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The kremlin says it will consider a tax on ukrainian territory. Its about to annex as a tax on russia. A signing ceremony is due to be held shortly. Meanwhile, 25 people are killed in a missile strike near the ukrainian city of upper reach of moscow and keep each other. Ah, youre watching 0 live from headquarters and im getting you navigate. Also coming up, the russian president Vladimir Putin is due to sign a treaty, formalizing the annexation of 4 ukrainian regions. Thats the live picture from moscow right now. Were moscow appointed leaders off those regions are attending the ceremony. Pro russian authorities in the hands. Danielle upper reach and has on held referendums to join russia in the past week. But ukraine in western powers have denounced the 5 day vote as a sham. Just a quick look now at the areas of ukraine that russia planned to annex. Here it is so the kremlin has said that lu hands can dont yet will be incorporated according to the 2014 borders. Its also added the borders of the upper reach and her san regions have to be discussed, or separatists reported huge margins of victory in those referendums, saying that in the region 498 percent of voters favored annexation mohammed vall, standing by for us and moscow were re challenges in keven hook up to how many distance up to reach a for us 1st them, how much val as we await, thats assigning ceremony how much where russia is set to formerly annex for areas of ukraine. Tell us how putin is planning on marking this occasion and what we should be looking out for right in, in any moment. Now, this celebration will fall and its according to the plan. Its false with a finding the finding of dots a deal about the treaty between the president lied to me to put in the lead us of the for break away regions of if and on top of ukraine. Have fun for a new god doing yes. Yesterday, you like me to put in find a decree organizing the independence of her son. And what is your independent entities . He did the same in january recognizing to ask and the guns. So thats me here for russia. Thats why she would be signing a treaty with sovereign entities. The have the right under the International Law, according to what they say here, to choose where to belong. And that has very ether. Is it today by the spokesman of the Kremlin Dmitri pest called when he said that this is compatible with the International Law, no matter what others are saying about referring here to criticism from the west. Thats what is happening is, is a fire lation of International Law. So for the russians, it is a natural process. It is the natural course of things because the regions, but long historically russia and now they have chosen to return to the motherland. The celebration will continue and it will be public, both public and coffee, some after the finding and a speech which is considered all see here are the who started speech by president loud to me reported which will follow the sort of follow the finding. There will be a public celebration in that square right behind me here for media. Were not given access to that place. But the russians are gathering their in their hundreds and 1000 because they, you know, that this is a, you not to, not to miss. Saying that this is the, as i said, a starting date and russia is threatening off the finding of this treaty. And also the annexation of these regions. The conditions of the war will change the terms of the war in ukraine will changed. It is no longer a war that is taking place behind or beyond the borders. But every attack on those 4 regions is considered an attack on the National Territorial integrity of russia. And that means that russia has the right to, to take any measures to defend its land. And they have been talking during the last couple of weeks about even the possibility of using Nuclear Weapons. If the integrity of the Russian Federation is touched or violated, im not to get into the realm of speculation here. But when we do hear from president putin a little later on, do we also expect him to be to announce the next steps when it comes to the Russian Military operation in the war and ukraine. But that in this up there have been talks about and lots of speculation here. And there are those indications that have been given by the folks amount of the criminal. Se, thanks to change, as i said, it will no longer be as before, russia will step up its efforts to defend its now national in those before region. So that means that probably russia, if there is any level that it has been limiting itself in terms of defending, theyll set it with or in terms of trying to complete the occupation or the control of the rest of those sort of 3. Remember, some of those sorta threes are only about 40 percent or 50 percent under control for the war itself. The war of liberation, as they call it, hasnt and its far from ending because they have to do better. Its those territories. And after that they have to solidify that liberation and the expectation is that they will talk even more now about this top measures the new measures to defend the set of fees, including as i said, nuclear weapon. Alright mohammed, well cross back to you a little later on. Thank you so much for the time being. Just a reminder, you were looking at the light fixture just a moment ago off the