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Ah, hello i marianne minimize the welcome to the news, our ally from london coming up bog. Histones. Former Prime Minister in ron con, accuses the government of trying to kill him and says hell resume his march minute covers. President putin says civilians should be evacuated from russian occupied harrison as Ukrainian Forces advance towards her shots. Its offices and remove staffs, access to that work accounts. As new owner, ilan mosque starts laying off half its work force, france and germany, italy to open its fords. To almost a 1000 rescued migrants who have been stranded at sea for more than 2 weeks. And im far as small with all the latest the world cup news, the Vice President rights to all 32 nations, taking part to asking them to focus on football and caught our avoid political battles. Ah, hello and welcome to the news our o pakistans, former Prime Minister in ron khan, is accusing the government of being behind a failed attempt to assassinate him. Con was speaking publicly for the 1st time since he was shot in the leg on thursday. He said to god men opened fire on his protest, march to the capital, islam abad. Heating 11 people in killing one per. And he promised to resume the march after he recovers. Or con supporters have been protesting across the country. Police in ra, pending fire, tear gas after being pelted with stones, while several arrests were made in the capital as lama bought. In one con is accusing the current Prime Minister issue boss reef the interior minister and an intelligence official of being involved in the attack. The military is called his allegations baseless and irresponsible, and urge the government to launch legal action for defamation of work, or to turn politician with alices Prime Minister and confidence. Vote. In april, hes campaigned for a return ever since. But his face terrorism and corruption charges, which he denies. Last month, he was banned from Holding Office for 5 years. The harding has this report now. Former Prime Minister m ron con, plan to protest caravan across pakistan, demanding elections be held a year earlier. And the current Prime Minister resign then on thursday, a few days into his 300 kilometer journey to the capital. He was shot in the leg. The supporters say it was an assassination attempt and blamed the current Prime Minister something the government denies. Now in stable condition con, address the media for the 1st time since the attack dog. And if this was synchronized, i wouldnt have survived this because i fell one of the shooters thought id died and left if the sleeves take control. And if we accept this, then this isnt what pakistan was made from. Con was removed from office in april after a no confidence though in parliament he since held rallied across pockets done, seeking to rebuild support monitored line a mon. Com is our right line. And now theyve crossteck, we will piece, but the vullez dont want a man can always advise this to stay calm, but now they felt him were waiting for call to get well soon. And after that well see what to do. Might not be that it can says we have to live and die here in pakistan. They will run out of bullets, but no p t i support is the governing Pakistan Peoples Party is struggling to bring the economy out of crisis. Something it blames on cons, administration, but he didnt deliver the full yet. The economy was down, down, the Foreign Policy was being challenged all over the world pocket. The last just read ability concepts. He plans to join the 10s of thousands of his supporters to continue the march with the plan sit in the capital once he has recovered. 6 police have lined the streets in preparation of the method. If i think civil supremacy and bucket for the people, its very important that their voice be heard and they determine who will be the next government who will be the next to it should not happen in a closed room. It should be by the board of the federal government that runs as lama bod has indicated that any deviation from approved protest plants will be met with force. Leah harding al jazeera or amman con, is still recovering and hospital off to surgery on his leg out there is camel hider is in his arm abroad with more in his condition, there is doctor informed everybody that he had received full bullard sin his leg on and off the dad emron khan, are speaking about the fact that he had already spoken in september about a conspiracy dagwoods housed in behind closed doors to eliminate them. And he had said that speech, he said that in case he is eliminated, that he had already left the recording which will name go to sleep or lord and ward. But he also finger it out of the countrys Prime Minister. The interior minister, whom he blamed for extra judicial killings saying died one of the Senior Officers of the intelligence job was enrolled in that particular conspiracy that they wanted to make it look like. There was a religious fanatic trying to kill him, ron convict god, he was against religion. They were trying to accuse him of blasphemy, or if a thing that a former governor salomon talked seed was carried by his guard on the same grounds that he had committed black for me, that they were trying to malign him. So indeed, he had been divulging deed dares no holds barred death and of god, singling out the government. He said that because he was Prime Minister, he also heard, so it says within the government, warned him that the attack would take place. Living for all the top story, the sour, the russian president lent him attrition sang civilians should leave ukraines harrison region. As the Ukrainian Army pushes farther south, this is his 1st acknowledgment and how volatile the battle for harrison has become. Claiming forces have been advancing towards the city for weeks harry force it has more in this now from kish new images, from russias defense, ministry of the continued evacuation of her son. Ukraine calls it a force deportation. On friday, for the 1st time in public, the russian president added his voice to the existing orders to leave those living in person should be removed from the zone of the most dangerous actions. Because the civilian population should not suffer from the