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Hello, on carrie johnston. This is annisa where live from dough coming up in the next 60 minutes. Oh oh, oh, oh oh but yours is now by the death of our late sovereign of happy memory, become our only lawful and rightful leads. Lord charles, the 3rd king charles the 3rd is formerly proclaimed. As britons oldest new monarch ushering in a new rain in a new era. Ukraine claims a fresh success in its counter offensive against Russian Forces in eastern hom, keith region. Survivors of pakistans devastating floods battle disease and displacement, but they still not enough help. And god save the king has been sang for a 1st time at a major sporting event. Ah, it happened before the start of play, englands test much against south africa. Ah, it was a ceremony rooted in centuries old tradition, but for the 1st time in history, British Public and the world saw the spectacle that makes the king live on television. While king charles the 3rd was officially proclaimed as a britons new monarch. And Accession Council met at saint jamess palace to make the proclamation trumpets. Cannon far and pageantry ushered in britains new era under a new king from london, poor brennan begins our coverage o. From the balcony of saint jamess palace, to a fanfare of trumpets in front of expectant crowds, the heralds proclaimed the accession. Ah, the crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is solely and rightfully come to the prince. Charles philip offered george become our only lawful and right food leads. Lord charles, the 3rd tree chance res majesty the king. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha minutes earlier, the extension ceremony itself had been somber and administrative, but no less momentous. In the front row, 6 former british Prime Ministers stood shoulder to shoulder. This gathering comprises the kings privy council, his senior political advisors, and the new king still mourning the loss of his mother solemnly accepted the mantle of monarchy. My mothers reign was unequalled in its duration. Its dedication and his devotion, even as we grieve, we give thanks for this most faithful life. I am deeply aware of this great inheritance and of the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty, which have now passed to me. The orders or council were read out one by one, the new king giving his approval to each approved and then with a signature and a bow. The king was formerly proclaimed. This story sensor is all roll. Proclamation hardly changed since the middle ages never before broadcast beyond the walls of this palace serves to emphasize the stability and continuity of the royal line. Queen elizabeths reign is over. King charles stepped seamlessly into the roll as head of state. As protocol dictates, heralds were dispatched to the city of london to take news of the proclamation there for she a spectacle. There are very few that can rival the grandeur and ceremonial that surrounds the british royalty. Elaborate titles, protocols and robes which have their roots in medieval pageantry. Oh oh, and all the while the crowds of well wishes and mourners continued to gather from near and far. Im here to see a transition in history, which may not be in our lifetimes, from la quinta, king. You will get to see that again because the next one i have one of the all men. So its a memory will tend to be she and to be filed on occasion, like this last few days have been quite surreal. Rice, hard to take you all in. So yeah, i think we just wanted to come down here today to soy and help us make lives. Next, he steps into having a king lead and pinching of the militancy of the last few days was going to change. Everythings changing. How long . Long the roll family. So everything, aden, trust stems, husbands, is every one of those fundamental changes was visible in the parliament gathering for a ras saturday session. The Prime Minister and other Party Leaders renewing and updating that oath of allegiance, pledging their loyalty to the king. Returning to Buckingham Palace, there is much for the new king to do. The official period of morning continues. A state funeral awaits a coronation will follow the line of succession is maintained, pull brennan, al jazeera, central london, alive now to our diplomatic editor, james bass. Hes outside Buckingham Palace for us. And james, what weve seen so far today, very much about the stamping of the start of king charles is right. Yeah, i mean, he was already the king before today. He became king charles the moment the queen die is total continuity in the process. So it is a rubber stamp, but its a very ceremonial rubber stamp. Even at a time of grief, the british people are known for that pump and project tree. And you saw a very ancient process. It has gone on for very, very many years. Very, very mother monex and you saw it though, this is the bolton thing for the 1st time. It was kind of. 1 eyes and shown globally that was something new that was a decision by the new king himself to open the door a little bit to show that process of the Accession Council meeting. And then of course, in the, in the past, the 1st thing the public would have known was those trumpet sounding the proclamation of the new kings. And thats the way they used to get the news around the country. People shouting it from the rooftops quite literally of course it shows where we are now in the golden age and it will so i think shows the progression of the 70 years of the queens role because they did have newspapers in radio at the start of rain but television was very new, and her coronation was one of the 1st big televised events. It shows how the world has changed during her time on the, on the throne. And james, we can see behind you there crowds of well wishes morn as theyve been arriving all day huge numbers of people here coming from the various reached to get a Buckingham Palace that the quite restricted when they get close to where they can go. Theres lots of police and stewards here, letting them let me put down their flowers, but quite long queue to do so. And they are all very, very patiently and happily waiting a very, very good natured crowd. You see