Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20200206

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in iraq in clashes with followers of shakes her father outside of a former ally. and hollywood legend kirk douglas best known for his role in spartacus dies at the age of 103. now u.s. president on all trump has been acquitted of all charges and has set his impeachment trial bringing an end to only the 3rd such trial in american history he was facing 2 charges abusing presidential powers and obstruction of congress while only one republican broke ranks but it wasn't enough to see trump removed from office democrats are vowing to press ahead with more investigations castro reports from washington d.c. . it is therefore the outcome was as expected donald trump be and he is here by acquitted of the charges in said articles donald trump only the 3rd u.s. president to be impeached now also the 3rd u.s. president to be acquitted the white house called it full of vindication and exoneration mr romney all but one republican senator voted not guilty on both articles of impeachment the lone defector was mitt romney the utah senator who in 2012 with the republican presidential nominee my faith is at the heart of who i am romney said in an emotional floor speech his conscience was more important than party loyalty he voted guilty an abuse of power what he did was not perfect no it was a flagrant assault on our electoral rights our national security and our fundamental values a few other republicans said they believed would trump did was wrong but didn't rise to remove all from office others blasted the democrats' efforts to remove the 45th us president i worry about the future of the presidency after what's happened here ladies and gentlemen you will come to regret this whole process you know all the democrats voted to convict on both charges they voiced disappointment after his acquittal but did not admit defeat may yet face further investigation in the democrat controlled house and make no mistake about it the drip drip drip of evidence is going to keep coming out. with each new revelation the message to the house of representatives don't do this again. now with the impeachment officially behind him trump can spring for the november election whether all this has helped him or hurt him as a candidate is the big question castro al-jazeera washington well that's dig into this with richard goodstein who joins us live from washington d.c. he's a democratic strategist and also a former outside legal advisor to the clinton white house during the 1999 and pitch impeachment trial mr goodstein you were involved in that last impeachment how different has this process been this time round. well in both cases i think there was an expectation after the house impeached that the senate was going to acquit was going to basically not convict him the one difference though is that this was the 1st impeachment trial in the history of the united states where a senator of the party of the president who was impeached voted to convict him so mitt romney did a lot of things today by breaking this news but i think the words that he used and the sense of conviction and putting country above party is something that democrats whoever the presidential nominee is or frankly democrats going forward will seize upon to say we all don't have to fall prey to what. sort of force donald trump has over most republicans that people can rise above that so in that sense by the time of the clinton trial bill clinton had apologized for his behavior donald trump to this moment still says that his behavior was perfect and i think the one answer is that when the impeachment trial was over in 1990 against bill clinton his popularity was in the 6065 percent range donald trump still in the forty's that was said of the fact that the economy is reasonably strong so i think the public ultimately soured on his behavior and ultimately things are so partisan that there was a split you know all virtually all republicans going with him and every single democrat against him well i do say that a handful of senate republicans other than mitt romney did agree that trump's actions were wrong but then there's been several arguments against from moving in from office that it's an election yes i notice a decided that not surprising decision to delay sending the articles of impeachment meant that he wasn't as much of a threat to national security as they were suggesting what's your take on those arguments. well again if the polls are any indication over time from the time that nancy pelosi could have sent those articles of impeachment over until when she did the support in the public for not just impeachment but removal ticked up to the point where even today it's about a little over 50 percent of the public says yes impeach and remove him versus about 45 percent when when the house was done with its impeachment trial that was a pretty even split so i look i think as a practical matter and he held on to those articles of impeachment until the house members that were the managers of this trial told her ok we're ready we have all our video we have all the you know everything that we need from a technological standpoint to make our case and when she got that kind of green light from them she sent them over meaning that the next day of mitch mcconnell wanted to start the trial they could have the house was ready and they were quite ready and i think they demonstrated a level of preparedness frankly that the president's lawyers did not display well as you've been saying president hasn't apologized and we've actually rather seen him declare victory so it doesn't seem likely that this whole process is going to change any kind of his behavior going forward so does this acquittal then set a precedent what does this mean for future presidents. well you know i think we'll see when the votes are tallied in november as you know donald trump won in 2016 because there was a segment of the public. white women from the suburbs of major cities who are traditionally republicans but had toyed with the idea of voting democratic that kind of voted with trump they weren't big fans of hillary