Thailand mourns the victims of thursdays attack at a Daycare Center in the nations worst mass shooting. Ah, youre watching, ill 0 light from a headquarters in del heim, daddy navigator. Also a heads should gas prices be kept . European Union Leaders are due to whole talks on how to contain soaring energy costs. We report from ukraines eastern time back moves where its struggling to hold back a russian push this german mo ball. How its that has a range of around 30 kilometers on each weapons like this from the west that had given the ukrainians of fighting jobs. And the u. S. President hands out pardons for Marijuana Possession in another step towards de criminalizing the drug. Ah, hello thailand is in morning after a former policeman went on a shooting and knife lam page at a Day Care Center killing at least 37 people, including 23 children. Flags across the country are flying at half staff. Is the nation grapples with thursdays, tragedy parents and family members gathered outside the Day Care Center for a ceremony. And thailands king on Prime Minister expected to visit the Community Later on friday, but speak to tony cheng. Hes joining us from long while im pu tony, youre at that child care center. The scene of these attacks, tell us what youre seeing there and whats happening. Well, there are thousands of people here. Now you can probably see behind me a huge malay of civil servants, government work if you got a soldiers around doing security ahead of the crime in his visit. But right in the center of it, you have the families and many of them have been here for 24 hours yesterday was full of the trauma of waiting for the news. Many cases, it was the worst news. Today, the stairs are almost blank. I think many people are empty, they have been going through the most hauling situation. And yes, i think theyre also asking, so certainly some of the ones weve spoken to what was behind all of this. You know that, that turn their life upside down and put them right in the center of this maelstrom. Of course, everything going on around them is very important to there are government work is trying to identify the right families to return the bodies to autopsies have already been completed. We understand the bodies of the victims are on the way back to, to this area where they will be assigned to one of tree temples. But again, you look into the see of activity. And in the middle is, is the islands of tranquillity and sadness. Go through most unbelievably. And then you have spoken to the Health Minister as well. What, what did he tell you about the condition of the survivors . Well, he said that was one very small ray of light in this great charge. The 4 people were taken to hospital yesterday. Most of them in critical condition. He said it was something of america happened to be a number of top neurosurgeons in the area. They were able to operate on them to get them into a stable condition. One of those he spoke about was a 3 year old boy. He had received stab wounds to the head. He is now stable and is thought to be able to make a recovery. His grandmother was also in a critical condition. Shell so now unstable 40 that poor boys brother away in the attack. But he went on to say that one of these theyre trying to find out is why this attack happen. The autopsies have been done on the victims, but sir, theyre still waiting for the toxicology report on the main suspect, his former policeman its, its known that he was at home a drug user. They are looking very carefully at that toxicology report to see if there was an end of the in the in the summer. But even if they do quite a bit, explain that to the i, tony will let you go for now. Thank you so much. Tony chang is reporting for us from thailand. Now european Union Leaders are meeting to tackle the Continent Energy crisis and the war in ukraine. Fridays talks and prague are expected to focus on securing Energy Supplies as winter approaches. Bills have sword as e u. Countries slash supplies of russian gas 15 members are pushed for a price ceiling on how much they would pay for gas pipe or shipped in. But germany and the netherlands are opposing it. Earlier on thursday, leaders on the 27 in you states in 17 other nations met in prague. The European Political Community summit is a French Initiative in response to new crises being faced by the continent. Steadfast reports from the check capital. This gathering aim to show how isolated russia president has become. The 1st meeting of the European Political Community brought unlikely countries to gather like armenian, as of a john, as well as candidates for e u membership like ukraine and the u. K. Returning to the european stage, after breaks it, what we wanted to achieve in meeting here in prague is to bring together 44. 00 sovereign states. Which see europe as a single entity, whatever the particular forms for political or others to discuss among equals a sovereign states of problems that we face in common. Thats exactly what we need. The group has no form of structure and some wonder if many more meetings will follow. So question know whether its going to work or we have a european union, but not so many countries are members of european union. So the idea is to discuss the combination that we have currently the Security Issues that we have on the european continent. And i think its very important that we have the same views, the same views, for example, on how to bring Energy Prices down. A thing to clear measure studio gas markets, the Energy Markets ish, that these 40 for leaders are completely aligned or, and have to join tradition to cooperate measures to bring down the gas for action. They may agree on bringing down prices, but so far, no consensus has a merch on how to do this. Package is costing hundreds of billions of euros to help cope with high energy costs. Like the one announced by germany have flat to friction or all Member States can take their own decision. We just indicate that some instruments and answer changes are which, which are proposed by some Member States are very bad for the competition on of, on the, on the euro on market. And we wanted always to avoid it. And this is my, i believe that we have to work out common solutions. A shared condemnation of russias invasion in ukraine has