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Didnt win. And the republicans are blaming the fact that he endorsed those candidates for the fact that they didnt get, they didnt take the senate. There is also, you know, he still is crowded by a lot of investigations, whether its criminal tax investigations, financial fraud, election fraud, january 6, insurrection. So a lot of investigations are still kind of up in the air waiting to see if those will amount to any charges against trump. So whether or not the Republican Party can really rally behind trump once again to for him to be the candidate that they support in the 2024 election so largely remains kind of up in the air. Were seeing a very big expectation, so to speak of rhonda santos, the florida governor, potentially throwing his hat in the ring. He won the reelection for the governorship here in florida by a landslide last week. And some polls that have been generated recently say if he were against trump, he would potentially have an 11 percent lead over him. So while it is in an announcement that we were expecting him to make, it is something that we will have to wait to see what happens with the Republican Party in the next 2 years. And renee, youve been speaking to hardcore Trump Supporters there. What are you hearing from them, or are they still as, as, as fervently devotional to donald trump as they have been in the past . Well, ill tell you what was interesting. We went outside the entrance of mar logo to speak to some people there, and there werent as many people as we have seen in previous years when trump was in office shortly following bidens. When maybe we saw a few dozen people out there, i would say less than 100. 00, but their voices were so loud. They still had the exact same thing to say its trump or no one they wouldnt get behind backing another republican candidate. They did not want to hear the name on the stances. They think that trump is for the people of the people and that he is the one who was going to bring, bring about the prosperity that theyre looking for in this country. A lot of people were helping us that you know, they are looking for us to go back to just constitutional rule. Basically in that trump kind of, you know, live by that. And thats the motto that he, that he, he left off. So a lot of people, a lot of these supporters of trump dont seem to be like theyre changing their mind, at least the ones who we spoke with today. But what will be interesting is a, is the Republican Party going to give trump to nominate and, and be if its not him and it is somebody else, will these supporters back whoever the Republican Party nominates to be their candidate . And just by speaking to the few people that we did hear, it doesnt seem that thats the case. All right, that sounds youre here is renee or de speaking to us live from outside mar logo. Renee, thanks so much for breaking it down for us. We have to guess to discuss Donald Trumps speech announcing, hell run for the presidency again in 2024. Richard goods, dean is a democratic strategist, while adolfo franko is a former Bush Administration advisor, and also a republican strategists. Both of them are joining us from washington, d. C. Richard, let me start with you. Are you surprised by any of the rhetoric that you heard coming from donald trump . Because even this was donald trump, weve all come to know and some supporters love him and most of the country seems not to if the polls or an invocation, if the results of the elections since hes become president in 201820202022 or any indication, there are the declining number of people that are in his camp, but its exactly what we have come to expect. Replete with factual errors, gross misstatements galore. There was hardly a certain frankly, we didnt Say Something wrong. The truth has never been his best friend, and tonight we were kind of reminded of of that being the case. So no, i would say this was the only thing that was missing from this was kind of the story about election denial and how elections are rig something thats been part of his some speech over the past year to that has, im sure his advisors told them that to put that in. But other than that, we kind of have heard all this before. Adolfo when you look at the fall out from the mid term elections. There have been republican strategist. There have been a Republican Party members who have come out, whether gently critical or, or sharply critical of donald trump and suggested that its time for trump to move on, that he is hurting the party. I mean, considering all that, is it all a surprise that donald trump is running again, and is it in the long term good for the Republican Party . Well, 1st of all, i have to disagree with my friend richard here. Well, joe biden came in as president lost 14 house seats, and he just lost control of the house of representatives. I dont know how thats a record of accomplishment, and thats largely due in great measure to comp, loyalist and, and other republicans. The fact is this pull out today among republicans with a large field shows donald trump with 47 percent approval. Among republicans. Isnt that 53. 