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Incompetence and cover. But there, as it will video soon as excuse because they dont have enough judges law have had, dont respect the law. The limits are longer, can detain a prisoner. And now judges on strike to modern, bitter pay, which means the conflict into cases after we about many of the prisoners should not be in detention. The interior Ministry Says 75 percent of inmates havent been convicted. Many are awaiting trial, while others arent able to pay their fines. The crisis is another example of asleep falling apart. And while conditions have always been bad. In me say, its never been like this. Santa hood or else is eda beirut. Ah, well, this is al jazeera and is the top stories. The sour mourners and scotland have been paying their last respects to queen elizabeth. The 2nd her coffin is lying at rest in edinburgh before traveling to london. Later on tuesday. Earlier the queens 4 children performed a traditional vigil around the coffin of their late mother at Saint Charles cathedral, britons new king charles. The 3rd stood for 10 minutes with his siblings. Thousands of people lined the streets of the scottish capital as king charles and his siblings escorted the monarchs coffin through edinburgh in a historic procession of his been fighting along the border between long time bridles, armenia, and as a by schon. Hm. In his Defense Ministry reported intense shelling and artillery fire on 3 of its military positions by the as a by shiny army. But as the by chance is arminius started the latest provocation to delay the signing of the peace treaty, which was agreed between both sides and august. With russia is acknowledging huge losses and ukraines northern high key region. Moscow admits its forces have been outnumbered in the past week with ukraine retaking swathes of land since early september. Ukrainian troops have advanced rapidly with a you ins. Atomic watchdog says ukraine and russia are interested in its proposal for a Protection Zone to be created around this upper region Nuclear Power plant. Kevin moscow have blamed each other for shelling, very close to europes biggest Nuclear Power station. This has repeatedly raised fears of a major disaster. Both of the headlines, the news continues here on l just here after inside story up next. Aah ukraine says its regains territory. It dos several regions including car key, a significant setback for russia. So is this a turning point in the conflict . And how will moscow respond . This is inside still. Ah, hello and welcome to the program im fully by t bowl. After nearly 7 months of fighting ukraine has finally begun to regain some of the territory it lost to russia. It says its forces are continuing their rapid advance in several areas, including the northern khaki region in the past few days. Forcing moscow to pull back its forces is raised the question of how far they can go. Now, in response to those gains, ukraine says russia is attacking its power and Water Supplies in khaki, official se missile strikes calls blackouts in several areas, including the main city. Power was restored in denise pro petrov, donnie esque, and so me by midnight on sunday, but khaki remained in darkness. An estimated 9000000 people were affected, including in areas controlled by russia. Now, despite the days of battlefield setbacks, the kremlin stop spokesman insist the war is on track saying the special military operation is underway and will continue until the goals that have been set are achieved. Al jazeera hold abdul, hamid has more now from concave. Since the beginning of september, the Ukrainian Army has been carrying out this counter offensive in the north east of the country, taking by surprise everyone, especially when it comes to the speed at which it has been able to recapture territory occupied by the russian army. Some 3000 square kilometers, according to the chief of staff here. Now the russians on their side as saying that theyre actually pulling out and regrouping to concentrate on de dumbass region, further east in ukraine, a. But it seems that the ukraine had manage to trick the russia in the sense that they were talking about it counter offensive in the south of the country and this kind of son, region. And some are saying that the russians had actually pull out some of the troops from this side of the country to be their presence in this hand sewn region. Nevertheless, at this point, the ukrainians have managed to reach some strategic down like to piano is you if they manage to fully control those down. Well, there, its a big blow for the russians. We use those places as logistical hubs and backup for the troops that are based in the dont last region. The question now is, will they be able to hold all this territory and what is russia next step already . Russia has shown that this will continue hitting cities. Critical infrastructure was struck plunging car keys and other regions here in the east, in darkness. Just yesterday, people here wondering what would be the next move hunt up the need for insight story, or russia has acknowledged its losses in ukraines northern concave region. A russian installed official there says Ukrainian Forces outnumbered Russian Troops in the counter offensive retaking sways of land. Since early september, ukrainian troops have advanced rapidly areas that took russia. Monster seas have been retaken in just days. Ukrainian flags are now flying in the cities of is you and co pianist both on Railway Lines that serve as a supply route for Russian Troops. Ukraine says it has also made gains in the south near carson, but at a slower pace. Ah, well, its bringing our guest now innovative, Mikhail O Vanessa key, political commentator and professor at the National University of keith, mal hila academy in moscow. Victor olive h, his a lead expert at the center for actual politics and in oxford, samuel romani, associate fellow at the Royal United Services institute. Gentlemen, welcome to you. Thank you very much for joining us on inside story me, kyla, in live in. Let me start with you if i can. Remarkable advances by the ukrainians. How have they been able to make these breakthroughs so quickly . Well, in fact weve been, i mean, at the end of the day weve been preparing for this for a very long time. As you mentioned