Spare other queer kids from the rejection that he faced. Tom met jerry in 1972, which hao whomhood build a life together. The two would marry in october 2013 in a public block partystyle wedding. Tom was diagnosed with h. I. V. In 1983, a death sentence at the time as little was known about the virus that was killing gay men by the thousands. Tom far outlived his diagnosis and over the decades he and jerry donated time, money and loving support to countless causes and organizations. They founded the Diversity Foundation which for years has been the quiet caretaker of the rainbow flag. And tom gave countless houring to secure lighting for this most iconic installation of gilberts flag. Tom and jerry maintained and lovingly cared for the hundreds of the rain bow flags that line the street. And yet as recalled in a recent bay area reporter column about toms life, few people knew how much work tom put into caring for these beloved and internationally recognized symbols of queer equality. But that was the kind of person that tom was, devoted to bringing joy and hope to others and never seeking recognition for himself. He was a city treasure and San Francisco will miss him dearly. Rest in power, tom taylor, and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor mandelman. Mr. President , id like to be add as a cosponsor to the in memoriam. Clerk okay. Thank you. Supervisor mar . Supervisor mar thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, i want to say that im proud to cosponsor president yees resolution to reduce vehicle speeds in our city. Much has been said about the streets program, which doesnt actually require any changes to the vehicle speeds. But in a city every residential street should be a slow street. I dont mean that we should take cars off every road, with a Million People in 49 square miles, every residential street should be slow enough to be safe for all of us. To achieve vision zero, this must be a priority and theres far more work that we could we can and should do on a local and a state level. And this resolution is one important step forward. And im deeply grateful to president youre fo yee for hisp on this truly life and death issue. And today i have a resolution to a fossilfree future for california. As we reckon with the Public Health and peculia and economicf covid19 and racial injustice, we cannot lose sight of the scope and scale of our climate crisis. In fact, Climate Justice is a Public Health issue and an Economic Justice issue and a Racial Justice issue. Last year under the leadership of supervisor mandelman, this body declared a climate state of emergency and yet california continues to frack. We call ourselves climate leaders and yet the state continues to extract nearly 200 Million Barrels of oil every year. In over 250 billion cubic feet of natural gas. This is, frankly, climate denialism. Existing fossil fuel production alone will push the globe past degrees of warming and into a world that will displace more than a billion people and result in Food Insecurity worldwide. We are already in a climate crisis. And we see it with our rising seas and our raging fires. To have any hope of a livable future, we have to leave fossil fuels in the ground. So the resolution that i introduce today urges governor newsome and the California State Legislature to dispermit permitting for fossil fuel, or petrochemical projects in california. To set california on a path to drop the existing Oil Production in line with the paris climate goals. And with a just and equitable transition that protects workers and economies. And to require a 2,500foot health and safety buffer between fossil fuel infrastructure and homes, schools and other sensitive sites. California cannot be a true climate leader without addressing the dirty oil and Gas Production within our borders. Our survival as a city and a species demands nothing less. The rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor mar. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin thank you, madam clerk. Miss calvillo, can you do me the kindness of posting the picture that i sent you earlier of mr. Taylor, please. Clerk yes, ill have brent in operations to show that now. Supervisor peskin so i am so deeply saddened that yesterday the one and only bubba taylor, the many decades dean of the City Hall Press corps passed away. And many of us are going through it right now, her family, of course, for which, mark, i am so very sorry. Her city hall friends who range from mayors, and to lily brown to my former colleague, and to our clerk miss calvillo. And some of her dearest friends, former supervisor dufty, and Rachel Gordon, who has been a fellow member of the press corp with barbara and now a city official in her own right. And my chief of staff sonny angulo who worked with her and im going to now reveal something that barbara swore me to secrecy about. Barbara was a secret weapon in my 2015 campaign. Generations at city hall, press officers like p. J. Johnson who helped me to craft these comments this evening, and many others were her dear friends. And were all so sorry and loved her and her vivacious spirit and professionalism so much. Barbara began her career in broadcasting in san diego before coming to city of San Francisco in the year 1975 to kcbs radio, where she eventually moved on onair work. And in her more than 40 years at kcbs, she covered politics, elections, city hall happenings, and was n known as the great dae of the City Hall Press room which, colleagues, i will introduce a resolution to rename the Unnamed Press room in Barbara Taylors name and honor. She was the kcbs City Hall Bureau chief for three decades before she retired in 2015. She covered every major news event with San Francisco government for four decades, including the assassinations of then mayor mosconi and the supervisor in 1978. And the coverage of the shocking deaths was immortalized in the academyaward winning film that was filmed here in part, mlk. She also coaltogetheauthored n for many years and was the longtime on camera host of city desk where i appeared any number of times which was a weekly televised roundtable of reporters that provided the behindthescenes insights into the happenings at city hall. And she also served for many years as the voice sunday afternoon as the anchor at kcbs radio where i was known to call in a time or two. She never took no or too busy for an answer. Not from a politician, not from a member of our citizenry. She was just remarkable. And for those of you who knew her, she was both the conscience of this building and truly one of its unsung heroes. And thank you p. J. , ill give you a few highlights. She sparred with willie brown at his tuesday press conferences, generating countless kcbs reports from city hall that drove p. J. Crazy. And while conducting a live interview during a hotly contested Election Night she famously got right up on a table with mayor brown, who had jumped on the same table and was screaming and dancing as the numbers came in and continued the interview. I do believe that it was over the the 49ers ballpark, which all went down the drain. And her dog tanner, which many of us knew, that she brought to city hall every day, even though then city administrator bill lee tried to banish that dog from city hall, was actually and im not making this up eventually given a press pass by mayor brown. When mayor newsome came around she always began her questions with, well, mayor newsome, thats all well and good, and then would just nail him with a bunch of sharp and insightful and tough questions and, you know, then he became