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Sixty one percenthousing is not to allow treatment enforcement. If no one will do enforcement, it will also be a waste of time and money. how many callers do we have in the queue . i understand there are five callers left in the queue. Actually theres six. okay. hi thank you for the thought that was put into this revised presentation. Today the coordination across all services for the unhoused is a huge gap resulting in too many unresolved interactions. City personnelif theres a problem with the number of beds available or the number of resources, we want to make sure the resources are available. Please make sure neighbors who regularly see an interact with on the street are a part of that process. Ensure that all groups that are working towards this attained goal and vision work at innovating budgethave the special outcomes and street crisis teams work with other agencies so things that can benefit from Behavioral Health services actually use the services. Thank you so much for all your work, we know its hard. thank you. Next caller. We are reaching the end of our agenda. This is basically last call for Public Comment. If you are interested in giving Public Comment on item number four please call. coordinated care obviously is an important issue here. I want to emphasizewhen the system that by law is set up where we were supposed to ensure that people who were mental little ill and not able to hanle their money to get housing to have their basic needs met or who were addictsthen they are allowed to live in the street. They dont have rent to pay. Nobody except well paid workers has the amount of exposable cash. When that money is supposed to be going for their housing instead. They are not capable of managing that and it goes to drug dealers. People who are mentally ill, self medicate. People who are drug dealers victimize these people. Again, we need to have practic practical thank you. Next speaker. good afternoon chair and supervisors. Im a leader of rescue sf. I urge you to support and fund the crisis response. This doesnt work for people in crisis, it needs to use important city resources. It frawf fuft frustrates neighbe people suffering and wandering the streats everyday. Streets everyday. Im distraught over conditions on our street. As supervisor walton noticedwe feel sadness apri sadness and fd like to help people on our streets. The violent behavior makes it unsafe for neighbor it assist them. This iwe dont see the city addg the crisis. Thats why theres a grass roots coalition. So you can hear our voices in a conductive manner. Our department of Public Health failing all of us. Its failing our homeless rez hs residents an neighbors. Lack of resources is not an acceptable answer. E ph needs to rethink where its placing its resources. Department of Public Health, you are chartered to ensure our Public Health. You rapidly pivoted to deal with covid 19. You need a Rapid Response deep. We see people dying on our street. thank you. Next speaker. hello. Im from the association for[indiscernible]. I think a lot of the citizens of San Francisco dont know is that the only housing available, the only Service Available for people with homelessness is if they are insane or drug abusers. Mental problems and drug abusers. They do not help people if they have medical problems. People have been on the streets a long time before covid 19 s c. I think people have no criminal violent history should be sproa providing housing during a pandemic. Its an actual medical thing that needs to be addressed. There are certainly a lot of nut cases out there and dangerous ones. I have no idea how many Homeless People died of this pandemic. Homeless arm gedon. Lower people on drugs on the street. hello. I will make this brief since i am chiming in on this agenda item as we wrap up. The focus is on the mentally ill population. I support the viewpoint as expressed by rescue sf and a couple of the other callers. Im against defunding the police. I view the police as essential in this effort. Thank you for your time. thank you. Next speaker. supervisors, when it comes to quality of life issues, over the last 15 years today in San Francisco, we are the lowest. Weve tried dumping those that we should be helping in our jail ses. And so called navigation centers. None of these places have wrap around services. The people that we have living in the [indiscernible]. How many people of color are there to help the most needy, the most surferrinsuffering. San francisco charge, the mayor, supervisors rk the ssupervisorst humanity. Shame on yall. thank you. Next speaker. hello. I want to echo the comments of so many speakers. Yes, we need to sup or th suppot teams. We need to embrace sleeping villages. This is in addition to more permanent Affordable Housing. This is an interim tool for us to help people get off scary unsafe sleeping situations and more supported sleeping villages all over the city. There was an article done a while back about 42 sites in the safe sleeping villages. I think every district including district five should seriously be working with our supersizors an thsupervisorsand the board ty advocate with these sites in the district and neighborhoods. We should not just decide that the tender loin and bay view are containment zones. Every neighborhood need to step up and volunteer in our neighborhoods. Thank you very much. thank you. Next speaker. my name is victor. Im someone who lives with a serious mepta mental illness. Fortfortunately im able to accs prey goopretty good care. I wanted to raise the concern around conservatorship. Sometimes people are not able to make the decisions for themselves. In those cases i would say they could use some conservatorship. However, i want to point out that we already have a aot in place which is a strongly designed system of care and its staged and it allows the person who is living with Mental Health illness to be empowered along the process. It doesnt take away the process from them. It does not need to be disped expedited. Yesterday i had a friend that was in crisis and suicidal. The only option i had was to call the police. The police went to her aid. Im strongly in favor of non police staff twenty four seven to go an help folks rather than taking ourmy population into the jails. I would ask you all who want to conserve people at a quicker rate, where are you going to put these people . We have seen a drastic drop in beds in San Francisco. Some people need long term care. Youre going to bring very very seriously menially ill folks thank you. Next speaker. i guess its my turn. Im really disappointed in th thein this program. I live in the tender loin. People need help. This is the fact that black lives movement is across the country. It should not be the police that are doing this. We need an alternative. It should be people who are trained in Mental Health and Assistance Available as an alternative to the system. This is exactlymaybe the wrong slogan, defun the pleas. Defund the the police. But maybe reassign under the purview of professionals. The reform that was made hasnt been making. The police are not the appropriate vehicle. can we be connected to the next caller, please. hi. Id like to make a couple of comments. One, i am strongly opposed to the idea of having safe sleeping sites at middle schools. I presume at some point these schools will be used again for studentsall adults must be accompanied with a child. Why would you have a bunch of individuals, adults and parking lot and middle schools living there. I have a bunch of safety concerns around that. As far as safe sleeping sites. I would personally love to have a safe sleeping site at a diane finfein steins house that woule great. They need to be useful in places where they are going to use them. Yeah, i think thats pretty much all i have to say. Thank you. all right. The Public Comment is now close. If thr was closed. There was a comment abouti believe that the sick hotels are creating a staffing challenge and the need to focus on resources. This was partly in response to eup visosupervisor waltons que. The persons call was saying why would having folks in the Hotels Create greater staffing needs, shouldnt it be reducing your staffing need because people have a room are presumably its generating less need or having less need. Secondly, isnt it more efficient. If you could talk a little bit about the staffing challenge posed by the hotels. a lot of the staff that we are providing close to the shelter in place hotels as well as the isolation and Quarantine Hotels as well as the covid 19 response across the board come from our existing clinical programs. We are tapping the capacity a considers all of our clinical programs, out patient programs, Childrens Program it staff those hotels sm the staf hotels. The staff we had precovid 19 they are all tapped, were stretching everybody. the other thing that ill add is that we are doing comprehensive assessment of everybody we d mit we admit to s and the isolation hotels. When you have people concentrated, newly housed, its really striking how much need you upcover. As we mentioned before, weve been concerned about people in crisis in the hotels about overdoses in the hotels. Its quite disruptive for people to be manufactured where they are living with community an others they trust living close to them and put them into a individual hotel room. There is kuwait a lot of need in the hotel. all right. If my colleague doz not have any other questions or comments. I want to close by thanking dr. Hammer and director simons and mr. Wagner for all of the work youve done in preparation for the june hearing. I think youve given the mayor an board of supervisors a gift in terms of a path towards implementation oaf thimplementat year. Youve shown us the cost of what it would take to make some of these investments if we must make these investments on the streets. Think it is now a question of political willing on th will ons that get made in this building. The budget is currently with the mayor. I have asked she prioritize these investments in her budget. I spoke with saw with supervison and she very much wants to see Mental Health prioritized this next year. I serm wan certainly want to the folks that called in and under scored the tremendous need. I want to thank my colleagues for being willing toif youre not one day of hearings on this but two. Im going to nowthe work hear at Public Safety and services is done. It will continue at the Budget Committee in august. I hope