in the 1st segment of the program, we were expecting an account or advance or a counterattack in the south are clearly that has probably diverted some of the Russian Forces away from defense around the northeastern part. It is important to note that the people that are actually on the ground liberating are the areas of khaki, almost are actually not regular army soldiers. These are people from the territorial brigades. In other words, these are people that volunteered after the re 24th. They received significant amounts of training in the last 6 months and theyre very, very motivated to, to liberate, liberate their, the occupied lands of their country. And i think i also want to say that the fact that it has been going very quickly has actually been a surprise not only to those of us that are observing it, its actually been a surprise to the ukrainian central command. They were expecting this offensive to last until the end of september. Well, as we see, its got a lot quicker than expected. A lot of really motivated people, whats happening or later in their favor. You think . Well theres, theres 2 things. First of all, theyve got a lot of support from the local local population. I mean, the local population that you have listed as no desire to be occupied by the russians. And they are obviously greeting the crating forces as liberators. Secondly, the ukrainian have a strategy of attack and not a strategy of military action and that has been proven very effective. Its a strategy of decentralization strategy of if you like, network kind of of actions. Central commanders give sort of general directions and then the people on the ground themselves are making the decision. And i imagine motivated very well, i imagine the military support provided by the west has also health, but well come back to that in just a moment. Let me bring in victor in moscow, victor rushes admission of a withdrawal in is you mis significant because this was, of course, a Major Military hub for moscow. The russians say they are regrouping, but i wonder how is this being viewed in moscow . What is the reaction there . And how is the kremlin explaining the setbacks . Well, this is not the 1st set back in russias military operation, ukraine. In the last 6 months, several months ago, Russian Forces retreated from the kia from the areas of ki, of, and she can go regions that they controlled later on the mean, the island has been had been lost by the Russian Forces. And now we are witnessing a retreat from the credit of a region from those areas of the region that Russian Forces controlled. This is being openly discussed on various panels, and this is being open and discussed on the Russian Television in the russian media. There are different reactions, but what is important to state is that russia is not going to be defeated on the battlefield. Russia is the great power and you cannot afford a military defeat. But how is the Russian Defense when is explaining these 3, treat . How is it justifying these 3 treat . Well, the russian Defense Ministry is being tight lipped. It is saying that it has happened to prevent a large loss of personnel, and that is about it. But it is being discussed on various levels. And it is, again, it is important to note that this is not the end of russias efforts in the ukraine. And russia will continue with special military operation, ukraine until it either it each is its goals that are set in the beginning, which has to be very difficult at this point to, to, to forecast or if a solution, if a diplomatic solution, okay, is found between a solution that would involve 4, thrasher, the west, and the ukraine family. Rational, foreign minister should be a lover of just yesterday said that russia still looking for a diplomatic solution to this crisis. Come about the diplomatic solution and, and whether talks can still happen at this stage. Samuel or monte let me bring it, bring you into the conversation. As victor said, there is not the 1st time that were seeing a retreat from Russian Forces. How significant are these recent gains by the ukrainians in the wider conflict . Is that even more significant . Do you think than the russian retreat from from keys back in march . Well, the rush retreat grew here. Back in march was a major. We have the ration of the mission and mark the end of phase one of what they call the special military operation. And the start of phase 2, so implicitly meant that for the perceivable future regime, changing here, the overthrows lensky and is replaced by a pro russian figure. Like for janet colbert, you richard made the joke or someone else who had more grassroots support not possible. So those them are very significant, the significant for Different Reasons when it comes to the ab. If we see events in car keith, the russians say military establishment, pierce, we have been blindsided because you see it from brush and telegram brush military experts. Were warning that what you read was doing curzon was up only the 1st phase of the operation was a bit of a think the real focus would be on a bliss. For car cave appeared as if the russian dead Defense Industry was caught off guard. And now they lost their supply lots. So its quite complicated also for their campaign. Danielle, because coupons can, is you are very important for the events of operations that theyre carrying out in places like blackwood and soda. And its also coincided with ukraine bridging into leman potentially, i mean that russia and on ganske will be fighting an offensive operation. And now events of operation at the same time. So change at least, i mean, what, what are the russians missing right now was strategically one of the things i think the having a bit of difficulty with is now supply lots. And again, after region triggered the sad because weve seen and my 26 helicopters, which can carry, but he 1930 by personnel being carried over to bring civils reinforcements. Indic harkey. But the problem is those helicopters are very vulnerable to man pads, and other ab defensive equipment that the ukrainian demand she get from nato countries. So theyre having a bit of difficulty now in terms of making sure they dont have a repeat of whats happening curves. Andrea 20000 troops suck there, and all the bridges are destroyed and trying to build the pontine very in