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gavel welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority meeting this morning at 10 00 am. , tuesday, february 27, 2024. Im chair mandelman i chair this board and commissioner melgar thank you, jeanette is from sfgov and madam clerk please call the roll. Chair mandelman present. Commissioner melgar . Madam clerk can you speak into mic please. Turn the mic on it helps. Commissioner stefani absent. Commissioner walton present. We have quorum. Thank you, madam clerk i think you have a couple of comments for location legislative chamber, room 250, city hall watch sf cable channel 26 or 99 depending on your provider watch www. Sfgovtv. Org. Or watch cable channel cable channel location legislative chamber, room 250, city hall watch sf cable channel 26 or 99 depending on your provider watch www. Sfgovtv. Org. May watch them on demand. Phone number 1 415 6550001 access code 2664 215 8026 to raise your hand, press 3 when Public Comment is called press star three and do not press it again or youll be removed from the queue the live operator will allow you to speak. Channel 26 or 99 depending on your provider or may visit the sfgovtv website www. Sfgovtv. Org to stream the live meeting or may watch them on demand. May watch them on demand. May watch them on demand. Public comment periods in person or remotely. Inperson Public Comment will be taken first; remote Public Comment will be taken after. Thank you. Thank you. Madam clerk before calling the next item as characterize i want to revictory when the Public Comment for today is meeting my attention to give 2 minutes for speakers otherwise madam clerk will you call the next item. 2. Chairs report information all right. Colleagues this month i have news to share on the portal projects we received the federal Administration Project earned a medium high rating under the fair to say decimal Investment Program this is the reflection of the position of the project well, for the potential for over 4 million in federal fund from the capital c i g now we wait for engineering that will set the maximum grant amount for the project and many congratulations on the news to t gpa team as well as our own project manager jessie and Agency Partners that collaborated over the years to get to this stage and pleased to congratulate the Transportation Authority 8 million fell safe streets for the traffic assault improvements and congratulations and thank yous are due to the speaker and to commissioner peskin and the Tenderloin Task force advocated for the grant and the grant will fund the speaker projects in the tenderloin where every street is on the network and projects are signal improvements and other intersection upgrades on Market Street and the reconfiguration for and the intersections on turk street and prop l makes this grant an excellent example how we leverage ourselves for safe streets investments and finally riders appear to be responding to the barts effort for the service and focus on the safe experience. And agencies lately safer barts Customer Satisfaction is 81 percent congratulations the bart board by the chair and past warehouse chair to tackle this with support and Transportation Authority has priority bart with all objectives from our state transit assistant fund for the elevator attendance and helped to modernize the stations and fix the elevators. Um, we look forward to a continued effectiveness of our plans and our improvements to support the economic recovery and thats what i got so thank you, folks. There are any questions or comments from colleagues happy to take if not open up for Public Comment anyone in the chambers like to comment on item 2 please come forward and ask for remote Public Comment on item 2. Checking for remote Public Comment on item 2. There is no Public Comment Public Comment is closed. And madam clerk, call item three. 3. Executive directors report information good morning, chair and commissioners today let me echo kudos to bart Great Results and support of bart that chair mentioned and note in late December Bart kept the new Product Types successful and an january 11th to receive the San Francisco civic center and 24 street station were excited to see that heaping this year and again, funded by the sales tax grant fund and the news are taller and stronger with modern equipment has the ability to deand improving the Consumer Experience with the restoration of clipper thanks to the programs and policies that provided 12 and a half Million Dollars for the station. Turning to some local studies a quick update that are eco system and led by the group local businesses and merchants and shipperers and receiveers and neighborhood and other Community Groups this is a fund by the cash granted to reduce the emissions the Climate Change found that transportation account for half the Greenhouse Gas emissions and so it centered on what can be done collaboratively with the local businesses and shippers together with the stockholders if delivery programs and pilot by the environment and with Digital Management mta working on delivery app to increase the efficiency and ways we believe to incentivize to promote zero carbon modes in the late spring and summer appreciate the work. Next, well be seeing a presentation later on today ill leave that for later but ipa outreach in that um, upcoming multimodal transportation study and