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Firefighter in the San Francisco Fire Department. [whistle] i oknow there is going to be a lot of shoveling and it will not come easy. I know it will not be given to me. Am i going to be able to keep up and do all the physical a pects of what the academy will request of me . On the hand you have been given a opportunity you worked so hard to get to, but on the other hand you dont have the job yet and have so much work you have to do to get in the field so it is double edge sword. I need it but this is just the beginning. [music] we are entrusted with people. Our job is indiscernible we want people to be firefighters. The chief picked the people. Our job is train them. We make sure that we are challenging them, but at the same time supporting them and that is a fine line, because we want to see how these people react. It is imperative for the Training Academy and Training Staff to make sure we are getting the best out of these individuals. I always tell them, we will challenge you, but also going to support you. We are not going to trick you into certain things but we want to make sure we make it difficult and make it so that you are performing at your best when somebody is on their worst day. The process is grueling, however, the reward at the end is what its all about. We have 21 weeks to form this group of 51, and to functioning individuals on a working engine or Truck Company in the city and the challenge there is that when you walk through the door, you should be able to take care of business right away. When i first got on the job and hit the streets and got my first fire, which is 4th alarm fire which they throw a lot of people in the big building, happened in the first 30 minutes of me stepping in the fire house. We hire a vast group of people with different backgrounds and experiences, which is kind of interesting as well, because it makes up our department and we have a kind of hodgepodge of people, but they all get taught the same thing. We have people fromwe have a guy in the class whoofs a social worker. We have a person who was a firefighter, multiple firefighters. San francisco does things different then most Fire Departments but they have upper hand so we try to pair those with some sort of experience with people who dont in study group said. We tell them the first week get in a study group and that is a group for the rest of the academy so you will be the support group for each other. My name is Julian Martin a recruit in the 130 academy for the San Francisco Fire Department. The Fire Department what drew me to it to begin is a concept you are always learning. You are always learning something a92. Now fire or situation is alike. No med call will be the same, and that aspect is something that is always changing is what drew me to it. When i was 19 i enlisted in the United States army and was in college at the time, so i was enrolled simultaneous in the reserve officer Corp Training out of leehigh university. I was indiscernible and Lee High University and completed by bachelors, but commissioned out of Lee High University as a officer in the California National guard. When i graduatesed i immediately went to fort indiscernible missouri to complete training for being a chemical officer which is indiscernible i think my background in chemical hazmat with the army was beneficial and the department as well. High energy,b that is how i categorize julian. High energy and ability. She is very capable. She is one of those people pretty much anything she tries she can do well. She is a musician also. She is a artist. She is the kind of person that push other people to be the best version of themselves, just because she also wants to be the best version of herself. She is a very dedicated individual, and it was a treat but also a challenge because that is the way she is. Very competitive and ambitious. Emilyi am a recruit with the San Francisco Fire Department. I remember how do i become a firefighter in a major city . I typed that into google and a lot of things came up. Getting certification like firefighter 1, emt, paramedic jz these are things i knew nothing about so a lot of research. For me having lived in california and visited the bay area many times i said to myself, i decided the pentacle for me of being a structure firefighter, being a city firefighter which coming to San Francisco. I am originally from new england. I grew up in a Traditional Town in new hampshire. When can i was a kid i never had Fire Fighting on my radar. Never something i thought about doing. When i in college i studied environmental conversation. I always appreciated the outdoors and really cared a lot about protecting the outdoors, so for years after college i worked with kids in the outdoor education, so taking kids on backpacking trips, takes kids on hiking trips, and just helping them develop appreciation for the outdoors. It was basically a opportunity to not have a desk job and for years i was chasing that job that didnt involve sitting at a desk and be outside with people which makes sense it leads me to firefighter. Next thing i knew i was heading up to alaska to be a firefighter. That was the switch and never looked back. Emily is a person that very much someone who cares about other people and will put other people needs before her own. She is extremely caring and thoughtful. I also think she is extremely