the running and stack that too. And that, thats her initial problem, i think right now. And also they need careful, but where the gritty encounter events is going to happen next. Some people think it might go through bullet are and indeed on yet theres apparently a movement to lou hans allegedly if you believe the could last governor. So he had i italys, his chance, and in this campaign incurs on you can make up for multiple axis or my unexpected to concentrate on one and leave russia blindsided again. So guessing you raised next move is very difficult for the russians. Okay, well lets take a look at as the sort of support ukraine has been getting from the wes, our ukraines recent gains have been largely due to the huge amount of western military ages received in the past few months. Lets take a closer look at the numbers in total, more than 30 countries have provided military equipment. The u. S. Has contributed the most by far with at least 12500000000. 00 in military aid. Poland follows behind supplying weapons worth 1830000000. 00, and the u. K. Has pledged the 3rd largest amount with weapons worth 1360000000. 00. But ukraines president has appealed for more fund day, saying the monthly cost of defense was about 5000000000. 00. Mikaela vanessa key. I saw you shaking your head there. You dont seem to agree with me that that western military support is indeed what is helping ukraine. Right. Now regained the territory off. No, i, i, i, i, i agree with you that muster military support is absolutely key and then we are, we are receiving them. Were very grateful for the fact that receiving a very large amount of ammunition of, of, of, of equipment, et cetera. And this is one of the reasons that i, i vehemently disagree with victor who says that the russian army cannot be defeated on the battlefield. It can be defeated and we will see its defeat in the next little while. The important thing to understand is that this particular gain in hockey, in fact, was not really supported by western military equipment on the western military equipment that has come into the country was concentrated largely in the south in the castle region. And it has been used for, for example, the high mar systems. In other words, the multiple rockets are very, very accurate model. Rocket systems have been used for attacking supply lines in the south in the eastern part of the country in the northeast. Specifically, weve been seeing actually a battle basically with all soviet your equipment because these have been, as i mentioned before, the territorial brigades that are actually doing the fighting. Yes, they have some man pads. Yes. They have some a, some, a, some of the mobile equipment, a javelins and that sort of thing that were supplied at the beginning of the war. But this is not really recent stuff or what is i think really phenomenal is that if we look at the amount of captured russian equipment in the last 2 weeks, those numbers, the number of inch tank or excuse me, of any personal or personal carriers. Tank weapons and ammunition actually our numbers, the amount of aid that weve been getting from the west. So in fact, the largest supplier of military equipment to the Ukranian Armed forces at the moment is rush victor, your response . Well, russia cannot afford a defeat in the ukraine because a defeat in ukraine would mean a very serious political consequences in russia itself. And of course, russia is going to do everything can and the Russian Forces are going to do their utmost to prevent a defeat. How do they do that . How do you do that when it seems to be short on weapons, short in ammunition and also shorter soldiers . How are they going to achieve this objective . What the objectives of this special operation as they calling it. The initial objectives of the special knew the ration that were outlined by the russian president in february at this point, difficult to achieve. The objectives now are somewhat more limited and where, but we see the same. You see, we see a very bellicose rhetoric from both sides, a rhetoric which cannot be realized on the front when we discuss russian objectives from february 24th. And the how a light wheel is that they will be achieved in the near future. We have to also look at the objectives that ukrainian officials are putting before their forces to be and how unrealistic those objectives are. We see ukrainian officials who say that their objective is to take crimea or to take the dont. Yes, can look on the screen agents. If there is something very different about crimea and that then you can look as creatures from, from the company kind of Different Things just doing the green, green forces. Me kind of fun for me. Explain for me whats different, they just kind of run ration. Its not about taking crimea or taking the next. Its about liberating those areas that have been occupied by russia since 2014. And this has nothing to do with ethnicity or language. And i do want to say that one of the original objectives of the special military operation, in fact, invasion was demilitarization. Well, my dear russian friends, youre doing a wonderful job of it. Youre demilitarised yourself on ukrainian soil and in fact supplying the ukrainians with your wonderful weapons. And at this point, running away from the battlefield. B, objective of liberating occupied territories on the korean side has not changed since 2014. Its something that we have been ongoing and, and, and going after in a very crimea is ukrainian. So okay, samuel, before i bring you back into the conversation, ill just allow victor to respond to, to what mikaela her has just said that the objective and also me kind i want to hear from you whether to she will still think this is, this is a special operation in marcia because this is now an all out war from, from the looks of it. The official ukrainian statements on the need or the wish to the back came year are militarily ality, elliptic. This is not going to happen. Whats happening is that both sides are setting up on the elastic objectives, and it seems that, ah, the one of the ways, the still open to resolve this conflict is a diplomatic solution. But that solution, the diplomatic solution is only going to be able to be achieved. If the west are seeks, gives it the green light, it was the ukrainian side, it was the west