shelling from the offensive counter offensives or any other actions connected to the military activities. President putin was marking russias unity day, but from one of russias civilian administrators. In her son, there was scant unity in the messaging on the telephone, abiola m. M. In the 1st he announced to 24 hour curfew. He said to allow the military to clear the city of nazis before deleting the video and replacing it with this one. What i did here for you, but of over the bye bye and cares on the fight continues against the insurgency and the nazi collaborators. There is no limitation in care sun that restricts the life of the city. The same official on thursday talked to the likely Russian Military withdrawal from the city only to backtrack on that statement to saying that he hoped it would not happen. It all adds to the intense confusion about the real situation inside her son. For all the talk of a russian withdraw ukrainian soldiers, north of the city expect to have to fight for it. The combination of a counter offensive launched in august. The use in says the tactic here, just to miss loosely does it make room for such a science that they are illegal, but they, they wait in for us to, to, to start some actions. But ukraines defense minister is sounding more optimistic about a russian retreat or in his sarcastic phrasing. An act of good will which will opt you. But we, we, i think that potentially they are ready for another act of good will regarding the left bank of the deep pro river, just in the area of the city of her son. But for thus they will still have to lose some of their potential. Thanks to the corresponding actions of our armed forces or in moscow, president putin accused the west, once again of creating an ukraine and anti russia, making conflict with what he called. Its not sees inevitable in yoyo. The more pressing question now is how the coming conflict for her son will play out. Harry force it al jazeera keith. What i say back as a hesitated, village and house on reaching retaken by Ukrainian Forces last month. Spokespeople there about life under rushing occupation. We still dont know whats exactly going on with her son offensive, but what we have heard is that the Ukrainian Military has taken back a village to day. Why is that significant . Well, when the ukrainians take back of small village or turn, what lay the head of them are open fields, which means that the russians have to retreat a considerable distance to get cover and it also means ukrainians can move. They are to reform and strike at a greater distance. Now this village in her son was taken back by the ukrainians a month ago, but this school was hit just last week. Now what that shows is that even though the russians may be retreating, the still able to strike targets an infrastructure at a considerable distance with their missiles. He equally things in it, while we spoke to people in this village, and they told us about their experiences whilst the russians were here. No, we were now to her and i do not understand what kind of referendums the russians can have during the war. Under the muzzles of machine guns on each street, several soldiers whose machine guns are competent, People Forces him to walk. Were you and he was up there and i got to head out. This is a garage rocket. It destroyed everything, killed my ducks after the blood. I was pulling him out from under the rubble. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz the animal who. Oh, no shock wish i survived world war 2, but i never thought that the russians will attack us. They were here. I saw them, they walked in every house and i wanted to say so much to them, but my son stopped me. He said, dont say anything to them. They will kill us again. Although this village is taken back a month ago. Were still hearing constant artillery shelling and missiles being fired overhead and also the russians firing back. So although people here trying to return to life as normal as it was before the russians were here, the war is still ongoing. Or you earlier cod stoba na is had all the ukranian foundation for Security Studies and a former adviser to the acquainted information policy minister joins us now from poland. Thank you for taking the time. Speak to us on the news. Our is the fight for control of harrison becoming the biggest battle of the war and ukraine hurriedly. It definitely is becoming the biggest battle because there is a lot of attention to it and everybody understands the place. Everybody on the ukrainian fight understand that person has a Strong Political significance for the Russian Federation for president. And because its the only regional capital that they were able to capture during their offensive and also president bush and just recently proclaimed the 1st one is going to be russian forbid. And now its, it looks increasingly looks like creating a purse as will be able to recapture it. And so its definitely going to be a significant. Busy blow to present and reputation and i guess the Russian Forces were expecting this counter offensive to take place of the able to redeploy, forces to the higher. So the area of before the ukrainian per started. So i guess the positions are a quite strong in the area. How long do you anticipate it might take for herself to be back under ukrainian control . Well, actually whats been happening lately is russia there and they decided to withdraw from the city or person because they have been moving their courses from turn from the western bank today, eastern bank. And they were moving their heavy equipment. And thats been going on for at least the last 2 or 2 weeks because i ukrainian courses were able to cut off their supply routes. Her son is located on the western bank of the river and there are 2 bridges connecting eastern bank to the western bank. And russia is occupying a lot of the term bank and ukraine actually rendered by the ridges unusable to bridge. And then there is another one in the city of a whole which has to have abrasion. So russia was, of course, to rely on bridges and ferries to supply their trucks. And so it was becoming increasingly untenable to actually keep control over the city of her son. And so apparently theyve made the