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In russian control areas of ukraine. Ah, this is alex, is there a law from doha . Im carry johnston also coming up and get and grief at least 77 people die when their boat caps, sizes of syria victims were fleeing lebanons, economic crisis. Government supports his take to the streets in iran, in counter demonstrations, off to days of protests, over the death of them in the least custody. Ive been a perfect journey. I will do it all over again. Say, well, its a tennis, old time. Great. Roger federer placed the last time ending his glorious career. International condemnation is growing against russias referendums and occupied areas in ukraine. The controversial move aimed at annexation has begun the regions of the hands on the exquisite parisha and passed on. The white house is calling it a flagrant violation of International Law and says its ready to impose more sanctions on moscow. The g 7, a group of comprising the wells largest industrialized nations, issued a statement on friday saying it will never recognize what he calls sham. Referenda gabriel is on the reports from the training capital in the domestic region of ukraine, a russian appointed election official tours, a polling station. This is one of 4 regions where people are voting to join the russian federation. The Young Program or so its young, we grant the right to vote to all citizens of the darnedest peoples republic as well as abroad. Becky is a you, in a nearby park, people under the watchful eye of the russian state. Say they welcome the referendum for sierra. Russia has always been our mother lead. Without it, we had no one left. He crane abandoned us long ago. Languishing, yes, you must have us. There no International Election monitors, only those invited by russia. Media have been tightly controlled. Many western analysts say its nothing more than an exercise by the kremlin to shape how people think about russian occupied parts of ukraine. Look, this is no referendum. This is no expression of will do. But at the same time, they will to say, face a meaning, getting observers, meaning, filming stories of work when voting of pulling stations, the protocols being written and so on. This is kind of an invitational democracy bottle where pictures are important goodness. In some areas, russian installed officials said they would be going door to door with police to invite residents to vote. Critic say its clear intimidation. Under International Law, it is illegal to hold referendums during conflict and where people are under threat. Most countries, as well as international body, such as the European Union and united nations, have said they wont recognize the results. The head of ukraines Election Commission has told us the vote violates the constitution or she live with us as a whip. There are no legal mechanics in the ukrainian constitution to give up territories. This is completely unconstitutional under martial law that we live under. Now, it is prohibited by ukrainian laws to organize any referendum on our lands. In 2014, russia held a referendum in crimea, in which it alleged 96 per cent to the people voted to join the federation. 5 days later, the annexation of crimea was signed into law. It now appears that same process is happening again. But in a much larger area, in the middle of a war, and with more at stake for both ukraine and russia. Gabriel, as hondo al jazeera keith. I want to ask correspondence, Kimberly Hallett has more on the white house warning to russia from washington, dc. The white house calling these referendums, shands and illegitimate. Now it is the belief of the white house, according to white house press. Secretary, korea, john pierre, that these will be manipulated in terms of the results. As a result, the white house will not accept the outcome of these referendums and also they believe that they will very much be manipulated. Now we can tell you that as a result, the white house has decided in consultation with allies to impose economic penalties. But the weight has not saying specifically what those penalties will be. We are prepared to impose additional swift and severe economic costs on russia, along with our allies and partners in response to these actions if they move forward with annexation. As we said in todays g 7 liter statement, the United States will never recognize this territory or as anything other than part of ukraine because it belongs to the people of ukraine. We stand with our partners around the world and rejecting whatever fabricated outcomes russia analysis. We do know, however, that this comes on the heels of escalating rhetoric from black repute and the russian president who has threatened to use nuclear weapons. And we, i also know that the white house has set at this time that it is not adjusting its nuclear posture, its own nuclear posture. In response, you an investigator say they found evidence. Russia committed war crimes in it, touches it occupied ukraine earlier this year . Bessie gators visited 27. 