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Fighting between congolese Government Troops and m 23 faces means closer to the eastern city of go mud. Displacing thousands of people. Ah, my money played out, is there a lie from day or so coming up . Russias foreign minister says ukraines conditions the talks are unrealistic off to key calls on g, 20. 00 latest depress most, go to end the war. Crossing 8000000000 mall come wells, population hits a new milestone. And the republicans, only one seats away from taken house of representatives, often unexpectedly closed bedtime election. Ah, ah, the democratic republic of congo military says the conflict with m 23 fighters has moved closer to the eastern city of goma. The fighting has already displaced tens of thousands of people. Un troops have been patrolling the streets of go math. The m 23. 5 is a widely understood to be backed by wonder. In allegation, the wanton government has denied markham web. Has the latest from gober. Just a few kilometers to north, where we are, the fighting is going on in the town. If cuba burnett been there for the last couple of days, initially, the communist Government Forces repels and attack y m 23. 00, which is widely understood to be a property of rwanda, con, release ministry. So to say theyre fighting rwandan soldiers. Some say that you got there is supporting them as well. Theyre both countries deny it. If i think been there in the north of there, and weve just heard this morning that the fighting is in the town itself. Weve seen military vehicles pickup trucks carrying soldiers going to the front. Some others come in the other way as well. Possibly being rotated out or maybe redirected to one of the other from 3 from fighting in total village. Resorted. Phase one going in the other one to the north of m. 23 territory near the border with uganda. Another one to the west, to the town of tang guy. But lets take a look around where we are now. This is a come for displaced people. Tens of thousands of people fled in the last couple of weeks fled their homes because of the fighting. Many people have a scared of m 23 and so theyve made rudimentary shelters. Plastic sheets, mosquito net branches of trees and raining almost every day at the moment. Things have improved very slightly since we 1st came to this particular camp couple of days ago. Can see that you and childrens funded votes and toilets and someones in built a wooden frame and a platter of water drinking water, which of course there isnt enough clean water food shelters, inadequate as well. And heavy rain makes the conditions quite on sanitary. A planets population keeps growing and has just passed the 8000000000 mach and took less than 12 years to add that last 1000000000. As some of the Fastest Growing population fell in africa. And with more people comes increase conflict and fight for resources. And it has been one of the largest drivers of population growth. They will soon overtake china as the most populated country. The indian women are now having 2 children on average. Experts say thats due to the best education and health care for women. Of natal reports from roger stands state. If they know me, the good to go get up and i had your boss mccardie, one in boucher. John good is training teenagers to become more self aware. Shes using a game of cards to start discussions about choice and consent. The logic goal is to empower rule women funny, go let go. Would be let, let me play some girls in villages unless aware. So we encourage them to tell their parents that they want to study or start working before getting married. Everybody wants children, but they need to be independent before that. In jazz home to 1400000000 people, this population is projected to soon become the worlds largest. Its expected to peak around 2060 and then start declining. Government data shows indian women are having fewer children. It correlates this with improvement in gods education, white Family Planning policies focus on breaking taboos with on contraception and increasing awareness about maternal hell. I dont understand that because a lot of Community Health workers are providing pre and post nika, care, shandrika, la advises, new moms on breastfeeding vaccinations and nutrition. Rural areas have strong patriarchal norms about marriage and child booked. She says families were earlier uncomfortable with their work. Thought by law, how may i give admit that there has been a major awakening in the village since we started working earlier . Mothers would have had a 2nd child even when the 1st child was very young. All they would have become mothers at a very young age thats become less common. There are concerns about indias ability to create jobs and people. Some experts say a growing population could be an advantage if the government invest in creating jobs and improving health care. If you dont have all that, it leads to lake, you know, are diminishing returns in terms of the economy, but it lead door was socialist strife and frustration. You cant ivan and id be lod, 350000000. Is i your population boucher hopes her message will travel beyond this group and help more young girls become independent. Experts say this will help make Family Planning a matter of choice and not chancey, pardon him at that . Al jazeera gorgeous todd