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Speaker will have two minutes to speak and opportunities are available via the zoom platform using meeting id860 0851 1366 or calling 669 9006833. If you are using zoom, select the raised hand option and if calling by phone dial star 9 to be added to the speaker line and you will be unmuted when its your turn to speak. Call from a quiet location. Dial star 9 and re recommend that you use zoom audio or telephone, you may submit a written Public Comment through the chat function on school thank you to sfgovtv and Media Services and well start with the roll call. You said this is november 17th y is december 1st. Im looking at the old script, let me make sure i got the right one. Thats my fault. Im like the guy in anchor man, ill read anything in the teleprompter. Careful what you put in that script. Can someone roadway sen resend e script. Here we thought we won this time. Well get that to you right now. Im going to send it right now. Lets start with the roll call. Clerk [roll call] all right. The first rule of order any of the members who want to comment, can you hear me . You are going in and out. Its muffled. Can you har me ok now . So this would be for general Public Comment. Any member of the public who wants to comment on an agenda item that is not listed on our agenda and ill ask if theres general Public Comment. Im checking the queue and currently no one has their hands raised and there are no comments in zoom chat. Well close general Public Comment and well move onto the approval of the Meeting Minutes and this is discussion poll as able action to approve the Meeting Minutes of the november 17th meeting,. Thats correct. Its Meeting Minutes. Oh, ok. Sorry. I got it right that time. You did. Sorry. Motion to approve. Second. Theres a motion and a second. Any Public Comment on the approval of the Meeting Minutes . There are no hands raised and there are no comments in the chat. All right. We will close Public Comment and we can have our vote. Clerk [roll call vote] the Meeting Minutes have been approved and well move to item number 3. Thank you, president , good evening, commissioners. I have a couple of brief updates this evening. If i could have your assistance, senior annalist rice, if you are able to screen share for me, that map would be great. I wanted to update you with some new music permits statistics and so we now have sent over 100 approval letters. 102 permits have been issued. 20 have been ineligible and 47 are in various stages of review or in conceit and five of those 46 wh46 were sent to me to appro they will get issued by tomorrow is my guess. Were really chugging along. When we started, it was taking g two and a half weeks across permits and were down to 10 days and im hoping to get that to a week as soon as we can. If we take a look here, this is our google maps that we created for all of our brick and mortar permits that we keep uptodate and so i would like on the p. O. E. Icon too. P. O. S are all the red icons and we have about 300 of those from San Francisco and you can see how spread out they are. If you unclick it, dillon, you will just be left with now all of these little daisies that represent a jam permitted place so as you can see, theyre pretty similar mapped to our p. O. E. And same if you had clicn it. Its great to see and we can share this with the public as well. Especially so folks can add entertainment to an outdoor space. So we will share a link of this with all of you. I mute hav might have it from py discussion and emails because this is the same link. Weve just added another layer of permits to it. So that is the only thing about jam, aside from the fact that all of the, dillon you can stop screen sharing unless they want us to look anything up particular. The only thing ill mention too is we had updated you all a couple weeks ago on streamline improvements we made to the current online permitting process that Digital Services helped us create and thats been really helpful in drawing amount of time folks have to spend on the application as it eliminates having to do several up loads that are delick tive thats all i have for jam. The other update i wanted to provide for you all this evening is just around the health order and so you will have seen that they have a massive update to the health order, given the fact that theres a surge in San Francisco and were seeing a spike in covid cases and were continuing to roll back. Of significance, for this group, i think the main takeaway is the fact that this is now a say safer at home limited activity order essentially. So, we have a 10 00 p. M. Close down of Outdoor Dining now. Which is a big difference from before. And i think the folks that it impact the most are bars that have been partnering with food establishments to offer services past 10 00 p. M. Some going to 2 00 a. M. Out doors so at this pointing you have to have everybody off the premises at 10 00 p. M. So were trying to message it similarly to how you would close down a bar and have everybody off premises and having signed their check and stopped drinking at 2 00 a. M. Is similar with the 10 00 p. M. End time, however, we can still have restaurants doing take out and as well as delivery past 10 00 p. M. So there are other limitations that this brought in terms of fitness facilities, for example, were allowed to do some indoor before that is not allowed anymore. That is really kind of the highest level update for you all on that and well go ahead and continue up to date everybody on our mailing list, which you are all on. If we have any other updates to the health order in the coming days. Thats all i have. Do you have any questions. Its less than a day before we hear is goinhear what is going l have to close outdoors and it will be very difficult. Is there a Public Comment on this agenda item. Im going to just flash on the screen the slide. Which shows the public for Public Comment. People want to comment. Current low ye see anybody with their hands up an. Im going to close Public Comment. All right. Weve gewell go to the next aga item. Good evening, president bleiman and hello commissioners. I have a pretty quick update for you regarding the enforcement report. You will see its been uploaded into the google drive folder. I dont have anything highlighted to speak to you about as far as the specific business. Something i did want to share as a data point is in the last two weeks since weve met at our last hearing we received 13 complaints, which is quite a decrease from the two weeks prior in what you received 16 complaints and the two weeks prior to that we received 24 complaints relative to sound so it is a significant decrease and the number of interactions with our permit holders. With that, im happy to answer any questions that you may have about the report or anything enforcement related. Please, just let me know. Sounds good. Just checking, you all have access to then enforcement report while were in this hearing, correct. Yep. I dont have anything specific. It sounds like part of that enforcement report was the holiday time. Is that fair to say or is that . Yes, it is. Thats right. Deputy