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Min directed not just to get that off, mahatma gandhi, not just a very basic and so this is not your 1st is that im probably not your last right . Well, the significance avoidance also comes down to the fact that the Indian Football Team played their 1st ever International Game in england. The 19 forties and they turned out without football beach vacations asked why. And he said, we played football, you pay bootable. Hey, i love the claimant tonight. One of those things it from caroline. How excited are you all had to be for the well copy and show you how excited we are. Here you go. Ah, ah ah, this is al jazeera and these are the top stories. Israel says the u. S. Has decided to launch an investigation into the killing of al jazeera journalist. Shitty now barclays. She was shot dead by Israeli Forces in may while covering a raid in the occupied west bank. Mike, hannah has more from washington dc. Theres no confirmation whatsoever from the us side, or these reports emanating from israel, originally, news reports in israel, and now it would appear to be confirmed by that series of tweets made by the Israeli Defense minister. There has been a reaction from congress, though, from a democratic senator crisp on holland. Hes issued a tweet, a welcoming the apparent moves by the department of justice to launch a unilateral investigation. It must be remembered that earlier this year, more than 50 members of congress wrote a letter to the department of justice, asking for exactly such an investigation to be conducted. The u. S. And chinese president s looked to improve a strained relationship at their 1st face to face meeting on the eve of the g. 20 summit in indonesia, joe biden. And she champagne discuss taiwan was korea and the ukraine war. Ukraines president has visited the recaptured city of her san Vladimir Zalinski said ukraine is ready for peace. The news continues here on al jazeera after fault lights. As Climate Change heats up the planet, one scientist intends to take his back to the ice age. To save the permafrost below, he is re introducing animals to the grasslands above, starting with the living creatures that planning to resurrect an extinct species could be separate, save all wealth witness, museum of hypothesis on al jazeera. I remember, oh, live mazano. Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be a journalist. In 2022 is one place to be the deadliest she yet with the little man you rumble over the past to defeats the countries violence. And corruption is meant to him. His face attacks from everywhere. No, no. So think momento, there are no. I have, i was, i think a moment the last valley it the purpose out from criminal organizations to Armed Community groups and even the government itself. The given the cedar chest. Right. Well, i dont know what else well as well as eagles, and when the fallen was, well he, he lost my low to stand in little theyre lesson persona. Can them into an engine and set up an easter mechanics. When we fussy focus, i mean, can on what you want to consider. If i the 3, i guess, if will Young Camilla casa bustling from us, you on that list, i was on a hill. Phone lines looks at the risks, facing journalists in mexico, more reporting the truth of the means, paying with their life a hell get a a that i use that alyssa will validate some dental and without the loss to settle the laws. Act as he knows criminal is to in the letter is meant code becomes risky for jury, miss is the case is from he is passed the offer window into white so dangerous more than 7 years ago, who his father, mrs. Sanchez was kidnapped from their home while he made money as a taxi driver, voices, his main job was running a free newspaper. Could lonia on them. He reported on issues involving local governance insecurity. Corruption that im in dallas min, they was food scenarios, noise which im last capable. So unless you bought that long. But if youre not highly motivated, Anthony Ellis presented violet. Val, no, he wasnt in it. I mean, im looking to be able to see that you, but i think im in dallas budget with adult ed lincoln battle with the thought to sunday and those and itll a lucas was 8 own was they just the last on the family. So moist was a friday night in january of 2015. Nick is on the list. Our style when, when a group of all men came to their home campus, i know you had eyes b i b c. Give on this, that might be better. Betsy, bob got obvious, dami opened up, went by erica bennett, and he said, selina, i would just be part of the law or by now . Yeah, my i dont, im yet mosley. And panama not me. Know you go can august is yet another article. Said hello maam, which i mean yet. Yeah, let me clear. Minerva kaiser. O sink a mr. Booth. Cheery nearly 3 weeks would go by before they got any news. And when they did, it was moist. His body had been found on the side of the road, decapitated, and dismembered with for the family, it was clear that it was linked to his work as a journalist, which often brought him into conflict with local officials by the mayor of medina at the time or mar cruise on him and just months before he was killed. Moses interviewed him about problems with the local police. I see by the of the of mythology and okay has gone through the look it up with him when he finally married in give it to her, hidden from my family in conte, your quality is gay. If them commit in Security Issues got worse in the months after this interview, dr. So not to put on by the others a i think what are the he not . This is a video of a group of civilians arming themselves because of the governments inability to protect them. And when its one of the last things voices published. Plus i get like hallmark and lifetime movies, i will tell you here or somewhat in one of the more of them or what have you been in all of a lot of info on notice cuz well probably get is to video is taught that i look is la alice marian, one, donnellys, he nationally, even in ikea. May the gene the some into a kiss. Doesnt say the info at bouy gilly style the stuff i am. He possessed owen best. So ha, omen, terrible goals. Conflict was gone. Imperative. Ok. Allow cow. They say no ho kilo left low, exposed, so they are notice in the look for sandwich to see that in some way. She knows the sailing for monday, callup and some other lead time into those. The others. Wheres the schedule . Say they took a look at you since the government launched a so called war against cartels and criminal organizations in 