Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 20240712

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Good afternoon and welcome to the regular meeting of the san not frasanfrancisco board of su. Madam clerk, would you please call the roll. Clerk thank you, mr. President. [roll call] mr. President , you have a quorum. President fung thank you. Please praise your right hand over your heart and join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgtv, ka lena who recorded each of the meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, are there any communications. Clerk yes, mr. President , i want to thank the president and the members for the length of this communication. The minutes will reflect due to the covid19 pandemic, member of the boards of supervisors will participate remotely through video conference. To the same extent as though they were physically present in their legislative chamber. Video conferencing has made the urgent need for Public Access even more acute, the board of supervisors believes that it is essential that all members of our various communities are provided options by which they are able to access this Board Meeting and its information and to fully participate in this Board Meeting. Central to these option snow squalls the office of the clerk of the board. If during this meeting and you are trying to participate in this meeting, please contact our office and the telephone number is 415 5545184 and we can answer any questions and get you connected to this meeting right away. Or you can go to our website at sfbos. Org and that number again is 415 5545184. So to gain access to todays meeting without the internet, or without a smartphone, your written correspondent on any subject matter can be delivered by the Postal Service just address the envelope, San Francisco board of supervisors city hall room 244 San Francisco, california, 94102. If you have a smartphone and you wish to listen to it to the proceedings, telephone number is 451 6550001 and when prompted, enter the access road 145 1302268 and press pound twice. You will have joined the meeting and you can listen to the proceedings. The access code is the meeting identifier that will link you to this particular meeting, so we are working on ways that we cannot have to have individuals of the public press the access code but for now were utilizing that access code. There are two agenda ideas of note, the special order at 3 00 p. M. Is a public hearing. Either items 1821 its the appeal of certification of conditional use authorization for a proposed project at 95 murdoch street and shortly, item 23 will be called that is general Public Comment where members of the public can provide comments on items. We are asking that you not provide comment on the Consent Agenda and the unpublished unfid business as they have had their Public Comment. You are able to comment on the items that come after general Public Comments. These are items 2428. To provide comment at either of these two hearings, when the item is called, can you dial 415655001 and when prompted enter the access code 145130268 and press pound twice. That telephone number is scrolling across the television, channel 26 and across the livestream at sfgov. Org. If you wish to enter the speakers cue and i will provide this information again. You will dial star 3. The system will enter you into the speakers line and it is best if your location is quiet. You must listen closely to hear this system prompt. When its your time to comment or else you may miss the prompt. If you do miss the prompt, call my office 5545184. Each speakers has two minutes but avoid, again, commenting on items 121 as theyve had their public hearing and not notice for Public Comment today. Your comments to the board as a whole and not to individual members. Two last points, we have three interpreters standing by to assist speakers in language to help the public with their Public Comment. Each interpreter will now introduce themselves in language starting wit. [ voice of interpreter ] thank you. [voice of interpreter] clerk thank you. Thank you, madam clerk. [voice of interpreter] clerk thank you, very much, all of you for your assistance in these meetings and if members of the public do have the internet, please submit your written correspondents via email. You are able to watch the meeting live streamed on www. Sfgov. Org and also access it from our website sfbos. Org and watch channel 26. Theres a cable broadcasting delay. If you have a smartphone and you have access or connection issues, contact my office. Thank you for your patients and the length of my communication. President fung before we get started, just a friendly reminder, for all the supervisors to mute your microphones when you are not speaking to avoid audio feedba feedback. We have the minutes from the may 5th, 2020 regular Board Meetings and the april 29th, 2020 special meeting of the budget and finance Committee Meeting and the april 29th, 2020 special Meeting Minutes of the budget and appropriations Committee Meeting. Which constitutes a quorum of the board of supervisors. Are there any changes to these minutes . Seeing none. Can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . So moved. Supervisor safai. Second. Peskin. Ok. Motion made and seconded. To improve these so madam clerk, would you call the roll. [roll call] there are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee without any objection, the minutes will be approved after Public Comment has been presented. So, before we get into our regular agenda, i want to take this opportunity to allow for a few of my colleagues to give us some updates. Every so often i want to do this because whats not spoken about on the agenda are some of the work that many of my colleagues and board of supervisors are doing outside of their normal workload and given theres been different work groups and different structures to improve our communication between the legislative branch and the Administrative Branch and as things sort of evolve, we try to find new structures to continue the improvements so, in most recent weeks, weve performed a future policy working groups and there are five working committees to look at different issues and the committees are government reopening, economic recovery reopening, childcare and School Opening and homelessness inhousing and transportation as the five buckets. Each of these committees actually have co sponsors and one by not co sponsors but co chairs and each committee would have one supervisor as a cochair and the other cochair is someone from the administrative departments. So, id like to give them an opportunity and updated i would like to start with our chow care is supervisor catherine stefani. Would you like to give us an update. Yes, thank you president yee. Im reporting out on the working group for reopening Government Services which i co share which is our administrator naomi ellie. They identified which services and employees will need to be reengaged as we reopen. For reference, 21,000 City Employees are currently working inperson and remaining 10,000 will be reengage in phases 2, b, 3 and 4. The main challenge snow squalls how to conduct inperson business in a manner that insures the safety of the public and the City Employees. To that end, our work is focused on Government Services with significant interactions with the public including board and Commission Hearings, services and city hall including the treasure and tax collect or accessory quarter and sheriff and elections. Also, permit center and criminal Justice Agency and hall of justice. We plan to develop health and safety and review and they certify they can meet health and safety requirements. One of the major questions the board of supervisors needs to consider is how and when this body will resume inperson meetings. We have the ability to decide when that happens. Last week i sent you all a survey asking for your initial thoughts presented by emails and i have heard from supervisor peskin and president ye e on saturday at our meeting, i know many of you would like more information about risk of transmission and what kind of Technology Solutions are available. However, before we can put together some options, we need to know how urgent each of you feel the need to resume inperson meetings is. Whatever plan we adopt will be developed to reflect the input of this body. The requirements of the city charter and the advise o adviceo best ensure safety. That plan needs to be accessible to the public as possible. Last week we heard from a Public Commenter who expressed a deep frustration with how challenges providing remote Public Comment has been and i was going to mention in this in roll call but ill mention it now. Im introducing a letter of inquiry to the Mayors Office of disability and the department of disabilities and aging services to ask for their