people here who are perhaps some of them, nearly of the, of the queens generation, but also families short time ago. So little girl dressed in a patting to bear outfit. I think of a reflection of that of that performance of the queen and paddington. Bare during the jubilee, all sorts of, of, of people here reflecting the makeup of the United Kingdom. Some of them didnt get a glimpse in recent hours of the new king, but they watched all the cars go in and out. As the cabinet came here, along with the Prime Minister in his trust to see the new king after a pledging their oath of allegiance in the house of commons was telling you the house of commons is still sitting. And there are m p s, one after the other, are playing their tributes to the late king. Okay. James mays of canal at Buckingham Palace. Thank you. Robert madison is outside that bow moral castle in scotland. So rub whats been happening, where you are . Well, a few hours ago we saw a little a convoy of called green, a range rover switch. The cars that are very often used to carry the royal family, leave their bomb or castle ab travel up the road. Thats just next to be here and head to catholic church, which is just close to us for our private to a religious ceremony for the remaining royal members who are in the castle at the moment. Amongst that group we had princess and Prince Andrew, prince edward, his wife sophie. We also had William Prince william, the the prince of wales and his wife, kate, the duchess of cornwall. And cambridge, sher and very shortly after that may be about half an hour. So they, the cars returned and the significance of this is very important because this is the 1st time that the public who had been arraigned arranged up and down the the driveway here. Got a chance to get a glimpse of our members of the royal family since the death of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd last thursday here at ball mold castle than the cars when they returned, made their way across the bridge. Im up to the main gate of the castle at which point b occupants of the cars got out in the princess and princess as i started to and their children started to look at the bunches of flowers that have been gathering there for the last day or so since the announcement of the death of the queen and again, this was the 1st time that i certainly for the, the, the, the royal family to appear in front of the media is cameras. And of course, that are cameras from all over the world. Media from all over the world who were covering this story. And this was the 1st time that they got the chance to see these members of the of wiles because the, those members of the royal family have been staying here at ball moral. Since the death of the queen. Its a very significant moment for those members of the royal family, but equally significant for the people whove been continuing to line up here with flowers and momentos, which they are a game continuing to carry across and place in front of the gates of the castle. And rob, with all the protocol, what more cunning tennis about what happens next . Well, there were a couple of interesting things. And with regards to this particular event that we saw this afternoon in terms of protocol, one thing that was quite interesting was that we saw Prince Andrew who was part of the group who had been traveling in the cause. No viewers may well know that Prince Andrews life personal life has been the suffer headlines last couple of years. And that had been a distancing between him and the the mean royal family. The firm as the royal family liked to call it, but he was part of that group. Now, what will be interesting to see would be whether or not they are the family are regarding this period of morning as a time to put aside any splits any any distancing and allow the family to come together as a period of morning. Or perhaps this is part of a wider a process. Of course we dont know, well find out. But what is going to happen on sunday is that the. Ready body of her majesty, Queen Elizabeth, which is currently in its coffin in bo, moral castle is going to be taken by wrote down to edinburgh and hollywood palace. Its going to rest there for a night. And then the following day, there will be a procession with the coffin up to Saint Johns Cathedral in edinburgh. And at that point will be a religious service. The laws will be whats known as the vigil of the princes, and that is fine. The princes will stand guard essentially around the coffin, and it will be interesting to see whether or not Prince Andrew is part of that up process. And then the following day, the queen and her coffin will be transported to london and Buckingham Palace for the continuation of the funeral processes. But a very significant day for these younger members of the royal family. The 1st time as i say that theyve really been seen in public since the death of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd outside bar moral castle in scotland, forest, rob matheson thank kill the british queen was one of the worlds most famous women. She was also extremely wealthy with a huge property port and an estimated personal fortune with hundreds of millions of dollars for the challenge has more. During the green duke and the printer where each minted carton themselves and the queen kept one does not doing it. She famously never carried cash despite being the face of it throughout her long reign. Why government will continue to work. Queen elizabeth was one of britains wealthiest women, a monarch landowner, property tycoon, collector and investor, with an estimated personal fortune of about 500000000. 00. The queen and the monarch have a due role. One is the head of state in which everything is disclosed and therefore all the financials are freely available to. She also had a role as a private individual and as a private individual, Financial Information is not necessarily to be disclosed to the public. Her own wells came in part from her mothers Estate Properties including Balmoral Castle and scotland, a vast stamp collection artworks and the beloved race horses. Sunday afternoon i have one wave as monarch, she owned one of the biggest property portfolios in the u. K. The crown estate includes park shopping centers, offices, business and residential property. Profits from the estate, which is an independent commercial business, got paid into the u. K. Treasury, which in turn took 25 percent of the profits and paid them to the queen. The seas called the sovereign grant. Privately, she received money from another estates, the duchy of lancaster, which has held entrust, the sovereign. Its worth an estimated 682000000. 