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Buys and hales the u. S. Midterm vote as a good day for democracy, but its still unclear who will control congress . Ah, other than nora. Kyle, this is al jazeera live from doha. Also coming up. Russia says its ordered its troops to withdraw from the ukrainian city of carson, but keith warns it may be a set up. Facebooks Parent Company matter is lang off more than 11000 people. My significant job cars in its history and france and italy ral over who should take in hundreds of Asylum Seekers stuck on a rescue ship. Yes, President Joe Biden has hailed the democrats performance in the mid term elections, calling it a good day for democracy. But hes also acknowledged that americans are frustrated with the political divide byes and says hes willing to work with the republicans as his party could still lose control of both the house and the senate. Mike hannah has more from washington. It was in pennsylvania that the predicted red wave was to reveal to be little more than a trickle in a Crucial Senate race. John pittman overcame both a stroke and stiff competition from the trumpet backed celebrity, doctor member at oz, giving the Democratic Party a fighting chance of keeping control of the senate. And President Joe Biden has welcome the preliminary results. While the press to the pundents were predicting a giant red wave, it didnt happen. And i know you were somewhat miffed by my my obsession optimism. But i felt good during the whole process. I thought were going to do fine in the 1994 terms. President bo clinton left 52. How seats in 2010 barack obama last 63 this year. The last could be in the region of 20 making joe biden. One of the most successful 1st term precedence in recent history. The Major Republican Party decree came in florida, which is now a merged as a fully republican stronghold and were in a strong showing governor run de santis easily held onto his position, confirming his status as the most likely challenger to any possible reelection bid by the states most prominent resident, former president , donald trump, would be fun, watch him take on each other. President biden also took note of a noticeable change in both her demographics. Both the registration figures and the results themselves indicate a huge increase. The number of voters between the ages of 18. 30 stood at would appear by the desire to combat Climate Change and an anger at attempts to stop a womans right to choose the money. It also reflects that the president of future generations, impatience and anger at the political rancor of the past. My cana sera, washington, ne, our kids, president of the center for American Progress action fund. He says, democrats had an impressive performance because Many Americans dont trust republicans make America Great again, ideology. People might not be happy with everything thats going on, but they feel good about the effort the president is making and some of the successes. And just as importantly, this selection is really a repudiation of republicans that you know that there was a choice in the selection. And when americans were presented with the alternative, they said were not interested in a very simple sense. Midterms are almost always a referendum on the president. And i think what President Biden and democrats in congress did right, is they put maga, republicans on the ballot this year. And so that this mid term election, it became a choice. And once mega republicans were on the ballot, people were turning out in really record numbers. You know, we saw historic turn out for a Midterm Election in the united states. That doesnt usually happen. And the reason it happened is, a lot of americans are very scared about what micro republicans would do from their power, whether its on abortion, whether its the attack, turn democracy, whether its privatizing or Social Security and medicare. And that was really a motivating factor. We saw people who dont, as you shop in a mid term, actually come out and it changed the outcome of the election. Well, lets take a look at the latest fake. As the Republican Party is in the lead for seats, they are in the house of representatives bought by a small a martin and had been full cost. The senate is still a tossup. Democrats have 48 seats. Republicans have 49 and need to pick up just 2 more to win that majority all eyes on the battleground states of arizona and nevada. Georgia will be holding a runoff in december. With russia says its withdrawing its troops from ukraines key Southern City of cas on the withdrawal is a setback for president Vladimir Putin for several weeks. Ukrainian forces have been advancing in the cause on region. Now. Russian defense minister has ordered forces to retreat from the western bank of the deep pro river near the city of cuts on the federal and the phone. You sent it to us having comprehensively assessed the situation. I propose that we take up defensive position along the left bank of the denay pro river. I understand this is a very difficult decision. At the same time, we will save most importantly, the lives of our troops and the overall combat effectiveness of our forces, whom it is futile to keep on the right bank in a restricted area. In