clinton and they went with him and in 2018 when the house democrats flipped control of congress to democratic that qadri of voters fled the republican party the question will be what do they do this fall because there aren't a lot of swing voters anymore the united states but they are and i think they look at this process they look at what came out through the course of the house process and the senate and i don't think it's something that makes donald trump seem attractive to them. and so therefore if donald trump i think loses the lesson will be you can't get away with it if donald trump wins i do think that's trouble because even last night in the state union address when he gave rush limbaugh who is reviled in many circles in united states the presidential medal of freedom there i think there was a sense that he has he is boundless and if he gets reelected and doesn't have to worry about the voters at all god only knows what he may end up thinking is appropriate let me ask you a little bit about the impeachment process itself and going forward what kind of legacy of that because a number of legal minds and suggested that this almost perfect partisan fight with the exception of mitt romney could raise alarms about the growth of presidential power that we're talking about it and the weakening of congressional oversight in congressional policies and you worry. i'm very worried because i don't see from this point forward what motive donald trump has or this administration has to. give in to any kind of requests of all of which are reasonable subpoenas or backed by law but so are the subpoenas to witnesses this go around during impeachment process and the white house administration simply said we're not cooperating so going forward if there's any kind of legitimate investigation and again if donald trump gets reelected that's a scary proposition because i do think the oversight function of congress has been diminished but again if the voters think differently and think that this is not something that in a ministration get away with that then i think the takeaway will be quite different and again we won't know now for several months and i'll be watching very closely richard could stand a democratic strategist speaking to us from washington d.c. thank you for joining us well it is an election year and our correspondent kristensen amy has visited the swing state of pennsylvania which helped to secure trump's victory back in 2016 many of them say the strong economy could put them on a strong for saying come november. here in small town america you didn't need a psychic to predict how democrats would react to the failed attempt to peach the president i believe the impeachment was called for. and it's unfortunate that the witnesses were not allowed to testify. but this is the city of new hope in the swing state of pennsylvania. a republican say that that you know impeaching trump would further divide the country but letting him get away with what he's gotten away with it divides the country also. and this sleepy town where the 1st president of the united states george washington camped with his army during the american revolution is tired of politics said i'm not a republican and i didn't vote for john but i'm just sitting here and just trying to get him out you know tell me something that you going to do for the country and even those who don't like the president aren't exactly pleased with the democrats have yet to see i think true leadership come and say ok well here's a here's an option that you can grab on to a lot of the people we spoke to here in new hope say they just don't know who to believe when it comes to politicians but with the wages rising and unemployment falling the strong economy could favor donald trump who won pennsylvania in 2016 by less than a percentage point so i don't think. the charges that they put together were worth the impeaching a president. they had you vote for him yes they would and i voted for clinton the last time but some people who voted for trump the 1st time around say he needs to clean up his act but he keeps door to door right now as far as the economy and and trying to help our country vote form again. he needs to really stop some of the silliness that he does and concentrate on his job with so much drama in d.c. there seems little hope here of bringing the 2 sides together any time soon chris and salome al jazeera new hope pennsylvania. well the democratic party has begun the process of selecting a presidential candidate to try to take on donald trump place of the cme party officials in iowa have now released updated results from monday's caucus fight that with 75 percent of precincts now reporting people has slightly increased his lead over bernie songes 3rd placed elizabeth warren's for a while joe biden's tally increased by about same amount but there is still no word on when the final results will be announced. now venezuela's opposition leader has held talks with the u.s. president at the white house a day after being unveiled as a special guest during donald trump's state of the union address quite it was on an international tour to try to drum up support for his campaign to oust venezuelan president nicolas maduro the white house says the 2 discussed expediting a democratic transition that the u.s. is one of about 50 countries that recognize quite as venezuela's leader while venezuela's government has criticized what it described as interventionist rhetoric during trump state of the union and it trump introduced quite a congress as venezuela's true and the just in that leader and called madeira a tyrant and their job their one of the all of the leading from venezuela has the right to give itself its own institutions in venezuela the president of the republic is not appointed by the president of the united states the people of venezuela elect him in a popular vote it is always been that way and will always be. so if i am the president elected legitimately according to the constitution mr donald trump enough of your sickly obsession with venezuela mr trump you know. has plenty more ahead for you this news hour including the intense bombardment of the syrian