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Next week, take care. Hello on channel one evening news with you andrey ukharev two german leopards destroyed in the kupensky direction opponents all heavy losses report from the ministry of defense and personnel from the front line thanks to the dobrovolsky detachment, crimea, except from the enemy in zaporozhye, dozens of people were detained at a protest rally in yerevan the police do not stand on ceremony, brutally shot down son of the former president , the situation has become tense after the events in karabakh; the opposition is demanding pashinyans resignation. All the signs on the face of the ukrainian issue began to openly burden American Society and the authorities, then zelenskys gipayevskaya in the United States is called a failure, which is what the meeting with the byte is remembered for. Sustainable Economic Growth and the fulfillment of all social obligations of the government are completing work on the countrys budget, what is the priority and what innovations are awaiting russia at perm airport, a turkish airliner rolled off the runway during landing, and the plane that had previously landed on a wheat field was decided to be repaired and return to the sky. Its a challenge for film viewers to touch something that has only been seen in movies or in the news today. You see, the shares of channel one and roscosmos made a unique excursion to star city, and in the beginning about how the special operation is going today, the kiev regime attempted to attack the territory of crimea, five cruise missiles were shot down by our air defense forces. In addition , in one day, according to the Russian Ministry of defense , 15 drones were destroyed, and also intercepted 10 rc shells. In the kupinsky direction, our forces destroyed two german leopard tank. Telegram channels distribute footage. Now you will see them. So they provide the details. Everything happened in the area of ​​the line, the matchmaker, the criminal vehicles. Both tanks were discovered at night and destroyed early this morning; both tanks were destroyed with loitering ammunition. In addition , foreign selfpropelled guns and several artillery pieces were on the list. In the donetsk direction, our unit repelled four attacks by ukrainian assault groups per day; Russian Aviation and artillery were actively working on the enemy. As a result, losses opponents up to 200 people and a lot of ruiners in the area of ​​​​the village of green guide, the warehouse of the ukrainian tank brigade was blown up. In the same aviation and artillery square, up to 110 militants were destroyed. From kherson region. Russian troops hit three enemy radar stations. In the zaporozhye direction, one of the hottest spots, the village of kamenskoye, part of it is held by russian units, the other part is under the control of ukrainian formations, militants have dug in, a network of underground tunnels was built there long ago, but our soldiers are metal knock them out, destroy them with a fortified area, a special role. Here the mortarmen, together with the detachments soldiers, are working on the front line in crimea with a film crew from channel one, reporting by valentina solovyova. It constantly hits and shoots, well, you can see for yourself, the road goes to zaporozhye, now we are passing one of the nominated sections. Lets quickly pass so that the road with direct visibility leaves the road along which, among other things , the route of the iaea mission passes during a rotation at the Zaporozhye Nuclear power plant with a soldier of the volunteer detachment, crimea call sign bonya weve been going to the front line in the village of kamenskoye for more than a year, part of it is under the control of our people , part of it is kept in full force. The poles were not here in black uniforms, that is, they were completely wiped out. Well prepared, that is, coordinated movements and so on. Well, we didnt let them live in peace either. Everything they had there. Well, they burned it. Well, you drove the poles away from here. Well, not yet. Well, i think if they come, they will lie down when they come. The mortar is not worth it. Oops, the cornflower mortar is nearby, a soldier is loading cassette mines, one cassette, there are 5060 squares close very effective. Well , now you can see for yourself that they are rolling out the mortar now. Cornflower from our drone operator. The coordinates of the target have arrived and will be processed quickly. Cornflower hits minami 82 caliber now there will be adjustments to fire and restrike. They are trying to storm our positions. At the reception plus accepted direct continue to attack the cassette there. Now they are trying to use nato equipment en masse in small groups, they have stopped hiding in the dugout , hiding in largecaliber and already there. How to pour out a machine pleasant is not enough for enemy . From another position they are working on kamensky street where the enemy is holed up using a 120 caliber mortar. They go into one and through the houses there. 