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On the same bus robbie and ukraine. Sylvia region on the border with russia were isolated communities, se civilian targets are coming under attack on a near daily basis. To begin uh, coverage enough. Loud rabbits, Eastern Libyan city of done that 8900 buildings there have been destroyed and the un says around 4 to 6000 people have been displaced. Is fed up to 20000. 00, could be dead. Like fine. It reports not from the trip any its been a week since the eastern live in city of done that changed forever. Lets do now many like wave of water that goes down. This valley has left a deep scar on the city. Its people. And in the hearts of the nation of those will survive the floods are trying to process this your loss while recovering what remains . Still wondering if their loved ones are alive or dead and 100 in the book. So thank god for giving this patients. Im sitting in our area trying to clean it. Im trying to verify whos missing. Im trying to understand the color and situation. I didnt leave. Thousands are dead. Thousands more are missing. Dozens of local and International Search and rescue teams are working to recover bodies from under the rubble or those wants us or into the muddy c. Authorities are still trying to understand the scale of the destruction of the Team Assigned by the government to takes talk of the damages stated that the total number of buildings in the city is about 6100 and 42. 00, of which the total number of damage buildings is 15891. 00 buildings will completely destroyed. 211 were partially destroyed. And about 398. 00. Whats up much in the month. So you in my gratian agency says more than 38000 people have been displaced in the east or, and lived the political situation was to rival administrations, has not made things easy. Local Authorities Say they are now working on a complete or partial evacuation plan for the city of deadman. But with 2 governments, the relief effort has been chaotic and accurate information. Hard to come by, people, heres a more needs to be done to help those in need. A model see, we still do not know anything. We are hearing through much. Some are trying to assure us others are saying you need to leave the city. We have no water and no resources damage. Roads have made it difficult for a to enter the city. People are still trying to come to terms with what happens here. Those who remain in the city are in desperate need of help. They hope it comes soon. Now, trina ultra 0 tripoli and virtually daniels is Deputy Director general the International Organization for migration, which is currently dealing with multiple natural disasters. Weve been on the, on the ground trying to get a good assessment of what the situation is. We have provided medical supplies for about 5000 people. Im for the next month. Are people on the ground. Everybody that they spoke to talked about the need for support for their Mental Health, for the trauma that theyve gone through. So we as i o m, have brought in our Mental Health psycho social support team. Theyre working with the ministry of health to get people the support that they need. But having such thoughts so much more needs to be done, the impact of the devastation changes by the hour. There is a suspense coming in, but much, much more as needed. The most recent numbers i got from the teams are around 46000 have been displaced by the flood. Many of them are being sheltered in homes. Those homes werent destroyed in during that, but also in neighboring towns. And actually theyre not, is not, i have been a hospitable place right now for those who have been displaced so many are on the move to neighboring villages. Ill just here is kind of how somebodys in the city of dennis. Hes been speaking to a residence who recounted their experiences of the moment the floods struck a week ago to the whole is doing that, that extra head thats and thats what weve heard. Painful stories of those who lived to win survived the floods. Hot, cringing accounts from the residents of the area. Libyans and foreign nationals are likely, i mean of the higher that that you should. I had diana small about a product that i am no joined by 2 weeks. A witness who survived the disaster to week is from egypt and sees more than 70 egyptians from bonnie swipe for killed in the store. But well see had that i thought id, weve done that and was a misdemeanor. Hes actually had to do this. What he should pulled up to tell us what you experienced on that night when not popular early the night before the flood hate, it was raining heavily. We felt strange staying at home while others needed help in the areas closer to the sea. So we went down with a police and rescued families. Im sure what about the water was reaching them up to the next . I like im law. They dont weigh a couple of cold holler at the end of the situation was quite dangerous, but still we went to the streets. The Power Transformers started to explode. So we stayed people away from the danger. Then we heard a loud sound when we reached the mosque. At that point, we suddenly saw an incredibly high wave coming our way from the body. We were shocked. We realize that many of those living on lower ground would be submerged. We ran to higher ground. By the time we reached the top, we heard loud bands like into this quick. It literally felt like doomsday in of either around 100 kilometers west of the hospital as us struggling to function. The city has also been affected by the store. The Main Medical Center flooded the doctor say theyre still receiving an influx of critical patients from that the, the due to the damage and during the hospital some cases couldnt be treated, especially the critical cases with chronic diseases in need of intensive care unit the now here and in stable condition, the full members of a Greek Rescue Team helping in the Recovery Efforts in libya have died in a road accident. Health minister olivias eastern government says 15 other members of the crew have been injured and are receiving treatment. 