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We dont know exactly what day it happened but we do know that it happened in august. I asked myself, why is it that we dont know what day it happened . It is monumental history. Why dont we know . The sad reality of it is that this monumental occurrence was so major and unlike anything that had ever occurred before at that scale in the United States , that an effort to eliminate it from records and existence ensued. It persisted. And because of it, watershed moments in the lbgtq Civil Rights Movement followed. Such as the stonewall riots of 1969. So, the idea transgender History Month began to take shape via this train of thought. I thought about black History Month and womens History Month. Now national low recognized months. And the essential education and awareness that they bring to the general masses every year. That knowledge is critical in bringing awareness and understanding of the struggles and history that have taken place to get where we are now. When i wrote this procolumnation i had the honor of serving as director of social Justice Empowerment Initiative the transgender district the worlds only legally recognized cultural district dedicated to the Transgender Community. Based in the tenderloin neighborhood. Grounded and rooted in the 55 to the event that is the cafeteria riot. With the guidance of president of the transgender district, we brought the proclamation to the office of transgender initiatives. Without the office transgender initiate evers, in their instrumental advocacy for transgender History Month to the mayors office. We would not be sitting here today. Director powell craigo wherever he is and the office of transgender initiatives serve a huge round of applause for determination to make this happen. In last but not least, transgender History Month would not have happened at all without the profound alliship of mayor breed. Yes. Round of applause. Mayor breed has proven time and time again her unwaivering alliship to the transgender communitiful dedication to support,up lift and empower San Francisco Transgender Community. Mayor breed has set the bar for any mayor across any city in the United States on what it means to be inclusive and stand with the Transgender Community. And in what seemed to be a sign from the universe in our transs mir breed signed transgender History Month on august 24, 2021. On what would have been masha p. Johnsons 76th birthday. [applause] and just last year, Santa Clarita county adopted transgender History Month. Following San Franciscos leadership. Transgender history should not be understated. Transgender history helps us understand the shared struggled that bind us. How we are more alike than we are different. Whether or not [inaudible] or trans. Now t is imperative to lone in transgender history to understand the reemergence of extremists in violent antitransgender rhetoric that has taken a hold of National Politics the last few years. The a tax were seen against the transgender and gender Diverse Communities are not new. In fact, hay draw from the detectiveds of the 1970s and 80s that lead to the station of [inaudible] as a mental disorder. I quote, disease. Such developments rated systemic hurdles that hindered many transpeople from seek gender affirming Health Care Services and a better quality of life. The consequence manifested of trans people from society. Resulting in poverty, isolation, depression, unpreps dented transphobic violence and sickness. We must learn to guarantee a future defined by liberation. Transpeople have contributed a great deal to modern day society. Transpeople deserve to know they come from a lineage of thought leaders, pioneers and warriors. Our history is a vivid and captivating account of sack fireworks transformation, joy and a journey toward personal liberation. We sit here, with the gift that is the Transgender Community of San Francisco. To have icons and pioneers like mrs. Sona persona. Ms. Bill cooper. Chung, aria, connie mahogany. Ja neta johnson. Powell prego, tina. Nicole doctor striker and many, many others seen and unseen paving their way in their own field such as melanie and gender affirming care and kenya in technology and engineering. So now, i welcome a trans icon and someone i admire. For a lands acknowledgment. This individual is cofounder of the transgender district. Coowner of the stud. And the highest elected black transwoman in the country for any democratic chapter. Give a warm welcome to part chair of the San Francisco democrat irk central committee. Connie mahogany. Thank you, so much, jupiter for that introduction. One more time for jupiter. [applause] thanks to here we are here tilde have the honor on behalf of old bull doing the land acknowledgment. This land acknowledgment recognizes the city of San Francisco resides on unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land on a village site. We acknowledge the suffering caused by the theft and colonization of the land and grieve the on going harm to Ramaytush Ohlone cultures and to all the indigenous cult urs of the planet. We honor the Ramaytush Ohlone the stewards of the lands and wildlife. We recognize the live home of the Ramaytush Ohlone people the on going existing first people of San Francisco and the surrounding bay area. With rich cult urs full of song, dance, language, ceremonies and tradition. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much. Honey. And now i would like to introduce the champion of transgender History Month. Give a warm welcome to mayor london breed. [applause] first of all, hi to take a moment to just really appreciate jupiters comments. And putting thing in perspective to truly celebrate transgender History Month in San Francisco. It is so grit to be here with all of you including our elected lead e Joel Engardio a member of the board of supervisors. [applause]. You can wave, joel. He is look at me do i wave what do i do . The first liege fire chief in San Francisco history ja jeanine nicholson. Connie chew and joaquin torres. Let me honor some amazing trail blazers ms. Billie cooper in the back. As well as donna persona. And i want to acknowledge the executive director for pride who is joining us today. Thank you so suzanne ford for your hard work in making pride really special. [applause]. The new generation of leaders in the transcommunity stand on your shoulders. We are grateful to welcome you all here to San Francisco upon city hall to celebrate transgender History Month in the city and county of San Francisco [applause] thank you, honey for that great land acknowledgment. And what i love so much in talking about San Francisco on such a special occasion is not just that our city is a resilient city because of the community what they represent in terms of the history the transgender movement, which really, truly was at the center of sparking a movement for lbgtq community and San Francisco as a city of firsts. When you think, people continue to talk about stonewall the first known movements in history that occurred in new york. And we all know in San Francisco, that if we dont talk about our history, if we dont put it out there, someone else will try to take credit for had we have done in San Francisco. In 1966, what happened here comptons riots is not elevated and documented and talked about and celebrated the first movements in the lbgtq movement not just the transgender and the drag queen move inspect all of the movements combined, this is where it started in San Francisco because of this community. As i talk about San Francisco being a city of first i came from 150th Year Anniversary celebration of the cable car. It is 150 years first cable car invented the only still in San Francisco. And San Francisco really is a city of firsts. First cable car. First television invent in the San Francisco. We condition. The clap on San Francisco invented that. Which created this door for technology and opportunity and the which ia pet the guy who invented the clap on. Why do we talk about this . Because when it happens in San Francisco it takes flight. And here in San Francisco we started with not just the first office of transgender initiatives, but it went on along with so many great leaders that were mentioned including honey and others to start a transgender district. To really Work Together with our Transgender Advisory Committee to put forth initiatives to not just talk about history and the movement but to final low make Real Investment to push for aggressive change. Im proud that San Francisco continues to push the envelope. Continues to be put on the map when it come to transgender rights. And the w this we have done together including the transhome sf and a commitment to end transhomelessness in San Francisco has been transformtive. And along with the challenges that continue to persist around homelessness in this community. The First Program around universal basic income for transgender people in San Francisco. A lot of the work we continue to do in including the first building the first building to have transgender youth here in San Francisco. And let mow tell you, the challenge we continue to run into because transgender people as a whole are under attack but our youth more than anything else. So much so this we could not really announce celebrate and disclose the location out of fear what might happen to those young people who will be moving in this space. But the city did not let that stop us from moving forward. We invested resources and help to support lion martin in terms of the w they are doing the security that they need to ensure this people can get health care and support and resource. Without fear of being attacked. Well is so much that we are doing in San Francisco. Jupiter out lined a lot of the great initiatives and would not happen had it not been for this incredible xhounlts. Continuing to push the envelope. Continuing to advocate. And continuing to make sure that this communities is united in our fight to ensure that the support that is available not just to the lbgtq community as a whole but well is a specific focus. On the transcommunity for resources, services, based on challenges and disparities that continue to persist. This community represents wholehearted low the resiliency what it means to be a francesca. When we talk about the Phoenix Rising from the ashes your strength, courage and everything you continue to do to push the envelope; is why so many others in had country and in this world can truly be courageous they look to San Francisco and they truly see that we are a beacon of hope in the Transgender Community. [applause] thank you all for being here to celebrate transgender History Month in San Francisco lets continue to roll up our sleeves. Continue to do this incredible