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Spoken since the russian invasion we set along that if we thought there was any opportunity to advance our diplomacy to and russias aggression against ukraine. We would of course, take it unfortunately, tragically, weve seen no, ah, opening willingness on the part of russia to engage meaningfully on ending the aggression at the same time. Ive also said that if there are issues where it could make a difference in senior russians hearing directly from me or from colleagues, we would of course, um, pursue that. Meanwhile, ukraine and russia have accused each other of attacking a prison and the separatist held dumbass region and killing at least 40 prisoners of wool. A judge in the u. S. Has war that civil law suits brought against libyan wall article. If a hafta can be heard in federal courts after who is a us citizen is accused of war crimes and extra judicial killings. Patty calhoun has more from alexandria and new york state of virginia. This is a civil case brought by defendant here in virginia, leaf, a hoss car does have american citizenship, so they wanted to hold him civilly liable for what they called war crime. Now, he didnt really put under defense. He wasnt opposed, but still a judge this morning so that he is in fact, liable. Similarly liable for war crimes, torture extradition killing. So what does that mean . It means the people that sued can now go after his assets. He has, according to one investigation by the wall street journal, about 8000000. 00, other properties here in virginia. Now, many of those are limited liability companies. Many of those the transferred to a son, the lawyer speaking here. So they believe they can get it. Those assets and even more, they believe your tens of billions of dollars please all across the world. So now the forensic analysis begins, the next phase is to try and figure out how much money he has and how much money these defendants will be awarded. So some of the evidence brought before the judge was a hospital that was bombed by his forces, killing a doctor, a family that was killed by an explosion in their home family that was tortured in their home. Now again, this is civil, this isnt criminal, but now it opens the doors as these people can probably possibly get cash asked those who were suing him, what they think this could mean for libyan politics. And they said they dont know. They are hoping that the libyan people wont take another look at half star as is it just a little opposition now that he us judge, has said that he is simply liable for work un mission to f canister on has condemned a grenade attack at a cricket match and couple that wounded 13 spectators. The explosion happened during a Domestic League game that the capitals International Cricket stadium, the match resumed shortly after the blast. Theres been no claim yet of responsibility. His railing force as a shot dead, a 16 year old palestinian boy in the occupied west bank. Im glad abdullah was demonstrating against attacks by settlers in an area near. Ramallah soldiers opened fire. A scuffles broke out between palestinian protestors and settlers. Democratic republic of congo will auction off licenses for oil and Gas Exploration in the worlds 2nd largest rain forest environmental say many of the 30 areas a home to endangered species. The government says exploration will be done in a way that protects the environment while benefiting the congolese people. The local beat addition, that is our country is full of oil and Gas Resources that have for many years not been exploited. Today, the president of the republic has decided for the very 1st time to put these resources up for the benefit of the congress people. While Tourism Industry workers have demonstrated against plans to raise the price of tickets to enter indonesia, Komodo National park, the price is currently around 13. 00, but from monday visitors will have to pay 250 dollars to enter. The government says the move is to help reduce the Environmental Impact of tourism on the parks ecosystem. Although the headlines ill have more news for you here after Al Jazeera Investigations stay with us. Ah ah, his ear is Investigative Unit is in the caribbean to expose a corrupt trade and how that funs election. Ah dominique, his Prime Minister, has Just Announced the date of their next election. Is one. This suits to so much in our investigation reveals how the sale of diplomatic our sports helps keep politicians empower. Oh, as the definition of corruption crush and one on one i, we dont use the word bribe will just used to what a token of appreciation. We show how a former Prime Minister acted as a broker in a secret deal. And therefore, i much for the current Prime Ministers of dominique and grenada said to have been paid by wealthy foreigners wanting to be diplomats something they strongly deny. Today as i have started us 250000 less your hot, really hot than the price will go over a 1000000. You know what 1000000. 