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Democracy on the self governing island, which bade jane considers to be part of its territory to day the world say says the choice between democracy and our tacit americas determination to preserve democracy here in taiwan and around the world. We may iron clad. Its really clear that while china has stood in the way of taiwan participating and going to certain meetings that they understand, that they will not stand in the way of people coming to taiwan churches. Church hold wholly not. This is an out and out fuss the United States is violating chinese sovereignty under the guise of so called democracy ty, one sighing when and her ilk a clinging to the us and turning their backs on national justice. These behaviors that go against the trend of times will not change the International Consensus of one china and will not change the historic trend that tie one will inevitably return to the motherland. Those who play with fire will not come to a good end, and those who offend china will be punished. China has conducted live fire military drills around taiwan and retaliation for policies. Visit that i believe Defense Ministry says the exercises have violated the island sovereignty. At a breached un rules. Dubuque pollen is the International Editor of taiwan, plus. She says it to worrying escalation. This time there is concerned that china is ramping it up a notch. China always does these military maneuvers are this fostering are these military drills. Whenever high level dignitaries come and visit. So i want, but this time the really clearly laid out their plans here very clearly said that this is what theyre going to do. Its going to, these military drills are going to happen in 6 areas are wrong. I want what is coming very close to last year and tie 1. 1 of those melting girls will be saying, please just 20 kilometers away from the ports of call. Sean, thats a key port and in fact, the ministry of defense is calling this a lockheed of tie one and saying that supply chains and airline roots are all going to be disrupted. And they are currently looking for alternatives. So while, as people here in taiwan have been used to this kind of language and used to seeing, you know, chinas maneuvers in so as to speak, there are questions about how far taiwan will take it and there is trepidation. Now they know that while tie wants military is definitely prepared and has always been prepared for any such eventuality. It still isnt big enough and it still doesnt have the might to contend with. High ones are chinas military might. And chinas military power and influence in the region, the 1st grain cargo ship to leave ukraine, since the russian invasion is sailing through turkeys boss for a street on its way to lebanon. Earlier, a team of inspectors boarded the ship to check its cargo and documents. The ship is being monitored by the you joint Coordination Center in istanbul, turkish, russian, ukrainian, and you and staff are taking part under a deal sign. Last month. Germanys chancellor says theres no reason to delay the return of a repaired gas turbine to russia for the north stream. One pipeline is currently stranded in germany and an escalating energy stand off with moscow. Russia has blamed issues with the turbine for drastically cutting gas flows to europe, but all of schoultz says it works and should be delivered. Yes, this warring parties have agreed to extend a full month truce for 2 more months. The un envoy to yemen, said the pact between the government and who the rebels will now last until october. Second, the announcement came hours after an amana delegation concluded, 3 days of talks with the healthy leadership. People in the you are state of kansas, a voted to uphold abortion. Lights in a referendum vote has rejected, proposed changes to the state that the states constitution. Kansas is the 1st state to vote on reproductive rights. Since the u. S. Supreme court overturn roe vs wade. In june, allowing states to make the own abortion laws. And those that headlines will have one use for you on al jazeera after al 0. Well, coming up next. Ah ah. Safety net. Good, so not build any yet. Can can, cannot nebula near to who had this with the happiness in marcia with ah, the 1960s in the arab world was a decade of change creativity, but also of conflict. But of the city. Now there is a mickey there shortly, maam. Out of the room and see a lobby if you limit we had to get into the city net. Im the shabby and m as a shop and im from the steam and a half eaten mulatto bay alarm, and only at amir alam, initially up here. But he had to leave or not to do it after. Okay. I dont either man in the congo in his or her go national being with the mom with the so we do cannot connect him bethesda connor total and oh yes i would at the mark know it could m y 50 and i talk i live in caleb i to last period. He cathedral jonathan. Im Albano Williams elecom, the highball. Bama but a lot. Hang on a docile come eat on i la monica sat there now to the to be them. It was yeah. Went out to be like a certain marci the 60s in the United States and europe was also a decade of change. Huge popular demonstrations in america demanded civil rights and racial and women. The policy. I have a 