governor. When the olympic torch was secreted through the city and nobody and that would be literally nobody, and i was the president of the board at the time knew where it was. Not mayor newsome, and the route was changed, Barbara Taylor, who rarely left city hall because she was always with her dog, tanner, flew out of the building and chased the torch down and actually found it. Whether dealing with politicians, special interests, regular people, or dealing with no offense p. R. Flacks who got their com comeuppance, barbara had a no bullshit meter and could not be spun. She taught and counseled her fellow colleagues about kindness, and while keeping her integrity as a journalist and never taking cheap shots, she taught other people who came into the press corp about the power of the press in ways that were profoundly meaningful. And most of those folks learned those lessons, a few of them didnt. And at some point i might even reveal the name of the Chronicle Reporter who did not take her lessons. Her journalist colleagues have described her as tenacious, professional, and most importantly, as so human. And barbara was a longtime resident of the castro district, with a sprawling and dedicated group of friends. She got in a car accident about a year and a half ago and would not let me visit her, but i want to salute Rachel Gordon and those who visited her after that car accident. She is survived by her adoring husband, mark naper and her stepchildren, and as we are perhaps our hearts go out to mark. He has lost a partner and a best friend. And the City Attorney requested to be add to this in memoriam. Id like to be add to and the to the resolution. Clerk okay. Clerks office will make that happen. President yee i would like to see it come to the full board. Thank you. Clerk okay. Supervisor peskin im not done with dead people, mr. President. Clerk okay president yee lets go. Supervisor peskin diane deprama, who i knew who was a poet laureate of San Francisco, born in 1934, passed away on sunday at the age of 86, a poet, writer, activist, remarkable human being, pioneering women and leading feminist voice of the beat generation. Diane bridged and transcended generations in her journey to live and to tell her poetry and authentic life. Born in brooklyn, she began writing early in her childhood and eventually the smartest people drop out of college moved to grenwich village and there became involved with the beats in the early 1960s. She came to San Francisco, i think at the age when i was 4 years old, and she lived here mostly of the remainder of her life, except for a few times when she went other places. She got involved with the diggers, if any of you folks remember that history, a group of anticapitalist activists who handed out free food in the community. She wrote more than 40 books of poetry and a memoir that dealt with politics, community, love, and sex. And at the press conference where she was named the fifth poet laureate of the city and county of San Francisco about 11 years ago she told the crowd that her deepest service was to poetry and to humans. She was a true visionary, totally a rebel, and the sort of which i think that many of us hope that will take root in this community after the pandemic. And she is survived by her five children, jean, dominique, and alex, tara and rudy. I have one piece of Public Policy to submit, which is a request for the City Attorney to draft an ordinance that would subject the Community Benefit districts and our one Business Improvement district to the same Good Government standards that the city departments and other public offices exist under. Earlier this year it came to light that the security cameras owned and operated by the union square b. I. D. Add allegedly, air quotes, this to the actively surveill the peaceful protesters. And i dont think we need to point fingers at those allegations, but i think that we should as supervisor ronen did in her capacity as a commissioner of the transportation authority, have the alter ego of San Francisco and one b. I. D. To live under our own local laws. So im going to ask the City Attorney to draft that. And with that, mr. President , i am done. Clerk thank you, supervisor peskin. Supervisor preston. Supervisor preston submit. Clerk thank you. Supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen im sorry. I submit. Clerk okay. Supervisor safai. Supervisor safai submit. Clerk okay. Thank you. And supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, we have all seen the recent reporting in the chronicle outlining californias struggle with drug addiction and, quite frankly, we do not have to read it in the chronicle, we see it every day on the streets. And the citys failure to address this problem effectively. According to an article, between january 1august 3 , 468 people died of an overdose in San Francisco. That means this year alone we have lost nearly two people to drug overdoses on our streets every single day. Those suffering on our streets are someones son or daughter, father, or mother or partner, or brother or sister. They are suffering from the disease of addiction, a disease so cunning and baffling and powerful that it takes some to depths of despair that are unfathomable to many. Addictions does not discriminate and no one is immune. Those sufferin suffering on ours and in danger of overdose are dying in record numbers due to the type of drugs out there, the easy availability of those drugs, and the lack of paths towards recovery. The consequence of addiction can be seen all over San Francisco. This is clearly apparent in our parks, our sidewalks and our alley ways. And children and families have to navigate around those suffering on our streets. We hear about needles all the time. Small Business Owners struggling to keep their shops open amid covid19 need to contend with the effects of the drug epidemic and not just during this pandemic. This issue is personal for me too. My brother has long struggled with addiction. I have talked about that before and several members of my family, and i have seen firsthand the tremendous pain that the disease of addiction afflicts on those who are suffering from it and their families and everyone around them. My mom is also a nurse who worked in and ran a Recovery Center in merced and i have seen firsthand what recovery can do for people. Overdose is an acutely human problem and so its disappointing that San Francisco has not found a way to confront it. And with the condition on our street and indeed, the human toll of this disease worsens, we have got to figure this out. And we have to do better. Over the past year, i have been working with the Reentry Division of the Adult Probation Department, the services center, also known as casck, and our residents in recover tow chart a path forward. In 2018, the entry Entry Division of the Adult Probation Department in partnership with the senior exoffender program and ucfs citywide launched San Franciscos first ever recovery summit. A forum to discuss the addiction realities and the recovery challenges in San Francisco. What has become clear to me is that for many who have suffered from addiction, in addition to Harm Reduction strategies, abstinencebased treatment, which includes 12step programs and therapeutic communities and faithbased programs and behavioral modification programs all need to be considered when addressing addictions. On thursday, october 22nd, the Summit Working Group prohibited their findings to the reentry council. Which is comprised of 24 members, including 12 city departments and the Mayors Office and the board of supervisors and the