00 us dollars can do that alone could finance all lecture. We ask why some ambassadors to the United Nations dont meet you ends own standard on who should be a diplomat. I find out rates that the un accepts these appointments. And we reveal how and iranian now serving 20 years in jail helped pay for an election in return for a title. I couldnt call him ali anyway, if you could call me excellency. July 2019. Our Investigative Team is in panama. To meet oliver sarah fin. Hes a former Prime Minister of dominique, her whats going on to say around the east just had meetings in dominican, hoping to set out a secret deal, the corrupt sale of a diplomatic passport. He doesnt know our Undercover Team is filming to the wrong. So i for the real full of city privacy should addition for him. Youre all good. Im got me so upset sedans, im rattle fis, 1st him 30 p. M. There. If in think saw undercover reporter is a middle man for a wealthy european businessman living in asia, hes willing to pay to become dominique his ambassador to the philippines and entitled to a diplomatic passport. Busy north america from the control dominique to doctor hospital, a friend in there is only dominique, his Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerritt, could make that appointment after 15 years in power and 3 election winds. Hes now campaigning in a 4th election. Sarah phil says hes already heard from a contract and the Prime Minister scare it would expect to be paid. Please dont go there with families. Id like to the speaker, half a 1000000. 00 from from the friends of the 41. 00 position. To scare with regions of huge amounts of money for himself. Ah, 3 months earlier wherein domenico the carnival week election could be called any time in the next year and the floats already echo early campaigning. One band stands out is free booze on alpha. Now the only flight with a Police Escort the bands patron is Prime Ministers, garretts wife . Not all the late scene, pray government. Several belt out eclipse. So its a direct attack on the Prime Minister. Ah, what i said with the lyrics refer to a scandal involving the Prime Minister, a criminal on the run, and a diplomatic passport. Al jazeera can now reveal the full story, which is never been told. Although widely joked about a my dominique trade house was a venture, started in 2014, not in domenico, but half a world away. It was set up in malaysia to promote links between the 2 countries. The man behind my dominique, a trade house, was neither dominique and nor malaysian, but iranian allie raised them on for it. Pollys a very flamboyant, but it was like maggie. He has his way of pulling people to him to show him. This is rich, this is power. This is how you can succeed. My knowledgeable ar and his wife care and have never spoken before about what they witnessed. First hand blogs, the malaysian businessman recruited by alam on fred to run my dominique trade house in qual, alone up. He says they organized lavish promotions, attended by senior dominique and politicians who expected gifts of mumbling pens follows, led away katya, waters, jewelry. We had been boss of little 100 gram each project with my dominant thought treehouse template and went off in somali with each of those balls. And 15000 after 6 months of hosting several dominique delegations, monford welcome, dominique, his Prime Minister, roosevelt, scary to malaysia. He came with a present for ali mon, for it. Ali received his diplomatic passport to the hands of the Prime Minister, blissfully, and he came down to hannibal. He had a big lavish body shop and he announced that i just done my boss with the finest is giving him a possible. Ringback and iranian alim on fred was now dominique is ambassador maneesha. He was the high mean cloud 9 like he was big and he was a kid, his excellency called him excellency. I couldnt call him ali anymore. You said, no, you can call me excellency. The rules of diplomatic relations were laid down by the United Nations in the Vienna Convention. Ambassadors can live tax free in the country. Theyre appointed to diplomatic bags, come be opened. The hymns and embassies cant be said and ambassadors, unruly lucre moran. Ringback on fred quickly exploits that at the my dominique trade house office in kuala lumpur. A rowdy party leads to a police raid training cops came out and they went straight to the office. Ali locked himself behind the office door and all he did was showed his diplomatic passport and said, im a diplomat. Thats when the police just walked away. The police say they paid for the house, which became on freds home, and the dominique and embassy. We had only right behind his house on 1500 macau paris, making a record neighbors complaining. It is a prime procedure. Safe. Manfredi 3 is a house party and quizzes other ambassadors on the perks of his new job. I ever ask him what immunity . What protection, what benefits can you carry cash . Will your backs be checked . Ah, weve obtained a secretly recorded conversation from the party. Its between the then jordanian ambassador and alum on fred austin fashion. And he said i cover up to today. I think the wifi password for me. Yes it is. If youre thinking that for the boss, a gosh, yes, you are a community, especially them bus because they cannot feel house people a promise you are one way or the like. I think its completely wrong to have a conversation about the pers, these are guarantees that you can conduct your business on behalf of a