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So this is al dessert, these all the top stories and pakistans, former Prime Minister in run cons parties accused the Prime Minister, interior minister and head of the Intelligent Services attempting assassination. Car was shot in the luxury approaches marshal thursday. Government denies involvement. Collider has more now from this young is indeed in hospital in stable condition. Ive spoken to some of the people who are close to him, ron con, are saying that he wanted to go home and he was determined to continue with that long march. Now its Party Leadership has announced that there will be a country wide, broad death after friday prayer that this broader rogue continue until the demons are mad. Of course, your demons are calling for an early election. Southridge military is deployed, fight a jet south to talk to you about 118 north korean war plains near the border, full as a series of missile launches by pyongyang. Going israeli Prime Minister . Yeah, lucky it has to congratulate successful Benjamin Netanyahu assured an orderly transition to pass that yahoo returns the death of 14 months fully israels 5th lecture. For you. The german chancellor has met chinas president in beijing. The visits is the 1st to china by g 7 liter state of the pen demik. Shes paying said the 2 should Work Together more world peace. Haitis government says it has re taking control of a major fuel terminal located by gang since september. Countries facing a da, humanitarian and security crisis, food and fuel, running short tens of thousands of people have been displaced. A growing gang Nelson Switzer is set to begin on friday. Billionaire elan musk acquired the social media platform last week in our plans to sack stuff with some report suggesting half the workforce may go. The company says employees will be told of their status before mid day. All right, rob the headlines. More news coming up here on algebra. Right also we go to inside story, talk to al jazeera. We also do live the women of afghanistan were somehow abandoned by the International Community. We listen, we are paying a huge price for the war against terrorism. Whats going on and so money we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on al jazeera, if you of yours government and rebel forces in nor then to dry have agreed to end hostilities. But this isnt the 1st sci fi and the 2 year conflicts. So what are the terms of the deal and will its last, this is inside story. Ah hello and welcome to the program. I am fully back table after 10 days of p stocks in south africa. A surprise deal has been reached to stop ethiopia civil war into gray. Up to half a 1000000 people have died from violence and starvation during the conflict. Hundreds of thousands have been forced from their homes and 9000000 urgently need food will now be philippine government, entity, gray, and peoples liberation. Front door t p l f. Have agreed to what they call a permanent cessation of hostilities. The African Union mediated the talks led by former nigerian president ellison journal bath, and joe and former canyon president or kenyatta. Today is the beginning of the. Ready field, im sure its super. Well, there are no for africa. Im indeed for a frequency. Let me just think of some goat. Well, these newton we are seeing impact juice. Im of janice, sushi, what we are trying to achieve for ourselves over the years. And that is a 2nd solution for african problems. Lets remind you how the war started ethnic to gray and dominated ethiopian politics were nearly 30 years until Prime Minister abbey made came to power in 2018. 2 years later, he ordered a military operation against the tpl. If he accused the group of attacking military bases and holding an unauthorized regional election. And then to guy has been under blockade for 17 months with aid, restricted and internet and phone service has blocked. Both sides have been accused of violating human rights. Now the last ceasefire, signed in, august broke down and Ethiopian Government forces were closing in on to great regional capital mckelly. That was just before the latest round of talks. After this cease fire was announced. If he appears Prime Minister in a statement said, the agreement signed to day in south africa is monumental in moving ethiopia forward. Our commitment to peace remain steadfast. Now the t p a left says a ceasefire is not only a relief to the people of t gray, but to all of ethiopia, the source was actually we have mit painful procedures. Because addressing the prince or her pupil is far more important than the kinds of constituents were bit. Yes, we have really concessions because we have to trust. And we have to make sure that every one of us views on that thrust. Ah, lets not bring in our guess in addis ababa hire a dean to 0, a member of the Ethiopian Parliament and assistant professor of social anthropology. Or how does have a university in amsterdam gibber case those givers last year, founder and chief editor of to got dot com. Thats the website documenting the war intake. Right and in london, martin plowed a Senior Research fellow at the institute of commonwealth studies. Gentlemen, a warm welcome to you all. Thank you very much for joining us today on a side story. Before we get into the details of this agreement, signed by the therapy and government and the t p left, i want to get your initial reaction 1st to the cease fire. Let me start with the hydrogen in the sub about how do you view this agreement . Will this cease fire . Last . Yeah, the moment i hit the argument, launch it in pretoria. I was very happy and any part of it, any citizen of ethiopia, i wish you took but to be very peaceful and prosperous and that bled. Completing the north was dragging garcia and it is a, its a conflict between brothers. So that the moment i hit it with, you know, it was emotional for me to moving and im very happy and a for me and for other it. And i believe this is it. The agreement is not indicating the winning of one or another party. Rather it, it took the brothers, one family with out of the government, but the commission in collection. How committed, easy feel can government to the agreement you know. Yeah, according to my understanding and immediately after i get a mentor prime, mr. Abby, how much