Technical Expertise and assistance regarding how to improve the accessibility of remote Government Services and public participation. So i look forward to continuing to update you all on the progress of our working group on reopening local Government Services and really looking forward to your input with regard to the email i sent last week. Thats my update, thank you president yee. Thank you, supervisor stefani. Next i would like to ask sour supervisor cochair for Economic Recovery Committee and that would be supervisor mandelman. Thank you, president yee. So our economic reopening or recovery policy workgroup is co chaired by me and carmen chu. We are we have been convening meetings brought together and leadership of various departments that are involved and you are going to be and the work and the what is happening on the Economic Recovery Task force and in this Smaller Group and it will be an opportunity for Department Heads to think through some of the challenges around reopening and some of the communities in the more aspirational thinking about having a City Different that works effectively and makes our city more sustainable and more friendly with the public and i come up with a charter for our group and we have had our commercial meeting with the Department Heads and were going to move forward. Carmen is doing amazing work both on the task force and also sort of coordinating some of the work with publichealth around the reopening and the phasing. So, proud and honored to be part of that and support her efforts and the work that the departments are doing. Thank you, supervisor mandelman. Id like to ask the cochair for the issues and opening up schools and after School Programs and Childcare Centers and supervisor, would you like to give us a brief report . Thank you, president yee. I am the cochair of this committee on schools and early education, childcare with dcyf director maria sioux and obviously this is involving a lot of coordination with the other departments and especially in the case of the schools with the School District, we have a number of people from the School District represented on our committee and weve broken up into throw different sub groups. One focusing on transportation needs, the second focus on facilities and the third working with mph to develop guidelines and we set out a number of different buckets that we have to figure out. As you can imagine, there are a lot of questions about not just having the facilities needed but having the p. P. E. And the rules around distancing and how to enforce them at the school sites. Sfmt a and dph are involved with these sub groups. We are able to look at the state guidelines which were just released as well as what a number of different School Districts around the state and country are doing. Were reviewing all that and obviously with the moving as quickly as we can because so much of this citys determination about reopening is connected to when students can go back. A lot more to come. Thank you. Supervisor yee thank you. Thank you supervisor haney. I would like to ask the cochair for the policy group than is addressing homelessness, housing and so fourth. And that would be supervisor walton. Would you like to give a little update . Thank you so much, president yee. As you stated i am cochairing the working group for housing and shelter with Abigale Stewart khan and the department of homelessness and supportive housing. Our goal is to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness and mitigation impacts of unsheltered homeless outlining options or policy proposals for safely increasing housing and shelter capacity over the short and longterm. Were focused on five areas and our scope system planning, housing, shelter outreach, financing and the fifth component is behavior health. So weve already met to talk about system planning, housing opportunities and Behavioral Health and outreach and systems and other shelters options are those to make sure when we come out of covid19 shelter in place that folks are actually inhousing or in settings that keep them off the street. We do not want anyone to come out of this crisis and out of shelter in place and be unhoused and not have shelters so that sour major focus. We continue to meet weekly with the group and its also made up of community providers, representatives from the department of publichealth, the department of homelessness and sorsupportive housing as well as Housing Community development and director from Human Services agencies. We also continue to meet saturdays with the rest of our working groups top talk about the entire system of care for what were going to do coming out of covid19. So we are excited about the work and well also be providing opportunities for our colleagues to engage provide input. Supervisor yee were going to able open anything up and transportation is a vital piece of the puzzle here and so the cochair for that, the supervisor cochair for that policy group is supervisor peskin. Would you like to give a report . Thank you, president yee and let me start by thanking you for this new structure. Its been productive and helpful and ive been pleased to work with my cochair with the city and county of San Francisco, jeff tumlin. As we all witnesses and experienced congestion in San Francisco went dow down remarkay and actually sped up as we all know, core service has been increased with many of the lines havent been temporarily eliminated and as the economy reopens and congestion comes roaring back, we have a set of difficult but imperative choices to make relative to moving the most efficient Greenhouse Gas saving technology that we have called muni and i know a number of supervisors are supportive of taking temporary measures particularly on the eastside of the city that mr. Tumlin and the working group has been advancing and our time is really very short and if bee if we have a successful economic recovery making sure we do so by minimizing congestion is societal imperative, there are any number of elements to this and we will receive a briefing from mr. Tumlin at the San Francisco county Transportation Authority at 10 00 a. M. On june the 23rd, which all 11 of us and the public will be in attendance. Supervisor yee thank you, supervisor peskin. And thank you for all five of you for all your work that you are putting into this because its not just that once a week, its several meetings associated with that and so that we can actually hear each other out in regards to the different buckets and one of the things that we didnt want to do is sorry. One of the things we didnt want to do is have these policy and discussions and so its nice to be able to actually bridge that. I also want to give some credit to supervisor and we were partisan in trying to figure this out so thank you supervisor fewer. Ok, thank you very much for your updates and im probably going to come back around just to warn our other colleagues, supervisor ronen, maybe in the future making give us another update on sf give and for the recovery Economic Recovery Task force that supervisors preston and supervisor mandelman for future updates. Ok. All right. Madam clerk, lets go to our Consent Agenda. Please call item number 16. Clerk items 16 are on consent. These items are considered to be routine. If a member objects an item may be removed and considered separately. Would anyone like to severe items from the Consent Agenda . Seeing no names on the roster, madam clerk, call the roll on items 16. Clerk on items 16 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee the ordinance are passed on First Reading and passed unanimously. Lets go call item number 7. Clerk item 7 is ar ordinance for the administrative code to prohibit landlords from evicting residential tenants for nonpayment of rent due to covid19 pandemic and to further prohibit landlords from imposing late fees, penalties or similar charges on such tenants and to make the appropriate findings. Supervisor yee madam clerk, i see no one on the roster so lets call the roll on this. Clerk on item 7. Supervisor mar [roll call] clerk there are 10 ayes and one no with supervisor stefani in the dissent. Supervisor yee passed by 101 vote. Madam clerk, lets go to the next line. Clerk item 8 is ar ordinance for the business and tax regulations code and administrative code to temporarily suspend the imposition of the vacancy tax through december 31st, 2021. Supervisor yee madam clerk, please, call the roll. Clerk [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee without objection, the ordinance is passed unanimously. Lets go to new business and call item number 9. Clerk an ordinance to continue to delegate the boards charter granted authority under charter section 9. 