Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220728

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Ha, hundreds of demonstrated his withdraw office storming the iraqi parliament, protesting the nomination for Prime Minister. Ah, hello there on the day, and this is al 0 life. And also coming up, the u. S. Federal reserve announces a huge Interest Rate hike to tackle rising inflation, mid fears of a recession. He says its ready to make a substantial offer to secure the release of Brittany Greiner and paul whelan, both detained in russia and ukraines high risk harvest. Inside the operation to secure the countrys wheat fields and safeguards supplies for the well i hundreds of people broke into Iraqs Parliament protest against the nomination of a new Prime Minister. They are supporters of influential shia cleric looked at al serra, who does not want Mohammed Al Su Donnie to be the countrys next leader. Theres been a political tedra in iraq ever since october his election last month. Supporters of saw that resigned their seats and parliament, santa twisted about the protest describing it as a revolution of reform and rejection of corruption. He said the message has been delivered. You have terrified the corrupt and power protest as in baghdad, fast armed iraqs high security greens are and thats the political heart of the city to reach the parliament building. Its a 10 kilometer fortified there, and thats been the headquarters of several Iraqi Government offices does or, and also has as many of the foreign embassies in the city mumford. Otherwise it has worn out from baghdad. The protest whos, whos told me theyre headquartered of the council of representatives have was drawn. That is following a command from the leader, the influential shia cleric and politically, that looked other a southern who asked his supporters to was through. He also addressing his supporters of southern mentioned that their message has been conveyed the message that in his was that his supporters have to defied the corrupt politicians in power. As you know that this is following the episode of the bet leaked voice recordings attributed to former Prime Minister naughty aleki. A prominent adversity of shak lyrica looked at the a. So that now that protested as had been a staging their demonstrations inside their heavily fortified green zone, prompting a turns of a heavy or Security Press in, in the area. Now, the doctor has been calling and his support to keep its called and peaceable. And a statement from the ticket Prime Minister must have called me also reiterated that the protest sort of should maintain and keep the private and public facilities safe. Now the Federal Reserve is increasing its key Interest Rate by 3 quarters of a percentage point to 2. 5 percent. The u. S. Central bank has been raising borrowing cost since march to try to rain and rising inflation. My counter report was an inflation rate that is nearing 10 percent all eyes around the Federal Reserve and the announcement of its plan to try to push it down against this backdrop, today the forms he raised its policy Interest Rate by 3 quarters of a percentage point and anticipates that ongoing increases in the target range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate. The increase was not unexpected. And the stock markets which had been calling for aggressive action rose sharply on the news. Both did also by the fed, kevins contention that the country was not in a recession, doesnt seem that the u. S. Economy is in recession right now. That along with the fact that he left the door open about the size of any rate move in september. As the stance of Monetary Policy titans further, it likely will become appropriate to slow the pace of increases while we assess how our cumulative policy adjustments are affecting the economy and inflation. The rate increase is going to directly affect the d. C. Smoke house, its owner, mill hines, plans for expansion had already been impacted by rising inflation. Obtaining would a theme, it really went through price adjustments. So we were that my contract was conscious of it. But of course, you know, it rolls down to you, so thats up to be as well. So you know, you make adjustments to the project plans. You make adjustments to how you operate. And so the price increases are passed on to the customer is not expecting a better product for the higher price. We check price and walk out of here, you know, satisfy with the food we have. We dont care about price, but you know, were not satisfied with the food. It wont be about economists maintain the rate hike was the only tool that that has to come to inflation in the long term. But in the short term, the medicine is going to have a bitter taste. Ill just 0 washington. While staying in the u. S. Where secretary of state unstained lincoln says a substantial offer will be made to secure the release of basketball player, Brittany Griner. And for me, u. S. Marine por whelan, theyre both county detained in russia. He says hell speak to his russian counterpart, sag elaborate in the coming days. Unreason issue, thats a top priority for us. The release of americans, all wheel and, and Brittany Grier law retain. And must be allowed to come all substantial proposal on the table weeks ago to so take the release, our governments agree indicated repeatedly and directly on that proposal. And