adventurous as well. I remember when we first met, when we were living in yosemite being in ah of her adventurous side. My name is jenna. Everybody called johnny for short and im a recruit with the 130 academy for San Francisco Fire Department. City girl, born and raised in San Francisco. Literally my entire schooling has been right here in the city of San Francisco, and so thats part of me and part of my identity, and what keeps me so grounded to the city i was raise d in. My brother is a firefighter and he has been a firefighter many years. He is absolutelyhe loves his job and always has tried to bring people along with him. Those he loves and that he thinks would be fit for the job. I told this lady about this service and about this career path back when she was 22 years old after graduating from usf, i tried to put in her ear, i think you would be incredible at this profession and she said ill think about it. That is always something in my ear, but to be honest, my encounter with the Fire Department that kind of sparked that interest and the reason as to why i wanted to become a firefighter, because at the age of 15 i lost my mother to gun violence and it was the Fire Department when they came to my home, it was the reaction of the firefighters that i felt cold. Their reaction to my situation. I didnt feel support. That is just my perspective of the instant it happened, but that is something that stuck with me. I dont want someone like me to go through what i went through because i know how that felt. I took the leap of faith and i said im going to change my career entirely, but now i see for myself just within my recruit class that there is a lot of diversity. It was really comforting to me to see that and know that these are the people who are going to be my first family, because we share a special bond. She was ready. She was hungry, and sheevery drill we did, every practice we did, all the exercising she was doing, she was hungry for it. I couldnt possibly be more proud of her. A real basic Building Block is just like crawl walk run. Our crawling stage is like just putting your gear on. We have our ppe, which is about 20pounds, the packs are 20 pounds. Just those two alone you throw on 40 pounds of weight and by the end of the academy we have your ppe on, go on indiscernible breathe through the bottle, climb up a ladder, crawl through a window, search fwr a victim, bring the victim through the window and extricate through the window. The progression of the testing ramp up pretty quickly. In the 10 week cycle it seems like a long time, but for the recruit you can ask them im telling you it is a rigorous academy and keeps on getting harder. Academy starts at 8 oclock. We do our pt. Whatever it may be, whether it is running in a circuit or amazing raise, and are that lasts anywhere from a hour to hour and 30. From there we go to a class room. We learn about the different chapters, whether it is indiscernible hose appliances, building construction, whatever it may be. That usually takes us to lunch and from there we get separated into skills groups. indiscernible how many victims. Which we have typically about 4 rotations of the different skills we get touches. It is still very early in the process. If you envision each class like a bell curve where most in the middle, if you have a class with really long tails those are harder to train, because you have people at the back end who are really struggling. This class seems to have small tails. I dont see anybody struggling yet. I dont see anybody truly standing out. But again, it is early. We havent done any testing yet. I am learning a lot with fellow class mates. They need me and i need them and the really difficult evolution and training and the first couple days are crucial to understanding like how people react to certain situations because not everybody is the best under pressure. Not everybody is the best tying a knot about there are some that are super fast with hose lines. Finding everybody strong point and emphasize those and use to our advantage is important in the first couple weeks. Something that challenged me probably the most and has been probably the biggest learning curve is really focusing on the ability to let go of something when it doesnt go well in the moment and move to the next thing. That i think has been one of the Biggest Challenges in this academy, because the realty is you make a lot of mistakes every day. You do a lot of things well too, but you make a lot of mistakes and if you hold on to each one of those mistakes it is just going to snow ball into more mistakes and it will lead to more stress and being hard on yourself. I had to learn a lot of different new skill sets. Things i wasnt familiar with like chain saws how to hose lines and so getting the technique because a lot of the job is about the technique. It is not about having the brute strength or anything like that, it is using your body mechanics to your advantage. When my body cools down indiscernible [music] we have the academy set up it gives everybody the opportunity to practice the skill set they need to. San francisco is its own entity. We pride ourselves on the traditional Fire Department in the sense we still use brass fittings, wooden latters, surrounded by three sides of water so all risk Fire Department. You can go downtown busy highrise, out to the coast for surf rescue. We have a mix of everything