Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Land Use And Transportation Committee 20240712

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And security. We stand in solidarity with the budget Justice Organization that prioritizes and stands with the vulnerable Filipino Community of San Francisco, and i urge you to fund the entire v. J. C. List. Clerk thank you for your comments. Good morning, supervisors. Thank you for your time of leadership during this covid19 pandemic and providing services for our indigenous, black, and people of color in San Francisco. We are fiscally sponsored by the american developmefilipino Development Coalition or fadc. Since the shelter in place order back in march, the f. C. C. , along with fellow fadc organizations had to swiftly just our skills to support those suffering increased unemployment, homelessness, severe food insecurity, increased policing and tenant harassments and evictions. More than 20 of registered nurses are filipino, and many more of our hidden frontliners are filipino senior caregivers, nannies, and housekeepers. Our Community Organizations continue to respond by adapting our programs and services, expanding way beyond our staffs formal training. A cut to our services will cut the number of families that we support in the mission and beyond. We help provide a safety net for the most vulnerable populations in the city. I urge you to fund the entire v. J. P. List. Thank you. Interpreter thank you. Thats all our speakers. Clerk thank you very much. Mr. Vice chair, if you want to return to your presidership of the meeting here. Supervisor walton thank you very much. Colleagues, i would like to make a motion that we recess until 2 10 p. M. Clerk on the motion offered by vice chair walton oh, thats right. Thank you very much. Seconded by supervisor yee. On the motion to recess until 2 10 [roll call] clerk mr. Chair, there are four ayes on the motion to recess until 2 10. Supervisor walton everybody, see you at 2 10. Were adjourned until 2 10. Supervisor walton thank you so much. Welcome back, everybody. We are now back from recess. We are going to continue with our marathon Public Comment session. Mr. Clerk, can you let us know whos in the queue so we can continue Public Comment. Clerk yes. Operations, can you queue up the next comment, please. While we are waiting, id just like to note that members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 4156550001. The meeting i. D. Is 1463515423. Press pound, and pound again. If you havent done so already, please press star, three to lineup to speak, and wait for the system to be unmuted before providing Public Comment. Operations, could we have the next Public Comment. Good morning, supervisors. My name is [inaudible] and im joining many of my neighbors in San Francisco to disband, dearm, and defund the police. [inaudible] illustrating the continues bias against our black and brown neighbors. [inaudible] i urge you not to accept the mismanagement of funds that the sfpd has demonstrated until now. I urge you to make San Francisco a safe place to live for all by disbanding, dearming, and defunding the sfpd. I thank you for your time. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next caller, please. Hi, there. I am calling, along with many of my neighbors, as a district 6 resident, and im calling to implore you as the board to do everything in your power to defund, disband, and disarm the sfpd. I think its pretty obvious at this point that this is what the public needs, and youve heard from so many incredible nonprofits who can use this many as those obviously black and Brown Community members and neighbors and so many unhoused people who need help right now. We know that its a difficult thing to do, but thats why youre in this position, and it is so important for you to use this power and to do the right thing, which is often not the easy thing nor the quick thing. We really appreciate you going to bat for us and listening to the residents of San Francisco who really urge you to do your work here. Thank you so much, and i yield my time. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next caller, please. Hello . Clerk yes, please proceed. Hello. My name is jared rosel, and to me, as a long time resident of the tenderloin and the tenderloin benefit district, im calling on the city to provide stewardship and funding for tenderloin parks. As youre aware, the Tenderloin Community is in need of open spaces. Your support is is crucial. We need funding to ensure the Tenderloin Community parks, so please fund our parks. Additionally, i would like the city to provide funding to our tenderloin city collective Food Security coalition to ensure our children are fed. Clerk thank you for your comments. May we have the next speaker, please. Hi, im sorry. Can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can. Please proceed. Okay. Great, thanks. My name is casa hartsock, and i live and work in d6. Today, im calling to ask you all to drop the funding for policing in San Francisco and Fund Community services. [inaudible] i [inaudible] eventually, my family escaped, and he remained at the department and working as a Security Guard in another part of the city. As i found out when i was much older as an adult, studies show that up to 40 of Police Officers families experience a rate of Domestic Violence, a rate much higher than the rest of the population. [inaudible] during the midst of a Global Pandemic and recession that are impacting the same communities that are already overpoliced. To get through, we must instead reinvest the funds in our communities through these already difficult and trying times. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please. Pardon me. [inaudible]. Caller, youre on the phone. Is there a caller on the phone, ready to make comments . Hold on one second. If youre not ready, maybe we can go to the next person and come back. Hello. Hold on a second. Sorry. Hello. My name is rachel everman. Im a nonprofit worker and a d5 resident. I am calling on the supervisors today to direct funding to the things that san franciscans value. Recently, i spoke with a homeless man who had just been the victim of an encampment sweep. He was carrying all of his belongings that hadnt been stolen or destroyed, and he didnt know where he was going to sleep that night. Youve heard today from callers who our city needs funded services for homeless, child care, and parks. We currently have money to fund all of these things in the sfpd budget. Its that simple. We need to keep the resources to keeping vital safe. We need few you are police on the streets. This is the criminal Justice Reform that will keep san franciscans safe. The police have demonstrated that they cannot be reformed. Reformed Police Killed mario woods. Reformed officers disproportionately arrest and threaten black people. We must defund the police. This means significant cuts on significant personnel reduction. Do the right thing. Clerk thank you. May we have the next caller, please. Good afternoon, honorable members of the board of supervisors. Thank you and mayor breed for your leadership and support, especially during these devastating times. My name is holla. Im a resident of district d2. Im a member of an immigrant family and very much relied on school food programs. I am calling today in support of the tenderloin Food Security collectives budget request of 150,000 so Food Security missions in the tenderloin can meet some of our districts basic needs. In the last few weeks, the tenderloin has lost 8,000 muslim meals because of federal budget cuts. Reducing vulnerable population exposure is vital to keeping the tenderloin residents safe and healthy. 6. 5 months into the pandemic, the tenderloin is receiving a pop up pantry, there by increasing the needs and the safety of which residents get their food. I encourage you to not only request the budget request of the 150,000 but double it. No child in San Francisco should worry about access to food, and especially under our watch. Thank you for your consideration, and god bless you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next caller, please. As weve heard from so many important Community Organizations, theres way better ways to spend this bloated budget to help build the community and create a safe and healthy city for all. Weve heard you say black lives matter, so use your power to make the city budget reflect that. Reduce Community Interactions with police this year. Fire sfpd officers, fire sheriffs deputies, and invest in Important Community resources. Thank you. I yield the rest of my life. Clerk thank you. May we have the next caller, please. Hi. My name is jackie, and im the founder of a pot farm called empower to change, and im calling today to echo a lot of the support around defunding sfpd and funding for black lives, but im calling to Fund Services for the trans community, as well. Thank you for your time. Clerk thank you. May we have the next caller, please. Hello. Can you hear me . Clerk yes. Please proceed. Hello. My name is colleen, and im the Marketing Coordinator and cofounder of feeling well. Today, im asking you to stand with the people, with the immigrant communities and communities of color. I urge you to defund the police and use the funding to support black, latin x and other communities of color by funding organizations that are on the frontline every day. Community we the Mental Health in our community is so important, especially with the Latinx Community that has been hit severely hard by the covid19, as well as the other lowincome communities that have been systematically under served. So our c. B. O. S, our first responders, essential workers are essential in getting our community through this crisis. We stand with other communities of color that have been underserved, and we would like to ask the supervisors to stand with the community to keep our budgets whole so that we can continue to serve the communities to continue to support those struggling with their lives and just trying to make it through the next day in the city. Thank you, and i yield my life. Clerk thank you so much for your comments. Can we have the next caller, please. Hi. My name is sophie landau, and i live in district 7, the San Francisco occupied ohlone land. Im calling to ask for bigger cuts to San Francisco Police Department and Sheriffs Department because the cuts arent enough. My white father has never been pulled over when i was in the car with him, but i had to stop getting rides from my black stepfather because he was disapproximate portionately targeted disproportionately targeted by the police. Ive been afraid of the police my whole life, but i had to relearn that they do not threaten my life, they threaten the lives of the black and brown folks i love, and theres something i can do, and theres something that the board of supervisors can do. Fund the community, not the police. If youre not afraid of the police, look at the color of your skin and the color of the skin of those you care about the most. Defunding the police isnt as scary as Police Brutality, and it means giving police less money in the same way that budget cuts defund arts, libraries, and the post office. If black Indigenous People of color are not safe, if trans people are not safe, if unhoused people are not safe, if incarcerated people are not safe, the community is not safe. We need to educate the people, not fill the people with police tore or. We need to help the most vulnerable help, not hope the help trickles down because trickle down never works. Thank you so much for listening to my comments, and i yield my time. Clerk thank you so much for your comments. Can we have the next caller, please. Hello . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Okay. I want to get so you can hear me. Good afternoon, board of supervisors. Judith nelson, and im a representative of cap hospitality house, part of the Budget Justice Coalition, and i want to thank you for helping keep our hospitality house staff in float during the pandemic. I realize that government had recently said we will have to make some hard choices, and that was before these requirfi surrounded us. Many thanks for living. God bless you all. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker. Hello. My names teresa. Im Employment Program coordinator at hospitality house. I just want to thank you guys for listening to us . So i worked at an Employment Program, and, you know, many of our job seekers experience one or more barriers to employment, some barriers, such as lack of transportation are temporary and easier to address than others. Our case managers assist in meeting basic needs, help find employment, and continued support in the workforce and at home. We need to do better. We urge you to support the Budget Coalition Budget Justice Coalition for recovery together. These two coalitions represent more than 50 organizations, and their proposals reach thousands of San Francisco households. Im requesting that you rebuild our job Training System to remove barriers to people of color, especially our youth. We need housing subsidies for our seniors and those living with hiv and those in unstable living arrangements. Thank you for listening. Clerk thank you. Thank you. Clerk our next speaker, please. Hello . Hello. Clerk yes. [inaudible]. Im a professional engineer at s. F. O. For the city and county of San Francisco, and i am an ifpte local 21 member. As a civil servant, i maintain services and equipment at the airport and also provide services to allow medical services to be transported all over the nation and medical equipment. It is unfortunate that many people are at home or furloughed or unemployed, but we are not furloughed, and weve not stopped working since the pandemic began. Many of us are working harder than ever. While many of my peers have been assigned to work on the frontline, the remainor are working diligently to keep the city operational to recover after the pandemic. Our wage increases have been delayed until after the pandemic. It isnt cheap to live in San Francisco, and delaying or eliminating future increases will force workers to leave the city they love and no one wants that. The city has a healthy reserve of more than 1 billion and is expecting more than 600 million of federal relief money. Asking workers to give more during this time is unnecessary. Use the citys reserves, and dont balance the budget on the backs of your workforce. Thank you. I yield my time. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hello. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hello, may we have the speaker, please . Hello, youre on the line. Were ready for you. Hello, supervisors. My name is art merceau, and im a purchaser with the city. We defer our cost of living allowance to the state of emergency declared by mayor breed, but now were being asked to defer that two years. Not only does it belittle what we do, it also belittles the lives of those we love. Do not balance the budget on our backs. There should be no more budget cuts, no layoffs. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next speaker, please. Hello . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Please proceed. Hi. Good afternoon, board of supervisors. My name is abbie, and im the coordinator for the San Francisco Rapid Response community. Were asking you to restore the 135,000 that the hotline received through the r. F. P. Process, especially during this time where i. C. E. Was conducting Immigration Enforcement during a pandemic, and we also want to stand in solidarity with all of our Community Based organizations and also uphold the asks of the Budget Justice Coalition. I also would like to name very specifically that i express full support for defunding sfpd, and that is all. Thank you, and i yield my time. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next caller . Hi. Good afternoon, supervisors. This is [inaudible] calling from [inaudible] and also a cochair for the Housing Provider network. [inaudible] we ask that the Mayors Office and board of supervisors also prioritize the funding that we need to keep these operations fully funded. All of our agencies have been impacted by covid19, and even during these challenges and challenging time, Housing Providers continue to provide Critical Services like housing and Critical Services. The city has deemed our work essential, yet were not being paid the same 24 an hour rate that others are receiving. We ask that all essential workers receive this pay rate during the pandemic. We ask that the city fund the full Budget Justice Coalition ask along with the following Housing Network supportive priorities. Fully fund the housing ask, including increased pay for essential workers, Equitable Services for agencies, and fund a 3 cost of doing business. And verify an ongoing cost of doing business for all contracts. Thank you for your time, and i will yield my time to the rest of the callers. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. May we have the next speaker, please. Hello, supervisors. My name is [inaudible] i also serve as the chair provider for the Service Working group. Im on the Budget Justice Coalition. I wanted to call today to provide support and solidarity for all of the asks of the Budget Justice Coalition and request that the board of supervisors defund the police in order to fully fund and support all the social services throughout San Francisco, both the city workers and nonprofit workers. We often say in Youth Development field that all behavior, whether its behavior that is positive or behavior that is unhealthy, is always the result of a need thats unmet. And so when we look at police, we really have to ask ourselves, what need to police meet for all of these folks, and what need did these Police Really Mean for our communities when theres so much need for housing, theres so much need for education, theres so much need for social services . We often look at police as the bandaid, and we expect them to address concerns while not meeting the root cause and the need. So i want you all to really support the falls that go into this budget and ask that you do defund the police, and consider redirecting those funds to the social services that support young people, specifically those that are going to be joining Community Learning hubs and doing inperson service and putting their own healthy security at risk without even a pay increase or access to primary health care. So finally, i wanted to end by just asking that the supervisors support a consider a cut to the parents for schools funding program, and i would yield the rest of my time. Clerk thank you. Can we have the next caller, please. My name is elia hernandez, and im a mother and a grandmother. I urge you to please support [inaudible] for our e. C. C. Teachers and Child Care Providers and waiting list for child care, and im also on [inaudible] thank you so much. Clerk thank you. Can we hear from the next speaker, please. Hello and good afternoon, supervisors. My name is [inaudible] and im a representative on the housing task force. [inaudible]. Clerk thank you. Speakers time has elapsed. Can we hear from the next speaker, please. May we have the next speaker, please. Hi. Hello, everyone. Good afternoon, everybody. Im cherie miller. Im located in district 5, and also, i am an originating member of the African American art and cultural district in district 10. The San Francisco board of supervisors historic use of laws and policies have targeted and harmed the African American community intentionally and the eventually, and its the cause of Police Brutality and the loss of black lives, and our health and wellness in our community. Defund sfpd. The Police Department has not used the public funding for all of the public good. Greater funding should be directed more intentionally to Community Programs and spaces to strengthen us. No more intentional racist laws and policies . Find subprime loan lenders. I want to thank all of the supervisors for their work. I look forward to meeting dean preston. I have not met him yet. Shamann supervisor shamann walton, thank you for your work and your excellence. We want to continue fighting for our health and wellness and our prosperity. Thank you for your time. I yield my time. Have a nice day. Clerk thank you. May we have the next caller, please. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is yolanda [inaudible] and im a case manager for the [inaudible] empowerment program, which is part of the San Francisco Sheriffs Department, and i am calling to support the San Francisco Sheriffs Department programs. The department Empowerment Department is a collaboration between the department and nonprofit agencies. The program was started in 2002, and the purpose of the program is to assist victims of Domestic Violence and to help them in their human practice. We have establishing healthy relationship social security, parenting, knowing your rights, and other topics. In my 17 years working with the San Francisco Sheriffs Department, Health Supervisor for Domestic Violence, we have witnessed many stories of survival of Domestic Violence. Many of them got their immigration visa working permits, temporary residency, and have become u. S. Citizens. Including, some became financially independent. Some went back to school, etc. Our survivors have some very diverse ethnicity from all over the world as well as the united states. As you probably know, our current Political Climate clerk thank you. The speakers time has elapsed. Thank you. Can we have the next caller, please. Hi, good afternoon. My name is carla lorell, and im the director of west bay Filipino Service center. Im also a member of a. P. I. Council and soma youth collaborative . I im asking you to support the only learning hub in soma . Today, we started to support 100 young people because our kids cannot virtually learn from home . We are excited and ready to support through Community Hubs while all students are asked to do virtual learning, but it is unequitable and unjust to ask c. B. O. S to do that without additional funding. Currently, we cannot do that. Our program is currently with after school programming, and asking us to expand to before School Without funding is impossible . Now that kids are asked to learn from home, its hard for them to do. Soma youth need to be prioritized. We are not teachers, but we are willing to provide as much inperson support to make sure our kids have a chance to be successful . Please support our youth people and the soma youth collaboratives request for 400,000 to support our Community Learning hub . I have one other speaker . Hi, my name is Heather Phillips and im the director of programming for united players and the soma youth collaborative. I just want to add my voice that these Community Hubs are vitally important, especially for highrisk youth that are dealing with so much in their young lives, and the inperson support that were able to provide is going to ensure violence prevention, less earning loss, and though we arent educators, we can be supportive adults who help take care of young people, help get them into the virtual classroom and make sure that they feel connected. We appreciate all of the work that dcyf is doing, and we would just ask that you continue to add the resources necessary to make this happen as we have the people on the ground willing to do the work. We just need the money to allow them to do it. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Thats all our callers. Thank you. Clerk to the public, if you have not already done so, please press star, three to speak. If you have already done so, please wait in the queue until you are unmuted. At this time, we have 93 people in the queue waiting to speak. Can we have the next caller, please. Hello. Clerk hello. Please proceed. Hello. Can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can. Hi. My name is shonnie jones, and i am with the San Francisco black Led Initiative organization. I am here because its time for the black San Francisco to have a black budget and that means that basically black lives matter and, and we need to be paid in investments and by our governments. Were not being represented by groups that the city needs to hear and feels safe in engaging. We want land and meaningful opportunities and equity for blacks in San Francisco, and that means that the board of supervisors have to get in gear and on board for separation in the city of San Francisco. I yield my time. Clerk thank you. May we have the next caller, please. Hello. Good afternoon, board of supervisors. My name is alison lin, and im with [inaudible] member of local 21. [inaudible] increasingly, your workforce cannot afford to live in the city, and the situation gets worse with every contract negotiation. I was born in San Francisco and have lived here all my life. Growing up in districts 2 and 3 and now living in district 7. I know i want to live in San Francisco, just as i have for 34 years. We bought a house in San Francisco because we plan on working for the city and living in the city until we grow old. [inaudible] i urge you to support a fair budget that supports the workers of San Francisco. Thank you. Clerk thank you. May we have the next caller, please. Hi. My name is shirley, and we have three members of speakers. Hello . Clerk yes, please proceed. Hi. So my name is shirley sang, and i am [inaudible] Chinatown Community Development Center for over five years. [inaudible] that allows youth to gain more experience by leaning towards and giving back to their community. Due to the pandemic, we have [inaudible] and thank you so much for your time and consideration. And next, ill pass onto my next speaker. Clerk is your next speaker ready . Hi. Im calling in support to the points of megablack s. F. , in terms of reallocated funds from the Police Department into the black community. In particular economic justice. San francisco board of supervisors, since the 1950s to today has systematically destroyed the black Community Like freeway projects, allowing for the war on drugs, and other government policies. And so i believe, and im asking the board that it is time now to invest in the black community, and this would be a black budget. I want to thank you for your time and consideration, and in closing around economic justice, i ask that the board of supervisors ensure that theres funding for the Fillmore Heritage Center and other land obtained through urban renewal in historically black communities like bayviewhunters point, lakeview, sunnydale, and make sure that any black land intended to be for private use is allowed to be owned by members of the black community. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you, mr. Crawford. Next speaker, please. I believe he has one more speaker on the line. Clerk yes. Oh, theres no one else on this line. Clerk okay. Thank you, mr. Crawford. Okay. Operations, next speaker, please. [providing comments in spanish] interpreter muchas gracias. I will now convey the message in english. My name is annette. I am a mother of four children, and i am very interested in the wellbeing of my community. My children need to grow up in a safe manner, and they will be safer in my community is doing better. We need subsidies for to be able to afford rent, and we need these subsidies to be easy for us to access so that we can have a dignified place to live, especially for our immigrant families. There are children and young people who are living, sharing their space with a lot of other people, and there are no low cost or affordable houses that we can have so we can have a better life, and the children need them so we can have better conditions. This pandemic has affected our community and has impacted it in a very harsh manner, and we are sharing bathrooms, we are sharing kitchens. So i am pleading with you, supervisors, to please help us out with this situation. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you to the speaker. Next caller, please. Hi, board of supervisors. This is emily lee with San Francisco rising, and we actually have a video Public Comment video that can be queued up now. Its called s. F. Rising combined comments. Are you all able to find that file . [video] [providing comments in spanish] interpreter okay. I will proceed to interpret this portion. Actually, we already have interpretation for the video. Its already interpreted. Clerk okay. You can just let it keep playing. Hello, supervisors. My name is andrea paz. Im a mother, a leader, a primatora, and i live in San Francisco. I would like to talk to you today about stopping the budget cuts to families and communities of colors. Im here to talk to you today on behalf of immigrant families in San Francisco. I hope im able to touch your heart when i ask you to approve a budget that is fair, a budget that will help families like mine to obtain resources either low cost or free. As you know, during these difficult times, many of us, especially immigrant families, have been impacted by the coronavirus. We have lost our jobs our got reduced working hours in our jobs. It has been very difficult for us to pay rent and cover other expenses. It is imperative that we need all supervisors to stand firm and approve a budget that includes full funding for all Community Based organizations that serve the needs of families like mine. Especially i would like to ask you for the restoration of funding for the San Francisco Rapid Response hotline. The hotline provides valuable resources to immigrant families, especially for during the time for crisis like now. Especially for families like mine, the Rapid Response has been like a lifeline during a time of crisis when i. C. E. Has conducted raids in my community. We know you must find the money in the budget to support other programs, so i ask you that you make reductions to the Police Department or other Law Enforcement agencies. Please support the Rapid Response hotline and the families of San Francisco. Thank you. Hello, supervisors. Im joyce lam, political director at the Chinese Association center. We have been supporting chinese families in San Francisco and Building Communities of color for almost 50 years. Im here to ask you to stop the cuts to communities of color. Community serving organizations are facing funding cuts of over 350 million over the next two years, including Rapid Response network, to protect immigrants from i. C. E. Any cuts of services to our communities right now is even more detrimental than it normally would be because people are holding onto a threat to survive right now. We know you must balance the budget and find additional money and we ask you to do that by cutting money from places like the Police Department. Thank you for your time, and please vote for families like ours as you vote for your city budget. Hello, supervisors. Im kevin, and i work for department of children and youth, and im asking you to pass a budget that stops the cuts to communities and children of color. We need all the supervisors to stand strong and vote for a budget that prioritizes the community. We know you must balance the budget and find additional money to do so, and we ask that you do that by looking at Law Enforcement spending which has not served our communities well. We do not believe that we need more police academies, and cutting that program would save 24 million each year that could Fund Important social programs. Thank you for your time, and please stand with families as you vote on our city budget. Thank you. Hello, supervisors. My name is mario. Im with soma filipina and filipina Cultural Heritage districts. Many of our filipino working families are struggling with unemployment and being able to pay their rent which leads to housing insecurity. We need the supervisors to stand strong and vote for a budget that includes programs to protect tenants and provides essential services because these programs are the safety net for the communities that have been hit the hardest by the coronavirus. We know you must balance the budget and find additional money, and we ask you to do that by looking at departments like the Police Department and other Law Enforcement which dont serve our communities. We do not believe that we need more police academies, and cutting the program could save 24 million each year, which could Fund Important social Service Programs like the ones i mentioned. Thank you for your time, and please stand with working families as you float the city budget. Thank you. Hello, supervisors. My name is becky hong. Im urging you to pass a budget that helps s. F. Families and communities of color. During a time of pandemic, mass unemployment, and more, we need to support communities because the decisions that you make will profoundly affect working class people of color for years to come. We also support immigrants through our work with s. F. Island to make sure that families are able to stay together. We know you must balance the budget, and find additional money, and we ask that you do that by looking at departments like the Police Department or other Law Enforcement which has not served our communities. We do not believe that we need more police academies, and putting that program cutting that program will save 24 million each year that could Fund Important social programs like the ones i mentioned. Thank you for your time and fund our services now. Hello, supervisors. My name is david, and today, im joining the call that urges you to fund the programs that support s. F. Families and communities of color. We remain deeply concerned kb t abo [inaudible] last year, the hotline received almost 3,000 calls, and theres no reason for us to believe that next year will be any different. Currently, i. C. E. Activity in the bay area is on the rise. Community members are being hit hard by the covid19 pandemic, and theyre relying on the hotline to get connected to life saving services. So right now, we need all supervisors to stand strong and unite behind a budget that includes programs like these. We need a just economic recovery in this city, and that requires real cuts to programs like police, that do not serve our communities and really investments in the safety nets that already exist and can be built upon to create a Recovery Plan that includes all san franciscans, including those who are most marginalized. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Before we bring up the next speaker, there is currently 120 people lined up to speak, and with that, operations, next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors, office of the clerk, and everyone present. Thank you for having us with you today. Im doug, cochair of the support Housing Provider network. Our network is part of the Budget Justice Coalition, and we urge you to fund the b. J. C. In this challenging moment in our city, we must also have laser sharp focus on Racial Equity and economic equity. Our citys current Supportive Housing is underfunded to achieve any of those reasons. The support Providers Network urges the following three priorities. At the core of our ask which aligns with the larger Budget Coalition ask is to provide competitive wages for our hospitality and frontline workers. Lots of those workers are black and brown people in the city currently undervalue their contribution and undercuts our ability to sustain and expand Supportive Housing, so we urge you to fully fund the 5 million covid safe housing fund, to restore the 3 cost of doing business for nonprofit contracts, and to correct the inequities that exist in current Supportive Housing contracts and equitable funding across neighborhoods. Please fund these Critical Services. Our tenants and our neighborhoods deserve fairness and equity. Thank you so much for your mindfulness and your work. Clerk thank you, mr. Geary. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is alison. I live in district 6, and i urge you to defund, disarm, and disband the sfpd and Sheriffs Department. Black population represents only 6 of the citys population yet account for 40 of the citys arrests or interaction. We also need you to allocate even more funds to the Public Defenders Office to makeup for the damage thats already been done. Recently, new orleans unanimously voted to fund their Public Defenders Office the same way they fund their district attorneys office. Why arent we at least funding them equally . Even after decades of socalled reform, 76 of uses of force in quarter four last year were at people of color. Officers still pointed their weapons at people of color 2. 4 times a day. Reduce Community Interactions with the police this year, fire is sfpd officers, fire sheriffs deputies, and invest in things that keep us safe like housing, health care, and reparations. This is San Francisco, and we need to do better. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is christine wardell, and im a 31year resident of district 8, and a parishioner at st. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church and part of the safe in section program. Im speaking today about continuing to support and in fact increasing the budget for direct subsidies to senior housing. As you have heard before, over 5,000 people, seniors, are in their houses but paying more than 70 of their rent or their income in housing, and i think there are two important points to be made about this. The first is, as was mentioned earlier this morning, its a hell of a lot easier to keep people in housing and pay their rent than it is to find housing for them once theyre homeless. So i think increasing the amount for subsidies makes a great deal of sense. Secondly, while im sure this doesnt apply to all of the seniors, many of them will have families in this area who are also struggling financially. The fact that you have a housed grandparent or great aunt or uncle is very important for maintaining the stability of those families as they struggle to maintain their housing. So in sum, i think a number of benefits, including the moral benefit, but also the financial benefit of keeping people in their housing and supporting the connective tissue of the city is very important. Clerk thank you, miss wardell. Next speaker, please. Hi. I have five more speakers on the line with a. S. F. And 2121. I will start with my comments. My name is marcos cruz. Im a student at State College of San Francisco. Im calling today to urge the supervisors to allocate funding to city college, specifically the workforce, education, and Recovery Fund for postal that has already been supported by some of the supervisors. I think its really important for San Francisco to fund city college. We provide training, classes, education for many, many of the populations that we want to protect in San Francisco. When we think about public safety, like many of the callers have been, and defunding sfpd, we have to think about, as well, funding our Community Colleges or the Community Education in the city that everyone relies on. Our immigrant parents rely on, our seniors rely on, our artists and creative people rely on. City college is a lifeline for this city and it has been for many, many years. I am tired of speaking in support of city college and hearing every supervisor saying they love city college while seeing 0 going to city college every year. We love city college and would like it to be open to everyone, but it seems that the city is not willing to provide support to the workforce development, the social justice and ethics studies classes and social services that we are trying to have policy funds. We are not asking for much. [please stand by] im with a Neighborhood Branch of San Francisco rising. So first of all i want to strongly support these concerns that San Francisco rising has brought forward because San Francisco rising and we care about and seek to empower the most vulnerable and yet the most resilient communities in our city. And while covid and the fires have rapidly changed our lives, theres a long history of changing lives for the better. And the faculty members, i can tell that you we want to continue to do so. But our mission to serve and empower the people of our city who need our services the most is in serious jeopardy without Adequate Funding. State college with help to address so many of the concerns voiced today and to play a vital part a vital role in the economic recovery of so many of our residents and the city as a whole. Every bit of funding raised increases access and opportunity for education. It supports our efforts to increase equity and maintain vital programs. A friend of mine says that city college is the most vital workingclass institution in the city. And i tend to agree, but we need your support. Please include the workforce education for the city budget so we can continue to serve our residents who want access and need access to a better life through education. Thank you. Clerk thank you. Do you have another speaker on the line . Yes, sir, three more speakers. Caller i am james tracy, and im with the City Department of city college, San Francisco. One of the things they appreciate about this board of supervisors is the ability to stay safe while having solutions. If you support the policies [no audio] clerk hello, speaker, you are still on the line . I think that he got accidentally cut off. Caller this is a teacher from city college of San Francisco. And im urging you to support and to create the workforce education Recovery Fund with 5 million for this year. You know, a good education impacts all of the social issues that people have been talking about here today. People can get higher wages. They can increase their mobility and have a better life. They can get hope and reduce their stress and their Mental Health issues are addressed in those ways. So its so important to come out of the Covid Recovery that we really support how people are going to make the changes necessary in their own lives to make this city a better city. So i really urge you and i want to say that im a resident of district 10. I live in petrera hill, and i want to thank you very much. Clerk thank you so much for your comments. If you have another speaker on that line. Caller hello . Go ahead. Caller hi, my name is mary braceorthom and im a mathematic instructor and Vice President of the teachers union. And im here to ask and to implore the board of supervisors to support work the workforce education and Recovery Plan so that we can fund so that we can continue to provide the Vital Services that our citizens need in San Francisco right now, especially during the recession and the pandemic. City college is San Francisco. And with the pandemic and the continued systematic cuts to public education, our school continues to suffer, but it means that our citizens of San Francisco continue to suffer. As kathy spoke earlier, this is this is a Vital Institution and really is the best place to get trained and make job transitions and to get ourselves to get ourselves back on our feet. We provide Vital Services. Our frontline workers, most of them come through city college and get their education here. Please consider adding back we have a very modest ask in comparison to the larger landscape of what is available in the budget for this year. We need it in order to survive. Please give to city college, with the support that it deserves. Thank you. Clerk thank you miss allman. If you could queue your next speaker on the line. Go ahead. Caller im teaching the Labor Department of the city college of San Francisco. One of the things they appreciate about the board of supervisors is the ability to think big about big life improving policy goals. I remind you that city college of San Franciscos programs will make these goals real and without city college you cannot make these goals real. For example, if you support justice for families, our Early Childhood Education Program is Award Winning and trains many dozens of Early Childhood education workers every year. If you wish do see increased Mental Health and Substance Abuse centers in San Francisco, remember that our drug and alcohol programs and our Community Health outreach worker programs train the workers that will do this work. Similarly, if you say that this is a sanctuary city and ignore the fact that we have laid off 63 d. S. L. Teachers a semester, you have another thing coming. Similarly for our peer programs in our parks and, of course, our most essential Nursing Program that has supplied workers throughout this covid crisis. And, finally, [broken audio] underneath the banner of this, and our African American cities department, is struggling to continue its excellent groundbreaking work. So, please, fund the work program. Clerk thank you so much for your comments. Do you have anymore speakers . One more speaker on the line. Clerk thank you. Go ahead. Caller hi. My name is timina hahn and i teach at the English Department at city college and i have also taken classes at city college. Im also a resident of district 9 since 1995. And im really proud to be living in San Francisco for these many years. And im proud of the vibrant and the diversity that our city has. I want to say that, like, when im out in the world, i meet former students from city college all over the city from multiple generations, with various career paths. And i just want to say that, you know, city college is the heartbeat of our city. It brings us education and vibrance and diversity and dialogue. And we need it. And we need increased funding so that we can keep it going. In the aftermath of covid19, we need more education, not less. And we need and we need to build back our city. So we need our Nursing Program and we need a robust social justice program. We need a robust horticultural program, aircraft maintenance. And we need also our Academic Program so that our students can transfer to the u. C. System and go on and get masters degrees and ph. Ds. We need all of it. And it builds our city, it makes our city stronger. And currently we our social Justice Programs are really suffering and our africanamerican programs are really suffering, and in a time of, you know, of increased awareness, increased awareness of racism, we need we need city college. And so im urging you to support the workforce education Recovery Fund. Thank you so much. Clerk thank you miss hobb. Does that conclude the speakers . Yes, sorry, i think that there was one more but i think that they dropped the call. Clerk okay. Well, thank you so much for your participation. Operations, next speaker, plea please. Caller good afternoon, my name is Michael Stafford and im a teacher in San Francisco and i have lived in district 8 for 5 5 years. My wife is a physician at San Francisco General Hospital and im calling on behalf of my wife and daughters and many of my neighbors in the community. We urge this committee to divest from the San Francisco sheriff departments presence in the department of Public Health, and in that, in the wellbeing of san franciscans by funding nurses, Behavioral Health programs and Community Safety initiatives. My family has witnessed far too many times the Sheriffs Department being inappropriately physical, harassing or intimidating to their patients and the community at San Francisco General Hospital, especially the black and brown members of the community. As well as unresponsive to calls for reform and change. You have a great responsibility. But also an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen the community by defunding the Sheriffs Department and investing in different measures that will improve the security, health and the safety of our community. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Caller hi, thats me. Good afternoon, supervisors. I am with the San Francisco Domestic Violence consortium. Im here today to stand with those working to end genderbased violence. They are an interdependent network of 30 nonprofits working 24 7 to shelter, counsel, offer legal services, protect and help survivors of Domestic Violence, sexual assault, and trafficking, along with their children. If you had seen in numerous articles, so many survivors are locked down with their abusers during covid19. At the beginning of the pandemic we saw a large increase of calls for support and food to field fd their children. Though survivors are quieter now, theyre still qualit calli. And all agencies are working around the clock. We need these services now more than ever. And the community is on the frontline. We are meeting the needs of nearly 20,000 survivor survivors annually. Survivors want to talk with knowledgeable advocates and attorneys that speak their languages, understand their cultural issues, and will protect their immigration status. They just want the violence to stop. Most survivors do not turn to Law Enforcement, they turn to the community. Help us to be there for them. San francisco is a model of a communitybased response. We depend on the department on the status of women issues to support our work. Please reinstate all of the proposed cuts to the department on the status of women, the dosw. To continue and to consider additional funding. We are really counting on you. Help to protect San Franciscos most vulnerable residents and black residents and indigenous residents and transgender residents and the entire Lgbtq Community and residents of color and their children. Help us to end genderbased violence now. We also support the civilianled Domestic Violence program that are currently held at the Sheriffs Department. Thank you for your support and hard work on this budget. This is an incredible year. Thank you. Clerk thank you miss upton. Next speaker, please. Hello, if we could have our next speaker. Caller hello . Clerk hi, welcome. Caller hi. My name is maria and im the Business Owner of Mission Wellness, an independent pharmacy in the mission. I am also a first in my family to go to college. Im here because San Francisco does not appear to be expanding the contract pharmacy for the 20202021 fiscal year. Over six years ago i proposed to expand the contract arrangement which continues to be with just one large multiinternational corporation. By expanding the contract, Mission Wellness would bring several millions annually to the health care budget. I have heard a lot today about poverty, racism and homelessness. San francisco must work to fix the social, economic, educational and Health Inequities that affect our black and brown communities. That means support local, minority and womenowned businesses. The current arrangement not only excludes the additional revenue that Mission Wellness could bring to the Public Health department, but excludes a Small Business that provides culturally Competent Services to vulnerable citizens. This is an issue of inequity to reach justice, systemic racism has to stop and the city should look at its internal processes that continue to shut out black and brown communities and businesses. Finally, the federal Government Supports expanding local contract pharmacies under covid19. But San Francisco has not taken advantage of that with the local Business Networks for the 20202021 year. It appears to be delaying this an additional year, whereby passing up millions of dollars of revenue for the city. San francisco should not delay service. Thank you supervisors for your work and time today. Clerk thank you for your comments. For the listeners currently on currentlyonline, theres currently 122 people in the calls with 98 lined up to speak, so if you havent done so already, please press star, 3, or if you have not called in, the information should be crawling across your screen now and please join us. Operations, next speaker, plea please. Caller good afternoon, supervisors. Im rachel ostamosa, an artist in district 4 and im calling in support of the Budget Justice Coalition list, prioritizing the essential needs of marginalized residents of San Francisco. Im also calling in support of Human Rights Commission Racial Equity and the groups ask to support black, indigenous, people of color and queer communitybased artists and programs. In San Franciscos philippineo heritage district, the arts and cultural work has been at the forefront of ourac activism in e bay area. And for our arts organizations, many of the artists in our ecosystem, this work is our livelihood. Prior to covid, our community was already experiencing budget cuts. And Filipino Youth experience the highest rate of suicide ideation. With the current Public Health crisis, our communities are being impacted even more so. Lets not underestimate what the arts have to offer, whether its the documentation of our experiences, connecting one another for the health and wellness of our communities, or to provide solace in a time that requires it most. The arts and culture sector has been the first to shut down and the last to reopen. So the arts are essential in our communities. In a recent art project that i presented to mostly filipino and p. O. C. Participants, 91 of them agreed that arts plays a role in the health and wellness of our communities. Sustainability of our artists and anchor arts and cultural organizations requires transparency and racially equitable support. And we need immediate and unrestricted stipends to artists to support new works. General operating support and our unrestricted funding for nonprofit arts organizations that support historically marginalized communities. Supporting artists of color through this recession and throughout the recovery ensures that our artists will continue to have a place in San Francisco but also allow our community the pathways to process, recover, heal, and to be seen as we navigate through the building of a new era. The speakers time is over. Clerk thank you for your community arcomments. Next speaker, please. Hello, do we have a speaker . Caller hello. I just got my line unmuted. I am a community member, born and raised in San Francisco and a current resident of district the. I implore the city of supervisors to allocate divested funds towards social programs led by and serving the black, transgender and the homeless populations of our city. In a time of pandemic and protests theres the overarching question of the value of human lives. In particular black lives, black transetrans lives and immigrantd many more of the vulnerable. As well as the lives of essential workers and their families and the unemployed and in this city the homeless, that have 6 63 citing the inabilityo afford rent as one of the greatest obstacles to have housing. Law enforcement represents a real source of threats to their lives, through acts of racist violence, violence against those in crisis and by seizure and destruction of property and the removal of people from their homes and the suppression of voices. I grew up with hope in the ethos of our city and i urge the board of supervisors to take the opportunity to be a vanguard now, to be resittive to calls to defund at this time and to disband and to recognize an opportunity to fund more of the vital programs that people call to speak to today. As a city college alumna i feel moved to voice my support for the earlier calls by the faculty. Please move to affirm the values of the lives of the vulnerable and our city at a level that only you can. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you so much for your comments. Next speaker, please. Caller hi, this is ilsa alunn and ill start with a video recording from one of the young people in our services and i want to make sure that the technology works. I have been in Market Street Program Since i was 20 years old. I came into Market Street a broken young adult, experiencing homelessness and they were always there for me. And having a safe place to go and food to eat really made a difference, in not only my survival, but my Mental Health. From there, i slowly learned skills on how to work, hold a job, how to go to school, how to create a resume and my quality of life increased as i worked on myself and the relationships that i had. Market street was there throughout the whole process. When i came into the pathways program, i was scared, i didnt know how to be an adult in society that paid bills, paid rent and saved money with income. I practiced those things with my case manager and worked closely to try to find housing, to be a positive roommate, and to be a successful person in my dwelling and in my community. I serve on various jobs helping the community all while inside of the Market Street programs and i urge you to give support. At this point in my life i live with my girlfriend. We have a beautiful apartment in oakland, california. I have an Associates Degree due to the ability of me to go to school and to be supported. Im working on a bachelor degree at s. F. State, and not only do i have money saved, but i also have learned from my past and been able to use it as an asset. If Market Street was not there and the programs that i utilized were not there, i dont think that i would make it. I would still be in and out of jail on the streets and actively using drugs. Thank you. Caller good afternoon, board of supervisors, i am drew laroe and a social worker and i support our over three dozen case managers that help hundreds of youth every week. As you may know Market Street services serves one of the most vulnerable populations and when they First Experience homelessness before the age of 25, they need bold and direct access. I will make three points. One, we need to uplift people. And they need care every day. And its so important to have dreams and hopes and needs in these process. And second, we have seen a spike in overdoses, and we need more resources and access to therapy and lifesaving Harm Reduction approaches. The case managers that i work with share that there arent enough resources. Third and lastly, i want to address the cost of doing business for nonprofit contractors. This expenditure is so important in ensuring that we can provide the needs of staff so that we can pay closer to a living wage who do the hard work every day. And we should not expect the staff to give their best when theyre not able to meet their own needs due to burnout. Thank you for your time. Caller hello, board of supervisors, i am kathleen. And im thankful for this opportunity today to speak to you all and to remind you about how incredibly important it is for this budget to support the needs of San Franciscos vulnerable youth. This has been a challenging year for all of us but its critical that we look forward. In order to mitigate the impacts of this pandemic and to ensure progress towards the goal of homelessness being a brief onetime experience for any young person, we must deepen our investment in our homelessness system and in San Franciscos youth. Almost 50 of people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco had a first unhoused experience before the age of 25. That means that supporting the need of the vulnerable youth is not just morally responsible but also smart, strategic and economically sound. More specifically, it is imperative that