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To the line of contact, in order to understand for ourselves what drives our heroines, what made them take on the most dangerous mens work, how it changed their lives and how it affected those closest to them. One of the heroines of our film is a director here in the donbass, she is not an accidental person, this is already her fifth trip to the zone of her own. Yo lets go. She traveled all over the donbass on any shooting absolutely calmly, but suddenly tears. Called and began to ask when she five children will return home and the husband cannot cope with them alone, and yet olesya constantly risks in the donbas. My country needs now, i am not afraid of anything now. Im only afraid of one. To be unworthy of your son. First, we had our son, lesya, volunteered for more than one special forces. He is a law student. Moscow State University knows three languages. She graduated from the conservatory in paris. Moms pride. While our film was being shot, it turned out that nicodemus was seriously injured and was in the hospital. He had an operation. We were lucky record a conversation between olesya and her son. Come on, you are the main thing, get treated, please, no independence is needed for the doctors to decide , do you understand . Thank god its just a miracle for us. Ah this doctors there low bows. I dont have to smoke in the hospital now. You can just give up this habit already, son, im waiting for you, very much, let me hug you, while as a mother, of ​​course i want to, how to delay as much as possible. Well, i understand his argument. He says this is our war. We have to figure it out. We have to deserve. The right to be citizens of their homeland who is the first and right . And here is another mother and just a beautiful woman, ilona bonevich. Call sign sniper. Bonya may not be a female profession, but ilona does not think so. Females, stand longer for longer can stay in one place without moving men dont have that. We have different physiology , lets say so, when i asked the boys who went out on my combat missions , i knew that they would have to keep a few hours, the guys are the most ridiculous diaper. Yes, fuck nothing is normal, then running lush eyelashes enigmatic smile, bonya woman with charm behind her head the enemy promises hundreds of thousands of dollars. Dont sneeze while firing. Patience is the most important patience, what do you think about those people that you see in the scope, i do not think about people. I see the sight, only the target, there is an order to destroy. So it is necessary and the main thing is not to let yourself down, because as a rule, no one will give you a second shot. I had an exgirlfriend at work. Oops , ilonaconfectioner was fond of her first profession shooting became a candidate for master of sports in 2014, the question of who to be was no longer a question, she went to fight, she was in charge of a sabotage group, she survived several assassination attempts. We went to the talks, the group threw out the white flag. But it was trap five stuck. 38 fragments did not explode in my drivers wheel. I have experienced 39 surgeries. Restoration is still to be done, there are scars from fragments on her face , and anyway, bonya lights up attention to herself. It seems such an unknown fear, but there are things that scare her. When the seam began, we the guys were helping in mariupol then, we popped into one basement, it can be seen that mine is in uniform. Well, not chevrons, nothing is visible, because when darkness pops up like this. Here. Forgive the misunderstanding petty seeing the form does. This is scary. They instill these qualities from childhood from the cradle. Bonya raised her son, based on ideas about a real man. Vlad could have been a great athlete, but he made a different choice. Seventeen years old mom did. A horses move, he went to the military registration and enlistment office. Said he lost his passport and became not ninety eighth year. Well, he went to hell, we rarely see each other. He is a commander. The guys are also following him, because many people know him, you can give him a few words right now. I m proud of you. I love you very much. This was probably the peak of this horror that i experienced, which i accumulated in myself. M. What amazes me most is how all the gas Fire Services come to the place of shelling and are not afraid. Yes, it does not risk life, a and when extinguishing a fire and in the event that the shelling may be repeated. Maryana naumova is an athlete and beauty in the fourtime World Champion has been a worldclass star for 9 years now. She travels to donbass for the last year as a channel. We are now in the uludar direction and are heading towards our guys. Hints maryana is only 23, but she has seen so much human grief. How much can not every man bear . Here it is, here it is, the creatures. Here is the creature. She killed my child, she killed my child. Here is the creature. I just i just want to just want to shout to everyone to shout. I wont cry no will. Yes, just shout to everyone, so that the whole world, just the whole world. Did he understand what it was . I yes no. This was probably the peak of this horror that i experienced, which i accumulated in myself, and this particular shooting with my mother, who died. My daughter was probably the most difficult thing for me all day. I was not in the mood. I cried. X in the program time