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Yes, its a little late. Shumir, kashmir, raise the yakar. Where did you get the idea that you are our captain . Because im older. How is it older . You were born 3 days later than me. Thats right, thats because the captain is always a little late. Here. Its a waste, guys. Now we have our own sail. Her father will kill us. It doesnt matter, because we will sail away. Red future, shrimp, secure the sail , take care of yourself, sinbadik come back, quickly, here, salara, keep it as a souvenir, and dont thank me, there they are, uncle tiglas, salara, this canal is for sale, sindbat, oh, father, give it back i have goods, scoundrel , goodbye sinbat, give me the mooring line, salara, you wait for me, i will write from every trip, well, when i learn, son, just give me one more time, and drive, gods, who will pay me for the fabric, we will meet again , sindbat, in another once, kisa, another time, maybe its not worth it, grab him, mansur, what the. Dont be upset guys, he was overdue anyway, it was the last hope, in a year we didnt capture a single ship, well what are you pirates after this, like none . And a month ago, i captured a ship, it was a fishing boat, but remember, they had no food, and we gave them a couple of flatbreads, well, of course we did, for this you decided to land me on a desert island, so what should i do here . , well, you drank a whole bottle of the elixir of luck, suddenly you find a treasure, all the best, captain, wait, wait, stop joking , were a team, but now i have my own island, after all, im 3 days older than him, well never forgive him, poor thing, cute, people, people, people, save, help im here , simbat, we decided to give you one last chance, and its you, get lost, my treasure, theres some water here, though its salty, if youre bored, write me a letter, simbak, everythings fine with you, and everythings fine with me, swim, dont feel sorry for me, jump, but oh, you cant do anything without your captain, raise the flag, senpad comes back on board, goodbye sweet island, i will miss you, i thought a lot when i was on you. I thought about our life and decided to change everything. Oh no, not today. Today is a great day. we say goodbye to the pirate past and become a merchant ship, and peaceful traders have no need to hand over their weapons, a calm peaceful trade, a secure old age, no robberies and robberies, you will like it, mansur, this applies to you too, i wont give it to the martyr, mansur, this is a gift from mom, shumir, raise the flag of free traders, i am not shumir, captain, i nightmare, no matter shumir, we are heading for alexandria, we will buy goods there, we will go sailing, if we swim, of course, the sea is teeming with pirates. So, lets repeat together once again, we are now honest pirates listen, kashmir, i understand that it will not be easy at first, but you need to get used to it, pirates, sidba, kissam, mozilla fire from all guns , so this is it, we threw them away, you said it yourself, sidbat, its time to find out which of us is the best captain, oh, old man, im of course very glad to meet you, how are you, thank you, good, but now please forgive me, we are in a hurry, command for battle, excuse me, i was on purpose, typing, what is this where, didnt hit, didnt hit, im here, oh, passing by, come on, stand, dont be boring, oh, oh i dont see that ive been spoiled by a thousand devils, oh, oh, ive gotten loose, loosened up, look where youre going, everyone has an idea, lets stick with each other , were together, oh, simbat, look, our rat is running from the ship, were. Get ready without panic, we will capture the pirate ship, but why should we capture our own ship, which is also accurate, because our ship, the ship of noble merchants, is sinking, and im talking about the ship of the pirate kesama, the ship will all perish, so guys, get together, take care yes , we will meet again, sebat, yes, i know, i know , we are on our way to alexandria, captain, i dare to report that we have a leak on the starboard side, a pessimistic forecast, we will go to the bottom, yeah, and an optimistic one . 40 minutes, captain, for what purpose did you arrive in alexandria, to steal the sacred glass that is in the teapot, is that there . Its better for you not to know, curly, whats in the teapot, hello, curly, the path to your calling is very thorny, what professions have we mastered . Guests on the way to their dream, i also worked as an instructor in the komsomol district committee, and since there was no such salary, my work book says cleaner and. I really didnt like it, but we have a story about how you returned to your native library , tatyana, can i take a solfie with you, all my professions, whether it be an apprentice cook. They selected the loader taking into account that they had as much time as possible to do what they loved. I worked at central television, as a senior accountant. Seniors . You said there will be a hedgehog. And whats that . I have my first entry was in the book, my favorite, the night receptionist. It wasnt a shame that everyone was listening to you, but i was constantly giving away my voice, one day i was sitting at home having breakfast, and my radio was hanging on my wall. And the girl sings, and i m sitting there appreciating how well the girl sings, such a wonderful voice, and then, oh my, its me singing, look after the program, time, sergei andreevich, theater for young spectators, so, set assembler , welder, this is one of the largest cities in the world beyond the arctic circle, as the locals joke, its been here for 2 months its cold, and the remaining 10, well, very cold, we are in norilsk, friends, we see such a beautiful. How the guys can withstand this temperature, the fortitude of a real metalg, ore, iron, metal, copper, platinum, lets make an iron man, if more this iron man after his shift, tired , hasnt washed yet, then he should smell like this, come on, oh my god, you cut it, throw salt and pepper in there and start shaking it like that, its called dolbanina, today we learned two dishes, dolbanina and straganina. Im just in shock, because im standing, im cold, i