3 my for living room. One they live in a made from where they will not be dr. Barber club about him, but by the bed i have the same time in the arab world. There were demands for change, but on different terms from the west. It was a period when arab nationalism began to emerge as a Major Political force, especially in countries that gained independence from their former colonizers tension between israel and the arab world. Also escalated, palestinian sought to redress the injustices they experience when israel was founded in 1948 and their growing resistance was supported by neighboring arab countries. The conflict came to a heads in the arab is really war of 967. In the background, the cold war between the superpowers of the United States and the soviet union was ever present. Both sides vied to expand their influence in the middle east and north africa. Me item that has to feel more time or been dont either of them not settle with our fee and they had a while it was a has a celeste who was in cobra and how to get them to kiss him on a pretty was not the i went to my mom, bahama of 8th, because they both do it and we really and it was on the other line. Im in a new has any business i mean, the Community Among mazda, which reno lathers had, didnt he, in football, he can hardly hadnt line to be a bit exceptionally adore look at will. Star morrow with bit of had rush to pick up your history. You will never seen of other than be who alone i live for when it will had deck of our law for glory in the me. Dick is im a little bit less can be hoping young own that went fairly heavily years. 11 stevenson or the need see metal miyoshi or charlotte were mish to merriman should be her but said as were been sitting it out over year 16 its out of the year it will be 16 it will be while president now sort of egypt. Tito, a few years, love ya. A narrow of india became pioneers of the non ally movement. Some countries in north africa were preoccupied with either gaining or building on independence from france. The struggle in algeria was long, bitter, and extremely violent. While morocco on to face the challenges of deciding which political road to go down, these transitions were not always peaceful. Young was not the company that didnt need the card that he did. He can walk. What was that then . And you know this, his see, she told the truth and was can up and was so where to just stored and you couldnt help me say i have to fire and hospital and i can only have a good night. I have a new land. Those of you have forgotten when i come the money out of noon as a sub. As soon as he had the whole matter, shahrokhi what appeared to be thought a yard and while the hand chevy lived on the wall. He said this is new and low. If he did dinners out, i wouldnt just have a medea to habit but a lemon. Ja, but lemme to suit the medical. So you, you should be either had dina, by female matter, said he and his element, milan, i am still must get a yard. I dont, i dont, i dont, i mean someone comes out of the, me a call at the captain the mad for any, you know, im in the csc. How did, how come and the, with an art busy in the mail, the enough him to have like a shed the, the own comes when i got to chavira parts will not cover city of la man. That tells me this event. Go to another country much hello, the event in mo, sofa wheel, and then says medical will see that all medical hasnt in a swa ha haman adam shed. See assumable. Have you been there . Oh, i do not know what to do next. I told him what a can from what ive been. Youve keyona kinetic of this and a lot of stuff. Lets see ya. A then kinetzer and she had sir navarro and the duke. But its a legitimate of the am hour any or should order him a no can was to the phone, fuels will the come to them. But the fiercest Battle Ground was algeria where the National Liberation front fought the French Colonial army from 1954 to 1962 and included fighters like zide. I believe he hadnt listen. I withdrew from us. Yeah to me theyll get they dont look for me a lot of a tunes yet. You dont really well, most are modern financing. A vehicle available that solid is at the middle of it. So that when you try it at the moment, you want to leave that alone. So even under. But jennifer, welcome will let them go. Yeah. Because you know like, god, me, lucky gotten in louisiana. What need you help with father had mccolan laughing. I broke up a little about the bar of the ha ha b b were lucky paula. And he, let me show me, let the, let me know just that he left, the acne luck on the scene can im, the mom couldnt shut me today or tomorrow that he would. Ready ashley, im a hostess, you had 10 . No, no commanded from official. Her dad them right. Helen will not show hammond. She police would deter into normally the hand coming in any of you need to know who to america . Probably. Yep, exactly. Yep, and am and oh my meeting with the mom do gone resume, misty sto, 5th grade, marcia. A. She will not have them so hot will not handle her. Can you send me the monthly fee . I dont see you. 100 was still in the 2nd you give them the can that fellow see you not yet. You will not hear shabby. Ok. Well not only if you help connect with you plus secchia, don norman, it hub is still money young from a deal. Well, isnt