Government has denied involvement corners being treated at a hospital in the hall. Sanders rob is their doctor said that he is out of danger. The injuries were not life threatening bullets to his lower legs. One of fragment breaking the bones in his right leg, but they say that the, the bullets narrowly missed any major ard reason that his life is no longer in danger. Despite his condition, despite the incident, enron han remains unflinching. In the vitriol hes been hurling against his against his critics, against his opposition. He continues to say that he will get better and begin the march on islam abad. Once again, russian president Vladimir Putin says civilians should be evacuated from care. San its as ukraine continues, it counter offensive, keeps as rushes, carrying out illegal master rotations of its people. Twitter has been laying off employees and a new owner, ellen musk the belinda acquired swiss last week. And his staff is, woke up to find that been blocked out of their work email accounts while says the company was facing financial challenges before he bought it. Campaigning is officially underway in malaysia had if a general election in 2 weeks, a Prime Minister is Mel Sabra Jacobi called for the pole of the criticism from coalition partners. Malaysias had 3 leaders in the past 2 years. For me, you as president , donald trump now has an extra week to hand over documents related to the january 2021 attack in the u. S. Capital members of the Congressional Committee investigating the attack have told him to produce the records by thursday, and was expecting him to begin testifying on november 14th. The u. S. In canada have imposed sanctions on to haitian politicians. Theyre accused of abusing their positions to traffic drugs and work with gangs in while the government says this, we taken control of a major fuel terminal, locked by om gang. Since september country is facing a di, humanitarian and security crisis. Okay. As your headlines coming up next on out there off to a sense of secure community, we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter how you take it out, 0 will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. How to 0 ah, with it any that i know community, everybody else with our middle square, i think we have the i n c q of champions in the world. Its when your records are done, while the border coordinator with bless, we both are, we brought to my speed my address, my thing women has donated drowning in the tent because they know that their place is not just the kitchen. We are making female relas know about being independent and how to handle their success with that most game can is critical because everyone here as good with a monopoly for a founder to me that ah, in conduct this young guy just no financial backing training with everything available oh but let me get you make sure you know that do that. Yeah, i think im, i wanted to make sure that you speak with. Ready ready ready today we are here, i pay and if it is good to trade in high and to simply because you make you, i long stuck on for that oxygen for that up. Let sense to pay my locals with. I can do sunday afternoon. Im leaving it with my s funding. We had to portray the mega talent Life Financial constrain, glen, your luck, financial lab, couldnt you look for that . I me say a national for new se they support, at least in our account with lisa uniforms. Ios at my board, thea, with me up when the service they can has time to change. I started training when i was 24. Yes. Heard it to us. Had some good. Just tell mike like these are should be the police cook, not line with a lot of weight, but because i was having training mit strong ladies. So i followed their footsteps, at least until she, i have one feel rush this year and last year im proud of this me because i am kind of just me to be among that company is to africa across canada, top athletes that preparing for thats why something should toilets, my 10 Medical Center in the appointment i live in african with one. I was there in another plaza. I was not running with those 6 months of we want to do, then its better for me and we brought to our lot now im traveling to nairobi to form it for the trials. 11 deck up 3 o. B in that going up to you. The building our country to one generation. When you become a drama, you must suck of as many things you then on. Do you live in a strong mind to run because it under is of the rest you use. Mind are lot more than the body of some of us we of dialing about via bash on what the med smith it is the only printing done then for input design for myself. I believe in my cell number is better than me. Yukon. Dizzy elysium scheme alone. There must be somebody who discovered you, you must run well to get this bronze. Youll make money when you so their field of running is good. I used to and then kilometer and i was a under 23 national champion. I manage a board and read and 20 at least 2010 when it comes to us agents. We take 15 percent of older adults, honey. I represent adults when they go to competition abroad and also i help them chewing their race is designing their training program. I connect them with the best coaches in the world with the best 2 companies i connect. Id like to have this one. I really want to take this, the i knew great today to see how it goes on. Some of you, you have get the new shoes, you want to test them, but they are yours and im not collecting them back to you. Keep them after 30 days you. These are group main testing group. So we have a lot of to prototypes that we test with that. If you dont have that network, we for the shoe combine, you be a new, its very difficult for making a leading through training. Its very good for athletes to motivate each other. We usually have 2. 00 to 3. 00 quality sessions per week theory then motivated by life changing factors such as money owning a property, helping their community, even if you make few thousands of dollars, its still in for you to change in your family on your life. Yeah. Ah ah, the school you been playing huge role in sporting your school also. The best training comes that is where you model dads physical and what makes madame move training come. One of the best is that shes very passionate about what shes doing. Shes one of the few lady that she knows to deal with kids and especially young girls that were made that people could lose their food is and i me, me, me a good jen . Im confident of my phone for longer than one now. Sure. Okay. Okay. So for the 2005, do you and i love you when t nice guy find my athletes being named them from down. Listen hows . Whos i caught that again and theyre taking care of them being a mother to them being a teacher to them. If i put them back to me because they trade in their morning together and then they go to school and one of the 7 days in the train, i pay for my ad confused people to be going to school is very important because school keeps them confident its difficult for the athletes to see it because youve enough food to eat, but they are in the before class and clean the glass up top. We lose i put in a very waste so that they get to the motor. Ah, i feel a lot of fun to my actually late getting kind to one another moment. Of course, actively and deep. Good