should start, get used to being liked right away, youre great, let me shake your hand, its warm , can you imagine, its also warm, the life of your own, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, uglich is one of the most ancient cities in our country, the corner of the volga gave the name to our city, city ​​on the corner. This is an ordinary house, an ordinary century, the main thing is cheese, i will stuff it with cream, bake beets and make some cool sauce from local berries. Well, lets start cooking, the premiere, turning on wheels. Tomorrow on the first. Sinbat, you dont have to go to to the bottom with the ship. No, no, absolutely, thats what the maritime code says. Senbat, stop it, these are prejudices, this is not even your ship, but kisams ship. No, no, me. Made a decision, i will die at sea, as befits a sailor, i lost the ship, all i have left is my part, 10 seconds, i almost believed it, last time he surfaced faster, i just decided that i couldnt give up my a command to the mercy of fate, and. A command to go there, no, i changed my mind, here, the temple of the sacred glass, do you hear, maba . Ah ah ah oh, oh, the temple of the consultative glass, over there you could walk without problems, everything is calm, what should i do, maaba, there are two of them, and i am alone, you sometimes infuriate me, antioh, now you infuriate me twice as much, now you infuriate me. Four times more, now its eight, thats enough, stop, thats enough, who is it . And they rob the seal in silence, yes, tadam, wow, pirates drive away in the parking lot, yohoo, what . Ay, the glass doesnt work, well, maba, what about aruzh, why are you scaring me . You are a strange guy, antioch, you called, i came, this glass broke, he did not fulfill my wish. Who told you that he will do it . You said it yourself. Yes i i said you needed a glass. There was no discussion about the rest. Come on, tell me the whole truth. Okay, listen, there lived a skilled glassblower in alexandria, rahat lukum. One day he thought it was possible without these oriental tales. What should the russians tell me, are we in the east or where . Why are you kidding me, right . Its a pity that you dont like it. Listen to smart, instructive stories. Now lets take a closer look at the board, guys. A magic glass can truly make any wish come true. To solve this problem, we must connect it with the magic fill the glass holder with water from the Sacred Spring in the temple of the dead, which is located on skeleton island. Have you recorded it . Where can i find such an idiot who will swim through. The sea of ​​seven storms, i know where to look for such a person, his name is sindbat, but i m tired of sitting in this stupid teapot, can i live with you, listen, its completely dark here, where the lights turn on, just shut up, youre too much noise, okay, old man, im a grave, that means sinbat, well, where should i look for him, dont bother me, its loading here. Follow straight ahead, after 300 m turn left. We are noble merchants, we need the best goods. This, this. They stole the sacred glass of death, well hold on, return the glass, and are you sure that this is a reliable person, because he stole the sacred glass, he couldnt steal it, because you stole the glass, oh, oh, thats right, its not mine size . My poor mother, how ashamed she will be when they hang me in a womans dress, in these dresses its simply impossible to recognize us, walk by, calmly, come on, stand, sinba , take care, in the name of the law, stand, lets hurry, back, eh. Manzur, jump, come on, dont be afraid, dont catch up, hurry up, follow them, ah, no, pirates, hes from our city ok, see you on board, i am great and ruthless, and a pirate, sinbat, rebuke your miserable work in front of me, and who are you, what are you doing here . Move away, oh, i was just walking by, youre lying to me, im a simple and modest girl , i wandered here by accident, i cant find a way out, i was walking and went through the window, defend yourself, salara, youve been here for 10 years, i ve grown up, why . Are you wearing a dress . Salara, i ll explain everything to you now. Do you like to wear Womens Clothing . No, thats not true. By the way, blue doesnt suit you. I would pick you up something pink. Why didnt you write to me shinbat . You promised to write to me from every trip. Im like a fool, i wait for a letter every day. Pink, this one with frills , nothing, this is my favorite, salara, my sweet , where are you, this is father, quickly hide, hey, you had someone, i had it, you thought i already heard a noise, and this mouse, busy, excuse me, come out, come out, scoundrel, either die, or die when you come out, what difference does it make, youre still a scoundrel, i count to three, that means one, two , thats it, thats it, thats it, im going out, well, i told you pink will suit you, aunt zukhra and i met at the market, yes, i was choosing a gift for my beloved daddy, this is very its good when children take care of their. Parents, its so good, zukhra, that you came to visit us, dad, zukhra is so lonely, yes, you said yourself that youre looking for a groom, and dad . He has been all alone for many years, well, oh, you are a very interesting man, oh, what a beautiful couple, dine with us, charming zukhra, uh, what, im afraid not, maybe another time, i beg you, stay, sidbat, yes, in the last 18 years they called me exactly that, you dared to cross the threshold of my house, what threshold . I crossed the window sill , what do you need here, fly up, uh, i wont hide, i snuck into your house to ask for the hand of your daughter, that how many times during the voyage, looking around the zoro sea desert, i whispered teglad salara, salara and teglad, but its mine, why, what would it be like without you, youre the father of my dear bride, that means. Tiglad, i love you no less than her, but oh, great day guys, i came to tell you that we will have a ship again, and teglad gave me the money for it, thats great korav gave good money to teglad , ive never seen the world before such a miser, wait, well, finally everything is assembled, thats nice, wow, and then you have ships here, or something, for