it . Have this still muddy . Is it a wall above a moon . Sima loses in mal name and want all minez and saw saw punch. Will pin will turn now cane. This can be a if me could west can yemen. Im and so let me do what i li, i can she, we admin fee. If its the heya, which is the hired watson. Sammy, i believe crenisha. My gosh mana oh and the mob been that one more. Good. Now what lee, that says now can a chef, when could left the data mandel, ha, hannah is now like i said, well luckily can hm. Sna motion to give you to the little me this year so it can nimble bottle. The tongue twisted model is small. So more lead laramie, another be been muted, or only a decal number nan of new i so so his book, phone walk, this is not that is somebody a why can influence you and them . I am a who 9 obeyed to me. Will we smart or not . So it to live. It died to say it again. Hello. Im kept out that he can not ms. Hodge. Yeah, june. Has daria hold on . I thought you might a sent you an email and i put in for this isnt couldnt their leg. Yeah. Pain had been meddling the passionate. Shes not the i mean mr. Lin. Unit to play g has some. How would you be saw . Yeah, because i mean the 2 she had done a shad corla. This is a year of math. These math. What not . So is there anyone nap would come in the hole, youd call it law . Oh fun hand in will corner, hatton and he came in whom am i to know where headley nestles there to alter it with them in telling me does yeah, i thought a thorough i thought it could be it would diminish be not been and you said lisa care to for did he or mike, im all of the thought at the on what i can now is out of never what at the did did she . Theyd be net, if i look as if toil, when was her mom looked ahead of you know shed want to go ahead. Wish it kinley. I love you. Dear the header you had you could send it to claire lisa. I bet who has seen the been ha, why no, papa. Nor hindu, a shot algerian independence in 1962 was a major victory for the arab world. But arguably, the most significant individual political figure of the decade was egyptian president gamma loved him. Not he was the Arab Nationalist and sought not just unity, but a real Political Union between different arab states. Game robust them not covered on the lawsuit because im a bit of them. What can you call them also can buy if is well, youd probably sit on my old high her the lead on what the higher the la la la la z it. In the shop. Oh, i let them in quick employee. I know to request a neither shall i. When i thought even to eat you like a deity mel m a. So what we owe men. Oh my be jamal. Ive been losses that can factor are gamma originally a want to see in the lot of the coffee, but the minimum hit the low finish. Ah, my can not the nozzle me kelvin from australia can know for yemen, beef taco air. Glad you yall, do you smile . Can fee kimmy m y yena may be in columbus now sort of saw. Taught it as po a lieutenant b. B pedo little hammers with had the old the at their pill. Huckman is now yes, i was almost anything. It was sure why the machine, why them had, am i la . What the i mean, look what i like and looked at you know, bandanna isnt marie. Im a huge hair. Go my lou kayla has no idea. I use it in this in the middle men, c, as in edward l, r o b yo, where it is for infant fox. Where and far isaac . Yeah, i forgot my boy had mr. Bad or chemical. Hey, i live in las title via an mulatto b, u. Minnesota, bia elisha, okay, can i get off . He just said where hes on the masa o morgan or thought of philadelphia. Oh, jesus father, how a lot thought of an over there because of the other stuff as well to how would jewell, who are the this is mac ins will be the how to him a war and lift him up from without the loss of them and can you tell him holler model the model the or the minimum l e g. The hell know if youre able to deal with that. My studio kennedy model did my normal in to saw. It could be wrong with that, that a man said that many from seen that how does a csc be so that a lot of it will show let them be late. So let me what, what do i have . What i what not so called a great nation was the unification in 1958 of egypt, and syria into the united arab republic, or u a r. But iraq also featured prominently in the regional politics at the early 1916. Ringback iraq became a republic in 1968. When kenny carson ceased power in a military to cost him was overthrown and executed. In 1963, his body was displayed in a television propaganda phone called the end of criminals. Some historians believe that your man up to nasir also influence the outcome of events in iraq. The attached to my husband and the men of them seen several called me in to my young man in the kill looked to me. I eat me. When he had his new move and im going to see when he went to mine by the the moon noon, the old one. And how may and enough and well let you know kind of oakland. How did were, couldnt you mean we would, you would still have sion mosher. 