i was the conversation to follow up personally. And i hope with us or to resolution. Patty calhane has one out from washington dc. It would, it seemed to indicate that its pretty close to me. Lets think about, take a step back where they do these Prisoner Exchanges between any country they dont normally broadcast from the state department from the secretary of state himself a. But weve been seeing these indications for a while of the russians had said that they couldnt, can contemplate any sort of Prisoner Exchange in till brittney grinders case went through the legal system. So just a few weeks ago we saw her plead guilty to what she was accused of, of bringing to to vague cartridges of her. She shall into the country. She said it was an accident that she was packing quickly. The sentencing phase is well under way. She testified today saying that she wasnt read her rights and that it was an accident and she didnt mean to insult the russian people. But then so then to have the secretary stake him out and make this very public announcement. Theyre looking to get paul. Well in a former marine sentence for 16 years of espionage and Brittany Griner out and to say that hes going to call on his counterpart. Foreign minister surrey, laver love rob himself is an indication that the u. S. Thinks they can get it done. I mean, they have been under public pressure to act, but its not an insane amount of pressure. Its not leading the nightly news. Its not at the front page of the newspapers. Venton not necessarily the factor here. More importantly, you dont put a cabinet secretary, especially someone like the secretary of state and from the cameras and say were going to get this done. Were trying to get this done. If you really dont think that youre going to be able to get it done. Well, sag a lab rob is currently an ethiopian for the 2nd leg of his tour on the african continent. The Russian Foreign minister is aiming to reassure nations hit hard by the global grain shortage. Millions of people across africa have been left without adequate access to food because of soaring prices. Nor sco is hoping to strengthen. Tie, as with the continent that has so far, refused to join western sanctions over the wall. In law, nasa has announced that russia is sticking with the International Space station for now. According to the us space agency, moscow told nasa on wednesday that they will remain partners on the i assess the next 6 years that comes just one day after the head of rushes, space agency ross commas, and said theyd pull out by 2024. Rationale says it plans to have its own station in space by 2028 and on wednesday, russian gas applies to europe were reduced to a 5th of what they were until just a few days ago. The cuts will make it harder and costly f, a unisons to fill up storage ahead of the winter heating season. Musson gas company gas from has reduced flow through the north stream one pipeline, citing a problem with the turbine. The you, for its part says moscow is using Energy Supplies to retaliate against western sanctions. Or ukraines farmers can now resume their harvests after a deal with russia on allowing them to export their grain. But getting food from the farm to the table has become a dangerous job ever since the russian invasion began. John hendern reports now from the village of cross ne, in ukraine, in a wheat field north of keep a de mining experts sweeps for the weapons of war. The mind detector find remnants of a cluster bomb. It slow going, but these workers need to clear a path before forming combines can reap the wheat from a war time harvest there among a 1000 de mining experts across ukraine, racing to avert a global food shortage of i believe they hired me. We have founded fragment of glass ammunition and a grenade from an r p g 7, which is unexploded. When the war began, this farm was attacked by russian aircraft artillery and cluster bombs. Workers had to replace tractors, trucks and barns before they could bring in the harvest. Youll never even tied it up, stella, you can see theyre burned and destroyed by shirley and artillery, and john strike medium. She as good as farmers scrambled together, wheat, corn, and sunflower oil, russia and ukraine have reached a tenuous agreement to allow 20000000 tons of trapped, ukrainian grain to leave from black c ports through so called safe channels. But with all the dangers of transporting the crop of 2022 in a war zone for now, this farm is storing wheat in these containers. Weight is this symbol of ukraine, that yellow and blue flag represents a field of wheat beneath a sky of blue. And for ukraine, the problem is getting this wheat out of the ports. But for farms like this, the problem is overcoming all of the obstacles to get it harvested in the 1st place. The harvest of war has been tough on farms across ukraine. Russia has left its signature on these cluster bars. Know what my video market go, but i see guy here. We can see the mark of rational forces since the beginning class work, our employees find these on our fields. You see what the machinery of war rushes. The machines on the far end is summer winds to close. The race to bring in this years crop grows more urgent every day. John henderson, al jazeera, crescent ukraine. Oh, stella had here on out. As sarah greece continues to baffle wildfires as millions faced an extreme heat wave, the report