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hello there i'm the stars the attain. this is al jazeera life from door will. so coming damage dam compounds problems for a village in north west and syria raising concerns about the safety of other water reservoirs in the region. rescued from the rubble, but still separated from their missing families, will have more on the efforts to care for the most vulnerable earthquake survivors . and us fighter jets shoot down an object of the alaskan coast, saying it posed a threat to the safety of civilian aircraft. ah, well it's been 5 days since powerful earthquakes had southern to kia and northern syria. more than 23000 people are confirmed dead. but they have been some signs of hope. still from under the rubble, a 10 day old baby was rescued after 90 hours, buried in the remains of a house in santander, and to king haughty province. and a 15 year old gout, wrapped under the rebels and 99 hours, was saved. and carmen marashi was emergency teams playing her favorite song and a 17 year old was pulled out of the wreckage and reunited with his mother and his brothers in garcia's tap. well, we have a team of correspondence across to kia it's an inquiry earlier is in the capital ankara. stephanie deka is in nor doggy near the syrian border. you've been in smith the he is off the southern coast of to kia and some you, they don is in a donna, but we begin with wrestle cellar. he's in carmen, rush, one of the epa centers of the disaster. the race against time continues on the muddy girth street in kado mom rush ah, with has been more than a 100 hours since the mercy of earthquakes struck here. but rescuer force are still thrown. pick, thought must like a ways of grief, singing for her loved ones. her. oh, my niece is there 5 days without her was she says, every 2nd matters in the race to save lives. i. here hope is intertwined with pain . as bodies after bodies keep arriving. as either i took years waited here for 5 days, hoping to find her 4 children alive. now, 2 of them lay lifeless on the floor next to her. the remaining 2 are still missing high that he had the law. may god punish those who constructed these buildings at collapse in whoever didn't spec done, families keep waiting here anxiously throughout the day and night. some of them just to get the bodies of their loved ones. zakiria by had to witness his wife and son die slowly. as they remained stock under the debris, mr. beckett had all of our law. i was under the rubble for 5 hours. my son was screaming and saying father was dying. his mouth was full of dirt. he couldn't breathe properly. i crawled towards him and he told me, dad, i love you. he died there. now i'm waiting for his and my wife's bodies. rescue teams are calling for silence. trying to track a waste they heard from under the rubble. they must be quick, but careful before it fades. people pray and hold the breath. i thought a moment of joy for a hopeless family and others around as rescuers pull out the disabled 25 year old chasm totter after nearly 110 hours on the rubber a moment or 2 celebrated by the rescuers. michigan urges, after 5 days under the rebel, we rescued him. now we need to continue to work. this order, cousin tells of another man that was stuck next to him under the rubble and was still alive, another spark of hope and the work restored. as the sun sets, the rescuers relentlessly continued their search. several bodies were pulled out of this rubble behind me. in just the past few hours, there are still many missing people, and rescuers know they have a short window to find them restful, so they're all jazeera, carmen marsh. seldom turkey. who am delivery to parts of the disaster zone and decay has been challenging because of damage. roads and highways, and correspondent ben at smith joins the crew. the fishing boat, he been shuffling aid to one of the western areas around the town of summoned on the mediterranean coast. that's near to cares. border with syria. loading on to this fishing boat is food, medical supplies, nappies, cooking oil, blankets, heaters and worry and apprehension, murmured air on his heading back to summon, down his home town, flattened in the earthquake waiting for him. he'll find his mother and 3 sisters alive, at least. but now homes get a good, i got really worried when the quake happened, but my sister told me that they were ok. then i texted my friends to make sure barrow county, but most of them didn't respond and that's why i decided to come to my town to help rescue operations. and i'm bringing food and medicine to my family member hopes he can still find a few people alive, but he knows time is running out. it's a 5 hour crossing, but that's still the fastest way to get to. one of the areas was hit by the quake. you know, you are truly can carry $25.00 truckloads of a per day. so we are able to get much more aid from across turkey. and now let me know. our 1st stop is the coast guard where most of the official aid is dropped off in the morning, survivors will be