118 to the general manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission to enter into 20year grant agreements without commission approval, for the Green Infrastructure Grant Program and to extend for an additional two years through july 1st, 2022. Supervisor yee ok, madam clerk, could you please call the roll. Supervisor peskin thank you, president yee and i have not had an opportunity to discuss this with the chair of the budget and finance Committee Supervisor fewer. I am always red assent delegate the board of supervisors codes under the charter that requires contracts and excessive 10 years to come before this body for approval. Having said that, this is a program that is in place and its a very lot able program. In reviewing the background documents for this file 200454, im a little concerned about the first round of relative to equity and so through the president , i just wanted to ask supervisor fewer about the deliberations and discussions at the budget and finance committee as it relates to equity issues in the delegation of our 9. 11 authority and this program. Supervisor yee supervisor fewer, would you like to respond . Yes, president yee. Apologies, something is wrong with my camera and it says no available camera found so sorry. I will speak but you wont be able to see me. Supervisor peskin, thank you very much for questions. Yes, i did mention to them, at the same thought crossed my mind, there were many private schools quite frankly that were on the list for these grants. I said during the Budget Committee discussion on this that i would like to see more Public Schools actually partake of this and i think that they have been very thoughtful they are grateful where these go to and theyre extending the outreach. They are receiving quarterly reports and if we dont and the president to to charter section 9. 118. Is that correct. Through the president , and also those reports and on the puc website for to the public. Its through the president at the question and the City Attorney and i one agreement is entered into we cannot Going Forward if we dont like what we see in these quarterly reports, we rescind this authorization and stop it Going Forward and right through the president to deputy City Attorney pearson. Yes, thats correct. Once approved, the grant would be final but the board could introduce another additional legislation to revise this and withdraw the delegation. Ok, then monitor those reports on a quarterly basis hear it from the public and i will vote in the affirmative. Thank you mr. President. Thank you. Madam clerk, now we can go to roll call. Clerk on item 9, supervisor mar [roll call] there are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee without objection, the ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Please call the next item, number 10. Clerk item 10 is a resolution to approve a second modification of the grant between the city and low income investments funds for childcare facilities and Technical Assistance to support the San Francisco city wide plan for early care and education. Term extension for up to two years through june 30th, 2022 and to increase the grant amount by 35. 6 million resulting in a revised total grant amount of 61 million. Supervisor yee can i have roll call, please. [roll call] there are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee without objection the resolution has been adopted you ma unanimously. Clerk the office of the treasurer and tax collect are to amend a software as a Service Agreement and support contract with citybase inc to extend to a five year term with two options to review for a period of two years each for a new term through april 16th, 2023 to increase the contract amount by 27. 4 million for a total amount not to exceed 37 million. Supervisor yee madam clerk, can you please call the roll. Clerk on item 11, supervisor mar [roll call] peskin aye. Preston. Aye. Preston aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee ok. Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. Lets go to our next item. Clerk item 12 is a resolution to retroactively authorize the office of the city administrator to accept a and expend a 150,000 infunds from the Management Agency through the california of office of Emergency Services for the maz mat program to update to the local plan for the project period from september 16th, 2019 through april 16th, 2022. Ok, councillors, please call roll. On item 12, supervisor mar. Aye. Peskin. Aye. Preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Safai. Aye. Stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Mandelman. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee without objection resolution is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to item number 13. Clerk item 13 is ar ordinance to authorizes settlement the lawsuits filed by bryant zoo against the city for 50,000 filed may 18th, 2017 and involving alleged personal injury on a city street. Supervisor yee ok, can i have a motion to excuse supervisor mar . Can i just make some remarks briefly. Sure. Thank you. Yeah, i just wanted to disclose that i have a personal and professional relationship to the plaintiff who happens to be a physical therapist that has been helping me recover from a shoulder injury. In consultation with the City Attorney, i dont i dont really need to be recused from this vote i just need to disclose the relationship publicly which im doing. Supervisor yee i will not ask for a motion to excuse you then. Thank you. Supervisor yee you may remain with the group. So madam clerk, call roll. Clerk on item 13, supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee without question its pushed through unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to the next item. Item 14 is a resolution to initiate a landmark designation under article 10 of the planning code for 4767 through 4773 mission street. Can i say a few words, please. As long as put your name on the roster. [laughter] go ahead. I had some technical difficulties today thats why i didnt do the pledge of allegiance, i was watching and hearing you guys. Anyway, i just wanted say a few words about this. There arent many building thats have a Historic Preservation label and december ignition ii wasvery, very blesse to meet one of the longtime operators who started his career when the bakery was in north beach and it moved in the 70s to the excel see sir and he turned 100 last year. We were able to give him a resolution, accommodations from the board of supervisors so when i went to his house, there was a accommodation from the board of supervisors and the pope. Right next to one another. I guess when you turn 100 [laughter] thats the history this building has. Its one of the only examples of art deco in this particular style. Its a beautiful building. With a wonderful history and in northbeat,north beach, as my ke reassumed camp and i see the operators of the building delivering bread all over north beach to different businesses theres a strong tie and where royal bakery had its roots and a beautiful Historic Building and what it means to the community as well as the legacy business, we prefer working to get that designation for this if it has its roots dating back all the way to the 20s in north beach. Its a very easy vote, colleagues but one that has a significant meaning for our building in this community. This property was sold and we were able to notify the owners that we were moving forward this process so there would be no surprises if they believed that they could tear the building down and develop anything other than preservation of the building. So, i urge your support and thank you for the opportunity to say a few words. Thank you, very much supervisor safai. I know that bakery well. I used to live around there. Thank you for doing this. Now i guess we can take the roll. Clerk on item 14. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Mandelman. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee without objection, then the preservation is adopted unanimously. Lets go to item number 15. A resolution to adopt a hazards and Climate Resilience plan as San Franciscos update to the 2014 local has ar homicide gays plan supervi. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee without object sex thobjection the resos adopted unanimously. Item number 16. A Charter Amendment first draft. To amend the citys charter to require the members of boards, commissions and advisory bodies be residents of the city and of legal voting age. Replacing the requirements that members of boards commissioned and advisory bodies be United States citizens and register voters at an election to be held on november third, 2020 pursuant to boards of supervisors rule 22. 