sale, cool, but these are fakes, you can choose, so the ship must. Be fast and maneuverable, then you should look at this one, and the speed is up to forty knots, and whats with the strange name . And this is not the name, this is its price, dear, yeah, yeah, hes kind of gloomy, you want something lighter, more youthful, how much money did you have . Yes, a lot, leave me alone, why are they bargaining for so long . That means, you keep an eye on them, babe. And while the great antiochus thinks over their plans, it will be done, bony one, dont call me that, sleep, bar of the soravian deserts, sleep, little one, so, young people, dont be distracted, follow the old baruch, he will show you what from something you cant refuse, for sure. He is small, but quite agile and fast, ideal for a young captain, very nice, my sir, just tell me how much money you have, well, its not really money, it s a precious metal, gold, silver bars, i brought this rarity from a long trip, a unique thing, one of a kind, sophisticated design, up to the third pier, and what is it i , after all, we are brave sailors, welcome on board, nazim, get up, and what, where, what, where, the simbat sailed away, i asked you to keep an eye on him , wow, i set the alarm clock, bad alarm clock, bad, bad, what to do . Now we have to act according to plan b. And what is plan b . You disappoint me, antiloch, every real villain has a plan b. My wonderful life is a pirate, a pirate, a pirate, because from dawn to dusk, sunset. Zakata, dinjads pig, is in my pocket, dinjads son. In my pocket, the fresh wind in the sails rocks our brand new ship on the waves, the masts draw the sky, raised barks, good luck awaits us all, let the furious waves roar against the side, we are not easy guys, if we are not destined to sail back to the port, well what then . But the life of a pirate, a pirate, is wonderful, a pirate, but the wonderful life of a pirate, a pirate, a pirate, zavinyata, simbat, the merchant deceived us, he lifted us from the bottom and sold us our old ship, this. Even better, raise the flag , mom, look, pirates, pirates, pirates, look, mansur, look how these nice people are seeing us off, thank you, thank you, guards, love, guards, catch, stop. come back , naughty soul, i want you to find me a ship, merchant, anything, my lord, anything, you need a medium, large, oh, what am i, well, of course, the biggest, this is what i dare to tell you, my lord, this is a very bad boat , it will sink in 2 hours of travel, i need this, im taking it, so lets repeat it again, if anyone says that you are a pirate , mansur, what should you answer, thats right, you should laugh merrily in his face, just like that, the shtick is over, we are now not pirates, but traders, captain, oh, sit down, shumir, two, here, im not shumir, captain , i dont, we are now fugitives, the whole world is against us, they are looking for us on all continents, a beautiful woman awaits us, but short life, you understand, new guy, yes, captain, bastard tsalara, for the centenary of the film studios massfilm, the engine has begun, how many actors destinies, dreams, sufferings, hundreds of people, thousands, here comes torkovsky shukshin, bandarchuk, masfilm this is generally a place where there is a lot of humor, it has always been. This is my version of the script, how long have i been looking for you , i already wrote this, but having a card on masfilm was equated to a lottery ticket, there were no mobile phones, the assistant was running around, seryozha was quickly in the frame, before there was mosfilm shrouded in mystery, we walked around these sets, as they go to the armitage, masfilm today is not just a movie, it is. The birth of a legend, tomorrow on the first. Americans have hollywood, we have masfil, such a factory of happiness, a factory of fairy tales. Do you use your hair in the trapeze act . Yes, and youre hanging by your hair . Yes. Cheese, so, cutlet. Lets take a cutlet. You are the empress, thats it, and i want her. It seems to me that 50 guardsmen will not be able to hold the throne with the empress for a long time, there are practically no friends near the empress now, but there are plenty of enemies, i need proof that in the event of a coup , i will become the new empress. Lord, help me, lord who, wait, you cant do this, gentlemen, im your emperor, im a woman, you dont need to love, this is parsley for yours too, it was all the same , with whom youre playing tricks, i wont tolerate it , i understand, let me say this, do you want to truly rule, your majesty, or do you want to be a fairground doll in the hands of six members of the Imperial Council . Russia has no friends in europe, and never will will. Where such confidence . And you forget where i was born. You and i still have so much to do, life is not enough. Great, golden age, big premiere from monday on the first. Did you take the kettle . Yes, i took it, i took it. What about dates . Well, he said, he took it. Well done, bony, thats it, dont start , that means this is your plan b, great, really, the best of my ideas, the sinbat will take me for a merchant in distress and save me, we will end up dead without raising suspicion, there are so many difficulties, its all because because you overslept, oh, boring, lets play, you dirty pirate, and i. And your captive, what, no, yes, if only you were younger, oh, thats it , leave me alone, sazara is our friend, she is in command, and we talked with the guys and decided that the woman on the ship is this is not good, but damn, thats what i said, pick up a woman, there is, captain, what, what, what, follow the captains order, i cant . Simbat, this is salara. What do we do with those who do not follow the captains orders . Lets get going, boss. Yes, it may seem cruel, but this is the harsh law of the sea. Sumir, kashmir, hang him. Shrimp, for failure to comply the captains order was to execute sumir and kashmir. Simbap, yes, captain. Drown shrimp, no, captain, i cant do that, shrimp is my friend, okay, okay, its kind of a vicious circle, and well drop you off at the nearest port, yeah. And if he doesnt have time to save us, dont think about the bad, its somehow