director, can i ask you a question . Please, please. I. Just looking at the oasis s. There anything you can add to that. Im looking at 927 it says ec still doing enforcement right now. So since that latest since that last enter tree from september 27th, the oasis has received a jam permit and we havent received further sound complaints about their operation. This report is ever green so it is, you kind of get to see a snapshot sips the conception of jam to present and so those older entries are what is happening at that time. Im not going back and updating them to be current with today, its rather this is what happens on september 27th. So, theyre in Good Standing and they have no on going problems with their jam permit at this time. Perfect. Its a great example of the system working. Well done. I think theyre also closing down their outdoor stuff for the winter. As well. Its pretty cold out there. Trying to hang out for an hour. Im pretty sure its getting rough. Are we getting calls about heat lamps . Has that happened to us . With the Fire Department, right. It should be. Im just wondering if people arh to us at all. Accidentally. So complaints are not to the Entertainment Commission, no, complaints are not. The cert program started supporting the Fire Department and educating businesses about heat lamps so theyre cross trained and when we visit locations. You cant have one without paying 375, is that correct . Thats correct. At this time. I just want to go on the record saying that someone should do something about that. The businesses that i talk to 375, dehave 20 and so the idea that you would just be able to cough up 375 to i want to go on the record for that. I wanted to let you know your audio is in and out at least i only heard about half of what you wept on th went on the reco. Now, you might want to check your wifi connection. Yeah, i may log back in an my phone. Does anyone have any other comments. Just so we get the essence of what you were pointing out, you are critical of the permit fee . Right now to charge 375 to everyone who is forced to go outside. Yes. Im going to fix my internet. Ill talk about it in commissioner comments and questions. Thanks. Is that a permit fee of 375 per heat lamp or just to have heat lamps . Just to have them. Its per address. Yeah. Still seems like a lot. I grow. Agree. We should be trying to make it easier for them. It seems really high when you think about our penalty structure when someone is a bad actor and were charging 3750 375 that seems really out of line to me. So lets open this up to Public Comment. Is there any Public Comment on this agenda item. Ill flash the screen again. There are no chats or comments. Im going to close Public Comment for this. That brings us to the next agenda item that starts at 6 00 on the dot. Thats so, im just going to introduce this agenda idea quickly. Its, ill pull it up here this is going to be agenda item number five which is the update on final recommendations from the San Francisco Economic Recovery Task force and we have assessor recorder carmen chiu here to present to us. Thank you for attending. Do you want me to take over now . Yes, please. We just heard from the city administrator and she wont be able to join this evening. Got t. Sounds good. First off i want to thank the commissioners for having me at your meeting today and being able to share some of the information and i want today share with you in advance i have a hard stop at 6 30 today so im hoping to get through as much of the presentation as quickly as possible so i can leave room for questions. On another note, if there are a few items that are in top of mind for you that we dont have a chance to address, concerned me an email and we can followup with you sol. Holly from my team is joining this meeting so if you put questions in the chat as well, well followup as much as we can so just to give a quick background, my role topically is assess are for the city and county of San Francisco and i typically have inner acted with many of you have an economic recovery perspective and its really required by employees and i want to bring you up to speed on some of those things and what i plan to cover today include where we are in terms of the city and there theres no economic recovery if we dont have activities open and available or Business Activities happening in the city. The second thing ill cover with you are the representations at the task force and ill try to point out the elements or the pieces that speak specifically to folks who are in the entertainment world or sphere and i wanted to just touch upon two of the resources that either are currently Still Available for artists and for Small Business. So hopefully it will provide an overview for people who might be tune north and for you as well. So im going to share my screen. I want to confirm we can see that. Yes, ok, great. All right. So, where we are in terms of the cheering system and where we are at the epidemic or the pandemic and i think many of you know these are sort of the main factors that the city is using for considering when we open activities and when we pause and roll back. First and foremost, we have a series of state requirements that we have to follow and the state is issuing and making changes along the way. I think that they are learning as much as we can as we go and so, were not only adjusting and amending based on what we know here locally but we have to adjust to changing state requirements as they come. I think one of the things i wanted to emphasize here is i know its been difficult for members of the public and we actually see our data quickly and much quicker sometimes than what the state sees and so were able to react more quickly and we also are much more aware of our Healthcare System and these are the five components that were looking at in terms of to protect our frontline workers and shows carrying for the sick. I put a red bracket around Hospital Systems and cases because you know these are two of the biggest factors and most heavily weighted areas at this moment in terms of us watching out what we do. These two elements are also what the state is really looking at what theyre putting us in different tiers. So this is updated as a earlier today so you can see where we are. I want to draw your attention is you will see for the most part, when it comes to our Hospital Systems, were seeing a pretty significant increase in the number of cases that are requiring hospitalization at the 58 level. It puts us in our own red zone and with regards to that and you may say that in the hospital care system when we have 33 capacity, in both our acute care and icu bed thats pretty good and were going to fill that capacity very quickly if the rates of increased cases continue to rise. When we see the rise, were not seeing a slow, steady rise but an expositional increase. Even a 33 capacity doesnt give us a lot of runway with regards to beds that are available to care for those and were watching these very, very carefully. From a disease situation perspective, were doing a lot of testing right now and you can see where were tracking that everyday and were seeing that number