seven formally incarcerated individuals and the state and federal probation. And they heard from 20 participants in the working group that shared their experience with addiction and shared their recovery. At the conclusion of the presentation, the Council Voted unanimously to support the working groups treatment and addiction responses to the city and county of San Francisco. Today i am calling for a hearing where we will receive reports from the recovery Summit Working Group, the department of Public Health and more to ensure that San Francisco makes a full spectrum of Treatment Options available. We will also hear from those who are in recovery, what worked for them and how to learn from their experience. I have heard Success Stories from all across our city, and we must listen to those with experience with addiction as we try to address this crisis. People that cant imagine living life without their drug of choice should have the opportunity to hear from others who once felt that same way but were able to get clean and sober. We need to know all of the options to address their addictions. Many people in their addiction dont want to continue to hurt themselves. They dont want to continue to hurt their family. They dont want to continue to hurt others. But they have no way out. If we do not show them what is possible. Right now there are thousands of people in San Francisco suffering from addictions. And they dont have a viable path out. That is a tragedy. I look forward to hearing from our department and the partners to ensure that pathways to recovery for all and to give people the hope that they need to get clean and sober. Thank you. Clerk thank you, supervisor. The rest i submit. Clerk mr. President , there are no names on the roster so that includes the introduction of new business. President yee all right. Then we can go straight into Public Comments. Clerk all right. For the members of the public, the board of supervisors is hosting and welcomes your general Public Comment. If you are calling in now the tectelephone number is on our website and the number is 1 415 6550001. And enter the i. D. Number 1462287935. I think many of you have been calling in over the last couple of months and you know that when youre ready to provide Public Comment press star, 3, make sure that your background is quiet so that you will be able to hear the prompt which is you have been unmuted. Once you hear that just please begin your comments. All right. We still have i believe that we still have the interpreters with us, we have fay and agnus lee. And if you wouldnt mind please present a very quick introduce yourself and that youre here to address them with their Public Comment in what language. Thank you, madam clerk. [speaking spanish] speaking Foreign Language . Thank you. speaking Foreign Language . Clerk thank you very much to all of you. Theres 12 listeners in the queue listening and five members in the queue. If you are interested now is the time to press star, 3. Operations, lets hear from the first caller, please. Caller this is mrs. Chapman. I want to thank the sponsor and all of you for including the class of disabled people in the care and ordinance. And i had a very nice conversation with one of the staff in supervisor waltons office about, you know, the necessity of considering the people who are going to benefit from being able from having a cause of action to sue would be people like [broken audio] and the people who are in front of my house. I did ask for a copy and i got one. I was very satisfied [broken audio] with that aspect of it. By including, you know, citations and misdemeanors and maybe felonies [broken audio] as potential results of action like occurs outside [broken audio] which can be dramatic. Imagine the trauma for these poor young men who maybe are subjected to this forever. [broken audio] in the public rightofway. You know, not even sitting or camped out or anything like that. Youre not going to see [broken audio] because, a, i wouldnt whip out a cellphone to take pictures of my coowner. But also you wouldnt want to see the privacy violated of these young men that have relatives or their Old School Friends being treated in this manner. And maybe acting kind of imbalanced. But, you know, i think that its a danger to the big handsome son of some white mother who was having a mental breakdown and who my coowner reported to the police [broken audio] and he might be armed it says, right . And at the very time that he was supposedly outside clerk thank you, miss chapman. Thank you for your comments. Operations, incom next caller,. Caller hello. Hello. This is gilbert crusval, district 8. Im here to talk about transit issues regarding muni. Muni is a disaster. The only reason that muni buses are running is because in the election a week away because you want that penny cent tax to go through for cal train and for muni. Doing this during a pandemic and when unemployment is sky high in San Francisco, the highest its ever been since the depression, is unethical and immoral to tax seniors, disabled and poor people. We dont have a subway. We dont have the fline. We dont have the 27 line. We dont have other bus lines running. All we get from muni are cuts, service cuts the website doesnt even work. It tells you when the bus is coming. So poor people and the people in the collective neighborhoods dont have bus service, but other areas of the city do have bus service, like the pacific heights, russian hill and telegraph hill. Because theyre white and rich. When we should restore bus Service Throughout the city, open the subway, open up the fline, restore service cuts that have been cut during the pandemic. Its time to open up. The Health Department is opening downtown, the subway needs to be open. I guess that muni cant pay its pg e bill to run the subway cars. So its time to open the subway. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller supervisors, this has been nine months since handling of this pandemic. And i was listening to another conversation about the Municipal Transportation Agency trying to make changes on Market Street. And you supervisors should maintain some standard when it comes to the construction thats going on all over the city. Impacting mostly seniors and people with disabilities. So i suggest to that deliberation that there should be no changes on Market Street for at least five years. Its taxpayers money. And try to improve things on van ness and gary street. Suffice to say that the pandemic is stressing us, at least when we go out and use the public transportation, and it should be less stressful. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Okay, operations. Next caller, please. We have about 15 listeners and about Seven Members of the public in the queue. Two minutes. Caller supervisors, i wanted to thank supervisor peskin with comments about Barbara Taylor and to name the press room in her honor. After all, that is where she lived the whole time. Im calling today about the contract, and calling on the board of supervisors to provide some transparency, some explanation for what is going on with this inexplicable build. Its been two months since the membership approved the deal and d. H. R. Refused to brief the public and the Police Commission about it, and the Bar Association of San Francisco has sought documents on october 15th about this to get information. And we received a response yesterday saying that were not going to give you anything beyond another 14 days beyond the date that theres a committee and a hearing on this contract. Why is the city being so secretive about its police union and reversing course on how this is handled in the past and what the trend is initially . After all, in 2018, the support from supervisor breed and others, the city identified a key reform in the contract to speed up the d. O. J. Reform, and that as an essential objective with d. H. R. And yet you heard hours and hours of testimony and presentation about delays that persist in that contract that should be fixed im sorry in the reform process. And they all could be fixed in the contract but we dont have information, and philadelphia and chicago are dealing with contracts holistically and addressing the reform issues and not just the demands but the u. S. Conference of mayors and the chief associations and the naacp and the Civil Defense fund, and scholars and retired judges and labor arbitrators and even a prominent Police Union Attorney ronald yank was called for more transparency. When will San Francisco address this issue in a transparent process because what we know so far makes no sense. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Okay, we have 15 listeners and seven in the queue. Next speaker, please. Caller can you hear me now . Clerk yes, we can hear you, welcome. Caller its mr. indiscernible thanks. So two notes in memoriam, and im sorry that i missed last weeks meeting and i saw randy little listed and so i went and looked that up. Im very sad to hear about the passing of randy ridle, a former deputy City Attorney. I mean, me wrote the sunshine ordinance and wrote the Charter Amendment that created the ethics commission. And, to heck, that was just the summer of 1993. I mean, he was responsible for much work, particularly in the area of ethics and elections. But also the government litigation and any number of other things. He was just a wonderful person. You know, cant say enough good things. I mean, the only half decent thing is that now theres somebody else for bud to chat with, but its unfortunate for all of us and i just saw that with much sadness. I guess that i just gleaned from the previous caller that Barbara Taylor now as well . It just gets worse and worse. One of my favorite lines from when willie brown was mayor is at a press conference he would say, barbara, you must be completely misinformed and that usually meant that barbara was right on and knew exactly what was going on with city hall or the departments or whatever. And, you know, i mean, anyway, i just continue to feel sad about all of these losses. Thank you very much to all of you. Clerk thank you for your comments, david. Is his two minutes up . Clerk no, he has 15 seconds. All right. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller hi, i am lawrence and i live in district 9. I am calling to bring attention to the negotiations of the Police Officer Association Contract. And if i known that i was going to go by order it would have been after the i would have tried to dial in sooner, because thats hard to follow. But ill echo a lot of the concerns that the contract extension and the renegotiation seems to be happening completely behind doors. This is an issue that impacts not only the entire city, but especially the black and brown citizens who are impacted by these policies. So i would just call on the board of supervisors that now is the time to be able to push back on the contracts, dont agree to the renegotiation and dont delay it for a few years when youre this working position. So, yeah, thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. We have 20 listeners and seven in the queue. Operations, lets unmute the next caller. Caller mr. President and members of the board, i am hyde bagdasarian, and i would like to thank president yee for introducing the resolution regarding the unlawful and unprovoked attacks on the nation. And supervisor safai for cosponsoring this. While 2020 has been a very difficult year for all of us, but for the armenian nation in particular because more than a hundred years after the Armenian Genocide were facing a threat. Genocide watch issued a report a few days ago indicating that the armenian stages i stage nation n stages of nine and 10, meaning extermination and denial. The denial is going on for over a hundred years. Its revised because one of the precurrers of dehumanization has been happening for a long time. And this is a good time for me to point out that this the intent is not to vilify the turkish nation nor the azerbaijany nation but to really call into question the practices of the two leaders, erdogan and they have stoked and fanned the flames to the point that we actually experience the prelude to the current hostilities that are occurring overseas in our own city through the course of three hate crimes committed at my Daughters School and the Cultural Center adjacent to our church on commonwealth avenue. We appreciate the support thats been demonstrated to our community through that. And we ask for your support on this particular resolution. So thank you for the attention that is being paid and i appreciate the time. Clerk thank you for your comments. Okay, operations, please unmute the next caller. Welcome, caller. Caller yes. Good evening. I did get home earlier than usual this time. This is barrett toronto, i am calling to alert you of the related action by the sfmta board not the board, excuse me, but jeff tumlin and his righthand woman kate torren that i sometimes call the donald trump of the taxi industry. Im sorry to put it that way, but the thing is this she announced yesterday through an email that they want to restrict access to airport pickups to purchased medallion holders. They had threatened to do this previously, but why now . The medallions that are required after 1978 and before 2010, are only one out of every six to nine cabs that leave the airport with a fare. And so because there were 49 foreclosures in the last three months, the credit union foreclosed on 49 medallions. And the question is whether restricting access to the airport to purchased medallions is the solution . It is not. Its the fact that business has slowed down at the airport and the number of vehicles that are returning from short fares that get fundable access, you know, has almost doubled since the beginning of the pandemic due to the fact that the nearby hotels dont run their shuttles very often, especially after 9 00 and 10 00 at night when people need to go to nearby hotels to either pick up their cars or stay in the lodging there. So the thing is that this has become a serious situation. It doesnt take effect until december 1st. But we need some help to try and to get things to get more business at the airport, when the figures show not, versus trying to get some relief clerk thank you. Thank you for your comments. And madam clerk i do not want to be argumentive and i have known mr. Toronto for many, many years. But i do take exception to his characterization of miss torrent. I want to just put that on the record. That was unfortunate and conduct unbecoming. President yee thank you, supervisor peskin. Clerk thank you. Well make a note of it that you put those comments on the record at Public Comment. At mr. Torontos Public Comment. Okay, operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller hi, my name is edith and i live in district 11 and my mother and father are long time members. I demand that the board of supervisors reject the p. O. A. Contracting renegotiation and call a public hearing to provide transparency into Contract Negotiations. Since the george floyd uprising i have been disappointed in the boards unwillingness to stand up for Public Safety. The city budget came and went