nation state without being interfered with. Mark stevens is an expert on diplomatic long being an ambassador as somebody who represents at the highest levels and with the highest levels of private in integrity, their country and their countrys interest. Invariably, that person is a citizen of emotional domiciled of the country who appoints them with our investigation as found dozens of examples of caribbean governments, appointing foreigners as their diplomats around the world time. And again, we find that these small countries often after bribes a paid, well qualified people with no connection, no experience, but who are International Criminal soho need for some dubious reason. The protection, the feel of diplomatic humanity and they buy it, which is us candle, an international scandal. Jeffrey robertson was involved when the abuse of diplomatic har. Sports 1st became known. He acted for the wife of a wealthy saudi. She sued her husband for a divorce settlement in the British Courts, but will lead you farley didnt want to pay. So, how do you get out of a law that every one else has a very, very simple sale off to since lucia. And lo and behold, in no time, he was made the ambassador to the International Maritime organization. And he never turned back for 2 years, never turn off. And yet, when his wife lay made an application for money, he claimed immunity. Diplomatic immunity is a sheal. Now that was obviously outrageous. A British Court eventually agreed with his former wife. Diplomatic immunity didnt apply in a civil divorce case with criminal immunity, only applies in the country, and ambassador is appointed to are you ready and on him on fred didnt know that when he thought a diplomatic passport was the answer to all his problems. Theres problems began on the malaysian, linda lovell and in 201218 months before mom fred set up my job and he could trade house menache black family ran a shipping business in lab one ali mon. Fred contacted him, claiming to be an agent for the radiant government, wanting his help. Iran being in a sanction they had problems in moving your eye specialized in marine logistics. Menache bernards solution to International Sanctions of selling iranian oil was to disguise where it came from. Shipped with come in from iran, loaded up with hope. Wed have empty thinkers outside the mothership. Come along, find out. Thank they were discharged all onto our storage facilities. The oil, the stores out the sea for months at times. We wait for winter, the company of china because the price goes up and, and this is the ship with common loss. I think this is a direct route straight to type the will be in china within 14 days after a year it became known china was buying iranian oil, so they closed down the operation. What manage bowler didnt know was mon fred was skimming off the profits . Stealing from his own iranian government in my 2014 that they were off to him. As an iranian citizen, he was vulnerable to arrest. He needed another passport. Monfort would not leave his house. He was so scared, a phone call would come. He would jump a knock on the door, slowly materialize. Why . And away he had to find another citizenship. Ah, its called citizenship by investment, and its a major source of income for caribbean and european countries. Its legal, the controversial wealthy families from asia, the middle east, and russia, invest around a quarter of a 1000000. 00 in luxury resorts or a government scheme. In return, they get citizenship and a new passport which allows visa free travel to many countries. On fred took, menache belong with him to dominique or to buy a passport through citizenship by investment to help mon for its case will r primed him with other investment ideas for the island officials was so impressed they suggested a meeting with Prime Minister skerritt. I went out for 2 days, i was in a casual mode in my shots confusion. I had the brochure and bands for the front best get myself prepared. Since i was gonna be meeting, the Prime Minister managed blah says he did most of the talking and reasonable scary immediately made him an offer. Not the kind of passport given to foreign investors, but an upgrade to a diplomatic cross court. The conversation scare it says he doesnt remember. Why got you be our ambassador at lodge . Straightaway there is a formal ambassador sherry lawyer, ambassador lodge. I declined, i said, thought, im a businessman. No apology ship. Monfort turned around and said to me, he said, i you out of your mind an opportunity like this and you declined, it did well for the safety why he wanted the departed hospital. He said, i get diplomatic immunity completely. I dont have to be worried about iranians. Ah, we are investigating whether a former dominique and Prime Minister can broke a deal to make our candidate, dominique, his ambassador in the philippines, and what it will cost. Were talking about. I think with me, brush, maybe the front seat with all the sarah, think in firms. Diplomatic passports can be bought even by criminals, or started with any type of box yet. He made the check his office for sticks. Ive been, someone boss moves ashbury euro. I translations of those person for being on the international on the heels. He