is steadying and were not seeing that that number of and we received the data the impact of the thanksgiving Holiday Weekend and travel. This 87 and 84 number is a little bit dated. We havent seen the most updated numbers here, especially with the quick rise in case counts and i would imagine that number would probably is more rosie than it truly is and i mentioned before these are the two its another graph that shows you the history of the number of cases per 100,000 that weve seen in the city. You see here that were in the third surge of covid19 increases for the city and we have been able to clamp down on the surges and bring it down. What you will notice here is that were at a case count that is much higher than weve seen even compared to the last one and again we still have yet to account for the Holiday Season and also the winter season which tends to bring more in terms of flu, cold and other respiratory disease thats is not good to be mixed of course with covid19. This is the state cheering system. They have a four tier system that goes from minimal, moderate, substantial and widespread. Using case counts per 100,000. The percent tests positive and another third index called the Healthy Places index for the most part and they take a look at metric one and two which is the test positive and the number of new cases and essentially which one is worse, it will be the tier that you are assigned. In the past, the way that this works was that if you are in a particular tier you had to sit in that tier for at least three weeks and you had to demonstrate two weeks of needing a less restrictive tier to you move to that less restrictive tier. The state would reassign counties on a weekly basis every tuesday. Since that time, its changed because they have seen a pretty significant rapid rise in terms of cases across the state. What they have seen and need to do to respond more quickly to put countries in a restrictive tier. Now they can make announcements about your tier assignment on any day. Its not done on a weekly basis and you will see we were put into the purple tier on a saturday and in addition to that, theres no kind of waiting, a waiting period to go backwards so you you wouldnt sit in the red zone for three weeks and purple and and San Francisco is assigned to the widespread tier on november 28th. You see a quick graphic look in the state of california and you will see it almost all 58 countries are really in the substantial or widespread category. Theres one county that looks like its in moderate zone at this point. This shows you a very quick snapshot of how the state tiering system and impacts local jurisdictions and for every single sector they tell you open at what capacity and depending on which tier you are in. We moved pretty rapid from the yellow tier a few things that are happening as a result of the states new mandates, make it worse off for the city in terms of our ability to notice businesses. I think in San Francisco we really do try to prefer to try to give businesses as much notice as possible if theres going to be closure because we understand that people buy inventory and it takes more time to shutdown, you have to let employees know theres a lead time that wed like to provide for businesses to help them get ready for closure and fortunately, the way the new state requirements work is that if you are moved back to a more restrictive tier, the counties have 24 hours to comply, basically, so we only have 24 hour notice essentially to give to businesses to move backwards or to close. And in addition to that, if people or different counties had hit a purple tier, it also requires that we enter into a curfew scenario and with the curfew we have 48 hours to comply with that so again, were continuing to see new guidance from the state and were also seeing that theyre moving backwards more rapidly and recently you heard from governor Gavin Newsome they may have additional restrictions they may consider for coun tease that hit higher levels of case counts in the purple tier. So, a few things just to clarify for folks in terms of what is now required of us that we have hit purple, is that there are two sets of things, as i mentioned, that are driving our actions on what can open or what has to close. One is what the state is requiring of us and there are also potentially a number of additional rights that our local county might put upon businesses and activities. So, this is really showing you that for the most part, most of our current restrictions are driven by state direction. So, a few things you will know have happened so far, the curfew was put into effect november 30th, again, we had 48 hours to comply with that when were assigned purple tier on saturday and we had to roll back Business Activities within 24 hours starting on november 29th and that included closing museums, indoor activities from museums, zoos, aquariums, places of worship, dining and bars. So that was required by the state for us to do within 24 hours of that assignment and in addition, it required that we restrict malls and retail establishments and Grocery Stores to 50 and of course theres some requirements with regards to gatherings. Now you heard recently just earlier today, the department of publichealth was on a press conference where they spoke a little bit about further possible limitations that San Francisco is considering and that would include potentially further reducing indoor capacity potentially creating a travel quarantine for people who have traveled more than 150 miles outside of San Francisco and then potentially looking at the possibility of reducing further outdoor gatherings including the number of people that can con agree gate and households that can mix. Thats where we are in terms of our tier assignments and thats my mom. Its not a joke, this meeting bombing. Next id like to share with you, so, maybe ill pause here for just a moment to see if commissioners might have a question before we switch to the next section. Id like you to get to the next section. We do want to hear about the Economic Task force recommendations and it looks like you have 12 minutes left so i just want to make sure we hear that. So as you know the Economic Recovery Task force was put into place, i want to say at end of april and it included about 100 or so different types of businesses across different sectors and large and Small Businesses and philanthropy, non profits, service providers, labor unions and as well as city departments. One of the things that i just want to note is that where we began as a task force and by the time we ended, it was a very different scenario for the pandemic already so a few things have happened since that time. I think in the beginning there was a lot more believe that the pandemic would be more short lived and it ended up being mucf course at its much more extended and i think beyond that there were a number of parallel efforts Planning Efforts on economic recovery that was taking place, for example, on transportation, childcare, schools, et cetera. The Economic Recovery Task force did not endeavor to troy to touch upon because so much was happening outside of that as well