that brought an end to then you go, she should negotiations. Process okay, was launched in billers in the, in the early march, and then continued in istanbul in turkey. Semi of the ukrainian side that left those negotiations. Ok, accusations and counter accusations. Of course, when it comes to who left the negotiations and who doesnt want to talk, samuel, i want to bring you into the conversation on that point of negotiations. Do you think now is a good time to resume talks and negotiations to end the conflict, or is ukraine now in a position that it feels that it no longer needs to negotiate . Well, i think that theres been an extra bit of radicalization on both sides. So we look at some of the rhetoric, even in russia, after the yeah, defeating car cave. You see people like to watch that video from the Security Council talking about how our ultimate goal of the total capitulation of ukraine and the ultimatums that as lengthy calls them, that we offered them are just like childrens play. And the other hand, you see the ukrainian saying that the zeal used dialogue with russia until because when you focus and liberating all of our territory include, i now get and today, given the fact that theres an extra other extreme rhetoric on both sides against the rotations i think is going to be ram likely to see diplomacy in dialogue. Come forward. The rushing terms in particular seem to be quite unrealistic unless juliannas slootsky from the state duma, theyre talking about the complete unification of ukraine, which would imply effectively. So in scab dictating and some kind of a regime change or some kind of extension extinguishing of ukrainian culture does undergrad. So theres a bit of a, a real, a sense of masculine hanging from russia. I think that its unlikely that well see v socks being held. Turkey has expressed some optimism that we could have talks based on the black sea grain deal to apply to other dieters. I did Operation Nuclear plant and then maybe towards a broader settlement, right. But they seem to be any own in that one. So, and i also think the rinneys now have a sense of confidence that they can really win this militarily, even if it takes months or even longer than that. And i think that is going to be ultimately yeah, going to be fought on the battlefield, not the bargaining table. And how se, samuel, do you think putting in is in all of this, they seems to be cracks now in the narrative . Well, there, chris, the narrative at the cracks of the narrative are not coming from liberal set. Is not the alexi. Novalis is not people having anti war demonstrations. The cracks are coming from the hard liners, the one eyed she really, russia, exactly. One is the rush of all the way to hear russia where, when this war with the maxwell objective there were stated by hootin in february 24th. And also many people who are calling now for a total mobilization to like the former gun mass commander eager structural. Gov gurkin and grenze and could europe, who want a revaluation of the Russian Ministry defense strategy. And a lot of the blame is in place, answer gay. Sure. You who is a civilian . Hes an emergency minister. He wasnt actually a military personnel and not necessarily on the head of letting, refuting at this time. Right . That hootons seems to be shielded from some of the criticism. Its going more to the Defense Ministry. All right, victor, in moscow, there isnt a talk of total mobilization from the hawks in russia. Are we going to see a conscription now of russian soldiers and are russians to ready to fight for russia . The russian government at this point is not looking to, ah, to impose thought though or less modernization in russia. This would have a significant consequences for the russian economy. It would take a number of far able bodied men from other positions at various russian, ah, economic or industrial organizations and put them on the front. Russia is also, i would also have to provide all of those are new conscripts with weapon systems. Ah, and are there military equipment at this point . This may simply not be available. So rushing, how are they going to win as well as special note that operation . Well, at this point, at this point, it is important for russian not to be defeated and russia is going to do its utmost not to suffer a defeat in ukraine. You see a leg away defeating ukraine. Does not mean the is not the same as achieving all of the goals that were set out on february 24th. So both sides are essentially both the rational side and the ukranian side. The goal is that, that were initially cetera. Now being set by the ukranian side on the we stick it is, again, i will repeat, it is crowd to imagine that russia in the near future will be able to get a stream change and key. In the same time, it is highly unlikely that the ukranian side will be able to achieve all the know the goals either setting out next to the chances of getting crimea for ukraine. An extra no. Ok, me kind of, im going to give you the last word in live is what else is likely to shape the situation on the ground and elsewhere. One, im very pleased that according to our colleagues in moscow, the, the goal now of the russian is not to win the war. Its do not be defeated. Well, i want to thats, i was actually a very, very, a poignant point made by victor. Well, in this case, ukrainian side is looking for big 3 and big 3 for us is very simple. Its regaining the territories that have been occupied illegally by russia. That includes all of the territories that were marketed and ive been internationally recognized since 991. 00. It includes crimea, whether this is resolved, 100 percent, militarily, we will see not a war that is going and soon unfortunately. Okay, this is probably going to glad for a while while longer, but i have no doubt about the fact that turning point has in fact been reached. Gentlemen, thank you very much for a great discussion. Mikhail of an ascii Victor Oliver chen, samuel romani, and thank you to for watching. You can always watch this program again any time by visiting our website at all, just 0 dot com for further discussion through our Facebook Page at facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. You can of course, also join the conversation on twitter handle. 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