goes all kinds of threats. Yeah. My younger in this donna, those include in lap sang while a diplomat for dominique, he bribe un officials now jailed in america. Italian, Francesco Corolla gambling tycoon designated to you and ambassador awaiting trial. The fraud after being on intervals most wanted list. Is this gonna be like a house of course loss of county canada. Right, because works for me. So that was all get there. So ross issue because i much ill check to see just bear with me in a perfect world. It would be really nice to do this. Diplomatic passports. Have the money go to the right place. You know, i hear you. I hear you. I dont know for that way unfortunately. Ah, ah, our investigation also takes us to grenada. Ah, Prime Minister Keith Mitchell has been in power for most of the last 25 years. His diplomatic choices dont seem to conform to the spirit of the Vienna Convention that ambassadors should be nationals of the country. And full time diplomats. Many of grenade as ambassadors are foreigners with business links to the island. Although theres no suggestion, these diplomats paid for their appointments. Oh leg fire runs and the Internet Firm in miami. Well, grenade is ambassador to moscow. Hams al koli heads a global company. While a unesco ambassador in paris, now keeps aware, is designated grenade as ambassador to france, but never accepted by the french. Ah, ah. So where is, is one of egypt richest men . He owns the luxury, silver sans on grenade is. Premier beach is now building phase 2 further along the bay local sphere expansion into the adjoining camera. Home park, the last strip of public land leading to the c a l. Trend love the campaign, the sap, the park. I was our access. Wed sort of teach come on, facts is, are part of me, its about of my life, my childhood life. And really its one of our National Assets and we deserve to have this bar, which i have a situation has happened in many countries where all the lovely sites for take him up with commercial development. Residents recover 2nd class citizens and there is no way for them to really enjoy anymore. Their fears were reinforced in 2017 when a draft resolution to protect camera and pop for redevelopment was rewritten by the government instead of having the part as a place for us to enjoy for for 30 very would any to see that all attempts had been made to fossil it gives the investor expansion of his project. So this is worrying when the government would go to that and this new evidence, nicky. Swear is paid Prime Minister mitchell for his title. By contrast, an american con man says he did pay for his ambassadorship. Paragraphs, dinah is a serial fraudster, who for a spell operated in the caribbean, david march, and runs the Financial Crime database offshore. And that which investigated eric rest, dinah. Why would he want a diplomatic passport . When you operate, like rest on a dash . You even know youre under investigation or you know that you will be under investigation at any given time. So it provides a level of security offshore. Lat claimed rest. Stein up promised. Prime minister mitchell, a 1000000. 00 handing over half at a swiss villa with a plan to ensure he wasnt double crossed. His former head of security told me that he secretly recorded video and audio rush, dinah, giving a brief case with half a 1000000. 00 of cash in 100. 00 bills to Keith Mitchell. After it was secretly recorded, rest on it told the head of purity that if he tries to quit may ive got him by the bulls and the head of security. Then put all of this down into some form of legal document. Is that right for an affidavit . I was given a copy of bass, the americans jailed ramstein, a fraud in 20 years, 6 and confiscated the tape without making it public. A judicial inquiry accepted Prime Minister mitchells explanation. He did receive cash, but only 15000. 00 for travel expenses. Keith mitchell just wants to enrich himself at the expense of the people who voted him in to power and its disgusted, disgraceful. In part to how politicians use pos, spoke cash to win elections has a master bundling in the war. And the new york socialite couple friends of the trumps who held 3 un ambassador ships. Im about forget about, its a bully agreement that my best about how and why did it become so obsessed . With this law, we were giving them a tool to hold the corrupt individuals in human rights abusers accountable. Very when i read this deal of hard, if they take the white house of 2025, what is the world hearing what were talking about by american today . We take on us politics and society, thats the bottom line. The latest news, as it breaks, the country will work on monday on a controversial constitutional rep around them, which is why theyre expected to both present cause slaves or tort detail coverage. Because the fertilizer has more than doubled the season, thats largely due to the warren you crave from around the world. All of these cows are infected with foot and mouth. Disease fe, dairy cattle, but then milk production has dropped by more than 70 percent. Ah. And i there, im an associate, a, in the home with the headlines here on out there. The u. S. Secretary of states has urged his russian count upon to let, to grange