will show that maryana has more than a hundred young girls and such a difficult job, how can she stand it all . They write a comment, they say, maryana you are somehow not emotional. Uh, you somehow dont sympathize with people, but it just works for me that here i am watching this, listening to e reflecting. It all goes through me, and for example, some sad video. Then ill look there with cats or some sad cartoon and some kind of literally click, and i start to sob and this bout of tears, i cant stop, probably for several hours i sob, and it all comes out of me. Warm warm more good words you say to these people. And this is how they put it once in life. I hope it doesnt come soon. Olga kochura, the famous course , colonel commander of the Rocket Artillery Division kachura from a family of hereditary military men, served in the Ukrainian Police for 16 years, but when in 2014 the residents of donbass were in danger, the decision was unambiguous. We called our team in ukraine. I havent thrown my ukrainian card away yet. They tell me you need to come to such and such a military registration and enlistment office. Call back. I cant. I serve so i do already, serve. I speak in the army, the dpr was no longer worried. 250 men and it became a real test in this fragile graceful woman. We saw anyone, but not the commander, but olga bent her place in the army to the leadership of the countrys administration, anywhere , that a woman, perhaps not dumber, even much smarter than a man, all these are exclusive shots of olga kachuras interview, which channel one managed to take. How many hours a day . They say its bad for a soldier who doesnt dream of becoming a general. Here colonel korsa did not dream of air said the position of this basically in the offices. And this is not mine. And you need to be on the battlefield. I just dont like sitting in an office. Its boring there. I will clean up from there, of course, she could become a general and joked about this. And how would the generals uniform look on her, but, most likely, it would have to be altered korsa admitted that she has such a narrow waist that even the smallest uniform is large. And she also admitted that she never had time to make up her eyes. I see. Reveal the secret arrows stuffed so as not to paint. This is normal how every male commander must meet the soldiers shaved, find them to choose, because it is nuba that can be the first feature of the film crew to go into her service room, but there is a lot of confusion. Of course, im very sorry, so the four of us. So we have a beautiful swedish family. Yeah me and my chief of staff. Here is my bodyguard and, uh , this same ah, the commander assigned division control. Well, the most important member of our family is filimon olgavich. Top korean, what you miss the most. Here in this army life, as a woman exactly. I dont even know, somehow for six months already to everything. Well, what would you like to do, probably, such trifles as just sitting in an armchair in the evening in the presence of your children, sitting to discuss some daily problems that are not related to the war, in general, drink coffee and watch tv. Thats just, probably, a peaceful life is not enough. This is the last interview of the courses at the time of recording. Olga noticed that she put her cap on incorrectly in the army. A very bad omen, but a hat is put like this once in a lifetime. We have a word. I hope i dont have it soon, the time will come. And even on the eve of the tragedy , her daughter elena had a prophetic dream, i remember in a dream it was she leaving the kitchen, you know, these white heels are like grandmothers have. And i ve never seen her like this in my life. Never dressed up. Shes just time for you. Are you waiting there . Bye. On july 29 , 2022, olga kara died under enemy artillery fire, but even after the death of the courses , she inspired terror in the enemy when her colleagues said goodbye to olga in the dryers fired at the center of donetsk. Legendary a film about soviet intelligence get used to get used to, what is his name will serve as your driver no abrupt initiative i liked yours. A protege to risk putting a military intelligence job at risk dish satisfied with your work. Yes, im no longer a beginner, and your devotion to walternazonenberg is legendary. Now a lot depends on me. For the third year we are at war and have no data on the military potential of the russians. Im ready to continue serving you need the facts of the intelligence officer. What begins motherland diclofenacase in a package with a little man the maximum concentration of the active substance is 5 . 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And im already picking up and evacuating already on the equipment, otherwise, while they are evacuating me, of course, im waiting, im nervous, during a stop in positions, the Second Company the commander himself, call sign abkhaz , became nervous and worried for the safety of Natalia Nikolaevna and the entire group. Take her away. Now the drone will drop on her. Remove it supports wet. Let it boil here. Leaving for shelter abkhaz considers the front line without a woman. Its like a family battalion, like a family, so here a woman is sure to help us survive. Tasty readymade cars are fried. Come on now, get ready. Try thank you for not passing on, while the cutlets are fried, we shoot natasha the young doctor from moscow is protected here at home. Natasha is