lake. Ive got to be somebody who can build their community. This is 2nd is connected to the country. And youre both jessica, i meant to our actually yes maam kiki k when she used to laugh every time when she she left. So we ducky with i was tell yes i when i was coming here and i didnt to know to do everything even to wash my clothes. I didnt know if i knew what a really i have no money in feeding washing with cooking again. Did you say mr. Food . Yeah. Kenya with that is that now i can from if its good kid maam, get a lot of buffer. Did i start riding barefooted a didnt have you been around . Indeed. So i just ran with my scott is school. Scott . I grew up in a Single Family where my father passed when i was didnt he base because a cancer. Ah, i learned to have a good life. I ran up with my mom. She goes to through military this. My dream is to have i live in 5000 and also in 10 kilometers i left for it to my fear for them to do. I think i can ask and get each has what it takes to be a champion. I never saw somebody learning the wish was and she was literally flying. So always training on everything in the gum class with i wanted to could female athletes because i could see what was happening to be the biggest challenge for the men, the men they werent protect. The i was just to last me and i me my girlfriend who i do come for service. If we dont look at them, i dont understand. Some of the men come here to look for someone tomorrow. Mission, money, not love. I call them predators. I walked out of my abusive relationship in 2014. When i was 2 months pregnant, he kicked me out of our own home until he married someone else. He was abusive, but emotionally. The turning point is when i give birth to arianna, shes 7 years old now. I was more responsible because i was a mother and i had to work extra hard not only for me, but also her intended to into am. One of the fastest marathon ive competed from boston to talk you or even want sol manifold. Was to him in dallas were through what i went through. Most of them are big being abused. Agnes to vittie drove. She was the wall record holder in 10 kilometers. She was a friend to me. At that time. I didnt know she was going through hell after to kill him fixed in 2021. Agnes walked out of her marriage. She went to a camp nearby. But it was just like luther from her house. He managed to convince agnes to get back the same day that she went back is the same that she was mad. I took her phone down long bracket. Well talk on the more you when did he shout . He graham calkins. Im anonymous. Me. I live longer now. Make a change on the been have i do i think sometimes difficult to yeah. Me. Ah, i can look quite a bit of luck in offend. Kalokie. Pick up that piece. What . Well it give me your dental dental illegal person. Trisha. Give me a new one is agnes was my or delete when she was in primary school. When agnes was killed, i could not even believe it or painful was to my thing agnes mother was i look up call for all of us. I help the survivors didnt of us. Many of them are from the running community. You know, if you know what you do, not for you. He was abusive. Even go back here to be abusive. You know the communication with him. Mm hm. Normally we go to schools and comes it and every month again, we just routes camp. Its so important to give them lessons about the end of his violence and also where to to speak up. Can you see what want to find . I mean, talking news or do you do voice if its such a woman without the content that is at all. So i was wondering when she was go by and talk with her at why is danella in their being abused. They can reach out to us. We are there to help. I find this city wording because im doing now more of charity and changing the women around me and my community. So to miss emma, if anyone abuse you us, you either sexually. I could. She gave my warranty without your consent, you to put to mother to mother michael. Up on the all the time the Community Needs to change the sculpture of men dictating laws. Men dictating everything. You cannot dictate someone life, o 13 genes. Good cheese manages also needs to change when a female life has come to st management contract, meaning to join a convent, whether she comes from her husband and those moneys, talking, adrian should not allow, that would be for b. A. Julian is my husband. I met him in 2016. It has been a very wonderful journey because he has been supporting me since the 1st day i met him. We are working on a professional training center. He needed to update to train improper condition. It came from joanne. She wanted to horn something that is helping other in the community of then. Mm hm. I want to say that got us to feel safe when they are in it didnt. They should not feel that, that then thats the main reason or the company and they within their training. I hope this place with their dance will come from the same as mine with a smaller mistake he made and who does can post you a 5 2nd. So you must brand new a new out there. Now, i think its very, very, this way i dont like watching them, you know, especially with high stakes, like making up the info. I was younger and shes involved with i think for their life and you out there with you. I just did that. You and you look you dont know they are last plant. I have yeah. Nothing other than good on. Ah, when i started there is theyve run us on the front of me. They were there is a you met so you more than with them. A going to love was was to fight. Yeah. People are buzzing. Wonder of me ah, im been closed with people are running faster. I can go with them with miss bad dna down to to meet us. So i called level of detail on gender. Shes why, well, happy to be that, do you need a im very happy with now i have been blessed. I go about doing then i do up on my finishing power with james. Im calling in future is that i may change it to him. It might be said stuff even is good, my fix it then will continue producing humans chip in it came to milton us not to be used as property he then as a Community Hopes to make stronger because everyone here wants to succeed in life. Everyone wants to be the best. Ah, he called the bell. Most duncan, people with a sense of belonging. We are very close knit community. Everybody knows everybody, and the everyday heroes keeping communities together. This is the center of the universe set of my universe. I jazeera visits scotlands out or hebrides and meets those fighting to save their island, his way of life in the face of its plummeting population. A sense of community on a jesse oh ah, ah, ah ah, in the light of the open sea hides a dark secret men forced to work without pain in slave for years. But a glimmer of hope remained for the forgotten fisherman as a group of activists stealth deep into the Illegal Fishing industry, demanding justice and freedom. Ghosts fleet, a witness documentary on al jazeera. We know whats happening in our region. We know how to get to play through that others and on a far, as i said, im going the way that you would tell the story isnt what can make a difference. Ah pakistans former Prime Minister on con, accused as a government plotting to kill him just a day after he was shot. Ah

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