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also coming up nurses across the u. k. go on strike for the 1st time, and demanding better wages to keep up with inflation. thousands take to the streets in istanbul, protesting against the conviction of the cities man had of next to his posts. and 3 men who plotted to kidnap the governor of the you are state of michigan, and now heading to jail. ah, harris supreme court is deciding whether to keep for my president federal castillo in custody for up to 18 months or testers demanding his release of blocking roads in defiance of the state of emergency declared on wednesday. at least 8 people have been killed in more than a week of unrest. castillo has been charged with the rebellion and conspiracy after illegally trying to dissolve congress. marianna sanchez as more now from leave. most of the protesters around the country want that new general elections. we're now in the center of the capitol in the center of the of the sun martin plaza, where hundreds of police have been deployed in this area and around the perimeter. not only of here, but also of at the congress, which is a few blocks away from here. now there's police, there's some army, could some army personnel that are in guarding a hotel, but mainly the police riot. police have been deployed here and they're not allowing the people who are inside the plaza to go out and they're not allowing other protesters who are outside to come in. so they, what they've done is to separate to protesters. the ones who are protesting today are mainly the workers union. the teachers unions who are very experienced in protesting for many, many years. and so they are the ones who are trying to march or now there's a lot of tension here in the center of the capitol as a former precedent pick, a seal is still remaining a under arrest and took a thousands of people have rallied in istanbul to protest against the conviction of the cities, merriment mammogram on the wednesday at court on him guilty of insulting public officials during the male war race in 2019. he was sentenced to more than 2 and a half years in prison and has been banned from politics. support to say the verdict is politically motivated and a wagner is seen as a potential challenge up to president russia typo to one in elections next year. them kashandra was out that rally in istanbul. thousands of people gathered in front of his stumble, metropolitan municipality to show support for stumble, may re cremmit my molo, and it is a protest against the court decision, the which wants the jail is stumbled mayor and impose a political been. now what is makes for a the mamo law is a matter of concern, and now away for a court of appeals is open for him. and the next step is there. even the court of appeals up holds the verdict, the current verdict. then another way is open for him until the is supreme court decides in, in the opposite way, until the final decision by the supreme court extra mo, mo lou has the legal right to stay as the mayor of his stumble and the political ban on him will not be imposed by many people. he are here who are mostly the main opposition party members, and people who voted for him are saying that the yesterday's court decision against a criminal moley is totally unlawful. tens of thousands of nurses in the u. k. have gone on strike in their 1st ever national walk out nurses with the national health service. want a 19 percent pay arrives. they face the cost of living crisis, but the u. k. government says it can only afford 4.3 percent general reports from also ah, it's minus 8 degrees on the picket line outside oxford warn ford hospital. the nurses here undeterred. this passing cars honk their support. they're joining colleagues across england, wales and northern ireland. in the 1st strikes of their kind in the history of the national health service. a service that many say is on the brink of collapse, or we've lost thousands. i thousands and thousands of nurses during the pandemic, but pre pandemic campus pandemic. actually, the nat impression has been chronically affected by our government and things have happened in the world for a really, really long time. we met one of the nurses, rachel ambrose at home, the day before the strike full time heating is no longer affordable. so when the children are out at school, it's freezing. she's been a nurse for 20 years and for much of that time, rachel says her salary has been stagnant or fallen in real terms, as the cost of living, particularly this year has gone up. well sir, from the summer we were average in about a $160.00 pound a month, and that was already an increase from that. a pricing clinic when tip and yeah, shop is nearly $400.00 pound. now, prices just keep going up and we're just expected to swallow it and it's, it's not physically possible. and so it's time that we took a stand. and yeah, well basically asking for what has been lost over the past 1015 years. and we just want a fair wage. sheena. when i ask in for tweaks, we're just asking for a fair wage. so we can afford to continue working with nurses back on the picket line. the nurses say they regret the effect strikes will have all non urgent patient care. but they say the effect of staff shortages caused by those leaving the service is worse than this is, are asking for 19 percent higher eyes or 5 percent above in place to meet. they say a 20 percent fall in real terms wages in recent years. it's a negotiating position that the government so far isn't engaging with beyond around 4 percent currently on the table any more they