awaited by the sons of the tenyearold, yaroslav and the sevenyearold nikita, together with alexei, the platoon commander. Natasha is discussing the transport of the wounded is not heard in civilians, that hello assistance, what we are doing is removing the armor. We are shooting this armorpiercing gun because it is very heavy. And if its weight plus an armor plate, then you simply wont make it with regards to weapons. I explain that we throw weapons to me in russia, weapons are everything and everything. And as often happens in ordinary military everyday life from tragic to funny one step the girl brought early begins to sort out his things, and he has two or three grenades, and in a civilian hospital she puts them on a bench not a single civilian around you understand . And when they see a grenade, they immediately have a certain press to run away, besides, they have to evacuate not only their children, but also the wounded fighters of the enemy of one such unfortunate man, they saved their petal just recently for two days, how he survived there and then already when they could come up, because they could not pick him up they took him with his foot and his documents and said they would help you. Another beloved man bonnie is the famous commander of the battalion of the militia of somalia, mikhail tolstykh, better known as givi in ​​2017, he died as a result of a terrorist attack. Ilona and mikhail did not advertise their relationship, but looking at their dance at givis birthday, realizing that it was love. Ussr the victory of love is not a hindrance ilona and givi were going to get married, but every time the wedding was postponed with eyes. I ll hit the road somewhere once again, when we were about to sign. All i got into the intensive care unit is taken to the tent to die, ready to lie at night, how to tell everything to the mother. Well, we postponed it twice. You didnt want to announce much, because this is a hype and around we are only a statement when they carried the film to the wedding palace from somewhere, rumors have come across so far. Bonya is a strong woman smiles and even tries to joke. Do you have nightmares and how are you psychologically for a long time . I must be such a cold person. I dont have nightmares at all ; she gives her prints, so to speak. Makes people more callous, so you cant stand it. What helps you survive . These are the lord god believing people came under fire on stepan krymka. I have never known a prayer in my life, it turns out that i knew them, so much and never repeated. Therefore, early or just become believers, it seems to me i will do it, and i will already be crying at home. In general, the superstar for work with the personnel of the International Battalion of volunteers, pyatnashka, is responsible for medicine , was born in makeevka, worked as a teacher, took her family to move to russia, and then it was may 2, odessa i realized that im not going anywhere from here. Because it hurt a lot. It was scary it. Well, all these razins should already be crushed. Furia is a real warrior woman by nature and by the disposition of her soul, she is here and now a person not random. This is her choice and it could not be otherwise. There are a lot of men who are not warriors, they cannot fight, they are not because they are cowards, thats not even the point. Well, they are not adapted for war , the same applies to women, its impossible, so to speak, is this a womans business or not a womans elena started in the somali brigade, participated in the battles for ilovaisk not a woman flint but inside, she is tender and vulnerable. You just need to be able to hide it, when you are at the forefront you need it , you need to do it, i will do it. And i ll be crying at home. There you are there in the pillow sobbing likes, it will be later, well, this work. This is what needs to be done now. Elena is also responsible for the provision of weapons and military training. She is here in real, commanding in authority, but not for her daughter sonya was 15 years old, when my mother went to war. I had such a tantrum at home. You are leaving me. You dont love me. Now i dont care. I listened to it all said hmm someday you will understand. Now elenas daughter is 24 years old, she is a future doctor and is also going to the front line , everything changed the reportage, which furia helped the wounded. The only professional doctor has to work in absolutely terrible conditions, they are rewound by a soldier right in the dust. I saw these footage, like, uh, a very large number of wounded and i was one of them a twisted leg, the blood stops there and thats it, and after that she called me and said, mom, i saw you on tv. I say, well, in my opinion, now i understand why you went there, she came to me partly. I said this, im going to medical school, i just wanted to help, well, thats what people are like to save lives, something to do. Here is a good one, and then it hooked me, and i also wanted elena and sonya not to see each other. For almost a year, furia was not even able to come to her daughters wedding at our request. Sonya is recruiting her mother. You see, there is a chain of gifts for your beauty. In the house, where are you with the guys . Well, i cant go back alone. Next to maryana is always her coach, the driver bodyguard and dad Alexander Naumov as much as possible, we think everything through. The weapon has not yet been used. And here is the road firstaid