that the people who called in to make themselves heard as the board finalizes the budget. I will move that we file this hearing. We do a roll call on that right . roll call mr. Chair, there are three ayes. great. The motion passes. Thank you mr. Clerk. Thank you d ph for continuing to deal remarkably with our covid 19 challenges as well. Mr. Clerk do we have anymore Business Today . that conclaweds our business foconcludes our busine. then we are adjourned. Thanks everyone. examing potential vehicles and capabilities for a three month deployment. Just a short deployment and next slide please. Its important to recognize the federal and state regulations that are working in the safety standards. Approval is required if we intend and are able to carry passengers and public pangers. Those are the four types of critical approvals that well need moving forward. An area where were demonstrating without the public. Were recognizing the cd nineteen issues here. In all cases were looking at safety as paramount so working through those type of discussions with the regulatory agencies and with that hwa. Next slide, please. Lets talk about the next steps right now. I already drafted and have submitted the double clickments. Concept of operations. Thats a technical term. Later this year and into early next were going to issue a question for information from potential vendors to get their, in essence thoughts and important Critical Data in terms of how they see the industry here and give us information in drafting a request for proposals. Our intent is to issue it in early 2021. Come back to this board in the spring of 2021. And employment late in 2021. We do anticipate coming back to you periodically. Well come to you in the next three to four months advise you of where we stand. Thats our thought process moving forward. Today is just an information item for all of you to understand and the public to understand where we stand today on this very exciting project. Im open to questions now. Thank you. thank you so much. Exphitioner do you have any questions . how many jobs are lost or replaced for because we have. what were thinking is different technicians are going to be required. Always be able to in essence track where the shultle is and be able to inveen in emergency situations. Just so you are clear in terms of the pilot. They are there and present. Right now thats the thought process. Well learn more as we move forward here. When we talked to potential venters and get deeper into the potential environment. thank you. I know that all of the pilots, we do have actual bodies there obviously this is long term and on going. As we enter through technology which is necessary also be mindful that there are other opportunities that we do provoie for our work force. I do appreciate that. thank you. If i could just add to the answer. Indeed this would actually supplement and compliment the Treasure Island which would continue to operate. This is just to demonstrate. In the longer term the Treasure Island is meant to provide four shuttles for distribution an access to the 25 main line. Its meant to extend the reach. Many folks are absolutely involved in how that integration would happen. got it. Thank you. Seeing no comments from commissioner. Do we have any Public Comment on this item. he wrote in the chat to speak. there are different pilots throughout the United States that have received federal grants. The technology is what allows the vehicle to see whats in front of it, et cetera. i like the most ambitious uses. You wouldnt want to put one of these in downtown San Francisco right now. In the middle of a very crowded congested dynamic environment. That would be the search place. Its being used in that place anywhere. The executive director has been to road one in las vegas, they had a shuttle in a protected lane basically in a loop im told to pick up passengers et cetera. Weve seen it on College Campuses and visited Sacramento State university to see that in play. Also in another county there has been a short deployment in bishop ranch. They are testing often the old Naval Weapons Station there. what is going wrong in an Autonomous Vehicle . really when it comes to the technology right now, whats going wrong and what we have seen is the ability, its very sensitive in terms any object that comes out in front of it. It will break and stop. The question becomes can it do that like a human would do where it recognizes the issue and understands the peril in front of it and continue it proceed. Those are the things we need to look the as part of this. You should see this definitely as a study. theres a driver that tells you what to do. When you your automatic mouse vehiclyour Autonomous Vehiclesh . the Public Utilities commission is the one that provides permits for testing and deployment. Particularlydeployments that invest testing of the public. None are able to provide any commercial services yet. Itswere so early. Most permits are of a rea search nature. We call them testing pilots. Arizona has been morefurther along in allowing more testing. The vehicles all have people in them. They are testing. They put their hands on and call it engagement or disengagement. With these early testing pilots. There are issues and they are identifying the drisks. The regulators are try to goingo ensure the regulations are thorough. This project will be mostly looking at very simple route to see how it performs on the islands. We might have some testing on the segments to see how it does on grades or the foggy conditions sm the point is we want to provide a basis for research and evaluation for members of the public to experience what it feels like and to get feedback. thank you. thank you, so much. Anymore questions . No. Seeing no more questions. Do we have Public Comment . there is no Public Comment. thank you so much. Item three was actually an information item. Madam clerk, will you please call the next item. item four bicycle path information study. thank you so much. I believe it is your show again. yes, it is. Very excited to talk about our update on efforts here. Thank you. You can go to the next slide please. Just to set the context for background. The Transportation Authority utilized two thousand dollars starting in early 2019. The intent was to study the Treasure Island existing plan bicycle net work. There are some gaps that needed to be further investigated and working in partnership with the Treasure Island authority. And other partners that ill mention. Were here to give you some recommendations to improve overall connectivity for all pedestrians and bicyclists. I want to make sure that youre clear on essence. What we see on clear connection points. Areas we believe the public would be very excited to be part of in terms of their experience on the island. The terminal right now is being constructed by Development Team sm the plan is to have that complete in about a year. Thats going to be the transit hub. All the Transit Services coming to and from and on the island. The other project that is important to recognize is in play is the bay Area Authority proposed pathway is what we refer to as the bay skyway project. The intent is to provide a bicycle facility on the bay bridge on the island to the main land of San Francisco. This is the point which is really a beautiful facility right now. Weve included bathrooms and water stations and benches for folk it enjoy their time there. That is in play right now. We constructed that on the westbound on and off ramps. Probably a course of the island that you dont get to visit a lot unless you are familiar with it is the Historic District which is on the way to pier e2. You trief through what drive tl the Historic District. The Development Authority hope it go ahead and have folks coming visit, et cetera. Finally cal trans and the reason we refer to it is e2 was the foundation, one of the old found aigs frofoundations from the ba. They repurposed it into a viewing area. That is something we want to make sure is able to access as part of the net work. Next slide, please. Lets talk about what were most excited about is really developing pedestrian bicycle path on the western side of the island which would lead from the right side of the picture there, viewing landing area, down along hill crest and that road. We see a rare opportunity that i want to chat with you about in that regard. Entails is improvements as part of our contract that we just started recently. Improvements along hill crest road that the Development Authority has received a grant for improvements along hill crest. Their mission is to get folks in the landing area. We thought it was very important and wanted to build a partnership and treb youre tred Development Authority and other partners are excited on our initial discussions. Next slide, please. Im going to talk a little about what youre going to see here is in essence concept thats we looked at in terms of how to improve the situation. Everything here in green is what is being proposed. In light green and also in dark breen off to thgreen off to ther screen. If you imagine coming off the bay bridge coming from the east bay. If you go ahead and follow the path and take one hundred eighty degree turn and go under the bay bridge and the Cross Section that you see there is the Cross Section thats being completed as part of our efforts. The Development Team is actually completing that work on the road itself that would lead all the way down to Treasure Island. Where you see what looks like an oval shaped track in order to meet ada compliance, et cetera is the vision for being able to continue onto that in an oval shaped manner and go towards the west. Lets go ahead to next slide, please. Imagine yourself continuing down the path. Ada compliant along what were calling hill crest and Treasure Island road. Connecting to and above, the next slide, please. Connecting would have above what we call the ydi tunnel. You see the sickle of gra circly thats a critical connection point to connect to that west bay skyway project to bring you into San Francisco. Its also planning now. Im going to complete the journey here and by doing so you go long the groan up the screen along the west side bridges project that were going to Start Construction next year. Thats an aerial view. Were completing our design efforts. Thats a project that were ready to bring to the Transportation Authority board later this year. Early next. Start that project. The thought process here is for us to try and work towards being able to implement