Which weve worked with to ensure that its accessible, theyll be able to go all the fans, zones, and fad fight and go to stadium. There are sensory room and 3 of the welcome stadiums, often used by children with autism. These spaces provide a view of the match, as well as a com and secure environments. Every station on the doha metro is fully accessible and all of the stadiums have been designed with wheelchair access in mind. The v will be student, i mean, late fees as good as anyone else in the house. And if you went back, not that many years as a roach i use, he was struggling when people stood up in front of you wouldnt necessarily say when things like side st. Ah, or youd be in a situation they had instructed view and things like that. Every view here is as good as everyone else has. This is a world cup thats been designed to deliver a Lasting Legacy for the disabled community. And the Richardson Al jazeera, doha ah, your headlines on al jazeera to day Russian Media or reporting the nova cobra damn in russian held ukraine has been damaged by a Ukrainian Rocket attack. Last month, the ukranian president warned the destruction of the dam would cause a large scale disaster. At least 1000 people have been killed and 26 rescued after a passenger plane crashed into lake victoria. The Precision Air flight from doris salaam was attempting to landed bu cobra airport in northwest tanza. Nia, delegates at the u. Ns 27th climate conference. Have agreed to add to the agenda. The issue of who should pay compensation for the effects of climate change. The to week up 27 meeting has started in the egyptian city of sharma, shake our planetary sending a distress signal. The later state of the Global Climate report is a chronicle of Climate Chaos as the world methodological organization so. So clearly change is happening with catastrophic speed, devastating lives and lively woods on every continents. Italian authorities have stopped 35 people from disembarking from a ship carrying migrants and refugees doctored a sicilian port because they were deemed not vulnerable. 144 others on board, the humanity one were allowed to enter italy, humanitarian groups of called the policy inhumane. And those your headlines on al jazeera, the news continues after a sense of community to stay with us. Ah, a theme with it any that i mean community, everybody else thought meter square. I think we have the i is density of champions in the world. So many records are done while the border coordinator with fidel is on wood floors because i was brought to my feed, my daughter, my a string women has donated drowning in the 10th because they know that their place is not just the kitchen. We are making female relas know about being independent and how to handle their success. Ah ah ah ah, that most game is doing is critical. Because everyone here as good with dish and get more financial backing training friends with another bill to build a home. Oh, what a good a good about oh you make sure you know, but that do that . Yeah, i think im, i wanted to make sure you got that you speak with. Ready ready ready today we had here, ive had to go to play in high end to simply because you make your lungs stuck on for that oxygen for a a leaving here with my s funding. If we add port friend asked the negligence. Nice financial constrain when your next months you luck, grant you luck, food. That i need to make a new service. They sell at least in our country. Ah. This is mary uniforms. I also have my board here with me up with the service. They give us time to train. I started training and i was trained to full yes, hold it to us. Had some good. Just tell mike what these are should be the police cook, not line with a lot of weight, but because i was having training mid strong ladies. So i followed the footsteps at the police. Come to our ship. I have one silly rack, dcea and lusty. Im proud of this matter because its kind of just me to be among the talking is to africa across canada, top athletes that preparing for dick while im going to tell you my 10 medical student on the appointment i knew enough with when i was there in another class i was not running with those 6 months of we want to do then its better for me. We brought to our lot im traveling when i rode to form bid for the trials. These were vendor, the 3 only be in that good up to you, the building i wanted to watch. Embassy. When you become a drama, you must suck of as many things you did on these lip, i need a strong mind to run because it is of veronica this you use mind are lot more than the body. Some of us will. Yeah, i learned about the yeah. Passion, whats immense me better is the only drilling and done than for anyone. Just one for myself, i believe in myself. Nobodys better than me. You cant do the lazy as keep alone. There must be somebody all discovered you. You must run well to get this form to you mag, manny n g. So the dog running is good. I used to and then kilometer and i was a under 23 national champion. I manage a board under 20 at least 2010 when it comes to us agents. We take 15 percent of all the adults honey. I represent adults when they go to competition abroad and also i help them chewing their race is designing their training program. I connect them with the best coaches in the world with the best 2 companies i connect. Id like to have this one. I really want to take this, the i knew very today to see how it goes. And some of you, you get the new shoes. You want to test them, but they are yours and im not collecting them back. If you keep them after 30 days you, these are group the main tasting group. So we have a lot of 2 prototypes that we test with. That if you dont have that network, we for the shoe company be a new, its very difficult for making a living with training very good for athletes to motivate each other. We usually have 2 to 3 decisions for a week. The any been motivated by life changing the fact that chad monday morning, a property helping the Community Even if you make few thousands of dollars, its still enough for you to exchange in your family on your life here. Ah. The schools been played huge role in supporting your school. Also the best training comes that is where you more athletes physically, what makes me move training come one of the best is that shes very passionate about what shes doing. Shes one of the few lady coaches that she knows to deal with kids and especially young girls like that. I mean that people could lose their food is im just. 2 like the me me a good 10. Im confident of my sense for longer than one. Now, should we Start Talking for more the, the good thing to go on to the local i last when the 19 these guy find my athletes being and i looked over them from them down, i was whose i could get to get them being a mother to them being a teacher to them. If i put them that can be because they change their morning together and then they go to school. And one of the kids i pay for my attitude to be going to school is very important because school keeps them control stuff. Its difficult for the athletes to see it because i mean enough food to eat. But they are in the forecast to clean the glass up, but that, that we lose in i put in a very waste so that they dont get to choose. I feel a lot of fun to my