00. The queen started paying tax voluntarily on its income in 1992 in 2017 and Investigation Called the Paradise Papers found about 13000000. 00 had been invested by the duchy. Legally offshore. In a caribbean tax haven, she did nothing wrong. It wasnt illegal, but most people for that all her investments when in britain and they were in blue chip companies. And it did tanisha image of being whiter than white. It looked as though she was acting like a city fund manager. Its unlikely well ever really know how wealthy the british queen was with her wealth represented an outdated institution, that of monarchy for her support as though she was a valuable asset worth the coins and notes she appeared on re talents. How does 0 god save the cane . The king charles 2nd proclamation took place in the financial heart of the nations city of london area became known as the square mile. As level banks established there had courses in the tradition goes that century in charles were inherits a personal fortune with hundreds of millions of dollars. His mother quinn is with the 2nd. Okay, so wilson is a role biographer. Hes in london enjoyed this night now. Good to have you with this. What did you make of control his proclamation center today . I thought it was and it was deeply moving. And i think that what i did was it laid down his marker for the rest of his life. I think the, the, when he said what remains of my life, i think that was the phrase he actually used, which was signal that, you know, he knows that his rain will be short, i doubt. But he will probably get even silva jubilee, let alone a go jubilee or m a darman jubilee and a platinum of jubilee which his mother achieved. He knows that and he knows that hes got her work fast to leave his marker on history history. He mentioned them in not every one is a royal supporter, but to what extent was it a fascinating glimpse into history . None the less oh, with the on question. And weve been talking about the fact that of the accession proclamation as ever been seen on television before them been seen by any body before. Apart from those very few people who are actually allowed into the palace to witness the, the new sovereign signing their name and then officially becoming king. I mean, we can go back 1200 years members, the public werent allowed to go anywhere near that. So this is a new set forward for charles, an opening the door allowing people to see more of him. And as ive said before today that the most significant thing i found was yesterday when he came to Buckingham Palace. But he went to shake hands of the ordinary people before he shook hands with his Prime Minister. Now this does absolutely signal that hes moving stuff on the bridge road. Im. He doesnt like to move anything to swiftly because it unnerves people. They dont like change, but the rope him, he knows it has to move gently with the times. Here we can see already that charles isnt innovator and we can expect more from him along those lines. Will that innovation be fast enough there . Because some might say this sort of thing has no real place in modern britain is all rather archaic. Well, i, there are those who can argue it. And i think that there is that some marriage in that argument. You can say, what is the point of all this . Go braid and uniforms and, and people sampling about and any off guns. But i think that the majority of the population, m, look to the raw family as, as a stable rock, something which they can cling to in unnerving and changing times. I mean the in britain as elsewhere in the world in the last decade. Also, things have changed dramatically and people are quite often feel unnerved by change. They want something to look at, which saying stays pretty much the same. So, you know, theres the argument on the other side. Keep the raw of handy as they are. So that least we got something to cling to and, and king charles is tv address. He said that when hes keen to stress that whatever your background or beliefs i shall endeavor to serve you with loyalty, respect and love, was that something of a nod to a more Diverse Society . The say . Yes, i think hes got a score himself in a slight cleft stick here because an air in 1994 he came out. He said, when i become king, i want to be a defender of faith. That is to say, i mean we have Something Like a dozen different major religions in britain today. And i think that what he wanted to do was to open his arms and embrace 0 buddhist muslims. And he knew as jews, roman catholics are in an equal embrace. And i think somebody told him to pipe down a bit because 10 years later he said, no, i think people got the wrong end of the stick. But the truth of the matter is weve seen by his actions that hes very concerned about. The under privilege and the minority groupings, and i think well only know when he makes his coronation knows whether he describes himself on that day as defender of the faith or defender of faith. And that is really a big question mark for those who care about such matters. When indeed that is interesting and it will, his past views become less obvious as it were. For example, his feelings about climate. Well i think his father used may come up to hit him in the back of the neck. This is one of the great problems he tried to address that in, in his, in his speech yesterday when hes talking about his mother. But when he also said was that he very much wanted to lay aside such things that he had done before. I think he was saying, im going to pipe down now. Im not going to be offering you my opinions on a Global Warming or a unit Environmental Issues and that sort of thing. I was a very gentle reference and you could have missed it because he was talking about a lot of other