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And of them nora kyle, is out there alive from doe also coming up. Face off join brazils president ial debate, the 2 front runner, the incumbent on former leader, trade accusations. Warnings of a potential Nuclear Accidents is russia and ukraine again accuse each other of shelling of zap, reach a power plant. And the countdowns on nasa reaches for the moon with its most powerful rocket, yet ah, relief and rescue operations are underway across pakistan. As it grapples with massive flooding. At least 1000 people have died since mid june. Military helicopters have been deployed to help those stranded. Nearly 300000 homes have been destroyed with up to a 3rd of the country under water. 33000000 people have been affected, a many a running out of food and drinking water. Sam bas ravi has this report from she ca, poor district in pakistans, southern send, province dams in pakistans, north or fall. The flood gates are open. More water is headed down stream to low burns. Were rainfall has already submerged everything in sight. It is difficult to imagine where more water will go. Army helicopters are dropping a distracted communitys small mercies from the air. The pale in comparison to the calamity across the country and beyond. Up on the boat rescues are happening around the clock to evacuate people stranded by standing water where there are no boats. People are walking out wading through the water, carrying whatever they can. Self rescue and sin is not for the faint of heart. Will probably go to the world again. The only thing you god would jabbing if we have nothing help me help me now will all die. Look at this. There is nothing left to save and no one is coming to us at night. There are bandits roaming around here. Hunger is making us crazy. What can we do . Would you believe my fed up of sitting on the side of the road for more than 2 weeks . No help in sight. The residence of one village have taken matters into their own hands. What people here are telling us is that this is dockwood country. Theyre worried about thieves and what theyre trying to do now is protect the few remaining possessions. They were able to salvage from their flooded homes, in the absence of anything else, people here are helping each other get to safety. But thats it. Were living now. We can do manual labor to save our children, or else they will die. What can we do . We are poor, our animals will die, our kids will die, then we will die. Deep in the heart of sin, the prophets in villages whose names wont show up on any maps. No helicopters are coming over the horizon. No boat motors can be heard in the distance signaling salvation. 6 people here are tired of waiting for a savior. They are packing up and on the move zane bus robbie olga 0 shook our poor district sim pakistan. Brazil has how thats 1st president ial debate in the run up to elections in october. The front run as a current present chapel scenario and former leader louis marcell. Its a silva. I was searching in the opinion. Polls for the candidates also checked part and the televised debate exchanges became heated when both are accused leila of corruption arcade port purpose gypsy. Bout sick inch, it is important for people to know. No other president did more to investigate corruption than our governmental product. As you mothers. This is euchre. There is no justification for this untruthful answer. You go to not. Yes. Your government was the most corrupt in the whole history of brazil. Come as trauma. As an independent political consultant, he sat a social Communications Minister under lilith successor delma recess. He says both are a blunder and the debate and is on the back foot. Long made a very, very wrong you, because do you what question by a female reporter he attacked for i know very well unusual way. And i mean, i know those are already has a very big from female voters. I mean, over when you get, if only brazilian women voted silva would be already elected by over 50 percent. While basically president man are support more support for the bus route and was allow lady street news on a very natural or issues with the report. This no doubt will be a problem with campaign was, was already a problem. That was when i had this image of the see me anti woman and this will be no problem here to solve lula in his case was to be defensive. When he was asked about the for options, position government, and this defensive point is lets say, and the standard was a cathy. Oh, but in the end, i mean he has to give answers about that. And i mean, this is something that the public will ask all the time about what really happened of the crushes in brazil and brazil. Oil company during his got as euler in columbia have restored diplomatic Relations Just days after the inauguration of columbias left wing present. Cassava petro, both governments have re appointed ambassadors and agreed to boost security along their 2000 kilometer long border columbias previous Government Cut ties with venezuela over president Nicholas Madura is disputed reelection in 2019 libby as he went back to Prime Minister has called for elections after a day of intense fighting, it killed at least 32 people. An injured more than a 150. 