the city expand the emergency Housing Options to get youth off the streets quickly. Theres not enough space for young people to be inside right now. San franciscos only transitional shelter has been closed to new intakes since march. And young people are largely ineligible for other help. For many young people this means that vouchers have been the only way to ensure they have a safe play to stay inside. We need funding for housing vouchers to fill a critical gap in the homelessness response system, especially while we wait for the new Navigation Center to open. One of my favorite things about San Francisco is that San Francisco is a community that values equity and inclusion and this budget is a reflection of these values. But it is of the highest importance that we exemplify the values by supporting the needs of vulnerable youth. Thank you very much. Caller good afternoon members of the board. Clerk miss lund, are you still there . Caller imagine tomorrow that you wake up and you are tossed a plastic garbage bag and are asked to pack all of your belongings in it. This is a reality for foster youth who are at risk of homelessness. Im Danielle Martinez and i work for the Housing Program for former foster youth. San franciscos Homeless Youth need to be prioritized in the citys budget, especially those in foster care. And foster care youth are behind aacademically and they tend to have poor outcomes. According to a study, those who exit care without permanency have risk of homelessness, incarceration and Substance Used. Former foster youth often lack Family Support that many young adults have and rely on as they develop independence. Safe and stable housing is the most critical need for former foster youth and other Homeless Youth, without which its impossible to achieve success in other arenas such as education and employment. The budget also needs to include support for nonprofit agencies. I urge you to add the cost of doing business to the budget. Nonprofit workers need support to close the wage gap. Additionally the risk of frontline workers contracting covid19 is much higher than those who work from home. Frontline workers are your grocery clerks, delivery drivers, janitors and social workers. Not Just Health Care workers. Often frontline workers are black, brown, Indigenous People of color, particularly those who work in low to low, moderate wage positions. San francisco cant wait for the federal government to act. And hazard pay needs to be added to the budget now. I urge you to support all frontline workers with hazard pay so we can continue to support the community. Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts with you tod today. Caller good afternoon, board of supervisors. First, thank you for your time and all of the work that you do and are doing. My name is krista, with Market Street Youth Services and we see the repercussions every day of systemic inequities on our young people. Of course i believe that our young people are worth investing in as the future of our nation. But not only are they worth it, this is our responsibility as adults and elders to them. During covid we have all experienced extreme challenges and now with the fires, california is in serious crisis. So imagine being a young person formerly experiencing homelessness and trapped mostly in a small room and unable to get out and socialize much and feeling depressed, and having lost their job with not many prospects in sight. And imagine the young person on our streets who cant get a housing voucher and can no longer go to our shelters that are closed due to covid and didnt qualify for a shelter in place hotel. Please invest money in our young people for emergency services, employment, prevention, Behavioral Health and housing subsidies. They rely on us. We have to do the right thing. And, finally, in order to keep doing our work to serve these young folks, our nonprofit and all nonprofits in San Francisco must receive an annual cost of doing business increase in order to just sustain and maintain our current and basic staffing. That is just common sense and basic math. Please dont cripple nonprofits doing essential service work at this time. This is not the place in budgets to cut spending. Thank you very much. Caller my name is may thorhor and im with Market Street ak5 academy and overseeig all programs at Market Street serveses. But most importantly im an educator. For youth and potential students its important to eliminate all barriers that could come their way to disrupt the pipeline, especially in todays racial climate. Some barriers include not having emergency housing, not getting jobs while in college and after graduating from college, providing a sense of community for all youth of color, and lgbtiq selfidentified youth. Making sure they have access to Behavioral Health services, housing subsidies and Prevention Services related to drug use. It is imperative that the city and the county of San Francisco continues to Fund Programs transitional age youth can benefit from. I work with many who are bright and have seen how wrap around services can contribute to the wellbeing of any youth going to college. My hope is that you allocate funds to support College Students who are struggling with finding a foundational plan that will work for them to graduate. Unfortunately, studies show that generational and educational trauma stems from structural barriers use to keep communities from receiving an education. I am asking you to make education a vehicle for change that will disrupt the generational continuation of youth not receiving any form of education. I ask that you make my students and the future students a priority by giving them the wrap around services to enter school and to thrive while in school. If you like to disrupt the school to prison pipeline and the educational trauma, please continue allocating funds to see the potential students. Thank you for your time and giving me the space to communicate this. Have a wonderful day. Caller hi, my name is patrick burlase and i work at Market Street with youth experiencing homelessness and other issues. I want to encourage the board to please fund fully all of the Housing Needs of youth in San Francisco. Were definitely looking at an issue of parity, because recent plans have been disclosed to provide up to 10,000 for Supportive Housing for adults. None of that funding has included any for youth. And if you count all of the beds that we have right now that include youth, we come up at about 200. If you do the math, 200 or 2,000, its nowhere near the 11 or so that we estimate that represents the Homeless Youth in the city. So, again, i strongly encourage you to support the homeless and the youth who are in a housing crisis here in our city. I know that we can do better and i know that you want to. Thank you so much for listening. Caller good afternoon, board of supervisors. Thank you for your time. My name is shimona eftridge and im with client and Clinical Services at larkin street Youth Services. I ask that you make youth experiencing homelessness a priority in the budget decisions. Three areas they would like you to prioritize. One is emergency services. Our transitionalaged youth shelters have been closed since march and many young people do not qualify for the shelterinplace hotels. Since covid, so many young people have been left with no other option but the streets. We need funding for emergency housing vouchers to fill a critical gap in the homeless response system while we wait for the Navigation Center to open. Second, is Behavioral Health services. Theres been an increase in Behavioral Health symptoms and an increase in overdoses amongst young people since the start of this pandemic. It is likely that well continue to see young people impacted. And those experiencing homelessness need supports at youth active points and services focused on intervention and Substance Use and Harm Reduction, and referrals and access to Additional Services such as substance and misuse treatment and psychotherapy. Last but not least, the Nonprofit Workforce is essential and needs to be prioritized. The annual cost of doing business increase is critical to making sure that we can deliver services and sustain our staff. Thank you. Caller hi, my name is marty wiegen and im talking with Market Street Youth Services. Thank you for taking my Public Comment. I am calling to strongly encourage the board of supervisors to set aside funding specifically for youth experiencing homelessness. 45 of the youth that we serve have lost their jobs and significant wages this year. In addition, the only transitionalaged youth shelter in San Francisco is closed to new intakes since march and for young people experiencing homelessness are ineligible for the shelterinplace hotel. For many youth the housing vouchers are the only way to ensure they have a safe place to stay inside. We absolutely need funding for emergency housing vouchers to fill a gap in the homelessness response system while we wait for the new taz Navigation Center to open. In addition to this critical funding for emergency housing, im strongly encouraging the board of supervisors to invest in individual training accounts to remove barriers for youth as they are in training programs. This is really only way a lot of these youth can sustain their most basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, Digital Access while they build skills for sustainable wages in a new emerging fields. Traditional sectors are not hiring as you all know. Were asking that the board of supervisors set aside specific funding for very vulnerable youth experiencing homelessness so they do not fall further into homhomelessness or deeper into homelessness, but, rather, to help the city itself to recover and help us to all recover as our economy tries to rebound. Thank you. Caller hi, this is ilsa ganon. Before i wrap up for the Market Street, theres not much more that i can say that my colleagues and the young person who started this session havent already said. But i will close by saying that investment works. The city has increased and we are grateful for the increase in investment in the past four years and during that same time we have seen a decrease in the number of youth on the streets through the annual point in time count. More resources help more people and those who are unhoused during a Global Pandemic simply have to be a priority. I stand here as a representative of Market Street and also with my colleagues from the Provider Network and the justice coalition, urging the board of supervisors to make the hard decisions that will put our unhoused neighbors, including youth and families, and particularly communities of college and lgbtq communities at the center of this years budget. Thank you. Clerk thank you miss lund and your group for participating. If we could queue up the next speaker, please. Caller hello, my name is amanda and im for justice for louis and we provided indiscernible on behalf of indiscernible and myself. The first two are Spanish Speaking videos and they are supported but im prepared to read the interpretation of those videos at the end of each. [speaking spanish] so the interpretation of what mr. Luis pat said, good afternoon to all. Im here to request, to demand of all supervisors. My name is louis pat, and the murder by San Francisco police, april 7, 2016. Since the day of that incident we have demanded justice, changes. Unfortunately, four years have gone by and to date there has been no change. I demand that all San Francisco authorities, especially the supervisors, to take the responsibilities seriously. For the lives of citizens, especially like those who in our case have been the cause of trauma in the whole of our family and every aspect of everyday life for each one of us. My children, my work, the