kit once it came in handy in donetsk maryana provided first aid to the victims during the shelling of a minibus, a puddle of blood right there, it flowed along these steps four wounded people, seriously wounded. I scream from sula there i call, i will soon run to the car for harnesses. And this was my first experience, just such a serious shelling of a pool of blood on wounded people. I was confused right there. Maryana spends 23 weeks a month in the donbass, all the time, the risk, all the time, the probability of dying. We even discussed the topic of death in general. Well, imagine how wild it was for me to discuss this with my father, as usual, well , usually, it seems to me that they dont discuss this with children, because its like writing a will, which is much more difficult for marianas father. He wont forgive you if something happens to my daughter. This is a very sore subject, i just dont know, that is, if something happens. Well, i cant go back alone. And this is a very complex topic. And thats why we are always together with her. For children, she will become such that she will tear anyone apart. And you have known for a long time sveta is a good reliable friend. And what in the world we do not consider as a brother for ours . Svetlana vynarach, daughter of Battalion Commander Konstantin Kuzmin, even her call sign flash drive appeared for a reason, she is like an application to the commander of her own father. Light smiles at the truth not offended, father. You have to go there, as he is alone there. Therefore, i swore for a long time, argued for a long time. Mom didnt want to, of course, well, dad had to. What to do . Dad, a strict commander, call sign miner, resigned himself to the fact that a housewife from a daughter will not work in a family of three children, svetlana is the eldest, the youngest son nikolai he is 11 years old, like it or not, but you have to be responsible to work. Always together, she always supports me , she is always there. Living for her daughter looks after her and explains to us why light went to war. How is it that a woman and a weapon are incompatible concepts. And what should a woman do if they can take away her life , the life of her children, what is a woman to do . This is her choice. Naturally, you know the woman. Its like a tigress. Yes, like a shewolf, she can be somewhere soft somewhere to smile like that, but for the children. She will become such that she will tear anyone, it turns out that svetlanas daughter is growing up. Arina she is six years old and for this girl. She really will tear anyone the whole family, the combat miner is now not in donetsk , his relatives are hunting for Konstantin Kuzmin the hut to get in touch, the native does not often eat. We also communicate online. Mom, when will the war end . I want to go to donetsk daughter , well, you cant, she already somehow also wanted to leave, because you are talking to a child. She mom i miss you so much. Take me away, i ll be sitting in the basement, i want to come to something, to something, to some finale, because she wants to go home. We war will end, what would you like to do in the end, the first thing is to go to the child, and thats all and at first, just give her time. Callsign alyoshas daughter, courses sergeants militia , did not immediately agree to talk with us, but nevertheless found strength in herself. So that the memory of mom would live on and mom would continue to live at the moment. I am sitting here in front of you. Oh, its not easy for me to tell something to someone, some people write books, where will she also tell many things that i can tell, they promised in the moscow metro even back in honor of my mother. Elena admits she wants to go to donbass to avenge her mother, but she cannot break her word not to return to the army until she gets married will not give birth to a child. With me was peaceful sky, she dreamed of seeing her grandchildren, but unfortunately. Before elena had time, she was raising the brother of the adopted son of a highlander, seryozha, here are exclusive shots with a story about how he appeared in the family. They came to congratulate, the deputies came in , 73, and next to him was a boy. Small skinny skinny , these boots are so thin with some kind of rope, rewound, bring his parents, there are no parents to ask. Boy. He lived with the First Battalion for almost a year. Well, an adult uncle. The Major General sits crying, yes, we cry him are sitting. I stand, i dont know what to do. Well, here is a minute decision you will stay with me. She still asks her mother. So when is it really hard . Like a dictator who has weapons of mass destruction . What is the essence of the operation, we are convinced that at least one of the military warehouses contains chemical weapons, that is, we must make sure that they are detected by themselves. Limited edition is very limited in every tarim pen, i decided to surprise you. We have a problem with the iraqi courier. This is tanya although a week ago her name was tanya teapot, and this is dima was previously known as dima okno but smart home appeared with alice the window is closed alice turn on the kettle is ready. Smart home with alice is so much better. Its ugly. He does not understand cooking, traditional cuisine and yes, desserts or haute cuisine for micrasim capsules are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To improve the digestion of food , micrazyme microgranule with three kinds of enzymes can help deal with the symptoms of overeating. Triple strength of enzymes to improve digestion this is for fish for meat. 