decision to withdraw from there. And what theyre, whats happening now is there rotating some of their most able units out of the city and rotating. Some of the newly mobilized personnel in and out. A ukrainian command expects actually that by the end of the year, her son will be recaptured. So they are confident enough at this point to be able to say that her son will be under their control before the end of the thats what the ukrainian command is expecting. And how important is that for the ukranian government to be able to show that western allies that they can, we take this bit of territory. But just at a time when we are seeing many domestic populations in european countries, feeling the effects of High Energy Prices and that might affect the level of support for this war. Its definitely important 3 grain but also and so we understand that usually western governments are willing to provide support to those for fight. Right. And sure, well if youre able to demonstrate that you are capable, then youre going to get more support and, but i dont think that its only only backpacked or, i mean we can most likely is counting on freezing the contact at a certain point. And so i think the decision to draw to the eastern bank of the room for the paper is kind of his boy to stop there and wait for actually the effects that youre talking about to can show the winter is going to come in the east in the publics in europe start doubting and also they are ramping up their Information Campaign and threats. And so thats that only part. So the success of her son is only partially important, but also whats important is to show that the russian army can be defeated. And although they have the best units in one region, theyre not as good as western commentators believe. And also kind of a, this message to the western publics and show them that russia does retreat planted face with force. So its not only the victory itself, but also the ability to communicate the victory and the right way into and to bring that message through western public. Thats important when it comes up and i thank you for joining us from poland. Thank you. In all the developments, the mayor of kiva sang around 450000. 00 homes without power. After russian strikes on the city, russia is repeatedly carried out miss island road, a tax on ukrainian pow facilities. Ukraine, stay owned energy grade operator. You can grow reports on friday, that would be emergency blackouts across kings, western allies of condemn, rush the tax on Ukrainian Energy infrastructure in the lead up to winter and Us National Security advisor Jake Sullivan as valid as country will show unwavering and unflinching support for ukraine it was speaking, joining unannounced visit to key on friday. You. I says its sending another 400000000. 00 of military aid to the country. The United States is going to be with ukraine for as long as it takes in this fight. There will be no wavering, no flagging. I know, flinching in our support as we go forward, we laid out how we are thinking about making sure that the resources are there for continued security assistance. Continued assistance to power helped power. Ukraines economy continued assistance to help ukraine repair us energy grid, help for refugees and, and other humanitarian needs here. And we fully intend to ensure that the resources are there as necessary and that well get votes from both sides of the aisle to make that happen. Well, jasmine chance not allow shelter his ice china to use its influence on russia to stop the war in ukraine shelters. The 1st g 7 needed to visit by james as the start of the pandemic. During a one day trip, al talks with president changing pain on economic corporation. China is japanese largest trading partner, and he does include that to any Nuclear Threat surrounding ukraine on acceptable dot to present to you the signals i president , she and i agree that Nuclear Threat site you are responsible and highly dangerous by using nuclear weapons. Russia would cross a line that the World Community drew together. Sheena, this angles china is a big country. And as a global actor and permanent member of the un security council, it has a responsibility for world to pace. I have told president shay, its important for china to use its influence on bratia. Its about adhering to the principles of the United Nations charter, which we all a great to principles such as the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each country, which is important to china to ukraines Postal Service is unveiled, a new stamp dedicated to the strike on the bridge and can crimea to the russian mainland stamp shows the bridge buying clouds of dark gray smoke. With a famous scene from the film titanic, the forefront to release was time to coincide with russias unity day. The character bridge was significantly damaged in an explosion last month. Watching the news, our life from london was still to bring you on the program. Were going to look at tensions over the korean peninsula, our as the south response to more area activity close to the border. The government in haiti says is broken the blockade of an oil terminal by armed gangs that have been in control since september Houston Astros of closing in on the world series. Title, faro have all that in sport. Ah, now twitter is sort of mass lay off employees on the new owner, ilan mosque. Any Staff Members work up to find . Theyve been locked out of that work email accounts. Billionaire acquired twitter last week. Now the Companies Facing a Class Action Lawsuit from some former employees is that they were not given enough. Notice that they lost their jobs, which is required by federal law mosque has indicated he might fire about half the workforce, some 7 and a half 1000 people work for the San Francisco based company. People with different circumstances well have, you know, some, some pretty challenging time to head. I think certainly people that are on work related diseases are going to be feeling very anxious. Right now my, you know, my heart goes out to them. You know, depending on what kind of eases people are on, if they are unable to find new employment quite quickly, they may have to leave their homes, leave the country to. They may have lived in 3 years. And thats, thats really heartbreaking. Or rob reynolds joins us live now from met with a headquarters in San Francisco. Just getting a sense from that clip, rob about the sense of short and up. He, val, its going to cause too many people whove been laid off without notice how many people do we know of lost their jobs so far . Well, the exact numbers are not clear, but it has been widely reported that 3700. 