school of my children. I demand that you seriously consider the trauma caused by the police. I demand that the supervisors that you take the opportunity today to be advise body your budget and that you Defund Police who are destroying our lives and our families. Please, stop playing around with citizens. Do your job. You have an opportunity today to fulfill your responsibility. Defund. Use those funds for health, wellness, education. Clerk thank you for reading the interruption. We will queue up the next video. [speaking spanish] i will read the interpretation for jose gongora pat, im the brother of Luis Gongora Pat. We are here where he was brutally killed by the police. They need to invest in people without homes. We insist day after day so that Police Take Notice since the day they murdered luis gongor that we are asking for change. The supervisors up until today have done nothing. So we consider that we ourselves need to support the other familys who have been victims at the hands of police. So i remind the supervisors again that you must defund the police. Against the police, we are involved in struggles, marches, so we stay daybyday in their faces until the time comes when change is justly and necessarily made. We are going to be united with all of the other families to make continuous demands of the police and we have to continue to try to find a way and a solution to keep cutting them back. Finally, i repeat once again to the supervisors, make this one count for real. Because otherwise the police wont change at all the way they mistreat people. Thank you. Clerk thank you again for the interpretation. I understand that we have one more video from this set and well queue it up. Thank you. Im a Founding Member of justice and honor for Luis Gongora Pat. I have been accompanying the family since 2016 when luis was killed here on this street in the mission district. I have been following the budget proceedings very carefully around the public call to defund the police. And i am addressing the supervisors and the Budget Committee today to just express my deep disappointment for the negotiations around the budget. Because i believe that you can do better. You can lay off police. Because what youre saying by saying that you cant affect their profession is that its okay to maintain legacy policing where families are impacted, traumatized, where people are murdered and theres absolutely no consequence, no accountability. As you know in this case, like so many others, theres never any justice for these families. So the time has come to rally. As the only supervisor on the Budget Committee said, supervisor ronen, to rise up to the challenge. To reimagine this institution and dismantle a system that has a system of oppression, that impacts black, indigenous, people of color the most. And on how citizens of this city alsand always our transgender communities. So i need you to take this seriously. You have one more opportunity to go back and to look at that budget and to do better. Just simply cut the police budget. indiscernible and the services that are most impacted in the communities and that they need. Clerk thank you once again. Could we be connected to the next caller, please. Thank you. We are queuing up the next caller please. Thank you. Caller hi, my name is hello . Can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can hear you. Caller okay. Hi, my name is mandy clausner and i have been on hold for seven minutes shy of six hours. I am a white woman and i have lived in district 9 for more than 35 years. But ive never really understood the impact of policing on my neighbors. Many of whom are latinos, until about six years ago when alex nieto was murdered up the hill from my house. A year later cops murdered mr. Lopez about eight blocks from my house. And the year after, they killed Luis Gongora Pat about 15 blocks from my house. I have gotten to know jose pat and louise who you just saw so eloquently speak with you for defunding the police. I have seen a bit of how the loss of their son, brother and cousin has affected them. As a white woman i will never be able to deeply and fully know their grief because policing is structured to maintain white supremacy. And neither of my sons are likely to be killed by cops. I have learned to never call police because of my relationship with these families. I know that the risk of harm to my neighbors is far too great. I hear you saying that firing police will reduce the response times and that that is problematic. Frankly, i dont care about response times because i dont see anything that the cops do that keeps me and my community safe. We need relevant education and jobs for people who snatch purses and cellphones. We need anger management classes and peerled support groups for people who battere batter theird ones and we need housing for People Living in the streets. Safety in the community is not police. It will be Adequate Funding for food, housing and Mental Health and education. I dont understand what it is going to take for you to see this. It doesnt seem all that complicated to me. I urge you to defund sfpd now. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Could we get to the next caller, please. Caller my apologies. Hello, board members. My name is louise pinona and a Housing Inspector and a local 21 member. Since the pandemic first started our team and i have been performing inspections and s. R. O. S across San Francisco. For months we have been risking our lives to make sure that inspections and permits arent delayed. We have done the work despite the p. P. E. Shortages and positive covid cases and to Public Health guidelines. We cant continue to provide this high level of Service Without a budget that invests in us and the work we do. The mayors Budget Proposal demands that we give up our hardearned salary and do more with less. But the city has over one billion dollars in reserve funds and 887 million in savings, and theres more federal aid on the way. We need the board to stand up for the Vital Public Services and to support the workers like me who provide them. Thank you. Clerk thank you very much for your comments. Could we be connected to the next speaker, please. Caller hello, my name is sarah and i live and work in district one and i urge you to disband the sfpd and the Sheriffs Department. And you have money to pay reparations to black san franciscans and support people of color and the homeless and the Transgender Community by providing housing and education. The sfpd continues to harm communities of color. Police target brake and brown students and Research Proves that it does not make students safer. Since they already voted to end their contract with the police, and the School Resource officers should be eliminated from this years budget and have their positions cut. When we gave the sfpd body cameras they exploited it by allowing the officers to view the videos before writing their reports and excusing Police Officers violence despite evidence. And we asked for transparency about police violence, Police Departments moved to drag their feet in releasing reports. Reform doesnt work. So i rpblg you to fire sfpd officers and fire Sheriff Deputies and invest in sources to keep people safe, like housing and health care and reparations and also fund the budget and justice coalition. Thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Just an update for members of the committee and members of the public listening to the call, we are looking at 76 members in the public still waiting in line to provide comments on the budget. Could we get the next caller, please. Caller hello . Good afternoon. My name is mary doran. Im calling from the bay action area. As a senior and a person with a disability, i urge you to commit to investing at least an additional 5 million in individual direct rent subsidies for lowincome seniors. A crucial priority for at least 5,000 seniors who have worked hard and contributed to San Francisco for many years. And now pay 70 of their income in rent. It was gutwrenching to learn of an elder who must work, that can only work one day a week, because theyre so tired that they have to rest up the rest of the week. This is a critical, moral priority as well as a critical pragmatic fiscal priority. Please keep the most vulnerable seniors in their homes and at the same time save monby keeping them from possible homelessness. Thank you for your time. Clerk thank you for your comments. Could we be connected to the next speaker, please. Caller hello, supervisors. My name is kim cheryldiamond and im a 61yearold disabled tenant in the tenderloin. I am also working one day a week for the public authority. And i am an activist. I work with of the tenderloin peoples congress, and i will forever be faithful. And through that fact i want to be faithful to this fact i have lived in the district for eight years now. I demand that money for senior operating fundsand even those of color into truly affordable housing. Its not the phantom departments of tomorrow. All departments of disabilities in state housing. Thank you for your comments. Could we be connected to the next speaker, please. Well have Seven Members speaking today. Were a group of transgender people inside and out side of prisons for the survivor and freedom. The communities we serve have suffered severe harm from the current legal system. Tgip recognizes policing is just one part that has harmed the black and brown communities. We recognize the system must be transformed in its entirety. In addition to abolishing police we must defund the prisons and invest in models that keep people safe. Our requests are as follows. Fully defund and disband the Police Department, jails, this includes funding the diversion for trans community. Reentry programs and supportwe ask the board of supervisors to fully fund the koa h coalition [indiscernible]. Clothes on our back, food, we want a descent place to stay stay[indiscernible]. Im an lgbt individual[indiscernible]. Along with the general public rely on this program hello. I am a new resident of San Francisco. I have gotten involved in this organization. They are really out there organizinga couple of officers of San Francisco. As everything wound up, all my properties are gone. This is just a way i have had incident after incident with any kind of Law Enforcement of San Francisco. I do believe in their cause and what they are fighting for. We need this. Theres no if, ands, or butts about it. Please listen. Im a resident of San Francisco and im a member. I got of prison[indiscernible]. Ive been on the streets, homeless, with no food. I dont understand how people are in that prison when the people of San Francisco need help[indiscernible]. I think its wrong. Im lucky to have them. What im asking for is the Budget Approved for 500,000. Hi. Im speaking today because ive dealt with the police at least a dozen times since 2010. Every time establishment, first of all would get me angry and i stand up for myself. They make me look like a trouble maker. Each time this happen happens[indiscernible]. The same thing happensthe last time i had trouble was when i was trying to vote. They changed the hours of the voting making it early. I want to voice my concerns about it. Nobody listened to me. I wrote a complaint and they didnt take the complaint. I threw the paper at him. Thats when the sheriff broke my hand and sent me to jail for three days. [indiscernible]. Its been 23 years in the business. Im calling to defund the San Francisco Police Department. The San Francisco Police Department has not done anything or any type of out reach to us. They do not need to be there. Those ar are all the members that wanted to speak today. Thank you for your comments. Can we be connected to the next caller please. Hello. Good afternoon board of supervisors. Are