openhouse will be a town hall for march thats it at Golden Gate Park and we have been seen great project delivery the 19 avenue update the safety projects are are substantially complete a following on prior phases along 19 avenue to improve the signals for infrastructure with pole recognition and upgrades sea new traffic signal installations. calling names. were completed in january of 2024 so thank you to state of florida for that great work and little project is funded by the tax as well. On the quick front this is work mta is doing roundabout to the boulevard in january and mta will complete that working by spring and 245i6 been um, hosting a virtual openhouse for third Street Project and there are proposed a twoway protected bike ways between townsend street we appreciate that work and this set of projects the quick built is furnished by the staishths and the vehicle registration with the tax fund. On the planning side weve been able to apply for grants kalts caltrain will be collaborating with the community and other communitybased transportation work that is already initiated by sf mta and for the carpool lanes in the southeast on one 00 one and recommendations from the freeway study and our plan. Finally wanted to acknowledge we have a new member of the team stephen has joined us, please say hello. Weve been free to snag him an active chief spokesperson i met stephen with eric on the one 01 replacement project served as the Public Information officer for caltrain and those two organizations as well as serving as a traffic reporter with the Radio Station and experience working with Media Relations and go very active in the nonprofit world and the communitybased nonprofits and chinatown. Grace under pressure. laughter. i think you did multiple voices . Every aspect of our disability was the paired. Nice job thank you, chair. Thank you everyone. Good job stephen glad to have you. Open up for Public Comment to Public Comment. Good morning, commissioners a quick comment on the battering fair gate before we saw them in San Francisco we should first of all, western edition was a mess for the providers and basic took the station down to a central fair gate and two gates have been a rider hostile ill explain they closed very quickly and try to get through to kids good luck on bike it is difficult the times need to be fixed on the gate and three they crash with windows upgrades that is still like they shounld be crashing our gates should be fixed. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any more Public Comment in the chambers any remote Public Comment on item three . Checking for remote Public Comment on item 3. There is notice Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Kind of i what is the mechanism to communicate with with members of the public for bart. Were funding the bell ringing pardon me . Were funding the projects weve followup i do think that the west oakland to make sure unintelligible . Okay. Thank you. Madam clerk, call item 4. 4. Approve the minutes of the february 13, 2024, meeting action all right. I dont see comments or questions from colleagues any Public Comment on item 4 . I dont see monotony remote Public Comment on item 4. Checking for remote Public Comment on item 4 . There is no Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Motion to approve item 4 . Moved by commissioner dorsey and madam clerk, call the roll. Commissioner chan, aye. Commissioner dorsey, aye. Commissioner engardio, aye. Chair mandelman, aye. Commissioner melgar, aye. Commissioner peskin, aye. Xherd commissioner ronen, aye. Supervisor walton, aye. Commissioner stefani, aye. Commissioner walton. We have 11 i say motion is approved. Thank you. Madam clerk if you please call the consent calendar. 5 through the staff is not planning to a present but available for questions. I dont see any questions or comments is there a motion to approve the consent calendar moved by xherd and seconded by commissioner stefani. Same house, same call. Without objection motion passes. And madam clerk and madam clerk can you please call item call item kat siegal and Venecia Margarita as the district 5 and district9 representatives, respectively, to the Community Advisory Committee Action thank you, madam clerk and normally i think on the consent calendar but give margaret the chance and have amelia here to present. Yes. Good morning. Thank you, chair mandelman and good morning, commissioners as you can see approved the appointment for cat and margaret as the district 9 repetitive and a couple of weeks ago and cat appeared at the last meeting and mary congregated is here to speak to her qualifications and this is an action for final approval for the appointment. Thank you so do we have margarita. Yes. Buenos dias good morning chair mandelman and commissioner melgar and commissioner ronen im humbled by the opportunity for the advisory Advisory Committee for the Transportation Authority and a lifelong resident of San Francisco and had the honor of working in the community as a social working and Community Organizer and volunteer wearing many years for over 36 years and an honor to be appointed by commissioner ronen and ill do any very best to voice for all Community Members and the represent the transportation needs. Thank you very much. Thank you commissioner ronen. Colleagues just like i said last week heard if margarita shes a long time resident and as a