00 or gas is just divided among other candidates. As todays poll, he has 82 percent approval among republicans. Its higher than joe biden, among democrats. The fact of the matter is, all the elections results were razor thin results and every one of these contests. And we took the house of representatives and knocked off 2 key democrats, national democrats, battle orourke and stacy abrams not are not a press on that. So i think he remains a formidable force. There is, is a report indicated a reporter. There was a Republican Party that is frankly, just loyal to him and losing mat base. What heard us and in 2024. In many ways today is Donald Trumps low point. Its only up from here because there is a lot of buzz about ron de santis, i think at the current time. And a lot of concern about the way wasnt what it was and the donald trump contributed to it. Ignoring of course, positive results in ohio and North Carolina and elsewhere. So its only up from here for donald trump and has the insights run public. And richard, there is debate, of course, among republican circles, about whether or not a trump candidacy is good or bad for the Republican Party. But let me ask you, is trump announcing he will run in 2020 for good or bad for democrats . Well again, i think theres debate there too. I mean, i think a lot of democrats would pray that donald trump would be the republican nominee, because again, he lost by 3000000 votes in 2016 the last by 7000000. Theres no telling how many votes you would lose by in 2024, and if the poultry indication he would lose. But the fear is that if he didnt get elected unchecked by the prospect of having to face the voters, again, his authoritarian nature would be uncheck and, and thats a scary proposition. We, weve heard just recently from his former chief of staff saying that trump wanted to use the Internal Revenue service to go after his, his political enemies and, you know, put tiny stickers on us planes and bomb russia. I mean, crazy stuff that he was kept from doing, and theres no telling what he could do if he were elected. I think the issue does is frankly, what does joe biden do now that its a certainty that donald trump will run . Does he owe it to the country . Because by all accounts it looks like nobody would be able to be trump. Does he owe it to the country to do that . Or is he prepared to say that he did when he ran 2020 is a bridge new generation of democrats and, and let them be the ones to be adolfo. There have been a lot of analysts who have suggested that trump essentially is getting out ahead of any potential indictment that might be coming his way from the justice department. I want to ask you about that. Do you think that that is correct in any way . Do you think that him announcing at this particular time would help him with more investigations into his conduct as president when he was president of the us . I dont think so. Ive been hearing about indictments in the end of the donald trump and written off as political picture a for of at least the last 6 years. And prior to that, and weve always had to either politically or for legal reasons, this was the end of the road. Ready and i dont think it is, and in any shape where form, i think he is getting ahead of something. You have an excellent question. Hes getting ahead of other republicans and dean donald trump the way he is. He will frame any other candidate who were to launch a president ial bid, henceforth, as to soil on to him as being the former president and in the sense of the church of head of the party. So i think thats the political calculation. I dont think its, its the legal calculation, any shape or form. I will say this quickly to richards comment were, we have a cognitively challenged president , despite the media covering up for him. Remember, it was in color and cambodia, referring to it us columbia. And we have a 80 year old today and joe biden, i think the Democratic Party is very concerned, joe biden is, is the nominee. And i think if joe biden is the nominee, donald trump, as well suited for the reasons he said in his speech, are you better off today than you were 2 years ago . I dont think any americans gonna answer yes to that. And ultimately, i think that will be decisive in the 2024 election. All right, Adolfo Franco and richard, good steen, we appreciate your time. Thanks so much for joining us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And now back to our top story, the explosion in poland. The us President Joe Biden has just said, Russian Missiles were unlikely behind the incident. He was speaking after World Leaders wrapped up an emergency meeting called by him on the sidelines of the g. 20 summit in bali. Our diplomatic editor james bass joins us now from the summit in bali. James, so were leaders. Were meeting in bali. What else are we hearing besides what weve heard now from jo vine . Well yes, this was a meeting that took place of the g 7 countries plus the european union, which normally attends g 7 meetings and also to members of nato, spain, and the netherlands that were meeting President Biden. The men general meetings of the 20 of now resume, to fact present macros just joined. The other leaders there all arriving for a session was pretty plan that is now underway and just was telling you, given your, your, your company, your previous section on, on president trump. When we saw President Biden arriving for this meeting thats just started. Moments ago he tripped on the