and we all have to be wellrounded firefighters and that is our entire job to make sure that we are profeshant. As we train our roles will be to evaluate along the way. The role we have is to get them ready for fire house culture. To be a firefighter requires a fair amount of discipline. You have to understand the rules of the game. Understand how to behave, how to appear, how to interact with the public and one of my roles is to make sure the recruits understand that and adhere to the codes of conduct and behavior the department lays out. Okay, today is monday. The monday after my first big week of testing. Two double day testing thursday and friday. We had to do a ems skill, take a written test and 8 different Fire Suppression manipulatives. We got our report card back today and if you cant tell by the way im smiling now, i passed every skill that we had to do. Your girl got zero deficiencies, so i am very proud of myself of being able to pass. You know, our saying is we dont fail people, they fail themselves. We give them all the information they need. We allow them extra hours prior to the start of class and stay late after hours, and we hope they take advant nl if they need help. They vocalize when they dont know something and part is ego. If i want to pass the class i need to ask for help. There is no slowing down. Once the training is moving it isnt stopping for anybody. You are on the training or off. We dont have time to stop. We want them to pass, but they have to have their heart into it. If they think it will be easy that isnt the way it works. I want to speak about what happened on september 22, 2022, which was week 14 i believe. Week 14 or 13. There was a big moment for me, because it was the week that i got injured. I had the ladder not completely fall on me, but it put my body in such a way it basically injured my shoulder. I had a little nerve damage coming from the top of my right shoulder radiating down. From what i remember, the ladder was coming down and a sudden movement it swerveed one way and swerved back and i remember i couldnt feel my right arm. I tried to hold on to the ladder and it just basically just hit me in a certain position, and i fell over, and i remember feeling a combination of so much pain and honesty nothing at all. She had a pretty good scare of a injury, and her determination and just the way she goes about things. She is not very demon struative or outspoken but works hards and puts herinose nose down and just works. [music] so, today is our last day in the academy. I think there is a lot of things going through my mind right now. On one hand, i feel incredibly relieved to be at this point. It has been a long 5 months. It has been great, but it has been really challenging and definitely really tiring, so it feels really relieving to have reached this mileston. We graduated friday and just feels really exciting. You know, speaking for myself, i think im preoccupied worrying about starting work soon, but i think for my family and my partner, im excited for them to be at graduation. This is not just a journey i have been on, but a journey they have been on as well. Especially my partner. She has been immensely supportive of me throughout this process. On the other side of the coin, it is nervewracking we go out in the field and do the job. It is mixed emotions for sure. Super excited. It has been a long long 16 weeks, and at the end i finally get to graduate, get to be a firefighter. Im looking forward to most is taking our time at Treasure Island and bring into effect to help people. So many things that are going on in my mind at the moment because of the fact today is the last day that we are actually on our training grounds on Treasure Island. I cant believe im actually here and i made it these 5 months. Getting in here doing the best i could possibly do, but now it is graduation is just so close. Im just nervous. I created this family within the 130 Academy Class where we have gotten to know each other and gotten to do skills together, but now when i go to my probationary home, now i will get to know those people and learn so many more skills and just get all the hands on experience and you know, create that second family. It has been overwhelming. Just the amount of support that i have received. My family is my core and is my biggest support system and they have been there and have just expressed unconditional love and support every step of the way. [music] good morning 130. I know this is a exciting day for you, and this is just one of the many milestones in your career. I am really proud of the division of training and im proud of you, 130. You took the lead and you worked hard. You worked as a team and thats how we always do it in the San Francisco Fire Department. This is a Proud Department with a proud history. We fight fires like no other Fire Department. We are Community Paramedicine and alternatives to policing. We are firefighter emt, firefighter paramedics, but we are so much more as you are going to find out during your careers. I do solemnly swear, that i will support and defend, the counsitution of the United States, and the constitution of the state of california, against all enemies foreign and domestic. Today i graduated from San Francisco 130 recruit class, and i became a San Francisco firefighter. I feel absolutely amazing. I thought about how i feel graduating, but feeling it is