work to those who are a part of the community as well as the alli. We will push the inspect in San Francisco and maintain our place as a beacon of hope for all transpeople throughout the world. Thank you. [applause] thank you, mayor breechld give mayor breed another round of applause. Thank you. And now i Welcome Back Party chair of the San Francisco Democratic Committee honey mahogany. [applause] thank you, so much an honor to be here amongst community and leaders and here in my home town of San Francisco which as the mayor said has been a place of so many firsts for our community. Im proud to stand here the first transperson to serve as chair of any local democratic per in the country. Im here proud as one of the founders of the cultural district and someone who live in a city we committed to ending trans homelessness. That being said, even here in San Francisco we have so much more work to do. Even here in the state of california we still have people who are attacking transpeople rights. And as we see laws passed in other states across the country, so many people are fleeing to sanctuary cities like california and cities like San Francisco only to find they couldnt ford to live here fetch are going to be a sanctuary city we have to double down on investments. Ensure when people come they are welcomed and stabilized and allowed to continue to prosper and to live that dream of what sanctuary means in San Francisco. I think that one of the things we can do most are or best is be as loud and proud as we can be here. We have to demonstrate to the world what transexcellence looks like and have to teach our history. The reason that republicans and people of across the country are attacking our school boards. Education system and public schools. Banning book because they than education is the 63 to their success and the way in which they can exploit us as scapegoats. I want to say that who i we saw the rhetoric in the 70s and 80s it does did not start there. We can go back to world war ii when we saw the discrimination pushed upon our community. When we think about the book burnings by the nazi party. One of the first and famous and one you seen pictures of happened at the clinic of doctor magnus. Was a jewish gay jewish doctor when republican a gender clinic in germany. Years of reswhaefrp it money to bes transgender. And how to help transgender people of all of that research and that knowledge and books was burned and destroyed. And transpeople went from at this time in germany able to live their live in public being able to get cards to acknowledge they were trans people and allowed wear when than i wore. They went from this to persecuted and the Pink Triangle on them and burn in the gas chambered. It is very important we remember that history this. We acknowledge that history and teach that history to so we dont repeat it today we are seeing history repeat itself. In places here like San Francisco, we have leaders who do the right thing. Leaders who are fight to make this say safe space and doing their best to ensure people can come here and seek sanctuary. I challenge us e approximately allis to do more. Meet the challenge. As chair of the Democratic Party i have honor of working along side nancy pelosi in doing stone bank across our state and the country to make sure we elect people who will fight for our rights not just transrival right to access Reproductive Health care and abortions this is all linked. Please, it is in the enough to attend rallies. Not enough to call yourself an alli. Do the work, join us in using our privilege in San Francisco to create change across the state and the country. You can hit us up at the website and phone bank join us and sister district and other organization in doing this work that will lead lay the path way to us winning in 2024. We need to get that seat and ensure we preserve our democracy. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much issue hone. Now i welcome 2 special people. One of them is brianna mc cree. Show is the former director of Community Engagement for the center of excellence for transgender hang at ucsf. She has lead transgender empowerment and hiv treatment in the tenderloin the last 20 years special this past june she was one of San Francisco prides grand marshall. The second individual is carlo ortega Community Organizer who served as the Development Coordinator for you delores foundation. He is the cofound and are facilitator of the first Spanish Language support group for latin x transmen. In the San Francisco east bay. The 2 individuals are very, very special. They will both be leading the transgender district as coexecutive directors. Lets give a very warm welcome to the new executive sdreshths of the transgender district. [applause] goodness. Happy transHistory Month happy transHistory Month thank you to jupiter and honey and especially mayor breed. Thank you for being a light for transliberation. I was told i have a minute let me speed through this. Thank you jupiter for leading the charge and helping create this legislation that will be recognized on the state level. Thank you to the cofounders honey, jell neta and aria and working with suz abstriker to uncover the rich history in San Franciscos tenderloin area to elevate the people. Through my leadership with carlo, i hope to expand on the legace programs of the district creating more possibility models