00 towns graves and Detention Centers around at northeastern ukraine and interviewed a 150. 00 victims and witnesses a team as, as it found crimes of rape, torture and children being detained. Violations happened around keith, trinity hockey, and see me. Russia is stepping up. The mobilization of army reserve is as ukraines counter offensive continues, as forcing thousands of russians to flee the country are crossing over to finland in the east may not be an option for them soon. Ill think he plans to significantly restrict their entry in the coming days. Horace. As more from the volume at Border Crossing in finland, there are no longer ready ways to leave russia. But this is one of them. The board with finland that volleyball a 3 hour drive from st. Petersburg, where the numbers departing seemed to be increasing. The wake of president Vladimir Putin as a partial mobilization of the russian people. Little league on the wall. It has be more traffic crossing from russia to finland since wednesday evening. No particular restrictions were an external border to the shaken zone. So he perform 3rd checks. Most people are traveling into finland on tourist visas and look at one of those is to be treatment. Your car, an engineer from st. Petersburg, on his way to helsinki and then for a lanka where he hopes to be safe from a call up to fight the war in ukraine. When did you decide to leave russia 2 days ago . Because of the mobilize ational . Yes. I dont have a list of for my reservation, but i skit, how did you get through the border . Oh good. Good. No question. Oh, its good. Just to go and leave russian border. Police said that 6000 russians came into finland through this crossing alone on thursday. Double the number of a week earlier friday was another busy day with que stretching back some 400 meters. Elaina gruff over has been commuting over the border since february. She doesnt believe most people are in any great rush to leave. I dont feel any around. People here on the border, so its very, very not like some people think it is later. Com did to almost total quiet as evening girls in here. Theres just a few calls left from the long queues of the morning. Most of the russians who have tried to get across the border seem to have been successful. Those could be the lucky ones. Report to the finish media said ministers working on a plan to get around the principles of the shingles agreement on freedom of movement. By claiming that finlands acceptance of russian tourists is damaging its International Relationships polaris ill use era volleyball of the finland, russia border. At least 19 people have been killed and more than 40 others injured after a car bomb explosion and cargo blast happened at near the main gate of a mosque as people were leaving after friday. Prayers a taliban . It says its begun investigation. No group has yet claimed responsibility, at least to 80 people trying to migrate to europe, have died after their boat capsized off the coast of syria. Rescue as that managed to save more than 20, but many more are still missing. The victims were fleeing from lebanon to escape an economic meltdown. Then harder has been speaking with some of those who lost their family members. She sent this report from northern lebanon. Emerys sam is in shock. The persons family was on the boat that sunk off the syrian coast on thursday. They have buried 9 year old me and 6 year old maya. But there are 2 brothers and mother are still missing. It really didnt them. They brought me the 2 kids. What about the others . Will they bring the others to me . I cant say more than this. My heart is broken. Its the deadliest migrant both tragedy and living on in years. Passengers were hoping to reach europe and a better life. Families and friends waited at the border with syria as the dead, and few survivors were brought home. Why not all were lebanese . Some were palestinian and syrian refugees, but all share the same story. One of poverty and desperation. Number the law, if i get the chance, i will lease if there is a boat here right now, i will get on with my 2 children and im the one ive been at, lebanons economy began to spiral 3 years ago. The political elite blame for decades of mismanagement and corruption have still not agreed on a recovery plan. Can shop out of poverty is what pushed with them to sell a property and his house to go on the boat. And then he lost his wife and children. Our government doesnt care about the people, the living conditions. Oh, just a few months ago, a migrant boat sank well being pursued by the lebanese navy. Thousands of people drowned. Many of them are still missing. With some risk, everything knowing that there was a 70 percent chance the boat would sink. Thats how desperate he was football. Many of those who attempt the journey or from the impoverished north, which has been neglected by successive governments. Despite the danger, is migrants continued to leave from the source of northern lebanon. United nation says that the number of people who departed