social working and Community Organizer my office worked with her and i constantly speak to her integrity and dedication and bilingual and well verse on the issues especially the protecting and immigrants and have fortunate to have her and happy to vote on her appointment today and to join me in confirming her appointment. Thank you commissioner chan open up for Public Comment anyone in the chamber like to take to us about item number ten . Any remote Public Comment on item number ten. Checking for remote Public Comment on item 10. No Public Comment all all right. Public comment is closed. Commissioner ronen would you like to move approval thank you and i think we can take that. Same house, same call. Without objection motion passes. And congratulations and thank you, ms. Margarita and madam clerk, call item 11. 11. Major Capital Project update Caltrain Modernization Program information. We are joined by caltrain michelle. Thank you chair mandelman and commissioner melgar great to present this item to you i think this may be one of the few remaining upgrades to this body will be provided only the Electrification Program before we introduce the clearing i want to thank you for the collaboration and partnership of this board especially commissioner walton sits on this committee and mfa staff great support for the railroad and this project. Im going to be a little bit of a defender will give you an update where we were late reporting to this body we essentially finished the Infrastructure Construction and the flyers and we are currently working through the power system we do have half roughly half of the power system up and coming and in need to doal the testing for 8 of the electrical multi unit trends 4 are fully tested that is going extremely well of the product and the customers are going to love them we had a purview we think two of them we hosted the other day in San Francisco and proud to see many of you at the events. I think we had in seizing of 20 though people i cant wait to the service in september of 2024 were really coming down to the wire so to thank you, for your support we have a few more events that casey will talk about so appreciate taking the time today. Hello, everyone katie chief of staff thank you for being here. And the electrification thank you for those in this long journey it is mind on purpose but about the caltrain anniversary really the next phase of caltrain future. I reminder all of people trained we have thirtyyearold trains and santa fe will be electric and lots of infrastructure to support this new electrical train and as michelle mentioned we have completed 3000 poles and im sorry three Times Foundation for the poles and now into an old right away and overhead wires and upgraded the personnel system and energized 15 millions to santa fe and San Francisco and thats where were testing the train have to have 1,000 miles testing before they are put into service. And as they come on the property and with the First Responders to make sure they understand what a new electrical environment looks like and work with us for the upcoming items need to be preng for the Winter Storm Damage we working closely on our rightofway to minimum news those risks we have experiences over the last couple of years is significant and redoubling the efforts and addressing the storm damage about a month ago and energize the whole corridor and bring trains up and down the corridor and have a soft lounge and reaching out to i to make sure youre aware of it in the summer and start to have the public ride it and fully turned over with a brand new schedule ill talk about in september of this year and like to be transparent with the partners so for the projects contractor quality and bond cables that incarcerating over hid for transaction power and finally plex the top items and full Team Dedicated to this to launch it and roadway on budget and expect to be so but details for anyone that is interested where we are with the contingency with the dollar amount in the bottom right hand corner this is a healthy amount but have some complicated challenging projects left to make sure that everything is up and working with the trains and the infrastructure and so while we are happy we are not counting our eggs yet. We have some updated service we put forward what we believe will be a robust and useful service plan for riders up and down the cord because of capacity of the electrical trains theyre able to get to places faster even though the same speed we expect to have an express service in San Francisco to santa fe and cant beat it driving prepandemic and the local services the trains are accelerated at stations even the local service that touches every single one of the stations youll save 25 minutes not and down in Santa Clara County were not electrical we will have a transfer to santa fe as they go north spots electrified areas so even in the area were not Electrical First degree support for those how they connect and welltimed system will benefit them and in the future have plans to have a vision zero train running and instead of during the offseason a train once an hour that is difficult for people on the weekends with electrified service at a minimum will be every an hour and a half and that is a really meaningful change we think know which were talking about this we are the most robust for that change and feel like 20 percent more service for