00. Gunfire erupted between rival armed groups on saturday over who should govern . Abdul hamid al debarber heads it tripoli. Bates administration on says rival fatty for sugar is backed by the Eastern Parliament into brook a dog jameer nam, and jamia nunez sydney. I invite everyone without exception to raise the word of the homeland and to forget past conflicts through holding elections. Mia and i told them to allow the libyan people. The libyans have sacrificed their lives for this country. Not to be deprived of their right to choose their government to head to elections before its too late. No, to half measured solutions. Yes. To elections . No, to war. Yes to elections. I mean while a sense of calm has returned to libyan capital. You and says its deeply concerned about the violence which included shelling and civilian neighborhoods. Malak china has more from tripoli, cd her leave. Her is the densely populated area in the heart of tripoli. Early saturday morning, its st. Turned into a battle zone as rival malicious fought each other. Each supports one of 2 governments who coined to be in charge of libya. I had to leverage a ha, look at this, sally. This is the kind of weapons they were using. This is a residential neighborhood. How can they use weapons like this in a residential area . They were fighting for control of this government building which belongs to the ministry of interior trip. We hasnt seen this level of violence since a nationwide ceasefire was signed in 2020 people here are extremely angry and our calling for armed groups to leave the capital mohammed, our bus us as the violence lasted for several hours, his home was damaged and his family store burned down. He says, tripoli, base Prime Minister abdul hamid to paver should do more to stop the violence. Less ask on assessment. We were living in fear. My 3 daughters were shivering. My mother fainted. We didnt know what to do. I blame the politicians. I dont care about us. All they care about staying in power. Where is the baber given . He went and visited the fighters who had weapons, but he didnt come here to see a son of classical salman. Jimmy. A tricky elliot had he says his family was trapped inside his home after it caught fire and nearly suffocated because of the smoke before his neighbors came to their rescue. Aladdin. Ha ha, ha, monthly. Yeah, this is a residential straight. It has women, children, elderly. We nearly died, god saved us. We dont want the security base is near our homes, moved him out of the city and they can fight as much as they want. Libya has had to rival centers of power for the past 8 years. The internationally recognized government in tripoli says it now has full control of the capital. But what many here are hoping for is some reconciliation and unity among the warrant sides. So they dont keep living in fear of conflict. Mal trina ultra 0 tripoli rebels from ti grier northern ethiopia say theyve taken control of the town of wal dia in the neighboring. Im hora region. The reportedly less than 200 kilometers from capturing the city of dessie a manufacturing hub. It comes 2 days after government as strikes targeted, the rebels stronghold of macallan. At least 4 people, including 2 children, were killed. The government says it talk to the military sites, but unicef says a kindergarten was hit. A conflict between the rebels into gray and Government Forces began nearly 2 years ago. That sci fi was agreed earlier this year, but fighting resumed last week, samuel get a to as an independent journalist and addis ababa, he has more on the latest fighting and am hora. What we know so far is that the top gun army has left a pool. They say, fearing that a fight within the city will are faked so many people in so many will be so many people will be affected. They have left cowboy and they say theyre in the suburbs of global. But in terms of capturing any other towns or villages or cities, we are not in a position to verify. Weve, ive heard the rumors, the United Nations is said to be on the age in terms of not being able to deliver the kinds of aid thats needed in the region. But again, kabul is an am hora, theyre fighting was in omaha. And there was, i mean, there are a few days ago, there was an air attack that was committed by the Ethiopian Government side in which they have said that theyre fighting a terrorist organization. And theyre in it to really bring this country and tagged the open government to saying they were provoked into getting into this conflict, this latest conflict that t p never saying otherwise. But there was hope that there was going to be some kind of negotiation to bring this to an end because this conflicts are begun in november of 2020, approaching its 2nd year has been a facing no just the to gray region, but its been coming to m r and r 5 region for the government for the open government to say that the t p f, which again theyve said as of. Busy this organization is coming to those regions, 2 to one to fight, engage in all kinds of conflicts. Cilla had her on Al Jazeera Abraham racy, has been a rounds president for just over a year. Hes faced several challenges. The question now how will he manage a crucial nuclear deal . Ah. 9 9 and we meet a man in cambodia who is trying to keep traditional climber, music alive. Ah, with he has begun. The, the full world cup is on its way to catherine group. Your travel package to the hot sunshine, the order of the day across the middle east on monday. Hi there. Heres our forecasts for monday. So plenty of spots in the fortys or bill. 44. Weve got to wait at 43. 