00 or about half of the 7500. 00 total employees will be laid off from twitter. And by all accounts, the process of firing them has been somewhat chaotic and unprofessional. Many employees were expecting to receive an e mail, formerly notifying them of whether they have a job in the future or not. However, it turned out that many people instead found out simply when they were cut off from the companys internal platforms, unable to log in. I in one case person was on literally in the middle of a conference call. Ah, at with other twitter a colleagues when the he or she was completely cut off of because the word had come down that that person had been fired. So people who specialize in Human Resources management say this is some of the, the worst examples of a mass firings that theyve ever heard of. Um, in addition to which there have been several lawsuits filed in federal and in state court here in california. So claiming that the company broke the law, ah, a law that requires in the case of large scale layoffs that the 60 days notice be given to the employees who are going to lose their jobs. And that of severance has to be paid. So thats going to go into the courts and that will probably tie up of the twitter for the foreseeable future, raising even more questions about the the companies viability Going Forward . Yeah. What it, what is it . Tell us more about that. The health is that efficiency Balance Sheet good. The Balance Sheet is, is not good. The company is losing money and because many people and corporations, i have listened to e lawn mosque say that he is a free speech absolutist. And the fact is that hes already fired a content, moderation teams and other people involved in, in making sure that the twitter is not a platform for hate speech or dis information. So many people are worried about that and corporations such as general motors, volkswagen pfizer, the biochemical of, of pharmaceutical giant all have suspended their ads on twitter of the lawn. Musk tweeted today that the, the companies had a massive shortfall in revenue as a result of what he called activists pressuring these kinds of companies to withdraw their advertising. And in addition, there are a number of you know, the entertainers and sports figures other celebrities were pulling out. And mosque also wants to impose a subscription fee which many people are not at all. Busy happy about to confirm them as a twitter users. So all in all i, its going to be quite a job to bring twitter a back into some semblance of what it used to be. I suppose you could say, oh, thank you very much there in San Francisco, rob reynolds now south koreas minute changed to played fight a chat south detecting about a 118 north korean war planes. Now the countrys joint order, north korean launched more than 80 rounds of artillery into the sea are the nights and his 5 multiple missiles into the sea in recent days, from the bride reports now from saul. A lot of military aircraft activity happening the length of the korean peninsula, both north and south. The south Korean Military of announced that during the day from late morning local time through to mid afternoon. Here they have been detecting a flight by around a 180 a military aircraft of different types in north korea. Right across the, at the breadth of the north korean a part of the peninsula. But some of those aircraft movements have been close enough to the dmc that separates the 2 careers to a trigger. The scrambling of its own south korean jets in response as a precaution. So they have announced that said during that the day they have a scrambled a total of 80 air craft. Theyre taking to the air among them, the latest f, 35, a fighter jets. Now it all of this activity from north korea. It seems to be in direct response to air drills which have been taking place jointly between south korea and u. S. Air force is all week involving some 240 military aircraft. This is enraged the north, as it often does, these joint military exercises much more still to bring you on. This is our from london primary schools close in indias capital. And people are told to stay at home as pollution in new delhi souls to Dangerous Levels. Vision as communities in peru take 9, take care of a boat, passengers hostage as a protest, Oil Pollution and a look behind the scenes at kat as high tax solution to manage crowds during the wild. Com ah hallo, proffer. November weather has now set in across much if you have lost a cloud showing up in no central parts. Now weve got a big area cloud. Its all the way from scandinavia, right down into italy, central parts of the mediterranean. This slow moving airflow pressure here will bring Copious Amounts of rifle flash, flood risk into positive italy, and on the other side of the atlantic into the balkans. Remember the t period flow pressure out into the atlantic that will drive these weather systems in. This is what was hurricane martin should stay pretty much out of the way, but it will throw some wet weather towards western pass. If youre over the next couple of days. There you go. Saturday big line. A cloud of rain coming in right across us. Gotten wells, making its way through england. Ali see some wet weather as we go through saturday, very weather down into where the atria take them. Got that wet weather clearing at lee pushing across into the balkans, all the way down into that western side of greece. But the wet weather extending all the way up towards the baltic, stay slowly. But surely making its way further east was sunday and by sunday some for the coming across the low countries into northern parts of germany. Chances some showers to just affecting the far north of africa around nicea to a few showers into the gulf of guinea. But somewhat lighter than of late. Ah. The 3rd of the country is under water. More than 33000000 are suffering from hunger, disease, and displacement. You heard stories about children who were drinking from the same water. They did cattle the float. How does your question, Climate Change play a role in the deadly down react . 