brought together the leaders of the whole european continent tyrann proc, apart from russia and bellows. But besides sending a signal to president putin, they also want to show that they can come up with a common plan. The deal with crippling Energy Prices step, fasten al jazeera and proc officials in sweden have confirmed explosions caused last month. Gas leak from the north stream pipeline in the baltic sea. Moscow denies any involvement. The incident is being closely watched in norway, which has replaced russia as a top gas supplier to the european union. Joan a whole reports from oslo. While european nato allies have focused on on being ukraine against russia, theyve neglected their own vulnerabilities closer to home until that is vast. Quantities of methane gas began bubbling to the surface off the coast of denmark and sweden, in the baltic sea last week, under water explosions. Caused damage to both north st. Pipelines, built to supply russian gas to europe, nato, called it sabotage. And despite a lack of hard evidence pointing to russian involvement, the alliance has warned that it will respond to an attack on allies key infrastructure. And there is real concerned that the next target could be norway. Now europes main gas supply in russias place. Prime minister, jonas gar store, has confirmed reports of an identified drones cited over key Energy Installations when russia is running out of options. They are. So what could they do to my mind going off to the end . If you can press what is, what are the things they could do at norways museum of resistance . Appropriately enough, we meet defense experts when hold smock, he spent years studying soviet and then Russian Strategic behavior. Russia is left, it basically won him my public lou weapon, and that is the export of gas to europe, which has been severely restricted. So it gives the signal of that, okay, if you continue supporting ukraine, as you do well, we have the options to actually cut your gas supplies from, from, from norway. If indeed it was sabotaged by russia that disabled the nordstrom pipelines and that may never be proven. Of course, it would be a classic act of hybrid warfare designed to damage Critical Infrastructure with maximum deniability and limiting, therefore, any direct response. No way is preparing for what may come next. Deploying its military, including f, 35. 00, fight at patrols to protect oil and gas installations. Denmark, sweden and finland are also increasing surveillance. But nato allies will know that such hybrid measures are many and varied with potential targets, including not just oil and gas infrastructure, but also computer systems, electricity grids, and thousands of kilometers of undersea internet cables they cant possibly protected all go to whole al jazeera, the u s military, he says its killed a senior i saw member in syria in the 1st known american operation against the arm group and a government controlled area. U. S. Troops carried out a helicopter raid near the village of commercially on the northeastern border with turkey to other i. So members were also killed in a separate air strike and northern syria. Still head on al jazeera, the un human race council looks to hold people accountable for a violent crack down on playtesters in sri lanka. And why some migrants living in south africa are taking the government to courts. Ah, ah, hello, good to see you. Its another damped day across the islands of ireland and britain. So another push of atlantic moisture moving through here. Happen over the north sea in slamming into southern scandinavia. By the way, we still have those flood alerts in play for that western area of norway. Another spot were seeing a lot of rain is just to the south of valencia. Some spots here picking up half a months worth of rain in the span of an hour and still showers hanging out in this area through the valley. Eric islands on friday by far the best weather on the continent. Central europe suns out temperatures in the 20s, same through the balkans as walt herana up to 25 degrees. Up to turkey. We go and some rain spinning around is stumble on talia on kara in this zone here. And there was winds breezy through the boss for a c g. And in fact, for is sample to athens. Both of these cities looking at when gus about 40 to 50 kilometers per hour. There has been some flooding in northern gonna and that rain is still falling in this area on friday. Its about day 6 of the heat wave in south africas northeast temperatures. Coming down a bit and were introducing some showers into kazoo luna toll so that means a humidity is going to bump in durban. Not so bad with a hiv 21 degrees on friday. Susan. Ah frank assessments, if the United States that the Iranian Program was there to deal with. I believe that our media agenda should have bilateral negotiations. Weve been holding that for many times. Critical living is the commonwealth now still something that king charles will take home in depth analysis of the data global headlines inside story on al jazeera o. A. Hello again. The top stories on al jazeera, the sour flags across the highlander, flying at half off after a gun and killed at least 37. 00 people, including 23. 00 children at a childcare center. It happened in a Northern Region on thursday, and the motive is not yet known. The u. S. Military size have killed a senior iso member and northeastern syria. This is the 1st known american operation against the armed group and the government controlled area to other iso members were also killed in separate airstrikes in northern syria. European Union Leaders are meeting and prod to talk of the continents Energy Crisis and the war in ukraine. Fridays talks are expected to focus on securing Energy Supplies as winter approaches. So ukranian Authorities Say at least 4 people were killed on thursday in russian strikes on residential buildings in the southern city. And upper rich ukraines foreign minister has accused russia of deliberately striking civilian targets to so fear moscow claims to have an x, the region even though its forces do not control all of it. Without the hemi reports from upper retail, it happened Early Morning when the city was still asleep. Several mis, as pretty jo, bringing down to residential building in a matter