10 minutes just react surely. Me and my hot nevada malesky and carry him cause him come social democrat. But im hot. If you had to all the you call me back. I love with them, jen walker, but it was with the mom. I mean, if you read and talk to me, why and im proud ive been, i had them not several mascara as well. Have them either since she let me know when you can do for me. So i could retire a few months to shift. And also if you look up in the ninetys, he was in the look trip today and the not at the idea that because you live in the how that lot. Huh. Not the not sort of the accept how it allowed the without the of the get him caution them. Salaam had it will. It was duck up the sauce. It become a damage. It was the 40 and the mother had a le let me i did. Hi. The whole year with us, little by then in the mileage i bought. That could cause, i mean, my mother had a bad house that i know after so marcus, see call me. I am not gonna the how that was all good. It showed her the new all the the you with the manish bob for brian me. Yeah, were definitely sure a caution upon me and im a little higher on it. Why nobody of them lend me . I dont, honestly, i was glad to sit in the family all day auto call me while husband about all the heat. Why dont you joe . When you come to ask him how come at the bottom of the cell . Am i . Well, i can have the cell and i didnt put it there had this up, but yeah. Or yeah, about the all mine i what i can, i will not miss all of my mom has book when know, so i really love to see if you havent and i will. Louis. I decide you will be a live, you know, Barbara Sherry in p. Im going to, you know, going to sometime in a partial at all, but emerge can i give you . How are we going, bella . I know natalie came over. It started to get a love for you so much. Ok to have some if you had the gun at danny logan im a guy has muscle for me. Ah, cruise in yemen, some done libya and algeria suggest there was instability within the arab world. But a far greater external threat to arab unity loomed and surface dramatically. In the shape of the 1967 arab israeli war, they watch. Oh, they gather evidence with so can we and american cyber activists develops and used in brazil to monitor least we have more cameras than they do because where the people a bigger rugged rebel peaks on a just, you know, under cover reporting for those work for you no one really dont do doug. Good finance to the whole election revealing corruption, dorsey, though it exposing criminals, it was hell do that . A dedicated unit for Investigative Journalism . How much we have to pay for the goes, it is multi they slavery exclusive stories explosive results. Al jazeera investigations, and were gonna have this on journalist working in asia and africa. Thered be days where id be choosing and editing my iron stories in a refugee camp with no electricity. And right now were confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced. And i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and compromise. Because thats the only way we can try to solve any of these problem is together. Thats why they are so important. We make those connections. Lou. Hello again, adrian setting up here in dough. How about the headlines on al jazeera us house began . Nancy pelosi has left taiwan after a visit thats been denounced by china. She repeated washingtons commitment to protect democracy on the self governing island, which by jane considers part of its territory. Today the world safe is the choice between democracy and autocracy. Americas determination to preserve democracy here in taiwan and around the world, the ne, iron clad. Its really clear that while china has stood in the way of taiwan participating and going to certain meetings that they understand, that they will not stand in the way of people coming to taiwan. Sure, she could hold wholly noted, this is an out and out fuss. The United States is violating chinese sovereignty under the guise of so called democracy ty, one sighing when and her ill a clinging to the us and turning their backs on national justice. These behaviors that go against the trend of times will not change the International Consensus of one china and will not change the historic trend that taiwan will inevitably return to the motherland. Those who play with fire will not come to a good end. And those who offend china will be punished. China has conducted life far, military drills around taiwan and retaliation for policies, visit the taiwanese to fence. Ministry says that the exercises have violated the islands sovereignty, and of breached un raws the 1st grain cargo ship to leave ukraine. Since the russian invasion is sailing through turkeys boss for a straight on its way to lebanon. The ship was made possible by an internationally broken deal signed last month. Germanys chancellor says theres no reason to delay the return of a repaired gas turbine to russia for the old stream one pipeline. Its currently stranded in germany and an escalating Energy Standoff with moscow. Russia has blamed issues with the turbine for drastically cutting gas flows to europe. People in the u. S. State of kansas voted to uphold abortion rights in a referendum versus rejected. Proposed change to the states constitution, which would have allowed the Republican Controlled Legislature to ban or restrict access to the procedure as the headlines. Now lets get you back to al jazeera world. Ah, ah, the 19th sixtys is often thought off as a decade of change in the west, but the same is true of the middle east. Im north africa, one regional and global