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This is al jazeera ah, hello, im adrian sort of government. This is that heres our lives from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. A bleak picture of the Global Economy, the International Monetary fund warns of a global slowdown, partly fueled by the war and ukraine, lebanon, and israel are set to sign a maritime border deal. After years of negotiations. Russia says that Vladimir Putin could be open to meeting the u. S. President. Thats as more strikes, hit, the ukrainian city of zer, parisha ah, and fury on the streets of port a princess. People angered by high living costs and the lack of jobs demand, the resignation of haitis Prime Minister. And im far as my with sport with 40 days to go to the world cup. Leo massey is sitting out p. S g S Champions League game on tuesday, as he recovers from a comp injury. Ah, the International Monetary fund is painting a bleak picture of the Global Economy as the war in ukraine, sky High Consumer prices and Rising Interest Rates take their toll. In a report just released the i m f says the Global Economy grew 6 percent last year. In the 2nd year of the pandemic, but this year with the war in ukraine and gas supplies to europe, reduced growth fell to just over 3 percent. And its expected to get worse. Falling to 2. 7 percent next year. The i m f has raised concerns about inflation last year. The global rate was 4. 7 percent, but it sought to 8. 8 percent this year. At is predicted to start coming down slowly. The i m f says the global inflation will sit around 6 and a half percent next year. Lets go live that a washington out here as alan fischer is set with a sullen. Can you paid a picture of just how bad this last year has been for the Global Economy . Will he go back over the last 20 years, has been a few shocked to the whole of a Global Economy. You think about the financial crisis of about 15 years ago and then of course cove, but never has there been a coming together of events that has really wrought the financial markets. Youre talking about political insecurity. If you look at places like lebanon, where political insecurity is at the Banking System there and shall anchor where the actions against the president create political instability. But also the country is facing a massive punishing debt burden. And then you go to zambia, which is defaulted at one of the 1st countries to default after covert 19 talking about cov 19, youve got the extensive locked downs and china, which continue to this day, which have impacted the Global Supply chain. Now if you add to that, there is the war in ukraine, then you can see why this confluence of events is really exercising people here. Because not only is this a shock to the global markets, and people can talk in macroeconomic terms. But the reality is, for ordinary people around the world, ordinary things become much harder to do, such as heat your home or feed your children. Now were talking about europe and how the temperatures they are beginning to drop. And there is a concern that things will be very difficult there with an Energy Crisis because of what is happening with the war and ukraine and the disruption of supplies. The International Monetary fund isnt saying that the things are going to get better next year. In fact, theyre wanting that things could get worse, as there is a realignment of Global Energy supplies. So all of these things coming together as the i m f is world bankers as finance ministers meet here in washington d. C. Now this is the 1st meeting that theyve had in passing in 2 years because of coven 19. But many people who are arriving here realize that this time round because of all these crises, it cant be business is normal. Out 0 salad fisher at the i. M f in washington, his fully about t both now to explain just how much power the i am ash actually wheels the International Monetary fund, an institution that promotes Global Economic stability and perhaps a lender of last resort. Or a some say, an outdated organization whose policies damage the social and cultural fabric of a country. Lets take a closer look. The i m. F was founded in 1944 at Bretton Woods in the United States. Since then, its membership has grown from 44 countries to a 190 the i. M f says it monitors Economic Health of member countries and provides loans for governments in economic distress. 2 years ago at the height of the covey. 19 pandemic. More than a 100 nations requested bailouts on the i m f. His i correspondent alan fisher reporting on those loans for his headquarters here in washington. The International Monetary fund has put together a 9 trillion dollar port to help countries deal with the covert crisis. Most of that money has come from the g 20 the world richest nations, and more than 100 countries have asked for help. Now this is the i mass map of where money was distributed among those helped 2700000000. 00 to egypt. 411000000 to ethiopia. 361000000 to bosnia herzegovina. More recently, sri lanka received 2900000000. 00 after his economy faced collapse. It ran out of money for food, medicine, cooking gas and fuel. But critics of the, i may say it is outdated and ineffective of the 89 developing countries that received i m f. Loans between 19651995 more than half where no better off afterwards. In fact, 32 were poor. Other critics question whether many nations which borrow money from the i m f. Have the ability to repay now your sample of addition to the i m f and some sort of longer term, ah, where program is likely going to have to step in to help countries through that. Now the i m f is downgrading is forecast of 2. 