kremlin hosting a signing ceremony momentarily off the done. Yes. Clue. Hands curse on ends up roach, accession agreements to the Russian Federation. So that signing ceremony is meant to be carried out by the russian president Vladimir Putin. And also the leader as of the pro russia separatists. Regions are in attendance at the ceremony. Once it starts, we will cross back life to it, but in the meantime, lets bring in re challenge. Roy is joining us from the ukrainian capital key. So whats being setting keys and what step has the ukranian president taken . If any of the government is confidence that it has the weight of International Opinion behind it. This isnt the case of russia saying one thing and the ukraine, and its western allies saying another thats the whole of the international community, as represented by the United Nations. And particularly the secretary general of the United Nations, antonio terrace, a supportive of the ukranian position. We heard from antonio terrorist on thursday evening speaking about these referendum saying that this is a dangerous escalation that has no place in the modern world. It must not be accept it is these referendums have no legal value. They cannot be called her expressions of the democratic will and its high time to step back from the brink, essentially, or annexations are outlawed under the United Nations founding charter. These wars of conquest were supposed to have been left behind in the 20th century. The not supposed to happen in the 21st century. That is ukraines position, and it is backed up in that by the united nation. So zalinski has said, thank you, essentially to good harrisburg for making that point. He, he said that he appreciates the clear position of the un secretary general as to what ukraine will do as to what zalinski will do. While he is earlier today had a meeting or with his security and defense cheese. We dont really know that much about white. What went on in that meeting, a brief there was given afterward, said that they listened to the reports of the commanders. They considered the further plan for the liberation of their territories. They considered the possible actions that the enemy russia might take, and they worked out the issue of providing our troops, they said with weapons and ammunition in the hottest of the conflict areas. Now they are worried, of course, theyre worried about the use of Russian Tactical Nuclear weapons. The ukrainian, or military intelligence has said that the chance of that happening against Ukrainian Military positions against command centers, et cetera. Infrastructure is high, which is obviously considerably worried. But really, the ukranian strategy doesnt change that much following these annexations, they will continue to try to strengthen their, their military. They will continue to ask the west to carry on supporting it with weapons. And they will, as they say, fight, and they will take back what has been lost. Okay, very thank you so much, well speak to and then later on were a challenge reporting for us from key eve. So while all this is happening at least 25 people have been killed in a mis will strike near the southern ukrainian city and upper rich, the Regional Governor says the missile head a convoy of civilian vehicles in the outskirts of the city. Now both russia and ukraine are accusing each other for that attack. With that, how many is joining us from ukraine city of the upper reach . Yes, so who the death toll now standing at 25 people . What more you hearing about this attack . Well was, as you said, both sides, ive husing each other of the attack that the fact is that this was a convoy of humanitarian aid and also sort of drivers who shuttle between the 2 sides of the upper region. The russian occupied one and the ukrainian side to bring people out who want to leave russian occupation. And that number of people has been on the increase ever since this referendum was announced. And especially when to vote started. We were, we have been here for a while and we witness really non convoys of people coming out, trying to escape at the last minute afraid that i pursued and point bills will be good. The area occupied by russia will become part of the Russian Federation, and they would be some sort of international border. People also afraid of mobilization. Now that called boy was going early morning, as we understand as it happened between 5 or 6 in the morning. It was a got a direct hit. No air strikes have been on the increase over the past week. He ends up resist specifically. You know, they started by having to 3 strikes overnight and that that increased to 67, and last night actually, according to their regional administration, they were about 19 air strikes, one of them hitting that convoy a civilians, all of them on that convoy. We do know that more than 60 people had been wounded and we do know that one more person had died in hospital from his wound. So i dont know if that brings the number up to 26. At this stage. Theres been also airstrikes near by and in the pro also targeting as civilian area, residential, a neighborhood yesterday was hit in the neighborhood, entire family gone in a matter of seconds. The whole area completely devastated. And last night we heard very loud explosion as we heard, as we understand it. Somewhere near civilian neighbourhood was