for the folks in the tenderloin for the future. Thank you. [applause] why hello. Thank you so much, thank you to mayor breed. To jupiter, to honest and he of course to the speakers who will be here today and honorees and the attendise, our community. So, so honored to be here and humbleed number this position and look forward to building with all of you as we move forward. Im carlo, im excited work with brianna my colleague at the transgender district. The San Francisco as we celebrate this month of joy, contribution, of over coming. Heeling. We need this. We need this here and every where. Im excited for the transgender district. Im excited for the future focusing on place making. We are excited meet everyone. Am and to invite to you our event programming especially in this mont. I want to talk about a few events we are having. First is expectancyive will be tomorrow august third and 4. At the act at 7 30. Tickets are available we hope you can all come. We also have a riot party the famous party acknowledgment of the important history on the 27th of august. It would be 12 oclock at the gardens here in the district. So. More information on both of the events can be found at the transgender district sf. Com events page. Go there for tickets. Share with friends we want to expand the reach to make sure folks, our community as access to the programming. And all we are excited the graduation is happening for transgender and queer people of color. Many of our participates are here. And it is a 4 Month Program this start in the april and finishing this month. So we are excited to be celebrating graduation of the new corporate double the size as it was left year. And we want to introduce the businesses and artists and folks to you. Please, come to the graduation on the 23rd of august at conner polk at 5 30. It is my pleasure to introduce our past graduate who is is an horree today. Melanie. Who is an experience in license elect trolgs in San Francisco. Give her a grand hand for lifting update droll he had years ago and making it reality. Thank you. [laughter] hello issue everyone. Transgender History Month honors the hardships, struggles and the obstacles and trail blazer who worked hard. There is still w to be done but seeing all your beautiful face here is a testament that we are going to be resilient and over come anything. I want to take a moment to thank my mentors aria, honey mahogany. Nikki, just to name a few. The people inspired and guided me throughout my years. Thank you to the transgender district. Entrepreneurship program for helping make the dream come true. With how our Political Climate is and how it is trying to strip transgender people of our rights, it is programs like these that are vital to make sure that our community not only survives but thrives. Building wealth in our community to ensure a Brighter Future for us all. And mayor breed announces second rounds of grant opportunity for store fronts and Small Businesses in San Francisco recently. And im too late for the ground but i hope i get grand opportunity up in here. San francisco hook a sister up. On a serious note, im a fill pinaamerican native and transgender woman. Born and raised in hayward, california. Of my mother, rest in peace, a single mother of 3 and worked several jobs to make ends meat. We came from Humble Beginnings and seeing how hard she worked to put food on the table. Shoes on our feet and roof over or head instilled a hard work ethic in me. This irrelevant made me realize young they was not born with a silver spoon and the world was going to be very different for a person like me. It took me a long time to find my purpose in life the road was not easy. But today i am proud to say now in the second year in business. There are 5 employees including myself that are all transgender women. We provide gender affirming service for the Transgender Community. By the Transgender Community. We are proud to be the first open low transowned and operated practice in the city of San Francisco. The definition of hard needs to make more chiefly or can have the. We are honored do this work. With your continued support, we hope to grow and be open for business for many years to come. For those of you out there this feel unsure of your purpose in life or lost at times. Please know this i have been in your shoes before. I want be you to listen when im know to tell you. You are the star of your own story. You control the narrative of your life. Live with love for yourself. Love yourself with your whole heart. And believe in yourself. Because being trans, is powerful. You have the power to make your history as beautiful as you wish it to be. Thank you, everybody and help transgender History Month. [applause] thank you. Thank you too to brianna can carlo and melanie as well. Before i welcome mayor breed back to hand out certificates of honor to 4 recipients i would like to give a special shout out to someone i look up to joaquin gerrero appointed to homelessness oversight commission. Which was legislative last year. [applause] joaquin is i brilliant political transadvocate and incredible housing navigator. So thank you, joaquin for being you and your mentorship. Now lets welcome mayor london breed back. [applause] are you going to help me, jupiter . I know i miss third degree part of my notes. Okay im going to wing it. [laughter]. We have some of our youth. First of all i