a bike path from a construction standpoint. Krict itconstruct it, for almose years well be working at this location starting next year. All the way to 2024. This is the opportunity we think we can have some pretty good cost savings. In terms of being able to construct it now as part of this effort. Were working with our partners to see if we can go ahead and obtain the funding here, moving forward. Next slide, please. Finally what this shows is completing your jurn any all thy down to the hub. Knowing that a Ferry Terminal is going to be open in about a year plus, 12 to 15 months. You have the opportunity for folks to take bikes to the ferry and cross. Were looking at strategic locations for bicycle stations at the terminal and ferry point and other areas of treasure eye lan. Its really something that were very excited p an and heard very positive reactions from our partners up to date. I do now want to focus. Im going to change focus and imagine yourself going from that keywhat i call starting point on the island, vista point. This time were going to go down as if you were going to go pier e2. Its an egress and ingres to the coast guard station. What youre going to do is come down a windy twolane road. Our thought process is to add sidewalks at critical locations to be able to bring folks into the Historic District which was referred to in the past as quarter one. They are basically Historic Buildings all a longs there that currently owns and operates particularly the admiral minutes quarter one facility. Continuing down that windy road, adding sidewalks and bike paths. The Development Team is building now as part of their effort. On the right side of your screen being able to go all the way do. Folks can go ahead and park their good afternoon, everyone. It is now 1 0s p. M. My name is Miguel Bustos and this is the regular meeting on Community Investment and infrastructure. For tuesday, july 21st, 2020. Id like to welcome members of the public who are streamlining on this. Or listening to us live and i want to thank the staff who will be participating in todays meeting. Following the sidelines the members of this commission are meeting remotely to ensure that the safety of everyone including members of the public and thank you all for joining us. Madam secretary, call the first item. Clerk the first order of business is item 1 roll call. Commission members, responded when i call your name. [roll call] clerk commission scott, you are on mute. Commissioner scott is present. [roll call] all members of the commission are present. The next order are of business is idea 2, announcements. Announce a, Public Comment procedures. Please be advised a member of the public has up to three minutes to make Public Comments and on each agenda idea unless the Commission Adopts a shorter period on any items. During each Public Comment period, viewers will be instructed to dial14084189388 and theyll enter the access road 1462925173. Press the pound sign twice and enter the call and when prompted, please press star 3 to submit your request to speak. When you dial star 3, you will hear the following message you have raised your hand to ask a question. Wait to speak until the host calls on you. When you hear your line has been unmuted shall this is your opportunity to provide your Public Comment. You will have three minutes. Please speak clearly and slowly. And you will be placed back on mute when you are done speaking. You can stay on the line and continue to listen to the meeting or you can also chose to hang up. Its best to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and fluently and turn down your television or radio. The next order of business is item 3, report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting, if any. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business is item 4, matters of unfinished business. There are no matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is 5, consisting of regular a again ga. First the consent agenda. Item 5a, approval of minutes, regular meeting of june 16th, 2020. Authorization a First Amendment to the personal Services Contract with a Liability Company contractor and increase the contract amount by 31,000 for a total not to exceed 76,000 and to expend the term by one year through june 30th, 2021 to provide continued Real Estate Advisory Services for the negotiation of disposition and Development Agreement for trancebay block 4, assessors parcel number 3739, portion of lot 008, trance bay redevelopment project area, action, resolution number 16 162020. Do we have anyone that wishes to speak on this item . Trance bay. Clerk members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on these items should call 408 4189388. And enter access code 1462925173 followed by the pound sign and pound sign again. Press star and then throw to be placed in the queue and automated voice will let you know when its your turn. Well give the public a few moments to call in. Are there any members of the public . There are no callers on the line. Clerk thank you. Mr. Chair, at this time, there are no members of the public, on the phone, wishing to comment on this item. No further questions to speak on this item. Commissioners, may i get a motion for these two consent items . I move the item. Thank you. Is there a second . Second. Commissioner scott seconds it and take roll. Clerk please announce your vote for 5a and 5 0 5b. Commissioner bracket commissioner scott. Rosales. Yes. Bustos. The chair is four ayes. Motion carried. Madam secretary, call the next item. Clerk the next is the regular agenda number 5c through 5e related to the plan amendment for the Mission Bay South redevelopment project area will be presented together and acted on separately. 5c approving the report to the board of supervisors on the amendment to the redevelopment plan for the Mission Bay South and redevelopment project and connection with an increase in hotel rooms on the Mission Bay South block 1 hotel parcel and authorizing transmittal the report to the board of supervisors and providing notice that this approval is within the scope of the Mission Bay Redevelopment project, approved under the mission bay final subsequent Environmental Impact report and a program eir and its described in for the purchasing of the California Environmental quality act. And adopting environmental finding pursuant to the California Environmental quality act and Commission Based south redevelopment project area discussion and action and resolution number 172020 and 5d approvalling an amendment to the redevelopment plan for the Mission Bay South, Row Development project in connection with an increase in hotel rooms on the Mission Bay South block 1 hotel parcel, recommending adoption of the redevelopment plan amendment by the board of supervisors and submitting the recommendations including the redevelopment plan amendment to the board of supervisors providing notice that this approval is within the scope of the mission bay Row Development project approved under the mission bay final subsequent Environmental Impact report fseir a program eir and adequately described in the fseir for the purposes of the California Environmental quality act and adopting environmental findings pursuant to the California Environmental quality act Mission Bay South, redevelopment project area discussion and action resolution number 182020. Conditionally authorization an eighth amendment to the Mission Bay South owner participation agreement with focil mh370 mb, lla a delaware limited Liability Company providing notice that this approval is within the scope of the Mission Bay Redevelopment project approved under the mission bay final subsequent Environmental Impact report, fseir, a program eir and is adequately described in the fseir for the purposes of the California Environmental quality act. And adopting environmental findings pursuant to the California Environmental quality act. Mission bay south redevelopment project area, discussion and action, resolution number 192020. Madam director. Good afternoon, thank you madam secretary. Through the chair this item is amendments to the planned documents that would allow for an increase in the number of hotel rooms on block 1, hotel parcel from 250 to 200 and through a conversion of already designed and under construction suites to individual hotel rooms. Also known as the soma hotel. And in addition, we had been before the commission a few times over the years for the major phase application as well as the approval of the project and and we were in front of the commission and given an overview of the mission. Weve been working with the developer over the last year in preparation for this and due to covid or were slightly delayed. I want to just share that the remainder of block one has a 350 unit residential project and the groundfloor for the other half which is currently under construction. Were proposing the changing of the city administrators and the envelope stays the same its riereallocation and one to two g room and a bedroom. I would like the mission bay project team to present on this item. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon chair bustos, vicechair rosales and commissioners bracket and scott and as i english inne mentionedr of the ncaii. There are throw items before you today regarding the soma Hotel Project which would increase the number of hotel rooms in an existing building through the conversion of suits to individual hotel rooms. The conversion will not result in an increasing building area it will have an effect on the exterior of the building. The proposed increase to hotel rooms requires an amendment to the Mission Bay South redevelopment plan and the owner participation agreement as well as to already approve design documents the major phase and basic concept and design or bcsd for the project. As mentioned in this staff memorandum, well bring the bcsd to commission for consideration at a later date. Next slide, please. Here is an overview of todays presentation. First we will cover the three action items before you, and then we will talk about the project currently under construction and how the increase in rooms will be achieved through the division of one and two did he d bedroom su. Well talk about the requirement and we will end with a summary of all of the actions that will happen after the hearing including the schedule for the Planning Commission and the board of supervisors. Resolution 17, 18 and 19 are before you today for approval. Next slide. Current projects. The project under construction on the block 1 hotel parcel is a 250 room total comprised of 213 individual rooms and 37 suites. The hotel will have a pen tease such as meeting room space, a restaurant as well as publicly accessible rooftop space. The project Site Construction in 2018 and is expected to finish in early 2021. Next slide. 