opposition the last stronghold forces more than half a 1000000 from their homes in just 2 months. and hail to the chiefs the super bowl champion celebrate with their fans and kansas city peace as they state and. now the world health organization says it will send a multinational team to china soon to help combat the coronavirus it's appeal to $675000000.00 to fight the virus especially in developing countries. message to the international community is in list today. for a more. immersed today for the more. $675000000.00 us dollars is a lot of money but it's much less than the bill we will face if we do not invest in preparedness you know during the window of opportunity that we have well more than 28000 people have now been diagnosed with the corona virus in china and 6563 people have died outside mainland china there are now 191 confirmed cases in 24 countries with one death both in the philippines and one in hong kong now faced with growing pressure from striking doctors hong kong leader kerry lamb has announced extreme measures to prevent the spread of the coroner virus from saturday anyone arriving from mainland china will be quarantined for 14 days but thousands of hong kong medical staff want the border completely shut and thousands of passengers on 2 cruise ships in hong kong and japan have also been quarantined japanese authorities have now confirmed 20 cases of coronavirus on a vessel that's in your hama 40 selema has more from that port. well indonesia is one of the few countries in the region yet to report a case of the corona virus on sunday 243 people were evacuated from and are in quarantine on a remote air force base but as jessica washington reports from the trainer the plan has caused panic among residents. the impact of the corona virus outbreak is being felt all over the world even on one of indonesia's most remote archipelagos internees are airlifted from china's hu bay province where the corona virus outbreak began have been brought here to not tuna they're in quarantine at the local military base. and i doubt we considered several places but we had to consider the runway for the plane to land and the facilities so in the end we decided not to know was the best place. this is the town closest to the quarantine facility just a few kilometers away from the military base decorations for lunar new year a still up but the mood is far from festive. many here are angry they weren't told about the quarantine plan. we didn't know what was happening no one gave us any information all my neighbors were confused. the town is quieter than usual that's because many residents left when they heard the news fearing for their own safety. or life a few days ago and then they came back because i had to feed my chickens but i'm still afraid of fire risk the evacuees are in quarantine here and not enough for 2 weeks in total that thin cube asian period off the virus but if any of them show symptoms of the corona virus all of them will have their quarantine extended. the indonesian government says it needed to act quickly and that meant there wasn't time to inform the islanders beforehand now government employees are going door to door telling residents there's nothing to fear because the evacuees won't leave the military base. as the initial panic comes down the local education board revoked its decision to suspend classes because of the quarantine trying to restore some sense of normalcy in the midst of a global health crisis just a washington disease or a matter. of 350 americans are the latest to be moved from will hand the epicenter of that corona virus outbreak 2 planes arrived for spaces in california on wednesday one landed in san diego and the other outside san francisco and those evacuees will now remain in quarantine for 14 days moving on and at least 6 people have been killed in the southern iraqi city of najaf when supporters of the shia cleric knocked out our solders stormed an anti-government protest camp now sada has at different times both supported and oppose the protesters who want the removal of iraq's ruling elite similar fault and has more from the capital. this is just the latest in a series of confrontations between the sudras who supports the nomination of mohamed tawfik allow as prime minister designate and other protesters who reject him until recently the sudras supported the protesters providing important logistical support protection as well as political cover but most of us are has changed his position on the protests several times at times offering his support about other times we've drawing it now the situation has become particularly tense we have the nomination of as prime minister designate on saturday that assad or endorsed him while many protesters rejected him the sudras then moved into central protest sites controlling strategic buildings and since then we have seen several confrontations just yesterday on tuesday we saw that a group of sudras beat several student protesters who criticize sutter and who rejected we as the prime minister designate so all of these all of these insurance risk further escalating in their further fueled by market that are starters repeated change in stance on the protests with increasingly confusing messages to words his supporters on whether they should join the protests or whether they should withdraw all of this comes amid growing fears among the protesters that the sudras may try to seize control of the protest movement that they may try to ended all together several missiles have been intercepted near the syrian capital damascus according to state media it says they were fired from over the occupied golan heights there are no immediate reports of damage or casualties and israel has not commented well despite the threats from takis president syrian government forces have continued their push into province the last rebel held region hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the fighting are now heading towards the takesh border from within and possibly reports. a scene of devastation is what is left from the syrian government's intense aerial bombardment and ground offensive in the last stronghold of the syrian opposition. despite