also hates. But we dont have the details at the moment. But i think now he ends up read people, whether its the local administration, whether its people and letters. Indeed, the, you know, president zelinski and his government and keith will be watching very closely about what borders for the russian president is talking about. This is a region that is divided into at the moment im standing under ukrainian side, but the russians are about 30 to 40 kilometers away from where i am. They do not have the regional capital. Thats where we are at the moment, but they do have the Nuclear Plant. What happens to that Nuclear Power that Nuclear Plant is very important to ukraine . It provides about a quarter of ukraines energy. Where with winter is coming very soon is a very cold and snappy, bitter winter in this country. So whats gonna happen with that . Is it now part of russia . Is there going to be any negotiations over it, but certainly as, as its on paper right now, as people understand it and we still have to hear what president Vladimir Putin will say about it. You cray may have lost through this, at least temporarily back nuclear bronze. At the moment, all 6 reactors have been shut off, but it is a very important a infrastructure for this country. And for certainly this part of the country all the way to a hockey, these are all things that i think people would listen to carefully. And i think also people, he ends up a reader are particularly worried because of that increase of air strikes. That usually happen overnight and early morning. And whether there is to re toria ambition to try to push all the way to where im standing. So certainly a lot of apprehension. Sounds like it. Ok, thank you so much. Has been made as reporting for us from is up reach once again, that is a live picture from moscow, where we expect the russian president Vladimir Putin and the leaders of the pro russian separatist regions in ukraine to be holding a signing ceremony at the kremlin. And these treaties are signing treaties that will consider parts of 4 regions in ukraine as russian territory after russia annexed the areas through 5 date referendums. Lets now move on and bring in charl stratford. Hes joining us from near the front line in the mood. Gotten that done yet, the region in Eastern Ukraine and charles, lets talk about the developments around lehman in the done yes region because its been a moving story and we understand that ukrainians have been making some sort of gains there, put it into context for us and tell us whats going on thats right, lee. Mine is a town that the russians took control over the relatively early stages of this war. Its, i suppose about 15 call, which is to the north west in that direction. From here, were getting reports from ukrainian source. The ukranian military saying that they can put or we do apologize, we lost our connection with charles stratford. He is reporting from b donya screech. And lets move on to paris and bring in natasha butler. Natasha. You are standing by in paris with a european view. I will come to you in a moment time we have our White House Correspondent as well. Kimberly hallett, joining us in washington. D. C. For the u. S. Reaction on russias annexation plans and that signing ceremony. Do to start any minute now. Kimberly 1st over to you, what are we hearing out of the u. S. 1 well, the position of the United States with regard to the actions of russia are very clear, the United States will not accept the annexation that is taking place. In fact, just the opposite. The what the position they of the United States is is that these referenda that is taking place that is sort of predicating this signing ceremony. 1 is really one that me and i say, sees as a shower made says in the prove that its offering. It says that it has seen videos of people being coerced in some cases, armed guards going door to door, forcing people in these regions, these 4 regions to cast their ballots. In many cases under giraffe, being coerced, intimidated, other words forced to vote him for this reason. The White House Press secretary crecia here saying that the United States is prepared to oppose with economic consequences against russia for this annexation. Now, what we can tell you is that the United States is not said specifically what these economic penalties will be. Only that this will be done in conjunction with partners and the allies. The other thing that we know is that this has been echoed by the secretary st anthony blanket, who is said that it is the position of the United States. That again is partners and allies that these, our results that were orchestrated in moscow. I do not reflect the will of the people. In other words, this is completely illegitimate in the eyes of the United States. And we should add that in the eyes of the United States, a violation of International Law and the principles of peace and security. So we really have to look to the position of the u. S. President who made the statements in the United Nations that this is a severe. C escalation that the United States says it will address. Thank you. Kimberly thank you so much for the time being on there as the president Vladimir Putin and hes just walked into the hall and he started speaking. Lets listen and get us in you. Then youre 50 as citizens of russia. Citizens of the done, its la