addition, it will free up some forces and means they will be used for active operations, including offensive ones on other front. Ill keep as skeptical about moscow announced withdrawal warning. It may be a trap as that a bag is on the frontlines and cousin. This is how the battle for her song is being fought. Automobile lottery crews targeting Russian Forces just kilometers away. They have the coordinates, its a quick, 2 shots, and then they have to move go get and going good. We had to get out the way really quickly, because the russians can locate where the artillery was fired from. So we have to move away before they return, fire crews can run to their targets from small commercial drones lock back where they are hidden away from russian drones. They can take a moment to rest, thought us, most of the navi, dominate. They are slowly retreating. Russians used all reserves, so they can only reach our frontline, suppose one of us, he has a wife and child at home and says being away from them has been tough. Thrown them is the situation is drones is complicated. They are flying always every day and every hour of the day. It was scary only at the beginning of more hope. I would just do our job even. Whens a fire back at us we dont panic. Were used to war awful form of the weapons, sometimes twice as old as the men who used them. This crew writes a name of their fallen on missiles. We are told the majority of times, the russians fire back quickly. This crew has lost friends with me, faith as a commander. This curious thing is to lose people well ever. One, here he is in the infantry, artillery and engineering brigades is carried to be under the enemys artillery fire. Some russians use everything they got. The crew stays out of sight and awaits orders and coordinates to move and fire was brushed. Certainly this is a war of drones. In most cases, hardly fire adjustments are made from drones. Bo small commercial ones and larger ones have made the difference. Lank. Its just easier. The front lines have moved quickly of late. These trenches were once facing the enemy, but so horrible a bluish russians were close a few months before. But now the front line is moving jets and drones are always flying overheads. But for observation only, mostly its russian drones. We dont see them, but they keep flying. Life is basic in the trenches, but theyre waiting here. They believe in a matter of time, they were retake her son, and if they do, it will be the defining moment of this war. I said, beg, ill jazeera her son, have a falcon. Her is a russian defense, a military analyst. He has more on what the announcement of the withdrawal from cas on nina, for russias war and ukraine. The terrible blow actually makes no sense. And it made no sense before. No reports of russian generals were pressing the clam to do to withdraw from the care. Sunbridge had but politically, this is a disaster and its a developing guys, a disaster in the russian sale. So called patriot big internet chat and telegram channels. Another out words a so political, its very embarrassing Government Military and makes sense. And thats why most likely russian generals press through such a decision, this is not a russian defeat, since they apparently will be withdrawing in an organized manner. Ukrainians will be advancing very cautiously, are afraid of some kind of a rush and trickery. But the decisive moments may come when the winter will freeze the sea of dirt right now because in gulf the entire ukraine and russian regions around it. And when the sco cobras foot ends with the frost, turning this dirt into concrete kind of thing, and the tanks and trucks can move easily again through fields and dirt roads, then theres going to be the real action coming, which may be decisive in this war. I believe the ukrainians will be poised for massive offense if theyll try at least to do that and push the russians really hard out of your grade. As being who are the most difficult change for tech giant meta and the Parent Company on facebook, instagram and whatsapp plans to cut more than 11000 jobs. Rub rentals, reports from california profile pictures to mid a boss. Mark zuckerberg, hold it a sad day. Said the mass layoffs were needed due to lower than expected revenue forecasts. And the need to operate more efficiently across the companys various platforms. Analysts say theres another reason and its right there in the companys name zucker berg has gone full obsession on met averse. He believes that the future of you know, human existence and thats the future of meta, even changed the name of the company and to pursue that. And hes thrown hundreds of millions of dollars at this every quarter. And the result is as nothing people who have tried it, dont find it that exciting, almost a lonely experience. The met averse is sort of just sitting dead in the water and its become a gigantic financial st. Call more than 11000 workers or 13 percent of metas workforce will be notified by email that they are out of their jobs. Its an International Corporation and firings will be felt globally at facebooks European Headquarters in dublin. A 1000 workers will reportedly be let go. These are tough times in the Tech Industry overall. In addition to meta other companies that have recently announced wide scale layoffs include lift, sales force, zillow, and stripe. And of course theres twitter which under new boss, ellen musk slashed its workforce by half last week. Besides the failure. Ready of the met, averse to take off as zuckerberg had hoped. Facebook is losing younger social media users to newer hipper apps like tick tock, tick, tock is taking over the world. I mean, theres no question about a googles beginning to really feel the impact of tick tock as well. So i think he did get the next big thing for kids. Better stock has nose dive, nearly 75 percent since last year, bringing the companys market value down from one trillion dollars to less than 240000000000. 