shipments safety leave ukrainian ports under a dale find last week. It was the 1st time anthony of lincoln and sag elaborate, had spoken since the russian invasion we set along that if we thought there was any opportunity to advance diplomacy to and russias aggression against ukraine. We would of course, take it unfortunately, tragically, weve seen no opening, willingness on the part of russia to engage meaningfully on any aggression at the same time. Ive also said that if there are issues where it could make a difference in senior russians hearing directly from me or from colleagues, we would of course pursue that. Meanwhile, ukraine and russia have accused each other of attacking a prison and the separatist held dumbass region. And killing at least 40 prisoners of war. Most of them were from the as of battalion which defended the city of mary paul before it fell to russia. A judge in the us has ruled that civil lawsuits brought against libyan war locally for half. That can be had in federal courts. Hafta who is a us citizen is accused of war crimes and extra judicial killing. Manuals, military is accused of using fighter planes to fire, unguided, munitions and civilian areas. Independence investigators say that genta has increased air attack since last years cru. Israeli forces, if shot dead, a 16 year old palestinian boy in the occupied west bank. Im w. Aaliyah was demonstrating against attacks by settlers in an area near ramallah. Soldiers opened fire, a scuffles broke out between palestinian protestors and settlers resident than the u. S. State of kentucky have spoken of their desperation as they escaped their flooded homes for children from one family were swept away. There among the 25 people now confirmed dead. A state of emergency has been declared for me you as President Donald Trump has defended hosting a saudi back to Golf Tournament at one of his courses and made a backlash from families of 911 victims. The controversial lives series event is being held less than 75 kilometers from where the World Trade Center one stood. While those are the headlines that now its back to Al Jazeera Investigations. Oh, you know what 1000000. 00 us dollars can do in an election. That alone could finance whole election. George wu, publishes the new to day paper in grenada. He says his source is confirm. The sale of diplomatic passports has helped Keith Mitchells stay in power. Ringback there is a gentleman who was like the minimum in establishing the communication between these individuals and the government. And he was telling me the kind of price is that is to promote passports for fisher positions. But when you talking about a diplomatic passport, it does go in for 1000000. 00, c, c and its a 1000000. 00 was paid. When did that money get in to post out of pocket these out of money is that the politician would then use to serve as their constituency. So when the people say we want a fridge, we want a stove. Thats where the money is coming from. With a number of times ive had people approach me asking when i could get a diplomatic passport because i know i hang around with all the Prime Ministers. Leo food has been years doing business in both grenada and dominique for the Prime Minister. As i always suggest, and the grade and diplomatic passports is the most lucrative endeavor. First time i had heard about this was a 15 years or so ago. And then the price was 25000. 00. Then i went 250000. Today as i have status to 150000, unless your hot really hot than the price will go up over a 1000000 in the scene, what criminal activities indictments it happens. So the more desperate you are for the immunity, the more the price goes out exactly. When i get a sam. Yeah, the sign was for a project in grenada, also linked to an ambassador role from them. Yeah. Virginia say was the project and then across they were the people who are bringing the money and what, what are the new and what is their know very different the site was meant to be an organic shrimp farm. A government approved project for foreigners to invest in and gain citizenship problem a job in order to farrah on and on. I realized i really lost revenue here that didnt want recall david was working for the man who initiated the project neo ford. So we live employed 100. 00 folks in the area that had the highest Unemployment Rate on the island. So that had to be something going on in the island. They needed a big raw for the electric cars. Electron was coming up. Plans for the shrink farm were announced by grenade as Prime Minister. So proud of what we seen this afternoon and then the fall into it to see this project take off in every 1st a p. M. As we were walking out of that, i said, well, im gonna need your help for the approval process. And thats when the Prime Minister said the elections coming up. We take camps paying contributions. Talk to my ministers. How did you interpret that collect . That means they wanted a lot of money to make everything go ahead quickly. Sorry, daddy Swedish National was the partner who raised the project funding both leo ford and a colleague. Se dowdy told them he was offered an ambassador ro, foreign that was talking with his attorney. And his attorney was very well connected with one of the ministers convinced him that he could become an ambassador for the u. E. From grenada. How did he seem to feel about this . He was like a little kid in a candy store and bought himself a pair of 8 or 900. 