cold, no problem, partner, before that we were only drowning, now were also burning, oh, lets bet that well drown before we burn, i wouldnt i started putting out the fire with a magic glass, but shut up you never listen to the smart, pretty mabu, maba, look, finally , sinbads ship, save, my ship has leaked, hey, hey, man overboard, save the unfortunate man, save or sink, if im a pirate, then i must sink, if im a merchant, then i must save, ah. If im a fugitive, again some kind of closed circle around the unfortunate antiochus, hello, im unfortunate merchant santiochus, my ship was attacked by a ruthless pirate, i hate pirates, oh, im unfortunate, unfortunate eat dates, the beauty of dates, so here you go i was going to alexandria, where i wanted to sell the goods, and then equip a ship to sail to the island of the skeleton, ive never heard of this, oh, this is an ancient secret, there are immortal treasures stored in the temple of the dead, but i dont need money, neither gold nor diamonds, im already old, just. I wanted to look at these ancient holy places, you are lucky, old man , we just need treasures, we will be happy to take you there, i think you said that we are fugitives, so what, now we will become treasure seekers, this is a very ancient map , im sure she will lead us to the right place, but i dont need money, so now well plot a route, we cant sail any further. Yes, yes, of course, rest, i dont like him so much after a day of excitement, i need to rest, im a suspicious guy, yes, well, a harmless old man , wouldnt hurt a fly, bravo, so, what is this . Salar knitted shrimp, a case for a pipe, shes generally super and has become such a beauty, maybe youll make her your captain, captain, why not, a woman on a ship, a bad omen, again, thats what i said, but lets wash. Only those who believe in this sign are unlucky, oh no, but not this, very funny, sidvars crawled up , sola ran away, the fabric disappeared, wahwah wah wah, excuse me, this is a pirate island, sometimes, whats the password . Here was the king sitting on the potty, come in, thank you, thank you, kind man, prominations, the best captain of a pirate ship, won, captain of barbarovsk, look, rossa 300 sunken ships, thank you for the honor, thank you to my team and mine, flags, flags, take them flags, choose, pour, dear, leg, lets take it, i have mine, so take it in reserve, energo famous brents, this closed party, theyre expecting you, im still a kitty , you know, yes, come in, members of the Pirate Academy are awarded a golden statuette for their contribution to the development of the pirate business, a pirate, black breed, where black. Merry, he was executed yesterday in damascus, to declare gratitude posthumously, now about the trials and losers who disgrace the pirate profession in the chest nomination, the pirate kisan, who lost his ship in a battle with simbat, wins, the management decides to demote kisam to. The third category and give him trial period 1 month, ill show you later, who is the best pirate . And now disco, hey seas, youve been swimming for too long, ive managed to forget you, not now. Ive known you since childhood, thats why im here, you ve always been a vile, nasty boy , thank you, uncle glass, i want you to you found one person and brought him to my head, well, i dont know, im booked, i have a busy tour schedule, this man, dont push me too hard, i agree, my daughter was with him . What spiritual fighters, listen, this is your team, right . Oh, dont doubt it, my team has only professionals, i dont have legs, azim doesnt have an eye, murat, the steel hook is farhad, rip off his head, jamal, thats right, jamal doesnt have a tongue. Weve all been tested, dont disappoint me, you can rest assured, uncle teglad, and you dont have to snore, yes. Good morning , what a good morning, i couldnt sleep all night , listen, you woke me up, now let s talk, shut up, now i want to sleep, and why didnt i understand so rudely, im actually an evil vengeful creature, i can turn you into a toad or a spider, you cant do anything to me, im the owner of your teapot, i feed you dates, thats it, peace, lets bury the hatchet, blood and salara, theyre so cute, right . So what, and what, and what . Well, youre a villain and all that, but you wont kill them, will you . I will have to, i will kill, i will kill, it will be a pity, of course. What is this . This is the graveyard of all ships. I heard about him from experienced sailors. Canvas monster. What a glitch. Die, monster oh, its the rope monster, come on, do something, no problem, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fight of the century, shinbat vs rope monster, bets are accepted five to one, thank you, bets are in, bets are in no more, who are we betting on . In my eyes i see nasinbad, nasinbad, i found a fool, nasinbad, another glitch, but pleasant, cold, warmer, hot, simbat, simbat, hold on, old antiochus, the monster tamer is coming to the rescue. Here, halfway, timba, im busy being a shumir, im performing a feat, im not a shumir, and this rope is not the same rope, huh . Dont unclench, dont loosen up, simba, dont be afraid , old man, ill catch you, no need to thank , old man, someday youll repay me with kindness, give me five, well. Then give me four, go ahead yourself, the monster is stuck, well done, shrimp, you saved everyone, girl, stay on course, call the news, theres a little more to the right, there, captain. Who is more fun than all the salar, salar, salar, who can tame the corsair, salar, salar, well , lets shake ourselves up, we have more things to do, well, lets get excited, it doesnt hurt to dream. She is dear to everyone here, here the wind is in the sails, the skies are flashing, in the head of the salar , in the head of the salar, the waves are threateningly beating against the side, but ahead of us is our port, in the head of the salar, in the head of the salar, in a quiet chatter, someday you will get off, in my head solara, if you drop anchor, you will forever forget everyone, but not her, who is the most fun of all salar, sala. Ara, salar, who can tame the corsair, salar, salar, come on, lets get ourselves together, we still have things