of seconds, lived shattered memories of a lifetime buried under the rumble. I was later, the rescue workers are still trying to find bodies through the toxic fumes and as they continued their work, ah, sending people an edge to run for cover. There were another 3 loud explosions here in the city center. And they sounded very close to the places that were targeted earlier in the day. Now, the air siren did not go off until after these explosions. We are told because the russians are using these as 300 missiles that go undetected, is considered one of the most efficient anti aircraft missiles system. All go walk up to the sound of it. Emotions come pouring out. Lou, worry about whats to come. Russia says it has a next is every geri gen after a referendum illegal under international law, but it doesnt control the regional capital. Thats why its coming under attack, say, and yen said he, they fled the russian control part. They said the air strikes a meant to scare people away from the city. Most of the people here are russian speakers. President Vladimir Putin says this war is in their name to protect them. But he couldnt protect them from the russian army. Without them, i mean a visit, as i put each other off to re taking thousands of square kilometer is encounter offenses. In recent weeks, the Ukranian Army is now struggling to hold back a russian push on the eastern. On a back mote thats despite the use of sophisticated weapons from western allies, al jazeera st. Charles stratford reports from back move in the don, yet screeching. Its a deadly game of hide and seek gloomy cranes. Eastern frontline soldiers with the 20 sick doll tillery brigade, when, who with this 155 caliber german how, which so to which firing position Russian Forces are in the eastern outskirts of a mood. The cannon is targeting russian supply and artillery positions beyond the town. It takes around 40 seconds for the shill to reach its target. The trajectory is adjusted of the information from drones and spotters, monitoring the target zone. This german mo, ball. How its a has a range of around 30 kilometers and its weapons like this from the west that have given the ukrainians a fighting chance. Back on the cover, the men load more charges and prepare to far again. My impression of i am not sure the sky, if your disease we are covering our troops who are defending buck boat because it is a key point. Our task is the destruction of places where there is a concentration of manpower and batteries of firing positions. We walk out through feels crisscross with mud churned by ukrainian artillery tanks, pauses on the road to town. Smoke rises seconds off to what we are told was a ukrainian and he Missile System intercepting a Russian Rocket lines of ukrainian foot soldiers, head to positions nearby 9 mile normal in buff. Moved explosions echoed through the near empty streets. Oh, suddenly the scree of a jet fighter overhead with air throwing all their forces at the town artillery air power. Even helicopters are attacking our positions. They are approaching during night and day away and its their elite units and mercenaries you leave. There are no regular Russian Troops left here. Few people remain here. Bookshelves and beds hang me their private lives. In summit personal places ripped apart. We are told to people remain buried under the rubble of this apartment block. So im just, im a cheshire church of the shedding never stopped. I stay here to look after my mother. Shes old and frail. Things have gone a lot was the western weaponry has helped the crate and let me win back more territory in a month than Russian Forces took in 5 for the defense of buck. Mood remains one of ukraines Biggest Challenges on the east and the line staff at al serra buckboard east ukraine. The us president has announced his pardoning thousands of people convicted of Marijuana Possession under federal laws. Joe biden is urging state governors to cost similar convictions. She had returned c has more from washington d. C. We have this, this moved by the president to pardon those who were federally convicted of the simple possession of marijuana. But it must be pointed out that its very rare for people to be convicted of a single charge of simple possession of marijuana. No one is going to be released from prison as a result of this, the white house says no one is currently setting a federal simple possession of marijuana charge. But, but what the white house says theyre hoping to do is for those who work convicted will have in the past been convicted of his charge and put in prison or jail. It will reduce some of the hurdles they have once theyre released as far as employment, housing an education for example. So thats why this isnt actually even expunged from that, from the criminal record that has to get to the course. But there is now an official president ial problem that the white house, because a relatively modest it has to be said for how many people they think are going to be affected by this. At least 6500 people, they think. But actually thousands more here in dc because were on fed under federal federal law here. So its a, its a 6500. 00 plus people that i think will be affected by this. In addition, where the president says hes urging state governance to issues similar pardons and it is the majority. The majority of possession offences occur in, in the states themselves. Have over having said about their when asked on a background cool white as the ministration official effective admitted hes actually going to do very much. And this is in the United Nations Human Rights Council has upheld a resolution, urging this relying can government to address the ongoing economic crisis, human rights abuses and corruption. Michelle fernandez has more from Mister Lincoln capital right from the outset. This resolution was going to be passed and now, or weve seen 20 of those countries voting for the resolution. Of course, of the core group on sri lanka, as they call themselves the United States. The u. K. And others are essentially making a case for bringing this resolution in. It reflects some of the more recent concerns outlined in the High Commission report, especially the human rights impact of the economic crisis. And it also addresses several long standing