34 comes out right in the house about when they flew closer to the house, you can see that the foundation is knocked out and right under the foundation they dive straight into the basement and they have such whole underground cities there. They really write very beautifully there afterwards about their progress, what positions they have already taken, lets say. So our part of the village of kamenskoye, but this is no more than their dreams, so to speak, since well, we will already say here. So very good we dug very well and got a strong foothold, plus we also targeted almost all possible places where the enemy could be located. Our enemy fighters can immediately respond in our direction and quickly work. No, his body armor is drying, hes sweating, its just everyone in the squad, crimea. All volunteers with combat experience , a fighter with the call sign diesel, began his military career in the donbass militia with battles in saur, magile, his comrade with the call sign squirrel, izdebaltseva, has also been fighting since the fourteenth year, worked in the fire department. Ministry of emergency situations i was sitting thinking, damn, somehow i was a little its inconvenient, brother, im also at war. And my father, too , somehow it was completely uncomfortable for me to sit at home here for some reason. Help a friend he is zaporozhye yes friend, zaporozhye he is here too. We want him to get home as quickly as possible; they are waiting for him there. All here are our men, that is, historical times, motherland is not just such a word. They gathered, yes, they arrived and stood firmly as a 24x7 wall behind the backs of the fighters of the volunteer detachment, crimea itself , the road to the peninsula, another attack was organized by the enemy at night, Valentin Solovyov was repulsed by pavel volkonsky victoroverin. Channel one, zaporozhye region. New facts of the crime of the kiev regime against the civilian population have been announced at an operational meeting, although in donetsk, the head of the investigative committee, alexandra bastrykin, established that the Ukrainian Defense plan for mariupol provided for military operations within the city, which led to large casualties among residents, and there were also deliberate executions of people in addition, information has emerged that foreign instructors introduced training for enemy forces even before the start of the special operation. Issued a resolution to bring 25 more foreigners in absentia as accused under part three of article 359 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation , and work was organized in such countries as australia, austria, argentina and belgium to search for these persons. Currently, criminal prosecution is being carried out against 20014 foreigners who took part in hostilities on the side of Ukrainian Military personnel. It has also been established that shortly before the start of their training and instruction, Ukrainian Military personnel were carried out by instructors from canada, Great Britain and the United States that means it was installed strangely, yes, it was called canada usa Great Britain by the same countries. That is, we can confirm this with the materials of our investigation before the start of the special operation, that is, in fact, we prepared 100 for the fact that there would be battles. Yes yes this is very important. In yerevan, where after the recent events in karabakh protests demanding the resignation of Prime Minister pashinyan have not subsided, today the situation has escalated to the limit with violent clashes between demonstrators and special forces, about a hundred people were detained, despite this, the opposition stated that will continue the protests until pashinyan leaves the government house. Today he left through the emergency exit under heavy security personnel from the armenian capital at anatoly lazarev. Protesters gathered in front of the government building in yerevan in the morning while the column walked, passing motorists honked their horns, supporting them. The cabinet of ministers headed by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan was meeting inside and they couldnt help but hear the protesters chanting nikol the traitor, although the police tried to drown out the demands that were unpleasant for pashinyan his resignation knocking on the bills. Zhenya , well, i had to leave the building through the emergency exit under heavy security. The longer the protests continue, they began on tuesday, the higher the degree of tension the nerves are at the limit on both sides, the police are such a team. Ahh, to break the leaders of the protest, to break those people who influence in some way the authorities are trying to break. Well, the authorities will not succeed, because people are not ready to give up, people are not afraid, people will fight. The police decided not to stand on ceremony with the protesters. Many arrests began with a chokehold. Just like the day before, they detained you harshly . Resistance is useless; numerical superiority is on the side of the police; 98 people were detained; among them, for example, the son of former armenian president robert kochan, levon. Six of them resisted, they dragged him into a car, where they began to beat him. As a result, he had to be hospitalized and was diagnosed with a concussion and a closed craniocerebral injury. He was in a moderate condition. Prime minister pashinyan did not comment on the street riots. At the meeting of the cabin he said only that 40,000 places have been prepared in armenia for the relocation of armenian karabakh. That is, this is another 40,000 people dissatisfied with his policies. He officially stated that yerevan recognizes the territory of azerbaijan within soviet borders , that is, together with nagornokarabakh , and was inactive when baku launched a military operation in karabakh this week, which was called antiterrorist anatol lazarev tatyana bakunina igor afonov. The First Channel of relations with immediate neighbors and interaction in Different Directions was discussed today at vladimirs meeting putin and permanent members of the Russian Security council met via video conference. Dear colleagues, good afternoon, well talk to you today about the situation related to parents relationships with our closest