and you failed to take police off our street. You have passed a resolution for racial equality into our programs and services. Many of you sign on to these with the resolution, the sfpd kills brown and brak black peop, and earlier this year they described the level of antiblack bias in sfpd as extreme. How can you pass this resolution or sponsor it while having a contract that has no Harm Reduction efforts . The community is paying attention and we know that you have yet to take a stand against police brutality. Its your chance to stand up for the people and to take a stand against police brutality. It was renegotiated behind closed doors and subverting the power of the public to weigh in on our most vulnerable. Cities are Holding Police fraternities accountable. And in chicago, they are asking for 40 disciplinary reforms and had all negotiations in public. Philadelphia even passed a law to prohibit talks with their Police Fraternity until the Community Demands are incorporated into the negotiations it is your responsibility to prevent it from operating in the shadow. Mayor breeds threat to layoff workers if this is not pass side unimaginable. A shortage of funds in the sfpd workers would lead to workers being laid off. I want to remind that you these negotiations arent just about money. Theyre about lives lost on San Franciscos streets, about families left without their loved ones and lasting trauma because the sfpd and the p. O. A. Are not held accountable. Budget after budget, contract after contract. Clerk thank you. Thank you for your comments. Great, thank you for your comments. Okay, operations, please unmute the next caller. Caller hi, my name is Jennifer Fang and i live in district 3. I risko the previous callers in asking the board of supervisors to reject the Police Officers association renegotiation and call for a public hearing to provide transparency and for Contract Negotiations. Thousands of people have been on the streets indiscernible but nothing changed. And indiscernible despite widespread demands for a transformation to our approach to Public Safety, the p. O. A. Contract is status quo. And sfpd offers no policy concessions and are killing yet another person. Has a parity clause that gives benefits earned by the city workers that create Public Safety like teachers and other essential workers. One city found that collective bargaining rights are used to protect the officers to discriminate in the use of force against nonwhite populations. It estimates that policing and unionization has led to about 60 to 70 civilians killed by police each year. The overwhelming majority were not white. And cities are Holding Police fraternities accountable, such as philadelphia and chicago as previous callers mentioned. And it is your responsibility as supervisors to keep them from operating in the shadows. Stand up to the racist police fraternities and reject this contract and make all future negotiations public. Clerk okay, thank you, caller. Thank you for your comments. Operations, please unmute the next caller. Caller hello, i hope that you are well. I am john wynne and i live in district 5. Across the country and in San Francisco, tens of thousands of people have hit the streets demanding an end to Police Violence and called for countless hearings these same months but nothing is changing. This past month sfpd killed vargas, a man in crisis on the streets. So im calling to demand that the board of supervisors reject the p. O. A. Association contract renegotiation and call public hearings to provide transparency into the future Contract Negotiations. The contract perpetuates the status quo. Giving two additional years of raises and offers no concessions for the officers to kill yet another person. And it has a parity clause that gives benefits earned by the city workers that actually occurred against teachers and other essential workers, bearing in mind that police were originally indiscernible . In chicago, like people have said, there are negotiations with their police union and asking for decemberary reforms and disciplinary reforms. And they prohibited contract talks until a public hearing takes place. They use their collective bargaining rights and political influence to protect the ability of their officers to discriminate in a disproportionate use of force against people of color. And i believe my conviction is that your job as elected officials is to stand up for s. F. Citizens and the safety of our communities. To make all future negotiations public. Were talking about Public Safety and the public has to be involved, otherwise, its just all empty words. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Okay, operations, lets hear from the next caller. Caller my name is camilla and i live in district 11. I demand that the board of supervisors to reject the racist Police Officers Association Contract renegotiation and call a public hearing to provide transparency into the future Contract Negotiations. Reject the renegotiations and please hold a public hearing. This renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants. They get two additional years of raises and that locks in their lack of tran transparency and ss them up to negotiate a next contract in a Mayoral Election year when theyll have more leverage. Stand up to the racist p. O. A. The attempted legal action to prohibit the officers from indiscernible at moving cars which is how the sfpd murdered Jessica Williams. And the use of restraint which killed eric garner. This past june they threatened a lawsuit so they can still kneel on the necks of san franciscans after they killed george floyd. Negotiations should be held in public so that the community can have input. Its a matter of life and death for black and brown citizens. Stand up, and reject this p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. I yield my time. Clerk okay, thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller my name is gracie and i live in district 7 and i grew up in San Francisco. Im calling to demand the board of supervisors to reject a racist Police Officers Association Contract renegotiation and call a public hearing to provide transparency into the future Contract Negotiations. This summer, tens of thousands of people hit the streets of San Francisco demanding the end of Police Violence. But you failed to reduce our police force. This month the sfpd hunted down mr. Vargas, a man in crisis and killed him in the streets. After supervisor stefanis comments about addiction issues its unthinkable that shes taking no action on the motor of a 21yearold. The p. O. A. Defends officers when have been in racist and homophobic scandals and had extreme acts of violence against our communities, including the killing of black and brown san franciscans. It was weeks after a move that killed george floyd. And the bias trainer described the level of antiblackness in sfpd as extreme. Passing this p. O. A. Contract gives racism a pass. Across the country cities are Holding Police fraternities accountable. In chicago, they are asking for 40 disciplinary reforms and had all negotiations in public. Philadelphia even passed a law prohibiting the contract talks with Police Fraternity until a public hearing takes place and the Community Demands are incorporated into the negotiations. It is your responsibility, supervisors, to prevent the sfpoa from operating in the shadows. Despite demand for a different approach to Public Safety, this perpetuates the racist status quo and gives sfpd two more years of raises and doesnt prevent officers from killing yet another person. It has a clause that gives the p. O. A. Any additional benefits by the city workers to actually create Public Safety like nurses and teachers and other essential workers. Please dont continue to fail us. I yield my time. Clerk thank you for your comments. Unmute the next caller, please. Hi, i am peter and i live in district 5. I have read the p. O. A. Contract amendment, which is is file 201050 and i have to say that its a terrible deal. You should not extend this contract into 2023. You should not be granting the p. O. A. A parity clause that gives them raises when other Public Employees get raises. You should not be approving a contract amendment negotiated behind closed doors without transparency or public input. Reject this amendment and send it back for a renegotiation with the public input opportunities. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller. Caller hi, i am emily and i live in district 9. Im echoing the previous callers demand that they reject the p. O. A. Contract negotiation and call for future negotiations to be public. This Contract Negotiation is an act of violence, particularly towards black, indigenous and broken lives an live brown livee unhoused and people marched in the streets in defending the police. And when we called in to you and told to you cut the sfpd budget, your excuse is that the p. O. A. Budget would undo these cuts. So you did nothing. This is inaction and complicity. And the system of Police Violence. Earlier this month afpd killed mr. Sfpd killed mr. Vargas. And they are looking to the murder. And they said indiscernible with the use of force policies that the parity clauses for unfair raises. To protect the fraternal brotherhood over peoples lives. If you dont vote down this contract youre defending this racist status quo. So i should remind you that you work for the people. You dont work for the mayor, you dont work for the police, so stop being boot lickers and stop acting like it and reject this contract. And reject this p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller hi, im carla and i wanted board of supervisors to reject the p. O. A. Contract renegotiation and call public hearings for transparency. And to have all future Contract Negotiations. And the p. O. A. Continually defends and ingauges in racist and homophobic actions and has used violence. And the california d. O. J. And the sfpd describes the level of antiblack violence in sfpd as extreme. So its a matter of life and death for black and brown san franciscans. So given how racist the p. O. A. Is, they cant have a negotiation without a public hearing. So reject the p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller my name is dillon tabrith and i live and work in district 6. Ill calling to demand the board of supervisors to reject the racist Police Officers contract renegotiation and to call a public hearing to provide transparency into future Contract Negotiations. I have been disappointed by the lack of action taken by the board of supervisors on this issue. This renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants. It gets two additional years of raises and locks in their lack of transparency and accountability and sets them up to negotiate the next contract within the Mayoral Election year when they had no leverage. Stand up to the racist p. O. A. Why is San Francisco asking for no policy concessions even after months of protesting and Police Violence and another Police Killing of a man in crisis less than a month ago . They found violent violence increased 40 after they allowed the officers to unionize. Another study found that corrupt bargaining rights are used to protect the ability of officers to discriminate in this disproportionate use of force against a nonwhite population. It estimates that the police unionizations led to 60 or 70 additional killings by police each year. The overwhelming majority were nonwhite. Even after decades of socalled reforms, 76 of uses of force last year were against people of color. Sfpd officers killed people 2. 4 times a day and other indiscernible went up from 3 in 2016. Readial action must be taking now. We are paying attention and we will not stop until the sfpd is replaced with a kinder and more sustainable safety system. Stand up for your progressive values and do the humane thing. You work for us, not the police department. Stand up to our citys racist police from turnity and reject this p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. Clerk thank you for your comments. Okay, operations, lets hear from the next caller. Hello, this is byron and i live in district one and i ask the board of supervisors to negotiate a new contract. Myself and thousands of others that have been on the streets all summer, all fall, demanding to renegotiate our contract with the police. And were asking the board to listen to our demands, not across the country, but here in San Francisco to have Community Input and to report for a Police Contract that works for all san franciscans. Clerk all right, im assuming that the caller finished. Thank you kindly for your comments. Operations, lets unmute the next caller. Caller hello, well, good evening, supervisors. I am so so many callers have called in against the police, and i have lived 68 years and i have never had a problem with the police. I have been stopped many, many times and i have received many traffic tickets. And you know, they should know that this is a time to give them a raids. Theres going to be so many burglaries, and the people calling indiscernible yeah, and these cops indiscernible and, you know indiscernible what else i dont know what is wrong with these young people. Get a grip on life. Clerk okay, operations, lets unmute the next caller, please. Caller hello. This is indiscernible and i have been attending the Police Commission meetings and working to try to create justice here. And yet the p. O. A. Continues to be bullying all of you. Yeah, i can understand why youd be scared, you know, they try to destroyed jeff gadachi, his character. And they have attacked sandra fewer and Hillary Ronen in their journal and calling you unstable. Theyre bullies. And were getting to deal with this every day with black and brown people walking the streets who are afraid that these guys are a threat to them, that police are a threat. And now theyre a threat to you. So are you going to continue to hide behind the disinformation coming from the Mayors Office, saying that they have to tie themselves to this union, which never should have been police unions. Theres a Movement Across the country to end policing in cities, frankly. But youre going to continue to coward in the face of these bullies that have shown racism and killed the indiscernible have never admitted any single guilt of any Police Officer ever. Its your job. Please do it. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller. Caller indiscernible to reject this p. O. A. Contract and you give the racist Police Everything they want, and the p. O. A. Specifically admits to protect the officers abuses. Police unions have been demonstrated to increase the abusive racist behavior, and indiscernible in public and indiscernible i yield my time. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller. Caller hi, i am sophie and i live in district 7 of San Francisco. I am calling in today to raise awareness and ask the board to take a stance against the p. O. A. Contract. And you can provide transparency in renegotiating a new contract that doesnt tie raises to our city workers who create Public Safety like nurses and other essential workers. I do not see a police from 10ity as a legitimate union but for a way to have police to have unfettered power in the city. They use their power to cover up their murders like the most recent murder of mr. Vargas and mya woods and other san franciscans who should still be alive today. No one should be murdered by people who are sworn to serve and protect. If the police do not keep black and brown and Indigenous Peoples of color safe, they are not keeping San Francisco safe and that is unacceptable. Clerk okay, thank you, caller. Operations, lets hear from the next speaker. Caller hi, i am catalina and i call to demand that the board of supervisors reject the racist p. O. A. Renegotiations and call a hearing to provide transparency and for future negotiations. Tens of thousands of people have hit the streets of San Francisco to demand the end of Police Violence but nothing changed. Sfpd hunted down mr. Vargas, a man in crisis and killed him in the streets. Despite our approach to Public Safety, it perpetuates the status quo. It gives sfpd two additional years of raises and it adds a parity clause which gives the p. O. A. Any additional benefits that are earned by the public that are essential workers like teachers and nurses. And cities are beginning to hold these Police Officers acouncillable. Theyre asking for 40 disciplinary reforms and have negotiations all in public. Prohibiting the contract talks with the Police Fraternity and until the Community Demands are incorperated into the negotiations. And its your responsibility to stop them fromerating in the shadows. The p. O. A. Has a long history of those who are committed extreme acts of violence against our communities. Including the killing of dozens of black and brown san franciscans. This past june they threatened a lawsuit so they could still kneel on the necks of san franciscans after that same move killed george floyd. The sfpd described the level of antiblack bias in San Francisco as extreme. Stand up to our citys racist Police Fraternity and make all future negotiations public. Please do the right thing. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller hello, i live in district 8 and im a member of a group of people who want to see that police that police stop killing everybody. Im calling to demand the board of supervisors to reject the racist Police Officers Association Contract renegotiation and to call a public hearing to provide transparency to future negotiations. This renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants, they get two years of raises and they have a lack of transparency locked in and it sets them to renegotiate their next contract in a mayoral year when theyll have more leverage. The attempted legal action to prohibit the officers from shooting at moving cars, which is how sfpd murdered Jessica Williams and the use of restraint that killed eric garner. Like this past june they threatened a lawsuit so they could still kneel on the necks of san franciscans weeks after that same move killed george floyd. Stand up to the racist Police Fraternity and reject this p. O. A. Contract and make all future negotiations public. Im going to end with a song that was popularized in italy during world war ii, so the song for the resistance. Clerk okay, thank you to the caller. Thank you for your great song. Okay, operations, lets hear from the next speaker, please. Caller hi, could you clarify how many more callers are in the queue . Clerk set your time and i will look wit and when youre finished ill announce it. Caller great. I live in district 9 and i ask the supervisors to reject the racist p. O. A. Contract. Supervisors, take a stand and do better. Take a risk. Stop pandering when you dont even live by it. We hear how the antibias squad at the sfpd got. And look past that and understand that bias is the base they work on. And this is a base of reform. indiscernible and im going to respond to what is wrong indiscernible whats wrong with me is that i have to pick up the pieces of your ignorance. What is wrong with me is that i want more, and i want better, and i want black lives to matter. And for us to really live like that. I want more, i want better, and i say black lives matter then ill get rid of the problem and that means police. indiscernible mr. Vargas was murdered in cold blood. Our liberation is tied together. And indiscernible so, anyways, please, let us know how many other callers are on the line. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Theres 13 listeners and two callers in the queue. Next caller please, operations. Caller hello, i am mariah and i live and i work in San Francisco. I did call, and like so many calls that we made earlier this year we want you to hold the sfpd accountable, and some lowhanging fruit here, just that these negotiations be transparent, to reject raises for our citys cops. And without policy concessions, really. And they protect officers from being accountable for their actions and you have heard people quote these statistics of implicit bias being extreme and you have heard the collective bargaining rights and saying that they have 60 indiscernible for each year. 40 increase indiscernible , its not healthy and its not good. indiscernible make it transparent, and put options. Its enough, come on, its time to call you to task to do your job. And you get paid to do this, we dont. And callers are listening and were speaking our hearts and our minds, so, please, what can you do and do it. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, next caller, please. Caller hello, my name is marie cardier and i live in district 5 and a member of the San Francisco mime troupe. I call that the board of supervisors reject the contract renegotiation and call public hearings to provide transparency into the future Contract Negotiations. And the renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants. They get two additional years of raises and it works on the lack of accountability through 2023 and a Mayoral Election year when they will have more leverage. And negotiations should be held in public so that the community can have input. The p. O. A. Policies are a matter of life and death for black and brown san franciscans. A study found that misconduct among the sheriff officers increased 40 after a state Supreme Court rules allowed the officers to unionize. And collective bargaining rights are used to protect the ability of officers to discriminate in a disproportionate use of force against a nonwhite population. And estimates that the popees unionization led to 60 to 70 additional civilians killed by police each year. The overwhelming majority were white. Stand up to the p. O. A. Everyone knows how racist and corrupt they are. Take a stand and be on the right side of history, black lives matter. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller good evening, supervisors, i am sarah, i havent called in for a minute, i really missed yall. I want to make it clear that i know that its election season and everyone is talking about their platforms and what they stand for. Everything that you think that you stand for or tweet about are put on your instagram live, did not mean shit if you dont block this contract. But at least call for a public hearing. I yield my time. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, next caller, please. Caller good evening, supervisors. I am from st. Johns, pass epil church. And i want to talk against the credit for sfpd. No reforms, no money. After all of the trauma that we have been through over the last several years, including the killings of alex and lopez and mario woods, and most recently mr. Varga, to mention just a few, i have hoped that San Francisco could now join chicago and philadelphia and other major cities in finally recognizing the police union for the major obstacle to Police Reform that it is. This contract indiscernible is behind closed doors with no citizen input. It does not reflect the values and the lived experience and, yes, the tawma o trauma of our communities in San Francisco. You can rectify this by having public hearings and public input before even considering this flawed contract. The past several years have been traumatic for many of us here in San Francisco and the more recent National Attention to this issue has reopened many old wounds that so many of us still carry. At this critical moment in our nations history, before approve anything contract with the p. O. A. , please make sure that it reflects the needs and the values of the people in our communities, including especially our immigrant families and our brothers and sisters who are black and brown. Thank you so much for listening to me. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Caller hi, my name is brandy and i live and work in district five. Im calling to demand the board of supervisors reject the racist p. O. A. Contract renegotiation and to call for a public hearing so that we can have transparenciy in the future Contract Negotiations. The current renegotiation is exactly what the p. O. A. Wants, so you could have two additional years of raidses and it locks in their lack of atransparency through 2023 and sets them to renegotiate the next contract in a Mayoral Election year, when they would have more leverage than they already do. Get a backbone and stand up to the racist p. O. A. And stand up to the citys racist Police Fraternity, stop treating them like theyre a union. Theyre not. Theyre using their collective bargaining right to protect their able to discriminate and theyre just pushing a use of force against the nonwhite population in San Francisco. Were seeing that in the streets all the time, and youre not listening. Clerk okay, operations, lets hear from the next caller, please. Madam clerk, that completes the queue. President yee thank you for the comments. Now Public Comment is now closed. Lets see, madam clerk, lets call for the adoption of all of the Committee Recommendations 34 to 37. Clerk okay. Item 34 through 37 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee and a unanimous vote is required for a resolution on First Reading today. Alternatively any member may require a resolution to go to committee. President yee okay, anyone would like to sever any of these items . I would like to sever number 36. For the remainder of the items, number 34 through 35 and 37, please call a roll clerk items 3437, [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, without objection the motion is approv approved. Okay, hopefully call item 36. Clerk item 36, condemns the ongoing attacks in the republic and urging the United States to broker the cessation of hostilities. President yee thank you very much. And the board, we really weighed in on International Conflicts what is happening between azerbaijan and armenia demands our attention. Theres so much at stack for the stability in that region and the effects that it has worldwide. So in the bay area its home to the diverse communities, including those armenian descendants. However, the course of the past few months, you know, the Armenian Community is targeted violence and hateful attacks against their communal space. This cannot be tolerated. Where the schools are vandalized and the Church Offices being set ablaze, followed by fire at the school, our residents are understandably terrified. Two fires were started between armenia and azerbaijan and then the fighting got once. Azerbaijans defensive which includes the shelling of the indiscernible the most populated city with a population of 55,000, has resulted in dozens of children, and hundreds were wounded. As of this weekend, the threat to civilians continues. And the International Community have failed to resolve the conflict and now a new generation is paying the price. The Populated Areas within the contested territory of argonal have been hit by missile strikes and bombardments for the First Time Since the 1990s. And civilian targets in armenia and azerbaijan have been also hit. So we should all be extremely concerned by the work that removes any additions to azerbaijan to a reconquest of the area being expressed my neighboring countries like turkey and allies of azerbaijan. To echo Vice President joe bidens comments, we must tell azerbaijan that we will not tolerate its efforts to impose a military solution to this conflict. It must be made clear to armenia that the surrounding areas cannot be occupied indefinitely and that the negotiations on a lasting resolution of the conflict was commenced immediately once the ceasefire is concluded. This resolution calls on our congress and leaders to help to intervene and to bring about a true ceasefire to spare any more loss of life and to bring stability. I also want an end to the targeted hateful attacks on our community in San Francisco. This is not the answer to grief and frustration. We must rise above this and ensure the safety of our neighbors. Thank you, colleagues, for your support and i want to also thank supervisor safai for cosponsoring. Supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee. First of all i would like to add my name as a cosponsor and to say that it is very rare that i believe that the San Francisco board of supervisors should engage in matters of international and geopolitical issues. But if theres one, this is one. And the reason for it is because these have as you said been playing out in the city and the county of San Francisco in most hateful ways. So i do believe that it is entirely appropriate and i am proud to affix my name as a cosponsor to this resolution to affirm the support for congressman spheres task resolution 1165. And urge the United States to be a real broker of peace in the azerbaijani, armenian region much essential steps of asia. So im honored to be affixed as a cosponsor. President yee thank you, spfer peskin. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani i would like to associate myself with the comments that supervisor peskin and to thank you, president yee, for this resolution. As you know i have one of the churches in my district and it was subject to vandalism by arson. And it is something that i agree with you on, president yee, and i would like to add my name as a cosponsor as well. President yee thank you, supervisor stefani. Okay, madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Clerk okay. On item 36, [roll call] 11 ayes. President yee without objection, the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, where are we . Can you please read the in memoriams . Clerk todays meeting is adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals, on behalf of the supervisor mandelman and supervisor peskin, for the late mr. Tom taylor, and on behalf of supervisor peskin for the late miss diane deprmia and on a motion by supervisor peskin, mandelman and president yee on behalf of the entire board of supervisors and the City Attorney general dennis arera, for the borough chief miss Barbara Taylor. President yee okay, that brings us to the end of our agenda. Is there any other business before us today . Clerk that concludes our business for today. President yee thank you, madam clerk. And as theres no further business we are adjourned. Good night, everybody

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