00. And for us here in doha, a hi of 41 degrees. Lets go where the action is though, take you to afghanistan. This is just outside of kabul. Weve seen some flooding dare, devastating destruction and damage, but take a look at the sky conditions. That is a glimmer of hope. The rain so petered out both for afghanistan and pakistan. Still a few showers though, for pakistan, and we know it will take time for those water levels to drop off to turkey. This is the situation things have improved through is sam ball back into the sunshine, 31 degrees, few showers, popping up here, and theyre cross that black seacoast in central areas as well. Now for a central africa, heres a forecast on monday, lot of activity around late victoria. Further toward the west, there has been flooding in northern portions of the democratic republic of congo, and bursts of rain that too far away from hart tune on monday. Now, going further toward the south, like this vigorous weather maker slamming into the coastline of south africa, both for the western and the eastern cape in quasi luna tall so durban. I think we could see winged us on monday at the 65 kilometers per hour. The trap they bye for now. Chatter airway official l. The journey. New voice is heating up. The airway. Lot of chinese listeners with kimberly here but i really think in their own country shifting power of a case, the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. How did happen . It happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative. Australians went to the pole with those images front of mine is a war, its very much came forth out in the media as well as on the battlefield. The listening post. Dissect the media on al jazeera with ah, again, youre watching out, is there a has a reminder of our top stories. This. Our relief and rescue operations are underway after massive floods hit pakistan. And these 1000 people have died since mid june, up to a 3rd of the country has underwater. Many people are running out of food and drinking water. A war of words has taken place in brazil at the 1st president ial debate ahead of the october elections. And come jebel, sierra accused rival lewis, and its a silver of being corrupt. Lula hit back saying the president had destroyed brazil, and venezuela and columbia restored diplomatic Relations Just days off. Integration of colombia left when president previous Government Cut ties off to venezuela. Nicholas madura was re elected president in 2019 and a disputed pole. Russian rocket and artillery strikes have hit cities near the zapper reach a power plant. Fighting neg, europes Biggest Nuclear Energy Facility has raised fears of a radiation leak has been occupied by russia since the early days of the war. I, dean tablets are being distributed zapper reach a residence in case of radiation exposure to react to the plant with disconnected temporarily last week after a fire damage to transmission line to raise a bows. Following developments from keith. While the war ukraine has been ranging for 6 months and it mostly the fighting has moved towards the southern and the eastern part of the country. Ukrainian forces have strategically been targeting military base rushes military bases in the city of military and had a stone. Also Ukrainian Forces are seeing that be repelled several attacks in a city like kind of film that is currently occupied by Russian Forces. The other developments thats ongoing, you said in the eastern part of the country, theres been an increase of russia attack in that part of the country, an attempt to take over the dome back all around that area. And thats why the Ukrainian Government has dictated amend that we evacuation from that part of the country to save peoples lives to prevent more injuries. Theyre telling people that if they want to stay, they have to sign a paper, so theyre responsible for their own lives. But what is clear is that they want to get civilians out of that part of the country. A major concern right down here in ukraine is what ongoing, in the sub Nuclear Power plant shelling and fighting has been on going around that area. The Russian Ministry of defense is saying that ukrainian force attack that site at least twice saying that shelling came very, very close to where the radioactive weight is located and where the nuclear fuel is located. A cranium force is saying that its the Russian Forces who have been doing the shelling since they took over the Nuclear Power plant. Back in march. They stablished a military base there. And they have been attacking a Russian Forces from their local authorities around all that we have been distributing. I you would be pills to different hospitals in case anything goes wrong in, in case theres any type of leak radioactive leakage pills can be used to protect the thyroid gland from radiation. So that can major concern and thats why it is important. The presence of a 3rd party, a 3rd party would be the United Nations Nuclear Watchdog b i a a, we know that theyre putting together a visit in place and its likely to happen in the next few days has been more