neighboring partners. We have a large amount of work. There are many different Economic Issues related to unitary Security Cooperation in the region. We have several speakers, please, lets start with the issue of security Alexander Vasilyevich bortnikov and today Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone with the president turkmenistan serdar berdimuhamedov, the russian leader warmly congratulated him on his birthday, as reported in the kremlin , the mutual mood for further comprehensive development of relations between the countries in the spirit and deepened Strategic Partnership was confirmed. Earlier, Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to his colleague. Sustainable Economic Growth and fulfillment of all social obligations are the basic principles of the russian budget for 24 and the next two years, work on the project is almost completed, the Prime Minister said Mikhail Mishustin and here are just a few figures funding for medicine has been increased by 13. 5 to 340 billion rubles. Will be used to provide hightech assistance in the regions. Starting from the new year, the minimum wage will exceed 19,000 rubles. The salaries of Public Sector employees will increase accordingly. The priority is also to support families with children and implement national projects. Next year, a number of tariffs will change, in particular in the housing and Communal Services sector , and strict control over unreasonable increases in the cost of services will be provided. Kirill brian familiarized himself with the document in detail. U the government has a week left to submit the draft budget to the state duma; work on the Main Financial document for 2024 and the planning period of 25 and 26 is almost completed; deputies, like all citizens of the country, are waiting for good news; the economy has coped with the challenges much better than experts, both pessimists and optimists, predicted thanks to. The president s order to flexibly change the Regulatory Framework , the government, in coordination with the central bank, managed to neutralize many challenges to support our citizens and enterprises various types of Economic Activity already this year. We have moved towards sustainable growth. Contrary to those experts. Who expected a completely Different Development of events. According to preliminary estimates of the ministry of Economic Development , Gross Domestic Product increased by more than 2 over 7 months. Actually , this dynamics allows us to look with confidence into the threeyear budget future and, as the president instructed at a meeting at the beginning of the week, to guarantee the fulfillment of all social obligations. Here, of course, there is nowhere without numbers, for example, for the payment of a single benefits for families with children are planned to be almost 4 1 2 trillion rubles for the payment of maternity capital, more than one and a half trillion, and about 500 billion for the improvement of living conditions. A significant item of healthcare expenditure for the development of primary medical care, 200 billion are provided for preferential medicines of a trillion or more 400 billion. To help Cancer Patients and that s not all, over 100 thirty billion rubles, next year we will allocate it to provide hightech assistance, no, included in the basic program. And compulsory medical insurance is also for residents each of the russian subjects will continue to have the opportunity to receive it free of charge in federal medical institutions ; about 214 billion rubles will be spent on this. We will continue to do everything necessary for the Sustainable Development of domestic healthcare. The threeyear Financial Plan is also a development budget. Lets say about the implementation of national projects. Next year alone it is planned to spend about 3,000,000 rubles. A reasonable question. What about income and answers income will fluctuate in the range from 33 to 35 trillion from 24 to 26 and expenses on average at 35. 5 per year, the government plans to cover the deficit mainly through internal borrowing; of course, for the average person, these figures are, to a certain extent , quite abstract. But what really concerns everyone is the minimum wage. Or the minimum wage , on behalf of the president , is rapidly increasing it. Starting next year, by a total of a 18. 5 , which will significantly outpace the inflation rate. From january 1, the minimum wage will exceed 19,200 rubles. Well, along with this, the salaries of more than 4. 5 Million People will increase. Today also in on the agenda is an issue that concerns the rights of participants in a special war operation, we are carrying out such work, including through the state Fund Defenders of the fatherland, which was created on the initiative of the president , the government will send a grant to this structure in the amount of more than five billion rubles, largescale support is also awaiting industry. And only for the civil sector of the government. We are ready to allocate about a trillion rubles, and this should be the case. As is commonly said, the driver of development is the goal of income from production. In a variety of industries should double that of oil and gas. And, of course, infrastructure. First of all, what do they call it in the cabinet of ministers . Road activities, including construction and operation, average more than a trillion annually; in addition to the draft budget, a forecast of socioEconomic Development will also be sent to the state duma for consideration. And this document provides for an indexation of gas tariffs for industrial consumers by 10 on december 1. Rail freight transportation , as well as passenger transportation, will rise in price approximately by the same amount, except suburban residents will increase with the new year and utility bills, the usual indexation occurs every year in the summer, but for almost a year and a half it has not been carried out; the average receipt will increase by no more than nine and 80 . This will be strictly monitored, the federal antimonopoly service has increased the maximum, and the government has indicated up to 9. 