7. At least six days must intervene between the first appearance of a Charter Amendment and its submission to the electorate. The question is shall this Charter Amendment be continued. Supervisor yee ok. So the question is, should it be continued and id like to get a motion to continue this item. So moved. Moved by supervisor walton and seconded by mandelman. Go ahead and call the roll to continue this item. Clerk to continue item 16 to june 23th, supervisor mar aye. Peskin. Aye. Preston. Aye. Ronen. Aye. Safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee without objection it will continue to the meeting of tuesday, june 23th, 2020. Item 17 is a motion to appoint larry bush to the Ethics Commission term ending february 1th, 2023. Supervisor yee go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 17, supervisor mar aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor yee. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Mandelman aye. There are 11 ayes. Supervisor yee the motion is approved without objection unanimously. This goes to roll call for about 10 minutes and well come back to our clerk supervisor mar, you are up to introduce new business. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleague, today im proposing to two additional items for the november ballot. First on introducing an Initiative Ordinance to make publichealth emergency lead permanent. We first passed publichealth emergency leave unanimously as an emergency ordinance on april 14th. It was signed on april 17th and we just reenacted it last week for 60 days. Eventually, this emergency order will end and with it so will this vital benefit. Publichealth emergency lead gives over 200,000 San Francisco workers two additional two weeks of fully paid leave during the health and the covid19 health emergency. And this ballot measure will make it permanent so were more prepared for future Health Emergencies including future pandemics and unhealthy air quality days resulting from wildfires. San francisco employees of large private employers, those with 500 or more employees, would be covered by the benefit. Publichealth emergency lead has a broad rages of eligible uses including if work verse to stay home to take care of a family member, if their place of work closes, and they cant work remotely, if theyre a member of a vulnerable population or if theyre sick, you would be available in addition to any other benefits employees already have. Healthcare workers would be eligible for the lead if theyre sick to reduce transmission risk during publicHealth Emergencies and social enterprise non profits like good will and ymca would be exempt. This measure expands on the emergency legislation by making publicHealth Emergencies leave available during unhealthy air quality days driven by our increasingly severe wildfires seasons and San Francisco led the nation when we created our paid sick leave law in 2006 and its time to lead again to protect working people as we face new challenges. Were in the middle in no clear end in sight. Claim at change and future fires may be more dangerous than any before. We need laws that reflect the urgency and the gravity of these threats and provide safety and security in the face of them. We need publicHealth Emergencies leave now and well need it in the future. I want to thank the board and mayor breed for your support for this policy as an emergency measures and want to thank deputy City Attorney lisa powell for all her work on this policy and i look forward to further discussions on this measure to make publichealth emergency leave permanent. Secondly, i have placed the stock based compensation tax on the november 2020 ballot along with supervisors ronen, preston and peskin. As we gravel with a monumental budget crisis due to covid19, we should have every option on the table to increase city revenue to protect and preserve Vital Services and programs including the c. E. O. Tax, real estate transfer tax, and the stock compensation tax. I am committed to supporting a progressive revenue strategy in coordination and collaboration with all of you. We cannot balance the budget on the backs of city workers or on the backs of the vulnerable communities who rely on our programs and services now more than ever. At the start of a recession, with an ex plowing Unemployment Crisis in the midst of a global pandemic, we have to be bold and we have to be clear in rejecting longterm austerity cuts to vital programs as a solution. Its not a i solution. Not for city services, not for city workers and not for the countless vulnerable san franciscans who rely on them. Fiscal responsibility does not require us to be cruel. It requires us to be creative. Creative in advancing Revenue Strategies to strengthen our social is safety net, protect our budget and address the economic inequality and unfairness that are at the root of so many of our longterm crisis from homelessness to Housing Access and to hunger. That means asking the corporations who are most well off who are most resilient to the Current Crisis and who too often have been given breaks or benefits in policy after policy to pay their fair share. And thats what this stock compensation tax does. By simply restoring the tax Rate Corporation pay and Stock Base Compensation to 1. 50 , we can raise this is the same rates they pay on this com pentation before they cut taxes for Tech Companies and its time 20 end the Corporate Tax exemption and its time for San Francisco to lead and make sure this is a city where we can live and share whether its ride share drivers, restaurant workers or teachers. We need corporation to pay their fair share and be responsible and Good Neighbors and we should help close the tax loophole to make sure some of the vast amounts of wealth generated by i. P. O. S and stock compensation goes to help everyone prosper and create a healthy and vibrant city for all of us. Id like to thank scott reeber and the City Attorneys office for their work on this measure. To thank my coowners and peskin. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor mar. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam clerk, colleagues and i would like to close todays meeting in the memory of two beloved individuals, first dr. Raymond lee who passed away on june 8th at the age of 78. As a pediatrician, dr. Lee managed the physical physical and Mental Health of wellbeing of generations of kids in china town and the sunset district and nurtured many of them into being contributing members of the community for almost a half a century. Through his service at Chinese Hospitals and his leadership, on his board of trustee and other health organizations, dr. Lee has been a champion of Health Services and advancement of the chinese community. Amongst his greatest chief, dr. Lee was invaluable member of the Fundraising Committee for the Chinese Hospital rose pack and mayor lee to raise millions of dollars to support the first and only communityowned Chinese Hospital in the United States of america he also serves as a member on the board of governors of the San Francisco symphony and was a founding director of National Member bank and a partner for the chinese times newspaper. His contributions have been recognized as recently as 2018 and he is survived by his wife, wendy, his eldest daughter and younger son and i want to express our deepest condolences to his family during this challenging time and thank him for his tireless commitment and love for San Franciscos chinese community. I would like to adjourn in the memory of Robert Barney who servedden a Community College board for 12 years and a veteran of world war ii and recently passed away our condolences to his family. The rest i will submit. Thank you madam clerk. Thank you, supervisor peskin. Mr. President , theres one minute to go and shall we move to the next introduction or supervisor yee yes. Clerk supervisor preston. Thank you, madam clerk. And two things today, colleagues, first i just wanted to followup on all the work that has been done to stand up to muni fare increases, theres been a deal struck and last week supervisor peskin and i joined m. T. A. Director jeff tumlin and twau258 president to announce mt as has agreed to halt any mini fare increases for the upcoming 20212022 budget cycle and as a result, we will be dropping the Charter Amendment that supervisor peskin has taken the lead on and presented to you colleagues at a previously meeting. As you know, the Charter Amendment would have eliminated the m. T. A. Exclusive authority to fix transit fares among other things. We said we will not sit quietly by and let fares be hyped. I just want to acknowledge and thank you, colleagues, for supporting the resolution and this body and that opposed fare increases early on and i think that played no small part in convincing m. T. A. And got us to this point and i want to recognize supervisor peskins leadership not only longstanding leadership on muni and transit issues but also specifically in spearheading the Charter Amendment effort and roger and twu250a who throughout this discussion refused to allow riders and operators to be pitted against each other and stood form or with