from the island address both my paleontologist so worried this could be the last time this rev fossilized dinosaur seen and published. Ah, jody has begun the, the full world copies on its way to the castle. Group your travel package today. Hey there, good to see you. Lets begin this Weather Report in pakistan. Were over the past few days in karachi parts of the city anyway, have scooped out 250 millimeters of rain all has to do with those monsoon rains. Now by thursday we see it flick further north into sin province, northern sin province. It will be jacob bads turn for a lot of that rain on thursday. Terms of the monsoon rains and india, its really contained to the northern northwestern corner. So for example, in dora con, there is a weather alert in play. We could see about a 100 to 200 millimeters of rain. Now remember that much rain, that fast could certainly trigger some flooding. Could also see some flooding in Southeast Asia across sumatra. Island all has to do with this disturbance here. Could turn into something tropical. Its amplifying rainfall amounts across Western Areas of sumatra, and also toward the north, sped the heat though in chinas southern sections. Anyway, and heres the proof. Kwan joe said in new all Time Temperature record 39. 3 degrees. Thats in one province, by the way. And we see that hes still lingering on thursday gray lin at 30 degrees. But if we go toward the north, a line of storms stretching from harbin right across the yellow river valley, getting close to shanghai. So thats going to help flush out some of that heat temporarily. Chatter airway official airline of the joy, lullabies, of defiance. It really touched my heart deeply when she started to see yall. Then i. Ready out is there a world remembers allison, you reached audiences beyond in the middle east moon, into a creative family in nazareth, she sang out powerful and emotional message, the personal story of re banana, the voice of palestine on al jazeera. Ah ah hello there, im this darcy at hand. Aha. Lets remind you of our top stories here. The seller, hundreds of protestors who stormed arabs. Parliament has now left the supporters of sheer claret, looked outside, or were demonstrating against the nomination of a new Prime Minister who belongs to a pro randall. The Federal Reserve is increasing its key Interest Rate by 0. 75 Percentage Points to 2. 5 percent. The Us Central Bank has been raising borrowing cost since march to try to rain in rising inflation. The secretary of state says a substantial offer will be made to secure the release of basketball player. Brittany greiner and former Us Marine Corps wheeler, from russia. Antony blinking says hell speak to his russian count bonsa, again lover officer. Now opposition parties and soon as you say, the results of mondays constitutional referendum are inflated and illegitimate. The Electoral Commission says most tune is ins, approved a new constitution, which gives far reaching powers to president chi aside and says 95 percent of voters back to the reforms. But less than a 3rd of june as eons took part. In the poll president chi side says its the beginning of a new chapter. Wrestle 30 has more from tunis, an outrage. Im on their Political Parties, union is and, and, and yours here. So they said simply before that, that, that, that the referendum at the whole process that took the content to this point was a rig that they said that present eyesight, dissolved the independent Election Committee. And he installed his own Election Committee with the members that are, that are loyal to him. And this is also, the process hasnt been transparent so that the, all the Political Parties were excluded from the process and to pay the Campaign Period was just limited with 3 weeks. And they said it was deliberate designed to be like that to deprived the did the public to have a proper conversation throughout corporate discussion about what this whole referendum or the constitution is, is going to be to be about. And also they said that during the referendum as well, according to the National Campaign parties and the National Salvation coalition here, which is this 2 parties. These are the of the coalition of the Political Parties that have been calling for the boycott. And they woke up at the elections and theres also a pause, impress, prison, case aside, the said that they call it as the biggest, the pres, biggest, proud to monopolize the to power. Now you, as President Joe Biden has emerged from 5 days of isolation after contract and coven 19 biden told reporters in washington, he was feeling great, but warned that the pandemic is not over. Our White House Correspondent can be how it has moved, after isolating in the white house residents for 5 days. You as President Joe Biden emerged in the white house rose garden to the sound of cheers and applause, to celebrate and declared himself coven free. After he tested positive last thursday, you as president celebrating the fact that he says his policies as well as science allowed for a quick recovery and noting that it was a sharp contrast to that of his predecessor, donald trump, who also contracted co bidwell in office. Back in october of 2020, when my predecessor got covert, he had to get helicopter to walter reed medical center. He was severely ill. Thankfully he recovered. Well, i got covert. I worked from upstairs with the