guns, peoples republic, people of the hudson and parisha regions. The senators of the Russian Federation was now, you know, you guys can know that the, the nest against peoples republic project and her son regions have had held referendums with me as a result. I think the results have been published it the people have made that choice up nicely and they are an absolutely clear choice. The go today we have a treaty about the the nets, people from the la guns peoples republic separately region has on region. We acceding to russia, but im sure the federal assembly that will support this decision on the formation of russia with his new regions for regions for new subjects, the Russian Federation. Because this is the will of millions of people use it again. You all certainly is there, right . You may have, but theyre in a liberal read the curriculum, right . Shes strengthened in the 1st article of the constitution of the United Nations, directly about the principle of Self Determination of peoples. I repeat that as an inalienable rights founded in the historical hector unity, which should be uh, being convinced by the generations of our ancestors of the ancient russians going back centuries of here. Were going to that i see with this remonstrance tomorrow with you kept it record you in a 2nd cup in the 2nd, the way a great grandfathers a grandfathers. We always remember those in 2014 is up against the qu, in ukraine. It is their right to speak in their own language to express their own culture, their own beliefs, their right to believe that in turn, busters go against aggression, these you terrorist attacks by the here regime . These are all ski volunteers with rebels out the people at russian ukrainians or different ethnic origins to my people. Alexander, as a coach and the commander at the protocol, gantski ogre children, the basic normal gimme a prosecutor of the cancer peoples republic, your cue, her abra, and all our soldiers. And i need your offices, those brave people, they are heroes. Heroes of great russia and i ask you to remember them. We proceed with thank you that we were a 1000000 of italy then. Yes, great. It will gaskin, the for the, the choice of millions of people in the finance dont ask and against peoples republics. Are common states and histories. Mother is the Spiritual Connection which we gave our children and grand children. The trials theyve been through for years in russia. And this and nobody can hear you can destroy us. That is why the was our generation and youth already following the fall of the soviet union wanted this unity for our Common Future in 1991 without asking about the for the will of the peoples eluded nature of the decision of the collapse of the ussr and it was real, people were pushed away from the peoples there was a real early collapse of society. And it came to a national catastrophe. Following the revolutionary with the soviet republics. And now im with lotus loss. Leader of the soviet union really was thrown in 199139 where our great country was brought to collapse. So the people were just faced with the fact impassively that they did not understand fully and what the consequences inevitably that would be me and but that is no longer important at the soviet union does not exist the past it cannot be brought back. But russia today, known mitchell issue is nearly one of that is not what russia needs today. Were not striving for that. You but millions of people with their culture, their traditions, their language, you consider themselves be part of russia. Each with our ancestors for centuries, lived in the united a country to come back to their real historic route. For 8 long years, people have suffered genocide, maybe in the garage in person get it. They saw themselves as being russians. And these ration referendums took place against his meal killings, against only people against women. Children is aggressions against millions of people. But the people of dumbass guns, her son as a project, have expressed that choice with and we remind or in the west, those who are living in the ganske don. Yes. Her son, the parameter that they are citizens for always with him on the care, to wait a regime to call a c spy. Fast to regard back to what youre up to negotiations based on what happened. 2014, that has been said a number of times the choice of done yes, glue guns, cousin. The suppression, summarize is not something were going to discuss. Russia will not betray this issue with what, when you believe that the audience government of kiff must expect you must have been respect this, this Freedom Williams issue only for him in this way. Can we have a path to peace . Were going to defend our land with it in all possible ways that we can all possible means we would do everything we can for security of our people. And that is the race free mission of our country. Your school of certainly gathering with we were billed the destroyed cities schools yet as museums, hospitals, and we will develop industry factories Infrastructure Systems of social infrastructure, pensions, education settlement, next a, going to work at this high level that were going to eat so that citizens feel the support of the whole of russia, or the republic, or the region of our country. With dear friends, their colleagues. Today i want to congratulate in soldiers, obviously participating