things at the same time. But i think there was his market. He realizes that hes got pipe down a bit now. Okay, well leave it there. Chris wilson roll bob with a good to happy with this. Thank you very much. Indeed, its a pleasure. Lorraine of king charles. A 3rd usher is in major changes for summit commonwealth nations. He is proclaimed as canadas ye sovereign in a ceremony. As you know, the cabinet met this morning here at rito hall to consider an instrument of advice to her excellency, the governor general with respect to a proclamation of accession, which as you know was read here a few moments ago. And if youll allow me, id also like to reflect for a few moments on her majesty, Queen Elizabeth the seconds passing as queen of canada for 70 years. Her majesty accompanied canadians through some of the most defining moments in our countrys history, through her reassuring presence. And graceful demeanour. She was an immense source of inspiration and pride for countless canadians. I consider myself privileged to have met her majesty on a few occasions during my fathers tenure here at rito hall, when he served as her governor general. I remember my fathers profound respect and affection for her majesty as the 1st acadian to hold the office of governor general. My father saw his appointment as an opportunity to build bridges between canadians of all origins. And in so doing, he had a model like no other in the person of the purse of that woman he represented here on canadian soil. Her majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd. I also want to extend my personal, deepest condolences to king charles the 3rd and the entire royal family. During this most difficult time, gemini did beauty, so mat, they are not for all character flexion. Seattle a dis, a the same as it stays on the reign of king charles the 3rd option that made to change his for some commonwealth nations. King charles is now the head of states of 15 countries. Many of them will now have to update their currencies and passports. Bellagio commonwealth is a Political Association of 56 countries, covering nearly a 3rd of the wells population of king charles is the head of that group is made up of former british colonies. Some are republics. There are also members who have never been under british rule. Hallmark malik brown is president of the open society foundations. He served as miniature states in the phone and close office of the British Government with the responsibility for africa, asia, and United Nations. When he joins us from long and welcome to the program, now some would say that britains relationship with the commonwealth is not just evolving but unraveling. How would you expect king charles to approach this . Well, oversee is mother carried a particular sort of emotional linked to the commonwealth. In many ways it was her projected it the colonization and hands to formation of the commonwealth happened during her period is queen and she was deeply and personally devoted to making sure it worked. And she was sort of in that sense above history about politics on it and thats a hard row for a son to fill. But on one hand, he has got a lot of assets, personally going his way, the kind of things hes concerned about Climate Development culture ah, issues which are very much the bonds that hold the commonwealth together. So i think hes got the right c, v, as a new king, actually the commonwealth. His challenge is that, of course, while you can be a republican still in the commonwealth, there is clear trend, a number of parts of the world towards loosening the ties just because it is a history that countries feel theyre growing out of. And theres more talk of republican i had the stage in countries is why departments trailer, at one end of the world in the caribbean, or where barbados has just moved to republic status and others may fall or so its a challenging time of change where he takes over will that change come quickly enough . I mean, theyve been calls for reparations for hundreds of years of slavery, for example. And how is king charles lucky to approach issues like that while trying to keep together . I think this is a king who knows that he needs to, you know, stay as much he can out of a politics of an issue like that. And, you know, he was reminded about, i think at the recent criminal summit in rwanda where you know, he had private. Ready expressed his objections to the British Government, sending immigrant and refugee to parties to rwanda rather than accepting them in g, b k. And you know that cause some embarrassment both between them and the british Prime Minister. And i doubt i pulled the grammy and the president of rwanda. So you know, what . While Prince Charles as Prince Charles was always very forward leaning on a number of these sort of social issues of conscience if i can call them that. You know, as king i spec, well see greater caution. And i think yields of focus more on building cultural links for the future and values links for the future, and try to sort of avoid getting snagged in that is storage debate about reparations. If you look at things up to date them, how does the monarchy remain relevant to come . Of countries is population is maybe more concerned with, you know, things are the urgent cost of living impact pandemic, other issues, frankly. No, i think its right. I think, you know, sometimes a certain parts of the british political establishment put much too much weight on the commonwealth for a long time. It was useful counterbalanced i to the you, iris minister, was always being asked, why didnt you spend as much time on the commonwealth as on the European Union by, you know, tory opposition at that time. And i think and them, and you know that there, there is a and the commonwealth shoulders and all that broaden strong ages about a shared history, which it, its best is about cultures and values, commitments to democracy, human rights, etc. But which isnt about countries in the same part of the world who share ace, identical geopolitical view, all who have neighbors that they can commonly organize against or for. And so, you know, its never really had that much force politically. Its much more an organization