white house in the office is upstairs. Even though the u. S president is now back to work in the oval office. He never really stopped working and he. 2 will have to wear mass for the next 10 days. In fact, the president is advising all americans concerned about that. So very into vom a, cried b, a 5 to wear a mask as an extra layer of protection. So very, it is responsible for the majority of new cases of cobit in the united states. Even as the number of death in the us are down. Some 90 percent. Well saying in the u. S. And firefighters in the state of california, i can 24 hour shifts to keep whats known as the oak fire under control. Theyve managed to dampen about a quarter of the blade, which has been burning since friday. Its destroyed more than 2 dozen homes for thousands of people into temporary shelters. California wildfire season is becoming longer and more severe each year. Meanwhile, crews are also struggling to contain 3 major blazes that are continuing to been in greece, a fight and daddy, a National Park has been bonding now for 6 days, destroying thousands of hector as a protected forest land. While buildings had been destroyed on the island of less boss, forcing hundreds of tourists and residence to evacuate. Joseph jabari has more now from less boss. Were about 3 kilometers north of the kara in a town by the name of re saw. This is home to about 500 people in the fire you see behind me on the mountain began about 11 gmc today, and there is about 85 firefighters now bottling displays that has since really calm down since we got here about an hour or so ago, there are 6 hello, 6 airplanes and a helicopter from the Fire Department battling this place and they are asking the local residents in this town that thats about 500 of them to evacuate their homes. Now, this town was also evacuated on saturday as a precautionary measure. When that major fire broke out in the nearby town, the coastal town of the terra that i spoke to one of the locals here who is a pensioner. And he said that he received an s. M. S. A short while ago from the officials here, asking them to evacuate, but theres still no buses here. They havent been told where they will go. They only returned home earlier this morning. This is, of course, a very much a scene for the locals here theyre saying they told me that this is the 1st time they witness such fires that it has disrupt that their daily life. Meanwhile, is African Leaders have met in uganda to discuss a joint approach to Climate Change ahead of you and conference in november . The well, bank says africa contributes the least to global warming, yet suffers more from it. Across the horn of africa, at least 1900400000 people are effected by drought that began. And october 2024 consecutive rainy seasons have failed. And parts of ethiopia, kenya, and somalia, the wild food program estimates nearly 900000000 people in the region dont have enough to eat. Acute nutrition is also on the rise. While bank report says Climate Change could displace more than 85000000 people across africa by 2050 mallard because from the International Organization from migration, he says the region is facing a Climate Emergency that needs to be dealt with. Now. We are facing a huge historical drought in the region caused by Climate Change as law onset emergency that we are facing from somalia, which is almost a pretty farming situation in south to don where we are seeing flooding waters in less time than you in burundi. Were seeing more and more people being displayed simply because of the overflowing of the leg newcomb. If we talk to brandy and other countries in sales, we are facing a clear Climate Emergency in the region. And its not about tomorrow. Its about dealing with it today. And we having millions of people who are already for the insecure, whats going to because of the Climate Change. Right now, millions of people i need of food assistance, may loans people and date of shelter, food assistance. And we can look at how can we help them in adopting when they go back home. So for now, the priorities getting the resources to be able to provide out. The 2nd is about how can we walk on, adapt taishan. So we can, if they go back home, we are able to provide in the required what we see is coming up with the declaration that the members pittsville signed and ministerial declaration that are going to be signed on friday in front of heads of state in the region, and we hope that having these at that level from ministerial to ahead of that time it, theyll be able to bring these in, in egypt during the content to 7 discussions to bring the link between migration, mobility, and displacement that is really impacting and ravaging our region here, germany as national airline, lufthansa as canceling more than 1000 flights because of a one day strike by its ground crew. Labor union is demanding and pay increased for around 20000. 00 workers and says, the payoff a made by left hand is not good enough. The airline is one of the Worlds Largest and it says the strike will effect about 130000. 