western india. The Russian Foreign minister as the keys ukraine of dragging out any possible resolution. Speaking of the g 20 summit in barley, se galeb, rob alleged ukraine, had put forward unrealistic conditions for peace. Earlier ukraines president all were leaders to press russia to en what he called it aggressive war as k to rob mcbride, who is live in barley, say some interesting comments from say gay lover of what else exactly did he have to say . Thats what he was talking a lot, giving very interesting remarks about this communique that is being drafted. I have to say that this News Conference we are expecting from sir gay lover offered has been theres been all sorts of chatter about it all day long. Every one knew he was going to give some sort of oppressive and some kind of News Conference people were asking, where was it going to take place . How do i get inside it . But if people hadnt, and there are a lot of journalists here, obviously have been expecting some big event with hundreds of journalists asking very difficult questions about the invasion of ukraine. And they were to be disappointed. This was a very small gathering of a few hand picked a russian journalist, but a lever was talking about his communicate that is being drafted. Now, just to give it a bit of background, most summits a try to end with a communique that everybody can agree on. Everybody consigned the problem. Here of course, is that the war in ukraine has caused such deep divisions, especially with one of the g 20 members being of course russia. But theyre still attempting to come up with a form of word. So there is a draft that has been circulated which talks about everybody agreeing, that there has been severe Economic Impact because of the war. Well, everybody can agree to that. But it also states things like most of the g 20 or condemning the war in ukraine as a source of great human suffering while that most does not include russia. But according to said, galen ross, this is an attempt by the western powers to politicize. As he says, add this communique into putting these inflammatory accusations, aimed at russia, but also indicating that russia could be able to sign this at the end of this gee 20. Theres no guarantee of that, but it is in line with circ a love. Robs presence here, russia still wants to be seen part of the international community. Lo, Vladimir Putin is not here, but the foreign minister in the russian delegation is, and they may well, although theres no guarantee of that be signing a communique at the end of this. Yes, really interesting that you say that rob, that said russia still wants to feel like its part of the community in life that has there been any progress made on some kind of grain deal that that is part of this communique which does give people hope that this great deal will be renewed at the communique or the draft of it recognizes that it is important that it be extended. This is a deal whereby russia allows grain and fertilizer exports from ukraine to pass south across the black sea, and is obviously extremely important for trying to mitigate some of the food problems weve seen worldwide because of the war. Now that runs out at the weekend. But this agreement says its important that does get renewed, so there is hope here that it will be renewed. We also importantly heard at this g 20 from blood em is zelinski. And i think there was a feeling here that if the russians have a voice than the ukrainians definitely will as well. So we heard a message from the a valid him as a lensky, talking directory to the delegate, talking about the need to end this war. But to when did justly, he says in line with the un Charter International law, and he says making no compromises or ought not ukraine not being forced to make any compromises when it comes to territory to conscience or to sovereignty. Thank you for that. Rob mcbride, their 1st live in ali ah, a Republican Party in the us is on the costs, both taking control of the house of representatives. A secure 217 seats and is the only one seats away from flipping the chamber. Then counting is still underway in some regents nearly a week after the midterm elections as take a look at how the weights look so far. As we mentioned, the republicans just one seat away from winning a majority. They need a total of 218. 00 seats to do that. And while democrats expecting more winds from western sate slide, california 80 still have a slim chance of getting to to an 18. Meanwhile, the democratic candidate for governor in arizona katy hobbs, has defeated her donald trump and dos. Rival carry lake closely for race and the Battle Ground state was one of the most significant in the mid term elections of lakes. Defeat all the major republican candidates in swing states who refused except the 2020 president ial results have lost peter matthewss, a professor Political Science at Cyprus College and the author of dollars democracy on steroids. He says the loss in arizona proves that donald trump is losing his influence from dinar. Didnt have much to stand on end of the red, the red tide that was supposed to speak the country was not even red ripple. In fact, the democrats have taken back the senate and theyre about to get an extra seat in georgia to give them a 5149. 