everyone and 26 by electrification and at the other side of the coin wifi own board and Digital Information and then, of course, were to have a much cleaner environment for everyone. I passed out a fact sheet we wanted to put it in real terms for riders what it looks like and as you can see San Francisco is a busiest station but some of the other station like 22 station an increase in service and we appreciate your help with our consults is this is an exciting time and for for social events or for work or school or family events as michelle mentioned 8 thousand people wanted to see the now trains last one in santa fe and thank you for the many members that came to if we have posters from the local arts was there and we have some with that it a great way for people to touch and feel when the future of caltrain will look like we will have one more in san mateo and as we get closure we welcome our opinions this is an exciting time you what we can do to promote and share the exciting news but caltrain and finally electrification one other facial piece of information about caltrain every all we know this it body is paying attention and for caltrain we are having challenges on the forgivable side not on the level of prepandemic that is important because prepandemic 75 percent of the fairs were not at the same level on the righthand side that we have fiscal challenges working with the regional partners we expect to reduce that by 8 million but as you can see on the outer years have a 50 million deficit figure out how to deal with that and working with this both sides and other Creative Solutions to help us continue to be as a system can serve all the folks up and down the corridor today, we have revised schedules are more convenient and free passes to low income and Community Riders based on program that sf passed with the Business Partners and right now have a dollars youth fair that is popular and other ones to make sure we get people on the train and once theyre on there have a had high positive feedback about the caltrain prepandemic and throughout the pandemic and finally cost complaint certainly things we need to tighten our belt from small train sets and efficiency and reduced over time and the electrification we have a Marketing Team in place and working with many partners up and down the corridor and promote what a transformation and that will see more riders in the future with that, im available for any questions that you may have. Thank you, commissioner walton. Thank you chair mandelman and thank you. The director for all the hard work an electrical indication and doing everything we can to make sure that we are going to be up and running by little september date and we hear negative things around transportation this is one certainly will be exciting so thank you all for your hard work and commitment. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner and open up for Public Comment anyone in the chambers wish to speak on item 11 please come forward. Good morning commissioners. Um, this is an incredibly exciting project were heard around this and not it stop hearing it those trains are exciting and ive the in the free sorry the precursor our this is an amazing train and looking forward to it i thank you to caltrain staff for presenting i want to bring you were a small issue not covered in the presentation staff report in the risk sections mention the release of seiu ferry and the good news this is not dangers to humans but a power Greenhouse Gas and the report is unclear if those unclear how big the releases and unclear if in any remediation have are happening the release are a risk because this is improperly dissolved and unfortunately, the transaction so that would be great to get a better finding what the mediation is happening it is very unfortunate in the newly electrified better rail system had or that will be in general bell ringing releasing sulfur. Thank you very much. Lets see if we have in the remote Public Comment on this item. Checking for remote Public Comment on this item. Hi caller minutes start now. Good morning bell ringing thank you for the opportunity to speak. The biggest id like to bring to your attention the train reconfiguration is impossible. The end result is a way is costing tens of thousand dollars a year for wear and tear. Which eventually we are unintelligible by coming here has been vocal about this issue this past november and announced the savings is tens of thousands of dollars a year. The solution is very simple transition to cool trains are before caltrain and special events and not every single operator. In closing i would respectfully urge 0 you to reach out to the caltrain board and get caltrain staff to unintelligible once and for all. Thank you caller. Moving on to the next caller. Hi caller two minutes begins now. Thanks so much and thanks to the board and thank you, caltrain for this wonderful project i live in the county and once commuting to the city for 20 plus year commuters have a choice for 0 modes when i made the decision to take caltrain that was certainly not unintelligible but more comfortable and willing to put up for the extra time for the viriles but not that much extra time and improve on caltrain but again, this is a competition been the caltrain and the 101 free i hope 2. 