about values them, matt, and no ass hard to preserve when a lot of those western values of democracy, et cetera themselves now, you know, coming under a lot of pressure in questioning. So i, its, its not straight forward keeping the sort of the woof and weapons the commonwealth together. When indeed, i mean, there will be commonwealth nations here going forward. Well say we need to ditch the market. Isnt that inevitable . Well, as i say, you can be a republican still in the commonwealth. And so, you know, barbados is that most recent example of that. But, you know, if, if, if, for example, australia was coming republic, you know, i think you would still want to remain a member of, of the commonwealth. So, you know, the 2 things are not, you know, completely synonymous. But look, but, you know, the fact is, Republican Point is a sort of boundary gar, in the mine shaft for the fact that these ties are in general loose thing and wearing down. You know, the commonwealth, biggest country, india, you know, has a sentimental attachment in parts to the commonwealth. But, you know, it doesnt view it as its primary International Association membership by any means would be much more interested in when you get see in the Un Security Council or upping it shareholding at the well bank of the imac. You know, for coming powers, the commonwealth is a little bit, you know, a page out of a history which they are understandably ambivalent feelings about and no, no, no way more so than india, which can be pretty spikey towards visiting british delegations. Ok, mark, mark brown, we appreciate your time and insights. Thank you very much. Thank you for of. And he is now ukraines president says his troops are making gains against Russian Forces in the northeast and in the south for them, as the landscape says, troops are pushing down from his son and gaining land. There also in a cave, there are reports that Russian Forces are retreating from areas near the city. Well, this is the theme now, keith, where you cranes, progress has been swift. Russia has announced its deployed more troops to shore of its defences. But the more on this let speak to Gabriel Elizondo whos on the outskirts of care for us. Now what, what more can you tell us about these ukranian advances . Well these are ukranian advances are really an incredibly fast and blitz that have been going in the how to key region pushing east and the base of this war. And the lines of this war had totally changed in the northeast of, of ukraine in the last 24 hours. As the Ukrainian Forces push forward, re taking cities, towns and villages. The russian main defense lines appear to be crumbling. And the Russian Defense is, or at least in some parts of the northeast, northeast in total disarray the ukrainians now have re taken 7 year john. Yes, great re taken company yards. Can there close to . Or there is lots of fighting in lizzie shanks. These are 3 key cities in the northeast that the russians had been holding. And that were key to supply lines for the russians that now the ukrainians have either retaken or potentially very close to retaking the big one. No is a zoom. Thats a city of more than 50000 people about 130 kilometers south east of the regional capital. How to keep this is a city that the russian spot for 6 weeks to take it in april and now it looks like the ukrainians are going to retake it in a matter of 24 hours because the russian soldiers and that were entrenched in his zoom appear as they saw the ukrainians moving forward fast in his bliss towards that city. The russians simply ran away. They have left and retreated from not only is zoom, but a few other towns within that area. The Russian Defense ministry on saturday night confirming that they have retreated from zoom and a few other cities. But the russians are saying its simply a strategic regrouping. However, other onlookers are saying they call it Something Else and theyre looking at it and saying its a clear defeat. These are the hordes for many pro russian telegram channels that have been watching this and even pro russians on many of these telegram channels are now admitting that the situation for the russians in the northeast is now very difficult in care for us. Gabriel lives on the thank you very much. The for that updates. Well then it was to pakistan now. Wet, former Prime Minister, him on con, is holding a massive rally when hes expected to announce his next political steps. When that sir, go live now to come out high, the in is on the data, him on con is addressing the launch. Ronnie, why is this so significant daughter gorski . Well, it is usually significant given pakistans political instability. Number one, number 2, the fact that this is going to be his last rally, and were going to announce his new line of action. Now he has been able to gonna support a cross country. He said that he would continue to or dont rally whether it would war or catastrophes. And of course he has been conducting good rally to an area that are not affected by the flood. So indeed, hes going to put more pressure on the government of siobhan sharif. He, of course, has been demanding that the country needs early election. It needs a government with a freshman date given the challenger, the country fated. And of course, with the catastrophe. The popularity of the government been some media has gone down, especially in the province of thinned where people blamed the provincial government for not coming out to help millions of people who work, who have lost everything. So m, ron kon, keeping that momentum in order to ensure that the government is not in a position to check made him because that a case is going against him as well. Did an Anti Terrorism case on it, which he will be attending. On monday, the 12th of september and he also is going to be indicted by a day. Its all about high court on contempt charges. So basic, know, figured from that point of view in order to prove a point that tens of thousands of people at a short notice are dead to gather around a d, a particular speech is being brought. Gotten all the major, these wire, whitfield lengths and thousands of people are gathering around dont screens in the city of la