2020 and concluded. Here is a visual of the hotel under construction. As well as a rendering of what it looks like upon completion. Again, the did vision of suites will be completed through interior work and will have no affect on the e exterior. This is us in the Mission Bay South project area and shows the square of the soma and block one and to the east park to the north which is also under construction and channel street to the south and to the west. The project area is well received by neighborhood Resale Services and transit as shown on this amenities map. Next slight proposed project. Soma will divide suites into 49 individual rooms. Since Commission Approved in 2014, soma hotel has seen changes in the hotel market and does not expect as high as a demand for suites. This proposed change requires an amendment to the redevelopment plan and opa and in those documents, a requested increase is rounded to 50 rooms versus 49. The increase will need to be reflected through a bcsd and major phase amendment. The last bullet of this slide notes that all the of the agency whos review this item for approval, including plan, the board of supervisors, the Oversight Board and the California Department of finance. Next slide. Proposed changes. The table on the slide shows the change from the current project to the proposed project. The proposed change leaves nine suites remain north the program. And you can see in the second row, the buildings over all Square Footage is the same because the additional rooms will be achieved by moving interior walls and adding doors. Next slide. This slide shows the typical flor plan afloor plan at the hoe and twobedroom suites. They will be divided into individual rooms. Each suit has a living room which will be converted into an individual room. Next slide, Plan Document amendment. The revalment plan is an increase in the number of hotel rooms on block one. There are also minor language deletions doing with the 2013 redevelopment plan amendment which was also associated with block one. This gave the developer at the time the flexibility to build either 350 units of residential and a 250room hotel and a larger 500 hotel room on the site. They performed the former option so the hotel parcel to soma hotel and finished the units in late 2017. Next slide community outreach. They were presented to the Commission Citizens advisory and and they have discussed this proposal to divide during a construction related community meeting. And there were no questions or comments from the community regarding the suit conversion. Next slide. Small business enterprise. The project complies with the south opa program and diversity and economic development. Which includes ociis Small Business enterprise or sbe program. Soma hotel participation rates have charge ove changed over thf the project it has made efforts and worked with ocii team to do so. Workforce program. So soma hotel has worked with ocii on the local hiring for construction jobs and since it began construction in 2018. In addition it has begun to plan for permit jobs through conversations with the office of economic and Workforce Development and ocii regarding Hospitality Industry training placement. Next slide. Finally, as mentioned earlier, there are approval entities with the Plan Document changes after commission today and it slides out of the Planning Board of supervisors and Oversight Board hearings as well as the final mayoral Signature Department of finance and determination and Effective Date for the redevelopment plan amendment. This concludes our presentation and we can answer any questions you may have. Also on the line for this item and available for questions from ocii are mark, the project manager for mission bay. George bridges, contracts compliance supervisor and jose compose. From the project sponsor soma hotel on the line are amy, project manager and eric smith, district offedirector of operat. We have a law firm are also available. Thank you so much. Madam secretary, do we have anyone on the phone who would like to speak on this item . At this time, members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 408 4189388 and enter access code 1462925173 followed by the pound sign and pound sign again. When prompted, please press star 3 to be placed in the queue and automated voice will let you know when its your turn to withdraw your question. Press star 3 again. Well give the public a few moments to call in. Bracket. We have month members of the public wishing to speak on this item. No further questions to speak on this item from the public i will close Public Comment. My fellow commissioners for any comments or questions. Commissioner, do you have any comments or questions . Can i go last . Sure. Commissioner scott. Are there any questions or comments you have about this item . No questions just the comments that being that there are no changes on the experience and just changes for the interior and i just totally am for this project and this speaks on how its moving so thank you for your presentation and the work thats being done with this. Thank you, i have a question about the retail space. I apologize that im having challenges and i dont have the handout but i believe it was a 4,000 square foot space and i was plans for the activation space. If you for that question vicechair rosales and if its a 4,000 square foot restaurant space, its on the mezzanine level of the hotel and eric smith or amy from the hotel might have more information on the plans for that space. This is eric commit, good afternoon. For the retail space, we have not identified a tenant or a concept at this time. Were or possibly something else. It could be any one of those actually. As i said, its just not been finalized. Thank you vicechair rosales. Commissioner brackett, back to you. I just like to get a handle on, i know that you lightly mentioned the specific width around the local hiring piece and i just was wondering if you have any hard numbers on the previous project in terms of the percentage of local hire and local businesses that were hired on the previously project. Thank you for that question. George bridges is on the line and i believe can address your questions. Yes, good afternoon commissioner bustos, commissioner scott, commissioner brackett. Initially the project came in at 52 sbe participation, the 28. 5 minority and 18. 5 womenowned business and the project has continued to employ a diverse team of consultants with regards to the hotel itself, they brought on an African American local architect to help them with the restaurant and were really excited about that and daryl and davis with Dna Communications has been working with the soma hotel from the conception of the project and with regards to construction, theyre at 14. 5 sbe and bewbe and their tenant improvement work is Still Available for local small minority owned businesses so were looking forward to increasing local hire in that regard. The workforce, the construction has been consistent with other oci projects running around 16 local hire. And with regards to the end use, the citys first source hiring programs, is the soma hotel obligation for permanent enduse jobs and we met with the Mayors Office of economic and Workforce Development last week and we met with the soma Hotel Representatives eric and amy on friday. And we are really excited about the opportunity for here entry level and other opportunities at the soma hotel working closely with the Mayors Office of economic and Workforce Development and i believe they have a meeting set up in the next two weeks which is really quite an advance from the opening of the hotel which was spring next year. We hope theyll continue to collaborate and make opportunities for folks that live in the city to work closely to where they live. So i guess i have a couple followup questions. Seeing that were only at 14. 5 , of local hire, are there any other plans that you guys have to increase that number working with inaudible have you figured out ways that you will increase that number, especially considering right now were going through covid and we expect to see an increase in unemployment in San Francisco and people looking for jobs in the next year or so with this project. Have you guys talked with oewd about that . Yes, commissioner brackett. We met with oewd a couple weeks ago to strategize for the next annual report and were looking at ways to think about how can we increase local hire, hold contractors and developers for first consideration given to those that live in the city. So as we continue to discuss strategies with city build, and can them, were hopeful that on our projects well deincrease and were still insid in the mif analyzing that data so well be back with you next month and hopefully well vaber strategy of moving forward and ensuring that folks especially in the southeast have access to our projects. Last question, just wanted to hear from you. I know you mentioned that there was an area you guys were trying to increase hire tenant improvement. Can you give me an idea of what you are looking for or what areas ite encompasses. Id like to ask amy from soma hotel to talk about the availability of the tenant improvement work. Good afternoon, commissioners, can you hear me . Hi, good afternoon. We have two, the groundfloor and ti project and the retail base and theyre still will be going under construction. Those two spaces we have, thats what were speaking of when we say future opportunity for more first source hiring. Through our contractor. Thank you. And one last question, i know you guys might have additional retail space besides the 4,000 square foot restaurant, are you planning on having a amenities within the hotel that may be open to Small Business contracting like a gift shop and a coffee shop or anything else like that within the property itself . Thaw guys might be or are seeing out to the Wider Community . Thank you for that question commissioner brackett. This is gretchen with ocii. Amy, would you be able to answer that question . Im sorry. I will defer to eric smith on the operational side of the project to answer the question. Eric, are you available . I am. Good afternoon, again. Currently, the only items or additional