9 percent Global Growth in 2023. It says that because of the increasing risk of recession and financial instability, far from being transitory as we thought inflation is much more persistent, high energy, and foot prices tight to financial conditions, lingering supply, disruptions, decelerate growth. All of the Worlds Largest economy economy. So now slowing down for better or for worse, many more governments may need to turn to the i m f in the coming months and years. My closing is the Global Policy had an equality for ox, from international. He joins us now. Live from oxford . Good chevy with so much. What do you make of this . Rather bleak report. I think its really, really serious, serious, the ordinary people all over the world here in the u. K. Force to choose between hating their homes. Anything, many of the people in developing countries facing impossible food bells on angle to feed that children. So yes, its a very dark picture from, you know, i met one thats very, very serious is as we heard in that report, or perhaps the i m. F, Outdated Institution that makes my often makes matters worse for people who live in country suffering from economic distress. I think its 2 things. Here is the policies of governments themselves. And here are Analysis Shows that governments around the world and making the wrong. Ready choices, for instance, 95 percent of governments during typing 19 failed to increase taxes on very rich people or corporation. So youve got plenty of government doing the wrong thing. And then yes, youve got a long history of very poor advice. Advice from the vice with, with money behind it. So i was advised, you have to take and thats often about increasing taxes on the poor is cutting spending on health and education and that often homes, ordinary people. So the, im, it needs to turn around and stole pushing policies that drive up inequality. But also governments around the world need to do the right thing. Were facing a colleague crisis, thats what they call it. Now, multiple crises on top of each of the governments desperately need that revenue. Lets get the rich people in the business. Really rich corporations, mitchell, extraordinary profits of alignment to pay this new thing. This thing is a free body. You talk about the, im f pushing countries to, to basically take austerity measures, cutting Public Services at schools, education, healthcare. But that sort of thing with the books have to be balanced somehow. Yes. And what were saying is that balance the books on the backs of the riches to note the. Ready poorest so i think one of the things we have is these immense Debt Repayment going to private credits is many based in london and new york. Lets see the army facing them down and saying, look, you need to take a hancock, you can continue to demand all of this money from a country marks ambia when people are facing starvation. So yeah, this Everyone Needs to take a hit about needs me, but best make the rich is private fashion and not punished poor people. Good to, to max manufactured, leave the being with us max, loosened that from oxfam, with china being the worlds 2nd largest economy, out to the u. S. Whatever happens there impacts people and Global Supply chains from beijing, patrick folk tells us what the i, m f says is in store for asian economies. Well, as the saying goes, when china sneezes the world catches a cold, thats certainly the case for emerging and developing asia where the i m f, has so forecasted to decline and growth from 7. 2 percent in 2021 to 4. 4 percent in 2022, thats a downgrade of 0. 2 percent. Since july, it large reflects the downgrade to growth in china to 3. 2 percent for this year to the countries slowest to growth rate in more than 4 decades. If you exclude the initial outbreak of the coven, 19 crisis in 2020 and the i m. F. Has singled out the slow down in chinas being a challenge for the Global Economy. Frequent curve at 90 loc dance across the country of taken that sol crimping, local demand, and causing significant supply chain disruptions. Its also deep into decline in home cells and part of the quality pressures on developers. Buyers concerned about the delivery or residential units of boycotting mortgage payments, threatening sector, which accounts for one 5th of chinas g d p. Theyre also fears of a spill over into the banking sector, which could weigh on medium, some growth. Now the i m f is recommending authorities enable a restructuring of troubled developers, so to avoid any broader risk to the financial system. And all eyes will no doubt be on the upcoming communist Party Congress for clues on how the country intends to navigate. Its way out of the coven 19 crisis. My cheerier is one of the countries dealing with a fall out of the ukraine war, even before russias invasion, the u. N. s World Food Program had to cut russians by 50 percent because of a short fallen funding. Ill just here as ahmed address is in port harcourt, to see how people there are being affected in the north of the country you are, most of the grain is prices have remain high despite new harvest. Yeah, in the south. Food is even more expensive is i really go you that a i d. I came to buy it. I signed one. Yeah. Budget for the and i didnt go out with go out the go button. Nigerians are bracing promo price increases in coming month because i do cultural production has been impacted by flooding at what lies a shortage and because the country doesnt define its own petroleum products, the why ukraine are forced up the prices of fuel on from partition elsewhere. Doctors without borders is reporting large cases of mud nutrition in the northwest of the country impacted by years of at times quite criminal objects in little piece of the country. Oh, bottom, insurgency of 13 years of luck with millions of people in need of food assistance. Just as go now pretty excited about and, and israel appear to have reached a historic agreement on a disputed maritime, bought up. Israels Prime Minister, yaya le pete says that his country has reached to deal with bay route. Ill just see ross Bernard Smith has the details from west jerusalem. Israel government says this is an Historic Deal with 11 on. It says itll strengthen Israel Security people, billions of dollars into israel economy and ensure the stability of israels border with lebanon. Engineers are already testing the pipe that will eventually extract gas from its kurdish oil field to israel, mainland. And i hope that in about 3 weeks time, once those tests are completed, they come, begin to pump gas. The deal has to go before Israel Security cabinet. Itll meet on wednesday, and then there are a couple of potential legal and parliamentary hurdles to jump once theyve been cleared. And i hope to be able to sign the deal with the lebanese for elections here in israel on november. The 1st, whether they managed to be that deadline or not, its still a significant diplomatic victory for israels Prime Minister jala pete. He is signing a deal with what is still considered an enemy country. The 1st time that israel signed any sort of agreement with lebanon, and hell be hoping to exploit that in the run up to the elections. It also for israel significant, unimportant