issue dominated the 2nd half of the decades. The error is really conflicts. In 1948, 700000 palestinians were horsed from their homes and fled as refugees. Over 500 villages were demolished when israel was founded and what palestinians called the next. Or the catastrophe that can call in collab asking ghana yet hath launch heavy, yet thee shy be you know, it will be in a sub bubble next week. They said i just want to sleep good on the stuff that will follow. Stay in the bayonet section yet, which i havent, nor seattle the way it will for people to be there. If, if any coolness hasnt got to fill me, what can i open them with . The move them all to be on the body with mom, but you can add that why you want to be day and how to put the dana for . Yeah, i was you had he was here in my diary. Bob, im such a coffee comment the day at the most for me how to put the well talk a few more had this blah, blah, few my bad guy next. I dont know yet whether 100 and yet at that were supposed to fill those plenty and why . And now, and i would look at you on for those things will take that code on you do not show up on some of the was a shadow, said was what i shut. I let you tell us the lord, well thats what i see on tv. You know, you, what is the problem with the limousine. So im going to send you fuck up. Can we want to get . I would yadda. Hm. More possible what the listing agent was letting him know my gd, the for him in shot. One of them is harris. City of about 50. Can i come in on the masa lab . The monster. Can i . Why am i love with this lady . Asked lena he exema. How does i let him leave a map . Look what was the correct one that was to me . It was, after misses was me not, but thats a good sign. So you are while she couldnt live. Right. And some of the ship clearly be near the one lamp associated but its really the only thing i love the medina didnt want to hurry up. I have a job over the lee and one of his father. Can i want to help you . Lets make sure i get them would only be in the mo, the the i again, they now shall be and no, i just thought i let the when she your most of the ship, the here for the fini one mazama, you ill try let the jennifer i it on ration bad for the new facility a was a please feel what a little more coffee i mean to pay them. What i that little michelle, can they michelin you on for the thing i like at that they are the la sheila hadnt looked at the policy like isnt it that that can handle well actually let me just a shaped civilian. Oh, while the palestinian issue united, the countries of the arab world cracks began to appear in the union of egypt and syria, the united arab republic. I mean thats when i i see that has been muscle sort of whatever i have been with back in the yard of a lottery soon and nothing can be possible. And this hold on just one of the limited many you have to get my yes. If you have to have the, what is only limited and when the little that give youth galena out of you know, the one without, you must, you know, has been bus in the family last the shuttle be if i thought no way though that the school duffy thought to nod and also there was of way of all this year and then the half on friday and then also on silvia for them to come up the not the 3 home. Oh be not going home. It almost all full kind of one of the literally what kind of, what is probably be on the, i dont know when i was in my work, i mean who had done the sermon was actually when it was bought it up with a gun. And then we had a kind of had a good he lives in us getting in when a shot. So she loved me. She was out. Do you know the part of the bottle when you come home . If you dont have to pick it up lymphocytes, the damage some on the bottom and theres, im off in love and it says, im the new mac and i asked them how to do that. There where the la said, what the am the getting respect low but of mckenzie has left them. I sold them to work on them to estimate the gun. And if you saw how and how they are now that you know nothing major was you know, and still hasnt bass glasgow was that it was him on cellphone. As you know when the u. A. R fractured egypt and nasir began to intervene in other areas of regional tension like yemen. Im a little emphasized at that you had a william and the must have had been a little where youre all the stuff up that way. Were 8 that keep super back to bottle or a little but i was ah, you know what i what do you see here he was confused. Li. Thorough, thorough. Send me with me of 16 september unintelligent. Who yet will be up and with that ease jemma and the nurse as well as the letter from belgium. Yet in fact, what you do have must be t monica mountain. I will route i left for you. Ah, the lesson the little the j m. Yeah. Element has the man because you need an onslaught him in holy him. Hi jim at the, what is the, what the with the, with the, the, the offer. What kind of the, the didnt also, what kind of just was the have, you know, you havent had a few rock dam lee come center. What . Well, my level, civic be in cobra. He human the bus in the whole and hes the some. Yeah. Have also been 02 years before the british departure from south yemen in 1965 to new jersey and president happy, but dba had risked disrupting arab unity on a visit to palestine. There