00 majority, which will be better than what they had for the election. So yeah, i believe the donald trump helped drag the party down with his support of extremist candidates from the mug of faction holligan party. And he scared away a lot of the middle of the road voters and even sensible republicans in wanted, did not want to support those kind of people, american women and their friends. And actually made abortion choice. A very important issue of democracy, the womens rights to make her own choices and on conscience in control of her own body. Its very important america, 2 thirds of americans support it. And this is what caused the republicans to lose more support. And ill democrats to do so well. So add on al jazeera chillies president talks to indigenous lepeu che latest is sold a landis piece out there against exclusive access to that me take, im from tennessee. Its been appalled. Trends we hear from the early can manage a english professional. Ah, anticipation is rising. And so with my cattle aways, i received something of a big cool down across much of china. We got a little band of clam. Its a central pass to the south or shanghai, but anyway, he could see some bits and pieces of rain over the next couple of days. Most of that is fine. Dry and quiet light winds mr. Folk to watch out for similar pitch a to into the korean peninsula. Still a few showers, looking around to northern parts of japan for a time, but so i think these will become fewer and farther between as we go on through the next few days, theres a where to whether to the south of shanghai, willing around 17 celsius sublet temperatures we go one into thursday and quite a bit of wet weather there in to southern parts of china. But further north, as i said, it is largely quiet and settled, quiet and subtlety of course, much of south asia. Hill western disturbances moving across northern parts of pakistan, filtering out, but wanted to shout around the foothills of the himalayas. The wet weather remains to the south, but im pleased to say we have no boys in force. At the moment we will see where to weather, just drifting in from the bye. Have been goal, said the nick, about as he had been honest, already seeing some very heavy right and see this little clutch of very wet weather, making its way towards the southeast of andrews. He go on through the weekend and bring in further heavy showers. It is for lanka to with sponsored by kat on a ways a commitment to continuously conserve its wonder is vital in providing break through solutions to Renewable Energy for an environmentally responsible future with transformation and collaboration. Indonesia urges and leave the world in moving forward. As were recover together, recover stronger. Ah oh, book and back he watching out 0 melinda thought absorbed as our, the democratic republic of congo military as fighting the rebels has moved closer to the city of goma. Hundreds of new recruits the area have been sent the training to help boost government courses. The Russian Foreign ministers accused ukraine of driving out any possible resolution. Speaking the g 20 summit, and barneys, like a number of alleged ukraine, had put forward unrealistic conditions for peace or ukraines president told, well leaders to press russia and what he calls it aggressive. And the global population is now 8000000 people in counting. It took less than 12 years to add that last 1000000 people are living longer and healthier lives, adding to the overall number or to the occupied with i think where is really forced to say 3 israelis have been killed in an attack, a palestinian man accused of the attack has been shot dead. It happened near the illegal israeli settlement of aerial. Lets bring in stuffy decade west jerusalem. Stephanie, what we hearing about this incident . Well yes, it was carried out in multiple stages. From what we understand a 19 year old palestinian man from a village close to nablus in the occupied west bank, entered the Industrial Zone of area which is next to the illegal settlement that you mentioned. There has a work temperament to work there. His tablet Security Guard and then stab 3 other people at the gas station stowed a car and then went against traffic, causing a Traffic Accident got out of the car, ran and then got shot dead by the israeli army. As you mentioned, there 3 radio killed, 4 wounded, one in Critical Condition in this attack. Come to the sensitive time politically. Certainly when negotiations are ongoing to form a government, you have one of the very far right wing leader is wanting the, the post administer of defense minister defense, of course, is someone who deals with the occupied westbank with how security terms of israel has run there. Weve already had reactions from this particular person bed and all smart rich thing that more must be done. Weve also, of course, had condemnation from the outgoing Prime Minister from benjamin netanyahu. And also its more been given now this right wing element of this government, the most right wing and israels history. When they look at the private thing in their eyes, i just do particularly in the west bank. They called for the attic station of it. Theyve called for the expulsion of palestinians who are deemed hostile to the state of israel. So theyre using this attack now certainly to put more leverage on the table to when it comes to these negotiations. Its been an extremely deadly year for palestinians in the occupied west by a 130. 