8 . But this also needs to be compared not just in some kind of vacuum. Yes, but compared to inflation, that is, well, in general, if we look at the last 2 years, then, accordingly, the increase in housing and Communal Services tariffs is it turns out to be less than the inflation for this period provided and subsidies if the payment for utilities exceeds 22 of the Family Income ; the regions, by the way, are free to improve the conditions for such support kirill brown on the application and Alexander Kovalev channel one. It is impossible to defeat russia with weapons in the west , they understand this and are trying to undermine our moral values , the chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko spoke about this in dagestan derbent, she spoke at the Parliamentary Forum on the history of the Cultural Heritage of russia, they discussed issues of support historical settlements and Tourism Development another topic was the work of the poet rasul gamzatov; according to st. Petersburg, it should be included in the school curriculum. We will continue to carefully preserve his literary heritage, his wisdom, his sincere love for his native republic and remember gamzatovs main testament to preserve the friendship and unity of all our fraternal peoples. And i think we could write down in the recommendations of our Forum Proposals to consider the issue of including gamzatovs literary heritage in school curricula. Yes, you need to study russian classics, foreign classics, but we cannot help but study the heritage of the poetry of those whom we consider great poets, whom we consider the pride of our country, to learn about the problems of people on the ground and quickly pass the necessary laws , parliamentarians will be helped by a new project of the Federation Council social route mobile senator, it has already been launched in six regions in the volgograd voronezh penza ryazan saratov and lipetsk regions were formed for the first time in the history of the Federation Council, and such a Pilot Project is a social route mobile signaller, where before the start of the Autumn Winter session. And we got to know the problems, share the best practices and develop them for ourselves. And here is the one, and those problematic issues about which then give rise to legislative initiatives, and which we must introduce them to the state duma in the council in volgograd , senators inspected the new building of the Oncology Center and held a meeting with regional authorities in ryazan discussed healthcare in penza, reconstruction in hospital for the construction of sports grounds, and in saratov, the parliamentarian met with the participants of the special operation and their families. We heard a number of questions about support measures that are necessary and hmm and what needs to be changed in legislation and also about measures that are not being implemented in practice and uh, so, of course, we took the study of all these issues and i think that in the near future, so as i am a member of the working group on legislation in my area, this group is headed by the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council andrey anatolyevich turchak and the group also works within the framework. We prepare a report once a month to the president. Zelensky continues with an outstretched hand to knock on the thresholds of western hosts from the usa, he flew to canada , maybe, and there they will give something, and the results of the meeting in washington clearly demonstrated that the ukrainian issue has begun to openly burden American Society and the authorities, at least the legislative one, the head of the kiev regime has to speak to parliamentarians food further, and the meeting with biden was remembered only by the reading of a thankyou speech addressed to the president of the United States from a piece of paper, neither a press conference nor about water statements as a result of the attitude changing and this is obviously mythological will confirm. The red carpet at the entrance to the white house read the bidens everything is almost the same as in december last year, when zelensky personally came to washington for the first time to ask for american money. Except that this time he took his wife with him and her role in the negotiations, however, remained a secret, as did the content of almost the entire threehour conversation for the press, only short formal statements today. I have approved another package of military assistance to ukraine, which includes artillery, ammunition and antitank systems, and next week the First American abrams tanks will arrive in ukraine in weve been waiting for them since the spring, much more attention was drawn to the fact that the new package also includes the new us special representative for ukraine penny pritzer, who at one time spent a lot on Barack Obamas Election Campaign Hillary Clinton from joe biden. And now, apparently, the time has come to receive dividends at your disposal first. She should receive 24 billion, if, of course, she can convince congress to allocate this money to the ukrainian regime, if she could choose the most its a bad time for zelensky to once again come to washington with an outstretched hand, but now is certainly