00 with profits down nearly 50 percent. Rob reynolds al jazeera menlo park, california seller has here on out to sarah will tell you why french present value mac on is ending all Defense Missions in africa. And inflation was in plenty of frustration, increase, and general Strike Forces schools to close across the country. Ah, anticipation is rising and with most of my cattle anyways, now in kentucky, still surprisingly hot, not alone. Sure in the u. A. And its not helped by this. Increasing the dusty wind up from the empty quarter, so temperatures are above where they should be, but it remains dry. Just dusty. The wet weather, the change of season is this line here. The season is changing to the north of it, but this line itself is a bit stubborn producing thunderstorms, or maybe just showers here and saudi and across in iran, or target to friday, a bit more obvious. Youll notice and still this southerly drift. So the uri into what scott and possibly bach rain as well. Those are the big showers then and a Bigger Picture suggest that is the most active, whether it gets more active still. I think further where she go in saudi arabia, so dry fairly warm change of season mostly still dry. Baghdad at 30 not at 40 chows in iran and probably some caucasus, so the weathers rather reluctant to change season. And thats true even on saturday, when rather more likely flash flooding is a possibility in parts of sudden iraq and maybe iran. If you go to where the rain belt is in africa, its now showing up by these orange lights, which takes to cross dec tauriel guinea and possibly the republic all the congo. Not so much. Di, our congo. That rain is still go reaching as far north as south to done the with sponsored by a cat on a ways jumping to the stream when no topic is off the table. I dont think that anybody should be borne to privilege to the president of the day. We are the subjects of Little Family plus one persons opinion, but whats your, amplify your voice. The judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption clear, a global audience becomes a global community. The scariest part of this moment in my country is this toys for a more weapon. The st. Oh, now g 0. Ah, ah ah, again, hell watching out, is there a his reminder of our top stories at this hour . You as President Joe Biden has held the Midterm Elections as a great day for american democracy. Republicans are likely to control the house of representatives, but not by the huge margins predicted. The senate is yet to be decided because some races are very close. Russia says its withdrawing its troops from acetic city of occur song, but the Ukrainian Government says the announcement may be a trap and parent, facebooks Parent Company mazda is sacking more than 11000. 00 employees and extending a hiring freeze into next year. Ceo Mark Zuckerberg says he take responsibility for expansion plans which have not worked out as he hopes the man accused of attacking the husband of us how speak and nancy pelosi is now facing federal kidnapping and assault charges. David to pap broke into the couples of San Francisco home nearly 2 weeks ago. He demanded to see nancy pelosi before using a hammer to beat her husband. Paul to pap had already faced state charges including attempted murder francais, italys refusal to let several migrant rescue ship dog is unacceptable for vessels carrying Asylum Seekers were initially denied permission to come to shore in sicily. 3, what later allowed to darken, disembark passengers, but the 4th ship is on its way to france. Anybody reports and sicilian port of katana, the humanity. One rescue ship was still import wednesday. But without its passengers. After climbed the Italian Government, 250 people, mostly africans were finally allowed to disembark from the boat and a 2nd vessel. The job rents. After being stranded in the sicilian port of cataneo in saturday. Until tuesday, the Italian Government said they will not vulnerable enough to enter the country. But late in the evening, they were unexpectedly allowed to leave its victory for human rights. Campaigners and the rescue ships, captains who had refused to sail away with them on board. In this case, the victory that we showed that the right is on our site, that were not doing something illegal. And that this decrease which, which, which was brought against us was illegal and that these actions in the last 14 days were not correct. The prime minister, georgia maloney came to power on a promise to crack down hard on illegal migration. Neither she