00 killed in israeli raids and attacks. So again, we havent seen an attack of this kind for quite some time. So yes, certainly coming at the time when now the politicians are using it to their advantage to say that more needs to be done. But of course, palestinians will tell you that this is a form of resistance. And you know that theres collective punishment when you do have these rage and closures what weve had from these really army in certain areas across the west bank over the last couple of months. Okay, thank you for that. Stephanie jackson at 1st in west jerusalem. So the u. K. Government is preparing to now sweeping spending cuts attack wises on thursday to pay for a massive hole in the countries finances. Education is in the fire, like firing line for cuts. The schools already struggling and the rising costs of salaries, energy, and materials. Charlie angela reports. Ah, music is on the menu at pop till School Estate run girls school in north london. Lessons like these could soon be cut. Schools are forced to make saving the surging cost of materials, energy in wages. Mean 54 percent of schools wont be able to bands that budget without strickland bank. Head teacher even in ford, says shell have to find an extra 120000. 02 pay for the government unfunded wage increases, even though her school is on a fixed energy deal. So is better off than most things like drama, music, art, d t. Those will be the ones that school and College Leaders will have to think quite carefully as to whether or not they can continue to offer those. And that cannot be ok. If were saying that our young people are the future and i see they should have this breadth of experience, this broad and balanced curriculum. If you havent got the staff and then you can afford to run them, are young people are really going to miss out. How many different type of trying will be learned . Students are still struggling to regain ground last during cove. It and are acutely aware that theyre being short changed some of our generation on things to be able to teach math english science because we one because our teach of the so stress currently that underpaid. So were not getting the full education that we should be getting in the staff from food is on offer for teachers who might be struggling to make ends meet teaching assistant. Play a vital role supporting the most vulnerable children, but often would be paid better if they worked in supermarkets. We enjoy the job that we do, but we have to be realistic when it, which is individuals repeat with families as well. We do have expenditures, we do have bills that we need to pay. All white is uncovered, 90 more, which is here. Oh, the government has increased School Funding by full point 7000000000 dollars this year. Schools say thats been swallowed up by Rising Energy costs. The 5 percent salary increases and the coven catch up programs. Despite promises to bring spending back to 2010 levels, accounting for inflation that target will be missed. By 2020, for the amount the government spends her, people is expected to be less than what it was in 2010 little the own, just another decade of austerity. And were say were fortunate cutbacks, but the cars that had to come had threatened the very welfare in young harry thrust back to children across the country, tonya, into our desert. C chiles president gabrielle borage is proposing a plan to reach a definitive solution to a land conflict in its out kenya region. Our desire was given, exclusive access to board is meeting with indigenous my put your leaders and in santiago and latin american ada salisia newman sat down with the president a rare sight in the rest of at oconee, a region some 30 indigenous. My put 2 leaders agreeing to meet the countries of president of the body to hear his proposals assaulting the conflict in South Central chile. The region is under a state of emergency, patrolled by the army and militarized Police Attacks by aunt my put groups escalate. As they call for the return of their ancestral lands. Al jazeera was given exclusive access to the meeting, which at 1st was tense, a precedent, but each outlined a plan to create a commission with the participation of Indigenous Leaders to deter how much land can be returned to the my purchase. And by what means, any money that you are representing the bell when she community maddie are all men are chicopee, had a counter proposal, given the bible bidding burger king, theyre not. The chilean states must recognize its crimes of genocide committed against them. Epoch, people in the context of the so called pacific cation of the arrow can here other countries that live in peace with the Indigenous People of happy to recognize these crimes and compensate them in order to have peace. But there is another stumbling block to dialogue. The militarization of the region on the confidence in an extensive interview with president buddage, i asked about his change of heart on the issue that you had said during in your campaign that the 1st thing a, one of the 1st things you would do would be to lift the, the state of emergency room and it didnt work except for piano and melissa, nor able of uncle. Yes, exactly. One of the things one has to be able to