than a year since iranian present abraham racy took office on has been a challenging time and the seemingly endless negotiations to restore the 2015 nuclear deal to an economy devastated by years of sanctions. I see has had more to deal with than any of his predecessors towards jibari has more from to hon. Ah, he came to office more than a year ago, promising to fight corruption and restore iranians trusted in their government in football. Abraham racy was the former head of her aunts judiciary and no one the president ial election, securing nearly 63 percent of the votes in the lowest turnouts since the 1979 revolution. Only 49 percent of the public voted racy campaign to reduce unemployment inflation. And address a growing housing problem, but its been a challenging 1st year in office with aarons economy continuing, its, the kline inflation is around 40 percent. The unofficial Unemployment Rate hovers around 30 to 35 percent with nearly 60 percent of the population now living in poverty, economic stagnation and sir corruption remains the key challenge for the race administration. And sir, nobody is expecting this to be fixed or resolved within a short period of time. One year is not sufficient or to see that happening. He needs more time. President racy isnt just fighting to save the economy. But attacks like this also highlight the difficulties facing or on Security Apparatus on may 22nd in south to her on 2 armed men on a motorcycle open fire on a vehicle driven by general hassans saturday from the courts force of the revolutionary guards. The general died on the spot Union Officials blamed israel, and the president said, hey julia, dear my selina, im yet he wanted to touch you. The man asked the serious pursuit of this issue by the Security Officials is emphasized by me. And i had no doubt that the revenge of the pure blood of this great man is inevitable. 3 days later, another suspicious incident in the town of parking near the capital at one of the heavily fortified military compounds. The incidents killed the Defense Ministry engineer, a song at blakey. Theres been no official word about the cause of his death. The other issue dominating race is 1st year in office has been that diplomatic effort to restore that landmark 2015 nuclear agreement. These talks are aimed at bringing the United States on her own back to for compliance. The deal saw iran limit its Nuclear Program in exchange for sanctions relief. Adeel, israel has strongly criticized and said it will not prevent it from doing what it needs to do to stop around from developing a nuclear weapon. Those talks have now reached the stay for a Draft Agreement has been presented according to the European Union Foreign Policy chief, joseph coral, that will require serious political will from officials into iran and washington. The 2 sides are now to note on that text. And what happens next will not only have for reaching ramifications for millions of iranians, but have also define every races 1st term in office. Doorstep, jibari al jazeera terran china says it will take action if its provoked by 2 u. S. Navy warships in the taiwan strait. The vessels crossed the straight during transit through International Waters on sunday. Thats the 1st thought passage since u. S. How speak and nancy pelosi vis to taiwan earlier this month. Waging save several air and sea exercises after her trip. Chinas military says its monterey mus ships and will in its words, defeat any provocation charities in the u. K. A warning, the dramatic increase in the cost of electricity and gas will complete the wipe out the incomes of pool households. Millions and now faced with the choice of feeding the families or heating their homes that involve reports from blackpool in northwest england. Le matched a black to Football Club and like every home game, theyre collecting donations for the local food bank. But things are slow, very slow. This Supporters Club right by the stadium is part of the initiative. It says donations have dropped as energy price rises bite. You know, people are not able to give us what to do, dont we would like to because a very i dont know, very generous football funds at a local community because we are also around here. And its a real sharing bobby mack, a long time blackpool fund, but he says an 80 percent increase in energy bills will seem to stop him leaving the house. So have them put a shelter because of good to eat. Nice. Living it for wolves every year. And then again, our stop effect, the mental health, the short distance away visitors are making the most of the sunshine. This towns been a popular holiday destination since the 19th century. But thats not the whole picture step away from the front and that, that probation becomes obvious when the low Pay Commission came up with a list of the 20 most deprived regions in the u. K. 7 of them were in blackpool, many of them just a stones throw away from tourist attractions, like the famous tower. No one to event that the rise in Energy Prices is worrying residents and businesses alike. Hey, ms. Hewitt is one. This pub, for 25 years inflations force him to increase price his recently, but he says higher utility bills could force him to close during the week of 70 years of age. And as a was and of, of a came across. Oh, during the week, full