crazy. Im so so excited to get started. I will be in station 9 in the bayview. Industrial part of the city and im extremely excited to do everything the truck does. Learn how to raise and lower the aerial. Get to all the different ladders and practice them in real life and apply them to situations that we are seen in the academy, but to see them in real life will be a brand new thing. [applause] going up to the stage to get my badge, i was thinking about how sweaty my hands were. I was trying not to trip, and but in realty i was just thinking about how special the moment it was, and to be honest, it felt like everything stood still for a second, and it was a special time to reflect on the journey. I feel proud of my class mates making to graduation. I feel a lot of love towards my classmates and lot of respect and admuration towards the instructors. It feels good to be at this point after 21 weeks of hard work. I would say i felt an immense amount of pride for what she accomplished. Having been along the ride, before academy, being a part of the journey that lead up to interviews and then academy and getting to this point. I know how much she has overcome and accomplished. So proud. Im so proud of you. [calling out name] to be honest, i am had a ball of emotions just running through me right now. It is like electric energy. To have all the overwhelming support from my family, from my friends, from everybody in the department, and from Oakland Department as well is truly just overwhelming and very emotional at the same time. Hoping ethe whole thing is surreal to me. She pinned the badge on me when she was 15 years old and coming to today and seeing where she is at now, i couldnt possibly be more proud. She has a heart of passion. She has a lot of heart. When i saw him up there, it was just overwhelming. I was like, i will not cry, i will not cry. I tried to hold it back, it just couldnt. The chief says, who will cry first. Who will cry first . Okay. indiscernible im supposed to be tough. Man the last time i like to introduce the newest bravest San Francisco firefighters, 130 [applause] so, im now at station 9 on the truck. In the bayview. Junk yard dog. The day before graduation was to ask questions what we are supposed to do and probationary firefighter instead of recruit. My first day was november 22. It was i was one of the lucky ones. I had my full weekday. I had 4 days after graduation to get my mind right, get ready to go to work. Our instructors complaint us in the dark so we wouldnt know what to expect so when we got here, its how we adapt to a situation, not so muchthis is what will happen. This is what you need to do. I was kind of freaking out before i really havent been in a fire station before, and every Single Member was super welcoming here. I think the most important thing is being yourself. Knowing when to contribute and when to kind of sit back and listen, because there is a wealth of knowledge around you everywhere. Everywhere. I could talk to any person in the station and learn so much. I think i have been able to hold on to what people have been telling me a lot more here and learn a lot more in a lot less time. Transitioning from graduation to being a probationary firefighters coming with a lot of changes. You learn the tower and skills and information and once you get thin field you realize how all those people come together in real time, which has been super cool to see how it all unfolds in the field. I have been super lucky. I got placed at station 17 on engine 17 and i have just been super fortunate to have a really great group of folks to work with, who put in a lot of time and energy to help get me up to speed. I say with i first started the academy and was nervous and excited. There is a element of nervousness with being a probationary firefighter because you are trying to keep up and learn as much as you can. I say from the academy till now there is also a lot of confidence building that happened. The first two months what really stuck out to me is just how tight nit the station is and how much people really care about the work that they do and really pushes me i think to be better at the job. Apparently im a probationary firefighter for the San Francisco Fire Department, so the last 5 months i was in the tower in the academy lead me to here of drilling, testing, requiring all the basic Foundation Skills to become a firefighter. Now im actually actively doing it, but more specifically at the current house im stationed at, which is station 10, i am also the role of emt because we are on a als unit where there is a paramedic so im the paramedic backup providing them whatever they need as their assistant, but when it comes to fires im the one with the nozzle to put out the fire. Me and my main concern is getting through probation because i dont have job security at the moment, because you can be let go any time if you are not meeting the expectations of what it is that they require from you. I want to be good at what im here to do in the position im in now. The call volume i have seen during my watchs are 7 to 10 calls within a day, which is pretty moderate. Im just waiting for my first fire. [laughter] indiscernible step on it and measure at the shoulder. We talk about being a model to other agencies, again we hire very diverse group. Male and female. As long as you meet the standards and are able to take care of the business