nor any government minister has explained the reasons behind the about turn, but its believed internal and external pressure came to bear. We are in on the edge and i think the government is moving on a very complicated respecting d. E. U. Not upsetting to you and at the same time trying to do what it was water for people aboard the humanity. One who started a Hunger Strike in a desperate bid to be admitted to the country. The question now is will the government abandon its tough stance or approach it in a different way . The Italian Government hardline stein may have kept it support is happy, but in reality its crackdown was he couldnt work legally. Its been widely criticized for denying rights and compassion to people who were simply seeking a safer, better life. Oh, these people were allowed into sicily some time ago. Their learning italian in order to better assimilate into the community. Those that have made the long and dangerous journey to italy, a Cross Section of Asylum Seekers, refugees and migrant, but all have one thing in common. They want a better life. He bohemia is from guinea, his trip in a small boat across the mediterranean 6 years ago. Was risky, but not as dangerous as some. He now speaks. Excellent italian and is grateful to italy but has concerns. What you saw some more than one government, some of that one of help people like me and will be here for a short time and, and the current government doesnt help it makes like difficult. Its not right. A happy end for some. But looking out at the central mediterranean, where more than 20000. 00 people have drowned making the perilous journey, you wonder how many more victims will the cruel seas of winter claim . Tony berkeley al jazeera, cataneo sicily, present a manual back. Ron has announced the end of france as Defense Mission in africa. The decoration came in a wide ranging speech as a naval base and 2 long frenchman, she pass now in fighting against armed groups and africa, sa hell region. Since 2014, but French Forces have faced growing hostility from some, you see them as an effective, new democrats republic of congo. Armies has more than 3000 people have responded to a call for volunteers to help fight m. 23 is why do you believe to be supported by neighboring wonder . I claim the government in kigali denies. Welcome web has more from goma. These men say they want to fight him acrostic republic of comrades. Army says that more than 3000 people who responded to a cool for recruit menu by human enough. I am here because we have suffered too much my family, my sisters, they have suffered a lot from war. Some of them were right. So were here because from now on, i need to defend myself. Everyone here is that ready to fight and 23. 00 widely seen to be a neighboring rwanda. Well, they were one to deny that 26 years ago, rwanda and you got the invaded congo ever since. Theyve been repeated accusations of meddling and present the Foreign Forces for most of the time, floating sometime from those countries as well as us papers. And now, the African Regional forces arriving here, going voice from campaigners in congo. Foreign policy will not be the solution to congress probably. As m, 23 rebels make advances, patients has run thin with un peacekeepers. Theyve been here for more than 20 years. People burned some of their vehicles in a convoy passing near the eastern city of gamma. Last week. He would have protested in goma and kinshasa in recent months. Against were wondering uganda. They blamed for decades of military aggression and against the peacekeepers. They blamed for failing to protect them. Kenny says, now sending troops to join the conflict. Only about 60 of arrived. Its the latest country to send soldiers to congo under the banner of an east African Regional force. No, so these activists say it wont help. Theyve raised money and bought food for congo soldiers, who are often short supplied, accept a se. Replacing un peacekeepers at East African Community forces is to pity the countries in the East African Community at the same countries already addressing congo. We disagree with the presence of these East African Community forces to say that we are with the Congress Army and nothing out to decades of conflicts have driven tens of thousands of young men to join armed groups. Many fighters have been demobilized by the government in the ran. Congress army says theyre not among the new recruit, or douglas as young, no gender. This is the argument from our enemies trying to destroy the image of these recruits. None of them are coming from the armed groups. All those from the armed groups are in containment in another camp. None of them here. Family love to be democratic. Congos army defeated the m 23 rebels. 