said the government is very committed, you know, if you can remember, if we even can remember, they took down government time and again, you know, said that it went this to in the complex, sort of peaceful deadlock, unilaterally declared in, for humanitarian access. It previously and you know, the common one was a little bit even before the true story agreement. That at the moment in the, after the argument it down government the demand, according to my understanding, its fully addressed. It raises that the know that if it was previously and the fact that you know, 3 got it was, seems at this very when the argument. Ok, so no need to wait. Rather, the street and later of the argument should be implement that, that is that action from the Prime Minister in government us will get pissed. Us still has come as a surprise to many because there was not a lot of optimism going into the talks in south africa. What is your reaction to this agreement and do you think this cease fire on like the previous one will last . I think it is quality that there is, at least you know, a publicly stated commitment or piece or a desire or be whether it will last is something im not so that they made it to the thing and i got the go the track record of the African Union, the european are more really that good that you really type on deception. So that doesnt give me my talk. And the African Union does not have the wrong mechanism, you know, to import, you know, overseas the process. And i would like to, i did that, i think it to gran community now that it was really an unfair agreement that has been really kind of like demanding a lot of positions. All of the grand i decided the negotiations martin 10 days ago the conflict was intensifying and if you can government and its richard and allies were closing in on michaela the regional capital of t grey. What do you think lead to this breakthrough . And is this the end point you think . Well, i think there theyre 2 things to say. The 1st is both sides were under intense pressure. The or to grounds were certainly are under intense pressure because the air train and Ethiopian Forces were deep inside their territory. Ah, but they were not close to mckelly, they were actually blocked quite a distance from michaela and were held and being ambushed all the time on with the war the b 30, which was called the highway to hell. So it wasnt as if the, the to grounds were in an impossible position. Where were an extremely difficult position. They made our land. Sadie, how, how do you explain them making they have in the asians they made . Well, let me just put, put, give you the, the difficulty that the ethiopians were under not only with their losing a lot of men, but also they were under intense financial pressure because the insertion monetary fund, medically they would not extend loans to ethiopia, which is down to about a months worth of foreign exchange. Theyve spent hugely on weapons for this war. And so they were under intense pressure and well, and its because both sides were under pressure that the, it was possible to get some kind of agreement, i think. Yeah, i gave her kiss, her said a moment ago that the, the heal p n regime has there a track record thats not really good that they dare deceptive. In his words, do you think there is enough trust today between the 2 sides that could make the ceasefire last . I think theres very little trust, but which you need is a, you know, confidence building measures. And you know, you can ask yourself one simple question. Have the borders of 2 grey been opened . Half the world food programs, trucks begun, and moving to day. Theres no reason why they have to wait any further. The agreements been initialed there should be moving to day. The 2nd question is, this. Will the ethiopian out of the ergotron governments allow reporters from al jazeera, from other organizations to go up to the front and report on what is going on . Right . That would be hugely important in allowing people to say, this is whats happening with some confidence. All right, well lets take a closer look now at the significant parts of this agreement, the t p l f. Under this dale must enter a permanent cease fire with Government Forces and this arm to grey will be restored as a region under ethiopia. Federal system elections held integrated in 2020 that werent recognized by ethiopia, as government will be considered void and a new government for the region will be established. Let me bring you back in gary dean, in Addis Ababa Martin raise an important point there. And that is an important question, and that is whether the borders of to guy will be open when will age return to to guy when will all the obstacles to transport of food and medicine be lifted . You know, i dont know why her in what kind of items that i didnt pull out examined, or it came to that kind of conclusion. You know, according to my understanding, that was, it was and if a port long for to it is that the area, but still yeah, that is a control of some areas by you took the defense part. I can understand that that based on my information, information and assessment into that development in, in the area that it was there moment of humanity and food and other services. And even today, as of today, i can hear liberated areas, services, electricity, and telecommunication. Ive been restored by the government. The issue is, as you have already mentioned in the government, whether the government had upset its power in that area. Its very difficult. Most of the services and anybody by the government inefficient the federal government, the decision, if the federal government, us, they should have not been very well in that area. It would be very difficult for the state, the Central Government to deliver this kind of services into area. Ok. Get angry and i will look good. How that deliberate that deliberately, that it will not be a seed and the blockade by the federal government. I think its kind of acquisition since, and i was working as a split up now. Ok, give overhead on the thing now. Gave chris s can hire dean says the government has been falsely accused of, of blockading the the t gray region. What do you know is happening right now to the extent of your knowledge in the region is age and coming in services being restored as hire dean