rounds of talks and shaky cease fires this push has triggered one of the largest waves of the space meant into 9 year conflict. civilians leaving everything behind and heading north towards the turkish border so i look at them i've already been displaced twice maybe i'll have to move again i don't know what to say the situation is very bad we heard about the ceasefire but never witnessed it on the ground just displacement and suffering the u.n. says at least 520000 syrians have been displaced in the last 2 months alone many children are among them. it is not all of the violence but also the biting winter called that is making the situation worse in a ford late comers the conditions are basic they struggle to keep their children warm. everything is going. to 60 years ago there's nothing left of it now we are living in pain. as a syrian forces backed by russia who take villages and towns they are targeting civilians according to the world health organization at least 53 health facilities have been forced to suspend their services since the beginning of the year because of the fighting. with several 150 cops by the border 200 patients daily have limited resources. to the ridge about any time they go to help us out our people. syrian government forces have been advancing inside of libya territory that was meant to be a deescalation zone. i remember and we won't go back unless the regime withdraws from our lands we are asking the opposition forces to intervene and repel the syrian army. but turkish government is accusing damascus so for some civilians to flee towards this border there are live in these 3500000 syrian refugees in turkey which is why officials here say they want to stop another mass influx of syrians entering the country but there are now 700000 civilians stuck right behind this border crossing on the syrian side looking for safety. al-jazeera at the syrian border. a passenger jet has skidded off a runway by landing in istanbul killing 3 people and injuring dozens of others the pegasus airlines flight from izmir was seen in flames and broke into 3 pieces hasn't as and crew had to be evacuated through cracks in the plane are some of our ports from istanbul. the dramatic and for the short flight from his mia to istanbul the boeing owned by pick airlines was touching down when pilots appear to have lost control the plane veered off the runway burst into flames and broke into pieces. most of the 171 passengers along with the crew their vacuously escaped alive many suffered injuries and were sent to hospitals. the 2 pilots reported to be in a serious condition an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the crash because of. unfortunately the pegasus airlines plane could not stay on the runway due to poor weather conditions and skidded for around 50 to 60 meters it fell from 30 to 40 to 175 passengers babies for flight attendants and 2 pilots on board 120 passengers have so far been transferred to nearby hospitals. there was a thunderstorm bringing gusty winds at the time of the incident the authorities closed the airport and diverted flights to different destinations this isn't the 1st time this has been involved in such an incident 2 years ago one of its jets skidded off the runway atop zone port and and half way down a steep slope by the black sea all 162 passengers and crew aboard would have backed away to safely pegasus airlines is likely to face further scrutiny in the coming days last month one of its planes slid off the runway at an airport investigators said the incident was due to bad weather conditions. is the i'm bored. well still ahead on our. stellar blog ahead the african union is taking on the contentious or nice on these damn disputes. we take a look at what palestinian from a stance and news as an agricultural trade dispute with israel begins to bite. and israel folau gets down to whack if he makes his contentious return to run peace and has that story. back to you in a national weather forecast while here across parts of southern china it is the rain we are watching over the next few days very heavy rain across much of the area take a look at the forecast map here on thursday we do expect to see widespread rain anywhere from central areas all the way over here towards the eastern coast by the time we get towards thursday night shanghai you'll be seeing some rain as well attempt to there of about 7 degrees better conditions though as we go towards friday most of that rain makes its way to the east it is going to be northern taiwan that see some heavy rain there you go islands as well could see some showers pushing through with some gusty winds down towards taiwan though it is going to be taipei with a temperature of about 17 degrees there while the philippines is seeing some heavy rain as well a system making its way out of the civic pushing through the central areas some of those showers are expected to be quite heavy here on thursday we are looking at better weather conditions by the time we do get towards friday up to the north the city a nice day for you a warm day with a temperature of $34.00 degrees and then very quickly over here towards india across the central areas and over here towards the east we do expect to see more developing rain as we go towards the end of the week really not looking too bad as we go towards thursday but up here towards kolkata we could be seeing some showers with a temperature of 20 and dhaka at $22.00 degrees. in india identity politics on the rise what we're seeing is the construction of partitions and cuts and loads of commuting to the across the country and there's a dark sun in detroit is you do see the grit from his office in that district of the hindu fish into something more like the team i didn't see of the british today i meet with victims of violence and discover what life is like for minorities in the country join me on my journey in search of india's soul on al-jazeera the big stories generated sounds like maybe angles in this story are too numerous for comfort with different angles from different perspectives something has never really been believed. money in the war to even separate the spin from the facts the misinformation from the journalists on this show is clear and the chance to see and hear. with the listening post on al-jazeera. america and i'd rather take our mind about top stories this hour the republican majority u.s. senate has voted to acquit president donald trump and hasn't he didn't try he was facing 2 charges of using presidential powers and obstruction of congress mitt romney was the only republican to break ranks on the abuse of power charge the white house has a welcome to the budget calling the impeachment process a witch hunt and based on a series of lives. about all democrats voted to convict trump they've called the. value less and i value to press ahead with more investigations. 