7 of them are in critical condition, European Commission, the price of the us, the one to 9 has visited the its how the in on and go for them produce. So she arrived with the ton of the Prime Minister who wanted her to see the unprecedented number of refugees and migrants arriving from africa high, false reports from them, producing georgia, maloney had invited to European Commission president here precisely to see how much pressure it least stuff and most territory was under, it didnt take long for the ton in Prime Minister, also to be confronted with that reality. And nobody, nobody was confronted by a method was a resident. He pushed back when she talked about investing more money. Interesting. Instead, they needed health, peace, and dignity, and they have that in common with the thousands of maybe african arrives this week crammed into the islands Reception Center the to for the sessions visit a greatly more ordered, seen them up as on show just the previous night. The number reduced from 2 and a half 121500 is transferred to the mainland, continued European Commission president had prepared a 10 point plan for responds to the crisis. I want to be very clear as we have an obligation as part of the international community. We have fulfilled it in the past and we will do so today and in the future. But we will decide who comes to the European Union and under what circumstances and not the smugglers and traffic goes along with more help processing and monitoring the arrivals. And the pledge to ensure illegal roots genuine refugees from the line spoke of increased naval activity without committing to the kind of blockade maloney was speaking about. As recently as friday, however, she continued to cool the mole meshes to stop the boats from leaving room equal more. The only way to address the problems ensuring that the solution for one nation does not mean creating a problem for another nation, is to tackle external dimension and stop the illegal departure of migraines. A major part of georgia maloneys message is that this is a European Border as well as an italian one requiring a european solution. But despite us live on the lands, 10 point plan much remains on, on so as to exactly what that solution is going to be, whether it will work on whether it will be sufficient for those who voted in georgia, maloney as Prime Minister back at the Reception Center that we also do from the team is also about to visit. And the politicians distinction between refugees and economic migrants. Move in, you want the International Protection because there is no peace in our country. Were here because we dont have an alternative because of the seat to reach each other, leaving our families behind. Why should we do this if we have really for the some peace in our country. On monday, Georgie Maloney plans to increase the maximum detention period for those equals Illegal Migrants to 18 months. The european maximum. But the motivation, the desperation to reach the schools, remains on resources. Ill just, you know, so the Dominican Republic has closed its border with hate to you because it says its in the font is building a canal from a shed river. On sunday, the countrys defense, an industry minister has visited the board. A ton of gotcha bought from home and talked to both of them that the Dominican Republic defense, minnesota, visiting the boat after the 1st time since hes country will, did it close to neighboring hate say that decision was made pressure efficient farm is to stop digging a canal on the mists that cru river, which the 2 country ship. We took the opportunity to ask him about the spanish, the Dominican Republic, simones novel dominican. No, i body is project to is no cause. And we live with a real book, you know, pull the most in it on the credit card, the projectile, but none of those projects start bucks the costs of the river going on. This one does, and thats why it violates the treating goes. But the haitian side is suffering from drought and have a rock to irrigate the phone lines. They continue to dig despite the build up to the dominican troops on the other side, the buddha, the dominican government, wants to show of what its doing. But at the moment, thats really all. This is a show. They cant actually do anything to stop the canal, which is on the haitian side the the, it seems kind of haitian government, even if it wanted to use a political crisis in violence of left to do but incapacitated even most of the cap to pull to print is in the