says know that an absolute and i and lie and deception have been part of the not only to government but also the big, you know, for the government and this is just what we hear now today. We have family example in the area that they are liberated. Again, this is not the progression according to the granite. You dont the people that didnt ask for that, but there is no, literally theres no internet, theres not, theres not a but again, you know, they are telling us that our people are eating why they are not eating. So i think like what i said before, we havent seen anything yet, you know, the signing of the argument and that kind of kind of point, you know, something called the comment in the coming days. But i think let me just go back a little bit and say, you know, one of the induct grand speed at the moment is that you know what, you normally not know like your money a, you know, we dont know if i broke it or the student had been or not, but they havent use it, you know, to where the grand to, to compete. Many thing if they want to get, you know, the, for example, the money that n a has been part of the negotiations. Thats why it doesnt feel right from the, from the get go and the presentment among to get it. Now, if social media is an indication we dont know about that be putting together because you have not worked at the moment. But look outside is a huge disappointment, resentment, and they feel that that the grant will have been subjected to general. I will not get just reparation because of the arrangement that have be created. Now mark point men from the to gray and i had this agreement. So where does it leave that . I mean, it sounds like its not going to last very long. All, i hope it does. I mean this has been a long time in the making and theres been Huge International pressure. The americans have paid a big role in trying to get this through the African Union, as you mentioned, has worked extremely hard to, to make this happen. And theres no reason why it shouldnt work. I mean, as i said, there are good reasons why both sides would want to have a resolution. But you know, if you just needs some measures we of goodwill, which show that theres genuine goodwill on both sides letter a and a United Nations flight. Take off to morrow with the camera crews, International Camera crew on it and broadcast the situation from mckelly tomorrow. That would change the atmosphere. Its not difficult to do. It could be done at a, at a switch or a by, by the american, by a Prime Minister abbey. All yes. Do you say yes they can go and the United Nations flights would take off hire is no reason why it cant happen, hired in our will. The Prime Minister will Ethiopian Government make this good will gesture you know, i dont know where that is. This kind of proposal for american cantico, it, it can, can, can contradict and detect whether the argument is workable or not. Is a very simple even to, by the way, not rough to appreciate the overall framework that the ugly do by the parties. And the intention will support this is the most threatening you. I mean, i think everyone agrees really bad. Everyone agrees in low constant in my brother. Yeah. Everyone agrees i think on, on that the framework and everyone welcomes the deal. The question now is whether, what was agreed will be implemented you know, i think what kind of implementation is mentioned in the detail that will be, will be seen various one that we will see, you know, that, you know, there is also it a collection of agreement that make it in that them and then there are also i was that was a chicken to counter take with that it is workable or not for me, for instance, according to my brother, i started w said that the good on saturday showing resent them and yet to get on start not only being integrated into their living and about their lives in different parts of it. They are very happy, you know, they want to see the region there. Are there families to be peaceful but property had that that yeah. What i could also come to, you know, this kind of opposite, its kind of argument, you know, a long getting the, what is dont get in the street off. We have that cannot pass more. Let us up to hit, lets grasp the support unity. And so it kind of commitment to implementation for me then on patient cannot be ticketed by 11111, not to go there and book, but this guy, this is a very simple situation. Well see very soon the lets, lets give time to prove this right or wrong. Give a christmas your response. You know, im in this is right. Its been for, for example, you know, good. Get your night. Im always, youre not allowing a to immediately would ignite a good thing. But what my, what youre good from. I think its really simply, well, lets just, you know, be good. No, there should be just for what has happened. You just dont let crimes of the magnitude, you know, go 3 times by the way, according to United Nations. Give ok. So were committed by both sides. Not just if youll be in Government Forces, but also by that to grand forces or no, thats not the thing that just crime and there is a different type of crime those that the client, you know, probably that would be crime. So also that the grants have committed crimes. They should be so were not really paying only my portraits should be there, but this should be transparent for the right kind of them and something that he really be seeking. The magnitude of the crime that has been committed to guy, many people kind of gauge and also with you know, the magnitude of the crimes on the if your be under any and i know the examples. Ok before i bring my martin back into a conversation, i just want to ask you give, christos, we talked about goodwill gestures. What about the disarmament of the t p less . Thats part of the agreement and sepia left disarming. When when can we expect that to happen . That is something that trim really difficult for to grant because we believe the grant is that only we dont have to be. And if thats already the problem there, its a course that the grandfather, which we call to grab the principal at the piano or the or not that the guys are not 5 people. They are fighting for their people for their institutional government. And thats the problem. You know, we did and we are and what, under what conditions, what and if you dont have