to do, sinbat, in my opinion, we are lost. Well, lets look at the ancient map, and well, everything is clear, right rudder, but no, left rudder, left, right, right, left, what a confusing map, what is this, the sea of ​​seven storms, for a real sailor, a storm is not scary, a storm is just a lot of water. Go yourself, as always at the wrong time, simbat, pathetic coward, stop, take the fight like a man is supposed to, head straight for the wave, for the wave, are you sure, trust me , lets talk to the kitties, i wont talk to you, remy boy, well, its time, no , captain, its still early, okay, were stalling for time, well well, lets fight, you and i, like real men, dont you know that real pirates dont fight with sabers anymore, this is the last century of pussycats, but how they fight is on wooden legs, ha, but you dont have a wooden leg, well then the duel is cancelled, we must make peace, come here, i will hug you like a brother, its time, captain, left fortevil, here is the captain, and this is like yes to the left , turn left, yeah, there is, strike, one, look, seven storms are no joke, two, three, four, six, behold, you have passed the sea of ​​seven storms, he is so boring, this kitty , always says the same thing, we will meet again. Sindbat, you and i will meet again, sindbat, sindbat, when you were counting the waves, you missed the number five, are you alive . Kashmir . Yes captain. Are you sure you re kashmir . Yes captain. Strange. Do you still know where we are . Marm is crap. Temple of the dead. Island, like an island . I dont understand why they gave him this name. Skeleton island. There are many people who want to climb. The treasure of the dead mans temple, but none of them survived, so they all died, yes, every single one, and what is wrong here on this island . Nasty climate, poor nutrition, my heart senses, we shouldnt have sailed here, every treasure has a strangeness, lie down, just dont panic when the sinbat is with you, eh. Well, youre very scary, suslik, guardian of the temple of the dead, it seems , what a guardian, such treasures, without pessimism, we look with faith in tomorrow, i am a sinbat, a winner rope monster, rope monster, salar , now try it, nothing funny, look, captain, what a stupid, pathetic death, thats what you need, sindbat, dont make sudden movements, the predator is getting ready to jump, now i. Can handle it , chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, come to me, monster, the enemy is defeated, what have you done, it hurts him, he will eat us, he wont eat us, and if he eats us, then not all of us, meet me, this is a shrimp, he doesnt like to talk, but he plays the pipe well, these are our strong men, sumir and kashmir, us all the time they confuse, only the salara distinguishes us, mansur , the senior mate of the ships captain, however, usually our ships sink all the time, but when there is a ship, yes, you can call me that way, rats, our ships mascot, thats how its supposed to be for us pirates, but this is sinbat, our captain, okay, okay, good afternoon , i am a leopard of the arabian sands, flying the bat of the night, i thought you would smile, a funny joke, but you are not tormented by bad premonitions, no, but by conscience, torments of remorse, no, shut up , seal of silence, tell me how to open them like i do can i tell you if i should . You cant talk, im a spirit of the highest category, you just learned a couple of tricks, the seal of silence, also a spell for me, dont shut me up anymore, i can show my teeth, but im a quiet, harmless creature, oh, thanks for helping, no problems, captain, look, the ship, how kind of simbad to leave the ship for us, on it we will sail home, but very quickly, oh so, i gave my shirt, the kashmir and the shumir of my thorn, everything was sacrificed for the common cause, except, well, now everything is in order, and you know, its even better, you need to sunbathe, otherwise its too pale for my taste , wow, captain, he wont calm down until he eats someone, thats right, you said it well, captain, where are you, i dont see anything, ah, yumyum. and they dont wear hats like that, we are responsible for those we have tamed, he got used to you, salar , and fell in love, unfortunately, i will never. I can experience such a feeling, because i am a real road warrior, a lone hero, a captain, captain, sinbat, well, its a long time to wait for you, mansur, wouldnt you know, the captain is always a little late, i think we should come here, every treasure has a guard, come in if you want. Treasure, we are rich, i say. We are rich, we are rich, friends, if you can leave here, all this gold, diamonds, junk, compared to real values, life there, health, money cant buy it, i feel my strength is returning, how everything was neglected, it should have been keep yourself in good physical condition. I have been living on this earth for 300 years, and all that remains of the handsome antiochus is this when i drink from the sacred glass, i will regain my youth, a terrible death awaits you, but why death, turn yourself into a young man, what do we care . Well , when i become young, i will need new things, fast ships, wine, delicious food, in general, and the joys of this boring life, all this i will buy the treasures of the temple, and you want to take them away from me . We dont want to, take it, its just like that , maybe really, but their good guys, oh well, there arent the kind of people i need. Die, oh, this is more interesting, oh, be careful, if you dont stop showing off, ill break it, will you break the sacred glass . Easy, its of course, its none of my business, but now you can drink water from a glass and make any wish, for example, get rid of old antiochus, put the glass in its place, otherwise i will take away the most precious thing from you, my favorite red handkerchief, and this is it dear, okay, take it, deep petz, you had the opportunity to fix everything, no, how could you he doesnt know how to fly yet, now her youth will pass to me. Antioch, stop it, its too early for me to retire. So lets drink to the young, oh spirits of the sand gods salara, have i changed that much . No, youre the same