allowed to take what they need. then on the other side of the harbor, aid is delivered to families who've made specific requests from relatives here. and there is nowhere to sleep. no one has got enough aid yet, so made it coming, but it is not distributed in an organized way. they got a sack of flour and several boxes of 8. i don't know what's in them. if you're going to need to buy them from a 3rd day onwards, trucks loaded with a poured into our town, you know, only on the 4th day, the heavy duty machines arrive here going on, ma'am. at his bringing supplies of attend his family now called home. he's reunited with one of his sisters. i feel happy and set. oh, i see my city in distortion. it is really work for me. so here we go. one route we're the drive into summoned are from the port reveals the desperate circumstances. the survivors are in. still living out of their cars, 5 days on from the initial quake. the government has not yet got tense through to this town. and this is where that aid is coming to, and where it is desperately needed. more than 70 percent of the buildings in this town have been totally destroyed. there is no electricity, and there is no sign of life. bernard smith, al jazeera, summoned our se in turkey, all the devastation and cassie and have has left many families increasingly fearful that they'll never see their loved ones. again. stephanie deca has more for us from no dagger that's in south eastern to care. it's difficult to convey even with these pictures, the extent of the damage here building after building home after home street after st. destroyed. one resident told us no dag, he is no longer on the map where people remain under the rubble. the rescue operation goes on. relatives wait, day and night. they sleep here under blankets that offer little protection against the bitter cold. but as the days go on, many tell us that they have lost hope. sworn the anchors, ult, amber. at the moment we are expecting for more people from our family grandfather and grandmother and granddaughter and a sister in law. when they bring them out and we will burn them in our land. we've seen 4 bodies hold out of this building so far. 28 people remain, but all hope has been lost to find any survivors here. entire families have been wiped out in one moment. and if you drive further up the road, you're going to see the scenes being replayed again and again. the other day we are going will help. and yet incredibly to young children are pulled out alive by a spanish rescue team. just a few blocks away. days off to the devastating earthquake they survived under heavy concrete, in freezing temperatures. these are seen as miraculous moments these days providing a rare moment of joy for every one here. as overwhelmingly it is the dead who are emerging from their homes. blankets are used to offer them and their families, some dignity. we are also not to film as the bodies are carried past us in black bags. there will likely be many more. stephanie decker, al jazeera new doggy in south eastern takia. o babies who were discovered alone without their families. in the aftermath of these quakes had been flown to the turkish capital ankara center because he already visited the hospital where they are currently being treated. this baby is 35 days old. when mondays, catastrophic earthquake. it took years eastern province of co, him on march. she was already in intensive care. and this one as well. his heart beat slow down when he's asleep. 16 infants were transferred from the epicenter in car amman, marsh, to the capitol on ker, 2 days ago. they were all intents of care, but their hospitals were evacuated either for safety reasons or to treat survivors . all of them have ideas, but dear thirties haven't been able to reach their families. hustle, only hipson in general drama is hostile items. babies are in good shape. we do ultrasounds with checkup purposes. one of our babies was born at 28 weeks and the other 33. following the completion of their eye examinations, we will plan their discharge. and this tiny survivor was rescued from the ruins. the woman who discovered her scribbled baby oh, the rubble on her forehead, and left a note on her chest telling where she was found. 16 babies, separated from their families, were evacuated from their home town, which now resembles a war torn city. after being rescued from the rebel, some babies were able to receive medical treatment. premature baby is on the other hand, will have to remain in intensive care. they are being attended by 4. so mothers appointed by the ministry of family and social services. so honestly, we withdrew them because we will definitely keep a close eye on our babies. these patients growth and development should be monitored at regular intervals in outpatient clinic lucidity. as these innocent babies fight for the lives in the i, c. u. authorities continue to search for their missing family. financial solar elders era anchor. who meanwhile, a dan in northern syria has been damaged, prompting concerns about the