5 million around aon a project we dont shoot ourselves in the foot and try to make driving more competitive in San Francisco. I fear that is something weve already done san mateo wide and making it easier to make it to drive thats one of the reasons eve seen caltrain have the lowest post pandemic ride in the city doesnt make sense. Were spending all this money bell ringing to make this more competitive and save money to encourage people to leave the train and get into their cars and were just going to have to more greatly subsidies i look forward to using the train bell ringing making it easier to take the train as opposed to taking a car. Thank you. Caller. Hi caller youre too minutes begins now. Thank you is caltrain a attempting to market the new service to the south bay Tech Companies that provide the tech shovels and encourage the employees to use this any service it is counterintuitive and duplicated by the Tech Companies utilizing theyre enormous buses in San Francisco. Thank you no more Public Comment. All right. Public comment is closed on item 11 is closed and thank you, director and thank you, um, to um, casey as well and lets call our next item madam clerk. 12. District 1 multimodal transportation study [ntp] update information we have received Public Comment for this item posted on the website. Good morning, commissioners my name is alessia planner with the Transportation Authority and giving an update on district one multimodal transportation study. This project was. Thank you. The project was requested by commissioner chan and funded by the Transportation Authority Neighborhood Program and focusing on the development for the concept for improvement of connection it and support mode chip and Greenhouse Gas emissions within district one and did the first outreach in the spring of 2023 and got nearly 6 hundred responses at it event throughout the district and noticed under representation and responses from the asian and Youth Community and were working to address um, that lower you turn out in the upcoming process. First round of outreach helped us to understand the transportation priority and challenges and guided the Concept Development were bringing to the public in the upcoming round and 7 expects for the neighborhood and three district wide ill go through each of those. The first concept on geary this is the full corridor of geary the concept was to improve the transportation rider amenities and seating and this also will be closely coordinated around security commerce waiting for transit in the late night hours this is again, the full corridor and it includes bike improvements as well as Pedestrian Safety for bike improvements upgrading the bike lanes to green bike lane and including marketing and pedestrian improvements are and all intersections and the crosswalks and bold out and the center lines as you can see in the top right those helped see the turning vehicles and light the areas for vehicles turning and more visible. The next expect on the Inner Richmond of balboa includes the same pedestrian treatments at intersection and platform on 6 and balboa with the commercial hub on balboa for all pedestrian activity and will be paired with the riders amenities. The next expect on fulton if 2 it out to 48 there is multiple elements of this concept to improve safety for people crossing and across the avenues where theyre not in place and this helps slow the vehicles speeds and provides crossing for folks to make it across fulton and unsignalized locations will recommend installing the flashing beacons more than warning to drivers pedestrian activity and daytime again to make the intersections clearing throat more visible and a. D. Adding platforms and relocating from 22 to 23 and provide the direct connection to Golden Gate Park and Pedestrian Safety improvements and bike improvements and for way finding and clear marketing and working with rec and park to expand the entrance in a Golden Gate Park to accommodate all traffic. And shifted into our district wide mode shift concept the first is northsouth express service heard the peninsula the popular designation outside of San Francisco it elevates the express visible study recommendation for express service on the west side to the peninsula. And recommending for Management Studies for dr. Colfax corridors for those two on clement and balboa and this restraining order would help make spaces for the people and removal the conflicts on the commercial corridors. The last concept is for Mobility Department of housing and Community Services mobile department of housing and Community Services where the options come together and with different amenities making transfers more easy will identify the locations for district one that are not identified and develop guidance on design and amenities and as i mentioned the second round the outreach in march have a survey on the website and doing events throughout the month of march and more information on the website. And sfgov do the study and then next steps refining the concept based on what we hear in the Public Comment and the outreach and have a final plan in the summer well be bringing back to the board for approval. And that concludes my slides. Thank you commissioner chan and want to thank alicia and others from the ta and working with shout out to my team working together like for the entire year and i am so grateful a layperson when it comes to especially traffic light finding and what are the option to make richmond more walking, biking, and