hands of gains. So how else to Dominican Defense minister does it expect that same haitian government, the result of the crisis . Sell them. Ok, well here and like then we know that the hate the government because of the actions of the gangs has a trans tied but the construction of the canal a fixed the interest of the Dominican Republic to fix all pharmacists. And it violates the treaty of 1929. So its up to the government to search for a solution. Its in the hands. Meanwhile, the close border is effecting not just patients who depend on food from the welfare Dominican Republic, but also trade is and exports is on this side. The dominican industry and commerce minister also the board at reissue trade has promised to buy any perishables through the account. So i asked him how long is government can do that for me the, the important to know theyve been doing also the limit of time doesnt depend on us. It depends on how you know, we hope that the talks advance and we continue to re position our product internally. Meanwhile, in hate to support for the canal is only growing, perhaps because of dominican, no position. Its becoming a punch, realty condemned the flags of flustering bus loads of people arriving to help some performing due to rituals and supports of the world. Because of this, like as if i am actually bringing food, what weve come to support the canal being built because we have sions, we must corporate them on ourselves to give food, to those who look at the canal, the Dominican Republic and says that haitian businessman and politicians are behind the project, but whoever it started, the canal has become very much popular and surprised to be at once the close economic ruin. If the 2 countries continue this stand, john home, and i would just say to the hubble and 5 protestant in protest to this have been injured off the is very forces attached to them along the guns of border the demonstrations were against is very sold as a bonded to confronting palestinian worship is in the o x a most compound earlier on sunday is ready for us. Hes also talking to journalists covering the protests, you know, outside of the quotes from cancer of hundreds of policy and young men of whom they call themselves their revolutionary use. Have stormed the gaza, is really border from north end to the south. And parts of this trip in different areas. Uh now uh, these protesters have put tires on flyers to office cure the vision of these real snipers, deployed along the separation sense off the borders. They have also, uh, thrown some uh, explosive devices as the sense and also hang the policy and flag now is really forces on the other side have responded to the protesters by firing dozens of yes. Can stories and tear gas uh on the protesters. Uh, dozens of people have been reported to hospital being suffocated the policy inspections here has warren c a is really uh secretary is provocation in south compounds and uh, the violence of these really forces towards uh, the worshippers of an ox most. And these protests come in today, in response to the provocation that has been carried out in a compound today. Now, the fractions have also stated in their statement that it is not alone, and that they were in these really occupation of any further problem. Cations that will be responded to. And so weve always, with just a flare up between the policy inspections and is really forces because off the un provocations. So the head here now is, is there a climate i to this much in your head of the United Nations General Assembly and there was a housing prize keep watching. Yeah. The, the to tempt is all still high. Somebody in the window is starting to be more of a feature. The breeze that comes across them entry is not particularly strong, is maintaining temperatures. In the high twentys or low said hes in libya for example, because nothing in sky but sunshine up through til you have through grease as well and running well into the find the temperatures here because of the on shore based on not particularly high and theyve come down in the rock to but the strength of weight and then its the right term. The seed increase is still dried, still picks up the dust duct. Yeah. This year. So it gives you about 42. 00 degrees in the smallest, only just catching the edge of the mountains soon. We now the sky is a much more open, tempted to coming up to 3032 that sort of older potential for big showers of still got it. And the potential is buried the west and started going south west and saturday. These mountains typically generates a big chest, as you can see. But beyond that, the change is in great bulk whose right has stopped by tuesday. And we come up to about 25. 00 degrees tropical after seeing more, more shares. But this is not on usual. The big trough line, the line, it shows that when from southern chat down towards the aussie is drifting into worlds and our julia along the south coast of south africa. This mess of clyde brought to japan, so right into the coastal cities is gone. And i, and the son has returned the code to staples, control information, controlling the narrative, to dominate thing, the media. How does the narrative can pull public opinion, opinion, norma, spite a might not be the most important story about china of the day. But thats what the public attention to how is citizen to listen, we placing the story, the listening post, i fixed the media. We dont cover the news, we cover the way the news is covered. The, [000 00 00;00] the you without us ever a mind about top stores now the south, now the 900. 