items we have besides the retail on the ground level is the rooftop restaurant and bar. Theres a possibility of a small coffee shop, coffee bar that well put on the ground level and its a kiosk type. So that at the moment is really the only opportunities that were presenting to have. Thank you so much. So i want to go back to commissioner bracketts questions regarding local hire. You know, when we look at mission bay and we look at how the fact that this was a former redevelopment area, we look at it as a Community Resource and we partner obviously with some businesses and some companies to help build it out and at end of the day, its really just about doing the right thing. Hiring san franciscans to build their city. So, amy and i hope you can work with george and others. Here is an opportunity for the soma hotel to say, you know, we are not only are we interested and building but were very much interested in lifting up a community. That is one thing that the commissioners, i know, all agree that and beating the drum about this, and see it as an investment. See it as an investment and other projects you want to have in the city. I hope that you take to heart our dough sire that we get people from this area and give them an opportunity to help build the area and i know that you have subcontractors but as the main company, you have leverage and you can help influence and i see corporate america, i would utilize that influence to help our subjects do even greater work and most often than not it wasnt a heavy lift on the part of the company, but it was a tremendous help to the local communities. I did work through out the americas so where i went, i tried whether its mexico city, brazil, i even tried to make sure that i wasnt just there doing something as a transaction, that i was trying to transform and help the community thrive in those areas so, i look forward to the numbers next month that you offered. I hope given were starting early, soma hotel could really stand for that so i would appreciate everyones efforts and we all would appreciate everyones everyday in trying to raise up a higher number and really just providing people with opportunity. Right. What a time to be able to say, were doing this. So, thank you for the presentation. So, were going to be voting on these items individually and we will start with item agenda ite. May i have a motion for this item . Yes, mr. Chair. I move we approve of the items c to record to the board of supervisors from the amendment of the reval plan for the Mission Bay South redevelopment project in connection with increased and hotel rooms on the Mission Bay South black one resolution 17 2020. Is there a second . I will second. Vicechair rosales . Great, again, we were going to vote separately on this item starting with item 5c. Madam secretary, please take roll. Clerk commission members, please respond when i call your name. Commissioner brackett. Abstain. Commissioner scott. The vote is three ayes, one abstain. Motion carries. For item number 5d, may i have a motion . I move we approval the 5d approving an amendment to the redevelopment plan for the Mission Bay South redevelopment project and connection with resolution number 182020. Thank you, commission scott. Do i have a second . Yes, i will second. Thank you voice chair rosales. Madam secretary, take roll for item number 5d. Clerk please announce your vote for item 5d when i call your name. You were on mute. Abstained. Commissioner scott. Yes. Vicechair rosales. Yes. Chair bustos. The vote is three ayes one abstained. Motion carries. May i get a motion for item number 5e . Mr. Chair, i move that we authorization an eighth amendment to the Mission Bay South, owner participation agreement, resolution number 1 192020. Thank you, may i have a second . I will second. Thank you voice chair rosales. Madam secretary, please, take roll. Commissioner members, please announce your vote for 5e, when i call your name, commissioner brackett. Abstain. Commissioner scott. Yes. Vicechair rosales. Yes. Chair bustos. Yes. Clerk the vote is 3 ayes the ayes, one abstention. Please call the next item. The next regular item is item 5f, approving an amendment and restated 457, deferred Compensation Plan and to confirm as needed the plan to applicable law in accordance with its terms. Discussion and action resolution number 202020. Madam director. Thank you, madam secretary through the chair. It looks like we are ready to present on this item. This is to enhance staff benefits to staff and were excited to move this item forward. With that ill turn it over for a overview of the program. I know she has representatives from mass mutual who are available to respond to questions as well. Good morning, commissioners. My name is brie and im the Deputy Director for finance and administration and as a executive director said, were here today to talk about how to update or updating our deferred plans. Im waiting for the powerpoint to come on. Ill give it a minute. Jamie, can you put it on the third slide. Commissioners, a deferred Compensation Plan is a plan that is of benefit to the employee because it allows them to take a part of their earnings, pretaxed, with hold it, send it to their deferred Compensation Plan, the administrator then invests those money on the employees behalf and overtime that money grows and contributes to that employees retirement savings. In the private sector, this is known as a 401k plan in the Public Sector its known as a 457 plan. Ocii started out with the plan and we were the Redevelopment Agency and we have continued with that same plan through the dissolution of the current date. Our current plan has 120 participants and that is current and active employees and retirees and the plan is administered by mass mutual and has been essentially since the inception of the plan and the plan is run, according to a document that is very creatively referred to as the Plan Document, which is essentially a list of all the of the rules by which the program is administered and that primarily has to conform to i. R. S. Regulations. Because it is a tax deferred retirement plan, the i. R. S. Obviously has a strong interest in the way these plans are implemented. Ocii last updated its planned document in 2007. So, what we are coming to you odd to discuss is a number of changes to the planned document that would bring the planned document uptodate with current irs regulations and add two new sets of benefits for employees. Jamie, if you could move to the next slide. The proposed changes fall into three broad categories. The first category reflects changes made to the plan to reflect i. R. S. Regulations that have changed since 2007. And those run the gamut from small Administrative Changes like allowing employees to have completely Paperless Administration of their plan and to go fully electronic, to more substantive changes that are in line with i. R. S. Regulations, for example, i. R. S. Regulations now say that compensation received as an independent contractor is eligible for participation in a 457 plan, compensation received as military pay, is allowable as to participate in a 457 plan and employees may now change their deferral amount instead of just a quarter end. So, the general council, the director of administration and hr and i met over a period of six months and talked with mass muse actual the Plan Administrator and reviewed these changes and confirmed that the changes were administrative in nature or a benefit to the employees. The second bucket of changes is related to allowing employees to borrow from their held earnings, so with that, it means if an employee is with holding a certain amount of money from their paycheck every pay period and contributing that to their retirement account, they could borrow from their own with holdings up to 50,000 or 50 of their vested amount and they would borrow those funds at an Interest Rate that is equal to prime plus 1 and prime is the lowest rate that they charge each other to borrow. A very favorable Interest Rate and less than they would pay if they were borrowing the funds through some commercial means. The funds would be repaid essentially the employee would be repaying themselves through automatic withdrawal from an employee designated account. The third set of benefits that we would like to now offer to employees are related to benefits that were allowed by the cares act and the cares act was the act passed by congress in march of 2020 in response to covid19 and looking for ways to alleviate the financial burden of covid on throughout the country t allowed for changes the first would be to allow penalty free withdrawals of up to 100,000 in the calender year of 2020 currently you have to pay hefty penalty on that amount and impact could withdraw and and and currently if they can borrow 50er and if we were to make it and allowed to borrow and it would allow for loan repayments to be suspended for a full year and that means currently they are required to take them from their retirement with holdings and in order to not enforce retirees to take distributions when the market is down, this would allow so those are the three primary buckets of changes were proposing. One making changes to update the plan to march current i. R. S. Regulation and two allowing employees to borrow from their own withheld funds and allowed by the cares act. If you can go to the next slide. So, ocii staff, myself, the general council, and the director of Human Resources and administration, met with local 21 and sciu Union Members and staff representatives on june 30th, 2020 to discuss these proposed changes and Neither Union had any objections. So with that, i am happy to answer any yes. Theres a time members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment should call 14084189388 enter 1462925173 and enter the pound sign and pound sign again and when you are in, please press star 3 to be placed in the queue and automated voice will let you know when its your turn to withdraw your question please press star 3 again. Well give the public a few moments to call in. Please put through any callers once they enter their request. Thank you. Please press star 3. There are no callers on the line. So chair, at this time, there are no more members on the phone wishing to comment on this item. Hearing no further questions to speak on this item ill close Public Comment and ill turn to my fellow commissioner. Commissioner brackett, do you have questions or comments . No comments or questions. We hear a little feedback so whoever that