just such a moment that the us foreign debt recently exceeded an astronomical 33 trillion dollars, which only increased the number of supporters in congress of reducing unnecessary spending, which is primarily considered unnecessary as since spending on ukraine , the white house tried to pass it through congress as funding for Emergency Response and National Defense , the republicans were dissatisfied with such machinations. The mutual failure of the first vote just on the day of zelenskys arrival in washington was that in this situation, not only ukraine would be left without money, but also at least two of the most important american ministries did not stop the determined republicans. Yes , this threatens socalled shutdowns when government activities are stopped after september 30. But some congressmen believe this is a lesser evil than the bottomless ukrainian hole. You have already given them over 113 billion. Now they are asking for another 24 billion. But if you look more closely, you will see that this will be enough for them only for 23 months, that is, after 23 months. They will come to ask for a speech again, because its not just about weapons. Understand that we finance their civil servants, their bloated, corrupt government at the expense of american taxpayers in the white house and do not hide 24 billion this is only so that the ukrainian regime does not collapse, at least until the new year. How much more is needed will be calculated, then until the deliveries proceed according to the pre agreed schedule. Perhaps the only disappointment that the head of the ukrainian regime experienced in washington was the absence news on missile attacks with a range of 300 km, kiev has been asking for them for a long time, but the allies are dragging their feet. This is extremely worrying for zelensky, bloomberg writes. Analyzing his speech from the un rostrum, zelensky suspects that President Joe Biden is hesitating and other leaders may follow. The us Prime Minister was told by one of those who met with him recently. According to him , zelensky during the meeting demonstrated extreme emotionality and sharply criticized countries that do not provide aid quickly enough to ukraines allies in private order, they invite him to think about the state in which the country will end the war, these hesitations, the publication writes, became obvious against the backdrop of sharp disagreements between ukraine and poland, which refused to supply weapons to kiev. After the ukrainian authorities declared a trade war with their neighbor over a grain dispute, users of polish social networks. Now they ridicule the impudence of the beggar. Give him, please, but give him money, but give him tanks. Well, help ukraine, at a meeting with the us president , zelensky curbed his greed and diligently controlled himself, apparently, remembering that, according to american media, he had already infuriated him twice with his inappropriate requests immediately after receiving the next gifts. So this time i strictly followed the prewritten english text with thanks, despite the obvious difficulties with reading, i helped myself with a pen, which i carefully moved along the lines. I am grateful to the United States of america and the president for the new defense package for ukraine, a very powerful package thank you very much, waiting for an answer to your questions according to the sky news channel during a short conversation with zelensky, speaker of the house of representatives Kevin Mccarthy asked him about plans to achieve victory and the reasons for the failure of the counteroffensive. Reporters write received only a sour expression on his face as zelensky cruised through the corridors of the capitalist hill, his face did not look like that of a man who was completely satisfied with the level of american support for his country, lingering disappointments due to delays in the supply of weapons he needs. Perhaps it was this disappointment that became the main reason for in which the white house even refused a joint press conference between biden and zelensky, citing zelenskys lack of time. I also had to thank washington officials. This is where his wifes very long thank you text came in handy. They read by role in the National Archives building. Actually. At this point, zelenskys mission could be considered completed. Mikhail kinchenko. Vyacheslav arkhipov Natalya Lobanova ilyase, rozetdinova. Channel one washington you are watching the evening news and this is what will happen next in our program. Emergency at the perm airport, a turkish airliner rolled off the runway during landing, and it was decided to repair the plane that had previously landed on a wheat field and return it to the sky. To touch what was seen only in the movies or in the news today, viewers of the film challenge, the winners of the campaign of channel one and roscosmos, made a unique excursion to star city. Well also tell you about the abnormally warm weather that has settled across most of central russia. How long will it last . After a short commercial, dont switch . 