lab on able is able to start exploiting, looking for its own gas and oil reserves in its own territorial waters. Because potentially, if i find anything, then that will reduce lebanons red lines on iran for few. Lebanons lead negotiated says the final draft bought a deal with israel satisfies all its requirements. The country had a number of concerns about the board or the 1st related to a board, a line marked by boys in the water that was created by israel as its forces withdrew from lebanon. And the 2000 a route asked for language and the draft to be changed so that this would not become an International Maritime border. Secondly, it objected to the con gas field in a southern lebanese exploration blog extending into israeli waters. Not field hasnt been explored yet, and while lebanon refuses to pay any profit, its share of cannot to israel. Israel says that it may fall under its exclusive economic zone. Lebanons 3rd concern, it wants the french oil, john total energies to work with it independently. And then he projects with israel say to hata is in beirut with more lebanons president michel ounce as the draft of the u. S. Mediator deal on a maritime border with israel is satisfactory and that lebanons demands have been met. Some officials are even calling it a historic agreement, and the most powerful political and military actor in this country has bella is behind the deal. Because the secretary general of the group has repeatedly said that it will support the position of leopard on top leadership. Now, no doubt this deal will bring economic benefits to a country in financial ruin. It. This country is in dire need of hard currency. International companies will now begin the drilling and exploration process in the past. Theyve refused to do so without security guarantees, without the maritime borders deal really in place. This morning, a delegation from the French Energy giant total. They were in beirut that they met the caretaker Prime Minister in achievement 80. And theyre expected to begin work as soon as this deal is signed. But israel get security guarantees. Lebanon has economic benefits, but theres also a 3rd party here. And that is, europe. Europe is in desperate need for gas. After losing the supply from russia over the war in ukraine, no doubt gas from israel is not going to fill the gap, but it will help help with europes Energy Crisis. And its really one of the reasons why it is believe the United States was really pushing for this major diplomatic breakthrough lebanons Energy Minister, while he had fired is with us now by from beirut. Good, happy with the show. Last week, we were hearing that lebanon was making last, but it demands that were unacceptable to israel. Today. A deal has been struck or changed, who compromised . Listen, it is my understanding that in fact, the last week was already quite advanced, and the rest was quite tactical. In terms of the end to tell you the truth, im not involved in the exact wording that was actually be so. Ready the responsibility is actually the key argument by his excellency, the president of the company who is the actual sponsor and the driver behind all this effort with the support of the president and also a counselor. So at that state inc, that we have just for the last a step, making sure that this agreement is that these faculty, lebanese government and his excellency, the president of already communicated and look forward to, to just finalizing this with the success and the for the opportunity it will open for live because they only an agreement asian of the boarders. But and even as importantly, equally importantly, it is in agreement that commits our International Partners with andy and future wants to actually exploration activity followed by development. Hopefully activity in alliston. But my best bet is how much, how much gases is under lebanons territorial waters. How long before it can begin to be pumped and what difference is it going to make it to lebanons beleaguered economy . So it would make it. Ready cuz the whole, the quantities unreasonable wanted ease ones that invite us to be optimistic, the initial study 6 weeks that these are, that would have done. And the solution before that was done by, as the consortium running the, the exploration activities in block 9. 00 trillion cubic feet of a gas, which would be sufficient for us for a number of use up to 20 years of electric supply. So that will make the region endurable, or putting lebanon, or as one of the countries that contribute to generation and production of orland gas in the indian basin, which is a very important important milestone. And accordingly, it will increase the level of competence of the International Community in investing in lebanon, in participating in the economic recovery. We already see a number of companies that showed this a board or a recent development. Okay, owned an interest in partnering with lebanon, other aspects, including our generation and other aspect of the, the menus. We look beyond one, the, the of gas and into the importance of this event. In a marketing, the marketing and 1000000000 eating in your minister in the middle of our time at time is short. One more question i have to ask you a limit on israel are technically still at war. The fact that they have negotiated over their maritime borders and that all sized declare that they are satisfied with the agreement must surely be a positive step. Could this agreement, you think, signaled at the beginning, at least of a flooring and relations . Do you see room for, for the corporation between the 2 countries given that you are, you are neighbors . Listen at this stage, what we can see is that you met us mediator lead. Ringback energy advisor, or im a hope you have done a good job in me being what is the satisfactory answer for both and the other party at a dime, a government will as a whole address in terms of all the evolution right now on words. What i can say is that this is an event that if there was why, in what it means, that its debility for the region. And its in the interest of living on. And that is mostly what we are concerned. Ok, you know, who have access to all our fields in terms of the shape that we get from the exclusion and Development Activity in the canopy and all the rest of the body that. Ready under lebanese lebanese could talk to minister manufactured him for being with us. Thats lebanons Energy Minister