he urged palestinians to negotiate with israel. A controversial idea that upset many arabs has as if he and i didnt have it whenever so im sure who will give you that. I will give that. Yeah. Very conscious. Yeah. But i really havent had a very heavy i dont know if im building movie. Hi, i dont know what the phone, what else was of it, and no, i look, remember the donating gamma. I look a map with that and i dont, i dont a date be well ration isnt it . Capture for that good. Yeah. I mean mocha for awfully. Gave me a come with the fat man novelist and he will not be a no no that can a job joe comi auto be yet an effort he may help us. Be sure to you, bob, the master for a dollar, and you can call me what dont call me daddy for the stay in the delay g y d bay. Now my job would give me a call. Now linda, later after the walker. Why not had a blueberry holland michigan looking for this . And he will he, that he care is your been her kid if you see a lot in men . Her knuckleball, bob, my god. Well, i mean i know you better. I learned local bully abad island. Everybody got in a understood zeal, gym and as god and j la monte copy nor vizier also let you know i should have some major lead of net fuel of none a stop ballistic bella ball. And i didnt know who to listen to the scene in them, and that he added, why lena . A shadow. Our local board is that it be heavily apart. Yeah. And again, a little you, melissa, florida to dc, every delicately dandy lola diffract. What did i mean . Not a good candidate record. How when last the end of even my then for why did when i didnt tell you what the what the brought in. You must have been to tell you why. Im not doing this for the 3rd. It held him. Hes full of think and charlie believed in making charley and fell asleep at the lo yeah. And my locker handle had let im a feminist. Him. The digital logistics. So really just me. I mean, man, i just said thats kind of, i mean, no. And no sanity on the do young as usual south the im not going to be the least to me. I dont really, i need only to to fan yeah mac and had a to what was the last can. C you know, if you have been working with the family because of a condition of let me keep in, you know, because ive seen a lot of money, you know, definitely let me know and then i can get them in the low. Thats a handful of whats been in the let me see. Oh my mother. She is sitting here at abilene next in the not really a hobby, but how to book a 100100 did was i can do some where now miss mackin is actual caught it up. The cut at the moment, can embed it. Island unknown substitutions. Well, well sit up to the fact that its for the health and human that you, im just, im yet, you know, its about team. What that a yard is, the, how are you all over . So if you have time, you see me youll, youll try not to thought you will if you holler, my thought is my 3. Whats the article that will if you study the last got to you, least you do or not, ill be. Ready ready wow, that and melana matter. Kid knew she did to bed to lot of hazy me minute. No, i left her. But to be fellows, be survosity as a mechanic felon. Luca has the me too. Oh me. A lot of the bill mana hatfield. Calling. I bought another for the front cover on a forgotten, louder b o me louder, b r o 2 an at, and i had an eman when i had a, an, an am until they left me why you were in and out the last before you get here ah nicholas in this new beaut, medina, which with them moodle a bloom and is in you sit shit hole and look in the next minute and i share my screen so me on the header can on this site and we can to the tip the tip, the pattern that happened movie and it was up, the highlight can be empty, does she have an equation then they should have been going in when to shut up and move out of the water for all you can think of the love to know that the database is kasha, now i can put the live away and i can hear it and kill him. And i will not be in the house. I got a key to be sure i am out of the zan. As from your home you will be out of the house. Its monica, this woman shall open the corners and thats what open you have a Little Corner of the sofa. Once you can see that the lee you will will have what, what he, what there was room here. Let me, i didnt i david brain paid to see she monica right out of the will watch the liberty should he puzzle upon muslin. Watergate, behavioral esteem. Ready bizarre osteen. Well, what to look . Sheena for bland buffing. Thatd be over bla orders. Im im, im really, im not. Ready submit the source, it will mean i am not the nation for the most affordable was your my here. How did you get a whole no commit . You know what ive been a while . Im be either been that what where im at the down the to the you, the before israel defeated the combined forces of egypt, jordan and syria in june 1967. The internal conflict in yemen was fought with the support of egyptian and saudi forces, respectively. The 67. 00 defeat change that and the arab lea conference in hard tune that year took the decision to withdraw egyptian troops from yemen. Come with dont want to happen with all the why did i also got hardly the history of aidan now to supplement us. Lawful, how it out to follow or get out to be kind of been a military side. And then also how miss elton mallet. And but the derek is min. Miss allison, ill be in my cell. It will be in full of the name and sheila miles i met and full of 21. 