safety of critical facilities and both see syria and to kia and alzheimers. they down reports. one village has now learned 1st hand how concerned can quickly become catastrophe. water, the source of life is now a threat to it, and toulon, rebel held northwest and syria. monday's earthquake damaged the african dam crating a crack, but sent its waters gushing and flooding a nearby village. when you've endured war and the nurse quake, wading through flood waters is a bitter cherry when a cake soaked in misery. well, if we survive the earthquake, we are displaced, my family was living in a tent, then the flooding started and now i don't know what will happen to them. the water submerged houses, swamp streets, and engulfed fields. the false tranquillity barely conceals the horror which forced an evacuation engineer comes to take the building and really cover a 100. so buildings cannot to be saved anymore. so they ask that people to be everything from the building quickly. the worry doesn't stop at the syrian border. you say that may not have been any breaches in the dan here and here. but the earthquake hit zone here that host around 75 percent of the countries, dan, that's enough to send official scrambling. officials say they're checking around a 140 dams and rest of was in the south and east of turkey like this one, say han in a donna say hon hasn't been affected, but others have shown up there the michelle. we have examined 120 of these dams and reservoirs. we found cracks and 6 dams, but however, we can safely say these crack do not pose any danger. but those assurances haven't eased all the concerns. not only about the safety of dams, but also about other critical facilities connected to them. the thing is done here . and there are a dense ashley, indeed, earthquake area. there is a power plant over there and be our ra in should be so it is very important as well for turkey. the main and edge is one of the main energy sources for we don't know any is position at them. tween is near the match or not dams, in the south and east provide at least 65 percent of tortillas, electricity, many communities live along the rivers which feed those dams. but officials say their biggest fear so far is what dam breaches and potential collapses across the border and syria will need for villages here in tokyo, dans name pete rivers. not the flow of catastrophes. sam is a, than a dana tortilla. all the united nations refugee agency says as many as 5300000 people have been left homeless in syria as a result of these quakes. the situation in already water areas has now been complicated by the devastation. that's also caused problems for the un response. has kristen salumi reports the full scale of the devastation and syria is only just beginning to come to light here at un headquarters in new york. and while more aid convoys are getting through to northwest syria and the one border crossing that goes into the hardest hit area, critics are saying it's too little too late. critics like the advocacy groups to organize this demonstration here by the u. n's own calculation, some 5300000 syrians are likely homeless as a result of this way. the majority of them in areas the syrian government doesn't control where people have already been up routed by years of war. un agencies say they've been responding from day one and is very difficult environment. they've sent in food emergency medical kits and supplies for pregnant and lactating women. we are left alone once again, defending our dead body, shouting, asking for rescue. it's not the sovereignty. it's not the stank for every one who doesn't care, found this shelter to hide behind, and execute the lazy execute. we are working as fast as we can within the political parabola, within the parameters that we have to operate in. but i mean, as you saw the, the cross or the cross border mechanism is now up and running again. things are going through. there was a lot of a that was preposition. on friday, the un released $25000000.00 in emergency assistance for syria, bringing the total so far to $50000000.00. an assessment team is now on the ground, however, and needs are expected to park out a flash appeal for donations as expected. early next week, stella had here on al jazeera a cougar. controversy in los angeles will tell you why the death of the city is most famous. that while feline has led to a dispute between scientists and industries, ah hello welcome to the look at the international forecast. we have got the potential for one or 2 showers in to kia and into we're syria as we go one through our sas day. but i think it's not anything like as heavy as we have seen recently, the key factor is that it will remain very, very cold. in the coming days, further south is been cool enough in kuwait 15 celsius. recently 18 celsius temperature, starting to bounce back here. as we go on through, sat down, we're getting up to round 24 by sunday, some re sleep the snow pushing across into iran by that stay south of that. it's generate rides, a warm, a sunshine coming