when he fired them, they would hear within he is out from out, as he was told to come on the program. Im emily, angling in south africa where poach is attaining their attention to private reserves and the consequences improving final not just for the rhino, but also the ranges and in sport benzino returns for rail madrid as they aim for a place in the Champions League knockout stage. Ah, bushes, foreign minister, so gay lover says that his country will not turn down a meeting between Vladimir Putin and u. S. President joe biden. It comes ahead of this. He has g 20 summit that will be held on the indian is an island of bali next month. Lets go lived out of moscow al jazeera, some mohammed vow is said the. What more did for miss lover of have to say moment in the foreign minister took a law for all he basically said, but shes open for any invitation for president. Let me put in to meet with President Joe Biden. But he also said that, i mean, he doesnt know where that meeting or what that meeting will lead to remember that to me to put him on september 30, when he find annexation agreement to for those regions in ukraine to be part of lawson federation. He basically said that he invites ukrainians for negotiations, but he said they should forget about any negotiation about the for regions or partial house next. So this somehow makes it difficult to, to predict the outcome of any negotiations if russia 6, if russia sticks to that pledge not to put the issue of a put a house on, on the other regions that it has a next on the table. We know that the president put in his meeting on wednesday in cause i found with the turkish president ship late dawn. And we know that everyone has always been trying to create an atmosphere for up or small negotiations between the west and russia. Russia considered that this conflict is not between russia and ukraine because he does the west a park at dialects party to this conflict. And they, they think that the negotiations with the west is much more probably much more fruitful than a dialect. Negotiations with with the ukrainian leadership briefly at the head of the i. E a and the u. E. Z president are in moscow today. What are they doing that well, i listened and watched her the u. E. President talking with lot me put in earlier to they in st. Petersburg and most of what they said was about bilateral ties. But we know that they were, he has become close of late to russia, along with saudi arabia. And they have been coordinating with russia about oil prices and things like this. So there is a lot for the 2 leaders to talk about with regards to a Raphael Grossi the head of the, or the International Atomic Energy Agency hes meeting put in today. And its interesting, im and that should be an interesting meeting because this rhetoric and this talk during the last several weeks about the Nuclear Threat and the nuclear process, the prospects of a possible nuclear war in the region. And also as a parisha Nuclear Power plant, and whats happening there, russia has it. After the annexation of the apparition, it has considered it has decreed. Up put in decree that is up, patricia power plant is now russian entity. And of course, ukraine and the west are not happy with that. Love for the foreign minister earlier today. He said that this rhetoric and this exaggeration about exaggeration about the Nuclear Threat should be, should be, should be reduced. So the 2 leaders or the 2 politicians will talk about that and at the outcome might be something that, you know, could be put to for further negotiations between the west and, gosh, i dont 0 my howard of all their lives in moscow manufacture date, murmured ukraine is calling on the g 7 group of nations to supply ad offense weapons after a wave of rush and strikes, killed 19 people on monday for the strikes have been reported in the last few hours in levine and zer, parisha. The governor in the Southeast Region says that a school was among the buildings attacked on tuesday morning. One person was killed when rockets hit a car dealership moscows been showing the region intensively, or to serious war. He challenge reports from cave. Not since the beginning of the war had ukraine gone through saturday as monday wave after wave of cruise mythos enjoyed and strikes coming from multiple different locations, hitting multiple different cities, 12 regions of ukraine. Were targeted at least 20 cities. We know that the death toll is 19 and about a 100 people are injured. What it seems is that the russians were going mostly for critical civilian infrastructure, most commonly, that was power stations and power plant. So there are many parts of the country live. I just mentioned that a still having power issues off the yesterdays attacks and new ones because of the latest volley of missiles launched today. Most of the 5 know the 5 of have be put out now, but yeah, the, the tactics of russia, the, the strategy of russia, it is obvious, go after civilian power, civilian power infrastructure, and launch missiles into the central cities. Tron creek much disruption for the civilians as possible. Were approaching the midway point on this news out. Its got a weather update, his kara hello there, things are turning west or across the north west of africa. But before we get there, lets have a look at the middle east and levant, and its looking largely clear across the region. Is the bit of rain expected to creep in from the mediterranean, into some of the levant areas such as lebanon and syria, by thursday. Temperatures are still on the up for q 8, but they did down slightly for baghdad in iraq as well as for dough. Her in cutter, the humidity expected to be felt here over the next few days, but is largely fine dry, funny, and warm picture. As we knew moved to north africa, however, that wet weather intensifies for morocco. Algeria, with some fierce storms effecting too near that, thanks to a system in the mediterranean, the weather continues to affect Western Areas of africa with heavy falls. Once again for nigeria, thats not going to help the flood situation here across that central band. The heavy rain continues for the congos and for gone, but for the self its cloudy, but still very hot for the likes of botswana, mozambique, as well as south africa temperatures dipping down slightly for johannesburg and cape town, that wet weather, intensifying fullest suits on thursday. Miss arrow coming in at 27 degrees