9 years ago when it had supplies and support from the government and the u. N. People here are waiting to see if it can do it again. Malcolm web al jazeera, goma, democratic republic of congo. Thousands of people in greece have taken part in a general strike against the rising cost of living. Public schools were shots, and flights and public transport disrupted. Unions are demanding lower taxes and an increase to the minimum wage. Inflation hit 12 percent in september, the highest and 2 decades. The chief prosecutor of the in social criminal court says investigators have for the 1st time documented evidence of war crimes and libyan comb. Con is visiting la piano has met the victims of the civil war. And conflict between the internationally recognized government and the warlord halle for hafta. On monday he inspected mass burial sites in the town of tatiana in the north west. Its it presents very vividly misery on an unprecedented scale. And wherever you go in the world, in different crime scenes way were dealing with crimes, was in the Court Jurisdiction a beggars belief at how man inflicts terra and torture and cruelty upon his fellow men at women and child. So into who no, we saw i to, i could Cultural Center boxes where people had been kept. Metal boxes affects the end to workstations, in which they were kept in terrible conditions. We went to farms where we shall mass graves with a hundreds of bodies. And we went to a tip which was filled with dietrie us with rubbish, with dead dogs and dead animals and all kinds of filth and bodies. Human, our brothers and sisters were thrown in these conditions and the libyan authorities have been a working a hot tour soon. Them but and i, i went to see a Khalifa Hafta and i was very clear to him that we received information. I was as close, i am to him as i was to this, to this camera. And i said we received the offices, received evidence and information regarding allegations relating to the Libya National army. That these are serious matters. And i was absolutely clear that whether one is a military commander or a civilian superior, the law of was applied the obligations not to take part in and criminality. The obligation also to prevent and punish crimes of make taken place. Mexico has become one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be a journalist thats according to the committee to protect journalists in the 1st part of our special series, we focused on reporters living under threat in mexico. Now john holman reports on what happens when a reporter is killed and how that affects freedom of speech. I, whos more than 7 years ago when whole his father, marias husband, mrs. Sanchez, was kidnapped from their home in medi, in southeast mexico. Yes. Oh hi. I b as if he had given this started to say was the man with the taxi. And when they took my husband down, he saw us and told them just dont do anything to my family. While he made money as a taxi driver, voices, his main job was running a free newspaper could loan me on it monitor local authorities medi in lily, 3 weeks after disappeared voices his body was found on the side of the road, dismembered at the mer pictured here. With moisture grilling him off camera, the look, it was implicated in his murder in he fled. He still hasnt been captured. Lets cruise got one of the highest rates of journalist murders in the world. Press rights advocate say thats intrinsically linked to a lack of justice when a reporter is killed. It only adds to the silence in the country. We full of voices his case interviewing with the head of the special prosecutors office, set up specifically to investigate crimes against journalists. The mare is still an alarm at large. Theres only one policeman in prison at the moment for this and several members of the ring who walk and eyes their alleged to organize there also remain not in jail and not sentenced. Whats your response to that investigative rivalry got to where across we hi. Have our back break to we can give the police all the information that we have, but the prosecutor cannot go on arrest somebody. Thus am i, i work for the police to familiar frustration for sanchez, his office, his case resolution has got better since hes been in charge, but it still stands at only 6 prosecutions. From more than 100 homicides across more than a decade is up a little. Meanwhile, according to the federal government, over 40 percent of frets and attacks and journalists come from officials themselves, usually local ones. And the attacks have only gone up under the administration of president under his manual lopez abra door by 85 percent according to freedom of speech organization, article 19 imperial. These 30 klaus, the president. What he was doing to stop the impunity when journalists were killed, the contest, all the other catholic loudecker. I answer category gl neither that there is no immunity. And if you think otherwise, brewbay, mineral pro us, how do you know the evidence in this country from voices his case to many others speaks for itself. Here just some of the journalist killed many a way to justice. The met, screw this you, john homan, al jazeera miss allen. And you can watch john holmans documentary silence and the killing of jam. Less in mexico, on out is there is fault lines, program and set to air at 930 g m t on thursday, november the 10th in the bahamas, people have been forced to flee their haines as tropical storm. Nicole threatens to develop into a hurricane. Strong winds on wednesday st. Seem water washing across raids. And ive also been reports of flooding and power blackouts, although it is in the north west of the island and near by your state of florida. Elevated evacuation

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