on the shortterm to get a fair to be less reliant open our cars and more really transit and how do we get around so, so but thanks to our expertise and really patience and trying to hear me out and hear out like our community and thinking how we can do that im so grateful plan that into considering what we can do on an interim term to make the richmond safer and to traffic on corridors and fulton and the boulevard and grateful that also to be thinking about, you know, meltdown from north and south connections to out of the district. What really people need for the people who live in the district but working outside the district and also really, really grateful to think about very invite ideas like the mobility hub and those locations bringing us to a safe where we can think about transit and traffic in a way that is an option and the future is that we have those options on the table and being able to make that work for people with with all different needs and ages and including those with seniors with disabilities so im so grateful but also im also grateful for the fact you heard us that you look at the responses and you say there are so many needs for those young people that are our future transit riders how to help them hear them out and plan for the future and for at the same time finding the population of that currently living in the richmond population that is would be reflective in the survey to go the extra mile to make sure we get the response and feedback im 0 pleased and thank you so much for hearing us out as a community and work with us so patricia and more importantly willing to bridge the gap what people need and but also bringing our expertise to the table to help with that and tweak the design and the Independence Day around how we can make that work and i just want to also say the thought that the commercial corridor of loading zone something to again think about the richmond not just people one population but all the Small Businesses that our communities are not pitted against each other in a comprehensive study and planning im excited and that clearly look through the design to make that a future and hope to have your support and potentially lombard Street Funding in the near future we can consider to see that helping the richmond to become a model of a neighborhood to make that more walkable and bicycle so thank you, chair. Thank you colleagues to allocate this funding for the study thank you for your support. Thank you commissioner chan and open up for Public Comment. Good morning, commissioners and promise ill not make a habit of this a lot of great stuff in the study. Thank you staff for creating it i want to encourage you to be more aggressive the Long Distance bus service the mta had a studies huge number of commuters were underserved and the last part to the closure of highways and that will be massive two bulk out great to have them everywhere assesses center lines are important for Public Safety i love to see the treatment go had a pedestrian fatal and there is not a good reason to stop at a corridor but lower the speed to 25 it is safer for pedestrians and lets consider a travel lane and two are where are the bike lanes i couldnt help but note one of the bike projects on turk was removed between the first presentation why was that lane removed im curious if sf mta is having 1 sufficient lane the only bike lane bell ringing makes the lane green but no protections and finally, i really like the idea of the multi multimodal how we balance that not creating lots of and lots of parking in the city and any remote Public Comment on item 12. Checking for remote Public Comment on item 12 . Hi caller youre too minutes begins now. Good morning, commissioners im a mom. Thank you to the comment today um, i read the presentation and just the um, first thing the Long Distance northsouth starting in the west side and will be a gamechanger commuting daily and glad to see the lighting was called out in a number of places in our presentation we hope unintelligible will be microphone distorted on caltrain i was glad to see some of the Public Safety improvements and glad to see the code microphone distorted want to see them all the way down to our fall out and only been involved for the advocacy for a few years ago unintelligible including few weeks ago and on the High Injury Network bell ringing and think of fulton and, you know, bringing how you all those improvements and on the d one multimodal study i was giving feedback by serving unintelligible but at the same time up and coming sad to see timeline on this being so long im wondering, you know, just been making improvements and. Thank you caller thats your time. Thank you caller. There is no more Public Comment. All right. Public comment is closed. Commissioner chan. Thank you i just want to be on the record and say, you know, the staff has been great and also respond to the Public Comment and some of the feedback i see that the mobility study is city hall smart in a way that is really understanding what is going on currently with sfmta and particularly to really should have been done a while ago it is unfortunate we had a project pedestrian death in fulton and know with the completed and that is sfmta is on it but with that finding grateful for the inaudible in the last meeting with the ta about the camera and will be three at the coming to the richmond and had a meeting with