actually play one another morning of course actively and they become good outlay to be somebody who can build their community. This is 2nd, looking at the country both. Jessica, i meant that to our actually. Yes, maam. Kiki k, when she used to love and everything when she she left. So we left when i was tell when i was coming here and i didnt know how to do everything into wash my clothes. I didnt bring a release as no money in feeding, washing clothes, ah, cooking, mister food, can you give me a room . Lets keep them get a load of both. I did there. I that, that in there. Who did it didnt have you been there . And i just run with my scott scott i grew up in a Single Family where my father, but when they were, didnt he best because ah, i learned to have a good life. I ran up with my mom. He was through many jelly this my dream is to have put in 5000 and also in 10, killing me the i left it to my thing to do. I think agnes and get each as what it takes to be a chunk. And i never saw somebody running the wish was she was literally flying. So training on everything in the morning. I wanted to coach few minutes because i could see what was happening to the pico patel and for the men the men they want that guy says yeah, i was just last month i have my girlfriend who i do come for service. If we turn them around in, some of the men come here to look for just someone to money, money, not love. I call them predators. I walked out of my abusive relationship in 2014. When i was 2 months pregnant, he kicked me out of our own home until he married someone else. He was abusive. But emotionally. The turning point is when i give back to arina, shes 7 years old. Now. I was more responsible because i was a mother. And i had to work extra hard not only for me, but also her intended to into am. One of the fastest marathon ive competed from boston to talk you or even want sol manifold. Was to him in dallas were through what i went through. Most of them are big being abused agnes to vittie drove. She was the wall record holder in 10 kilometers. She was a friend to me. At that time, i didnt know she was going through hell after to kill him fixed in 2021. Agnes walked out of her marriage. She went to a camp nearby, but it was just like luther from her house. He managed to convince agnes to get back the same day that she went back is the same that she was mad. I took a phone down crockett. Well talk on the more you when did he shout . He graham calkins. And another me make a fringe on the vin. I do at least i think of Something Different to me. I can get quite a bit of luck and offend kalokie. Pick up, amanda. What will it give me . You dont keep tindle helio tricia. Why dont you give me a new world news. Agnes was married, delete when she was in primary school. When agnes was killed, i could not even believe it painfully was to my thing agnes mother was i woke up call for all of us a help other survivors. Dinner bas. Many of them are from the running community. If you know, if you know what to do or not, he, he was abusive. Even go, but he will be abusive. You know the communication with him. Mm hm. No money. We go to school and comes it. And every month again we just routes camp. Its so important to give them lessons about the end of his violence and also where to speak up. You want to find any talking news or do you do voice if its such a woman without the content that is at all. So when was she was go by and talk with her at voice danella in there being abused, they can reach out to us. We are there to help. I find this city wording because im doing now more of charity and changing the women around me and my community. So to miss emma, if anyone abuse you, us to ada sexually, because she gave my warranty without your consent, you to put to mother to mother michael. Up on the all the time the Community Needs to change the sculpture of men dictating laws, men dictating everything. You cannot dictate someone life, o 13 genes. Good. Shes manages, also needs to change when a female, etc, does come to same management contract, meaning to join a con. But whether she comes from her husband and there has been, hes talking edge and should not allow that. It should be for b. A. Julian is my husband. I met him in 2016. It has been a very wonderful journey because he has been supporting me. Since the 1st day i met him. We are working on a professional Training Center in eton to at least to train in proper condition. It came from joanne and she wanted to horn something that is helping other in the community of den. Mm hm. I want to say that got us to feel safe when they are in it didnt. They should not feel that that. And thats the main reason over the counter and facial, within their training. Mm. I hope this place with their dreams feel comfortable. Same as mine ah, with a smaller mistake you made on the desk and goes to you 5 seconds. So you must brand new a new out there. Now i think its very rare that it this way. I dont like watching them, especially with high stakes, like making it seem full junglin chip involved with they thing for their life. And you out with your doctor that you and you learn, you dont know. They are last plan. I have yeah. Nothing other than good on. Ah, when i started there is the nozzle on the front of me. They were there and that is true. Oh, you met so you moved with them. A lot was was to fight. Yeah. People are buzzing front of me. Ah, im been closed with people who are running faster and can go with them with miss bad dna down to to me does. So i called level day alarm gender, a happy to be that. Do you need a im very happy with. No, i have been blessed. I go about doing, then i do up on my finishing power through my games and cause in future is that i may try to get to him. It might be said stuff even is glen with genuine, continue producing humans chip in the kink. Human dentist not to be used this property then as a Community Helps to make stronger because everyone here wants to succeed in life. Everyone wants to be the best in he called the bell, almost done. With a sense of belonging. We are very close knit community. Everybody knows everybody and the everyday heroes keeping communities together. This is the same universe said that my universe, jazeera visit scotlands out or hebrides and meets those fighting to save their island. His way of life in the face of its plummeting population. A sense of community on a just e ah, a what happens the in new york has implications all around the world. Its the home of the united nations. Its a center of international finance, International Culture make these stories resonate requires talking to everyday people to normal people, not just power brokers, and thats where al jazeera is different. The mayor of the city announced that he was doing away with the curfew. That was supposed to get everybody off this International Perspective with the human touch zooming way in and then pulling back out again. Finland had previously refused to join nato, but following russias invasion, all of you cried formally requested to join the wests military alliance in poker terms. He has put all in. I do not believe that he is going to keep up the president of finland, talks to well just era. Ah

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