staff, thats the sort of thing that will play very big, i think, back in the united states. But with regard to present bidens comments, a few minutes before that he is now said theres preliminary information that contests the idea of russia, the miss all, i dont want to say until we completely invest, investigate, but he went on, its unlikely in the lines of trajectory that it was far from russia, but we will see also comments from the polish president present duda, who said theres no on the quibbled call evidence of who the mis all at this stage. So things are not at all clear. Its interesting because in some ways this slightly contradicts the statements that we heard immediately after that meeting of g 7 and nato members. This is what President Biden said. Then we agreed to support phones, investigation into the explosion in rural, on near the cranium border. And im going to make sure we figure out exactly what happened. Our entities typically goes out to currently 2 people were killed. And, and then were going to collectively determine our next step as we investigate and proceed. That was totally unlimited among the folks at the table. And james, despite how the tone may have shifted over the last few hours, clearly leaders are concerned. Can you give us a sense of the gravity of the situation . Yeah, that lead is a very consider statement. Just a moment ago, the words extremely concerned coming from the un secretary general is also here in bali. Potentially this could be very, very serious indeed, because if this is deemed to be an attack on poland by russia, then the article 5 of natos treaty, the north atlantic treaty, the found nato, would mean that want to tackle tackle one is a tackle and all. And then potentially you could have a situation where nato is that what with russia, i think were a long way away from that. The article 5 provision has only been in vote once after 911. 00, and even then it took a month, even though that was a pretty clear cut incident for them to actually invoke it. And there is considerable doubt now about exactly what happened if President Biden is saying, its not clear whether russia followed the miss. Allan probably didnt fall to miss all the what, all the other possibilities. It could have been a ukrainian miss all, i suppose. It could have been a russian miss, although we believe the modem on one explosion. But it could be no Russian Missile that was intercepted by the ukrainians and knocked off course and then landed in poland, or it could have been a Russian Missile. It was faults. And Bella Rousseau seemed to me the most lightly possible scenarios if it wasnt to miss all that. And as president button is now speculating, that was far from russia, theyre going to do more examinations. The polish Authorities Say theyre going to invite inspectors from other countries to look at this and there are going to be other meetings going forward. I think definitely the most important one in the coming out is the meeting of all the nato ambassadors, the North Atlantic Council will be meeting in brussels, but discussions will continue, i think, here at the g. 20 on the sidelines of the meeting. President biden is here. For a few more hours, but he obviously will be catching up on Development Even when he gets on board air force. One because he has to commit secure communications on his trip. Back to the u. S. Is expected back in washington about 24 hours from now. Now right now 0 diplomatic editor james base joining us live from the g 20 liter summit and bali. James, thank you so much. A masters of nato member countries will meet in the coming hours to discuss the situation following poland request. The Defense Alliance is chief insult and berg said in a tweet, i spoke with president duda about the explosion in poland. I offered my condolences for the loss of life. Nato was monitoring the situation and allies are closely consulting important that all facts are established. Natasha butler is in paris with more on natos announcement. This emergency meeting that has been called in response to those events in poland at the request of poland. Now what we know is that your story book at the head of nato is apparently chairing that meeting and we will be briefed off the words after the meeting by install to bugs will find out more about exactly what was discussed in that meeting. I mean, there is no doubt that what has happened this evening in european time is certainly not what nato wanted to see. A possible missile landing in nato territory in poland. This is something that is being talked about over again as a possible risk, that this could happen as part of russias war in ukraine. And now we see that it could possibly have happened. We dont know what the provenance of these missiles are, in fact, some european leaders we have heard havent even called the missiles. They are talking about explosions, taking, being very cautious the, to their approach in how they couches, how they frame this in their messaging. And thats a very similar tack thats being taken by nato. Nato members, really urging caution at this stage, saying theyre in consultations. They will be this meeting of ambassadors, moore, of course, many of the european leaders, nato leaders, i should say, are actually in bali pretty much from up to 5 to the world for the g. 20 thousands of people in democratic republic of congo have been on the move, fleeing for safety after seeing soldiers retreating. The conflict between the military and the m. 23 fighters is moving closer to the regional capital of north keeble province. Goma. The Congress Government has repeatedly accused for want of backing the rebels. An allegation it denies malcolm web reports. After the days of heavy fighting, dozens of soldiers on motor bikes came rushing away from the front line to the eastern city of goma, in democratic republic of congo. Safe been battling fighters of n 23. 