1750 millimeters of this kind of thing, any place the full report pakistan, the great deluge on al jazeera ah, ah ah no. Ah ah, welcome back. A look at the main stories of following this, our pocket sounds for melinda him. Ron kahn, is accused the Prime Minister, shabazz sharif, the interior minister, and an intelligence official of orchestrating thursdays attack on him. He said he plans to resume his protest. March, once hes recovered, russian president Vladimir Putin says civilians should be evacuated from harrison as ukraine continues its counter offensive in south of the country. And mass layoffs have started at twitter with many Staff Members waking up to find theyve been locked out of that email work accounts. It must apply twitter last week and is indicated that he might fire about half of the 7000 strong workforce now the u. S. Encounter of impose sanctions on to haitian politicians, one of them the Senate President , joseph lambert. Theyre accused of abusing that positions to traffic drugs and collaborate with gangs. Meanwhile, the government has its retake control of a major fuel terminal blockaded by armed gangs since september. The countries facing a di, humanitarian insecurity, crisis, food and fuel, running short tens of thousands of people have been displaced by growing gang violence. Fuel distribution is going to resume on monday. So turning us now to discuss the impact. Well, this is likely to have is, as all my top bower, who is the country director for the world food program, and haiti joined us now from the capital puerto prince. First of all, can you give us any information on the reopening of the terminal, the plan is for fuel distribution to resume by monday. Is it likely to be functional by then we are monitoring closely or cautiously optimistic traffic. My resume. Its important that traffic resumes because the situation over the past few weeks has been terrible with a poor blockaded in the main road. Border friends being controlled by gang. And weve not been able to operate normally in this country. And im talking about humanitarian agencies. The only way in and out of order through the air. Thats why we have to do things like fly any medical supplies at the fly intrusion to meet peoples essential needs. So probably september when the concentration started when groups the over of our terminology, weve organized 200. 00 humanitarians. We organized 3 slides from the Dominican Republic to bring in essential medical equipment to fight the cholera outbreak. If things open up, that would be good news for us to help us bring essentially the population. And it isnt just as you say, this is a humanitarian crisis now and it has in this way for a long time in haiti. The significance of this terminal is not just about fuel distribution and most of the countries, oil products. This is also a key terminal for food and medical supplies and was how, what does that mean for people who are suffering from, from colorado . How much worse has become since the, since this terminal was blockaded . So the opening of the terminal would be a step forward. We need to now, this crisis has set us back 3 steps. The situation has turned into a complex emergency with all our break. Half of the population of 80 is currently actually food insecure. 900000 of them are actually facing a catastrophic level where Food Insecurity for the 1st time. And for the 1st time in the americas, weve identified thats very important security. So the situation is quite dire. 100000 people are displaced. Prices increase by 53 percent according to the governance, creating this whole phenomenon around let me share. And this has been one of the reasons why the population has been suffering so much. So the terminal being open, its good news, but again its, its only a step forward always taking 3 steps back. And i know that you all that in the humanitarian capacity and not going to discuss the complications of a very contentious political situation. But we do see in haiti again, crisis to humanitarian crisis of political crisis, all coming together away, there seems to be a bit of a debate as to whether its so difficult now whether they can be a haitian lead process or whether the International Community needs to do more with matters because your Monetary Agency has the ability to have access to the population is a need. And im proud to say that the program has been able, provide essential food rations that were 80000 people. Started the crisis, able to talk to local leaders, were able to implement distributions and idly sensitive areas, including this way, which is right next to terminal need to be able to continue doing that. And ensuring that distribution to the asian population take place in security and indignity. Its a really important story and its really good to talk to you as well. Someone who is there and done very much involved and efforts to try and make life better for peoples roma. Tom bow a. Thank you. Thank you. Well, the United Nations is hopeful that aid will start arriving in ethiopia. Is tegra region within days off to wednesdays announcement of a permanent ceasefire for shows have been checking the safety of supply roots in the area and say the signs of positive decry struggled with food and fuel shortages since the conflict between the Regional Forces and the Ethiopian Government started exactly 2 years ago or more than a 1000 refugees and migrants his docket. C, waiting for permission to disembark in italy, france, and germany of asked italys new far right lead government to grant a safe port to 3 charity vessels. Currently stranded in the mediterranean conditions on boarded, deteriorating with supplies fast running out so on again, go reports exhausted, and at sea for days with no way of knowing when their journey will end. For the past week, this overcrowded rescue ship has been sailing in International Waters near sicily with no permission to land. And those said from the sea, getting more desperate