is, please, make sure you mute your line. Thank you. Ok. It appears to be so generous and thoughtful in light of can you still hear me . Yes. In light of covid to consider the families and the emergencies that are popping up without any warnings. Im pleased to hear and i so i am for this. We have a motion, may i have a second. I second. Commissioner brackett has a second. Madam secretary, please take roll. Please announce your vote for item 5f when i call your name, commissioner brackett. Yes. Commissioner scott. Yes. [roll call] madam secretary, please call the next item. The next item is 5g, delegating authorities to the executive director to adopt Successor Agency policies during the publichealth emergency, consist ants with the Compensation Plan for covid19, as the city and county of San Francisco. Discussion and action resolution number 212020. For the benefit of the employees in light of covid19, the various agencies from local and this action would allow us to implement and make those benefits available to employees. Hopefully you all can hear me. I have technical issues. Jamie, if you are ready for the slide. Ok. Good afternoon, chair bustos and commissioners, thank you for your time today. The actions before you today, as executive mentioned that they are paid leave and employment policies that ocii wishes to implement and cod fie emergency and the goal of these policy is to provide income security for staff and should they unfortunately impacted due to the publichealth order and it is of note they are consistent with the city and county of San Franciscos policies that they implemented and the slide speaks to, the authority under which the agency is proposing to the adoption of these policies are as follows. Mayor breeds proclamation and declaring existence of a local emergency and the proclamation authorization the city and county of San Francisco Hr Department to create a paid leave policy. The San Francisco Public County Health Office Shelter in place order in subsequent shelter in place orders as well as governor newsoms shelter in place orders and the federal family first coronavirus responsibility. These are the provisions in place that grants or agency to implement the policies that are coming forward for discussion. Jamie, next slide. So, the first large policy is the federal paid sick leave policy and there are five criteria that staff have for the use of this. There must be a federal state or local shelter in place order. You must be under selfquarantine and experience you may be caring for an individual under a quarantine supported thaanindividual and ig for a son or daughter or a school or place of care has been closed to covid19. That also includes childcare providers. Next slide, please. So, for the type of leave, there are three primary leaves, the first say federal paid emergency sick leave and it would grant staff 80 hours of paid sick leave. You see the different criteria that could apply. Covid19 diagnosis quarantine order or School Closure for child or elder care and in addition, theres additional paid sick leave. All staff will receive 80 hours of addition pay sick leave and this may be used for any purpose and we are monitoring the citys policy and we hope to monitoring the same. In addition theres leave advancement and that will provide 80 hours of pay leave and this would be available should staff exhaust the federal sick leave, any additional sick leask and exhaust their own balances. And then, the last benefit there you see is employee furlough due to work side closure and lack of work. So, should an employee who is able to work, may be due to not working available or lack of equipment we will continue to pay them salary and thankfully were providing our critical work to the public. Theres an Employment Policy that we are asking the commission to act on our labor agreements have a provision that says when you reach a certain cap on vacation or floating holidays, you have to use them and they cant carry over and this position of is would allow the agency to wave those caps pas as you cabecause with the sn place and certain travel restrictions, staff cant take kavis so thivacation so they wot crew at their current level and they can crew up 80 hours over the maximum during over the duration of the emergency and employees will have until december 31st, 2021 to take vacation or reduce the balance so theres a long time to burn those balances. Also, employees can rollover floating holidays over the limit through a fiscal year 2021 and 2022. Also, staff who have legal holidays, they can be carried over as well. Next slide, please. In addition, the last Employment Policy has relayed compensatory time for eligible and non eligible employees for purposes of definition and eligible employees not non exempt, non exempt staff would earn overtime unless they elected to get comp time. So for comp time, employees are allowed to earn up another additional 80 hours of comp time over the current cap during the publichealth emergency. This is also extended through december 31st, 2021 and for comp time for an eligible employee they may earn up to 80 hours of compensatory time on an hourforhour basis during the publichealth emergency. Of note, co compensatory time is cash out and any time would have to be used by december 31st, 2021. Next slide, please. Our labor partners, we met with our labor partners, local 21 and seiu local 21 on june 30th, 2020. Our labor partners raised no objections to the days for most commission and they are in agreement with moving forward. With that, i am happy to answer any questions after Public Comment. Thank you, very much. Madam secretary, can we have the public who wishes to speak on this item. At this time, members of the public, who wish to provide Public Comment on this item, should call 408 4189388 and enter 1462925173 and pound sign again replace the jew to withdraw your question please press star 3 again for members of the public, who are already listening to us by phone, please press star 3 if you wish to sub my a Public Comment at this time. Well give a public again a few moment to call in if they havent already. There are no members of the public wishing to comment on this item. One question is, the changes to the paid leave cap is that only due to it being a thing an emergency and does that go back post covid19 and is in a permanent change. It is. Thank you commissioner. It is related to the publichealth emergency should it be extended or once the publichealth emergency has been lifted, then it would go back to the regular cap. I dont know if theres any longterm financial implications of the non capped paid days. Its shelter in place and you answered my question. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner scott. Just the comments that im just really deeply moved by the sense of integrity and compassion for this time and season that were all going through. Vicechair rosales. Questions or comments . I had a question regarding inaudible . Im assuming that the additional leave, which i think are all wonderful and hopefully wont necessarily be tapped in the case of someone who falls ill, but if im reading this right, these are separate leads, right. You know, some of them the federal leads comes from federal funds i presume and the others that are local leads would be paid by our budget so if im understanding that correctly, my question is, basically a confirmation so we have the budget to cover these leaves. Yes, the larger answer is yes we do have the budget to ash soshnikov througabsorband it isd and its a riel occasion and making available the flex time so staff and so the budget is the budget. So i am still here and you are 100 correct and i could have left. Thank you. Thank you. That makes sense. Thank you, commissioners, i just want to say to our staff to ensure youre ok. For you to know you matter to us. And that your work is important not only for us as a commission or as a administrative staff but also to the city and your family and so, we want to make sure that you are ok and we have to let you know you matter to us. Im happy were doing this. Thanthank you, naddia, under yor leadership for opening us through and the i move we give authority to adopt the Successor Agency policy during the publichealth emergency. With resolution number 212020. I second the motion. Madam secretary, we have a first and a second. Please take roll for item number 5g. Announce your vote when i call your name. [roll call] the chair is four ayes. Motion carries, madam secretary, please call the next item. The next order of business is item 6, Public Comments on non agenda items. Kale 408 4189388 and interact sis code 1462925173 and press pound and pound sign again and please press star 3 and be placed in the cue to speak and automated voice will let you know when its time. If there are members of the public who are on the line and who wish to submit their request, please press star 3 now. Again, well give a few months for the public to call in. There are no callers on the line. Thank you. Mr. Chair, there are no more members of the public on the phone. Secretary, please call the next item. The next order of business is item 7 report of the chair. Mr. Chair. Clerk item 8, 8a informational memorandum on true marketing outcomes report on Affordable Housing units the avery and first is 450 folsom straight a mixed income rental tower with seven units and second is 250 free mont street, 100 affordable podium with affordable units and transbay project area discussion, 8b informational memorandum on the marketing outcomes report for 10 kennedy place, 10 ennis court, blocks 56 and 57 and 528 hudson 23 and 33 kirkwood avenue both on block 55, Hunters Point shipyard phase 1 and inclusionary below market rate units at 80 area Median Income and Hunters Point shipyard project area discussion. Madam director. Thank you, madam secretary through the chair. We provided a staff report on this item earlier this year and some of us were at the Ribbon Cutting of the avery 250 free mont or the 80 Affordable Housing units. The amenities that is located within the site and cop holders that applied to cop. For the hill soft and shipyard phase 1 and 70 units as you know but 11 units aggregate and we dont have cop leased up here but we have representatives from condition the city who applied. Those are occupied now and staff is on hand to respond to questions. Great, thank you. Its just the report to the executive director and im not sure if theres any questions. There are no questions of the commission. I think we can go