00 buildings and the subs ravaged Eastern Libyan city of done. Ive been destroyed. Un says around 46000 people have been displaced. Said up to 20000 could be that European Commission present us live on the line and has visited the how the in the islands of non producer cut in 5 minutes to georgia. Maloney wanted to see the number of refugees migrants arriving from africa. The Dominican Republic sent troops to reinforce its ford with 80, its close the crossing objects into the building. Now, on a shed visit, the public says h e is define a known spending treaty. Farmers in ukraines northern assuming regions are under the constant stretch of attack, brushing tank salt to the across just across the border hit agriculture land, hundreds of times, residents describe a Systematic Campaign of 5th, st. Louis robbie has more from the village of a kindred disco harvesting season. In wartime, ukraine. Navigating open fields near the russian border means risking land mines, an unexploded bombs always keeping one eye on the sky for drones, missiles and russian artillery. It could just be one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Would the peoples lives are a priority. We only work when we know its safe and there was no for us to learn. We take every precaution here, some of our fields a mind. There are other fields we cannot get to because the road to mind, much of the farms in sumi region are no go areas because of russian munitions left behind or Ukrainian Land mines place there. As a deterrent winner, russian shell hit her farm. Tatiana lost 27 head of cattle. She describes unrelenting russian attacks and says to me, needs more help. Let me in the bar trick version slides runs every day and watch what is happening here. These spots us an open fire. They are shooting that civilians. Theres no military here and they know this, but they still open fire. Damage from artillery and showing is fairly common in places like this in the assuming region. And thats because were only a few kilometers away from the border. Russian positions are set to be just beyond those power lines behind me. But this is not a normal front line. There are no tanks or trenches or troop movements. None the less communities here say they come under attack on a near daily basis. Just as we arrived, a drone dropped grenades damaging a nearby cell tower, further isolating people here, as a russian attack also damaged the local school and leveled the only hospital in this village. Many have left. Those still here show signs of stress and depression. So its no fair is fair. What else is about to say im considering leaving . I have 2 children and its terrifying to live. Hey, i feel terrible. I feel that i dont want to do anything. I cant get used to it. We do retention de mining work to make farm land viable again, could take 10 years and will only begin after the war. For now, russia continues to target entire villages near the border, the ukrainians carry on unwilling to ease. But im sure how much longer they can stay the same bus route, the old to 0. Kendra teeth got village in ukraine soon. We reach the schools in areas of morocco affected by last weeks devastating us quake of a parent to reopen on monday were all cuz Scouts Association is helping prepare the children of the stress they suffered calling from. Ill just there are a big mile hodge reports from on his moves in the foothills of the atlas mountains. Now exam and the medicare understanding its an entertainment facility set up by morocco Scouts Association, which is meant to prepare children to go back to school as of tomorrow. The pulse of families whose homes were affected by the earthquake, whether in a house of town or the neighboring areas. Education ministries decided to reopen the schools, despite move in 530 of them being damaged by the use quite some make shift facilities being set up by the only then based on the amount drawings by mister e might let nani an officer in the Scouts Association of modification. Can you shed more light on this . Is the schools get ready to reopen . Just a few hours from now . Not a home that a hand man who was a manufacturer of another, but after the tragedy we discussed association came to market. Shes amazing is region to lend a helping hand. We started by giving out food supplies, blankets and mattresses. But we found there is a guy in need for mental and psychological support, especially for children. So we decided to create this entertainment to come. Weve enjoyed using the number of light open activities, games, and pediatric o shows. Weve also given out more than 500 toys to the children present here. And weve set up a make shift hospital to serve this area. And the nearby comes on villages with the relief aid could not reach in the hospital, is fully equipped to doctors, medical crews and medical supplies. We have been catering to those children for 4 days now, and we could field a Huge Positive difference in them or out of south african president , serial. My post says criminals on the occupying buildings and renting rooms to the vulnerable must be, was it out . 