in graphic with those are fighting in don bus in la guns and about the partial mobilization of the armed forces to carry out the patriotic duty. Ruined them in the military command because i dont rush to their parents, their wives, their children. I want to say, what are they fighting for . We really because of the enemy against us. We have a crisis breaking a tragedy with the spelling of blood. Ah, we can patriot or to say that this is a one part of our united peoples, us with the process brazilian and the west. What is west is pertaining to the whole of humanity. Was there us by the faith was i . They threw down their masks here, maam, falling the collapse of the soviet union that we could do with the bureau or half or to reconcile with its dictated you. The weston considers the valley. Russia will the at which the prevention which will collapse itself and will not deal with such matters when we had the terrible 19 was that the ninetys without hope . Russia managed to restore itself to renew dreyfus get no with it and throughout this time was looking for and seek new opportunities to but theyre looking for new opportunities to weaken russia to destroy a crunchy, the country, to bring down a down homeless that on the jury duty but he wrote maybe they do not or not come about the fact that its such a great country with its own resources with the vehicle has never been out and will never look when you live under. Sonya is being ruled by outside security. Greg, we cannot support a colonial eligibility system trying to the right july deal and take things away with the dollar as normally is the whole is that i want to know he managed c. M to give you more on this. So with prosperity, we were doing the absolute mackarath new my team. What would you move in this is kenya, and the real motive actually agree that isnt museum and why we want us to be one of the only some of them we do not want up with the progression again, simple independent states and only at in the sam is to the monitor mine it field 3, International Integration processes, wherever World Revolution Technology Dallas with it is critically important for them is that people have their sovereign. So United States, those leaders. But i wouldnt, i thought that was telling me brigade, but why would the, who would i usually people, which they agreed it was their will to agree to live with, behave in such a way to destroy whole mil date, with the following to leverage, humanitarian catastrophes. Bringing about ruins, therapy color. When you pull, terry terrorism enclave suitable colonies and semi colonies that you should have pigeon out just to receive their own benefits. I want to repeat again that the intention with keeping our weekly there unlimited power, se, and usually the was which west to fight when they do not wish us freedom with rebuild. They want us to be a colony, just witnessed ms. Lambert them. Ok. They dont. One is cooperation, they want to deal as they dont want a free society so that i dont are thinking is a direct threat to them. But the schools and they dont accept philosophy supercede than your daughter to renew for girls. A prosperity anonymous in our competition. They do not need russia, but we need ourselves in europe. I want to remind you that if that would claim such claims and i should have thought that was damaged us already. We are depending our dependent independence or independence flushing your feet. It could be that with agreement about strategic security, you really achieve the highest quality level. Can you be the strongest little boy . He could promise his not to extend nato, for nato. Not me, but not owned by agreement, about Nuclear Missiles and disarmament. That state which had been broken, not only hearing this, the western is west, is breaking down this order of law. Who has seen these laws. He agreed with these laws with its not just lying deceit, but i see the legal issue that you are. They are counting on fools, but the throw in a fight. Russia is a great power, a great civilization with its rights and its not going to ignore a stop living. Its way a beautifully misty guranis job and the so called through the most money west trying to deal with a borders in this way. We were either deciding who has a right to Self Determination and who does not do it. Why do they decide in such a new way . What right did they have a new skill gantski as a part of your so you got to be about the crimea sebastopol, ganske and done . Yes. It was up with enabling. They want to get away from democracy and freedom that theyre never, that was something that never existed. Only national sovereignty. And theres a clear expression of hedging with only enough justin, bizarre muscle. She wasnt like that they were trying to read about with their soak of us with their so called civilized country with regard to and you these labels such as the totalitarian regime with them yet, you know, oh, for whole peoples and see the dates and theres nothing new in that there is nothing new in that as they were, they have few remained, they discriminate, they divide us with the liza morris. We will have never accepted or never accept this ethnic nationalism image. This russia phobia which is spreading. Now it will be throughout the world with the villas at mueller most speak about racism and civilization, not in liberal