and so, this reflects really a point in time set of recommendations that we put forward to the mayor and to the board of supervisors. I fully expect that the mayor and the board will evaluate and take a look at these recommendations and they will probably chose some that theyre going to want to advance, maybe others that theyre going to want to consider a little bit further for future implementation and then i would imagine that they would also want to augment some of the work and thinking that was done here with additional efforts. So just for folks to know that i dont think this is a closed book situation, there are many more opportunities to impact kind of what the city does for economic recovery Going Forward. They did issue the final report so thats currently available online. Ill ask holly to share the link with you if you dont already have it. These were the major questions we asked our Task Force Members to address around business and jobs and vulnerable populations or Economic Development and arts culture and we wanted to know how to support businesses to succeed and what we needed to help workers do to reenter the workforce and how we help those most vulnerable and in need of assistance and how it is that we can make San Francisco attractive for future development and future business and promoting growth in the city and then in terms of the arts, culture and hospitality it was called out separately. There are many Different Industries in San Francisco and we didnt call them out specifically in terms of a focus area. The reason why arts culture, hos hospitality and entertainment was pulled out because we understood that the sectors were amongst the hardest hit in the city because of covid19 and potentially it would be monk the the hardest to return or it would be the longest impact because of additional restrictions on gatherings et cetera. We wanted to not forget about addressing this specific segment of our economy specifically. Im going to go through seven slides that will share the major buckets about the recommendations that came forward. The first series of local Recommendations Center around local economic stimulus so this idea that is not San Francisco can make comments in our money and budget in order to both create additional opportunities for people to contract with the city but also to make sure that we help to foster investments in San Francisco. So you see here these are things like investing in Public Infrastructure and supporting major projects, the idea here is that not only would creating projects employ people but those people were then frequent businesses in the city and continue to support additional businesses along the way. There were a lot of recommendations deferring impact fees and strengthening some of the Small Business opportunities programs that are available so again, programs that allow Small Business to do business with the city and thinking about how it is we promote the reactivation of different spaces around the city. When i look at these areas here, i think those per nant to the Entertainment Commission perhaps are those that 1. 5 which is promoting the reactivation and additional use of buildings and spaces so are there ways that we can creatively think about how we use our Building Spaces to create a safe opportunity for Entertainment Venues to happen. It has a nice it will help everybody as a whole and continualing to support the Entertainment Industries and arts and i think its probably going to be an important one around here. The next series of recommendation, how do we improve ability for san franciscans to connect to jobs. This is really focused around how it is that San Francisco can reorganize our workforce development. We have workforce programs in the city funded by the city and city departments and thats a lot. So we really wanted to figure out a way to consolidate what needs to be consolidated and make it easier for people to Access Programs that are most beneficial to them and have a no wrong door approach to this. In addition to that we want to do that job training and also creating additional opportunities for first source hiring and subsidizing employment. You may know we recently announced that 7. 4 Million Investment in the jobs now programmed that basically allows for San Francisco to pay for the wages of employees if they meet certain conditions for the first three to six months depend ong the condition. The third area, which i think this is probably near and dear to many of the folks here, is really promoting a safe reopening. The city really can do good in terms of helping to create environment for us to build confidence in the economy but also to try to open that up as much as possible and i think this is unfortunate at this moment because we got put back to the purple tier so weve had to do a lot of restrictions but our hope is we will foster reopening as safely as we can and as quickly as we can to give businesses an opportunity to survive. This is very important so we want to make sure that we have clear direction and guidance from our oewd and from our health department, we want to create access to ppe and testifying and tracing. We also want to make sure that people know that we want clean and safe spaces outdoors. For many of you, you are aware of our Outdoor Program right now shared Spaces Program has been one of the bright spots to the citys response so far and its really made a difference for businesses to operate outdoors and thats not meaningful in some neighborhoods where you continue to have outdoor qualities of life issues that prevent that from being a real option so i think 3. 4 really speaks to that and trying to stay and address thats an issue that the city needs to address. In the next area, we have the idea of preserving operations and lessening regulatory burdens so this is really this concept of trying to create as much flexibility as possible from businesses to operate under the Current Conditions and shared spaces is a big one. We had over 2,000 applications that came through. Roughly about 1,800 or so applications have gone through and are actually operating and opening whether its other kind of sidewalks so its very quick for the amount of time it was. That being said theres my iterations of the shared Spaces Program and were trying to figure out a way to make it more forpermanent and accessible so theyll continue changes as we go forward. The areas that could benefit the Entertainment Commission, that if you were to focus on areas where you might want to play a role its to say how do we engage and find appropriate outdoor spaces for Entertainment Venues to happen for things to occur. I think that 4. 2 really speaks to that recommendation as to say we know that this point in time that doing things and in terms of in mass indoors is going to be adult if at all possible given our Health Conditions so can we do things outside. Can we repurpose outdoor large spaces to allow for private businesses and Entertainment Venues to do something. So, this is something thats important for us to consider here. And the other once speak to again just more flexibility with how you can use space. We have a lot of local land use controls that restricts what can be done in different place and so were really trying to create flexibility there with 4. 