to the next item. Are there any questions from the commission . There should be Public Comment. Clerk if i can invite the members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment call 408 4189388 and enter 14629 1462925173 followed by the pound sign and pound sign again. Press star 3 to enter into the cue. Press star 3 if there are any members of the public listening on the phone, please press star 3. Well give the public a few moments. Do we have any callers on the line . There are no callers on the line. Mr. Are no members of the public wishing to comment on this item. My fellow commissioners, to see if they have any questions. I have a question and a comment, ill start with the comment. I was able to attend the opening of the avery and it was really beautiful to hear some of the residents talk about their experience and being able to be in the property it now and some of the rips with their neighbors and so fourth. I did have a question and maybe, im not sure if this happens now or later, but, i know there was some discussion around one of the actual persons who moved into the units and there was a discussion regarding the screening process and that she almost got screened out of the opportunity because there were a couple of credit, very minor credit issues and or lack of resources to getting into the units. So, i was just trying to find out if, as we move forward with other properties, if naddia has comments about what may be happening different and the new properties in terms of maybe additional a suttance that the mohcd may be able to provide or if q foundation the regional funds for that. Thank you, commissioner brackett for the questions. Ill send it over to inaudible to respond to that. Weve been prioritizing this issue because youve raised it a number of times so we are trying to be as aggressive as possible to allow for access to housing. Would you respond to what weve been doing differently and what we are planning . Yes. Thank you commissioner brackett for that question. And, actually, we have worked with this lease up team on a couple of Different Properties and the team usually, and im surprised to hear that one of our applicants was having such a difficult time, and im really sorry for that. The team, we make sure we start from a place where were trying to get people in. Were not trying to lease up with excluding people. So, with that said, on the properties moving forward, absolutely we work from the beginning to the end until 100 occupancy to assure that applicants are giving every opportunity to take advantage of these lease up projects. That said, if in fact we do hear of someone having difficulty dont hesitate to reach out from anyone from the most d team or me and im happy to talk about the process. Commissioner scott. No comment on that. Just are we at comments at the closing or questions and matters . Did we reach that. Were just discussing madam directors information report. No comment. Ok. Vicechair rosales . Yes, thank you. I had a question and a comment. And again i have to thank the staff for the reports because its one of my favorite things to do is read these reports and really understand how folks are receiving housing and entering the housing process and the testimonies are gratifying to read. Thank you again. My question is this and ive raised it before in the report, for instance, on the c. O. T. Applicants for the avery, theres a mention that a couple of the c. O. P. Applicants were over income and in the past, i and other commissioners have expressed the interest in tracking, if you will, or keeping in track with those households that are over income and in the expectations that we have housing in the pipeline that they could qualify for and they would be interested is he i want to ask pam, what are we how are we assisting the over income households that may not have qualified for this round . Can everybody put themselves on mute. Theres someone who has a gentleman speaking behind them or somewhere in the room and its really rude. Please, if you can just put yourselves on mute so that we can hear as well as members of the public can hear the comments that are being made. Thank you. Can commissioner, im sorry, commissioner rosales, can you repeat your question. So, so the c. O. P. Manager and she works with mocd, what we do is we track these individuals and the Home Ownership opportunities that are coming. What is interesting, though, is that these individuals, yes, they were hired and the 50 but theyre falling in the 60, 65 , not quite 70 , 80 where we have units for sale. So, theres this gap, if you will, of Ownership Opportunities for individuals who are over income for some of our that said, we have where it goes to up 08 ami so households still interested in renting, up you will encourage them to apply at the six west project. In addition to that and i havent looked at the ami levels for that is the Home Ownership project that we have coming up in mission bay at block 9a. Hopefully well tier those well enough to get some of our c. O. P. Holders interested, eligible and first time home buyers and that. As a followup to that, is there any thinking perhaps and helping these overincome on one side but under income on the other side candidates with Workforce Developments support in some fashion to allow them a path forward to kind of climb and basically climb the economic ladder so they can meet those 80 just help kind of clearly theres an interest. Someone who applies and goes through the process of applying and being valu evaluated so im trying to be creative on how to help folks land their dream home, if you will, through other methods. I totally appreciate that. The group were working with are inaudible and theyre predominantly looking for rental opportunities, which is just kind of where this group happens to be. So what im hoping and i know when i talk to Maria Benjamin yesterday about this is what were hoping is that when we do our investigate r. F. P. We found those other individuals who were living inhouse holds at the time of displacement who are younger and could be more ambitious than a 60yearold and we really feel that maybe this population, the Younger Group is going to be interested in Home Ownership so that is what were excite beside this r. F. P. Because its great so we can get additional c. O. P. Holders into our program right now. To add to that, i know youve raised this issue before and i think what we can can continue to commit is having keeping a list and trying to revisiting our processes and policies how we can work with Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to figure out how to partner other resources so they can have access to housing so well put that on our list and were going to work with all of you individually without creating a committee to work on some solutions and enhancing our policies to make sure this is one of the things we work on with our partner sister agency. So more to come. Thank you. Thank you for that. And so my question real rewas one of on the one hand, i was happy to see that many of the applicants were coming from, hailing from district 10 and i looked at the demographics, i was frankly request respect to that demographic. You know were inter fitting the demographics and i know were in control of which is outreach and so it depends on timing and our foss to work with folks earlier in the process and get them into housing and at this time, i dont know if anyone on the team can respond but its not from lack of trying, its just folks are not ready and some are nonresponse tive based on what i heard from pam in the past and some are not interested where that unit is but we applied and well find that process when we do our issue. I just want to introduce maria, because actually, when we were talking yesterday, we were talking about and shes going to be in the process of an intern to make positive changes to our marketing and outreach plans. So, maria, are you there . I am. How are you commissioners. This is Maria Benjamin from ocd and i was just trying to jump in and so im happy to have the opportunity. The work of Racial Equity and making sure were doing the best we can for our black and brown applicants is the center point of low cds work right now. For the past five years or so, we have been focusing on improving outreach and improving connections to the black community to be able to make sure we are districting developers to go where they get news and weve made a lot of strides. We do have more black and brown people applying for housing now that we have. Our problem is its a bigger problem more than those programs. The black inaudible from major cities across the country. And so we are completely focused on doing everything that we can. Within our capacity to do that. What pam is speaking about, the project that we have going with an intern helping us with research, you know, facebook, you guys have mentioned facebook and social media and weve directed developers to go on facebook and and the type of targeted outreach we need to do is more of a anna let tick and affect and you go on facebook and believe me, the facebook people know exactly who you are. And i if you look for shoes on your google search, you have and so, we are looking to incorporate some of that targeted outreach that our marketing communities have been using to get to where black people hear about their news. Or where other targeted groups are getting information. So, it is exciting and it will be a step ahead, a step beyond what we currently ask the developer to do. Right now, were leaving it up to them to decide and they tell us what theyre going to do and we say ok, thats ok. Now, were looking to be more aggressive with it. More telling them, this is what you feed to do. Hopefully well get even more improved results. Thank you. Maria, i have a quick followup question to that. I just wondering, since theres been a lot of zoom calls within the black community recently, if c. O. P. Has thought about possibly putting out like a Community Zoom about housing opportunities that are going to be coming up in the next six months so that people can kind of. We look forward to setting it up so we can spread the word about the zoom meeting. Anything else . I think madam secretary, since theres not an action item we can go to the next item. Ok. Is the next order of business is item 9, commissioner questions and matters. Commissioner. Are there any commissioner questions . I do have a question. I know that earlier this year we were supposed to all split off into our different