cultures, but for the whole world. It is which it is against us. We fulfill it is that escape if you please rapidly, even last year, if we look at the only crimes later on, the other painters the only crimes you asking for citizens of their countries and other people to unite for something which they do not have a right to clear political issue, i should remind west about its colonial policies in geeky, believe you and when you get up and then slavery after genocide in america, they have little touch in africa was by of england, france, china with their ports used to know that trade ports been used, setting up a level in putting holy pools in the drug trade globally. Not that your whole ethnic peoples for land and resources. Im with capturing people against the very nature of people against the rights and justice. A National Firm that we typically do in the 20th century met with the other ones that were opened up to new people. That wallet the valley to which should have been cut at night. But you poverty it cut inequality. One example of the reason for russia phobia, theyve been because of these western illegals, that if you repeat that, we did not develop the way they wanted to work with each says the to have tre, to their advantage, or the wireless or crippling of, with russia being a centralized, strong state has been strengthened with based on great value is not critical of good employ orthodox Christianity Islam judaism buddhism with it is well known with a number of times have been interventions, issues with difficult new the times in the 18th century, 1917 and they did not succeed, so considered that the week of august that the west has not succeeded in taking russia and when the state was destroyed. When you certainly visit 3 the on the partners, but actually instead of being partners, they dealt with us as a colony. Each one is of trillions of dollars. You. We all remember this. Remember all of this. We will not forget this. People internets not gone cousin. The pros, you have expressed themselves to restore our historical unity. Thank you. That with the western countries for centuries, which youve spoken about freedom and democracy, democracy with the resources. But its on the contrary, theres pressure this exploitation earlier this year against freedom in slave would leave the anti democratic unit pro. The way of saying this, this contradictory way of saying things only over here in the United States is the only country which has twice used Nuclear Weapons comes with a delivery. Id like to remind United States together with the british story midway, when the 3 of them gamble in the 2nd world war, brought dressed in hamburg to ruins without any military needs. And that was damaged, have, with any military needs, that inertia and even with out Nuclear Weapons, to frighten our country and the whole world them wearables, mikka, we have the frightening consequences of this parity with chemical weapons, Nuclear Weapons, they, germany. This concerns in europe. This concerns the identity of france, italy, spain, other countries with washington demands renew, sanctions against russia. And the majority of european politicians agree with that. They understand the United States as the, as refused the possibility of russian who provide energy and industrialization. Because renew my ideally, they want because they want to fully use the european market. Absolutely. They do not. Julia, they, we understand. Europeans, we understand the me that this is a real treachery model. That is their business. But the anglo saxons, either they are carrying out, sabotaged, re organizing bulky aid exit an explosion on an International Pipeline versus they have destroyed the common European Energy infrastructure. Its clear to everybody who this is advantage. Advantageous to local legend in the United States dictates throughout europe. But were is making that own rules, their own laws, but the essence, the faith is the same. The essence is the same foot in vain, but the broker or sharina map, but with disco, like hundreds of the military base, is the extension of nato. The military alliance with actively working setting up military. We have several of it in the connections with thats driving a real good strategic hatcher many even automatically. But in the book. So its seeing them as enemies. And it is with, based on these prince cause the doctrines of United States and nato, but based for total immune domination, their plans which are and you can hypocritical by the growth, although they speak about so called risk trained up with you as much it going from one strategy to another, and this just means one thing to undermining any sovereignty rather, but we have already heard about russias restraint, shyness restrained legally. Well, supposing that other countries, asia, latin america, africa, the middle east, asia, and these partners and allies of the United States and we know what they do, not like they going sanctions against one bank or another. One company or another is jocilan practice. Dont just like to be racially fitted. You run it from me that supplies at all. Even our closest neighbors countries, the c i s exit away for a long time, lou west has been carrying this out like with, with sanctions against russia. Supposing that once again they would build the whole world, but turns out that is, does