3 and 4. 4 as well. On the last two, theyre around trying to reduce some of the regulatory burdens associated with businesses. Ben, you sat in with us in a meeting a really long time ago where we talked a lot about how all of the different mandates that have been put upon businesses have all created a layering effect that ends up being a large burden for businesses. So this is really saying the Healthcare Security and theyre a big issue and couldnt verse and this is really conceptually saying what are the requirements ask the businesses and our Business Establishments and are there. It may not sound like economic recovery for many folks but part of the Economic Recovery Task force focus was around this idea about Economic Justice as well and i think many people knew that even before the pandemic hit there were many challenges with how the economy was growing and also who was benefiting from that economy. The next few slides speak to what can we do as we invest in a future economy. You will see, im not going to go over them too much but they speak to creating educational programming, creating additional access to services, connectivity and other things. The next one is similar to that. Housing is a big issue. We want to support that Going Forward and it has a big impact on the economy. And finally the last one i will speak to you is just really this idea about imagining and building stronger neighborhoods as we go. San francisco is really unique because you go to other cities and you see the same kind of places over and over again. The same retail shops and vibe and you go to San Francisco and you go from neighborhood and neighborhood you dont see that. Youve unique characteristics and flavors where you go. And so we want to build upon those Cultural Assets that make San Francisco unique and really try to capitalize on that as we. Gordie go forward. Many of these speak to the Entertainment Commission as well. Theyre about trying to utilize our artist assets and our neighborhood assets to say how do we tie these two together in a place space effort to make sure that we dont forget about the magic that is an fran and the artist and the what weve created, the atmosphere in the cul tier that we have here. Im going to go through these quickly and ill open it up for questions. Im not going to go through these in detail because we are share the slide with you and you can have this. A few things for Small Businesses and workers. This first page is specific to the Entertainment Industry. You are aware of the jam permit because youve been working to administer and do this. There were a few other things, the red items are those where funding limits have already been reached for example so the art and artistry leaf fund, cultural funding through arts as well as the basic universal basic income program, those are all over subscribed at the moment and however there are still funding for sf creative core as well as funding from the Arts Commission through the normal source of funding. Im not going through these. This will show you just a list of additional Small Business programs that are currently still open. Same as here. Same is true here. These are available open programs currently. The only one in red is this childcare and Education Fund program which has been exhausted, however, recently with the passage of prop f it creates funding for childcare so we will see different funding and resources for childcare and education. This is a list of the other programs that were put into place for Small Businesses and have been exhausted locally. I will stop there. Im not going to go through the state and local ballot measures because you have received an update and you know that theres been a business tax overhaul that will impact Small Businesses im going to stop sharing my screen and open it up for questions that you might have. And i see its 6 32 so maybe we can have just a few questions and we can followup. Real quick, everything on there is great. I think the task force did a great job. The one thing that is missing, is the heap to the big venues and a lot of the nightclubs that are closed and they cant do indoor, i mean, out doors, promotion and there are restrictions against musician and what theyre coming up with is a big balloon payment at the end of covid when the eviction moratoriums are over whats the possibility of the city being able to put up some kind of a fund a low Interest Rate fund that based on square footage, that maybe people can take out that specifically for the night life venues because everything i see on your screens are great for the arts and great for the museums and i havent seen anything for the venues that are close and these are a lot of mom and pop venues and Small Business owners as well. By the time they asked and applied for these Small Business loans theyre already exhausted as you see and you saw those in the red. If holly can stay on when you are gone, i think theres going to be a presentation after you about the small ven sues and how theyre hurting and pleading to the city so i just want to see if you can bring that up to the task force. So, just so you know the task force has dissolved now, right. So the task force was put in place in april and then when the report was issued, it doesnt exist anymore in terms of it being a body but that being said the Task Force Recommendations is only one series of recommendations at a point in time. I hope they can look at recommendations put forward in the task force and you can say here are the few we want to pursue and push the state to look at and i think what would helpful is for the commissioners like you mentioned, and weve seen that before because when we look at federal funding that first came down the pipeline as well as state funding there were many programs that were available for unemployment but not for undocumented people, for example. Right. So, we really tried to still some of those gaps either through fin philanthropy and its worth highlighting areas where we might have overlooked or we need to revisit. Great. Thank you. Anyone else . You are muted, dan. I dont have any really specific questions. I just would like you to reiterate, so, obviously taking a look at the forgotten Industries Like larger venues and smaller venues and these things, can you just in the beginning, you said you may want to you said that this is not the stopping point, this is a starting point for discussion and the opportunities are xy and z and you mentioned going to the supervisors and the mayor. Can you repeat that so we can get in our brain the best way that we, as a group, put this into action. Yeah. You know, i think what im hoping this shares with you is the context in which were operating and i think there are still going to be many, many bites of the apple here. I think what were running against is resources and whether we have the resources to do everything that we want to do. I think what is probably the most beneficial and helpful is to take a look at the Task Force Recommendations. There are a few and we