beautiful, if she has changed, then only a little. Why are you laughing, being stupid . salara is younger than me , which means youll get youth and less, better take me, what are you talking about, its simple, 115 5, exactly 110, de by 2, exactly 55, squeeze by 100 , it turns out, wait, wait, well, yes, you are losing 5 whole years of your life, you asked for it, the spirits of the writing gods, give me back my body, so, i was always looking for a true friend, and did not know that he was nearby, what a fool i was, dear salara, sinbat, i understand, woman on a ship, its not such a bad omen, thats it, i love you, hurry up, my dears, otherwise he will grow old, lose his sight, his hearing, and will never know what you wanted to tell him. leave him at least 10 years, now ill take everything from him, the magic bubble will interfere with you, double, mom, save me, be careful, youre sorry for me, date, dont you want to play with me . okay , ill help you, then well play, i agree , lets play, whoever says a word or sound, that pregnant spider, youre alive, speak louder, daughter, i cant hear well, hell remain an old man, how gullible i am, friendly, make a wish, i need a warm blanket rocking chair, no, youth, i also have a wish, i, i, i won, i won, you said first, you re a pregnant spider, leave me alone, witch, no, the first word is more valuable second, give me, this is mine, why did you do it, i almost became a sage, and now i m young and stupid again, tell me, did you really call me your friend, i didnt, you heard it, my glass, goal. Goodbye skeleton island, thanks for the bread, salt, treasure, blah blah blah, by the way, now it will be called solara island, you know why, why, boss, because i decided so sindbat. Tadam. Listen, im tired of talking back to you kitties, kitties. You can play the fool all you want, but i will take your ship, treasures and salara. What is this . Dudki, i wont fall for your stupid joke again, look back at kisam, yumyum, the wind would soon blow. Look, salara, he learned to fly, captain, maba feels the fresh wind, shumir, full speed ahead, im confused, shumir, is it you or me. What fools we are, we could do anything. Your desire, you have a desire, well, so that we were together, you dont need a glass for this, guys, the shrimp started talking, well, the shrimp, its over. Wonderful life is my pirate, pirate, pirate o memory of the heart. You are stronger than reason, memory, sad, and often with your sweetness , you captivate me in a distant country, you accept me in a distant country, i remember the voice of sweet words, i remember blue eyes. I remember the curly hair, the carelessly curly hair, my incomparable shepherdess, i remember the whole simple outfit, and the image, sweet, unforgettable, everywhere. Travels everywhere with me, travels everywhere with me by me, guardian, my genius was given with love for the joy of separation; it will cling to the head of the bed during sleep, sweeten a sad dream, sweeten a sad one. Good morning, hello, please, butabari nakliska, it is necessary, what are your hands for, what are your hands for, but ours is no softness. Dunyasha, dunka, im here, why dont you dig around, i overslept again, cant you see, it wont light up in any way, its not good enough, and i greeted stefanid. The lord is with you, again for your own, once you even settle down, but its boring, nastya, so boring that you dont even want to live, then lets it looks like it will be more fun to wash your face, huh . Take some soap and wash the stigma. Take off the little girl and close up. And i made a wish on my mustache. What, what . I made a wish and thats it. Lei thickly, it will come to gifts, to treats, to a date, to kisses, oh, theres no urine, give it here. There will be walks and games. Yaroshche called to play racket, he promised to stop by today with his wife and daughters. Just gossip about the groom, how about him . What kind of grooms do we have . Well, except that our son came to our neighbor, they say he studied science at the university of derb. Is this for beristov . A remember, my dear, or have you forgotten, Ivan Petrovich beristo is my enemy, a bear and a provincial, the likes of which the world has never seen, a neighbor , after all, i dont go to the neighbors with my lunch , im painfully proud, Ivan Petrovich, he takes me for a fool, no, neither him , nor son. I dont want to know him. Bolder, kusar, your gaze sparkles with joy and the maidens heart trembles. Turn away, shameless one drowned or what . Was it true that madame destal was boinopartes spy . Oh, for mercys sake, matartu, how could she, persecuted for 10 years by napoleon, barely escaped under the protection of the russian emperor, friend chatabrian and byron suddenly bonoparte s spy, it very, very could happen, well, napoleon was such a beast, yes, and madame desalles is a subtle little thing, i heard that once. She asked bonoparte who he revered as the first woman in light, and what do you think he answered . The one who gave birth to more children. Bonoparte hit not the eyebrow, but the eye, because madame de stael had no children. Nikita stepan get dressed. Oh, a big gift, thank you very much, yes, i give it from the bottom of my heart, an expensive gift, what a terrible difference between ideals grandmothers and granddaughters, well, what can you say is common between the lavlas and adolf, and yet the role of a woman does not change, you are right, you are absolutely right, there is no doubt that he is russian. I understood how i am a treasure of light, take care of your love, it is only heated in me. Which of the girls did you like, all of them are gimmicks, but for me, our rural young ladies, who grew up under apple trees and among the stags, raised by nannies and nature, are much nicer than the capitals beauties, you wont please me, dear. I dressed myself up, god knows how, father, i need to talk to you, well, lets go, lets talk, tell me, alyosha, what have you thought, father, let me be blunt, well. Let go of military service. Oh, why did you let your mustache grow . So youre aiming for the hussars . Yes, to gusar. After university. After university, my dear, they go into