00 of the founders of the federal movement. Jackson had a fax but there were also other palestinian groups across the live on one of the board, women as the home. And i was in the, the letter from what i can easily been a wonderful Mister Watson and mentor, but upset with me and after the dentist had a good look at it. But i do know for sure if he went to the hospital for the me, you know, the mazda of clear the buckley the, and that the jet bad unlim a lot of b o is. Im not doing not to be love to share it. How to the ladder will use really in the will. You will, we shall be. He said, when, who is it . Hello, how to key philosophy. Nicole we started just a lot. I believe me who i should say. What can it be day at the sky . What does your bashar be an idea for staying . Why, his own mechanical, what does your body could feel it that in for this the, in general, im a few days a few ways you, hell be, it will let you know that it gets loaded on an appointment to let you know what that is. Shabby. Yes. We do not do the shuttle is a recall, but that would be where the lot of them to me about the vehicle that day and i shuttle or dawn had been submitted and about what costs of migration had to send that survey lemon. And the other bids, and one of them it was for list any b, a less work done on it. And then because it does it though, is it though, tons the amount to be slept in my judge. Well just leave me when im, when im in oregon, or ill comma call to master gas. Well, the whole source on, by the surgery, but more of a dont. And then the net read to the hash left the model of many a little monte gustavo, on owner. Would that ha moon away i do now again at the mishap up mockery, beauty. What that table economical. Why did today, as you must be a see that the said at the now with when x i see i see you and i feel of you then. Now you, are you doing the with any and well ask area a for b is i, can i do that in . Raleigh. Was it williams lost in a minute with hopkins by at our, by the and i let know how well it was. It was getting from sending people palestinian groups operating in different countries, like the south of lebanon, was a challenge for some in the arab world, as it moved into the next decades. Ah, you 15 in the business, its in, itll be. But dont want to stay in it out of me. And he said it would be a lie. So would it a teen must be easy to just see it valley but the the lot it shall be us. Ira. How do we get to, like i said to me at any and mckenzie again, i never said it again or mobile comb you, when you were mobile called me, can jim to see if it was all and has him. Its us the video manual tv. So the message to you and do review to her from the mac intake of fun, candle, sun, the year mess, and it love all the media fairly young. Sold, ask us what i mean in the next episode of the series, 19 sixtys music, theater, tv cinema literature. And the, the impact of culture on the arab world in this decade of change. Ah the journey has begun. The faithful world cup is on its way to catherine book. Your travel package to day. Hello, last couple of days you say its a very High Temperature into central parts of south america, particularly around paraguay is bad of cloud here. Thats going to not just by farther north is and it will break the hate to 32. 00 celsius innocent psion. As we go on into, were thursday academy moves through pick up a southerly when 20 celsius are you gonna notice that change some read about whether there was a stretching down into uruguay. Furthermore, why be showers up to us at western side of brazil . Pushing up towards her when his whaler easing across into columbia heavy downpours to across the western side of the caribbean. Once again, just wanted to shout for the eastern artist, but more in the way of sunshine than showers, looking pretty good. While you might just catch a heavy, a damp or maybe the old foundry outbreak coming in to trinidad for a time should lead to baker could see sham shirey rain. I would towards the year western side of the region sounds on his showers, jamaica could catch shower to, along with cuba and hispaniola. Still a chance to some showers, making their way into where kentucky im afraid, we seen some really heavy rain on this weather system. Here live the storms, lot higher than a central parts of canada, that will sink southwards over the next hour. So moving across the lakes, by the time we come to thursday or rank, the kentucky cats are airway official airline of the journey. Ah, ah ah. Safe going home and then International Anti corruption excellence award. Bought now for your hero and russel beard in southern england where 2 farmers turn safari park pioneer is a bit attractive and put nature in the driving seat. I was just absolutely astonishing the life to port back even that very last summer. And i am again, sophia santiago, a tele when one pioneer in companies revolutionizing the with the same thing planned and artificial intelligence. Hearing site, you have science, you have a technology that fries cornell jazeera. Ah, this is al jazeera ah hello

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