00, widely understood to be a proxy of neighboring rwanda. Well, they were one that denies it. Caused panic. Thousands of people for m. 23 had reached the edge of the city. Me i knew so khaki. Boom. I think i come from ca bomba. I ran away from the m 23 and go to kenya regina camp on saturday. Then i had gunfire and people said m 23 has arrived yet. Thats why we decided to carry out belongings and run away. We are asking for our soldiers to be helped with reinforcements because there are too few soldiers to defend the whole province. Congos army said a group of soldiers had panicked unnecessarily while others continued fighting people here. A scared of m. 23, the rebel. Good. So the city of governing 2012 will say wave rwandan backing the following. 3 then it was defeated by congos armed forces. It resumed its rebellion a year ago. The people here appearing the 23 vices might take the city of goma. Once again. Congos armies fighting m 23. 00 on 3 front, including with attack helicopters. He says and 23, how sophisticated weapons from rwanda last time congo eventually won the war with international support. This time, the Government Relations with the un peacekeepers have deteriorated and it doesnt have much help. Thats unique for them. Why. At least, i can assure you, our armed forces are doing well on the battlefield and are so far containing the enemy at the town of cuba and keep them in about 20 kilometers north of gamer. Some soldiers fled, others were sent forward. The people here already fled their homes and were encamped when the panic sat in complex involving were wondering. You can have been displacing people here for a decade. There is no sign that would be left in peace anytime soon. Malcolm web al jazeera, goma democratic republic of congo. The International Committee of the red cross says to trucks carrying medical supplies have arrived, and if you appears to grow region, its the 1st humanitarian aid delivery since a cease fire agreement was signed between the government and rebels. Earlier this month. In his 1st comments, since the truth prime minister, obey ahmed promise to implement the deal, honestly, the truce aims to in 2 years of conflict that is devastated to, to grow reach. Columbia is 1st left as president , Gustavo Petro has marked his 1st 100 days in office, is maintaining the approval of half of the population, but economic challenges of forced him to moderate ambitious reform plants. I was under on p reports from bogo to support as a double pay through much to book attached to mark 100. 00 days of the countries 1st ever let the president can come to some offense that us last year. Ambitions have been quietly dialed back as the Government Faces the realities of soaring inflation in a gaping physical deficit. But for those here, people promise its change remains intact. When we can say, look, were very happy with what has been accomplished in these 100 days. Hes trying to fulfill what he has proposed. Obviously some things need to be revised, but we remain steadfast. That change can be achieved to share, govern ability and try to assuage market fears. Pathos, manage to build abroad coalition in congress with the traditional parties. He often criticize, but when darla dcss strategies that allow him to pass a 20000000000. 00 fiscal bill raising taxes on fossil fuels in the rich to find in social programs. Hes also instituted at total peace law to start negotiations with the all remaining regions, paramilitary groups in the country, and an unprecedented deal with colombia, powerful cattle ranching association. 2 by 3000000 actors of land to redistribute or farmers home fall in a press conference on wednesday. Surrounded by his cabinet, petro presented a list of 50 achievements. He says, point towards greater political and social justice or laterally digger. And well see the then the Politics Today are not divided by left and right. The division is among policies that em power life. And those that english it and Foreign Policy has spearheaded an International Campaign to change drug policy and fight Climate Change while also restarting relations with neighboring business sweller after years of tension. But his government also faces growing criticism on his economic messaging. His ministers, making contradictory announcements about ending oil and gas exploration, which many observers blame for the fall of the local currency, the peso against the dollar. Petro is doing the job that he was elected to do. He did campaign for changes, and he is proposing new ideas. What i dont like is this governments announcements on the economy and how they intend to manage the economy. They change every day, the governments policies on the oil sector on new contracts on exploration. Have caused markets to world wind. But despite these base them out through the re, things to remain from with half the countries to port thing its administration in both. Thats 20 points higher than a predecessor at this point. Which means phase of sale has a large Political Capital to spend, as it tries to expense, and transforming one of the most unequal countries on our list of them. As just the wal mart has agreed to pay 3100000000. 