want to start with a certificate honoring someone who i just absolutely adover during the pandemic the ability to have a conversation with her and to talk to her about the challenges and obstacles to be at this moment. And how she told me donna persona told me how it fills her heart with joy ton what the city is doing how the next generation will not have to suffer in the same ways she has had to and the fact. She is i know donna persona but donna who reflects, all of what it means to persevere and over come and to still be standing and looking good i see your legs, girl. So, donna for all of that you do to really make a difference to show up time and time again to be a testament of resilience and strength and support for the community and a strong desire to ensure that the next generation is uplifted and supported; we wanted honor your legacy. Celebrating and you thanking you for being so amazing so, donna. [applause] i want to thank the mayor of san fan for this honor. By taking this award i vow to keep the history that i helped bring to the world. The cafeteria riot. I cowrote a play to document and bring forth this history. And i vow to keep working and bringing that history to the world. And to show that transpeople can thrive. Not just survive but thrive and show themselves as the wonderful people that they are. Thank you. [applause] and you know i know that folks like donna and Billie Cooper and others here, would have never imagined that it would be possible to see a day when young people can get a lot of the gender affirming surgeries. The new technology can occur when is amazing about the young people we are here to honor today is their courage. Their courage to be able to step out and be who they want to be. In this world. And i know that so many of the folks here with the challenges this exist not just in the United States but all overnight world. You know it does take courage to stand out on faith and to acid vocate and push. Fact they put together an amazing march to allow for body autonomy the ability to decide what you want top do for your own body that is your decision. And your decision alone and they stood up and they went out on faith and created a march that brought together so many people from all over to really just continue to acknowledge it. It is my body my choice that works for wloo someone chooses to have an abortion. Wloo someone chooses to do when they choose but we deserve that right this. Snks generation is push to ensure that body autonomy is respected we are honoring them for work and advocacy and the ability with the young legs to stands this long without sitting down. This honors youth organizers of San Francisco the San Francisco march for queer and transyouth autonomy. [applause] [applause] hello, everyone. Im am one of the organizers of the queer march. I want to acknowledge how grateful i am for all of us myself and my organizers. For the certificate of honor. We spent, lot of time organizing over zoom. A lot of late nights trying to make the most of this march and really pushing our dedication to the transcommunity and how we want other youth to feel the same way as we do. Being able to speak out about who they are, express themselves the way they want to. Without reservation. And i will leave it there. Again other thank you so much for joining us and i appreciate everyone here. Thank you. [applause]. All right. That concludes our program, thank you all for being here for the Second Annual transgender History Month. Once again, thank you to mayor london breed. The recipients of the certificates of honor. A huge congratulations and i invite folks to enjoy some really delicious snacks with transflags on top and refreshments it is really hot in here. So without further adieu, on the count of 3, i want us to shout, happy transgender History Month and fill had beautiful city hall and have our sound ricochet up to the dome are we ready yea. I want to do it really loud. Okay . One two three happy transgender History Month [applause] [applause] [music] office of Initiative Start in the 2017 and started as a result of community advocacy. Our transgender Nonbinary Community advocates were really letting our government know that we needed to be heard. We needed to be considered and policy and budget decision and so, then the mayor lee and founding director of spark created officeof initiative that allow us to advocate for equity for transgender and nonbinary communitiful we focus on 4 areas. Training, education for the city employees. We focus on civic and Community Engagement making sure our leaders have a voice and are heard by our elected officials. We work on policies and programs to make sure our city is responsive to transand Nonbinary Community and add voice to departments to integrate transinclusion in policies, procedures and practice. We still have, lot of work to do to improve and address equity in san fran for our Community Upon i feel that we are on the right track and seeing how peoples lives are improving thanks to those changes. I do think it is unique that our local government is sponsive to transgender communities so i hope that people can remember that despite the work we had, we seat progress. We seat change and there is hope for transpeople in San Francisco and wherever we come together and organize to improve our lives. [music] so the march started in 2004, there was a lot of action going