celsius. That you ever, tara many, thanks. Still to come on the years out g 7 leaders make to discuss the unwavering support for ukraine. And one famous women crystal from the Czech Republic needs and a constant and large supply of gas every day and reporting from the principal valley workers. Im concerned about their future. Amid the Energy Prices and sport, we speak to the Columbia Team competing at the st. Child world cup here in capitol. Whats coming up with find out about 20 minutes. Ah. A star striper in the top of telling me what the voted to the working class of his home town and its club. Footballing legend attic council introduces christiano lucas. L. A one of a kind sit this equally adored by his funds for his social values as his many goals against italys footballing elite football rebels on our visit. This november, the welcome is coming to cattle and the clock is ticking as the main event gets closer with every step of the way. So im gonna get you off that with a new show. Each month i seems can expect some strong support hearing tests, bringing the latest news from teens and fans in different regions across the globe as they look to make their mark on pat 2022. The welcome to come back with everyone else. Oh, now julia lou ah, get a free incident going here and so how about that he is are on out 0. The headlines. The International Monetary fund says the Global Economic growth fell to just over 3 percent in 2022 and will drop further next year. It predicts a tough future as the boy in ukraine inflation and Rising Interest Rates take their toll and agreements been reached between lebanon and israel, on a disputed maritime border. Israels private esther is calling it historic. The pact was broken by the us. Both sides say that satisfies their requirements and you crate is calling on the g 7 group of nations to supply air defense weapons after a wave of russian strikes. Killed 19 people on monday or strikes have been reported on tuesday and leave and zip ratio. The leaders of palestine ins rival Political Parties of meeting in algeria for 2 days of talks focused on reconciliation. Its the latest effort to try to solve more than a decade long rift between hamas and fattah. After previous agreements, failed, had asked as govern the gaza strip since defeating president back load buses front our party in parliamentary elections in 2006 Armed Conflict broke out after fata refused to recognize the results that ended when hamas forced fatter out of garza since then the palestinian leadership has been divided. Hamas runs the gaza strip. Fatter, governs the west Bank Al Jazeera nita abraham is in ramallah and the occupied west bank at yona outside is in ga. So lets go to, youve not 1st that been several attempts, humor you in the, at reconciliation. Theyve all all failed to people that gossip believes the things could be different this time. Actually, adrian, there is a wide disbelief that among the people in gaza that that these reconciliation efforts would lead to any success. Ah, they considered them like other talks in either efforts that have been done and have not, ah, been able to bring any reconciliation between factor and hamis. Ah, but we cannot disregard that. There is a general interest among the people of gaza that there would be a reconciliation between father and hamas because people hearing garza who are living under a long lasting israeli located a, having a finally having a reconciliation between but the hand, hamas might mean the lifting of these really blockade, since the policy authority could be on the ruling party here in the gaza strip. It could also mean the opening of the crossing and it call it could also meet or returning of at least 40000. 00 Palestinian Authority employees back to their jobs. So a, despite the, the very low hopes among the people, they would still wait to, to, to hope that any efforts would bring a success to these reconciliation efforts. Youre now outside the reporting line from garza. Lets bring it neither abraham than in ramallah in the occupied west. Frankly, the house was playing out where you all were. We are palestinians not even follow the news of reconciliation talks. Not only because there has been a lot of them to no avail, but also that have been agreements agreements to and the division to have the elections, palestinians havent had the chance to choose their leaders for so long now, for over 15 years in half elections and even in the gaza strip with had people deprived from voting in simpler terms in simpler issues like the municipality, a de, municipalities, and the besieged goes esther, like the university campuses. So people here feel like the 2 parties have vested interest in maintaining the staff. The school where by the Palestinian Authority is controlling a the occupied with bag. Somehow hamas is controlling the besieged gods. Esther. But people will tell you that whatever control they have is very limited because ultimately the real control is in the hands of the occupying power. Which is israel. This is why many palestinians believe that both parties are clinging to power and they do not believe that they are serious in their efforts to and the past in division. Jennifer a lemon yackel. Well, the disagreement is over. Who rules . Not the Political Program, its about how much i get. How do i maintain control . Not over the Political Program as they climbed at 1st. No one wants to make concessions. The p a has its demands and hamas has its own. The p 8 talks about one authority, one weapon hamas says we have armed groups and were in a liberation process. Theres no disagreement on the Political Program, both agree on a states in the west bank and gaza. And that was the core difference before us. And to expand on the issue of the political or program after hammers has changed its tortured charter a few years ago saying that it will accept having a palestinian state on the 1967 borders with a long truth. Many say that the and both want the same thing, which is at the same Political Program. So what really is their, their division or their, their mean point of contention is that both parties want to still and maintain that power and control. Even though it is limited, we see that tension on the ground. We see that there are artists based on political affiliation here and in the besieged gods. Us to have a weve seen 3 fights also in nablus in the past few weeks because the Palestinian