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The plane was soon towed to parking lot after which the airport resumed its operations. And the passenger plane of ural airlines, which crashlanded in a field last week, did not receive serious damage, according to experts. It will be able to carry out flights; repairs will be minor; during landing, one of the engines got damaged by soil, several fan blades were damaged and the landing gear turned around; it was also possible to identify the cause of the malfunction of one of the hydraulic systems; because of it, an emergency situation occurred. The crew managed to land the plane in a field. In the end they were saved 167 people. Only five of them sought medical help, as the carrier said the plane will remain in place for several months and only then its planned transportation, while it will be mothballed. To touch what millions of people saw only in the cinema. Today, viewers of the film challenge, the winners of the campaign of channel one and roscosmos, took a unique excursion to star city, the place where the road to space opens to the first detachment and the first cosmonaut of the planet. And now the first in the history of cinema, the crew all started classes in visit the Cosmonaut Training Center to see everything with your own eyes and learn the subtleties and secrets. This is accessible only to a few impressions. The lucky ones shared with Anna Kurbatova. This is a spacesuit for going into outer space, it would be inaccurate to say that they literally put it on and weigh 114 kg, but it just seems like you cant walk with such a load. In these, they practice various skills of working in zerogravity conditions; the spacesuit is heavy. This is not just a sports suit this is a real spaceship. Here in general, it seems that space is closer than ever before, but when else will you see a fullsize model of the russian segment of the iss or a real centrifuge on which they test how an astronaut will make a decision under overload conditions, and the overload is such that even after rotation it may seem that almost 100 kg weighs on you. End of rotation. How are you feeling here at the Cosmonaut Training Center named after gagarin , the film crew trained and called the first ever film shot in orbit, yulias practical training was resettled klimashopenko were also on this spaceship simulator. On which astronauts practice all elements of flight from launch to landing. Now lets try to get inside too. This is what they say the ships commanders chair should sit in, quite compactly, as the cosmonauts say in the fetal position, its a bit cramped. But they are still in spacesuits. Im ready. Well, here you overpowered shipenko in just 4 months you learned what cosmonauts have been preparing for for years, there is little place , its just amazing not like for adult men who fly there more more spacious thought, of course, without a doubt, uncomfortable instead of small. How can they even fit a spacesuit here . This is very difficult, and even more so such overload on excursions at the Cosmonaut Training Center. Today there are 23 lucky people who watched the challenge and now know for sure this is more than just a movie. Channel one, with the support of roscosmos, held a unique promotion, raffling off tickets to visit star city among those who bought tickets to the film; viewers came from different parts of the country from vologda by train from alexandrov by train from krasnodar to the car is far away for the sake of space. Its not such a Long Distance to look at everything in the rocket, but space food. I want to eat space food Marina Gasanova just today flew from sakhalin 8 hours by plane neatly sakhalin sakhalin specifically to go on an excursion star city, by the way, the film is only part of a grandiose scientific and educational project that channel one is implementing jointly with roscosmos. They believe that in the future the same express training as the call crew will be in demand for dispatch into the orbit of narrow specialists, scientists or doctors, just like in a movie with your head. Here you are , a migrant Anna Kurbatova ivan strukov Alexander Isaev Natalya Sidorova yuria rublev. First channel the bank of russia today released into circulation a commemorative coin dedicated to the entry of new regions into russia; its face value is 3 rubles. It is made of 925 sterling silver on the reverse side there is an image of the constitution page of the coat of arms of our country and the flags of the donetsk and lugansk peoples republics of the kherson and zaporozhye regions. All this against the backdrop of the st. Georges hall of the kremlin where on september 30 last year, agreements were signed on their acceptance into our country; a coin was issued on the anniversary of the start of the referendum, as a result of which the overwhelming majority of residents of these territories spoke in favor of being together with russia. And then on september 30, the president proposed making the day the reunification of new regions with russia and this week the state duma has already approved the corresponding law in three readings at once. Unprecedented warm weather for the end of september has settled in the capital region; the air has warmed up during the day up to 24, and last night became the warmest in the seventyfifth year in its own right. Indian summer will remain this coming weekend according to forecasts up to plus 25 and almost without clouds in the grip of abnormal heat. Almost all of russia, everywhere the temperature is above normal, and in st. Petersburg it is as close as possible to the 1936 record. That s all for now. We are following developments, but right now on channel one, man and the law. According to good tradition, we will start the program with an extremely interesting video of man the law on the air. Do not deploy or distribute threaten and not test to promote complete nuclear disarmament. This is a good strategy allen, but it should not be the only strategy to protect the world from the latest war. Ukraine abandoned its Third Largest nuclear arsenal. A scandal broke out in poland the other day. Or rather, the scandalous minister of defense, mariusz blaszczak, unveiled a secret plan in quotation marks for 2011

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