00 shoes in the ground, opening it rains, and it was muddy of his stripes and thrown his beautiful fancy shoes. A year later, Keith Mitchell won his 5th term in power, but neither the ambassadorship all the shrimp form ever materialized, sar endowed, eat denied, hed been offered an ambassadorship and called it, a vendetta. By leo ford, also denied the money raised was missing. Thats now the subject of an investigation by the grenade. A government of Keith Mitchell said all the allegations about him were false and came from political activists wanting to tarnish his name and hurt grenada. Its our 2nd meeting with olivers sarah finn. He says he can broker a deal to buy a dominican ambassadorship. Hes already named the price and his cut over for i get my, get your 50. So is that 350000. 00 at 450. 00 . 450. 00 . 0 okay. I got you. Okay. He says, the 400000 will go to dominique, his Prime Minister, roosevelt scare it. A secret flush farmed to help when the next election expected. Within moments, a law firm still knows by the master to bring the dominique giving us, or in the open spiked about horizon, ramos saw fly him and langdon before. Ah, you know, so let me know. So we did before for a trip to dominic, all expenses been he me just pull it off this level generosity to probably your friend, different world for higher is bigger. Oh oh yes. Oh oh oh oh oh to be sure what it is, im sorry. Oh, isnt the only one who knows what is wrong . Scare it denies any corruption or illegality in dominique at ease building a new home his family also had a base in new york across the river from the United Nations. But is the apartment linked to a secret deal for diplomatic passport . The evidence for that starts with d, zante allison midway key, who is nigerian minister of petroleum resources. Every nigeria will be touched by the rewards and the proceeds from the way gossip. 4 years later, her last day in office, shes facing allegations, she looted billions of dollars of oil revenue for herself and corrupt associates. The week before in london, shes personally handed a dominique, diplomatic passport by Prime Minister scare it, a passport which could shield her from criminal charges. We found documents showing a few days later, Shell Company forms in delaware and american state where laws mean the true owners of the company a kept secret. O, 4 months later that Shall Company buys the new york apartment, the 2200000. 00 with no mortgage. Property records confirmed the Prime Ministers wife melissa was a resident, photos place the skerritt family. Theyre both design allison midway key and result. Scared strongly denied any link to the company that bought the apartment roosevelt scare it said the family resided there due to a kind gesture by an unnamed friend of his wife. He strongly denied any wrong doing and didnt ask or receive any money from allison midway, keep ah, in dominique at. Weve also tracked the money trail, linking Prime Minister scare it to another doubtful diplomat, uranian alam on fred. Im all dont care if weve got all a series of e mails about sending money from malaysia to Dominique Health and specifically to the petrol station in the town of portsmouth. Its owned by the num fan family. Emanuel m fan was among senior politicians who visited malaysia. When mon fred opened my dominique trade house there. He was also key to the upgrade to a diplomatic passport, a sum of money i, token of appreciation, as we say, was to be given not been offered to use his company. But then he said, well, ive got the petals. Superstition said one intruder within weeks of the trading house, opening in malaysia, nan. Fannys phoning and emailing from dominique chasing money. Hes saying that the Prime Minister is waived from lisa is inquiry that basically goes to show that martin was actually being the middleman doing all that he works for a part of this blank document showed 200000 dollars is then paid into the account of nance and service station, will you under any doubt that this was a right for it to matic portland . Obviously we dont use to arrive. Well just use to with a token of appreciation. But definitely without that money or you wouldnt have got his dividing password. Ah, the my dominique trade house opens in 2014, the year of dominique his last election documents confirm a rally by Prime Minister scare its ruling party with entertainers and fireworks is paid for by them a nation trading house. As is the bill for printing the parties manifesto. 