jolla, lama bought karachi and not that major city of pakistan did read a come out with those floods that you mention. Then the amounts of death and destruction that theyve already caused. Is this a good time to hold this kind of writing . Well the opposition or that did draw that the government of Mister Shaw Bob should eve and her dilates, have been criticizing emron con of for a holding rallied at that time rendered a nice and emergency but him, ron kon, of god said to me in saying that did it a bigger emergency and that did the escalating prices of electricity, of a censure, commodity gauge and of got there a ball, people who are not covering because fuel prices are at the nor die and people are finding it difficult to cope. So he of culture using that momentum. The government, on the other hand, would be thing that he aids are taking on do advantage of the fact that the country has been struck by such a catastrophe. And obviously the fact that i mention that the government also losing some support in it, keep province that the pockets on Peoples Party would. Youre lucky ally of mr. Shurivo belongs to the bug gift on muslim league. So indeed, am ron using that momentum. De government of god. Not very happy with deck. Come on hot, well leave it there for now. Thank you. Well, speaking of those floods, the u. N. Secretary journal says hes never seen climate carnage on such a large scale. And what he witnessed that im trying to cherish is in Sind Province to assess the devastation caused by the worst flooding in decades. Hes cold from massive financial support. Agencies say one of the biggest threats is waterborne disease and children living in camps are especially vulnerable, st. Basra. If he has more from behind your daughter in sin promise. A un team has been a turing parts of flood affected pakistan and baluchistan and send province meeting with those that are living in or near the flood zone. Trying to assess the damage for themself, trying to get a sense of how people are suffering and trying to cope with the ongoing crisis. And their message to the world is very clear. It is time to step in and help pakistan. Now my job here is rather simple and so as a 2nd generals to come here to see what are the urgent needs that we need to, to talk to the world about. And those urgent needs are life saving assistance right now for those people that youve been talking about. And then a really serious process of leveraging International Support for adaptation for resilience, for livelihood development. So that these people have some way to go home to and not just survive. Thats the message that we have come to to see and to look at. And im sure thats what the secretary would take away with them. Now the human suffering is unparalleled in its scope, but the delegation also visited us. Go with heritage site here in august. Im going to go in thousands of years old, it allows pakistan to trace its roots thousands of years into the past, and it has been effected by the heavy rains that have inundated this part of the country. Parts of this site have been washed away. Bricks have been collected there that have been washed away by the heavy rains and we see mounds of rubble everywhere. So there has been damage to this site. The folks that operate this area say that it could have been much worse, that it could have been far more serious, but that they were spared. The rain spared the original structures that stand here. So what were being told is that the conservation work that has been done here over the years. That is what is suffered in the last few heavy rains that have come through this part of send and taylor. For that point, well look at the stoopa right here. This is the largest structure, the highest point of the site, the sufficient work that had been done too in case the top of the stupid to keep it intact. Southern did to secured from the elements that had been done recently. That has been washed away by the floods. The original structure were told remains intact. Its not as bad as it could have been. But the visit by the un team here is meant to illustrate a very important point. The human suffering is obvious and unparalleled. And you can compare the loss of life to whats happening here, but at the same time, this is an existential threat. Climate change is now beginning to wash away Human History as well. Swedens journal election takes place on sunday. A Prime Minister marcelina anderson is up against a moderate opposition block and the rising right wing poorest reports from stockton. Swedens 1st female Prime Minister is trying to get her 1st election victory. Magdalena, on the sions, social democrat, lead coalition is not connecting the poles with an opposition block led by the moderate party. But its the rise of the ranked wing sweden. Democrats, that shes been warning vote as against. I am very concerned that since we the democrats that will be the 2nd Largest Party park and therefore hadnt very great influence on now on another government and another Prime Minister in salina. Essentially the vote is a choice between under sions, left leaning coalition, and the opposition led by oath kristen of the moderate party. But even if they, when the moderates could be a minority in their own government, the difference between this election im the last one, is that the Opposition Moderate Party is now willing to work with the right wing sweden democrats. The other difference is that the suite and democrats are ahead of the moderates in the polls suite and democrat lead at ye. Me auction is hoping to be of kristens king micah, his party has shot to popularity as a backlash against Mass Immigration via into answer the sweden democrats, and not at all against immigration itself, but it has increased to such proportions that it has become absurd. Hakim martin was born and bred in sweden, but still feels targeted. Hes always considered myself a part of the swedish society. But as somebody that looked different, we always feel different. Some things they are same might sound reasonable, but its to the coated, it was really shoot quoted. And underneath there is racism. A major factor in this election is crime. Sweden has the highest