of the Fire Department and Public Safety and being able to get along with your coworkers and all these stressful environments is key. You are not a individual here. We are made up as a team, so you have to be willing to listen. You have to be willing to learn, and you have to be willing to push yourself all the way to the end and youll be successful here in San Francisco. People ask, you just go to fires andno, we go to everything. Anything and everything 911 is called. It depends on the person and where they are at. We invite everybody to come try if they think they can get here, then by all means, we are a great department. Large department. Busy department, and we have a lot of things to see while working here. Best job in the world to this day. We prep them as best we can. All the experiences and instructors and myself, we again our job is to see themwe want to see them be successful. We want to hear good reports. It is like being a parent. I are want to make sure when they leave we want to hear good things and if we dont want also want to check and make sure, what happened . I want to hear from now the probationary firefighter what happened and how we can best support them, because they are not recruits anymore. They are professional probationary firefighters and just because they left the tower doesnt mean we are with them. Im more invested in them now now that they are my brother and sister then a recruit because i could be working with them in the field. I found a career i absolutely hundred percent love. It is very rare that you you can find a profession that you can love that much. Im a public servant. I never want to forget the roots of what we do. We serve the citizens of San Francisco. Im serving the citizen of San Francisco now by training new firefighters. By job is best prepare them what they will be going to into the future. In the Community Whether we are driving around, we are on a call, or shopping, the way that the Community Looks at us and looks at me is kind of surreal, because it hasnt fully sunk in. Sometimes i have to reflect and say, you made it here. Be proud of yourself. Be proud of your accomplishments because for me i want to strive and do more and be better. [siren] i would say first of all, we dont just employ firefighters, we employ everybody on the ambulance. Emt and paramedics. Firefighters and ems is a great opportunity. It is really important we have people who look like the community we are serving and thats part of the reason many joined this department to create change from the inside and we have done a lot of that and we will continue to do that. There is a place for you here as a ems, as a paramedic, as a firefighter. You just need to be able to put in the work. This is a big deal being in Public Safety in San Francisco working for the San Francisco Fire Department. It is a commitment. What better place if you want to serve your community then the San Francisco Fire Department . [music] [siren] hello everyone. Thank you so much for being here today. Welcome to the 20222023 San Francisco youth celebration. Give yourselves a round of applause. My name is emily nguyen the chair district chair on the San Francisco Youth Commission. I feel grateful to be here today to celebrate this Incredible Group of Youth Commissioners. There is no way that i can incapsulate everything we accomplished together in a 5 minute speech, but ill try do my best. When i first stepped into city hall for the first Youth Commission meeting, i knew nothing about government but now it is one of my greatest passions. Little did i know how much we would accomplish as a team and how much the Youth Commission would mean to me. Seriously though, it has got ten to the point where family and friends are concerned how much time i spend in isthe building. Coming back from the pandemic a main goal is bring back the Youth Commissionism we interacted with youth from all over the city through office hours, our budget town halls and our community events. From passing out candy to youth at the greatto teaching third graders about local government and district lines to tabling sunday streetss, we have been able to center youth input and engagement in our work. Another main goal was to have all our work and all our legislation be rooted in empathy and personal experiences. Growing up next to freways my whole life, im so grateful to have gotten there opportunity to explore the central freeway on the Youth Commission and to speak on a panel with senator scott wiener about the freeway harmful impacts on youth and are marginalized communities. We priortaz issues thatd mat to us. We advocated for more transit stops and frnd lestreets. Mew free muni for all funding and embarking to make bart more youth frndly and youth accessb. Additionally, we are working to advance 16 to the 2024 ballot to champion youth civic engagement. Lastly, we are exploring how to make Juvenile Hall more rejuvinated. We held a hearing meeting with several departments and district offices and hearing from constituents to advance the issue. All this work and much more culminated in a 75 page budget policy report with 16 recommendations to the board of supervisors. Making this report in under three months was probably one of the hardest things we ever had to do together, but we did it and we did it together. This Youth Commission achieved so much this year, but most importantly, we made