as supplies went out and facilities break down. As you can see, there are so many of us 9600 people, women, old people and children. We dont have enough space to sleep. We are sleeping down on the floor and its very cold that morning. And at night, actually the situation is becoming deaf to day more difficult, the team and the ship, they do whatever they can with it, give us all the resources that i got. But its difficult for them. Almost 1000 people, including more than 100, unaccompanied. Mine is a currently on board 3 humanitarian rescue. Ships operated by european and jose. Yet theres been no answer to the requests to help the countries nearest to them. We already sent before for the for and to request the plato 52 month, and actually we already sent to request from our to be done on thursday. And we only received 4. Marla replied that our request as being for about 2 to competent alternative, which is the minister minister puffing up the challenge lines and convincing it to leave new right when lead government, its Prime Minister, georgia, maloney has made it a priority to stop migrant boat landings. Putting former interior minister matthew saline in charge of port as a new infrastructure minister saline himself is facing charges of kidnapping, of the prevented a 147. 00 Asylum Seekers disembarking back in 2019 milanis hardline rhetoric on n g o vessels has not changed. Putting her on a collision course with other European Union members with worsening weather conditions on their way. Those trapped at sea remain pawns in europes continuing debates of immigration. Sonya guy eggo al jazeera. A ripening french politician has been suspended from the National Assembly for 15 days after shouting, go back to africa during an address by a black and p. Carlos martins belong. Go is speaking about refugees during a parliamentary session. When he was subjected to the comment by a guard to foreigners, a member of marine la pens, National Rally is caused instant outrage, and parliament was suspended by the Speaker National riley claims. His comment was misunderstood and denies accusations of racism. Air pollution is soaring to Dangerous Levels in indias capital, prompting primary schools to close. And as alexandra buyer reports, half of all government officials have been asked to work from home. This is what hazardous air pollution looks like. The 20000000 residents of new delhi are breathing smog. Some of the cities, most famous sites, now hidden in some areas, levels of pollution are nearly 40 times the maximum recommended by the world health organization. It bulky, them go to go to drug. I feel a shortage of oxygen in the plants and trees are dying. Theres no greenery and pollution levels very high. The governments asking people to stay inside diesel cars and trucks are banned from entering the capital. Construction has been stopped in some factories close. The governments announced primary schools will be shut from saturday, following calls from parents and other groups. Bigger program followed burger, but when we wake up in the morning, we feel that we should not send our children to school. The conditions are so bad that when we go to our balcony, we feel difficulty in breathing, but a lot of her new delhi is the worlds most polluted capital. One study found more than 17000 death in 2019. Were linked to air pollution. Every winter its blanketed in smog as cold, heavy air traps and dust and pollution. Another major cause is crop burning by farmers in the neighboring states of punjab and haryana. A problem thats often politicized with opposition parties seizing on who is to blame, but i leave you from us back. Awesome. Out on the issue. Still burning can be resolved by assisting the farmers. No, but cussing them the Central Government in indias ruling bar, a tier janelle to party should apologize to the pharmacist set of blaming them. They should also apologize to the residence of delhi, the chief ministers of punjab and deli, say theyre doing all they can to tackle pollution, but are calling on federal and state governments to work together. Prime minister in a rend remedy has said india will aim to stop emitting Greenhouse Gases by 2070. Thats 2 decades later than a goal adopted by the u. S. And at least 10 years later than china. Back in the city, this smog is expected to last for days, and more emergency measures are planned. But without major changes, the millions of people who live there will have little choice, but to adapt to whats fast becoming a new normal. Alexandra buyers, al jazeera, dozens of terrorists in peru have been freed from a river boat that was seized by indigenous protested boat was travelling on the marina river in the peruvian amazon. When it was stopped by people from the clinical Indigenous Community and calling for the government to declare a state of emergency of an oil spill as polluted the river network. Official say theyve negotiate the release of or passengers of ongoing painting and roam is become the latest work of ought to be targeted by climate ac to this p. Soup was thrown over the soa. I activist from a group called the last generation who glued themselves to the wall as well. They are protesting against the burning of fossil fuels. Painting wasnt damaged in recent weeks. Campaigners of also thrown food at paintings by monet and davinci. Now his far i with all the latest sport and of course the count down the world cup ah favor, present gianni and 17 o is urging the world cup teams to focus on football and the build up to the tournament. A letter signed by in 15 o has been sent to all 32 nations, asking players and coaches not to be dragged into every ideological or political battle that exists. It says at v for we try to respect all opinions and beliefs without handing out moral lessons to the rest of the world. Or that letter was co signed by fee for the secretary general front must morrow. Shes been talking about what visiting fans should expect at this world cup. First time its happening in the middle east, in that up world. First scar, where all the teams will be in one city with their funds around the world be able to come, mid mingle, sing, dance, and provide positive wife to the world. No marker, youll