not please look, is far from places everybody. We see other non traditional forms of international relations. We got a majority of states refuse this, a great even choosing the sensible way of moving forward years ago. That very wiggly with russia below the western clearly did not expect this from then you start to get transferred to me. Everything is being done like through blackmail sooner these methods were developed as if they were ednas paternal. But anyway, but i dont. Yeah. But if you google what is like and then what appears to be self confidence and you will and their own exceptions. The issue is amazon about this brings about surprise, but the really mean information in the west information in the west liberty hill. I agree with it has brought about these myths and illusions and propaganda. Your lot empathy, if you buy it with the got to meet the teacher and the more there is a lie and the more it becomes sooner it becomes suddenly nothing. They could be delivered the truth. And if you knew of more than if we look at the western social networks as this is all important, what im saying, no more, no less important. The more to said been said here, we need not food low to me with and this capitalization way though. Well, it, if you are you going to be those provide energy, energy suppliers, east of you in europe, they have to be, have to convince their fellow citizens about what you mean, putting more warm clothes on at home guy me. Why is it like this . Really we just because of enemies extremists, which leading to fighting against russia. Again, they are lying schedules. I believe i want to point out, especially that or the base is to say the western elite and not looking for a constructive way to look at the world energy crisis. But it is their guilt. Death fault that for many years. Politicians have carried out these special military operation with the special shoppers to be carried out to you by senior study when not planning to solve a problem in a way that is unfair. That is aniko particularly ways that a usual recipes for them. You would like to say which, but if you have throwing it away, but well add sites. But where was the we had the 1st world war and the 2nd world war in the 20th century. With this one you consequences of falling the depression here. Ah, not with the power of the dollar as the reserve currency would bring with the photo crises in the 1980s from morgan period. The lily was also got worse. Must be from the west to large extent, managed to over come with his resources he just and with the bringing about the collapse, the soviet union, the and that is a fight with a new fellow flamethrowers at is just to give another example issue other grabby states who choose sovereignty, the just stealing others wealth to cover up their holes with. If we do not exclude it slowly this, then we can, theres not a risk of total collapse when i see it when you move or god forbid, room. So military, youre sure ways of dealing with it and the World Community is doing everything should get a breach in a lie to say, the colonial way of saying things. I repeat that real leaders or any of them are gregory, have nothing to do is just the world apart from this system of stealing of grabbing julian thats of billions of people, the majority of humanity to deprive them of freedom so that they can do to pick time in their future independently, the v e and richard going against moral norms. Let us answer ourselves to very simple questions. I want to come back now im calling to appeal to all citizens of the country, not just those colleagues or citizens of the country that we want our country, russia, our moms and dads, number one, the but to number 3. Its my chair. And the last we want our schools, Shinnecock Raven are from the very beginning of school to william bell, blue book when you reach me, usually acquisition with you. Sure. Nick, you younger level is deal with me, but ive been with the way certainly, leslie and i is. You know what people do in the west like, why are you with people changing their sex women and men changing their sex with . Id like to say that is the dictatorship of the west. If a, with you, including the peoples of the west, had, its angelica you for your junior year. I get like, its only such a full denial of humanity. But of being human, kind of a opening, this satanism, the blood down, you these resources, you baby people the way you will find out. But here from trumpia, this is good, clear, not just in our country been all countries, including you for many people in the west itself. And theres been a chance revolution me transformation with forming new centers of development with a majority, a merge majority of the World Community, not just in their interest, but in a multi polo world, to have their sovereignty to have the proud truth and freedom watches the map with rights to independence, creativity to be able to live in a way of years ago in through about the world in europe, in United States. We have, we feel with see the support with, with women that are little of very developed and countries of are the character of free, of anti colonial movements. And their subjects, regulate book will only increase that is the strength for the future of the job politics. We thought, dear friends, today, we are fighting for a fair that way bad for ourselves, for