say will have to be paid for in higher taxes. the support has grown as the day goes on. the nurses joined by representatives of other unions. it's not only health care that's on the pressure but railways, airports the border force, bus drivers, and more the government facing a winter wave of disruption. right across the public sector. joe, to hold al jazeera oxford, the european leaders of agreed on a 9th round of sanctions against russia for its war and ukraine. the additional sanctions will be formalized by lunchtime, on friday. exactly. what's included in the new measures isn't yet clear, but the european commission had proposed travel bands and asset freezes on $200.00 russian officials and military offices meet all on the ground. russian and shelling in southern ukraine has killed at least 2 people in her son and left the entire city without power. the eastern city of hockey was also hit in the latest round of strikes, millions of ukrainians, or enduring freezing winter temperatures. without regular power and water, as russia continues to target civilian infrastructure. also in the east, the mayor of the russian occupied city of dani. it's cause reported a heavy bombardment by ukrainian forces. he says 40 rockets hit the city, injuring 6 people, including a child hospital and apartment block with damage. yes, president joe biden has called for the african union to become a permanent member. the g 20 s a group of the wills 20 leading economists. it was speaking on the final day of the u. s. africa leader summit in washington. he also announced billions of dollars in support and investment for african countries. shabba times the report president biden participated in 2 leaders sessions of the summit, one on the african union's agenda, 2063 planned to transform the continent over the next 50 years, and one on ensure and food security. once again, biden's message was of equitable development mutual success and u. s. investment over the next 3 years. working in close cooperation with the united states congress. we plan to commit $55000000000.00 in africa to advance the priorities we share and support and to support the agenda 2063. however, when i asked us, government officials were unable to provide a breakdown of how the figure of $55000000000.00 was arrived at, or how the bite and ministration intends to get congress to approve that some. the president of the african union welcome the u. s. has renewed commitment to africa, but called for washington to end its economic sanctions on symbolic way and its plans, the sanction of the african countries via the so called malign russian activities in africa acts still working his way through congress. suppose you start gum dysfunction. this bill with its sanctions, which targets a whole continent, is the 1st in international relations. africa is asking why such a bill exist, and why is africa targeted? at least outwardly, the u. s. has changed its tone at the summit, not publicly hectoring african nations about decisions. washington doesn't agree with, but there is still skepticism about whether anything really is different. the problem isn't what they're saying. they're saying all the right things. the problem is, they're not doing anything differently, they're still focusing more on, on, you know, open societies on values rather than on increasing investments and sort of a more concrete approach to encourage and businesses to invest in the region. and even as the biden administration talks of democracy and human rights, it was notable that the only african leader to get an honor guard was the objection president who overseas, a government not noted for its democratic values. the u. s. e. 's itself is the world's indispensable nation, but there's little patience without sort of talk here. there are simply too many other countries willing to do business with africa who don't demand economic and political obedience. she ever chancey al jazeera washington. so let's bring in robin sanders. she's a former us ambassador to both nigeria and the republic of congo. she joins us live now from washington. d. c. ambassador. sound is good to have you with us. where does africa stand on president biden's foreign policy list. i mean the u. s. invite . so leave african leaders to washington just summit hosted not by the president, but by his secretary of state, anthony blink and, and biden honey turns up to give a speech. some would say, perhaps this is a bit insulting to africa leaders. i said listen to the package beforehand and also your comments right now. i really think that neither are inclusive or fair by actually the twice with very detail remarks. and then the 2nd session was actually dialogue. so i don't think that that is actually actually selective of the vironment. you did have the 47 nations that were inviting hum with their respective ministers. and i think that shows that there is a desire on both sides. i think from our perspective by had to summarize it. i think our on our perspective we wanted to reimagine magic to rebuild the west africa relationship racket. we haven't been there all the time. the last couple years and this was a reset. and i think that by and his team and it's leadership actually get a fairly good job. we did focus on investment and trading, fact investment and trade, credit infrastructure and transportation were you know, key elements also of the funding that we provided. i wanted to give you some examples of that, okay, what we just pushed for time docusign is, but i mean i was looking through the pentagon readout and it says the u. s. isn't