or tried to has the early tripled since 2020. It says so far this year. The number is nearly 3500 but security sources tell us thats a conservative estimate and its no longer just young people. Whole families are trying to escape. What many here say is a hopeless Situation Center for their elders, either northern lebanon. Irans military is warring that it will confront what it calls enemies as protest continues over the death of a 22 year old women in Police Custody master. I mean, he died last week after being arrested by the so called Morality Police for allegedly violating the countries headscarf laws around state tv. Hes reporting that at least 26 people have been killed. Unrest pro government counter protests have also been taking place across iran. The rallies are seen as a response to days of demonstrations following a means death. Iranian government says they were spontaneous gatherings. Demonstrations on just being held in iran. There was a vigil in washington, d. C. In front of the lincoln memorial. People held signs and chauncey that masa, i mean his name yes. And in chiles, that capital santiago, dozens of protests against death chanted for womens life and Freedom Still ahead on al jazeera canadians stuck up as a brace for storm. Fiona, which has already left hundreds of thousands without power fighting for their voices to be heard. Brazils Indigenous Peoples seek a political presence. Ah, with hello there. Well have a look at africa in a moment. The 1st to the middle east and it is a bit of a windy picture. Certainly for the gulf states, thanks to a shamar wind, its blowing down from iraq through to wait, kicking up some dust, creating hazy sunshine, we could see a sandstorm or dust storm. Certainly by the time we get into sunday now, temperatures are coming down across more southern areas. Temperatures knocking down as well in places like to run as that wet weather works its way down the caspian sea. But for places like tuck minister has been a story of exceptional heat. We have a look at the 3 day, however, it will be coming down rather dramatically as that where the system moves in breezy. Suddenly by tuesday now was me move to north africa. The story of heat for the northeast, for egypt, temperatures in cairo, continuing to pick up the wet weather however, can be found around the gulf of guinea. Weve had an easterly wave thats moved unusually away from senegal, towards the canary islands. We could see some wet and windy weather here, certainly on sunday. And as we move down south, it is a much quieter picture. Some of that rain, trickling into angola, much dryer for botswana and south africa, johannesburg. Sing plenty of sunshine at 30 degrees celsius. Ah, there was a time when the aka van gogh river floods were enough to sustain live in the northern color, harry desert all year round. 2 of that changing with one of 3 men in different parts of aka van go down as they faced drought, wild animal and man may threat in the constant fight for survival risk in it all. Botswana on al jazeera lou lou be watching al jazeera reminder of our top stores. They saw the u. S. Is what in the kremlin of more sanctions in response to referendums and areas, it occupies crane keys. It says Armed Russian soldiers going door to door to force people to vote on whether for occupied regions in the east and south should join russia. At least 19 people have been killed and more than 40 others injured. Ultra cob bomb exploded in cobble. The blast happened that near the main gate of moscows people, leaving off to friday at least 18 people trying to migrate to europe died off to their boat, capsized off the coast of syria. Rescue as that managed to save more than 20 migrants, but any more as to move back to our top story. Now, nato says it will never recognized roches referendums in occupied regions of ukraine. The launch says cold on all states to reject what is calling a blatant attempt at territorial conquest. That boston reports from berlin. A sham and if i elation of the un charter is what nato calls the referendums on, annexing for russian occupied regions of ukraine, describing it as a sign of weakness after losses on the battlefield. Nato says it will ignore the outcome and continue to give you great military support. But we should do, and we should get to all the countries together that have for instance, that leopard tank and see that we join forces trained together and sent leopards together to ukraine, which they need right now. If they want to succeed in re conquering the territory that russia has under occupation so far, the German Government has been reluctant to send battle tanks. Feeling that president flag may put in would consider a publication. But analysts say these referendum show that nato has not managed to deter, put in from amex in regents in isa ukraine, covering an area the size of portugal. Would you call it a failure by nato . On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, you could also say that nato has been successful in avoiding a russia. Nate, who