sfmta and our captain in the richmond to really talk about enforcement and thinking about more statistical how to get the speed camera corresponding with the Traffic Enforcement that um, specifically on speed Traffic Enforcement to also initially will be camera strategizing placed on fulton and geary definitely thinking about the bike lanes clearly had there is also a traffic death with a cyclist last year and thank you. The Assembly Member with cooperation with supervisor walton received over one Million Dollars for the bike lanes on from the entrance of providing all the way out to fulton that is in the works and so that is also the one reason to think about what we can in the more comprehensive way to to think about the bike lanes in the third street with the triangle and also just a quick reminder we have 23 the lake is the most controversial we za gabriel and from the reason why were replacing the entrance became enhance on the 22 at Golden Gate Park wanted to rainbow those up for the mobility study that you actually see today that sfmta and staff with Work Together and aim very thankful for the coordination. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner chan and thanks to the cta and madam clerk please call madam clerk please call the next item. Item. 13. Internal account report, investment report, and debt expenditure report for the 6 months ending december 31, 2023, information thank you for introduction. Good morning, everybody. Cynthia. This is the second quarterly update for 2024 a as of ending december 31, 2023, had total assets of one hundred and 55 million and total liabilities of three hundred the 307. 8 millions is the 2017 take revenue bond the total revenues is 19 are 200 and 75 million that is part of sales tax close to the target for the mid part of year and expenditures are 78. 8 millions and the investment we hold approximately three 2 percent and this is in compliance with the ta policy and have traditional liquidities everywhere drawing on for the first thing and in terms of this item this item was presented to cac and no questions or comments related to this item. With that, ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Why see any but take Public Comment on this item. I dont see anyone in the chamber any remote Public Comment . Checking for remote Public Comment on item 13. There is no Public Comment. All right. Public comment is closed. Thank you, deputy director. Madam clerk, call the next item. 14. Introduction of new items information. I dont see anyone in the queue madam clerk, call the next item. 15. Public comment. Anybody in the chamber like to come up and talk to us about anything. Commissioners youre almost done with me i want to call your attention between 18 and 5 in november the Public Outreach was held and two potential ways to add lanes to add a new lane with buffer space and two converting existing lanes and staff suggested the like option at the presentation. The streets the new lane are all right. Paukdz and shows second third and fourth are congested and as you know third and fourth and king are behind the network that is the offramp where it dumps goes into the congestion and we do not needing another lane cant expand the amount of capacity on the city streets and adding a lane takes cars out of this lane and still adding for tire emissions and other things that is not what we need as a city 2012 ed lee turned this down and 2016, i 2080 included knocking down this stub and senator scott wiener asked for alternatives time to set this away from cars and rather than bring increasing this build the favorite rail connections. And please oppose any plans so more lanes in the city thank you, way. Any remote Public Comment on item 15 and. Checking for remote Public Comment on item 15. Hi caller your two minutes begins now that. In general Public Comment . Yes. Thank my name is david hooper calling on behalf of the association and calling in particular to thank the people at cta Stephen Chung and joel and brian and sfmta for the work theyve done in how increasing the Pedestrian Safety particularly thank you for the activation of the Traffic Signals on teresa last thursday clearing throat unfortunately, in sunday evening was a fatal Pedestrian Fatality at allen where is a traffic signal is being id like to say the sfmta itself is dragging its feet on improving Public Safety on our portion of santa fe after their response is inadequate so thank you to the people at the sf cta. Thank you caller. Hi caller your two minutes begins now. Hi, good morning thank you for your service to the transportation for those who live and work in San Francisco i want to alert the last week Media Coverage this includes the abc 7 news getting answers in the bay area and two articles in the chronology and across the city the widening of lanes by diverting transportation funds and filling potholes and making our streets safer for those who walk in the face of rising fatality numbers and the routes that are opposed between embarcadero such as is dog patch and the. calling names. positions for social region and transportation like the San Francisco Bike Coalition and friends of caltrain and streets for people and several elected officers spoken out with the supervisor dave and james kohlman and calling names . bell ringing also congressional former santa fe mayor spoke out again highway widening i hope you oppose