forcing it's african partners to choose sides. but in effect, it is really, isn't it because isn't there some at all about countering china's influence across the continent and many african leaders have to make hard economic choices don't make i don't agree with that either. clearly we are a competitive china, absolutely no doubt about that. but i do think that we can as a nation, we can walk in the same time. yes, we want to do trade and investment. yes, we want to build and have a great engagement, but we're not going to step away from our values about democracy and human rights. and certainly now, i mean climate change that next. so we're going to be, we're going to continue to do those things and we're going to continue to build on the engagement of infrastructure development and investment and trade. okay? and i think that there's a range of things that can be done that really put us in a good relationship with, with the cognitive. let's talk about russia quickly. dr. sanders with rushes invasion of ukraine lives around moscow, increasing involvement across africa through the wagner group. it's got a significant military presence in countries like c a r, molly, libya. how much of a security concern or threat is russia in africa briefly? well, you know, there are security concerns about wretched activity on the continent, particularly if they're supporting terrorist or the stabilizer region. so we do have our eye on that. we haven't had our eye on that for several years now and we remain vigilant on the fact that, that you know, that kind of insulin and that kind of stabilization can still be happening to the likes of the wagner and other similar. i do want to end on a positive note if i can. it was about investment in trade. there was $600000000000.00 worth of m o use and, and deal made during the conference during the conference. and i think that those should not be forgotten because really, it was a lot of effort in that area. yeah, that's an important point to make. dr. science. i mean we've seen a number of us africa initiatives in the past. like the clinton era africa grow. fact, we've seen power africa launched by obama. none of these plans have really got off the ground africa only accounts a one percent of us. foreign trade is a real danger here. but despite all the rhetoric and the lofty ambitions, the u. s. is framing africa. i mean, no one to china, it's filling that geo political space. no, i don't think that we're still a africa. i think that we have shown by there's somebody that we are back in that we are willing to engage. as i said, 600000007400000 from x, and there are large deals or small deals from general electric to nigeria, l a and the u. s. s. e r. renewable energy. their transportation deals there were you sign with the africa export import export bank. so i don't think that in terms of the information that you have, nothing to positive examples really show what the re imagining and the rebuilding of the relationship really gauge. and i that that's actual money on the table, those with deals that okay, so those are not lofty ambitions, but those are actually hard or deals that rack and bustle. robin sound is really good to get your thoughts on your analysis. thank you very much. indeed for talking about here. thank you. and also to come here and i'll just hear including officials release files on the assassination of former us president john f. kennedy. but some documents remain under lock and key and we visit the shrine to south american football. that's during legions of woke up more or less. ah, anticipation is rising. and so with sibling cattle, a ways. hello. we got some proper winfrey weather in the forecast for japan, and a good deal of china over the next couple of days. speclink shower cloud, sliding across the saved pad that will bring some big flowers of snow into western a northern passage, pan over the next day or so further south trailing where the system they're just running across taiwan into southern china will bring some outbreaks of rain. it will be very heavy at times, but it will gradually clear through so that is something to look for to the west weather moment, pushing up into central china and north of that. it is generally dry, but it is cold sub 0. therefore, beijing cold enough in sol as well, and there's that snow therefore, to pam, which becomes a little more extensive as we go on through saturday. so fair, better see effect snow coming through. much of the country will see a flurry or 2, possibly some snow to into the korean peninsula, but for china it is generally dry. and there we have that improving weather in terms of dry weather coming back into southern parts of china as we go when he sat just 14 celsius there for hong kong in that northeast lea breeze, which will drive showers down into the south china sea. so good parts of vietnam, seeing some very heavy downpours, as we go on through friday and they become more extensive as we go through saturday and some very heavy rain for the may peninsula. the weather, sponsored by categories prostrated by political unrest, battle wrapping gives a voice to disenfranchised youth in the arab world. who live here would look for music, absolutely reflects their concept. began this music scene, survive the disaster, and generational exodus of lebanon, even if i can't find peace in the middle east or me. calarino, there's always the piece to the middle east than me on al jazeera. ah ah, welcome back, a good amount of our top stories here at this hour peruse. supreme court is deciding on a detention term for former