00 passengers. The battery has moved from bell and brandenburg apple where at the peak of the Summer Travel season here in germany. And this is how the last tech encounters look like. There are no loop tons of flights at the moment. Modern thousands have been canceled effect the 134000 passengers who had to cancel their flights or re book their flights. And this is the heart of the summer season. Many people decide to travel this year since problem restrictions have been left off of the culprits when that make the problem . No, i cannot talk yet. I from africa. Now i have to go to paris. The flow with can sit and they say that tomorrow would be a book, but nobody was here when we are right in order to. Ready what do we have to do . Well you have to all, when you have to sleep. So we are looking for some people that can help us, but when we ask it will be very hard to find some phone concert today. And yet, but did happen to me that about this good deal that we talked about the situation. And even though we are affected by the strike, we find it okay, what theyre doing better. These are difficult times. Everyone has to fight. But lufthansa is making good money right now. Those on friday, around 20000 to ground sort of looks hands on those people working at security luggage, handling maintenance of plain solar towns have no choice but to cancel these flights and what the ground stuff wants is that a bay they have working been working very hard, there was a shortage of things to go for some damage, asking for 9 and a half percent more salary a month, which is around 350. 00 off toronto for negotiations that failed. They decided to go on this friday and they will have another round of negotiations happening next week, but the labor union doesnt exclude any more strikes happening after that. Well, theres also travel chaos in the u. K, where 40000 rail workers are on strike. People without a central travel needs are being advised to avoid taking trains. The deem barbara has worn out from london. On wednesday, only one in 5 trains was running across the u. K. In many areas there are actually no trains a tool in scotland. For example, there are only 5 services across the country. Passengers are being urged not to travel by train unless its really essential. Will many train stations have been empty, but commuters have made it to hubs like London Bridge and waterloo strike. Hes just the latest by 40000 members of the rail, maritime and transport union. The already see there in dispute with bosses that a number of Rail Companies are you pay jobs, attention and conditions . Well, the boss of network rail, which runs the train infrastructure here as a pull joyce for the impact on people traveling on holiday, but also people getting to the womens euro semi final in Milton Keynes on wednesday and going to the start of the Commonwealth Games in birmingham on thursday, the government says its planning legislation, making it harder for workers to take industrial action. But there is more strike action plans which will affect the trains on the London Underground in just over a months time. Now a red fossilized dinosaur skeleton is being auctioned in new york, where its expected to fetch up to 8000000. 00. The gold authoress was an apex carnival that lived in whats now the western us and canada around 76000000 years ago. But the auction is generating some control vesee as gabriel is under reports. Its a dinosaur called gore concerts and it roamed earth more than 79000000 years ago. The dinosaur founded 2018 is a particularly rare fine. Its made up of 79. 00 bones perfectly preserved from the giant school to the details in the vertebrae and the tail, not one bone is out of place. There are only 20 known fragments of this animal that exist anywhere in the world. Almost all of them were found in canada, where it is believe the giant predator lived. But this one was an earth on private land in the state of montana. In the united states. The owners wish to remain anonymous. But the fact it was found in the us and not canada makes it even more rare. And why its expected to fetch between 5. 00 and 8000000. 00 when it goes up for auction in new york on thursday. Canada, like many other countries, has a strict restriction on fossils being exported from the country to a dinosaur like this would not be allowed out of canada because it was found in the us. That means we can actually sell it. And that is part of what makes it this dinosaur so rare. Now, who possibly could buy this . Well, it could be anybody because its an open auction. So it could be a university. Perhaps a research institute, most likely it will be a wealthy private buyer. Who could then loan it to a museum or keep it in their private collection. And for many paleontologist, the uncertainty of who might buy this rare artifact. As many researchers worried, there are not very many specimens of gorgeous stores. All the others are in museums. And one more being sold, you might say, oh, well its only one, but if theres only a few, right, thats a lot of information that we lose and you say, well, why are you living . Well, for one you have no guarantee that whoever buys it is going to allow access to scientists. Even at sothebys, there are numerous other dinosaur artifacts that are approximation like this tri sarah top skull that could garner as much as 300000. 00. But its the gore. Goods are a skeleton that is the one everyone is talking about. And all paleontologist can do is watch and hope whoever buys it, makes it available to research. Knowing that if they dont, this could be the last chance. Anybody has to ever see it in public. Gabriel

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