70 people died in johannesburg last month when one of the occupied buildings court fine. Having the test, the reports from down his back. This dilapidated Apartment Building is one of hundreds independence bugs in the city. Its an autism campbell and her family live. She was born in south africas eastern Cape Province and move to dan and spoke with a husband in 1998. She says for adults and 6 children share one room to my goodness. I mean, yes. You know, we sometimes subs let you cannot get such as with citizens because of sickness. They dont pay rent. One reason why they are still here come to because im not making any several blocks of band by the owners or city authorities or full or seventies city officials, quoted hijacks building. This building have 14 floors and 420. 00 rooms each apartment is occupied is no anymore. And theres no electricity is the like that for you. Some people pay range to criminal gangs who run the buildings. So thats what it has a housing crisis, a legacy of a party, and they use challenge for the governing applicant, national congress, for things over the 1000 intern so far back up on housing, off people. And new dentists then that at no point to lot lies in sage on this big as a result of despite low on housing. Precisely because every month we receive at least 18000. 00 people for looking into 215. 00 of those 15000. 00 of those of probably from our provinces and all the 8 other provinces and about 70000. 00 of those would be from Foreign Countries looking to and this basically the hope of funding opportunities last month wasnt civic. The people died. When does the apartment into, how does the court file as the vibe has and relatives more of the did the disaster mind to start africans of the levels of poverty and this duration here. And that is what are the most an equal societies in the world . Hardwood tests out there, janice, but demonstrations have begun in new york ahead of the switch, not in nations General Assembly. You and me to a fee to the 1st as a comment, im vision summit on the sidelines. And while climate activities start demanding more action from will lead us, christian salumi has more from the protest. The World Leaders arent the only ones converging on new york. So the United Nations General Assembly climate activist came by the thousands from around the world to shouting their message. Right now, the impacts of Climate Change on the caribbean and other parts of the global south are absolutely devastated. And im here to bring attention to the impacts of our past. The fuel injection here in the global north is having the argument is like the one i come from there isnt going drought in the holding of africa, including canyon. So my idea that is putting millions at risk of buttons of yeah, and got the 9 children that rights to, to deaf education. And what are the demonstration tees up the climate ambition summit on wednesday called by the un secretary general to pressure nations to fulfill their commitments made in the 2015 parents agreement aimed at keeping global temperature rise below one and a half degrees celsius activists. Are amplifying the call of un secretary leaders possible that message is directed particularly us president , so theyre demanding President Biden, declare a Climate Emergency to fight is the Number One Oil and gas in the world right now. America alone is responsible for one 3rd of oil and gas expansion in the world. So were asking President Biden to turn the tide against fossil fuels and face off the phone to do era. Some activists have gone beyond demonstrating and up to the summit. 25. Well rested on thursday for blocking entrances to the headquarters of citibank, one of the largest finance years of fossil fuel extraction around the flow. After a summer of record setting heat, as well as floods and wildfires may more stream by rising temperatures. They said governments cant wait any longer to at kristen salumi. How does era new york . Its a free Historic Sites and the occupied westbank has been added to your next goes list of World Heritage sites. So also ton, which historians with the pre dates the egyptian permits is the case isnt near the protestant institute. Jenika, evidence of ancient human settlement can be found at the altar, logical side, in the some fund who of hell out futon has exception universe who value because its the very 1st example of a city when men sort of Stone Construction and building a pictured city. This happens intel also time, and when man came out of the caves and thought about creating a civil system and a place we bring together a number of people, this happens intel also time in this location man. First thoughts of the concepts of animal domestication and agriculture. United states ultimately type Workers Union says its ready for most strikes have additional cop loans. If talks with employers fail, shapes is for the united auto Workers Union se discussions with the big 3 us comic is like a critical stage, but slow any 13000. 00 members of the union down tools on friday the. This is, ill just say were the headlines for, you know, its now

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