russia bubble. So that this dictates this despotism, we are convinced that the people and conscious will understand it cant, is a built exceptionally what ever way it is. For culture, for the peoples with them for going against their crimes. We need to overturn this shame even of the western had gemini and that is not as irreversible even. And that will not happen. It will it be the battles that weve had . Is that egypt, they were battles for our people, for the great historical russia a great historical russia for our children and grandchildren to defend them from their experiments. Monstrous experiments seems to where you come in. Youre going to have that knowledge for today. We are fighting. So that we should, our people russia arguing in a language our culture can never be taken away. But today we need consolidation. So that is a life factor for moscow, where the russian president , Vladimir Putin has been taking over the past 3040 minutes or so. And hes announced that there are 4 new regions off russia. So thats the announcement that was made by president putin. Hes holding a ceremony thats meant to formalize the annexation of 4 ukrainian regions. And as you can see in the audience, the leaders of the regions are also in attendance. So this shows the areas of ukraine, that map right there, that the kremlin now claims as part of russia. Its about 15 percent of ukraines entire territory, but it is important to note that under International Law, its illegal to hold referendums during conflict and where people are under threats. And the un secretary general says that the annexation have no legal value, and they must not be accepted. Lets bring in patrick burry. Hes a defense and security analyst at the university of bath. Hes joining us from boston, the united kingdom. Welcome to ill just 0. So as we keep an eye out on the life picture from moscow, patrick berry, im sure youve been listening in to president putin, where hes made the announcement that there are now effectively for new regions of russia. Just give me your initial thoughts on, on whats been said and whats been a no good afternoon darren. Yeah, i think from a sort of defense and security perspective and theres nothing really that was unexpected. And in terms of he did make a, a reference to using all possible means and ways that he can do to protect what he sees now as russian citizens in the, in those alex territories. And he didnt actually mentioned the word it, you know, territorial integrity as he has in the past or values to protect their body. So it was less a little less in my meeting on. But in terms of how this could have gone and it was less threatening, and also last year, some of the things you know, obviously we have to listen very carefully and, and get the converse and sequence of what hes talking about when, when he, when he, when he, when hes speaking about these matters because escalation and any sort of as your previous contributors is that any sort of mention of Nuclear Escalation has got a lot of seriousness about it. So, but its, you know, there was some reference to ukraine and there for just a moment. Patrick barry, i do apologize for interrupting. But once again, were taking you back to moscow. And the signing ceremony is taking place right now. I believe youre listening or hes if he did a to virginia voice, it put you in the Russian Federation. Glover but 3 months later she put him old ladies, formerly. The heads up the done. Yes. Respect peoples republic. Denise, was she lynn muddled ladies over the cue heads of the gun, one of each peoples republic lynette, yvonne of its benefits and glover, zipper, or ski wiggly stick. Your head is upper raska region when if kenny, metallic, which bullets skin eagle over here soon, ski obesity, vladimir and the head of the her son region vladimir, i see the image selda but be solute the gallery years to receive 50 dorothy signing an agreement between Russian Federation, and daniel peoples republic. I see baby dorothy, yellow guns bay now the Russian Federation and the guns peoples republic receives baby guarantee either by or stay or voice you, the Russian Federation. And the parisha represent region or a he ski visit our c e here, thorns k or boy, the Russian Federation and her son region are pretty near t a he school, if he did not, sir about, lets gay, my passing like in the Russian Federation. My savings, the Russian Federation that thats peoples republic. The accession. Little guns gay, not old ladies obligate the guns. Peoples republic z barrow ski or bullish did the paras her region e, sierra song, ski or voice did her son region e. But as of any study i gave you directly, and the more formation as parts of the Russian Federation with new subjects. Ah. Is volney sir . This he burst lee or a c, b, b, thats in the state. Him of the Russian Federation will now be sung. Ah, there it is, the photo opportunity and the signing of the documents president clinton has just signed documents to incorporate territories of ukraine into the Russian Federation in this the televised ceremony. So once again, he signed a treatise alongside of the moscow appointed authorities in the 4 regions of new ganske don. Yet his upper richer and her son, theyve just signed the treaties. And president putin has effectively

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