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Its true, hes tainted in the same scandals that and the whole biden family is directly involved in erasing history with hunters laptop. Biden. Is it possible to do all this . He really achieved the task of Anthony Blinkin , a very important role, the court russophobe , the consequences for russia will be serious. He speaks, not for the king, he speaks for the world government. We just prevent them from being demons, and therefore they hate us, who pulls his strings. And why exactly 100 times you will be the person who paves the way for him, he served and the dog of the deep state. Heir here tomorrow on pervoi i wanted to understand where they got such cruelty. For military officer olga kiriy, the risk will not end with the beginning of a peaceful life, she is always where chechnya is dangerous South Ossetia beslan now here is the donbass there are a lot of bodies the body of ukrainian servicemen in the garden to dig now if he arrives here, but i do nt care. And this is one of olgas most poignant reports from the donbass. At the daughters entrance , three were already preparing food, and a girl and odnoklassniki came. How much is his exponential splinter on the back . I say a little bit to 1 cm. I didnt have you. Oh, meeting with loved ones. My favorites are my favorites well. The attitude towards her work for her relatives is, of course, terrible. When are you . Here you are in a hot spot, and its easier to survive it, you are there even, by the way, now, and many write that those who are in the war zone are also for them, but its easier to endure all this. Eh, you are there and a certain person turns on there. And such a state now, when i drive, does not know, mom. I dont well, because of age. Then the pain, well, the heart, thats all. Here now i just realized that she didnt need to know a completely different matter. Daughter for her mother has always been a fighter in the information front. Many do not know. What to believe what source of information . For example, if i threw off my friends, i just know that im sure that and here, just like they show. I mean, this is my mom. Im sure that she says what you think fearless military commander, olga kerry also a grandmother, but that doesnt stop her. She is the first of the journalists. I talked to women from regiments. Here are the exclusive footage. And we nasvatye. Im katya with the internet and im 20. For the sacred im a lifter. But how did you end up, you stood there in the basement, well , ill shoot at the bees of mariupol in this and the basics, elena was mrs. Staltsev, you could grab at least three. Immediately there was such a heavy assessment, nikolai already drank , the chances were already clear. Take it out, it still worked. You can, dont go to drink then, but here you often donate dragged in captivity sing for eight. Its a pity i cursed one in one of the types we are not a soul, a soul quarrel, so we are with her mother and already. And so i still think yak was in weber rea right away, i would ride them, well, come on, the blackened and creepy mariupol is no longer there, the city is being rebuilt well, and you sing completely different songs there, and bird continues to pull hers. Here she is in berlin on a russian tank, which the germans filled up with flowers. Ah. And although ptah sings already in the wild. Sad, it turns out the song and here she also has no chance. Well, im a hog svetlana vasilyevna, a soldier by decree, a fighter from odessa. What happened to you . Mariupol i am already a woman at a good beautiful age, so i have the opportunity to say leave one job and go to work for another railroad worked. I really did not believe that there would be a war, i really did not want to even believe in it. When it all started in 1914 and when there was a provocation in odessa, everyone can tell their opinion who is to blame, but i was in odessa then i dont want to talk about this topic now, because it will be unpleasant for many on the other side of the screen to hear. I myself mom, im a grandmother, of ​​course i feel sorry for the children in the first place, sorry for the children and sorry for what they see. Thats all they are experiencing. This is all a woman at a beautiful age a sniper took the side of the killers who provoked a crime in the donbass and now i myself, a grandmother, sympathize with all the dead children of the salt of angels , it is hard to believe. My name is Svetlana Svetlana svetlana yes, uh. I myself am from the poltava region, a small town. Uh, thank god i will soon be 59 years old. I mean, im an adult already. Im a doctor. Uh decrees. Should a woman go to war leaving her family of children to war even men should not go to her. A priori it shouldnt be. We are, well, civilized people. We are in the 21st century we live. And what wars can be discussed, but someone decided for us. I will not answer this question. Who was the first to start and what ukraine was preparing for 8 years is now known for a war with russia, i wanted to understand where such cruelty came from in them. I wanted to understand why women, and from the other side, go to kill people. Well, none of them wants to admit. What yes, i shot. Yes, im a sniper. Yes, im Something Else there, that is, uh, heroism, patriotism , die for their just cause. It confess. Yes , you are so cool. Yes, you fought for some of their ideals. No. No, they all wanted to get away from responsibility and get out of the water in chemistry. It is clear that captivity to revelation does not dispose of every extra word can turn against you, and yet they blurted out they were not so simple and merciful, these snipers and zazovs. And you can say that im just really kalin to someone who ate information to the people in july. We are all class time. I live a completely different motivation for the women of donbass a woman can bring her son to war, and a father can bring his son to war and go whole families, no one dies. If you die no, there, you are already maternal and paternal, they fade into the background and into the foreground. And as with all russians, uh, the struggle for their own hands. You need to live here today now we are Julia Baranovskaya call sign star host of the program male female mother of three children in the donbass since april 2022 i couldnt help but go there. I should have seen. I had to talk to people. I had to look at it all, feel it, understand it in order to broadcast it here later. Julia emphasizes that she is not a military commissar , she is talking about people. Her film crew came under fire more than once. Where . Well, nothing frightened yulia to give up everything and leave baranovskaya. I wanted to. Only once, after filming, Nina Ponomareva from mariupol, a womans husband was killed by a ukrainian sniper. She was left alone with five children at home dragged to the grave. This is where papa sleeps. Here are his candies. And you will be candy. I at some point i realized that i was just, well , everything is your house. Brought more sweets, and you know that dad is now your good angel, you know, yes, you dream and you dream. Tell me what you dream about, he calls him. Mom was left without her. In general, i was afraid to say that she no longer had a son. The children couldnt calm down. Hello well, then yulia stayed and now she is determined to wait for our victory, and today it is already a completely different Yulia Baranovskaya side, which i had before. I am very grateful that he discovered it for me. But the fact that i had a revaluation of value. Its absolutely absolutely. I understood. Most importantly, you need to live here today and now you understand. Hair not legs, will grow back now working at the airfield. Gostomel this brave girl is known to everyone who watches the news of the first irina kuksinkova. The first shots of the hottest spots are always her near kiev. Yes, when we spent a month in the woods, it was a bit complicated there. I even went once to belarus and cut off my hair so that, well, there is nowhere to wash your head, they tell you to get a haircut. I say dont just cut it off. You know, its hair not legs, its gonna grow back a terrible joke, huh . Listening to this joke is really creepy shortly after the haircut and really almost lost her legs. It happened in mariupol after the filming of the report was completed, we also carefully moved out of the territory of the ilyich plant in small groups, she already noticed our nationality at the exit and opened fire from an automatic grenade launcher ags17 film crew cameraman Dmitry Kachurin from sound cameraman. Nikita sevastyanov is not whole at all. Legs hit by several splinters the most terrible generally seconds in a lifetime. When to look down. Do you have legs . What is incomprehensible hurts. At first i stirred this, then i think, maybe its a phantom but also pain. Maybe it seems to me that the injury was serious, if a fragment had hit the nerf , then i would have had to amputate my leg, fortunately it didnt. Now i have already taken a lot of pictures in donetsk, the doctors continue to extract. Shards never thought id be reporting from a hospital bed. Now everything is fine. One is here. This is where i came in, somewhere this fragment stood up here. But by the way, this very unpleasant, because here the nerve is further away, and one more has come here. I dont know where it is somewhere in the meat. After Irina Kuksenkova almost died. It started for her. A new life is lying among these same people in one department. Yes, you have there every day, uh, the sides are unloaded with 70 wounded in the head, of course, they will click. You will understand that these people need to be dealt with, they need help. This is what didnt give me. Fall into some kind of depression irina ambassador of the common popular front. It has become a surefire way to help militias and veterans and kind. Thanks for support. Thank you for your reporter work. Irina returned in 2 months, but she will consider herself healthy only after she can run normally, she is the anniversary of the injury, i will run. Thats right, i say the same as ira promised her. Now ill tell you the form , im not running as fast as i would like, but everything will definitely recover and ill run faster than sain balls has this windbreaker. There will still be and victory day will definitely come and our heroines will take off their uniforms, push their helmets and bulletproof vests away and do what they have been talking about for a long time they dream of putting on an elegant dress, bringing beauty and walking along the flowering boulevards of the liberated cities and even dancing with their loved ones

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