Authority at us did her math activists in nablus and the palestinian authorities. The officials at the president thought the advent. The officials often say that they will not allow her mast again grounds in the occupied westbank. Oh, the zeros neither. Abraham reporting lived there from mala in from ramallah rather in the occupied westbank. The Energy Crisis as a result of the war in ukraine is having a major effect on industries wide across europe. The Czech Republic is hosting an n u energy summit. This week of 0 steadfast reports now from candidate sky shut off, where world famous businesses producing bohemian glass, or on the brink of collapse, a temperature of at least 1400 degrees, is needed to turn sand into some of the worlds most precious glass. Carefully crafted vases and chandeliers made by hand and by mouth, Mika Les Dina learned to craft from his father. It took him more than 6 years to master ali, the soldier installation of all the along the whole life. The grass has a different temperature every morning. It acts differently, the carlos and so on. It depends on the days i was, every piece is original, it depends on the piece of glass. You take. What he mean. Glass is widely recognized for its high quality to produce it a constant flow of High Pressure gas is needed. If the temperature dips, the whole production pose has failed. But since the Energy Crisis, gas bills have saw it from an average of 20000. 00 to 100000. 00 a month, we are just struggling to preserve the craft to keep it going. And i think if this law blow actually kicks and that would potentially mean a definite and disruption. Final disruption of the industrial existence entirely is a field that takes many years of practice. But hes world famous, last lower go home, as long as they can feel this shows how the Energy Crisis is not only affected modern industry. Oh wow. Wow. While the owner of this 100 year old factory is fighting for survival, dozens of others here in the north of the Czech Republic have already been forced to close down. Certainly the world would lose some of its beauty for so. Yeah, it would be a shame we would hate to see. And then with something thats been around for 300 years, this workshop hope to survive the coming winter by hiring more workers instead of laying them off. The plan is to make more products with the same amount of gas, and so make up for the huge energy bills. Despite the crisis and high inflation worldwide, theres no sign of any drop in demand for bohemian glass steadfast and al jazeera income and eat ski. Shanna later secretary general yen stokum bogus, but holding a press conference in brussels. He has been speaking ahead of a meeting of the alliances defense ministers. He says that nato will stand with cave, for as long as it takes ukraine, has the momentum and continues to make significant gains while russia is increasingly resorting to horrific and in this can that attacks on civilians on that Critical Infrastructure. President putin is failing in ukraine. His attempted annexations partial mobilization and reckless Nuclear Rhetoric represents the most significant escalation since the start of the war. And they saw that this war is not going asked plant g 7. Leaders are holding a Virtual Meeting to discuss their unwavering commitment to ukraine. Ukraines president followed me, zalinski is expected, was grouped to supply keith with air defense weapons, something he described as his number one priority. Abusing comes as washer continues to target several ukrainian cities with missiles. Lets go over to paris al Jazeera Natasha buffer is sir that for us. And lets start with the letters sir. A secretary general of this press conference, he gave a short while ago, nissan ministers, defense ministers are meeting to morrow or more to we know about about that meeting of what the secretary general had to say. Yes, the secretary general of nato against dalton berg outlining what i nato defense ministers will be really talking about over the next couple of days when they meet here in brussels. And as you can imagine, ukraine very much top of the agenda. He said to fancy, at nato allies, the degree that they would continue to support ukraine any way they can until the end, for as long as it takes. He said, he said that a putin had started this more. It was for him to ended by withdrawing his troops. He also said Vladimir Putin a is failing in this war in ukraine, but ukraine is making gain from in that much ukraine must be supported. He welcomed the fact that a number of nato allies of offered ukraine are extra support and supplies of weapons, ammunition and that sort of thing. He said that needs to continue, and thats going to be something that will be spoken about. A lot of the next couple of days are here at nato headquarters. He also said that nato allies would discuss what they can do to try and better protect and secure a Critical Infrastructure in their, in their countries in their Member States. He said this of course in light of the recent leaks and explosions of north stream, a pipeline and the cuts in a communication table cables in germany. And what more we know about this g, this virtual g 7 leaders meeting today . Yes, virtual d 7 leaders meeting. There was a called a really following those russian multiple miss or strikes on a ukraine across ukrainian or civilian areas. Civilian infrastructure, the ukrainian president followed him. Is lensky addressed that g 7 meeting. He said that his number one priority was to get more weapons in particular air defense miss our system. Something that ukraine has asked for all along, keep continually asked for more weapons. Zalinski says, those air defense miss our systems are absolutely key and essential right now again in light of what has happened over the last few days. But of course, ever since this world began, we know that president biden, the u. S. President has already promised, as lensky spoke to him on the phone. On monday, hes already promised more high tech air defense miss our systems. The thought the condenser set helicopters and drones, we know the other nato members are also considering doing the same trying to expedient, more weapons or to ukraine. G. 7 leaders according to a draft statement or that we understand have said that they, they are not putting in place any other concrete measures or concrete decisions at this stage if you like, in terms of a more weapon supplies. However, they