lifelong memories and lifelong friendships. Commissioners dedicated them sevl jz gave their all to the Youth Commission. I cant count all the hours we spnt in city hall arguing about legislation until ten p. M. On a school night or working on Youth Commission legislation instead of homework. Grateful to say i made lifelong friends and lifelong partners through the Youth Commission. I firstly want to appreciate vice chair barker plumber for all the support this term. Thank you for all the 10 p. M. Phone calls to plan town Hall Meetings and presentations and thank you for being the best partner i could ever have on the Youth Commission. Can we give commissioner plumber a round of applause . [applause] i also want to appreciate our staff for all their hard work and endless dedication to this Youth Commission. We cannot have done everything we did this year without their hard work and their expertise on organizing and government. Can we please give them all a round of applause . [applause] all and are all im so proud of everyone and everything we accomplished this term and grateful for all the memories. You all make the Youth Commission what it is. Can we please give every commissioner here today a round of applause . [applause] thank you everyone so much and now ill be passing it off to commissioner barker plumber for his speech. [applause] thank you chair nguyen and thank you all for joining us today as we celebrate the work and accomplishments of the 20222023 San Francisco Youth Commission. It has been a busy year to say the least. It is kind of surprising to think it was les then a year ago we were on this very balcony with our mayor getting sworn in to serve and during that time we focused on service the young people of San Franciscoism i want to say one statistic that i was really surprised by at the end. One of our Staff Members added up all the hours Youth Commissioners have put into Public Meetings here in San Francisco, whether thats the commission or our subcommittees, and a totaled to over 138 hours of work Youth Commissioners did here in city hall representing young people in the city and county of San Francisco and that is really important work we all partake in and something im really proud i was able to do alongside all you, so thank you for that opportunity. I want to say one thing of what im most proud of us doing this yoor, which is really the yurk we did investing our time, our energy and connecting with our communities. Covid has been a difficult time and people got disconnected in this city because of isolation and because of peoples individual struggles and the work that not only the Youth Commissioner is doing, but our mayor is doing and many of the elected leaders and appointed leaders in the city are doing to reconnect with our San Francisco community is so important and something that im very proud we were a part of. So, i want to really introduce and welcome someone who i think really understands that. Who understands the importance of connecting to these communities, listening every day and that is our mayor london breed who is a personal inspiration and someone the Youth Commission learned from over the past year in terms how we can connect with our communities and how we can create a Good Coalition to fight for the best San Francisco we can, so thank you so much. [applause] thank you. Thank you for your work and your advocacy and thank you for the great remarks to emily put those into perspective. All the great work that you all did throughout the time that you served as Youth Commissioners, i bet you didnt think you would be working so hard. But, you were able to accomplish great things in the process. What is interesting about being here today, it takes me back, because just recently i was redoing my retirement forms, and one of the persons who i was meeting with to help understand what was going on said, you have some time that you could actually buy back in 1991, and i said, 1991 wait a minute, i was in high school in 1991 because i graduated 1992. I remember i was a part of one of the first organizations to bring youth into city hall to learn about policy in government. I completely forgot about this, but it was called the mayors youth forum. The mayors youth forum was put together by former mayor art agnus and i like to remind mayor agnus i got to meet him in his office in high school and he laughs about that. The mayors youth forum was filled with a lot of Department Heads at that time. People who helped us learn about government and how to make a impact. What is interesting to hear emily talk about the amazing work you all did over the course of the past year, what we did back then pailed in comparison to how advanced you are in your thought process and how you have taken the positions that you are in and have gone above and beyond to really try and shape policies and to shape resources for young people in San Francisco. Now, we collected a small pay check and we learned more about government and learned from those who represented government, but never were we given or even asked for a platform to do the kinds of things that you all are doing, because the youth forum i think had a lot to do with why we have the mayors youth forum that existed then has a lot to do why the Youth Commission was created. It was created to provide a real platform, because it has been a long time since i have been a young person, even though