for my regulars and but oh billy and people like and the shame as no they wont even go a common for the he. Down on the beach, we meet sir, who with his wife and 5 year old son visiting for the day. He says that doing all we can to cut costs, but its tough. He was just going past the toy shop and i just kept that boy outside the shop as hes been osbourne boyce, they should have, i am toy, watch it up. I am food. The cost of living crisis means people across britain already making difficult choices. Next month and you Prime Minister will be in office. The need for urgent action couldnt be clearer. Nadine barbara al jazeera blackpool. French police are investigating out of football or pull. Poke bert sent an o guys gang trying to blackmail him. Of hitlers issued a statement saying a gang tried to extort money from him. Allegations come after his brother mathias posted several videos online. He promised to publish what he called great revelations about his sibling. It was, i said the information could be explosive without giving further details. Nasa has started pumping fuel and the awesome has rockets as it prepares to launch its mission to the moon. These alive pitches from the Kennedy Space center in florida. That rocket is to you to launch just after 12 t m team. It will carry an unmanned capture which will all but the moon. Its a test flights as nasa proposed to put astronauts on the lunas f as in 2025 on her apollo reports from the launch venue. And florida. The count down is on for a Space Mission that promises to put human beings back on the moon. Final preparations are being made for the launch of nasas heavy duty space launch system or s ls and a ryans Space Council for a month long mission to orbit the moon. Despite bad weather and even a Lightning Strike on saturday. Official, see, the mission is set to blast off on monday, bottom line as we look really good. No issues or concerns are more constraints from the the lightning events. At this point, the Unmanned Mission marks the debut of nasas art in this program, which seeks to return american astronauts to the moon. By the year 2025. The s l s is the most powerful rock at nasa has ever assembled capable of producing nearly 4000000 kilograms of thrust a significant upgrade from the saturn 5 rockets that sent the 1st men to the moon in the days of the apollo program. Going forward to the moon is the right way to describe it, because its not your grandfathers appall program. Okay . This is all new technology, new motivation, new opportunity, bringing all a technology to the moon is going to be exciting. Theories overdue and villians over budget. The moment is almost here for launch of artemus one, with more than a 100000 people expected to attend. All of them collectively holding their breath, crossing their fingers for a successful lift off. The excitement from spectators at Cape Canaveral is palpable. Just going back to the moon, its pretty cool. I didnt get to experience the 1st one that i remember. So they get the so my son and hopefully watch the next few and see them walk back on the moon. Its been 50 years since the last person stepped foot on the moon through artemus nasa hopes to set the foundations for deep space exploration. And one day sent human beings to mars and worlds beyond monroe up a little al jazeera Kennedy Space center, florida. And cambodia. Traditional music has no longer as popular as it used to be. But there are crossman who are trying to keep kind of music alive by passing those skills on to the next generation. From st. Louis has more from prom, pam, dev. Its a skill he learned from his parents and other relatives in creating his instruments. Hes careful not to deviate from the traditional design. This way, he makes sure he preserves the authenticity of each piece. They moy, apache, pumpkin. I started making instruments the early being, but also to preserve our national healthy, our national identity. Because i see that income bodya, people are not very interested in gamer musical instruments. Lamar wound up like his elders before him. Hes passing down his knowledge to the next generation that he lament the fact traditional. Cambodian music is no longer as popular as it used to be, particularly among young people. Oh, these days its played mostly during weddings, andrews just ceremonies, but some a working to preserve it. Ah. She at the secondary school of finance students, linda, camille, classical dance, music, taped by small ensemble. Ah, good young, over on man. Some ladies french have special phone, but we really listen. We can distinguish whether its a strong or soft sound. It thus performing, though there are fierce characters at all, so gentle and sad character that the fit the sounds that the personality hes his father was also a musician and taught him how to play. Ah, can vote in music is an oral tradition passed down from memory. Its only recently that the royals university of fine arts started transcribing the pieces in academia, traditional orchestra. These 2 instruments are normally placed side by side. This is the wrong it egg. Its got a high pitch and it plays the melody rise. This is the one in the home and its a deeper sound and plays the accompaniment. Ah, its a rich tradition

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