president federal casteel is facing charges after trying to solve congress and could be detained for up to 18 months. at least 8 people have been killed in protest, demanding his release. thousands of people have rally against the conviction of istanbul mare, who seen as a possible challenger to the president and elections next year. a crime in a mob lose support to say the verdict is politically motivated. a nurses in the u. k. of been on strike coding for better pay and working conditions would say that wages have not increased years and they're struggling to heat their homes and by food. dozens of people are feared to be trapped in a landslide in malaysia. it happened that a camping ground near the capitol column. poor rescue crews are trying to find survivors and have already pulled out. 31 people from the site. a u. s. judge is jailed. 3 men linked to a plot to kidnap michigan's governor, the members of a power military group, but trained adam fox, who led a conspiracy of ducks democrat, gretchen whitman back in 2020. the defendants was sentenced to between 7 and 12 years. the longest jail terms given in the case so far, fox could face a life sentence for his role in a plot. i now see in the crowd for breath and be careful. but the last thing i say to people, when we part, i worry about the cd, every one hear me when i was a police officer and jordan has been shot and killed during a confrontation with protest as in the southern city of mom. that in demonstrations against the high cost of fuel in several cities, including the capital a man. but he say it's not clear who shot the officer during the protest. the irish army says one of its soldiers with a un peacekeeping mission in lebanon's, been killed, and another seriously injured that convoy reportedly came under small arms fire a sullen town of acadia. while traveling to beirut un mission says was launched a joint prob, with a lebanese army. the army group has bella says, it wasn't responsible, and the locals were involved in an unintentional incident. my thoughts are with the family to that because this is the worst possible news for them. at this time of the year or peacekeepers, i think distinguish ireland overseas. i think that bring great great dignity to the country am and it is very, very sad that we have discussed this morning that in a very serious instant i, one of peacekeepers has been killed. the european parliament has voted to suspend work involving cattle. it follows allegations the gulf state tried to influence members decisions which cut our denies. a parliament president says she also wants to strengthen rules against corruption and outside influence. as of today, i am putting together a wide ranging reform package to be ready in the new year for this will include the strengthening of the parliaments, whistleblower protection systems, a ban on all unofficial friendships groups. i review of the policing of our code of conduct rules and a complete and in depth look of how we interact with 3rd countries. slovakia government has lost no confidence vote in parliament despite last ditch effort to gain support. it was passed by 78 members of the 150 c parliament. the vote doesn't mean an immediate change of government but could open the way to an elections. opposition parties have criticized the government for not doing enough box soaring prices and energy costs. it's been 59 years since the assassination of us president john f. kennedy, and now thousands of government files have being made public. the u. s. national archives has released almost 13000 documents over the assassination in dallas in november 1963. but the white house held some documents back, citing national security. the government commission that investigated the shooting, found lee harvey oswald at the loan and assassinating j f k. but that conclusion has not stopped speculation. there was a wide plot to kill for you as president. ah, so the world cup final is just 2 days away. who's it going to be france or argentina? he is ralph paddock at our water front studio info from coach did a. daniel says the teen spirit in his squad is what will carry them to a 3rd wild cup. the flyers have been in party mood of their semi pharma when are of america fraud. so aiming to the company 1st team to successfully defend their title sales, pallet's, brazil inlaw 18. 62. while the french president emanuel macro was at the stadium to see his team beat morocco, arguably back in cats, are for the fargo at the summit in brussels. he was asked about sundays match. leon with is a great video when he plays in taurus that i prefer him in paris and he's a national team. so we will do our best known. we have a lot of respectful for, for his teams is wonderful one, but i think at the french jimmy's will preferred. we have some very experience and very young players. and i, i think makes us both is it falls incredible. and them, i'm very confident as is chemistry, and i think this is a team with a lot of willingness generosity. and it will have 68000000 people backing them. and a movie, part of them are prompted to parlance argentina have been back out on the training field for the 1st farm since they're fairly far away. either kaleisha, but the full squad wasn't on show. little messy was one of those he set out the session like france, argentina hoping to lift the trophy for the 1st time in their history. well let's look ahead to that follow with our football analysts one ranga lino. messy says this will be his last well cut match if you've had the truth. asterisk, it's up to him. it's a truth until he doesn't