can followup and share with you specifically which particular recommendations we think really hit the Entertainment Industries. So you can really focus on some of those. It would be to say are there any of these recommendations here that you really want to champion and push forward to the board and to the mayor, either through an active commission so perhaps like a joint letter or resolution. Similar to what i saw the Small Business commission do they also identify a few other additional ideas and they work specific to Small Businesses that they wanted us to address and thats done here with the Entertainment Commission too, similar to what commissioner lee mentioned if there are particular kinds of ways the city could be helpful, we want to hear all of those ideas and so, i think it probably would be very appropriate for this commission to review the recommendations of the task force and see if theres priorities you would like within that list and also dont limit yourself to that and say even the toe at tha totality industry and the structures because there are big and small venues and theres a whole different, a whole range of different Entertainment Venues in the city and here are the things that we think the city has done well to help address the ones that we dont, you know, another thing is that weve been talk to go some of the large venuetype industries or groups, the folks who put on the large Music Festivals and so on, you know, i dont see a time immediately, of course, its definitely not this year, where well bring in hundreds of thousands of people all at once. That being said, there were many things that they have shared with us that are helpful for them. I think hear from many of these industries about things we can do to promote to make sure were helping them plan ahead and similar for your industry and wed like to know what those things are. Got it. And i just wanted to ask one more question that came through the chat but i will ask it myself. The question has the San Francisco used all of the cares act funding, 154 million can we see an updated report of the allocation and funding for the federal Coronavirus Relief funds. Im not sure. I dont have the answer to that we can followup with you to find out what the expensive or what has been expended out of that fund. I think you probably have seen that theres been recent news about whether a new federal package will come forward in terms of relief and certainly were hopeel with the new Joe Biden Administration we might see Additional Support for local businesses but, i think its hard to say what is going to happen with the federal government at this point and we can followup specifically on the cares allocation. With you. All right. Thank you. Are there any other commissioner questions, i know were 10 minutes over here. All right. Seeing none, im going open things up to Public Comment. Where you live, can you hear us. Before you do speak, i just want to remind this is Public Comment not public q a. I can pose a question but we dont do a q a in our commissioner meetings. Well have to. If you leave your email in the chat, staff can followup with your questions so feel free. So please, put your questions in the chat you can ask them openly and we can try to help to answer them but its not a q a. Can you hear me. I did have a question so ill just make a comment as far as from the Entertainment Industry goes. Were in a spot in San Francisco right now that is a great location, its the largest type of facility and residential area of its kind in the country and its park mer said right next to San Francisco state. And we are a ak activating live entertainment. Extremely covid safe. Safe. Some the ideas are great. I have questions so i guess i will go through the proper channels to make those questions happen later. I think this is wonderful. Lets just keep moving this forward and if theres anything that you think you can help in what were doing in park merced, please, reach out to me. Im friends with the entertainment director, stephen. Thank you. Not director. You can also email our staff at entertainment. Commissioner at sfgov. Or rg and well get back to you. Thank you. Commissioners, the next person lined up is samuel morris. Im going to allow them to talk. You have two minutes. Hello, everybody. My name is sam and im a resident of the mission. Im just calling or actually talking because id like to advocate for giving assistance to live venues, as is mentioned in the previous presentation and afterwards in the comments. Speaking personally, entertainment and culture night life, all those things are what make me and others residents and certainly tourists love San Francisco and the city and im sure you will aware, were able to go east on the sidewalks, grab togo food at our favorite runs and support them as well as a number of other industries currently. But, since march or whenever the first lockdown happened, i hadnt been able to see my favorite band or my Favorite Local venues and as much as i would love to support them theres no way to do it. As i alluded to, venues are some of the first businesses to close and theyre going to be the last to open. And from what i understand they also generate good revenue for the city. I read that for every dollar spent at a ticket, at a venue, generates 12 in other local spending. Id love to see Additional Support as alluded earlier for live venues and special or small mom and pop venues so they can continue to provide a lot of value to the city and enjoy to residents and tourists as well. Thank you. Thank you. Next up in the cue is michelle delanie. I apologize, i just wanted to thank you again and im going to have to jump off the call but well commit of course to answering followup questions as we go. Thank you very much for having me and i apologize. Holly will stay on and relay what youve said. Thank you. Thank you. Michelle, are you there. Yeah, im here, can you hear me ok, guys. Yes. You have two minutes, go ahead. Michelle from gallery i just want to again thank you guys. That was a great presentation and thank you for all youve done and just want to urge you to support emergency relief for San Francisco venues, thank you for bringing that up and its really important and i also just wanted to note i appreciated in the presentation you guys are thinking about how the effects on the streets outside really english us trying to do anything out there so thank you so much for paying attention to that because its a real challenge for all of us so thank you for all you do and please support the San Francisco Venue Coalition and were trying to see how we can help all the venues here. Thank you. Thank you. I am scanning the queue and no hands raised. Well close Public Comment for this agenda item. Well move on. The next agenda item is number 6. Can i guys all hear me ok. Great. The next agenda item number 6, which is discussion around the San Francisco independent venues proposed relief package that they had and ill let executive director remind us why we have this on the agenda and we can have a conversation around it. Absolutely. Thank you, president bleiman. So just as a reminder, this is a discussion