3 people have died and dozens are injured after a plane carrying $177.00 people skidded off the runway as an airport in istanbul the boeing 737 crashed into a field and broke into pieces it's. now the oscar winning actor douglas who starred in more than. has died at the age of $103.00 flowers are being laid for the film legend at his star on the hollywood boulevard walk of fame douglas was nominated 3 times and was then the recipient of an honorary oscar in 1996 or about a man who takes a look back at his life and career. pounds lighter with charisma and matinee idol looks kirk douglas graced the silver screen over 7 decades he burst onto the scene in 1960 next a veteran movie star barbara stanwyck in the strange world of you know for people douglas quickly established himself as a star and leading man in his own right earning his 1st oscar nomination in 1950 playing a boxer in the champion. to more good lord's followed over the next decade that technique occupation won for playing a producer in 1952 the bad the beautiful how do you know how i feel about and another in 1956 playing tortured artists vincent van gogh in lust for life i think son i want to make you feel it revolving giving off like a dog this is most iconic role came in 1960 playing spartacus. as slave leading a revolt in ancient rome he also produced the film and helped end hollywood's communist blacklists by insisting right to dalton trumbo receive on screen credit douglas later became patriarch of an acting did a city son michael followed him and business becoming an oscar winning actor and producer. in 2003 the pair along with michael son cameron appeared in the film it runs in the family. the veteran actor was a prolific author as well penning a half dozen books including his $988.00 autobiography the rackman son. despite suffering it to pull ahead in stroke 995. to make the film in $96.00 at the age of 80 the actor finally won his 1st academy award an honorary oscar andrew knight i love all. what started out as a rescue mission on a mountainside has now turned into a frantic search for the rescuers themselves at least 38 people have been killed in 2 avalanches and eastern turkey now to gauge has more. they rushed to save people trapped under the snow but this rescue mission soon turned to tragedy that began on tuesday when an avalanche struck a road in the turkish province of van a bus carrying passengers and a snowy clearing vehicle were buried in the overturned we've been under the snow since the avalanche hit this morning and no one came to us until now hundreds of emergency workers joined the rescue operation the vehicles operator and 7 passengers escaped 5 others were killed as police officers firefighters and volunteers desperately tried to dig out those trapped a 2nd avalanche struck the same road burying dozens more. people for the risky units 3 security guards one firefighter and 9 civilians unfortunately lost their lives may they rest in peace the death toll quickly began to climb weather conditions didn't help either blizzards and heavy snow or blocked roads and slowed the search operation people in the area were among the 1st to respond using their bare hands shovels and roots to dig out the victims but the snow fall was too much and the steep incline posed enormous challenges by the end of the day chances of finding survivors were fading away nicola gage al-jazeera. malawi's president is to appeal against a court ruling that has overturned his rear his reelection he's a major reka who has been president since 2014 narrowly won his 2nd term last year but the court cited widespread systemic and grave irregularities in the counting process the reports from the capital a long way. well i'm people in malawi were preparing for another election after the constitutional court nullified last year's presidential vote saying it was mobbed by white sprayed irregularities but now they've been told is going to be an appeal at the supreme court one can face may 29th. we're into an election. out there we know. that time all along go underground agree that we had a piece through free fair and credible election. explained upward where i saw. and. the court. the may 21000 presidential election results showed metallica beat this man opposition candidate. 515-9000 votes a lead of just over 3 percentage points secularists is he's not worried about the appeal they have a right to do that if they know they have a case but you cannot really think you can succeed against 5 judges who had a unanimous decision. the constitutional court judges said to several people may have voted more than once there was evidence of ballot stuffing and some think this was changed using typewriter correction fluid is the 1st time a presidential election has been challenged on legal grounds in malawi for months opposition supporters protested over last year's disputed election some people fear an appeal could spark more demonstrations. opposition supporters have criticized african and it's a national election observer missions for endorsing the disputed polls a lot of what we saw for the entire electorate process is what the international observers saw except when it came to management transmission of the results and the determination and announcement of results there were things you know people who come from outside could not easily observe or if you see if they can't make sense of what's happening because you are required to be grounded in the chords in their practices and