make it the truth to be quite honest. argentine we'll have to go through work of qualifying starting in march. does he want to get committed at this point saying that i would believe not if he's saying that he already said look, the reason i don't want to go through it is because i don't want to go through the experience of having to have 4 years of preparation, injuries, having to stay fit and being a 39. grading for, for a 6 woke up an unprecedented 6 work up. so there is some truth to that. now he might start feeling the knock in the pings at, at this, at this stage of his career. so it might be especially feel in the world cup. i think you'd probably be hanging up. or let's have a look at from whenever and starting on about killing and clearly a key play for the girl. it's really impressed me watching this. told him it's been, i've been playing a slightly different role than what we normally saying. you see, but he's been a quite revelation because, you know, he's a good player, but he's had what kind of a toilet. but you're right in one asked, he is a revelation of source because of where he's playing in a, in his position in this squad, playing a bit deeper back, being able to find and, and exploit the spaces they're being opened up by the defenses. so that's very key to the lack of being that kind of meant to be caught more aggressive that we use to that is exactly right. that is another player to be looking at to is i didn't have you who has been quite impressive in the middle. the pitch being able to be that stop or, or that also destroy slash creator a going forward. and there is what other factor here it's the into support is alongside the moroccans cleaning the most passionate amount isn't supportive, that they told them and they get a dominate stadium on sunday. are they going to be a factor unless francis scores in the 1st 5 minutes? i think they will. but obviously, as i mentioned before, if france does take the initiative and does score early on, they could be silent just as much as morocco. although i do have my doubts on that letter of statement i just made because it's very difficult to be able to silence these argentine fans carla's, of what the situation is in the teams going through parking lot. thank you very much for that will to south of a 3rd place play off now kind of a shot morocco looking to and the tournament on a high some site if matches more like a friendly but there is a bronze medal. it started the creation play, sorry, there will be taking the fixture very seriously. if i'll repeat the so, i think if you ask this question to the moroccan players, i don't think they will look at this much as a friendly. they're going to fight. they're fighting for their lives because if you win a medal at a well cup, you become an immortal hero in your country. that's the same thing. we're going to do. each of us from russia understand that feeling of winning a medal at the world cup. and we have a lot of players who haven't experienced that and would love to do that because it's something that will stay with them for the rest of their life. friendly game is a very bad word or friday is the final ref. i've catalog 4042 is the thing prepared for the last matches of what's been a 3 league a few weeks of football will have all the build up to the walcott fall cupboard right here on out to 0. when it might be a rest day for the teams of the wilcox, but the funds are still out, and about making the most of what cattle has to offer. alexia bryan has more from charade in. don't just say the way from that all important final way, argentina type on france and fans all the south american teams have come down here to this 2000000000 that is run that by the regions. football federation ended up paying from you to the south. american things have been part of it, the not just argentina, but also build uruguay and also ecuador, and this is what they cooling. it's tree green. and it really looks at those who've been behind counseling sport take a roots in the region, so it supposing giant float past and present and hopefully even future so on it, you can see engraved into it various autographs. we've got up here. we've got haley, we've got around the corner. we've got diego marana, and of course, the global superstar linelle missy. there'd be more than a $100000.00 visits to this interactive space since it opened on the clear sky of the world cup. football fans contrived a school and she kicks tasting whether they can dance with the pool, like this, forcing heroes or hip that how went to seemed it into the back of the need. they can also take cell phones with life sized models. if 2 of the greatest football players of all time, argentina, diego, madonna, and brazil is another brazilian poland, known by just one name. and there is a still that resilient boarwood place of the national same age. 36 years old, made sure to have some of the big female players in the region. and if you are in denial, but this will cover the over in just a few days that work with women like this will be taking the picture next year in new zealand and australia. with krycek, the headlines here on al jazeera peruse, supreme court is deciding whether to keep for my president federal castillo and custody for up to 18 months or testers, demanding his release of blocking roads in defiance of a state of emergency at least 8 p. but been killed from south rest began more than a week ago. castillo has been charged with rebellion and conspiracy after illegally trying to dissolve congress.

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