groups. And covid stopped all of that and i would like for us, before the end of the year, to possibly, if we could, naddia, maybe have a zoom call for the four different areas that we identified earlier and the community to giffi give input oe items to our commission. So, maybe having and our Small Business contractors or business comand come in on how we can ber help them during covid19 as well as put them in a motion so we can increase and local business numbers for next year. Well, in the process of working on that anyway, but to have behind the scenes meeting with the commissioners, so weve already started reaching out. And we want a road map before we get feedback on whether we want to do it in a public setting or behind the scenes. So that is already in the works. You should be hearing from jamie shortly, were trying to get the materials ready and we just met this week and so is thank you for the request. You will be hearing from us. Thank you you are always one step ahead of us. Yes, she is. With the Small Business, i had a question where i was reading, with the Small Business, as they are part of this, and upon three years, theyre no longer considered a Small Business with growth. Can you tap into that for me, what happens with a Small Business . What i would suggest is that we i dont have the answer. Its an opportunity you are breaking, sorry, i talked over you. Apologies. Ill give you a call and pose it. Its something that i would like to have an answer for. I had met with Small Business owners working with development and doing very well but just wondering what happens after that third year. When theyre no longer considered a Small Business . That theyre out of the range so they graduate and what we expect and well we can talk off line. Theyre learning and exceeding more than what is required or the thresholds that has been set by the policy and that participating in bigger contracts. [please stand by] im sure miguel may have some quiet time to recognize and acknowledge the loss of these two giants. Thank you commissioner scott. Youre absolutely right. While well close our Commission Meeting in their honor with the moment of silence before we get to that moment, madam secretary, please call the next item. The next order of business is item 10, closed session. There are no closed session items. The next order of business is item 11, adjournment. Mr. Chair . Chair bustos ill ask for a motion and second and well take moment of silence. Is there a motion . I move that we close the meeting. Is there a second . I second the motion. Chair bustos lets take a moment of silence. Commissioner ransomscott ca n i read a quote from john lewis . If thats all right with you. When i say ocii relate so much to the things that have been done by dr. King and john lewis and so many others, one thing that he said that really to me mirrors who you are is this. He said when you see something thats not right, something thats not fair, not just then do something. Sometimes that will bring you into trouble but its a good trouble and a necessary trouble. Thank you ocii. Chair bustos well do moment of silence. Thank you commissioners. We adjourned at 2 37 p. M. Thank you to the listening audience. Thank you to staff. Thank you. Watching. Youre watching coping with covid19 with chris manners. Todays special guest is julie kirschbaum. Hi. Im chris manners. Youre watching coping with covid19. Today, im speaking with the executive director of the sfmta. Thank you and welcome to the show. Thank you for having me. Can we begin by talking about the services that have been suspended and there have been changes to the services that are still running . Absolutely. Weve had to make really significant changes to our services in response to covid19. Initially going down to as few as 17 routes. These are routes that people use to get to work or the hospital, Grocery Stores, really to make the most essential trips that are needed throughout this process. Weve been fortunate over the last, say, five or six weeks, that our Staffing Levels have gotten better, and as weve increased our cleaning capacity, that weve been able to add some Community Services back. Weve added a shuttle on pacific avenue, which is helping seniors get to Grocery Stores in chinatown. Weve added a community inline bus in ingleside, and weve been adding more service to our core network. Our corridors like mission street, potrero near s. F. General, and really needing increasingly more and more service in order to prevent spacing and keep spacing and prevent crowding on the bus. Thank you. What measures have you been taking to prevent passengers on the bus . Your safety has been our top priority and is guiding everything that we do. The most critical thing that were doing is the mask requirement, where were requiring people, if youre going to ride muni, to do it safely, protecting yourself and others from germs. Weve also implemented back door boarding, so except for our customers with disabilities that will need the support of the front door, the ramp, or the leader, were asking customers to enter from the back to give extra spacing to our operators. Weve provided operators with all of the protective equipment that they need to do the job safely, including gloves and masks, and were really fortunately that our bus fortunate that our buses are equipped with a plexi glass door that creates an operating space for our operators. And some of Services Like the cable car historic trolleys we dont have that same protection, we suspended early on in this process. We want our operators to have the physical separation that they need to stay safe on the road. Absolutely. So how have you been managing physical distancing on Public Transportation . What happens if a bus gets full . Great question. We have reduced the number of people that we consider a bus to be crowded, so heading into this, we might have had 70 or 80 people on the bus. Now, its closer to 20. We also are monitoring our passenger loads. Both our operators are monitoring them as well as were monitoring them remotely from our Transportation Management center. If the bus does get too crowded, the operators have a dropoff only sign, and they stop picking passengers up until enough exit the vehicle. It might be a little bit inconvenient if youre waiting for a bus and it doesnt stop to pick you up, but theres another one coming behind it so we can make sure that you have social distancing throughout this process. What other ways have you been letting passengers and residents know about these changes and new policies . Weve been using all methods to keep customers informed about all of these changes. Weve put up almost 2,000 signs and posters at our bus stops in multiple languages, letting people know when routes have been eliminated, when hours have changed, when service has changed. Weve also been putting it up through social media and neighborhood groups, and also really relying on the media and press to notify customers about changing. We want the public to know what to expect in this really unique and unusual time to make things as convenient as possible. Quite right, yes. Other than the operators themselves, i know you have a very large support staff. Have you made changes at your muni facilities, as well. Sfmta has 29 facilities, and enhancing safety at those facilities has really been a team effort. We have an amazing custodial crew thats been doing deep cleanings. We were able to take staff that had been cleaning the subway stations and dedicate them to our facilities. We have also seen staff at every level jump in and help with daily cleanings in places like common areas, desks, tools. Everyone is pitching in to wipe stuff down, which makes a big difference. We are proud of the fact that we havent had any clusters of staff who have had the virus or really any examples of staff catching it from each other, and we feel its because of the steps that were taking to keep people safe at work. Were also taking ideas from everywhere in the organization. That includes safety briefings, rather than doing them in a small room, doing them outside, in a parking lot. In order to get to job sites, staff had previously taken three or four people in a city truck. Now, were taking them in a bus so they can actually space out during the trip to the site. Oh, thats great stuff. When we look at the Transportation System as a whole, what additional steps have been taken to encourage people to consider alternative forms of transit. We have been looking at it as a system in part because the bus system is doing less than it has in the past because we have fewer routes and because we have fewer people riding. One example is our e. T. C. Program, which is a taxibased program that seniors and people with disabilities can sign up for and use a taxi for essential trips at a highly discounted rate. Were also looking at a Transit System that people can get out walking or biking. How are we planning on next steps as restrictions ease and we move into phase two and eventually phases three and four . I think probably our biggest thing that were getting ready for right now is the start of school in august, and make sure that were ready, not only to accommodate all of the general activities, like going to restaurants and recreation, but also getting kids to school safely. Were also looking at what are other cities doing around the world that we can learn from, and thats where we are forming our work, as well. We are really fortunate that we had an opportunity to skype with taipei, a city thats had a lot of success addressing the virus. The mayor actually joined the skype call, and one of the things that they shared with us, their biggest success has come with 100 compliance masks on mass transit. In other cases, monitoring for temperatures and really making sure that people were riding, that they were riding healthy, so were trying to model and apply those best practices to our system and learn as much as we can through this process. Well, thats fantastic information. I really appreciate you coming on the show, miss kirschbaum. Thank you for the time youve given us today. Thank you. Thanks again. Well, thats it for this episode. Well be back with more covid19 relates information shortly. Youve been watching coping with covid19. Im chris manners. Thanks for watching. If the moderator can open the phone line to Public Comment on the minutes of the june 30t june 30th special meeting. Ok, were opening phone line, madam chair. Ok

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