on at the time against transgender people. So an email thread went around and everybody decided to meet here at the loweris park and really send out the message to the community that were here and just because the legislation does not validify who we are, we are still here and we deserve to be loved and empowered. So for me trans march is a safe place where i will not be quiet and i can be unapologetic against my trans siblings to be in the community and say okay, you can bring yourself to the safe places. Were normal human beings and we can exist. This is one of the largest trans marches that happens in the world and this space is ours. We can at least have one day where we are seen and not over shadowed by the greater pride, hostilities everywhere. Trans march means so much to me. But it means so much more for me and my community. We really felt it was important to have a special day just for transgender people where we can have our voices lifted up and specifically seen. After coming, i feel so proud of this place and also this whole movement. This joy is strong. So maybe trans march that is a lot of joy. My partner is transgender and you know ,z weve been together for 25 years. And i learned a lot about trans generaleder and her what it means to be transgender. To give people pride of who they are they are beautiful and an important part of society and they should have equal rights. For me being here is an act of celebrating myself and feeling okay in my own skin. Ed we have a lot of momentum here at trans mart, we have a lot of community for support from our sponsor to our tal ept, everybody is happy to support this event because we all want to be together and after two years of not being able to be together this year, people were especially excited. [applause] for us, we wish we had our queue and we created spaces that are active. Food and drinks. There is a lot for a lot of folks and community. For us, it started back in 1966 and it was a diner and where our ancestors gathered to connect. I think coffee and food is the very fabric of our community as well as we take care of each other. To have a popup in the tenderloin gives it so much meaning. We are always creating impactful meaning of the lives of the people, and once we create a space and focus on the most marginalized, you really include a space for everyone. Coffee is so cultural for many communities and we have coffee of maria inspired by my grandmother from mexico. I have many many memories of sharing coffee with her late at night. So we carry that into everything we do. Currently we are on a journey that is going to open up the first brick and mortar in San Francisco specifically in the tenderloin. We want to stay true to our ancestors in the tenderloin. So we are getting ready for that and getting ready for celebrating our anniversary. It has been well supported and well talked about in our community. Thats why we are pushing it so much because thats how we started. Very active Community Members. They give back to the community. Support trends and give back and give a safe space for all. We also want to let folks know that if they want to be in a safe space, we have a pay it Forward Program that allows 20 to get some funds for someone in need can come and get a cup of coffee, pastry and feel welcomed in our community. To be among our community, you are always welcome here. You dont have to buy anything or get anything, just be here and express yourself and be your authentic self and we will always take care of you. Everything we do in the tenderloin, we urban outfit. Here, this gives us an opportunity to collaborate with other agencies and we become familiar with how other agencies operate and allow us to be more flexible and get better at what we depo in the line of work in this task. Sometimes you go down and its hard to get up. So we see ourselves as providing an opportunity for the unhoused to get up. And so i really believe that when they come here and theyve said it, this right here is absolutely needed. You cant ask for nothing better. The tenderloin is the stuff that aint on the list of remedies, liked the Spiritual Connection to recovery and why would i . Why would i recover . What have i got to live for . Things like that. And sharing the stories. Like i was homeless and just the team. And some people need that extra connection on why they can change their life or how they could. We have a lot of guests that will come in and say i would like you know, i need help with shelter, food, and primary care doctor. And so here, thats three rooms down the hall. So if you book them, they get all of their needs taken care of in one go. This is an opportunity for us here in the tenderloin to come together, try out these ideas to see if we can put get connect people to services in a [ ] homelessness in San Francisco is considered the number 1 issue by most people who live here, and it doesnt just affect Neighbors Without a home, it affects all of us. Is real way to combat that is to Work Together. It will take city departments and nonprofit providers and volunteers and companies and Community Members all coming together. [ ] the product homeless connect Community Day of Service Began about 15 years ago, and we have had 73 of them. What we do is we host and expostyle event, and we were the very force organization to do this but it worked so well that 250 other cities