so you begin to put things together and you realize that in this case 2 plus 2 is not equal to 4 it is something much more than for. the outcome of the president's appeal is likely to have major implications for malawi both politically and economically. al-jazeera. there's been a suspected car running at a bus station and wester aslan according to israeli security forces at least 12 people were injured when a vehicle was driven into a crowd of pedestrians the driver fled the scene after the suspected attack. well israel has banned imports of all agricultural products from palestine after is imposed a month long ban on importing israeli cards now the tit for tat move is worrying west bank farmers with palestine importing 3 times more from israel than it actually exports the government says it wants to limit its dependency on the israeli economy he's abraham reports from the occupied west bank. the harvest from this palestinian farm in the jordan valley was supposed to make its way into the israeli market but not anymore israel's burning all agree cultural produce from the occupied west bank after a decision by palestinian officials to cut down on some israeli imports server software owns or own $25.00 acres of land and plant some with zucchinis and cucumber as he says the israeli ban is going to have a devastating effect on his business even. if we were going to make some money out of it now after the ban we want real hard to be able to cover our running costs farming is the main source of income for palestinians living in the jordan valley they've been selling vegetables to israel for decades. this is one of the main markets for fresh produce and your part of the west bank. here is there are too many on the market and that has forced prices down. on wednesday the palestinian government responded to the israeli ban by barring some israeli products from entering the west bank this is not the 1st economy to rattle between the 2 sides but it's different now because the palestinian government says it wants to limit dependency on the israeli economy it started with a pilot project in october to cut down imports of israeli calls and buy them from other countries instead. is really capital reserves see that the band violates signed agreements between israel and the palestinian authority. are dependent on the palestinian market the palestinian talk and direct import of calls from abroad but they don't have enough touch and he spaces which are the basic food of the animals palestinians import 3 times more from israel than the exposure to it which analysts say could make any trade with between the 2 very one sided. as israel controls all borders and crossing it has the final say in the flow of goods and services for example it can prevent any foreign goods from entering the palestinian market they control more important sectors such as the energy sector fuel and foreign currency. with years of occupation and blockade severely weakening the palestinian economy many believe they may be forced to back down before the israelis do. the occupied west bank sudan's transitional government is holding an emergency cabinet meeting following a decision to boost ties with israel a military council spokesman said monday's meeting between sudan's leader and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu was an effort to protect national security and also to end saddam's designation by the united states as a supporter of terror with civilian partners and the government have rejected the talks of israel saying they were not consulted saddam has been trying to reform its image and to open the country to international investment since the overthrow of longtime leader and al bashir has been morgan has more from the capital. since it was revealed on monday that the head of the sovereign council of sudan abdul fatah hahn has met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and to be in uganda sudanese have been divided on whether to accept the move or reject it now some people have taken to districts to protest the move that has been taken by the head of the sovereign council saying that it is not within his mandate and that there is an executive cabinet headed by the prime minister who is responsible for sudan's foreign relations and how to deal with foreign countries others have been saying that it is the right time that sudan opens itself to the international community especially in times of economic and political turmoil now the sudanese army earlier came out with a statement saying that they do stand with the head of the sovereign council of the for the 100 and the steps taken by him saying that because he is the head of the of the army and the commander in chief they stand by his decision but not all sides in sudan have welcomed the move that has been taken by the head of the sovereign council let's go back to the makeup of the transitional government it's the result of a power sharing deal between the former military council that ousted former president i'm going to be here in april and the protest movement known as the forces of freedom and change coalition that has led demonstrations that led the military to overthrow the president now the parties that make up the coalition say that it is not within the mandate and that is the prime minister who holds executive powers to decide whether he wants to start normalizing ties with any country especially israel or not now the prime minister has said that he had no knowledge of the meeting between the and the israeli prime minister but that is something that the head of the sovereign council contradicted on wednesday when he had an informal set sitting with journalists and editors in chief in the country. well high on the agenda of the upcoming african union summit is the dispute between cairo khartoum and i guess about the over ethiopia's grand renee song stan several attempts to resolve the crisis have so far failed reports. there is no shortage of issues to debate at the african union summit even the host country ethiopia has its own dispute with neighbors while the construction of its multibillion dollar hydro power dam over the blue nile river continues it remains