back here in doha, around 24 degrees. there's plenty of sunshine, but the said it does remain very cold across a good part of the gear. we see your temperatures, sir, getting no higher than around 8 or 9 celsius for aleppo and over towards southern parts of it. here as we go on through, sat day is the overnight temperature, of course that give greater cause for concern. and once again, we are falling below freezing and that will be the case for many days to come. got some wet weather, some windy weather, just grazing the far north of africa. some showers the possibility into tennessee are still some showers there into northern areas of libya and staying rather unsettled for northern egypt. ah, lebanon's state of collapse has become the country's new normal. it's economy is in real life as lebanon, a failed state. it's a very tough question because people, otherwise, it's difficult, will lebanon be able to change course. the economy minister i've been sell um, talks to al jazeera, a diverse range of stories from across the gland. from the perspective of on networks journalists on the al jazeera lou ah, ah, hello. they are watching al jazeera. i'm this dolls you take here and doll. let's remind you of our top stories. it's now 5 days after powerful earthquakes hit southern tequila and will in syria. more than 23000 people are confirmed at turkish president rush reply back to one has admitted the response has not been fast enough . meanwhile, though, a 2nd un aide to convoy 14 trucks has crossed into rebel pulse of syria following an initial 6 on thursday, the syrian government has approved cross border a deliveries to rebel health areas. in the united nations refugee agency is saying as many as 5300000 people have been left homeless in syria as a result of those quakes. now us officials have shut down a 2nd, unauthorized high altitude object found in the sky above the nation's territory. on friday. military officials say the object was shot down of alaska, the recovery efforts, the ongoing. how does your customer reports publish details about what u. s. official described, the op, jacqueline discovered over northeastern alaska remain spars. the pentagon says it was about the size of a car for an unmanned and did not appear to be maneuverable. this for me was travelling at about 40000 feet, which posed a potential, a reasonable threat to civilian air traffic. and the decision was made to take about the decision came from president biden, as he was preparing to meet with brazil president at the white house. biden had been criticized by republicans for waiting days to shoot down a chinese spy balloon. as it traveled across the united states last week. the administration had feared the risk of a bad landing, and so waited until the balloon was over the atlantic ocean to take it down. u. s. official se, there's no indication. the object shot down over alaska on friday was related. we do not know who owns it, whether it's a, whether state owned or, or corporate owner, privately owned. we just don't know. the us northern command is now working to recover the object that landed on ice near the arctic circle. as the american public waits to learn what it was heidi jo castro, al jazeera washington now to people have been killed in a car running attack near the illegal israeli settlement of romance in the occupied westbank. and just across the green line close to occupied east jerusalem saw her on triple is the latest in a series of attacks carried out against israeli settlers. this time, a polished indian man slammed his car into a crowded bus stop in remote and illegal israeli. jewish settlement near occupied easter gruesome. there had been 2 people announced to see those victims. one of them is the diesel 6 year old child. i want to emphasize that the attack with on civilians and the police will not stand for this type of terror on our civilian. the 2nd victim was recently married 20 year old students. several of those injured were hospitalized. the assailant 31 year old, palestinian has been cut aka from occupied east. jerusalem was killed on the spot by an off duty police officer. within minutes. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu ordered more forces on the streets, has in time, has since been sealed ready for demolition in line with a fast track measures onto the new right wing government. national security minister, been given, rushed to the scene, assuring his supporters of a hard line crack down some soldiers from them. as from the new chile, i 1st of all thank the prime minister for adopting my policy to seal the house immediately. i also instructed the police to set up checkpoints around a, so we're going to stop and check every vehicle. so i wanted to set a full blockade, but there is a legal question around this so we will discuss it. but there was no room for discussion for those living in her scenes neighborhood, i saw a or israel security forces rated it's immediately arresting. several people including has seen wife harvest indians in the occupied