us . Opposing fare increases. Also i want to thank all the activists and organizations across the city that stood up to show once again that Community Organizations works and its their efforts that had the biggest impact in defeating the fare increase and i want to thank the directors who joined us to announce this and for coming together on this agreement. Obviously, weve got difficult times ahead and well look forward to work with m. T. A. And the Mayors Office and all of you colleagues to make sure we can restore and improve service and particularly for transit dependent communities and at the same time, and lastly, i want to acknowledge the advocates who spoke repeatedly, not just against fare increases but in favor of fare reduction and goal of free muni and we heard you loud and clear and even with this pandemic, we must not lose sight of longer term goals and reducing transit fears can help San Francisco reach its objectives by increasing ridership on Public Transit and our future must include finding ways to reduce muni fares and reserve and expand service. Thank you for your othe your sun that. Secondly, i am introducing a ballot measure for the november 2020 ballot for which i am asking to bring it before vote and he is it seeks to authorize the city to acquire develop or construct 10,000 units of affordable social housing. Currently, local cal tee are prohibited from creating housing by article 34 of the california constitution. An amendment passed in 1950 as part of red lining and segregation policies of that era. The proposed line submits to voters is straight forward exceptions to the article 34 prohibition but the context and back story in history could not be more significant. We are questioning and in many instances rejecting the structures that have upheld inequality and discrimination in all aspects of american life. Statutes of leaders are being toppled. Use of force tactics by Law Enforcement are being prohibited and Law Enforcement is undergoing a major shift. It fits within the context of tearing down the racist rel ticks and path in 1950 with the packing of the state rel to be Association Article 34 is keeping low income tenants specific low African American tenants and other people of color, out of white neighborhoods under the guides of protecting Property Values and by prohibiting the creation of Public Housing of any kind without voter approval and it effectively stops house housing for being built state wide. When we talk about our shortage of Affordable Housing state wide, article 34 is one of the reasons and for years theres been discussions on the state level as to how we can repeal the law outright and there have been prior efforts to do that. Conversation thats i understand continue today. We cannot wait and in the proud San Francisco tradition, we will lead the way to broader reforms. Make no mistake, colleagues, by removing the article 34 barrier, were reviving a conversation about the role of local government providing stable housing. And while a long road remain ahead to expand available social housing, this is a significant step towards dismantling a racist barrier that stands in the way. Like confederate flags, article 34 is a relic that needs to be thrown in the dust of history. With this ballot measure, we are making it possible to create thousands of units of Municipal Housing for the people of San Francisco. Especially people of color. This measure dove tails with the transfer tax and social housing funds that i formally introduced last week. With the funds by the increased tax, San Francisco will have added resources for new strategies for longterm housing stability and removing the article 34 barrier as another tool. As City Residents struggle with the covid19 pandemic, the crisis and decades of real estate speculation and gentrification and displacement, theres a critical need for robust, Affordable Housing infrastructure that is insulated from the speculative for profit real estate market. This package of housing stability measures directly addresses the dire need were facing today. The rest i submit. Thank you. Thank you. Madam clerk, lets go to our go ahead and continue our roll call but lets go to our 3 00 p. M. Special order. Clerk items 1821 complies of the public hearing of persons interested in the ert indication of conditional use authorization and pursuant to planning code section 121 and 303 for proposed project at 95 nor doff street issued by the Planning Commission dated december 12th, 2019. Its the motion to approve the departments decision to approve a conditional use authorization located at 95 nordoff street and make the appropriate findings, item 20 is the disapprove the decision for the proposed in support of this determination and item 21 is the motion to direct the preparation of findings. Thank you, thank you. This conditional use was last continued from march 24th and i understand the District Supervisor may make a motion to continue this again. Supervisor mandelman, do you have any remarks . Yeah, thank you president yee and yes, as you described, we last had these items on march 24th and we continued the items on the recommendation of yourself and the clerk until we were prepared to hear appeal cases virtually. I want to thank the clerk and her team for all of her work to allow us to conduct our business over these last few months and i appreciate that were now able to proceed can conditional use and other appeal hearings as well. However, both parties in this case have requested one additional week to prepare and i think thats fair and appropriate and well put it to good use so im going to move we continue this item one more week to our june 23rd meeting and ask for your support. Second. Motion made to continue the item until june 23rd and seconded. Why dont we see if theres speakers that would like to make a Public Comment on the continuance itself. Great. Is there anyone in the queue . This would be Public Comment on items 1821 and the continuance to june 23rd. If any members of the public are listening and they dialed in earlier and they are interested in getting into that Public Comment line, press star 3 now. Yes, madam chair. I have a few callers waiting to speak. I will unmute the first caller. Clerk thank you. Welcome caller, you have up to two minutes ta talk about whether or not these items torchbearer continued to june 23rd. 1821 only. Welcome, caller. Welcome to our meeting. Im move onto the next one. You have up to two minutes and were motioning to continue items 1821 to june 23rd. Welcome caller, you have up to two minutes. Call my office at 415 5545184 and my staff will get back in line next caller. All right. My name is theo gordon and im a renter. I just wanted to call about the last item you are discussing right now. It was approve after the developer hagel with the neighbors and it should have been affordable and yet its still not enough and neighbors are still saying no and you should approve the housing and theres no reason to keep continuing it forever just get it done and get out of the way and let housing get built. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors, my name is Sarah Ogilvie and i just learned about this Housing Project from some fellow members of pro housing club that im in and the project has this is difficult for the project sponsor to deal with so much of a battle for something that we should be welcoming more units we should have allowed and the lot that would have been the best use of the land. Im especially disappointed that the project was approved at the Planning Commission and its difficult to build housing and were in a devastating and real and daytoday housing crisis and its just getting watered down when we just keep saying housing crisis and were not actually taking the concrete steps to build housing to allow the project to go and its just a, i just really hope that projects like these can receive a little bit more care and attention and kindness because its costing people jobs and its costing people exclusion and its just very disheartening to see that i understand, you know, that people have a stake in this but you know im thinking about the person who is trying to renovate his home. I feel for him and i hope you make projects like these a little more easier. I believe there are throw more speakers in the queue. Welcome caller, you have up to two minutes. We are trying to circle back to the first two callers that spoke. They constitute part of the three speakers in the queue. Welcome, caller. You are not saying anything. If you are welcome to speak. You will have up to two minutes. That completes the cue. Thank you mr. Queue [laughter] mr. President , that concludes the speakers in the queue. Thank you. Ok, seeing none, know more speakers for Public Comment and i want to continue and Public Comment is now closed. So, madam clerk, lets call roll on the motion to continue. Thank you, items 1821 to june 23rd. Supervisor mar. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. Supervisor preston. Aye. Supervisor ronen. Aye. Supervisor safai. Aye. Supervisor stefani. Aye. Supervisor cal ton. Supervisor yee. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Supervisor haney. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. There are 11 ayes. Ok, without objection, then items 1821 are continued to the meeting of june 23rd, 2020. Madam clerk, this continue of our roll call or introductions. Clerk thank you, mr. President. Supervisor ronen. I have two items today, mayor breed announced a Settlement Agreement between the city of San Francisco and u. C. Heyings, not a settlement greet but a stipulated settlement between the city of San Francisco and uc hastings and as Co Plaintiffs regarding conditions in the tenderloin. With a plan to address crowded sidewalks and provide shelt are for those camping there since the outbreak of covid19. The Settlement Agreement stipulates that by july 20th up to 70 of the 310 encampments will be removed and their occupants will be relocated to shelter in place, hotel rooms, safe sweeping villages outside of the tenderloin or parking lots in the neighborhood. To stipulate late an injunction is vague and does not describe in detail how it will achieve its goal of reducing the census of the tenderloin or what specific interventions will be used and its unclear what impact the stipulated injunction will have on neighborhoods throughout the city with large homeless populations. I have a hearing request to understand the plan in the implications of this injunction for the tenderloin and the mission and the rest of the city. I will request the presence of the department of Emergency Management and the department of homelessness and supportive housing, the healthy streets operation center, Human Services agencies and the department of publichealth to answer a long history of questions which are included in the hearing request and i did speak with the City Attorney top find out when this stipulated settlement will come before the board and first it must be introduced as legislation and it must be sent to the g. A. O. Committee it needs to be scheduled for a hearing before it comes to the board. My fear is the whole settlement will be done and finished and impacts felt without the board ever having a chance to weigh in and i have concerns about how this will be implemented, hoping to schedule this hearing as soon as possible in the first available committee so that we can truly at least have information about what is being planned if not avoid the process to be able to influence it. The second item is im asking the board to close the meeting with Great Sadness to remember calvin chu, a native son of San Francisco whose life was suddenly taken by gun violence. On the evening of may 7th, calvin stepped outside of his home in the to get fresh air. He fell victim to an attempted robbery and fatally shot. He died at only 19yearsold. He leaves behind his parents who are immigrants to this city and his sister. Calvin was the son of working class chinese immigrants family, graduated from Balboa High School and frequent Library Patrons and summer stride volunteer. He enrolled in classes at city college of San Francisco and was active in the San Francisco city college judo community. He was looking forward to studying Computer Science and engineering at uc santa cruz this fall. His friends describe him as a wonderful person with a friendly personality and remember calvin studying for calculus after judo practice. His classmates recall him as someone who could always answer questions when no one else could. He is remembered as a wellliked Community Member and is a great student. He was a bright young man who is dedicated to his family, to his friends and his community. He will be deeply missed by those he left behind and including his parents and his sister, jessica. I want to extend my deepest condolences to the family and to once again say that we have to get guns off the streets of the city and the senseless killings are just devastating to all of us. I hope that the chu family can find some comfort in knowing that so many of us in the Community Care deeply about them and are devastated by the loss of calvin and the rest i submit. Clerk thank you, supervisor ronen,. I just wanted to say briefly, i dont have anything for introduction but i want to highlight that today the united he had casors, the school board, mayor breed, myself and the board here are announcing were going back to the ballot for a prop g redo and there is dire consequences in terms of the Economic Situation facing our School District and this is an opportunity where prop g fell just slightly short of the twothirds measure of twothirds threshold to pass and i think for me this is one of the highest priorities given the current state of our School District and our educators in ensuring anything in terms of education has been happening over the last few months and i think now more than ever, people have a deeper appreciation, those with children, understanding the special role our educators play and i want to give a big shout out to them. All the work theyve done. This is the first week of camp and as i said, ive been in north beach with the kids over at joe dimaggio playground and it was a very, very difficult and struggling time for our family to have to work and then also help for me this is one of the highest priorities to be to pass this measure and i know my colleagues and this is an important thing and i want to thank the educators for their leadership and lets get this passed. The rest i submit. Supervisor stefani. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, today im introducing a resolution in support of the justice and policing act of 2020 which was introduced last week by senators harris and booker and representatives bash and nadler n all 50 states and right here in San Francisco, americans have come together to reaffirm that black lives matter, to protest our broken criminaljustice system and to demand change from all levels of government in every municipality in this nation. The justice and policing act is one step necessary step towards this much needed change among other key reforms, this bill would prohibit all federal, state and local Law Enforcement from practicing racial religious and other discriminatory profiling. It would ban no knock warrants and drug cases, like the one that led to briana taylors death as well as holds and chokeholds. The technique used to killer i can garner in new york. Make it easier to hold officers accountable for official misconduct in both criminal and civil courts. Improve and encourage the use of pattern and practice investigations at the federal and state levels and reinforce the recommendations of the Obama Justice Department Task forc tae and require that deadly force be used, only as a last resort. Well, i am glad that San Francisco has enacted all eight of the cant wait reforms to Law Enforcement. We must go further. Four years ago, the Obama Administration issued 272 reform recommendations to the San Francisco Police Department. But we have completed only 15 of those reforms. Beyond San Francisco, the images coming out of minneapolis, louieville and atlanta, for example, make it Crystal Clear that state and local governments across this country have so much work to do. The justice and policing act would help define and bring urgency to that work. I am grateful to californias senator harris for their leadership on this bill. As well as to Speaker Pelosi for cosponsoring it. I hope this will be the first step of many in our congress to address these longstanding issues of systemic racism in our criminaljustice system at the federal level. In the meantime, i look forward to continuing to listen and learn from black communities and communities of color and acting locally to address these challenges in San Francisco and to work with my colleagues to bring those challenges to bear. Thank you. Finally, i would like to close todays meeting in memory of my friend, that ive known seeing being involved in politics, robin barrasso. A lifelong educator and enthusiast of the arts, robin was a true san franciscan. From her 37 years as an sfusd teacher to her two decades serving on the board of united educators, she did he tell callededicated herself to makinn francisco a better place. Her family moved from chicago to San Francisco at the age of 3. She graduated from Lincoln High School and created hebrew school. Passionate about literature, theater and films, she studied in English Literature at uc berkeley and later received a masters of education with credit agaiat sanfrancisco state unive. Throughout her career, she was wellknown for sharing her passion for the arts and her love for the 49ers with her students. Robins 