race, your religion, your social and sexual orientation. You are most welcome and godaddys are ready to receive you with the best hospitality that you can imagine. Since i got that get our did the so this one could have been some challenges and no measures have been taken over the past 6 years. And specially by the new leadership of fi file is face it. We have been working with the International Labor organization with the building would Workers International with a center for sport and human rights. And those entities are the one saying that yes, in terms of achievement, in terms of progress got that can be designated as a model to follow. With large crowds congregating entering and leaving stadiums and fans zones during the war cap cutters come up with a home grown Tech Solution and partnership with leading Technology Firms team will not just monitor and predict crowd build up but stadiums but also use Artificial Intelligence for Events Management or some been java reports, me buzzing behind the screens in this hall, our imminent Cyber Threats to 100000 integrated units. The Remote Control of all of the 8 woke up stadiums. 100 people will be working around the clock at the aspired command and control center, and make sure everything from temperature controlled to entry gates and from proper cues to Running Water run smooth. This command center for our internalized glass phone. Lets give us a Hub Committee to have a response. More performance and operations was the people that have been your person center, which is like this. But in a smaller scale, that is representative from a more business from the new management that will be into from pisa. Sitting there and communicating and discussing all the issues related to the venue. So if we observe anything from here from the command center, we communicated to them and they can get tickets intended in addition to Systems Integration and the ability to control stadiums with these tools also allow its facial recognition. In this case, us and bring the stadium just a couple of days ago. This is me and my camera mm. And entering the sales stadium and Security Forces ran and drilled, that they have the capability to zoom into each of the 80000. 00 seats here. In addition to facial recognition capability, the Artificial Intelligence helping run the center allows them to predict route searches and deal with over counting. What you see here is the future of many patients techies at the center say data negation allows deep insights for analytics and predicting crowd patterns. We have the quarter crowd control team and yeah, our security staff on the ground and we have the Law Enforcement agencies, and we are complimenting their Decision Making with data. So thats, thats very unique. Organizers want to avoid seems like this in may chaos are opted in paris when Police Use Tear gas and pepper spray on fans trying to get in to the Champions League final last month, a 125 people were killed during a stampede in indonesia. It happened when fans poured into the field and then tried to escape when police fired tear gas banners in cutter say theyre learning from these incidents to avoid any of these scenarios. Some of the members of this team have been here since the 2006 asian games. And now with the help of all the gadgets, they could get their hands on, including 22000 cameras. They said this is the future of how sports is going to be covered with just days to go. Their preparations are set to face reality, summer majority out of era. At the aspired command and control center. The build up continues in loose sales city where the World Cup Final will be held a 3 day festival is taking place, which is also a preparation event. For when many more people will be there with the festival is celebrating them. And also your culture, which is the middle east, north africa, and south asia. Tonight we are celebrating south asia. You have amazing roaming shows from drummers acrobats to dancers. Guitar has worked hard to make sure that we can offer something for everyone. For all budgets, all ages, all cultures from events to festivals, concert experiences. Theres so much more be on the matches as its not just the world cup coming to the middle east. This month on saturday, we will stage. Its a 1st, a world title boxing fight. Dimitri big all will take on sort of ramiros for the w. B. A light heavyweight championship. That will be one of boxing is all time greats can now alvarez in his last contest. We caught up with eddie or in the men behind this promotion on route to the way in for the fights american boys drove. So you want to make sure that every region, every territory had to talk to at the to stage manager events. And now its going to be too late for bob who hound midway. Hes a very important market with how to what have you right, championships, dowdy right here on fact, weve been great. We begin journey with abu dhabi and dcc with a long term. Its a very market tremendous facilities that just takes up employ here. And ive been nabi the reader on that may not be rocking, installed, that journey is going to take time for the sports to grow the reach it, but thats fine. It that will be the same anywhere and i think hes a very positive mode to see these major event come to the region, inspire the younger generation. And if you can change as well, well now have happens or if you and yes for a global boy, classless sport, you know, is, is for everybody. And i think its a great move for the region. Children and their parents are caught up in the hunt for football, world cub stickers and stores around argentina. But it seems there are not enough to meet demand. Teresa bo reports from one is eric. Oh, the world cup. Frenzy is full yawning argentina. But people are not only anxious to senior named missy on the field. Theyre also trying to feel their panini sticker albums. Yoga carina comes to this plaza every weekend to try to find missing stickers. They can listen. Its hard to find all the stickers, just a few blocks away. There is a kiosk that sells packets of them. I buy those and then i come here to try to change the way the young and the elderly get together here to exchange stickers. These are informal swap meets happening because