rates of gangland gunman is in europe with most of the perpetrators and victims being of him. Background. Even the ruling social democrats have made that link with policies to combat segregation. But policy might not be what decide the election to talk for those. The core issues are all to the advantage of the opposition. But the swedish people seem to like magdalena anderson, social democrats, want it to be a president ial election, a choice between her and his son. The moderates absolutely do not want that. Many other issues will come into play, not least the scrapping of Nuclear Power just before an energy crisis. Whoever wins will need to hold swedens a pound, turn for the worse. If that last more than 4 years pull rece algae 0 stop. Its been nearly 3 years since the Syrian Government last allowed the un to deliver aid to the refugee camp. Its in no mans land between the jordanian rocky and syrian borders. Well now as 0100 reports, the 10000 displaced people who live there. According for international help, as they run out of basic goods. Ah, your key needs Urgent Medical help, but she cant get it here in the rookie band camp and south east syria, her parents have taken to social media to ask for help. So far, without success blockaded by the Syrian Government since 2018, the thousands of displaced People Living in rock ban feel. They have been largely forgotten by the world. Located along a demilitarized zone, close to the border between jordan and iraq. The only way out is to territory under the control of the Syrian Regime for many, including atkins, parents who are members of the opposition free syrian army, leaving is not an option. Mosley or mature, may have an unknown fate, but we dont know what will happen tomorrow. We are afraid that the blockade will be tightened even further. For years, we have been appealing for safe passage to another country or a position control territory in the north. Thatll walk some harsh conditions at the camp or why tens of thousands left over the years, even if it meant returning to government areas without guarantees, theyd be safe. Human Rights Groups have documented dozens of those who return being detained and tortured. We dont know how to help them and you and ever knew and dont romance them. Change out of an end to this just so that they wont solution and job to to, to, to move to another area for years. The only lifeline for the estimated 8 to 10000 people there has been smuggling roots that some agencies use to bring in basic supplies like water. The last time the government in damascus allowed the United Nations to deliver aid was in 2019. It has been accused of using aid as a weapon of war and a tactic to star people into submission. Not in a civil war. Her father, we live a difficult life and very bad living conditions. We like to basic necessities, including water. We are thirsty, we walk 4 to 5 kilometers to get a kilo of rice for our kids. We are not living up with. And i can cry for help are not, you know, solid, but theyre growing louder as conditions and options all the worse. And for those left inside i could are, oh sure, theda i said i had hair on al jazeera in sports category. Has officially, i think its in austin. Biggest world cup venue. Ah, with ah ah, dont south korea . Millions of people have begun celebrating the annual Harvest Festival known as true soc. The 1st time since the beginning of the pandemic, families have been able to gather largely without any restrictions, but as well. Mcbride reports from sol. It comes, a shoppers face a steep rise in prices to soft by tradition is a time for families to be coming together in big gatherings for people to be traveling to their home towns all the things. In fact, they largely havent been doing during the pandemic, which makes this holiday as we emerge from that. All the more important people want to be out shopping for the gift they normally give, such as the elaborate food basket. A preparing the special dishes they normally serve up, but here as everywhere else, theyve been hit by inflation. I am i bites of fruit and juicing products as gifts, but theyre more expensive this year. Prices of farm produce in particular have shot up in part because of damaging rains and storm. But south korea has been experiencing with vegetable prices up more than a quarter compared with last year. I did today, youre out looking for the humble cabbage. The essential ingredient for kim cheese, you could find yourself paying 3 times as much as last you saw how good we raised our prices, like every one else and people are buying lease good. The price of cooking oil has gone up, a 100 percent and other ingredients are more expensive. We feel bad, but its a difficult time for everyone right now. Very aware of the importance of this festival, the government has been trying to increase the food supply. Im looking at different ways of keeping prices down so that hard fresh shoppers, badly in need of a holiday. Dont blame them for an unhappy too. So when its time for sports now is sada. Thank you very much. Kerry. Well, sport has resumed in the United Kingdom following the death of Queen Elizabeth. Englands cricketers have been playing south africa and a test match. Oh got said the king was signed for the 1st time as a major sporting event while being golf is also back on in the u. K. But all top level football has been postponed. England have dominated the days play south africa batted the 1st to and were bull down for just 118. 00 england. The are 99 for 3 in reply series was level at one all going into this deciding math still abroad and cut out has officially opened its 8th and find a woke up venue. 80000. 