their families across afghanistan, hoping to find a way to survive. there's nothing here has improved since they left stephanie decker al jazeera. well, it's now been 10 years since 20 children were guns down at sandy hook elementary school. knew s state of connecticut, they called her keys 6 year old son, dillon was killed on that day and she has turned her grief and to advocacy. my name is nicole hugley and the co founder and ceo of sandra, her promise, which is an organization i helped launch one month after the shooting as sandy hook elementary school where my youngest son, dylan was killed. dylan was a very beautiful and joyful little boy. 6 years and he loved to cuddle and make gigantic purple dots and eat garlic bread and carrots and red delicious apples. and he was, he was really the center of our family. he was just pure love. a lot has changed in 10 years since the sandy hook shooting a movement has been born. this is a movement that is stronger than the gun lobby. and there has been significant change at both the state and federal level and also at a behavioral level in communities where we know that we can prevent these acts of violence. if we know the signs and learn to take action to intervene, the more significant barrier that we face is apathy and hopelessness, and people thinking, nothing's going to change. this is just an inevitable part of american life. and that's a notion that i completely reject. you can't just passively be a bystander and say someone else who's going to take care of this, or it's not my problem because we have an epidemic of gun violence in the united states in, sooner or later, it will impact you if it hasn't already. whenever i hear about mass shootings, i am returning to ties and i think back to 1214 when it's a school shooting, it hurts that much more. and then once i get through that, i just double down on the work because i know i need to work harder and faster to reach more kids and stop these tragedies from happening. i. i have real difficulty reconciling the fact that it's been 10 years since my son was killed, time become quite warped. and while i'm proud of what my organization been able to achieve, all i really want to have is that day have never existed. and then i have my son back. well, that's it for me, is darcy pay for this news? allen, tom will be here in a moment. more of the day's news. ah ah, to inculcate a culture of knowledge, openness and pluralism worldwide had to reward merit and excellence and encourage creativity. the shade come out award for translation and international understanding was founded to promote translation and honor translators, and acknowledged the road and strengthening the bonds of friendship. and co operation between arab islamic and wild coaches. oh yeah i yeah, they all ready for the 1300000 football fan. ah. counted me that this is only the beginning that echo noise like a door with a make or break moment for synagogue. happy. here i can tell you that phones with ring is displayed in my queue and i got it to leslie. if it would not happen. the belief is what margins are feeling here in central when the side and here in the center of so you could almost have been forgiven. but thinking that south korea just an opportunity for found to be creative and celebrate their t o. in depth analysis of the days headlines from around the world. do you think diplomacy still stands at chance? i'm not very up. can we speak about any negotiation? we were already in a bit of a crypto winter. it's going to be hell. hold their inside story on al jazeera. ah 43 migrants trying to cross the channel have been rescued from freezing waters off the coast of england. at least 3 others did. ah, i'm told mccrae this is al jazeera live from dog ha. also coming up. explosions had central parts of the ukrainian capital as russian forces continue to destroy energy facilities.

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