civil service, not into the military. The hammer was stupid, now i want to be a hussar. Do you know that. You havent even tried to manage things, i cant understand why the main effort of most of our nobles is not to make their children people, but to quickly make them guards noncommissioned officers, i dont want to be like them, well why, father, because, because military Service Today is wine, cards and debauchery, not like under Pavel Petrovich the kingdom of heaven, then there was order, but now there are hussars, only champagne much to drink, and hunt for skirts, i wont let you in, you really are depriving me of a choice, in fact, this is my fathers will, you know me, and you, father, know me. I will achieve my goal. Ulich is one of the most ancient cities in our country. The corner of the volga gave our name city. This is an ordinary house of an ordinary city dweller of the 19th century. The main thing is, of course, the pies. There are quite unusual pies with pickled cucumber. I liked it very much. Your task is to undress and have fun. This is the fish of my dreams, i want to find local grandmothers and see what they sell from their products at the market, cranberries, blueberries, you can immediately feel that wild berries, cabbage are simply gorgeous, try it, timochka, honey, try it, timochka, try it, there will be quail, potatoes, pearl barley, the guys in the city here there is a cool goat cheese, ill beat it with cream, bake beets and make some cool sauce from local berries, well, lets start preparing the premiere, cooks on wheels, tomorrow on. In the first, good afternoon, hello, guests, dear, hello , grigor ivanovich, Pavel Petrovich, oh lizok , what news, we just saw new ones from the veristovs, good, good, weve been waiting for a long time, so we agreed in the evening, we were invited to dinner in tugilov, to berestov, this keeper of russian of old, he always gives dinners. And what happened is cabbage soup and porridge our food . The cabbage soup, of course, came with mushroom pompuses, and also veals head under the sun, ear and hussar liver, and of course, pies of all kinds, i could barely breathe. Well, for your seafood treat we have prepared craquet, a european game, much better than whist, ordered from st. Petersburg on a recommendation. Go, go, you have your own business. Natalya fedorovna, please. Oh, liznka, you cant imagine how funny these girls were dressed, they had sewn on, some kind of dried mushrooms, equs in a sweeping manner, so in russian, your will, grigor ivanovich, our towns are better, youll hit there, so hit me, do me a favor, thank me, we could get away with everything. We need to learn restraint, restraint and accuracy, the british will give us 100 points ahead in this, in the economic method, by the way, it is very possible, but russian bread will not be born on someone elses banyar, i dont remember who said this, but ill find out who, dont be afraid of beris. Peter the great bequeathed to learn from europe, and this civilization gave you, russia has its own way, just imagine, masha, he enters, glances at everyone s faces and turns away so indifferently, and valdemar asks him, arent you bored . Beristov put out his ring, he has it in the form of a dead woman. Copied from a letter from alexei berestov, that is , not from a letter, from an envelope, in dotya petrovna kurochkina, in moscow, opposite the alekseevsky monastery, in the house of the coppersmith savelyev, i ask the most humble to deliver this letter, go and guess now. God bless you, let me go on a visit today, if you please, to the birch bark family in tugilov. The cooks wife, they have a birthday girl, and today she invited us to dine, here are the gentlemen in litter, the servants are treating each other, we what do you care, gentlemen . Besides, im yours, not daddys, this is your daddys with soris tugilovs master, and you havent yet armored yourself with young berstov, ill armor myself, as soon as i see him, ill immediately defend myself, only. Let the old people fight if theyre having fun , and your business is young, try , nastya, to see alexey beresty, and tell me well what kind of person he is and what kind of person he is, and whether he wears a mustache, well , what are you talking about, nastya, what kind of mustache, you guessed it on your mustache, yourself they said, i didnt say anything, you never know what i said, i said, yes, i forgot, go to your birch trees and do what you want there, burn, burn, its clear, so as not to go out, go to hell if theyre going to kill you, eat blachemange, dear guests finished with the english fashion , gone crazy, impoverished, or something, oats are not from poverty, oats are good for health, and they are good for horses, look, the young master galloped up, oh, look, the young master, alexey ivanovich, now im going to burn, oh , disappeared, no matter, he cant catch up with me, burn, burn, clearly, so that it doesnt go out, sing to the sky, there the birds are flying, the bells are ringing 1 2 3 the fire is burning, and come on, show what a fine fellow you are, our pitakas, white grunts, get to work from the forest, quickly on your feet, swing it forward, tie the loops , and what a surprise, ive never seen such a thing for a gentleman to run around in a burner with the courtyards. , how crazy, they are pure fire, here is the guard, where did you come from, i dont know you. Luchenskaya, im Grigory Ivanovich muronsky, your neighbor, this crazy anglomaniac, how hes not crazy at all, he s good, and his daughter is just a sight for sore eyes, but i know the local ladies, they have only books in their heads, its simply not a word hell say, the woman is not like you, you forgot this refrain, lets get this burning, its burning hot, what are you doing, start, woe to her, the master caught up with me first. And you first, so get a reward, here, instead of a gingerbread, dont be daunted, fall down, celebrate your palm. Young lady, nastya, well, finally, tell me, well, with elizaveta grigorievna, i saw a young performance, i saw enough of it, we were together all day, tell me, tell me. Excuse me, so we went, as you allowed, to my wifes name day in