00 fans, witness the 1st official match act, the sales stadium. Its where the wall cup final will be held on december. The 18th, and there were certain reports. Ah, the last and biggest piece in kettles, world cup stadium jig. So its one the country has been piecing together for more than a decade. Lease sale stadium will host the final of footballs, most Important International tournaments at the end of this year. Its official opening. So the Saudi Arabian and Egyptian League champions meet in the sales seeker is getting a taste of whats to come when the world cup kicks off. In november, whats keeping you awake at night at this point in terms of the final preparation . Everything i did. Oh, i was just talking to somebody a few days ago. Its been peeling before an exam. Youve studied it all in the last up and i always thought it will be more. I think thats all right. Were ready. Were confident. But you know you can never meet all righty. Well, 80000 fans attended this match. Hundreds of thousands that supporters are expected to be in the country for the world cup. For many finding Affordable Accommodation during the tournament remains of concern. Your official accommodation portal has enough inventory for all budgets of all front types. They want 80. 00 apartments, they want to live in town. They want to live in front of it. All these are available on the portal origin. Siena versus saudi arabia will be the 1st 10 will cut, matches played out the sale, stadium, and meeting of countries and continents will be replicated across cattle for the duration of the 29. 00 day tournaments. Were talking about, were having a bond, especially with people from south america, will be able to pick up the region from saudi celebrated together. And were having these moments the stadium has not witnessed its 1st title when footballs most famous trophy be taking sent to stay at the world cup final. On december, the 18th, with all his demonstration, its ready to host and well, you know, just for 2 months to finalize, preparations, welcome holiday. A he woke up trophy is on a global tour ahead of the torment and a cutter. Its been in cameron for today visit the Central African country is one of 5 nations from the continent, heading to cut her her eyes. Sharla clark has qualified and pull position for his teams Home Concrete in italy, while the clerk will start at the front and once i, he is a distant 2nd in the title race. Read both maxwell stop and has a 109 point cham bishop lead or stop and was 2nd fastest, but hes been hit with the grid penalty for using too many. And in parts teenage tennis star, carlos al qaeda, is that through to the us open . Final is so we final, when the ended the francis a tearful as a run at his home grand slam, the 19 year old spaniards are class. He is american opponent winning in a 5 set thriller. Seattle who knocked rough elena die out in the 4th round. That was the 1st american man to reach the law school in almost 2 decades. A 2 weeks i came here one when he was over a and caught us will face at world number 7. Caspar, rude and sundays final. The norwegian beater karen caution of russia in full set to reach his 2nd grand slam final. The season went out of the us open title will replace Daniel Medford of an immense world number one, and thats if we carry. Thank you very much. Indeed, our economy may be slowing down, but its not stopping americans from dressing up sales of clothes have gone up under Christine Sweeney reports from new york, especially. Ah, big hats and bold colors kicked off new york fashion week. Designer christians seriana, choosing the former townhouse of actress, Elizabeth Taylor in which to present his dramatic styles, this idea of glam. You know, i really, i took light. I took old hollywood icons. I really went there, you know, celebrities joined with buyers, adding to the buzz of the semi annual fashion event. After 2 years of coven restrictions in smaller crowds, fashion week has always been about trends, centers then high in buyers, but this year theres evidence that shoppers across the country are looking for that one special outfit with apparel prices up 5 percent nationwide over last year. Shoppers are paying more to refresh their wardrobes. The sale of formal attire in particular has picked up as americans are once again, attending weddings and spending more time in the office. Moving away as consumers from the over indulgence of casual where and youre seeing more people go into buying business where ah, business casual and even fancier dresses at shirts that look not like t shirts, but actually dress shirts more affordable. Retail outlets however, are struggling. Many have slashed prices to clear away stock piles of pandemic era casual ware. Limited new inventory, thanks to supply chain issues and competition from online sales. I tried to go online really. So in my case, i own more a lane guy than what the store so often now, right now its kind of like not as affordable to spend money on clothes i think right now bills are kind of the most important being at fashion week, attending a big event with style makers is all part of the draw. They may not be every day looks, but these days thats exactly what consumers are paying for. Kristin salumi al jazeera, new york, et cetera from me. For this news, i backed out in a few moments more of the days. Give us stay with us. Ah ah. Some imprison dissidents to inspirational leader. From founding the independent states to fiercely defending his people from ethnic cleansing. In the conclusion of a 2 part documentary seems a jesse a world expose the wise to power and the foreseen independent bosnia herzegovina. Is a beggar, rich from prisoner to president ana jessina. An astonishing bell. Documenting 2 decades in one of the most embattled corners of the globe, a child of afghanistan, 20 years of war, follows mia from boyhood to manhood. A life that has no no peace shaped by hardship, resilience, and adventure. But unique film that captures the conflict in a way it has never been seen before. Witness on al jazeera, for half a century, indigo, die is all moved up. Well, what can i say . What did the last ticket he and others in Northern Nigeria have watched helplessly as a business struggle and becomes dissipated growth making technology has changed over time, but not at this di petes income. And thats the same thats met some of the products uncompetitive. The dumping of chemically treated fabrics. Yeah. Like in most African Market is a major source of concern for local producers or is widespread consent here. But so even the few kits that remain also close bringing an end more than 500 years history. Ah

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