war which has always been one of natos major aim. So i would say it depends on your perspective. For ukraine, it makes the situation more difficult. Yes, refugees continue to arrive in germany. I know son came from supple isha. One of the regents with a food is being help in spite of fears, fighting as things, this is the biggest mistake and it shouldnt be a toll on my territory where your grain in and we dont need to rush and people at all on my country. We are very angry and we dont understand why another world can be a little aggressive to russia. Think they doing not enough. Yes. Not to know what im 1000000 ukrainian refugees have a rise in germany and european Government Outlook bearing for more to come as the war escalate. And russia mobilizes hundreds of thousands of surface not only ukrainians, but also russians are expected to come. Now germany says that those who used to fight can apply for asylum. A fight with no end in sight. These people dont know if it will be weeks, months or years before they can go home. Steadfast and al jazeera, berlin. Canadians are being warned to expect her constraints wins even though fiona has weakened to a post Tropical Storm. A hundreds of thousands of people have lost power in nova scotia. As the 1st bands of the storm hit, Eastern Canada practical hang pulse. Hurricane fiona made 1st landfall in puerto rico, last sunday, where half of the u. S. Territory is still without power. It marched over the dominican republic, destroying homes and businesses, as it went. Then brushed the bahamas and swept by bermuda on friday. And now its on track to make a very rare hit on Eastern Canada total rainfall amounts. Again, were looking at some of the same numbers we were looking at yesterday with 10250. Was some localized them how that could exceed 150. And the gray area that you see on the map here in nova scotia is for 4 areas that potentially could see the 150. 00 millimeters. Currently a category for storm, it may lands a post Tropical Storm bringing potentially dangerous storm searches, wins and likely massive power outages. People shouldnt be dancing. That may sound self evident, but dont go to the water and try to be a big shot. Dont, dont surf. We go surfing, hear that, thats, thats great, but dont sure if in a hurricane and as it passes, all eyes will then turn southward. Another tropical depression in the caribbean has formed that forecaster se could grow into a powerful hurricane. Likely to hit the you a state of florida in the coming days. Particle haine, al jazeera, a hundreds of young people who marched on the streets of new york, demanding that more is done to stop the climate change. The rally was one of many held in various cities. As to fridays Global Climate strike. Protest is one to more aid to be given to poor countries that have been hit by wild weather newton as people in brazil are uniting to back their own candidates for political positions in congress and state legislatures. No matter who wins. Octobers president ial race, either incumbent javelin scenario or leftist candidate enough, you know, the silver, it has communities, ones repro additives to fight for their rights on. Okay, not you have reports for me. Addition era live over with they may be few in number less than one percent. Of brazils population, some live deep in the jungle, isolated from the modern world. But lately, brazils 1000000 Indigenous People have been making their voices heard in the centres of political power. Yahoo girl junior, we had to unite Indigenous People from all over the country and make strategic alliances in brazil and abroad to fight our common enemy president , jaya, bol sanara. His government has been pushing for legislation, opening our lands to commercial mining and farming, and turning a blind dye to the destruction of the amazon cell global. The goal is to fight back by electing their own lawmakers. And they have significant support in Organization Called the articulation of brazils Indigenous People is backing 30 candidates like so now why sharra, recently described by Time Magazine is one of the 100 most influential people in the world. I was doing well man, we have never suffered so much violence in indigenous territories like now with that tax on a fascination seen by boeing the independently run Indigenous Missionary Council registered 305. 00 cases of attacks in 226 indigenous territories. 