tugilova, i, annie sigorn, ninila, dunka, okay, i know, well, and then, let me tell you everything in order, so we arrived just before dinner, the room was full of people, there were kolbinskys, zakharyinskys, clerks with two daughters, khlupinskys, but berists. Wait, we sat down at the table , she will order in the first place, im for her, from my daughter to sulking, but i dont give a damn about them, oh, nastya, how boring you are with your eternal details, i really cant listen, but how can i you are impatient, well, we left the table, and we sat for three hours, the dinner was glorious, nastya, so we left the table and went to they were drinking tea in the garden, and the young ones began to play in the burner, and donka and i too, well, young lady , listen to what happened next, as soon as our devil came to run, then the young master appeared, galloped up on a horse like a hussar, and what , really, he is so goodlooking, amazingly goodlooking, handsome one might say, tall , streamlined, flushed all over his cheek, a mustache, such a cute mustache, strange, right, but i thought his face was pale, well, what did he seem like to you, sad, thoughtful, what are you, given the horse to go run with us in the burner running around with you in the burner is impossible, very possible, what else did you come up with, catch it . Kiss him, but his mustache tickles, its your will , nastya, youre lying, your will, young ladies, im not lying, i got rid of him, hes been messing around with us all day, but why, they say that hes in love with no one he doesnt look , you dont know, he looked at me very much, and at tanya, the clerks daughter, at pashka kolbinskaya, and its a shame he didnt offend anyone, not even our dunka, such a fool, but what did he find in the dunka . The weekday month floats over the river, everything in the night is married, swallows, come to us, but what do you hear about him in the house, about whom, oh, nastya, and about the birch bark . What do you hear . Yes, the master says hes wonderful, so kind, so cheerful, one things not good , he really loves to chase girls, but for me its not a problem, over time hell settle down, how id like to see him, but whats so tricky about that, three miles away , go for a walk in that direction, or ride a horse, you will surely meet him, he goes hunting every day in the morning with a gun, but no, its not good, he might think that i m chasing him, and our fathers are in disarray, so i still wont be able to get to know him, well, lets see, its morning in the evening, oh nastya, oh, lord, you know what, ill dress up im a peasant, oh parashnya, and really, put on a thick slayer. Olhem golov, olhem. Dunya went to hell. Having prayed to god, dunya forgets her crying, we say goodbye to our friend, our friend went to a foreign land, yes. Old woman, oh, its no longer a foreign land, naked little thing, in a foreign land modi, red maidens. Oh, admit it, nastya, i have never seemed so sweet to you, why wasnt i born a peasant, thank you, i dont understand what youre saying, im a kulina. The daughter of vasily the blacksmith from priluchin, im going mushroom picking, well, nastya, it looks like your face is too white, and you want her to be black, im not an ethiopian, youre a young lady in this form, youll be disgraced, but what . Not forgetting what a village woman is to me, its not that girls walk like that, like other frostbitten people in shoes, it doesnt happen like that, but barefoot happens, barefoot, barefoot happens, oh, oh, its unusual for you to prick yourself barefoot, your legs are tender, led bring bast shoes, you cant find them by your leg, its too small, so they led them so that they would weave them, so that they would be there by morning, we spent one and a half acres in the cold, millions of dollars on board, two dead and four survivors, lucky, they should have all died in theory. The story of the crash of a private plane on an ambulance flight that crashed in the snowcapped mountains of afghanistan is full of rumors, secrets and is worthy of becoming the basis for a detective film script. A businessman from volgodonsk was saving his seriously ill wife; they loved each other and died on the same day. Our main task was. To provide assistance and bring and, preferably, cure, it did not work out through no fault of ours; the pilots and doctors who transported a woman and her husband who fell ill at a resort from thailand to moscow themselves found themselves on the brink of life or death. Initially you had to escape, how many hours did you walk . From the plane about 45 hours in the snow, our exclusive today is a lifelong air drama, what happened to the private plane, you were unconscious, i no longer asked for my son to stay alive, he saved four souls, he already hero. He is a private pilot and not a professional, you tell me what the mistake is, there is no piloting error here, i had no right to sit down to fly this plane, everything is exclusive with dmitry. The level of the victim does not want to attract attention, we have a warrant for your arrest, open, or we will be forced to break into the door, the container of the final episode, tomorrow after the program time. Kusho i you . Were trying. Trofim, trofimushka, according to this measure, you need to inherit the paws, if you please, ill do it in such a way that its dear to you, who needs childrens spatulas, its none of your business, its not a trick, im just working, bring the kutra so that they have it, the rhinestone is right, it will cost a lot, ill buy it off or else, for a quick job. They pay in advance. Where are you going, you poor fellow . Wait for me yourself, well, at least at the stables , dont forget to pay, scarf, uhhuh, oh, good girl, thank you, nastya, how nice you are, what would i do without you, well, god bless you, oh, dont forget the box, youre going mushroom hunting. Listen, dear, if you are afraid, i will accompany you, we wont get lost without the right guards, we are just on the way, but you will allow me to walk next to you for now, really, who is stopping you, free will, but the road is worldly. Zbogar a

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