you listening . I live in district eight and am a project supervisor for Child Support services. Im currently represented ten to one. We are a federally owned program administered to the state of california providing much needed local Public Service to twenty thousand parents on pa paternity establishment and orders. The San Francisco department of Child Support services is a non general fund agency. The budget is nearly 13 million and is funded entirely at 66 percent and 34 percent respectively. Child support services should not be burdened by the 10 cut of other services. Information in the Budget Hearing process. More accuracy needs to bethe financial reconciliation at the end of each year has resulted in a growing gap between the overly inflated projection and unspent actual dollarsthe department uses its own discretion with little to no oversight. Threatening employees with making hard decisions. These purchases include inflated amounts to other thank you. Your comments have been concluded. Before were connected to the next speaker i should mentionhang on just a moment please. Please begin. Couple of issues. Weve been asking for so long for a neighborhood planner to be assigned. We need money from the budget to support that. It would really help us a lot. We have a major food deficit. We dont have a food pantry. Because of the food insecurities, they are asking for 150,000, that would really help us a lot. Finally as a board member and former residentthis organization has been putting out a lot during covid and havent been paying their employees. The city hasnt reimbursed the total cost for permanent support of Housing Providers. Its costing these organizations a lot. These are all nonprofits. Is there anything you can do to help the permanent support of housing for their employees who are at great risk doing facetoface work with the public. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Thank you for your comments. Before we take the next caller. Just a small bit of house keeping. Just to thank our interpreters who have been on the call. They will have to, however, leave the meeting at 5 00 oclock. Can we take the next caller, please. Is there a caller on the line . Moderator can you please connect us to the next caller. Hi. Good afternoon. Im calling to advocate for funding of housing subsidies and resources for homeless families. If these services are cut they will disproportionately effect families of color. I work these families. They are struggling to afford their rent and feed their children. This has only become harder with covid. They end up on the street or being pushed out of the city. Its unacceptable that any San Francisco resident be put in these conditions during covid and the fire situation. I urge you to make deep investments in housing subsidy programs. Thank you for your comments. Could you connect us to the next call irer, please. Caller, youre live for the budget appropriations committee. Could we come around to this caller after weve taken the next one. Is there a caller on the line . Im from district nine. Im calling due to the cutsive been volunteering at the philippino Community Center for the last four months helping to deliver meals. Being able to eat for the week and having access to services and a 24 seven hot line isnt something that people should be fighting tooth and nail for. These are essential services. Many are elderly folks who dont know who they can turn to and cant use a computer. They are scared and confused. This cut limits the reach of Education Research to our immigrant communities p communi. I would like to demand reinvestmentthe people arent backing down. Our budget should reflect the needs of our immigrant and black communities. Take a look at the budgets laid out and what we need. Can we take the next caller, please. Caller are you on the line . Moderator, perhaps you can connect us to the next caller and we can come back to this one. Is there a caller on the line . Hello . Hello. Welcome. Please begin. Hello . Hello. Please begin your comments. I just spoke. Okay. Thank you very much. Hello . Yes, please begin. Hi. Im standing here with a couple of coworkers. So there will be two following me. Im a clinical case manager at San Francisco Community Case manager. Im calling to urge to maintain funding for transgender led services as well as the hiv services. I was homeless for many years. I was a sex worker and suffered from discrimination and inequality. I too also have been an addict who has been an addict and turned li their live around. Living in such a great and diverse city such as San Francisco is unacceptable. Any cuts to Trans Services would be devastating as we need housing, food, and services especially during these times. It i come to you in hopes oy community. My experience of na navigating e systemi moved to th from the philippines knowing i could finally be myself. I left home seeking refugeim still unlearning the trauma under the covid 19 pandemic. I am thankful for Community Based organizations which prove to be a greater blessing. These organizations have ultimately become a source of inspiration and healing. To those who rely heavily on programming, the funs could play a big stake on how society treats our people. I would like to see more accessibility and sustainabili y keeping us protected in these trying times. We appreciate your work and all you do for our community. Thank you. Moderator, can we be connected to the next call please. Hello. I called to say chaim o sayism u for[indiscernible]. Fire all officers and sheriffs deputies. Were funding a Police Department im a resident and voter of district 11. I urge you to defund, disarm, and dismantle the sfpd department in this historic moment. I know charge is hard and scary but the time for change has come. We cant shove it off to next years Budget Hearing. We need to be brave. Caller, have we lost you . Are you still there . Thank you for your comments. Could we get to the next caller, please. Many many Vital Services. In addition, i make a request on the out reach. Were seeking restoration of cuts advocacy for public benefits, prevention of evictions, housing loss and services to survivors of Domestic Violence. We offer services in several languages. We focus on housing issues. Our clients are low income. Thank you for your comments. Moderator, could you connect us to the next caller, please. Ive received collectively support for families each year. Expand the capacity to address the increase and needs of vulnerable families. Ensure long term sustainability. We can meet the score the needse most vulnerable. I urge you to defund, disarm, and defund the sfpd. They have not been shown to have any correlation or impact on crime. Communities harmed by policing. Police dont keep us safe. Housing, education and reparations keep us safe. Thank you for your comments. Could we be connected to the next caller, please. Is there a caller on the line . Hello . Hello. Please begin. Thank you. Im a resident of district seven for five years. [indiscernible]. Ive been on the line for over six hours. Black people are a foundational group. We are the most displace logose. It is not acceptable that the same department that murdered countlessthere are three Cultural Centers in the city of San Francisco. [indiscernible]. Black people are taking the hardest hit from this pandemic. We ask you to r reallocate fundg for a black centered. Thank you for your comments. Moderator, could you please connect us to the next call. Good afternoon, supervisors. We ask that you continue to empower with the resources to maintain these and other Community Partnerships including those put forward by the justice coalition. We ask that you restore the fund thats were cut by the respons responsewe must continue to protect San Francisco immigrants from threats with the hot line. This unique resource prevents families from being torn apart by ice. Rather than cutting resources from marginalized communities. These funds should be invested in organizations that support black and brown communities and other groups who need support recovering from the pandemic and decades and centuries of marginalization. Thank you for your comments. Could we be connected to the next speaker, please. Is there a caller on the line. I believe this caller is multi tasking, we should move on it to another. Hello. Yes, youve connected to our live meeting. Please begin. Im a nurse at San Francisco General Hospital. I work in the icu. Working at the Trauma Center is both rewarding and challenging. I chose to work here because it serves the under served population. Its challenging because were in the grip of this dreadful pandemic. We do demanding work with limited resources. Were truly essential workers. We find that the mayor has preferred a budget that eliminateeliminates our hard ead resources. Were chronically under staffed. Nurses and board staff are burned out beyond belief. The mayor has access in over a billion dollars in reserves. Im a volunteer Child Care Provider for a front line worker. Im also advocating for defunding police. I think early care and education is important. Our youth needs protection not to be incarcerated. Our teenagers are very vulnerable to get in trouble these days. Please use the funding from the police to fund other educational and organizational programs for protecting families in San Francisco. Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your comments. Moderator could you connect us to the next speaker, please. Hello, im in district eight. Im calling to request this board divest from sfpd and reinvest in programs. Do not cut fundingsfpd is responsible for harassment of ourpolice do not get anyone off drugs or off the street. Especially during a health and housing crisis, they do not deserve such an embarrassing portion of our fund. I urge you to really listen to what were asking of you. I remind you that you work for us. The people calling in. Not for police unions, the Mayors Office, or your future political aspirations. Thank you very much. Thank you for quu your comme. Can we be connected to the next caller, please. Im speaking on baf o behalfe justice and diversity center. We have the act to connect into a wide array of services in house. Our ability to offer this approach for free legal and social services is support from city and county of San Francisco. Im calling to support the mayors budget to the extent it extends to social services in our city. I encourage increases in Nonprofit Services and funding. Thank you very much. Thank you. Could we get the next caller, please. Hi. Can you hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Please begin. Hi. Im the cofounder and executive director of open door legal. We opened our first office in bay view. In the last few years weve represented about five people on almost every block in district ten. Of our clients over 50 were black. We believe communities of colorwe are asking for one point five million in funding forthank you. Thank you for your comments. Could we be connected to the next caller, please. Hi. I live and work in district five. Im joining the countless others to disfund, disarm, and disband the sfpd. Instead support services that will best serve our community. My mom try today explain the violence to the Police Officers. Every time the police would ask, what would you like us to do. The police never connected my mother to Domestic Violence serve services. Instead they left us behind. Ththe police suck up valuable dollarsbe bold. Take a stand against the madam, chair, i should share that we still have 54 voices. They would ask that we take a break. Lets take a 20 minute break . I think 20 minutes is more than generous. After a short recess, well recess at 550. Thank you very much

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