and possible action item and so you can chose to take action tonight and vote and just as a reminder, we brought this to the evenings hearings and in response to your request from the november 17th hearing where we heard from the San Francisco Venue Coalition and the independent Venue Alliance and heard what their struggles are which wore hearing as well as their policy asks were and so what we provided to you all in advance of this hearing, and i want to make sure you all have access to it and are able to look at it during this item and its in your google drive foldser and under items 6 and its a pdf from both groups that is a threepage document with a background why the ask is important and its all page one and page two is policy proposals which is what is up for discussion tonight. Page three is around eligible and were looking at page two this evening and what you can do theres a couple different paths and if you grow with everything within the policy proposal theres about 10 listed here and you can simply vote to send a letter of support to our local policymakers including the mayor and board of supervisors for this policy if its entirety including having chair. Bryan bleiman. If you want to parse out and dont agree with all of them and what well do tonight and we want to hear what we do agree and we would come back to you on december 15th and a draft letter you would vote to amend and then send over approved for support. So those are the couple of paths that you can set your minds and toward what were doing tonight and i will let you, president bleiman take it from here. Do you want to read out the policy proposals. Yes, just to remind everybody im going to read through what the proposals were. Its 110. Emergency relief for rent and mortgage payments in order to sigh cure spaces while closed. Emergency Financial Relief for payroll to secure employees while closed. And three, emergency Financial Relief for utilities payments while closed. City pressure otherwise to the wave or reduce rates. Number four emergency Financial Relief for insurance payments, and broad emergency relief as outlined in item 14 and District Grant Fund to venues at 15 capped at 750,000 or forgivable loans at minimal to zero center this total relief package is estimated at 48 million. Develop and implement a Legacy Business Program specific to venues to be recognized as a valuable cultural as set with the Eligibility Criteria and reduce to 10 years, retroactive to independent venues and businesses from january 1st, 2020 and expires january 2025. Abatement through 2021 or while venues are not allowed to operate at full capacity and provide background subsidiaries, extended pay back time lines and permanently wave review permiting and fees relevant and of sfmta permits and fees to be issued as credit for future use and parking directly in front of venues to be preserved for sole use of the venue and a first right of refusal for temporary permits and transfer management had of the permitting fees. Refund unsecured property and taxes from 2020 in eliminate them for five years. Expand br190689 to all San Francisco protecting entertainment venue spaces from development of other uses and zoning for a period of 18 months after closure. Those are the 10 items. We want to have a discussion here and i encourage it. I also, this is a letter that they wrote with their requests. And so we cant just vote to support their letter if thats ok as well. I want to open things up to the commissioners now to have a discussion about this. A lot of it on here is truly written by the industry. I mean, i dont know, i mean, being in the industry, and dealing with all this when i was actively running a venue, i mean, these are all the hardhit items. The sfmta stuff and things, i mean, that is an interesting thing. I never had to deal with that before. Im in full support of this document without really any much changes. Ill go to you guys to see what you guys think about it. I really appreciate the thought that went into this and i certainly understand the importance of it and i would like us to be able to move it forward in line with what assessor recording two was encouraging us to move forward recommendations and suggestions and i think theres a lot of stuff in here that is not specific to venues or the Entertainment Commission. Rent and mortgage payments, payroll, utilities, et cetera. And obviously the city and again if we just heard the city has had some efforts to address this and i dont know whether any of the venues were able to access any of those Small Business and other funds before they were ant makes sense to pull out those who are entertainment specific or move forward. Im fine with moving forward but we may get push back because theyre not Entertainment Industry specific correct me if im wrong but i believe they mean the implication is this is for the Entertainment Venues. Thats my understanding as well. Im just, you know, i think there are a lot of Small Businesses that would like rent and mortgage Financial Relief right now because they dont have any income, right. I would say two things. One is that, our mission as this group is to promote and regulate and promote night life in San Francisco and entertainment. Its not our job to advocate for other forms of businesses there are other commission thats do that its our job to promote that and i would also argue personally and not that contradict what you are saying but these are my personal feelings, that there are particular cultural economic and that other industries dont provide so one of the cases that ive made regularly is that night life does, night life and entertainment offers a lot more than other businesses in San Francisco do and im willing to go on the debate stage and have that in terms of the different roles cultures it brings together and the what it offers to neighborhoods and that its something greater than your typical case so i want to make that case. I have one followup on the utilities, when they do a similar package they can use that money for the utilities, even though were shut down, you still have to have the refrigerators running. I know that the water bill reduces quite a bit besides theres less flushing but you have to keep your coolers going. They can lump it together instead of going one by one. Theyre pointing out what is hurting them. They have aw utilities and theyn include all that and help them, they can request certain amount of money to cover that. Utility is part of the expense. Im not disagreeing with these necessary and i dont i think im thinking strategically and in terms of how to move this forward in a way that doesnt generate push back because it is specific to one industry. How do we make the case that either as president bleiman just described, this industry provides additional benefits which i think we all on this commission know, well, so in terms of how do we push this forward and make it as successful as possible to get as much as we can for our industry. One more comment too, i think because all the restaurants and all the other businesses retail have been given their all kinds of props and help, and the venues are even the small