issues which still need to be addressed. These include the lack of accountability for past violations, but many unresolved cases of enforced disappearances. The need for shall anchor to meet his own commitments on the dilution of political authority, as well as a need to uphold the rights of all people in shall anchor intruding tunnels and muslims from shall, anchors perspective, right. At the outset, they had rejected the resolution even in geneva, the foreign minister saying that his government categorically rejects the resolution. He said it was unfair that the cro core group had ignored all attempts to engage. And that for many, many reasons it was bias. It went beyond its mandate. It did get another example of the unfortunate divisions and polarization of this council, which is contrary to it found in principle that i caught the work of the conscience shall be guided by principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity and non selectivity construct through International Dialogue and corporation. The resolution is a mix of existing issues in terms of accountability of human rights as well as a, a vast array of new things like human rights being threatened by the economic crisis. By the way, the government has dealt with protests and protesters and all of that. But the key thing, the government of sherlock as an issue, it is paragraph 8, which strengthens a mechanism that was approved last owned by the un human rights done. So to record, gather evidence under the un human rights Chiefs Office that would be used for future accountability processes if needed. And this up shanker and its friends, a basically say go way beyond the remit of the United Nations founding principles. Its not fair and it essentially looks to penalize countries, a wit, nor proper foundation. Zimbabwe migrants who live and work in south africa are taking the government to court for plans to terminate their stay south africa and tends to end most special permits for foreigners. As it revamped its immigration policies. Herman tulsa has more from johannesburg. Beverly quite ada moved to south africa from somali, more than a decade. Her visa allows her to live and work here that special permit expires in june. Next year. She peers being deported to zimbabwe, a country with few jobs and record high inflation. Shes also worried about her 14 year old son in terms of his education is going to be disturbed. D because they kind of let me know this. Im the language wise, she can speak to an veggie conrad to sentence is going to be very difficult for him. To add jests, south africas government is trying to manage an influx of economic migrants for decades, africa, most industrialized economy has been a magnet for people seeking beta Economic Opportunities from across the continent and other parts of the world. We know that people are flocking to africa for health care in particular because it may not be the best in the world, but its certainly better than than what theyre getting now. So we are just saying that we are not anti anyone. It is, it is not an antique african agenda, its not a, its not an antique asian agenda. Its an agenda of saying, lets prioritize our people. Oh, a round, a 3rd up South Africans argument is causing resentment among some locals who see foreigners as competition. Vasquez jobs and public services, but not everyone agrees with that view. I think the blame theres is formal, reasonably laid at the foot of the, of the government itself for not maintaining for not investing in that infrastructure. I think it is a quite a worrying development, not politics that foreign nationals are so easily scapegoats at know for the m forgot to fulfill who governments values thousands of people from zimbabwe. Endless city are legally working or studying in the country. But with special permits being terminated, foreign is not have to prove they have Critical Skills needed in south africa as the kinds of repairs where the 2024 general elections, the presence of undocumented foreign nationals is a divisive issue. The man is he has a politicians. I use this to gain support from frustrate as of africans. Angry at the high cost of living and rising unemployment. Its putting more pressure on the in c, live government as cause to the should jobs and business opportunities. Go to South Africans 1st. See me growing louder, harder matessa algeria, janice, me. The french author any any or no has won the nobel prize in literature for her works, blending fiction and also biography Hall Research reports from stock. This was a low key 1st appearance by on the l. No. On the day she received the highest honor and literature a brief wave outside our home and a parish suburb. Just after she had been named the 2022 laureate by the Nobel Committee in stock. Literature for 2022 is awarded to the french author for the courage and clinical acuity with which he uncovers the roots estrangement and collected restraints of personal memory books such as a mans place and happening deal with her working class routes, relationships with her parents and an illegal abortion she had in the 1960 s and i will continue to fight until my last breath so that women can remain free to choose to be mothers or not because contraception the right to abortion are metrics of women, 3 down. Her willingness to deal with difficult subjects was one attribute cited by the Nobel Committee. Shes so frank and direct and honest in her way of expression. And also that she writes about themes and topics that no one else touches on. You know that she is. She is courageous woman and that we have also in our motivation and is just the 17th woman to receive this prize alongside 102. 00 men. But the door is being opened to more female writers. The Swedish Academy has given itself the task of awarding nobel prizes to a wide range of office, fewer to the western world, and more to women. When they get on the statistics, historically, you pay catastrophic, but we cant put right what happens in the 1900s. They werent many female researchers seen, but now were on the way to a balance, and we dont have to strain ourselves. Its natural to go in that direction. Nor can now expect to sell more of our books, at least here in stock

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