theyve been short supplying we send weeks. The stickers have been a world cup tradition in argentina for decades, but they have become very, very difficult to find. And thats why hundreds and hundreds of people are coming to class as like this one in one site is to try to find the sticker. Theyre missing. Experts say the lack of stick, resist you to pennies in capacity to meet the demand, which is estimated to be up 40 percent since the last world cup. The reasons why very, but one of them could be that its likely to be message last world cup and people here are crazed at the possibility of him. Finally, lifting the trophy, the government was forced to intervene and mediate between bernini and angry shopkeepers, who didnt have enough stock to sell. Well say a lyrical, disparate mothers come with the children and they look at me and say, please tell me, you have stickers. I have to say, i dont. A mother told me the other day. Do you know what my son is doing . Hes drawing on the pictures himself. He draws and messy to say he has the stucco. The truth is, its terrible. It makes me feel bad. Mad. Oh, loading us and the owl went from collecting the stickers to selling them on the streets. Argentinas inflation rate is expected to reach a 100 percent this year, and she says its helping her pay the bills up that 1. 00 and anna garcia, i have a disabled daughter and this is helping us financially. We have fun exchanging stickers. We have filled our album there are difficult to find, but we go to retailers and other places to try to get them. This is the land of diego, marijuana, and unit messy and bash, and for football runs high here in a country ravaged by inflation and crisis. The stickers have become an escape of the problems. People here face every day. But he said, well, ill just see that when aside is katara against ecuador will kick off. 64 woke up matches on november, the 20th al jazeera will be here to take you through the action every step of the way the weight is nearly over. The worlds best footballers are heading to cats off for the middle east. First world come with a stadiums close together, funds can witness more than one game. A day will keep you right across the action. And stories with extensive coverage throughout the competition live in go hall and around the world. 32. 00 teams, 64. 00 games, but only one winner. The cattle, 2022 world cup on al jazeera. Now away from the world cub, the Houston Astros are one, went away from clenching her 2nd world series. Title. They beat the Philadelphia Phillies thinking 5 on thursday to take a 3 chill lead and the best to 7 flash. Jeremy tanya, with this home run for the astros, who now have home vantage for the remaining games. The 1st of those is on saturday nights visit those back. No, these games have been harper, you know, they, they have a great team, you know, they put together good beds of great pitching and now and a great ball close went close games and the, their global came on top. We know the still work to do. Now were going to try to finish off and use that space, buoyancy ebbs and flows of game. And i know sometimes you go through times when you dont have which margins composition and then now 3 days later, everybodys jeanette. So, when you get a good battle nettle and the nfl, the Philadelphia Eagles have made their best ever start to with season. Now, a winds and know to feed sceptre, they beat the Houston Texans a 2917 on thursday. For jaylen herds as setting up to the eagles for touchdowns, this one finished off by a j brown there, the only Unbeaten Team in the nfl this season. Were in the n b a. Aaron gordon, top scored as the denver nuggets. B, Oklahoma City founder on thursday, nuggets star man nichol i yoke ej also produced his food triple double of the season. As denver took this one by a 120 to 110. On the brooklyn not suspended a kyrie irving for at least 5 games without paying his now apologized on social media. After posting links to an anti semitic film on his twitter feet or rings that he was deeply stories of the hurt and pain he had caused. At the cricket World Company zealand are the 1st team through to the semi finals. They beat ireland and natalie, captain kane williamson, leading the way was 61. As the key was posted, a target of 187 arlin fell. 35 runs short in reply. Oh, so surreal air is still sweating on reaching the semis despite beating afghanistan, they only won the match by 4 wrong. That means in england, victory over sri lanka on saturday will be enough to finish above australia, final route table. And that is all you sport for now. Its now back to marin in london. Right . For thanks very much. Im many people are keeping their fingers crossed across the us where a world rack or lottery troy is taking place on saturday evening. A powell ball prize is now up to a staggering 1600000000. 00, often no winner. In the most recent draw on wednesday night. Thats 39. 00 consecutive rollovers on surprisingly the huge prices attracting a lot of extra customers, even though the odds of winning 292000000. 00 to 1. 00 thats in the south. Ah ah ah ah ah, Emergency Services across bank call are receiving 60000 a snake related colds a year. The reason why we found more snacks and houses because they aggressive expansion, not the city. They dont have a choice because their natural habitat isnt there anymore. Theres one place in the heart of the city where theyre welcome. Theyre coming out now with a king cobra, which is the largest venomous snakes in the world. This is one of the few places where they melt them for their venom. This is the red cross snake bomb, a regional hub, the anti venom production below the center produces enough anti venom to most of southeast asia. There are some parts of the world where supplies desperately showed a new series. Exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle todays environmental catastrophe. In columbia, the arrow lack of people, team of scientists, to understand why species of towed one still think its still thriving in the coastal mountains of the Sierra Nevada destinations frontline. The starry night towed on al jazeera ah pakistans former Prime Minister m ron con

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