2021. That many times more than in 2018. Earlier this year, indigenous expert, bruno fietta and british journalist dom phillips, were shocked dead by a local fishman in a remote area of the amazon. The killings attracted global attention. Lydia had been helping indigenous patrols, investigate legal fishing and poaching in their job id valley. The territories home to the Worlds Largest number of isolated tribes. The invaders were allegedly working for drug cartels, world renowned photographers, sebastian salgado, like many others, points the finger at bal. So narrow, yes. You, this will be you, i blame the government, the deaths of bruno player and dom phillips because the president left the amazon unprotected promising criminal gangs to take over all violence on the amazon has increased from him. This was so long before the president ial Election Campaign started. Hundreds of indigenous tribes gathered in brazil you to put their demands in writing that for you by sonia rachada, present to the document to leftist candidate. Wheezing as to lula. The silva whos leading in the polls against current president bushel natalie signed it and promised to create a ministry for the indigenous for brazils Indigenous People. Whats at stake in these elections is their Constitutional Rights and by extension, their very survival. Hundreds of claims for indigenous Ancestral Lands have been put on hold during both sonatas term as president. This has created an environment of uncertainty that critics say Pro Development groups are exploiting. Through increased land invasions and violence, monica, and i kept al jazeera rio de janeiro. A british pound has sunk to a 37 year, lo, against the dollar of the u. K. Government announced that major budget changes emergency plan involves sweeping tax cuts and huge borrowing increases that are designed to lower the cost of living need. Barker has been gauging public reaction to the new budget. He sent this report from the town of graves and it is by any stretch of the imagination, a huge economic gamble on the one hand slashing peoples taxes on the other massively ramping up borrowing. But will it all mean . Lets people hope that everybody in the United Kingdom will have a little bit more money in their pocket to spend on bolstering the economy. Or will it simply mean as the opposition maintain, that the rich will get much much richer . The plans include cutting, National Insurance corporation tax, a tax on buying property, spending tens of billions of dollars on showing up the Energy Sector so that peoples bills dont go through the roof. And also controversially on lifting a cap on bank as bonuses. Im in the town of graves and about 30 kilometers or so from london is neither particularly rich nor particularly deprive, but it could be doing much, much better. Its got a huge concentration of independent businesses. Many of these owners are looking for the economic space to breathe. Hopefully it will help because, you know, you were in difficult times that moment everyones, you know, being careful. You can put them on a just to, you know, paid bills to paid on the table. So any, so it will actually raising shops like to mind, for example, an is, is difficult. But if you look up then high street, you can see all the shops are slowly starting to go. And if we all go in there isnt anybody burning little bits money that they can then go spend and big shops that theyre gonna make their money out of . And the banks even got money going through the bank. Youre not gonna, theyre not gonna make money anyway. Alex, so youre saying that the economy needs to be driven, not just from the top, but from the bottom and the middle to i think it is denisa, so sorry about my work up the taxes. That years of a sterility the pandemic. And now of course, the highest inflation in 40 years and most certainly the highest amongst g 7 countries. Mean people are very, very reluctant to part with their cash battling this economic downturn for the government will most certainly be an uphill struggle in the months and years to come. Roger federer has played his final competitive tennis match before retiring at the 20 time grand slam chapman was unable to finish his career on a high losing to the team world, pairing at the labor cup in london. Paul van de waffles, ha, taking to the court for the final time. Which federal partnering with long time rival, rafael, no doubt, to round out as 24 year korea. And fittingly the match being played in london. The city with federal one, the 1st of us 20 grand slam titles, back in 2003. The 41 year old has struggled with injuries the past 3 years. That was still able to, well, the crowd. Even if the shot didnt count, even at the end of roaches, career is given a something weve never seen before. Federal leaves the game. 3rd on the list of all time, grand slam champion spine novak jock havoc and rough. I own a dow, he want a total of 103. 00 atp titles in a korea that included an incredible 1251. 00 victories. This was maestro spent a total of 310. 00 wakes as well. Number one, amazing more than a 130000000. 00 in prize money throughout his career. Its been a been a perfect journey. I will do it all over again. Again, so much. Its been amazing. Thank you everybody. So many people cheer me on. And you guys here tonight means the world wiping back the tears. Federal 1st thing is rivals. Before paying tribute to his family. The girls to boys. My wifes been so supportive and she good us not be long time ago. She but she didnt. She kept me going and allowed me to play so its amazing. Thank you her sentiment by those in stand

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