at odds with egypt over some major aspects of the project egypt initially opposed the giant dam itself now it's opposing the plan for the filling of the lake that's going to hold up to 74000000000 cubic metres of the rivers waters if the filling spreads over 3 years as ethiopia once egypt expects to face probably the biggest manmade reduction in its share of the nile waters in recorded history. it 2015 if the o.p.'s sudan and egypt signed the declaration of principles aiming to resolve the dispute and getting rid of a colonial era treaty which gave egypt a lion's share of the nile but disagreements over technical details continue to prevent its implementation as the dam construction neared completion egypt pressed for international mediation against the wishes of ethiopia however the 3 parties finally agreed to us arbitration last year. they held several rounds of talks in washington coming close to signing a final agreement in january but after visiting the dam on saturday if you open the prime minister ahmed told parliament he'd asked for more time to study the draft agreement own little more months despite great efforts by the us president the us treasury secretary and the world bank to overcome the obstacles we still need to negotiate this matter further during the negotiations the downstream countries changed their position from rejecting building the dam to how to operate the dam and the water flow we will continue to benefit from our resources without harming anyone. if your peers says it has every right to utilise the blue nile waters but originated from its territory for both farming and the production of hydro power that is designed to produce up to $6000.00 megawatts but egypt believes any dramatic change in the water flows as the dam is filled will cause a crisis on its territory so then for which the nile passes seems the least concerned despite warnings by some of it sr experts have a potentially negative impact on its water supplies it's not clear what progress the a you leaders can achieve during the 2 days of talks while eyes are still on washington and lincoln in the hopes that the parties will sign an agreement soon 105 are just . now indigenous groups in brazil have criticized president diables and ours decision to appoint a formal missionary as the head of the federal agency that's designated to protect isolated tribes the decision a sparks concern amongst indigenous leaders as well as rights activists but their culture and health could be under threat they say the move is dangerous and could cause a rep for both damage to groups who have chosen to live and isolation. well i'm one of pariahs most ecologically diverse based fishermen who die for crabs and shellfish say they're putting their lives at risk stocks of fish are increasingly scarce which means they have to go further out to find them mariana sanchez reports from south of the capital. looking for crops and scallops is not an easy job 26 year old we. are nearly a minute every time sometimes 5 to 6 hours nonstop he says finding shellfish these days is difficult. the water is warmer so the crabs hide underground there's been over fishing in the past 3 years we haven't found any squid around here. the bay of lima is an area protected for its diversity fisherman are assigned a part of the bay where they can hand pick each shellfish especially scallops but now the surface trucked in wheat consuming more time in catching and cleaning before they can be sold after 40 years farming shellfish says the richness of this bay is being lost. overfishing in the change of the water temperature as to form the natural banks the industrial activity around here also increases and is warming up the water it's a series of reasons for this bank to be scarce. it is coast is among the most productive fishing areas in the world more than $70000.00 families depend on our to fishing they produce at least 65 percent of the fish consumed in the country large scale industrial fishing is also taking a toll on small fishing communities these fishermen go out at sea for days. for hours but unlike years before now they don't know if they'll arrive here at the port with enough fish or shellfish to make ends meet that's why fishermen are putting extra pressure on themselves programa suffered a decompression accident that left him with permanent muscle damage felix p. says they have no option but to dive deeper. we often risk decompression because sometimes we feel we have to run back to the ports or products so we get anxious and come to the surface faster so now we risk more and sell less. that is fishing ministry says it will implement vigilant committees to supervise the quality and amount of seafood harvested many poor people turn to fishing indiscriminately as a quick solution to providing a livelihood their chance to make money fast impacts on the most superficial starts so that's why more divers are risking more accidents which are now frequent many academics say the effects of climate change on the fish and shellfish stocks is still under investigation because government is fast tracking regulation of fishing and shellfish gathering but already these small scale fishermen say it is much harder and dangerous to make a living. well still ahead on al-jazeera. he said well have this bottle feeding how computer games are making a friend lack of pitches at this syrian refugee camp. with. all the time to support his peace. thank you very much the super bowl party came to kansas city on wednesday as the chief celebrated their victory with the fans the team paraded the trophy they won into the san francisco 49 is the players enjoying the occasion and a great moment for coach andy reid he's biggest success after almost 3 decades in coaching with n.f.l. teams it's also the 1st time the chiefs fans have seen their team lift the n.f.l. championship in 15 years schools were closed today so everyone in the city can attend the parade. and we appreciate everything that you did for us this supports been phenomenal list for a circular no man it's the best in the n.f.l. right here you should be proud of yourself. so listen one more thing is next year we're coming right back