2006 kellys report is have gone up as both crime and corruption had become more and more entrenched by the end of august of this year at least 13 journeys here had been killed. The whole of 2021. Many of them had been threatened before. They tried to struggle the line between reporting the truth and staying alive. On one hand, you have the proliferation of organized crime and mexico, which has really spread to every corner of the, of the country. And wherever there is organized crime. Various collusion with local authorities, mostly on the melissa pal level, but also on the state level. And especially outside the major metropolitan areas in mexico, journalists are often part of the relatively small community, a small pool of reporters, especially those who cover what they call the no title and mexico, which is crime and violence and traffic accidents who affect the interests a very powerful players in the country might be Public Officials might be members of organized crime. But regardless, these power players are willing and able to use extreme violence to protect their interests in the middle a few i was away from where moses live. We met numer. Shes a local crime, be reporter for digital outlet Radio Station in northern dara cruz the states, one of the most violent in the country, serving is a key location for criminal groups engaged in both drug and Human Trafficking level. Its also the deadliest state for jonas. 31 have been killed here in the past decade. Goodbye. More will as that of the meal as that one was me, not those were the law a our bodies, young oil fair elijahs were their own app and sana, our la getting through. It was simply doing a job, has become normal for norma in recent years. Under the minerva depot in god read, i mean, i knew what it. Hm. And at that moment though, the sydney sat embassy ever been there many same in almost carlock m as good as she was threatened in may of 2. She reported on a Police Operation against the criminal group who youre only oil lab, it then gender separate. Santa e at the nasty lab only came on wild diaz been serving a dawson, my son does him look in australia or j, marion the fever . She didnt realize it at the time, but she published a photo of the head of the criminal group. She got a phone call from another journalist warning center. I see what is common. She was now on the radar of the criminal group. She called a state Commission Set up to help threaten janice. They told her to leave town immediately. A show me a budget. What time is it a what if i have money as soon as my most . If i miss a moment, know youre only a boy with them if you could give me a refund money in one as well as selling what is cynthia . In the next one thing, kidney is kid, have casa to see that the leafy see why do you see super k, p, o can come to the center. Just say that if this equip, if smear let never been to was will me said letter it im you called this to me. I saw you are a little little capacity the savvy into a service where you have no be located. Once you get this, no more returned home a few weeks later, but shes changed the way she reports. Now she always goes to crime scenes with a husband, danielle, and a group of trust. A reporter for the state patrol car follows her regularly with just my normal one customizable and not the most basic most and you know, legacy can non an inclusive base. No, it will either a complete and let us look, it was campbells and jessica. More than not amount. You must get the nemesis and food Article Initiative package, but im on is going to be up. You see any from one source unit, a mom and the full of writing, been them yeoman daniel of just got word that there might be a kid. Nothing in 1st. So thats where were heading now. I mean was just sounds like not a mess. You. Im in a timely settlement of that one out, but it is different as you come up with them before they get a phone call later time betterment them in the worst. There is one with the missile 9. You you story. Dimple, senate for stuff. Yes. A look you do, eva. Is sally news for nothing but those a funny molly was sent them to come to from america play hick will battle a boy thing when i lean good here they said in that bit to see this you sort of reflect on the fact that theres a clear line dividing us is the International Pressure dropping in here. No International Journalists has been killed in more than a decade in mexico and the national, and especially the low journalists covering this day in and day out there really the ones that risk fundable, sugars have come into believe we will lock in manually for the month, john is thomas the peninsula came here for the plaza, building i. E. Of in on action. I dont remember for them i can record the key is cool. Coming out in a quiet floher. Somebody look a little savvy. Look, you know when and probably cause why man in him when im with the grease that should be just mash. Ready see probably because the look us nothing to say in the weve come to truly occurred to me, a man who served as the link between the sin, lower called so and some local journalist. And were hoping that you can shed some light on how why moving noise crime . Start in the press. He spoke to us on the condition of anonymity. When he worked for the cartel, he handed out money and envelopes to local journalists as bribes condos to victor cargo. They reported l dinero co to the head of kumar, last ho cartel. But actually styled in itll bring up a whole lot all on the order. So, you know, there was some article got ready go, but if you will cover all of them as much in his care as well tomorrow. Dont know tangible goose to senior for 10 more. Theyre looking for some us, you know, thomas, this is a know, seem to make sure that we are using the economy of the stass here. Still probably cases courses k sailors or the to come ok, no k pass sentences. One of them for about there was a part of the 100 by you morning, i believe so much of the bottles called the police the says and see the assist you now in civil law. Ill be the consequence here, or in general know, pasadena or you know, if it will never see your phone. I was recently looking for when we got the removal from bill or convergeone. So like long as the loan loanable battle, or you could do a virtual use long too many cases of killings of journalists have been forgotten by officials in mexico, but not by the families who have lost their loved ones. Most cases go on investigated, or even if there is an investigation, the key individuals involved