did say that they will continue to support ukraine for as long as it takes, echoing the words of nato, a secretary general yen store to berg, and also that any attack by russia on infrastructure in any of the allies or Member States would be considered a very harshly and that would be met with a very determined and united response. They said ill deserves Latasha Butler reporting live for from brussels manufactured in touch. The us says that its reevaluating its relationship, reevaluating whether its relationship with react after the saudi lead. Opec plus group decided the steeply cut production. The organization of Oil Producing countries announced its decision last week despite us opposition. The white house, as the President Joe Biden is willing to work with congress after a senator cold for a freeze on corporation with saudi arabia. In haiti, at least one persons been killed during protests that tom violent, the Prime Minister has asked for forum support, a protest to say the only solution is for him to resign. Leah haughty reports ah, crowds of people moved through the haitian capital porto prince. Theyre angry over a rising cost of living in a lack of jobs in the Prime Ministers decision to ask for help from other countries to com. Unrest. Oh, do this man shouting against the need for foreign troops . The Police Respond with tear gas. Ah, yep. My love unemployment, the high cost of living, the insecurity. It is all these reason that i am in the 3 to ah, haitis economy has almost ground to a halt since a coalition of gains blocked a major fuel terminal last month. The lack of gas and diesel has crippled transport and force businesses and hospitals to close. The Prime Minister has asked for you in an International Help in the form of troops. He urged the International Community including members of the Security Council to consider is the matter of urgency the request by the haitian government for the immediate deployment of an International Specialist or force to address the humanitarian crisis. The latest unrest has also led to a lack of clean Drinking Water that has caused an outbreak of cholera. The last case was reported 3 years ago, following an outbreak and 2010 linked to un peacekeepers. 10000 people died as a result. Many people in haiti Say International support has never helped them before, and they want the Prime Minister to resign. So that the people this request is an unconstitutional act. This is an act against the state. It is an action that give the haitian people demands who want to free country, but everyone can eat, have help, get a live like human beings. Ah, haiti has had 12 Prime Ministers since an earthquake and 2010 flattened homes and infrastructure in many areas. Since then, the country has received more than 13000000000. 00 and 8. 00, however, most are still struggling to even afford food and clean water. Leah harding al jazeera, the family and friends of the South African park ranger shot dead earlier this year, a demanding Justice Anton mazin, but was known as a wild life warrior. According to the game Bridges Association of africa. He was one of the more than 100. 00 bortons killed while petroleum for poachers in the last year. Of the angry reports. South African Conservation is said they waging a war against poachers. And ant on remember was one of the many pock ranges on the front line. He dedicated his career to protecting wild life. Its very painful to see how well people, ah, it was ant on success. His head ranger, timber body, private nature reserved for more than 2 decades, that cost him his life. For months and years, anton had been ta get said receiving death threats, his family was restrict receiving threats. His team was receiving threats. He was under a huge amount of pressure mat linden berg was making a documentary about anton titled reino man. But in july, before it was released, his friend was fatally shot. 3 men approached antons home under the guise of needing water for their vehicle. They took weapons are loaded on him and in the process, it injured his wife. And also, i think the most devastating thing is to show how violent this this war and poaching is as they took shots at his children, anton leaves behind 7 children. His wife survived the attack. As for the blad, i saw he was thought, i saw the key. It was just, it was just difficult. It was too much. Antwans cousin laid him cabella is also a park ranger with the old female group, the black members. She knows every time she puts on her boots, shes walking into danger. Its not easy to wake up every day. Go out on patrol. Im doing this for him. Im doing this for his legacy. The numbers of rhinos in kroger, National Park have declined so much that poach is now turning their attention to private reserves and is up to those land owners to foot the bill for extra security measures. To protect these animals, the same animals, the government promotes as one of its greatest tourist attractions. Okay. Reserve own a Derrick Levitan supplies his ranges with body armor and night vision goggles to help keep them safe. What the syndicates will do to families to get their hands on. Horn is frightening. Copy that hes also applied for a gun license. The teams had come poach, theyll bring one gun for the rhinos, theyll bring 2 guns for us. It is very risky. No arrests have been made in connection with antons murder. As well as wild life, anton also had a passion for teaching young people about conservation. You said, you know, if i, if i were children, if my children dont see the value, the beauty of i dont even have empathy peer compassion, understanding for wildlife. How can i expect him to protect that wildlife . Had rolled masseys helping to continue antwans legacy. And while the films ending has changed, its message has not. Emily anglin, al jazeera, had sprayed south africa time for sport as far. Adrian, thank you so much. There is 40 days and tell the world cabin argentinian superstar lean matthews, taking no chances with account string. Hes currently nursing. Bessy will not play in paris. Satcher menS Champions League match against bon feca. Later on tuesday, he said that the French League match against rain this weekend due to that injury on the 35 year old asked to be substituted in the last 10 minutes. Again, spend feca last week is already indicated. The world cup in katara will be his last. You do lino missy is much better is very confident, but he still has some pleasant feeling and therefore he wont be available to plague and spin figure will see if hes going to be available against my se on sunday. But i think its very likely that leo will be present for the game against my fe. Cuz im kareem then z. My returns for around madrid. Again, shots are doing yes. On tuesday, the striker was arrested for the last game in the spanish li row are the current Champions League holders and victory later will secure them up place and the knock at stage. Right now, teams from 24. 