the proposed widening of highway 2 in San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you, caller. Important Public Comment. Public comment is closed. Call the next item. 16. Adjournment. Were adjourned gavel [meeting adjourned] i came here to San Francisco the day after september 11. I have been here since and homeless since when i met erika and claudia and them, my life changed. For the better. Why they got mow in the navigation center. Good morning hi. This is claudia and aircraftasm how are you. Hi. They are working doing out reach t. Is building trust. And finding out what their needs are. Everybody who i should be housed that is true. A lot of people dont know how to live indoors and how do we fix that . The Number One Service this we need to do that is the new vision of the team, is to be a familiar face that is consistent and reoccur nothing the community. Behavioral Health Starts with us and other coalitions that relate. Just building the friendships and the resource this is go with that. Once hi near i better place they will be able to help and support someone else. Peers and inspire someone based on the hard work. Like a lot of people around him in the castro. Yall saved my life getting me up off the streets. Thank you. If you see someone experiencing a Mental Health or Substance Use crisis on the streets call 911. For nonemergencies use 311. You can learn more about the streettelevision. music . Were going to show you how to pay for parking with the Smart Phone App the quickest way to pay for parking youll download did app in the apple and Google Play Store and on the app and enter our name and phone number and make sure to verify your account to use the app and net check the overhead signs and type that zone number in the location and then choose how long you want to park for and for the duration and finally confirming this and make the payment that is a combination many parking control officers need and if you need to extend our parking time on the app and select the option and select the time and make the payment. For for whatever reason the connection call 866 to pay by phone and enter our number or press one to register. Emergency our pin the last four digits of our credit card number and number of the minutes you want to park. Alter the end of call will confirm everything if youre a new users call 856 4907275 and the walk you through will walk through it youll enter the zone number and see parking time. And finally there are for refunds. Thats it the information will only be saved for the direct your attention of our parking time and it is by the pay by phone is simple check our other parking zone number and thanks for i am iris long. We are a Family Business that started in San Francisco chinatown by my parents who started the business in the mid 1980s. Today we follow the same footsteps of my parents. We source the teas by the harvest season and style of crafting and the specific variety. We specialize in premium tea. Today i still visit many of the farms we work with multigenerational farms that produce premium teas with its own natural flavors. It is very much like grapes for wine. What we do is more specialized, but it is more natural. Growing up in San Francisco i used to come and help my parents after school whether in middle school or high school and throughout college. I went to San Francisco state university. I did stay home and i helped my parents work throughout the summers to learn what it is that makes our community so special. After graduating i worked for an Investment Bank in hong kong for a few years before returning when my dad said he was retiring. He passed away a few years ago. After taking over the business we made this a little more accessible for visitors as well as residents of San Francisco to visit. Many of our teas were traditionally labeled only in chinese for the older generation. Today of our tea drinkkers are quite young. It is easy to look on the website to view all of our products and fun to come in and look at the different varieties. They are able to explore what we source, premium teas from the providence and the delicious flavors. San francisco is a beautiful city to me as well as many of the residents and businesses here in chinatown. It is great for tourists to visit apsee how our community thrived through the years. This retail location is open daily. We have minimal hours because of our small team during covid. We do welcome visitors to come in and browse through our products. Also, visit us online. We have minimal hours. It is nice to set up viewings of these products here. clapping . Happy anniversary sfgov you have been providing access to Public Meetings to keep folks connected and our original programming highlights the best of information and makes the city proud hello, im shannon with the league of women voters of San Francisco. Along with the league and sfgov tv, im here to discuss proposition i, a ballot measure which will be before the voters on tuesday, november 8th. The city closed certain public streets to private Motor Vehicles reserving the streets as open space for recreational purposes. These closures weren abilitied in response to the covid19 pandemic. In may, 2022, the board of supervisors at the golden gate and safety program. The closed portion of jfk drive and certain connector streets in golden gate

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