i consider myself young at heart, and the experiences that you have are a lot different then what we experienced growing up. How do we evolve . How do we change as a government to meet the needs of young people today . The internet want around when i was in high school. It was just forming somewhat when i was in college. The access to computers were very limited and cell phones, forget about it. Those things remember expensive and i dont know if you have seen an original cell phone but it was heavy and had to carry it around in a case and unless you had money you could ntd afford it. When i think what i experienced growing up and what you have access to and the kinds of experiences you have now, it is so important as policy makers that we are not shaping policy for young people based on what we experience. We need to hear the voices of young people based on what you are experiencing today so that our policies reflects the needs of the next generation in a way that is effective. Is more effective in delivering for you at a faster pace then we have in the past. So, i want to express my appreciation to all of you, because it take as lot of time. There are so many other things that you could choose to do. You couldim sure you all in looking at your various applications and your resumes and what you submitted, many of you are involved in other extracurricular activities. You have responsibilities at home. You have responsibilities in community and the fact you are dedicating so much of your time to not just make your lives better, but to make the lives better for other young people in this city is stored. Extraordinary. It was important we not just swear you in and talk about what you are going to do, but we take a moment to reflect on what you have done, so that you can put it into perspective and to really appreciate all that you accomplished, because sometimes we do things and then we are on to it next thing and we do something and on to the next thing and we dont take a moment to pause to real ly appreciate the heart and soul watt we put into making something extraordinary happen so today is about that. A day to honor all of you on your accomplishments, especially those who are moving on to universities, including places like howard and washington dc, across the water to uc berkeley and even harvard. It is really a accomplishment to move in this direction and to be able to go on and to take what you learned here in your further studies and my hope is that Public Service is calling you to a certain capacity. Public service is what was my calling. I realized that after we were seeing changes in the community and i was being exposed to so many extraordinary things, i wanted to be a part of the Decision Making body that has a impact on community. Now, it may be Public Service for you, it may be making policies, it may be creating the next new cell phone that you dont have to hold, but it is just in you [laughter] with technology the way it is moving today you never know what it could be. I used to watch the jetsons cartoon and had flying vehicles and now we have vehicless in the city driven without drivers so anything is possible and you are the nest generation that will lead the city and create. San francisco has a history of resiliency and invention. The First Television was invented here. The first indiscernible no one was talking about Climate Change and what we needed to do to protect our city and our planet. So, that is the kind of invasion that we have in the people who are part of the fabric of our city, and you all as leaders in San Francisco represent that. I want to say thank you for your work. Thank you for your service, and thank you for all that you have done, and will continue to do for San Francisco, but also i know without a doubt that you will go on to whatever university or whatever job opportunity and a lot of the same things you did here youll carry that with you in those various positions, and youll do great things, so just be proud of that, take a moment to reflect, and also continue to maintain your very important relationships with one another. I still have friends that i had since i was in kindergarten, and those relationships are special. You will look back on those relationships and think, wow, we have known each other this long and those are going to be the people that carry you through and sustain. Thank you again for being here and all your hard work and commitment to San Francisco and congratulations on a successful year for those who are going away to college, good luck and make sure you come back and you work for opportunities for all so you can earn some money during the summer and you can develop some additional skills and for those who are moving on to the next level, whether high school, continuing high school or moving from junior high to high school, continue to do great things and much success and please know this city will always be there for you. Thank you and congratulations. [applause] can all the commissioners come up front . I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Good morning. This is the Fire Commission regular meeting august 9, 2023 and the time is 901. This meeting is being held in person. Members of the public may attend the meeting to observe and provide Public Comment at the physical meeting location or by calling 14156550001 and using

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