disco justice, like in the case of voices in the weeks that followed the kidnapping authorities arrested a Municipal Police officer to take him part. He testified that the order to adopt and qm we says, came from the man that one Police Officer is currently the only person in prison for the killing of voices. Hello cow, they bill valencia, that and la persona killed us in yellow coil out toward intellect. Well no, the loan was ship. You dont miss diane lowery falconer. Siegel capital wanted just escal needle. Barrel ca. So here we need like yeah, i mean i also from level so families again c l it santos. Who he, that my, to put it back or they are the, in the nano there gambling bonita is an example of the challenges in combating impunity in mexico. Many times the attacks of, from Public Officials themselves. In fact, according to the federal government, over 40 percent of threats and attacks against turn, this come from officials, usually local politicians understand what i believe. Thats one of the reasons theres been a lack of justice in his fathers case only gave you most is well, almost all a this is them again, 1000000 level that will create not homeless. As long day. You got alina . Laura, once ali, me think im in all some water . No, they adding a coil if i mean, does it . I see now those the active eastern standard. Mm mm. We wanted to speak with the main office responsible for investigating the killing of my says, the very crew state attorney general. They didnt respond to multiple request for an interview, but its not just the state thats investigated a decade ago, especially Prosecutors Office. Was set up specifically to investigate crimes against you in this, in the case of moist sanchez, one of the cases they took on is the killing of voices, centers. The mer is still a large, theres only one policeman in prison that the moment for this and several members of the ring who can iced, it, alleged to have organized there also remain, not in jail and not sentenced. Whats your response to that . I know that that investigation of our case, that all, if every single day that have the passes, if harder to get evidence in those cases, what i can say is that we have clear objectives in that case we regularly go to workers were investigating was regular. You got to get a cruise. We had a have our back breakthrough. We can give the police all the information that we have, but the prosecutor cannot go on arrest somebody. Thats um i work for the police. Do you know where the mare is . There is a lot of gossip around around where hes we have found that information to the Police Officers and nothings happened. Them done anything. But the report that we have is that there she is not where the rumor says that they are. That at least thats what theyve told you. Yeah. Do you believe that i cannot give you that in for me . I cannot give you an answer to god because the 106 homicides, the Prosecutors Office is registered across more than a decade. There have been only 6 prosecutions. Its even rarer for them to successfully prosecute the person who ordered the killing. Tim, you dont catch the guy that masterminded it. Then it sends a clear message. Know that people are untouchable. Yep. Thats important for us. We want to have all the change of command happening in those cases and not on the market. Its also in there in all kinds of attacks. We are improving our investigations and we have been a Getting Better results in those cases, having better more indictments every day. Ah, the problem of impunity and attacks against you and this isnt new for the government. But under the Current Administration of president , under his men will look is of the daughter theyve increased by 85 percent. We wanted to ask him what more his administration could do to protect jernace with whom patio, the 30 colo cmos. Him better cruise . Supa aim for a a stay assess in novel allow calbee of stop profile go. Yeah. See, the policy at daniels cable says have minutes to us you and put a facility that a stay casey party line puny, that i see a lot castles will suffice enough those. The police, this dick want deshawn dynamic . I think loudecker. No, i in pony that this is to of been as a contractor mirror, bring us a little cow. They prefer to go ship young. Whos going to who stacy and to no, says he kept story. Lou, this kate last period east is that the matter that he thought ideas that they need us important there key most of most is shim player l toward intellect. While no restaurants are not as sarah india c, as in iran, this is to say the look. It to be and i guess you say they are a general but you know, so let me know and you mentioned that he dont know why it was in me since his father was killed. Who have taken over lonely and despite the risk, the joke brings okay for panting at the hot hey, come ok to my last. We enders, periodical. That to put in nice ways the been, our ceilings had never, i mean i dont know was to say they had a menu or the somebody here that said he and so that will be enough for the color this you know, the vehicle, me or the noise is i would be able to keep him in this thing, colorful, amigos. In this, you know, youve been all will get a system of penalty in his meal or get their month unless you get that anal will get there will be in the minority. Somebody here he is going to celebrate the them in there. If daughter is causing little hot and was another last was want to see the one. She was a little must be almost a yellow all. Now i come yet from sports championed to bed bound. I felt ones investigates how the nfl escaped paying billions of dollars to former players for suffered devastating brain damage playing americas most popular sport. Im sorry you didnt die before 2015. Good luck to you and your family. I know where he got c t from papa. When i looked at it just all about his brain beam, bruce, because of the block force when you get plane a position blood sport on, i just eat up. Ah ah ah noon a take off i tell the final with bring you extensive coverage, fill out the world come action from all of the games that joy hand the hall experts and match analysis for my videos info and excitement from around the city and across the globe join us the cast of 2022, and is there a b informed opinions . I believe that armina and other virginia should have bilateral negotiations. Weve been cooling that khomeini time. Critical did make is the commonwealth still something that king child will take

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