2 months later, Prime Minister garrett wins a 3rd term of office. Days after that, he rainy and ali mon, fred sends his voluminous thanks and appreciation to scare it for making him an ambassador to emanuel non son, denied receiving any gifts, but he and Roosevelt Skerritt called the payments entirely lawful Campaign Contributions and denied any wrong doing. Nance and didnt explain why they were paid to his Family Service station. Margaret higher, they were just out. Not for the interest of the country. I said corruption but this way in corruption to the point where the interest is only 90 percent per selling 10 percent of the country. A list of diplomatic passport holders is secret, is several caribbean states and tica and bob buddha have published their list. Theres no suggestion of illegality or bribes, but again, questions about whos become a diplomat movie star, robert de niro, was given the honor for attracting investment and celebrities to the island. Blue dot assad is a nephew of the syrian president , his links to antigua unknown. A 3rd economic envoy is colombian, alec solve moran. Weve seen confidential police documents outlining a multinational investigation into moran and financial documents, showing huge amounts into 2 antique and bank accounts. There from his companies full of food program for venezuelans. Food boxes, many rotten and infested with beetles. Antique as Prime Minister gaston brown defended miranda diplomatic appointment. Only when the us indicted moran for Money Laundering unconnected to antigua did gaston brown revoke his friends diplomatic passport. Brown didnt respond to our request for comment. Ah ah. Situation of the weather is so terrible that i am right now. Its our one body for the 100 miles. Oh sure. It has been about the in terms of whether bottom follows his will after 3 months trying to arrange the sale of a diplomatic passport on beserra, fin sends voice messages saying hes met dominique, his Prime Minister, roosevelt scare it. What i have concluded is that the Prime Minister, we have had the moments, im sure that he is very destructive, its hurricane season. And dominique carries gearing up for an election. Sarah fin says the Prime Minister cant risk any more diplomatic disaster. Has rooms on revelations of persons or different wanting bus or 2 up in prism. Ringback dominic, his former ambassador to malaysia, a sentenced to 20 years in jail by tyron, caught to home as he bought them on federal court. All about that he was reddish. About you, he bought chassis, said, be shocked. Actually got the suiting alley. Raise them on fred, last. Diplomatic immunity. When he travelled outside malaysia was arrested by the radians. The Prime Minister has been out of him is tre. Oh, very disappointing appointments, including the former minister of petroleum for nigeria, Gianni Allison midway, ki, appointed dominique. His trade commissioner has 40000000. 00 worth of jewelry confiscated. As the Nigerian Government investigate a fraud. Everything is in the hands of a Prime Minister. Do drug dealing this matter after the elections are called or is not a negative at all . It is a boat timing. Oh, another breaking scandal involves a current, dominique and ambassador to the United Nations in new york. On the bus that theyre about to pull it right up to my 1st about fashioning tv covers paolos and ponies parties. The footage reflects his varied rose diplomat Real Estate Broker and former model agent broker feels all these advisors. I holism pony is an ambassador for both dominique hand grenada. His social media showcases his friends in high places. Very high places. He once worked for president trump, supposedly introduced melania to a future husband. Some poli escorted trump when the president addressed the United Nations have busted his. M poli is also linked to a new resort in dominique her funded through the citizenship by Investment Scheme in a legal dispute. He claims investors from countries covered by us and un sanctions of port citizenship. The developers deny that. But the charge also suggests the dominique and government didnt do the required checks on whos eligible for a passport. Prime ministers garret denies that, but it still politically embarrassing, coming from one of the many foreigners who are already his ambassadors, the crime it right now as exacerbated in to the extent of fear on apprehension, but normally still can be made in any appointment to clear this cushion reelection, then we found a round of dozen un ambassadors who like palos m poli, are not nationals of the caribbean states that appointed them once again. This no suggestion of any illegality. Just more questions about who should be a diplomat. Billionaire will fix i. E is a former ambassador to unesco in paris. Priscilla vincent tycoon. Gilbert sugary is also unesco ambassador for saint lucia. A swiss court once convicted him of Money Laundering brazilian model. Amanda and gara made you an ambassador. Grenada. I have your birthday follow. I love you. I amanda and gara is all so palace um ponies, wife. I am a former un appeal god and i find compelled raters that the un accepts liza putting it hates challenging. The actions of member states. Member states dont like it. But in the case of these fake diplomats, i think for it to reputation, it must paolos unholy. Told us he and his wife were assets. He brought investment to the islands. Grenada told us his wife, amanda, and gara is no longer a un ambassador. Oh, ah undercover investigation into buying and ambassadorship in germany cur takes an unexpected and dramatic turn. Oliver sara thin, dominique is ex Prime Minister. Says the outcome of the forthcoming election is too close to call. He says, if we offer the Opposition Party a donation, theyd appoint