territory, have called israel's home rates and demolitions collective punishment, much of which is prohibited under international law. but israel says it's the only way to deter others from future attacks. a policy that doesn't seem to be working, but well. this is the 3rd time carried out by palestinians against israelis in just 2 weeks. the 1st one being outside a synagogue where 7 people were killed. the ultra orthodox years community says that it very much feels targeted and you can see just behind me there. they've been offering their prize at the place where this attack happened. is ready, defense minister of government has since imposed financial sanctions on 87 palestinians from occupied east ruthless and ordered the seizure of funds given by the palestinian authority to families of prisoners and israeli jails, accused of terrorism. at least $43.00 palestinians have been killed since the start of the year. and with the death toll rising on both sides every day, they're all face. the violence is likely to continue for us out there a remote occupied east. jerusalem. well, the city of amsterdam has band cannabis smoking on the streets of its red light district. the measure comes, i mean, why the efforts to restrict drinking hours and to limit disruption that caused by tourists. step from amsterdam is famous for its canals and 17th century houses. and its coffee shops, especially this last attraction, is drawing thousands of tourists to the city every year. it is given to them a name as a rebellious city, a city of freedom, the freedom to be able to smoke. reid, on the street, is especially appealing to visitors. the bad been called by some historic break. with the past. i grew up in the 19 seventy's and eighty's, and that was the real opposite. this is not amsterdam as i know it, that is kind of a good thing because you know, like a saturday night in the red light district or new market was kind of crazy. it now allowed on the inside the coffee shop so that people can still enjoy and not annoy their residence. you know, for many years residents have been complaining about the noise and the behavior of tourists, robin drinking and smoking on the doorstep. this and the fact that the city wants to change its image from a city of coffee shop to the city of culture has led to the bad of smoking weed on the streets. but the main question is, how willy and force it if they succeed, for sure it will smell a lot different here. well, an unusual dispute is not brewing between scientists and indigenous groups in los angeles. they both want the remains of a wild kruger known as p 22, the big cat with a local legend. and as being warned across the city and beyond. robin has worn out from l. a. o d 22 requiem for a wild cat. thousands of people gathered recently in los angeles to celebrate the life and legacy of p 22, the charismatic cougar, whose wanderings gained him a global following. so we did, this is a way for the community really, but also the world to be able to kind of read together for 10 years. p 22 room. the wilds of griffith park next to downtown l. a. the puma posed in photos caught by wildlife cameras. his presence brought a note of nature's wild beauty to the concrete and steel of the sprawling megalopolis when he would go across the camera. and he, he had an air of, of, of, of, of confidence, of almost being regal late last year, p 22 killed a chihuahua, and hollywood hills and mol, than other authorities concluded. he posed a danger to humans and captured him. veterinarians discovered p 22 had injuries from encounters with cars, he was euthanized to end his suffering. p 20 two's mortal remains are the subject of a dispute between the l. a. areas, native american tong voss, people who want to give the cat a ceremonial burial. and scientists who want to study his body a tongue thus spokeswoman told al jazeera the tribe is confident. p 20 two's remains will be handed over to the tribe by the city's natural history museum. like many l a star's p 22 was born in less glamorous surroundings. somewhere in the woods up north. possibly drawn by the bright lights of the big city, but more likely by the urge to find a mate. p 22 travelled south to reach l. a. p 22 somehow managed to cross this busy 8 lane highway. researchers say around 70 big cats are killed on california highways every year to reduce the number of those deaths and inspired in part by p 20 two's epic journey. california is building this giant wildlife crossing. it will provide safe passage for animals of all kinds from one natural area to another. the $87000000.00 span stitches together wild lands, fragmented by development, even as p $22.00 is mourned. the good news from mountain lions and the people who admired them is that their population is increasing and they are heading east. one was cited last year in central illinois. experts say there is plenty of habitat suitable for them in the northeastern and middle atlantic regions of the us rob reynolds.

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