00 countries are taking part in the st. A child world cup here in katara, they tournament has been held the head of each fi for world cup since 2010 an ink to help longer. Both young people around the globe. Ill 0 is alessandra rom, patty caught up with Colombia Team out there last Training Session for applying to cut her. The girl said growing up wanting to play football. If you dont, the was rough voice chided them off in letting them on the dusty pictures of this down deep in the jungles of western columbia and played by Drug Trafficking armed groups. Any legal gold mining with the help of that foundation, they built a team and got a field. And ive been chosen to participate in guitars, st. Child, world cup for jackie and board. Yeah. 17 years old. Fiorella, pretty young and minor of columbia female football star. Linda k, say the imperial fender means killians him, but pay can hardly continue emotions what it feels incredible. And 1st of all, i want to thank god for this opportunity to represent our country. But her father says the girls have mostly themselves to tank their level of dedication and sacrifice a spread to their relatives in the family to obtain a maintenance. And i also need to go out and party, but i havent yet to help her with what she needs. Boots told at trees a trivia, which means i need to have money available to help her for some level of model quality of the foundation says their goal was to offer them the possibility to overcome their difficult context is not a hail and like a last openness is a region that offers very little opportunities to women when were violence and vulnerable. These are the rule of the game that your organization use is football to offer them life. Oppertunity. Change the way they make their life decisions to take them away from the risk they face every day. I stare skills in the pitch, the go to excited to bring their traditional dances and culture to 16 year old catalina says, her passion has changed. Her life must get all of them and say no more than anything. Football to me, the value of working as a team. The responsibility is the puncture its. Its hard because were training in the morning. We go to school then back to training, but its worth it for all the opportunities. And if someone wants something and you will have to fight for it. And while people are putting right now, i will go to the peach again. I did the occasion that offers them the chance to leave the country for the 1st time and to participate in a competition. They feel they have already won whatever the results and the field. I listen that impaired and gently yeah, conduct columbia a spanish football fan event of the last weeks of his journey, walking to the cutter world cup from madrid. Santiago sanchez is now in iraq after setting off 10 months ago. He walks between 15 and 30 kilometers a day with a trailer chop attached to his waist, containing all his belongings and food. Franchise says hes been made welcome throughout his journey. And i love you all about the you know, the cities ive had the chance to share my experiences with local families. These at the most sweetest moment out, a lot of people have open the door to their homes, of people that dont know you people that see your effort and desire to do better. The idea of this journey is to motivate. I inspire other people to show them that you can go very far with very little. Le, let me show up here. I have my home and i have everything that i need for a year or 2. And thats the purpose of the trip. To show that you can do a lot with very little, but ive been there for us. All in katara replica of the iconic world cup trophy has been unveiled. The sculpture made of stone weighs around 5 tons and its close to 10 feet tall. Took nearly 2 years to complete and will be on public display during the tournament which kicks off november the 20th. The new york yankees opened their majorly baseball po season with a game against the Cleveland Guardians at yankee stadium. Last week, the yankees aaron judge, head in the historic 62nd home run, breaking an American League record, even though the 30 year old accomplish the feat in taxes. Judge says hes now happy to start the post season at home. Then its, its heaven thats thats, thats where you want to be. You know, its, you know, for me, i just, for me, i get the jitters. You know, the intros around that line, the crowd, sharon law. Chris, cool air its, theres nothing like it you cant hear the roll call even when im in right. Feel right next week or creatures. I can barely hear what theyre, what theyre saying out there is so loud and okay, and that is all your sport for now. Back to you, a trin pharmacy for today to see you again tomorrow, thats it for the usa, but ill be back in just a moment. So just you on todays made use, ill see them. Ah. Oh, once city dwellers now posted to event, villages be move. Okay. Ill just follow the personal journeys of 3 women teachers. Their daily struggles with isolation and battles with physical hardship sacrificing their family lives for the education of future generations. Women in the winter on al jazeera, we are all christmas. Even people far away are also helping with the environment, problems in the amazon, because they are consumers. I teach kids about the oceans are facing today. Ive been working in earnest, trying to find ways to get to sleep with kids, went away and do as to why and what are you going to do to keep out of the sort of language that keeps the red blood women, right . They have one bathroom fight for a while. If you got married, i was told the thing that women we made the challenge in the region. I will not being pro life i want freedom. We dont have read them in study these about 2 weeks now. I say 3 days journey to a shelter in west grade, someone destroys our country, someone needs to rebuild

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