here one more time. one more time. tokyo lympics organizers say they are seriously concerned about the outbreak of coronavirus affecting this year's games that begin in the japanese capital on july 24th with 11000 athletes competing several qualifying events already been canceled or postponed as the virus continues to spread outside of china japanese prime minister shinzo abbay has dismissed talk of canceling or delaying the games but lympics organizes admit they are preparing for a worst case scenario. i'm seriously worried that the virus spreading could throw cold water on the momentum towards the games i hope that it will be stamped out as soon as possible not to focus there no matter how bad it gets we will do our utmost for the athletes so they'll be able to concentrate on performing that best. israel folau is settling into these new french catalan dragons but rival rugby league teams are taking steps to protect themselves of these controversial signings allow has spent months on the sidelines of homophobic social media posts lately and being sacked by the australian national rugby union team catalan that mitt signing him was a calculated gamble. obviously we took the risks into account and we experienced them ourselves as soon as we announced phil out signing because there was so much media interest i do understand but at the same time i'm completely happy with my decision although i myself do not share all the reflections or ideas he might have expressed but at the same time he's a younger player full of talent who we must give another chance been around your teammates and. you have been able to train with with your team and work alongside the coaches so that's something that i missed the last 7 months but it's you know it's fantastic to be back in a in a team environment again but at least one rival club hole k.-r. in the c.e.o. neil hugill have told counsel and they are prepared to sue if allow signing leads to a loss in their revenue and damages the reputation of the league at a meeting of the clubs on wednesday they decided to introduce new measures for intervening in any future controversial signings. superleague board accepts fully believe galaxies around the are a false decision to register fire and the bow of the board has voted unanimously to put in place measures that ensure superleague has greater authority to stop controversial signings such as this in the future. the head of french figure skating refused calls to resign on wednesday following allegations of historic sexual assaults against former coach zille beyer government's investigation has also been launched into 200 clubs in france d.d.a. gay a gay has been in charge of the skating federation for more than 2 decades he said he wouldn't quit of allegations of incidents that occurred 30 years ago when he was not president but say these thoughts will with the victims you see that theory. i'm opposed to the sad reality of the women's lives shattered and changed forever because of those who took advantage of their innocence there are no words to describe my discussed that said the dark side does not represent the federation. in the english f.a. cup on wednesday tottenham came through against southampton in their 4th round replay a late penalty from young men gave spurs a 32 victory and in the german cup league side union voided a major upset so 4th tears 7 professional team. robert anderson a thumping strike with 5 minutes to go was the only goal then took them into the quarter finals. hundreds of thousands of children are growing up in refugee camps without the chance to play organized sport but one camp in jordan has found a solution using the sports but that city camp is home to nearly 80000 syrians many of whom are children who have fled the 8 year war at home now at least some have been able to experience competition and learn new skills 200 children were trained to use a play station and took part in a 6 day refugees sports cup to find the best. in the smell of the top of the one it was the 1st time for most of the children to see a play station using it and getting rolled in the training they all felt exhausted and the turnout was be rich what about i was so nervous because i was not aware of the level of the other players i was scared but after the 1st stage i believed in myself and i insisted that i reach the final that is where we'll leave it for no more sports news coming up again later we'll see you then. well that's also it for me. but how that will be in the chat next with another full round up of the day's news to stay with us here on out there. so bring on al jazeera. and the tension with the u.s. and protests over a plane down in iran's harlem entry election will be held on february 20. 5th to see explores the fate of india's religious minorities on the prime minister modi's hindu. us voters get the last chance to weigh in on the 20 twentieth's action al-jazeera will have comprehensive coverage a new series looks at how female scientists across the globe are opening doors for other women to pursue careers in science and after 5 years of civil law could be to rivals agree a peace deal to revive africa's youngest nation. separate on al-jazeera. in japan thousands of men and women of banishing without a trace when i want to use investigates why people engineer their own disappearance and. al-jazeera. a conflict that is now considered to be the world's worst humanitarian crisis hollywood model how to die like this stock is hearts is really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the coalition fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch as the amount of money involved yemen war profiteers on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. what we're after. donald john president of the united states is not guilty as charged. trump is acquitted by the senate in his impeachment trial the white house says he's been vindicated. colored i'm home i had seen and this is a lie from doha also coming up 3 days as a 179 injured passenger jet skids off the runway in istanbul and breaks into pieces. 6 antigovernment protesters are killed in iraq in.

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