a part on me in a given a states let me wait. The pilot. I have to me to do. Busy when i know that its not on me, and it has an appointment for me to call me, we should be up and later. So now my friend, let me finish this kind of a thought petrosage must been in and out. We are browse up and for this, and part of this stuff is let me finish and figure out when it is in alpha, we need to be in every part of the job. Ok. Like every now so really quickly run out of that is that kind of fun. But if you put in to know ok, just finish your thought really quickly before i bring back martin back in. So this is what i me, this to grand forces that these are the only people that could pick to grand society. And they had a very good issue, but then i dont know how it was going to work. Right. But we, we feel like that not really right. Ok. Martin, as you can hear this, still quite a lot of animosity, you know, from the 2 sides. If we just draw from this conversation between these 2 gentlemen, what happens next . As far as this agreement is concerned, and we talked about to dry the t p l f and the government for his. But we havent talked about it, which we as role in this richard and forces were of course, fighting alongside Ethiopian Government forces will be a retiree and, and present. I say its after work he accept this deal and abide by. Well, thats a critical question and you know, it was about a year ago, Prime Minister abbey of said that he had off the air trains to leave, but they never left. So how that hes going to ensure that they do leave is difficult. They didnt participate in these talk and theyre not mentioned at all in the agreement. The only thing that it says is that it is it prevents the use of proxy cd, stabilize the other party or collusion with any external force hostile to the party. Thats a sort of complicated way of saying the error trends, right. But how they going to show that they leave is very difficult because dont forget that a lot of ethiopian troops was sent up north to error, try to attack the to grands from the north. Whats going to happen to them, and what about the Somali Forces will also bring in at the beginning of this war. When are they going to be allowed to go . Many questions and only 10 monitors have been established in this whole process. Yeah, its a very fragile system and what about the fate of the disputed weapon to dry region, which is part of the drive, but was captured by a higher forces at the beginning of the conflict . Absolutely, right. I mean, the only thing that that really applies to that is the 2 page agreement which was signed, where they said that they uphold the constitution of the federal democratic republic of ethiopia. Now that constitution recognizes that western to grey as part of to greg, not if theyre going to abide by the letter of this, then that should be returns to grade. But id be interested to hear what the colleague in a sub has to say about that. Okay, hygiene and i have about what do you have to say to that and especially the question of when will it retreat enforces leave in the field from to my knowledge jennifer academy, can i connect went this data to, to, to, to, to, to not the same to took the existence of a return of me, the involvement of anytime. I mean the northern public is not approved yet. That doesnt depend what amanda said. That doesnt say above that, that it can be done about that. I can hear it from the t p live, say to for them that some in the International Community where we stand powers. So for this purpose, since i dont have any kind of information about the existence of everything. Ok, i dont say anything about it regarding other issues and yet regarding the recruit especially, they offer with your article latino. Thats kind of a line. Yes. And going to what area . The arguments clearly its people that that have been participation. Well address the issue. This doesnt mean that they can, you know, by the way, the federal democrat, republican american doesnt say anything about the internet about that it will be depend federal, kansas, as all that we need kind of for the dialogue for that part of the, the discussion im going to be at this, hopefully with through the tonight and then i left give her a case. So respond on, on the point that there is no proof that image reinforces are in northern to cry. And all to ask you get replaces about the next step. Clearly divisions and this cease fire is not going to solve them. What should happen next . I dont know what to say. You know, to your guys from the rebuilding practice, this is what we mean. You know, already year we see that you now really establish it, but you know, it, i even had gotten that really, he quoted, the government admitted that it is, that of course is not a public knowledge. And he said he doesnt know about it. Why would we need any war that he difficult you know, as far as you know, void for ward. I think what i believe is this was really kind of like hey being kinda ment. Okay. And just i can, you know, have the need to, you know, kind of name ok something. But i think that really should have that. Ok, think is the grand question is where were lucky and now live 55 with my friend. Ok, gentlemen, we are very helpful, very interested to have peace put in this if you will only be a better to accept and to address middle. Thank you so much. So many issues to address and so many questions that hopefully well get to discuss further here on august here weve run out of time for todays show. Thank you so much for joining us. Hired in 20. Give case those get philosophy and martin cloth. Thank you very much and thank you to for watching. You can always watches program again anytime by visiting our website at all to 0 dot com for further discussion. Go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com for sash ha inside story. You can of course, also join the conversation on twitter handle is a great inside story for me for the back to boring holton and thanks for watching bye. For now, the november on al jazeera cats are welcome to footballing world. Is the world cup kick south in what promises to be a tournament like no other generation change, returns. Showcasing young activists fighting injustice and challenging the status quo. 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