00 to settle lawsuits across the us over strong opioid sold by its pharmacies. The retail giant is the latest chain after cbs health and walgreens. To reach a deal to close lawsuits filed by state and local governments opioid overdose who have caused the death of at least 500000 people. Over the past 2 decades, the iran world cup coach carlos kiros, says his players are free to show support for protest in their home country, but must do so. Within the rules of the tournament. The players covered up their National Teen badge during 2 games in september, which was seen as a sign of support. Iran has experienced weeks of public protest following the death of a woman in police custody. They have the right to express themselves who used to bend your knees in the game. Some people agree, some people dont agree with that. And then this is after the say, it is out of question to think that the national are suffering any sort of issues like that. Sources. Jabari isnt iran with the mood and iran, as the National Team gets ready for their World Cup Campaign in other other, the stadium behind me is the biggest in iran has the capacity to host 100000 roughly spectators. But since early october, no friends have been allowed inside due to security concerns by officials. Now youre in the world cup of the games that iran really participating in will not be broadcast year for fans to watch. That is not the only thing that will be different this time around during the world cup, one of the most well known former radian players alley die has recently said that he has declined the offer by default to attend the world cup because he wants to be with the iranian nation and situation that is ongoing in the country, young going protests, he feels that its not appropriate for him to attend this world cup. And we hope to, or theyre iranians. Some of them said they will not be watching. The games are not interested this time around. Others say that the world of football should not be involved in politics. This year i wouldnt watch it at all because the players did not stand by the people they could have just like ali day. Ill be creamy but they didnt. So unfortunately this world cup is meaningless for us in the start to measure the distance. But some people on social media are encouraging people to ignore the national considering the Current Situation. But in fact, there is a truly interesting football that i care about these things and will always watch National Things kind of want to reach out to in the stating otherwise, followed the National Team until recently. Today no one has the enthusiasm to watch football. Considering the Current Situation and the password cups, people like the players plays words were the peoples words. They supported the people that were players of the nation. But this time the governments players. Who yeah, why dont take them comedy. I watched the National Teams matches, considering the constitution. I dont think theyre in good spirits, but eventually they have to win the point for the players and support them at various points across to run. These posters have gone up on it and saying that the entire nation is behind our National Team, and that is the case as well. Here at other, the square or Freedom Square is its known where a giant football has been placed in front of the very well known monument and on it. Again saying that this entire country is routing for their National Team. Whatever the outcome is for these players, it is now clear that this world cup is much more than just about football. All right, thats it for me for this hour of news, but rob madison will be here in just a few minutes with more of the days news. Thanks for watching. Ah talk to ill just see. We also do believe women of august that were somehow abandoned by the international community. We listen, we have a huge price for the role of gonna terrorism thats going on. So money we meet with global news makers. Im talk about the story stuck on al jazeera from take off until the final with will bring you extensive coverage throughout the world have action from all of the games, the joy and the hall, se experts and match analysis for my studios, info and excitement from around the city and across the globe join us the cast of 2022. On out there. Jumping to the stream when no topic is off the table. I dont think that anybody should be borne to privilege to the president of the day. We are the subjects of Little Family plus one persons opinion, but whats yours . Amplify your voice. The judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption where a global audience becomes a global community. Those scariest part of those moment in my country is this toys for a more weapons. The stream. Oh, now jazeera, ah ah, al jazeera. Where ever you, why . Oh, i my fellow citizens, america is

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