our candidate ambassador if they, when he tells us to call the opposition parties lawyer. And i did go to the meeting for dr. Lee, go. Okay, continue to advise how it is easy access to him. Okay. Can you say you speak me on his behalf, david . Yes, Lennox Linton, the Opposition Leader, could become the next Prime Minister within weeks. I dont know why any requires funding. Mccoy said, were moving at all, but as in all things, financial contributions are required. Bruni stress or candidate for ambassador would have to be of good character and help develop dominique as economy. I just wanted to be clear that you were aware of the conversations that o j i had been having with my representative in panama. Yes. Yes. Or to trust and confidence. Personally, im very comfortable with them and go deposit. Very comfortable with me. Is trusting say what i had to say you a 100 percent happy with all of that bumps 100 percent. Absolutely. Under percent rooney then drafted a document stating that within 28. 00 days of Lennox Linton, becoming Prime Minister, he to point to a man ambassador at large. Theres no mention of campaign donations. I would suggest that the panama dollar a matter and did prefer not to discuss it in a foreign land and believed idea that so from hawkers and so on. Sarah fin means the payment agreed in panama to buy a diplomatic passport. I think also, you know, were looking years ago with both bruni and serafina. P. A keen to avoid the direct involvement of the Opposition Leader is campaigning on a platform of antique corruption. The gentleman prefers to create a buffer and because you, theres not one to be implicated by that stage. Despite the interest of the people. When 1st of all, kinds the request would be the 1st 50 percent or the panama agreement will be what is expected at this time. The funds are needed very urgently. T shirts on how he could be assist them, some various flyers. Sarah fin sends Bank Account Details for his 50000. 00 fee and 20000. 00 for lawyer david bruni, who he says will also handle money for the opposition amongst that could be assistance a leader can come through his account. The funds will be declared as she my fear and donations for them. Nico, weve obtained a 2nd document, signed by both opposition, leader linton and his lawyer, that all so promises and ambassadorship to another foreign national. If the opposition, when the election early november 2019, and Prime Minister scare it finally announces the date, it shows hello dominic go is friday. The 6 of december ah, with roosevelt, garrett strongly deny. Speaking to oliver sarah fin about an ambassador ship calling his comments totally false scare it, says he suing Lennox Linton for making similar statements. Serafina says he was speaking without authority name. Dropping to impress Lennox Linton said he knew nothing about sarah finns conversations with briney and would Never Exchange and ambassadorship or passport for money. David briney didnt reply to our queries. Huh. The end of carnival in dominique is marked by a symbolic funeral. This he is winning. Calypso is all about corruption. Pain for power is our investigation shows that is not limited to any one party or one nation make on the cotton fire. Any regime putting up diplomatic status for sale is morally bankrupt with the whole business to give immunity and perfection. The croaking criminals is a business where countries keep the list of diplomats from their own people. Ah, what about i suppose to be representing the country thats was to be secret secret agent about like, you know, recalibrated with ah the summer storms continue and they are bake producing a city. Thudding from las vegas across to st. Louis, missouri. And the line is just going to be fair, the science which is so significant flooding in easton, kentucky the west for a very long time and its not as so the end of it, these storms are drifting, slowly, siphoned the full consequent as would be the same place that gets hit again. The line still goes towards, i suppose, nor knocking. So were in to missouri again and property will end up in tennessee. But the light is that just shifting south into what is still hot weather, the real hot weather, the heat wave warning weather, which isnt there will time is from the north west, leaving the contiguous us down towards the caribbean. That line of blue day is coming to smaller holidays, if you like of the caribbean, and we got big shower for cost for the came in. Ill probably use templates. Yeah. And the Pacific Coast of mexico continues be pounded by big showers as active front on its way through south america, which by saturday is gone. All sure. Its just that line that rio saw a bit of a drop in touch. The real drop was in paraguay down to about 14 visits come up a little bit in the sunshine, below all that in argentina and most to chill a part from blue star patagonia looks good. Ah. But a diverse range of stories from across the globe. From the perspective of i met janice on al jazeera ah the u. S. Secretary of state on the Russian Foreign minister discuss ukraine. Taiwan and the Prisoner Exchange in their 1st phone call since the war and ukraine began with

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