bars have because of the gatherings problems, so we all know and maybe were not going to be until spring that a vaccine comes out well get any relief. What what happens is the time the money is divvied up theres no more money available for these venues and part of it is fairness. I think all has been done for the other industries and its now time to give some to the entertainment or to night life industry and i think part of the argument is being fair. Its a little bit lob sided and i own Small Business on the other side too and i helped on the entertainment side it hasnt been any life other than the fees and things like that but there hasnt been really a set of a little life preserver and i like to see a canoe or a boat. Thats my argument. I want to hear from commissioner wang, please. I kind of wanted to dove tail off of what commissioner thomas was saying is this its compelling to find areas where we can add value versus like we sign off on this and its advocating for other things that come up from that list, like finding performance outdoor performance spaces and as with everything else, the devil is in the details and i see things on this list like, eviction, abatement, which that stuff and and it comes from the state level. A permanent waiver of fees and taxes as outlined by mayor breed, i looked at that link and she talks about waving fees and tracks through march 20201, not permanently and i dont know if thats a very persuasive case we can make once capacity reopens and so theyre just certain things there that i do think are worth parsing out and finding and picking out the areas where we can be the best advocate. Maybe i can make a session here for the sake of time. I think that commissioner thomas and commissioner wang are absolutely right and i think this letter, its very timely in this hearing because it came right on the heels of the presentation from assessor recorder chiu and the recommendations around the Economic Task force and im just wondering what might make sense is rather than vote today and we can have a discussion about it but we kind of take, we ask staff to work with individual commissioners and to parse this letter and have it combined with the recommendations from the ertf and see if we might be able to have one letter that is a little more specific that were able to review in our following hearing. Would that make sense . I agree. Yes. Yes. So thats, we dont need to vote on that, am i right . You do not. However, i may need more im hearing all of you, you may want to give me a little bit more direction. I think that im understanding you dont potentially want to have this letter include items not relevant to our local governments jurisdiction unless you want to include it and just note this is something that our local government can share with our state and federal lobbyists so just putting it out there and then i think that items 7 and 8 that those are incredibly relevant to our offices operations number seven i do need to just put on the record is our offices budget and so our annual license fees and permit application fees is what keeps the Entertainment Commission afloat. Since theyre waved, were relying on general fund funding from other city agencies to be able to stay alive and support this work with we go back to normal times so thats important to call out that if that goes away, we would need to find a budget from elsewhere. Number eight, i do wholeheartedly agree with. I just want to put that on the record that thats something that i used to run a very Similar Program when i worked in the Film Commission and to support film shoots being able to take out parking spots. We fill sil tated that and thats feasible and is there anything else direction wise you want to provide to me outside of the discussing this with less than a quorum leading up to our next hearing. Number nine, the unsecure property taxes that, a city tax, not a property tax like your mortgage. Its collected through the city. Its a state tax. Its a state law that requires all sorts of states and yeah, i would ask that staff do some work to kind of group these into which ones are things that local government can take action on which are ones that would require State Government action which ones would require some sort of other action so we have a sense what the targets are for each of them and that would be helpful in terms of what things do we move forward to the board of supervisors and the mayor and what things do we move forward with a request that the city advocate with the state or the federal government on. David kelly would add identification of existing programs that might already be servicing some of these asks or once that are in the works and then integrating some of the things from, aim getting this acronym, rtf from some of those recommendations and once where we might be able to play more of a role in advocating. Yes, and i think for that, im very familiar with those recommendations because we worked on those as members of the task force both president bleiman and i and so we can play around with that and theres probably nine specific policy proposals within the ertf that are specific to arts, culture, hospitality and entertainment and so i do think that it will be really important if you want to make a vote at our december 15th hearing. I would likely present it differently and have it be the actual letter of support or ill talk to teat attorney maybe we can do a resolutional continue actively but something that more written out thaw guys can tack on and then if you want, i mean, we could even im just trying to think through if you want anymore indepth information int theyre all available for all of you and theyre actually located in your folder for tonights hearing and it was in the item for carmen so theres the actual report is in there and what ill go ahead is do is just send you all an email sharing that report again and highlighting the specific proposals numbers 24that are relevant to our work and id love to hear from you if you have specific ones you want us to highlight. Thank you. All right. Im going to open this to Public Comment. President bleiman, we have a few comments in the chat. One from piano pipe productions and another one michelle delanie for this item. To these fees right now. Well, i wanted to as you know i work for the San Francisco foundation and today is World Aids Day every year. Given the enormous impact the hiv and aides epidemic have had on the words of night life and entertainment, i wanted us to ask for us to adjourn this meeting in evening in memory of the members of the night life and entertainment completion who died of hiv and aids as well as recognize the enormous efforts of our night life and entertainment communities in raising money and raising awareness and providing support to People Living with hiv and aids. I love that idea. Before we adjourn, is there any Public Comment on this agenda item . There are no hands raised. There is another comment from piano pipe productions that was received during this agenda. Want me to read it . All right. Thank you for your time and consideration and

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