do when you face certain realities. And you see that the things you would like aunt working is to change course yelling. We lifted the state of emergency and we were obliged to re establish it and made you because the violence escalated substantially. You had once said that you thought it was necessary to sit down with members of these armed groups to have a dialogue with them. Do you still really lat door . Consider it. I believe its necessary to talk to all those who are willing to have dialogue. You cant say im going to talk about the conflict of but not talk with all the actors that are involved. That would be absurd if one of them but those who are willing to talk, that would be part of the debate we propose. So far the rebel group say theyre not interested and those who are are making demands that precedent, but each will unlikely meet as long as the violence continues to see in human al jazeera santiago. And he can watch the rest of lucy neimans interview with president gabrielle porridge on talk to out there on saturday, november 19 for cathy. She empty. Ah, now it is 5 days to the well kept the head of weld football is calling for temporary sale far and ukraine during the tournament. The fif of precedent. Johnny infant tina gave a speech the Global Leaders at g 20. He stressed the football is more than just the sports, but an occasion to bring people together in peace. You on the russia who did the last woke up in 2018. Ukraine is bidding to host the world cup in 2013. Maybe maybe maybe that the current woke up stopping in 5 days can really be that positive. Pretty good. So mike lee, all of you is to think on a temporary cease fire one month for the duration of the wall, or at least the implementation of so many very m corridors or anything that could lead to the resumption of dialogue as a 1st step to piece tennessee as well, cup squad can count on the support of tens of thousands of their fans who live in katha. And they were out of course, is the teen bus arrived at that hotel in the west bay area of the capitol. Dont fall under the misuse. Support is welcome the team to what will be the 6 wells cup of parents aboard in a tense, in the tennessee in desert, near a dean dino mom, maria has taken an unusual way to becoming the manager of a leak. One club thats now been thats in the town of person upon trent in england today. The 47 year old is the only african manager working in professional english for ah, you know, maria maria davis booted the maria boxes. I sent to england much easier to call medina. I came to england in 1995. I am the only african mostly caught up for Police Manager currently is bullied to see the fusing flag with bertha funds that we hope to wait day. I was born to reach out, grew up in tunisia in la garza, in a drop between an waste and the mountain. Thats where i grew up now. So i was, i was vote will even probably a few tense that we live in and there and one of 2 houses that i talked to low before. He starts 1978. We have tv, were just on the radio. I think the 1st on all was to promotional tv was 1981. We all got the internet by the radio listening to the commentary of the world, cooper, 1978. Let me see that on the african team qualify for the time is only one to qualify and that he is fired, not just me, a whole generation. And since then i became obsessed with football. And thats only thing other than that were going to transition out as a nation since revolution 2010. The only thing is that the nation is it is for point. And the commission, people are obsessed with football, woke up in like a thought is not a country Muslim Country would have a lot. Unity follows that. There is no that bother is because weve got our elevator music people. So i think the support would be outstanding for, for, for too much. What i would say now to the current team is filling, go to work. Got you got to go with ourselves for different conference, 1st and foremost, im not, im not sure we have that mindset that mentality in the muslim world. The hon especially goes to the big games or the vast plants to descend, rattle, attack. We have nothing to do, st. Treated for bodies under pressure to deliver the style because a vessel all money and they are in position now where they need to go. The 2nd round for 1st time is 16 attempts that make sense . No, just i dont think we win a gave for a long time as well. I think we want to games in world history, so its definitely something is not good enough. I would like to think that we go into the my game to win it. It saves australia, we got the biggest tradition, we know the spect, australia in terms of football. Hopefully the advance game wont play big part in terms of where we are to to get the 2nd round. Ive you said that ive always believed that it is your fancy, big rivalry that weve got a big, Huge Community in france. We are a french colony since 1956. Or we still domini, by the french. And i think when you play against france, unity plays and the twins in public, they response really worth playing against france team. And i would not be spots for going be friends, not at all. Every manager in the world want to come in madison english need me to leave wad shop is she primarily its you know, we have spanish managers. We have taught men

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