across the globe host their own. Theres over 120 Service Providers at the event today, and they range anywhere from hygiene kits provided by the basics, 5 to prescription glasses and reading glasses, hearing tests, pet sitting, showers, medical services, flu shots, dental care, groceries, so many phenomenal Service Providers, and what makes it so unique is we ask that they provide that Service Today here it is an actual, tangible Service People can leave with it. I am with the hearing and Speech Center of northern california, and we provide a variety of Services Including audiology, counselling, outreach, education, today we actually just do screening to see if someone has hearing loss. To follow updates when they come into the Speech Center and we do a full diagnostic hearing test, and we start the process of taking an impression of their year, deciding on which hearing aid will work best for them. If they have a smart phone, we make sure we get a smart phone that can connect to it, so they can stream phone calls, or use it for any other services that they need. San francisco has phenomenal social services to support people at risk of becoming homeless, are already experience and homelessness, but it is confusing, and there is a lot of waste. Bringing everyone into the same space not only saves an average of 20 hours a week in navigating the system and waiting in line for different areas, it helps them talk, so if you need to sign up for medical, what you need identification, you dont have to go to sacramento or wait in line at a d. M. V. , you go across the hall to the d. M. V. To get your i. D. Today we will probably see around 30 people, and averaging about 20 of this people coming to cs for followup service. For a participant to qualify for services, all they need to do is come to the event. We have a lot of people who are at risk of homelessness but not yet experiencing it, that todays event can ensure they stay house. Many people coming to the event are here to receive one specific need such as signing up for medical or learning about d. M. V. Services, and then of course, most of the people who are tender people experiencing homelessness today. I am the representative for the volunteer central. We are the group that checks and all the volunteers that comment participate each day. On a typical day of service, we have anywhere between 40500 volunteers that we, back in, they get tshirts, nametags, maps, and all the information they need to have a successful event. Our participant escorts are a core part of our group, and they are the ones who help participants flow from the Different Service areas and help them find the Different Services that they needs. One of the ways we work closely with the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing is by working with Homeless Outreach teams. They come here, and these are the people that help you get into navigation centers, help you get into shortterm shelter, and talk about housing1st policies. We also work very closely with the department of Public Health to provide a lot of our services. We have all types of things that volunteers deal do on a day of service. We have folks that help give out lunches in the cafe, we have folks who help with the check in, getting people when they arrive, making sure that they find the services that they need to, we have folks who help in the check out process, to make sure they get their food bag, bag of groceries, together hygiene kit, and whatever they need to. Volunteers, i think of them as the secret sauce that just makes the whole process works smoothly. Participants are encouraged and welcomed to come with their pets. We do have a pet daycare, so if they want to have their pets stay in the daycare area while they navigate the event, they are welcome to do that, will we also understand some people are more comfortable having their pets with them. They can bring them into the event as well. We also typically offer veterinary services, and it can be a real detriment to coming into an event like this. We also have a bag check. You dont have to worry about your belongings getting lost, especially when that is all that you have with you. We get connected with people who knew they had hearing loss, but they didnt know they could get services to help them with their hearing loss picks and we are getting connected with each other to make sure they are getting supported. Our next event will be in march, we dont yet have a date set. We typically sap set it six weeks out. The way to volunteer is to follow our newsletter, follow us on social media, or just visit our website. We always announce it right away, and you can register very easily online. A lot of people see folks experience a homelessness in the city, and they dont know how they can help, and defence like this gives a whole bunch of people a lot of good opportunities to give back and be supported. [ ] good morning. Welcome to our august Homelessness Commission meeting. Im excited to see those in the public and look forward to hearing from you. Good morning to you. Look forward to an effective and efficient meeting. There is a lot of cover from the directors report the rules. Data officer and Nomination Committee from the presentations from the homeless from cynthia. From our tenants and we will also at the last item have commission matters

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