37 years in the classroom inspired her to be an advocate for equality and education. Robin worked in three of our citys most economically disadvantaged schools and witnesses the challenges our students faced. She knew that San Francisco could do much more for our youth and she fought everyday for their success. More recently, robin was involved in the National Council of jewish women San Francisco, during her time in the organizations leadership, she founded the lillian foreman skip for youth at risk of violence and exploitation. She was also instrumental in guiding the organizations advocacy and policy work. Robin later served as a member of the legislative committee for the uesf retire division as well as the board member at San Francisco Democratic Women and action and friends of the commission on the status of women, and American Jewish world services. She also spent years volunteering on the board of directors of the anti defamation links. During my time working for the city, robin has always been a source of motivation for change. Her advocacy will inspire me for years to come. Between working in the classroom, attending Board Meetings and advocating on behalf of our citys women and children, robin could often be found at the San Francisco open open a she wasan open opera. Here of the last things i saw on her Facebook Page that she posted, which meant a lot to me and one of the reasons why i loved her so much, was this stop being democratic or republican. Be honest, have more als, show empathy, value, integrity, she was a good human that im going to miss so deeply. I loved knowing her over these years and shes done a lot of good for San Francisco. And i just want to say, oneday early happy birthday to our colleague supervisor peskin. His birthday is tomorrow. Thank you supervisor peskin for your friendship and being someone that, although we always dont see eyetoeye we can still be friends. Happy birthday supervisor pesk peskin. [please stand by] as yoifn on thursday, june 4, mayor london bleed and i announced a plan to reprioritize the direction of resources from the San Francisco Police Department to support the black community in the up coming budget. This will be a collaborative process with community and partnership with the Human Rights Commission to help identify and prioritize funding needs. Decades of disinvestment in the African American community and racially disparate policies in San Francisco have exacerbated this proportionate harm in black communities. Affecting outcomes from health and wellness to housing insecurity and economic outcomes. In San Francisco, the average income for a black household is 31,000 as compared with 110,000 for white fames. As many as 19 of black children in San Francisco live in poverty. Black and African American individuals comprise 35 of the citys unhoused population, despite making up only around 5 of the population as a whole. We have been pushing for reparation for black people here in San Francisco for decades and we have continue to see our organizations disrecorded and left out of receipt of vital resources and in these times of continued system d systemic discrimination of black people, we have to be strong with our solutions. In other words to provide a real opportunity for equity, we need to repurpose resources and give them to the black community to tlefl Playing Field and achieve successful outcomes. Thises a concrete, bold and immediate step toward true reparations for black people and im urging all of my colleagues to support this redistribution of resources from the San Francisco Police Department to the black community. Also today, im submit ago request for legislation to the City Attorneys office on june 16, i introduced a resolution for individuals who profile people of color for suspicion of crime or denial of service base on individuals race, ethnicity, language, gender, Sexual Orientation, immigration status and national origin. It was sent to Public Safety and Neighborhood Services for a hearing. It was made clear by the pinl weve had increase in discriminatory inlses which have been recorded and posted on social media showing black people and people of color being harassed by people using 911 and Police Officers as a threat. While most of you are familiar with the situation termed as barbecue becky where a white woman called the police on a family barbecuing because they didnt show her, a bistander, their permit. I want to highlight the following incidents that have taken place here in San Francisco. In june 2018, a white woman subsequently dubbed permit patty called police on an 8yearold black girl she accused of illegally selling water without a permit in front of her residence. In july 2018, a white woman harass add latino vendor on market street, telling her she couldnt be there if she didnt have a permit and in july 2018, there was an [inaudible] called the police on Victor Stevenson t black owner of a lemonade stand, accusing him of breaking into his own business. In judgment 2019, a white man called the police on a black man waiting for his friend in the lobby of her building, telling him he didnt look like he belonged there. In july 2019, two black Youth Program leaders were racially profiled, accused of stealing and had the Police Called on them by employees at forever 21. In february of this year, i had my own experience being racially profiled. Last sunday a white couple in Pacific Heights called the police on a filipino man, accusing him of defacing someone elses property, despite the fact that it was his home. On may 25, george floyd was killed by police after someone called the police to accuse him of using counterfeit money at a store where he purchased cigarettes. The list goes on nationally with michael brown, Trayvon Martin and others who have been killed for being black. Those are only a few examples that have been publicized. We know that there are many more that dont get News Coverage or dont get reported. In each of these inens stas, people of color were minding their business, going about their day, living as free citizens in our liberal city and country. When their activities were interrupted by those who wanted to remind them that they dont look like they belong. And in some cases there was a threat to call 911 if the person of color did not comply. In this day, that threat feels like a death threat. People of color are threatened with violence if they dont stay in their place. Is it 1920 or 2020 and this behavior is still acceptable. This discrimination against the black community and communities of color have to stop t. Rise in racial violence and antiblack violence has reached a fever pitch. The tim the immigrant community has also seen a rise in violence and hate speech directed toward them. A few week ago i introduced an ordinance that would allow all San Francisco residents, i long with supervisor yee and several colleagues, allowing San Francisco residents to participate in commission and advisory committees regardless of their immigration status because it is important that all of our residents feel a part of the fabric of San Francisco. Regardless of race, language, literacy and wealth. San francisco is for everybody. It is our collective responsibility to prevent Racial Discrimination in all of its form and seek julies for people when were unable to stop it from happening. We must demand that all individuals be treated with dignity and respect. My previous resolution urges companies to provide buyersbased training, training employers to provide customers with information on how to file discrimination complaints and commit to investigate any allegations of discrimination. These are all good efforts, but we need to do much more to close the glaring, ongoing inequities that these communities face. In San Francisco, we must be bold in leading the way and working collectively in the spirit of San Francisco to welcome and embrace all coaches and community. Our police should not respond to racist calls and anyone found liable in a call to action should be held liable. It is my hope that this will prevent these racist call and Law Enforcement does not waste time responding to them. In this moment of nationwide uprising, it is our job to listen to open mind and hearts and to what the most marginalized against us are saying. It is loud and clear that people are being tired of profiled and intimidated by the threat of police and treated as intruders in their own neighborhood. It is with this intend that im asking our City Attorney to draft an ordinance that would impose monetary penalties on people who make false, racebased 911 calls. Abusing our Law Enforcement response system and calling them for nonemergencies simply because the call is racism or bias is unacceptable. Im proposing that we find these people. No one gets to decide who belongs in San Francisco or who uses public spaces based on the color of their skin. Specifically this will amend the police code and make it unlawful to cause a peace officer to contact a person solely based on the desire to discriminate against the personal on the basis of the persons race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, gender, Sexual Orientation or gender identity and will create a civil cause of action and provide for damages violating this prohibition. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor walton. Supervisor and president yee . Thank you, madame clerk. Colleagues, today im joining supervisors fewer, haney and peskin in introducing the Business Tax Reform measure that will allow for a fair recovery by providing relief to our struggling and Small Businesses and ensuring that they stabilize and uplift our local economy. I also want to thank supervisor mar who also is going to be sponsoring another version that we submit for signatures. Just basically the same one that were going to introduce as the legislative process. You know, even prior to the pandemic, this tax overhaul was there far balanced equitable approach. We were previously working on a joint committee to propose Critical Reforms to our citys [inaudible] receipt tax. And from the beginning, i stressed the need for the Mayors Office and the board of supervisors, as well as critical city stakeholders such as Business Community, labor and nonprofit providers to be part of that conversation. I still believe that that to be the case. It is my hope that we can land on a unified tax mission that has consensus. But we should not be sacrificing our values and abandoning our priorities for the sake of agreement. The pandemic only amplified the existing inequities in our system where the financial burden weighed heavily on working families, small entrepreneurs and familyowned businesses. We need to recover from this unprecedented hit on Small Businesses and the local economy. But we also need to provide a sustainable source of Economic Vitality in the fairest and most balanced way possible. The major elements of the measure were introducing today are that it provides immediate support to close our [inaudible] significant budget deficit by unlocking nearly 300 million that has been collected for our city, our homes, properties, propc and also our universal early care and education propc. It provides ongoing support and recovery relief to Small Businesses that have up to 1. 5 million in gross receipts. It extends relief for Small Businesses by reducing Business Registration fees and other taxes for business sectors, hardest hit by the pandemic. We will also eliminate the payroll tax in favor of a more equitable gross receipt tax where more profitable, higher earning businesses pay modestly more. This measure will generate an additional 18 million in ongoing revenue to help close the citys budget deficit, prevent cuts to critical Public Services, reinvest in job and Community Revitalization that is so desperately needed to lift us all out of this devastating pandemic and economic crisis. I look forward to working with all of you as we continue these important discussions. The rest i submit. Thank you, mr. President. Supervisor fewer. Yes. Thank you, madame clerk. Im proud to be a cosponsor of the gross receipt tax merck and really want to thank president yee for leading such a thoughtful and collaborative process with stakeholder and their colleague, supervisor haney and peskin. This pandemic has exposed massive ineke quities deeply engrained with our society and we work to invest in our most Vulnerable Community as we begin to recovery. A we look ahead to the rekoifrz and begin to open the economy, we know we must provide relief to our neighborhood Small Businesses who have been devastated by this pandemic and we know that we must generate significant new revenue to address the growing budget deficit and continue funding the Public Services that san franciscans rely on. The only way we can jump start our economy while preventing massive cuts to our critical Public Services is by asking our most profitable corporations to pay their fair share. Many of these corporations benefited from businesses payroll tax cuts during the last recession as well as the federal tax cuts in 2017. It is only fair that we now ask them to pay a little more to support the recovery of our Small Businesses and communities. I believe this measure strikes the right balance for our struggling Small Businesses and modest increases on big businesses who continue to prosper during this difficult time. I look forward to continuing in this conversation with my colleagues, the mayor and Community Stakeholders about how we can best jump start our economic recovery in the most equitable way possible. And on february 22, 2019, a dear friend and a champion for justice, jeff hidachi, passed away suddenly. In the midst of our collective grief, that same city our city was subjected to a leaked Police Report intended to smear his reputation. The leaking of this report to the press raised reflections for me and my colleagues about internal procedures and departmental general orders regarding the public relief of private information and what accountability exists for individuals who take at this time upon themselves to not only act unethically, but break the law in order to cause harm to an individual or their loved ones for political gain. This is not just about jeff hidachi. These actions serve to undermine the public trust in the Police Department which you know is a serious issue for departments across the country. As our country is in the midst of calls for radical changes to our system of policing and how we think about Public Safety. For black people and for all residents. Since public defender jeff hi, dachis dp ets, the leak of Police Report, the hearing that we held on this matter in april of 2019 and finally the announcement of 2019 from chief scott, sharing that he would be seek an external agency to conduct an independent investigation, neither the board nor the public have gotten any updates regarding the status of such an investigation. Today, colleagues, im introducing a resolution calling upon the Police Department and the department of Police Accountability to pro a status update on any internal investigation and also calling upon District Attorney bodean to initiate a possible criminal investigation into the february 22, 2019 leaked Police Report. The rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor fewer. Supervisor haney . Thank you, madame clench first i want to echo the comments about the gross receipts tax reform and thank you president yee and supervisors peskin and fewer for your leership and partnership as well as the mayor, controller, the Community Coalitions that came together on propc, the Business Community and labor. I do think that what weve put forward here balances the respective needs to reduce the tax burden on Small Businesses while ensuring that we have adequate revenue to provide for essential services as we face one of most challenging times in our city with regards to ensuring both the preparation for an Ongoing Health crisis and other essential needs that we clearly have around homelessness and Mental Health. Addiction and, of course, also Early Childhood education with baby c. I know that the negotiations and conversations are ongoing and well continue to work on behalf of the board to come up with the best possible solution that is, as supervisor fewer said s equitable and also meets the needs that we have as a city. Secondly today, along with cosponsors supervisors we are introducing the overpaid executive tax, sometimes referred as the c. E. O. Tax. The stabsing pretty simple. If the measure passes, any company that pays their Top Executive 100 times more than their average worker or median worker will have a. 1 surcharge added to their annual tax payment. The more inequity between the Top Executive and their worker, the higher the surcharge. If the Top Executive makes 200 times more, then it is. 2 surcharge and 300 times is. 3 and capping at 1 if the Top Executive makes more than 1 thousand times. Its a similar surcharge implemented in portland, oregon. California, connecticut, illinois, maine, rhode island and washington have proposed similar proposals to deal with rampant inequality. It will raise up to 140 million every year allowing the city to hire hundreds of nurses, doctors, First Responders and other essential health care workers. Our Health System was already stretched and strained to its limits and in response to Health Emergencies, including the Health Emergencies and Mental Illness and addiction. This measure not only raises much needed funds to fix the cracks in our health care system, but incentivizes companies to invest in their workers, not just their executives. Businesses can avoid the tax by raising their employees wages or paying their c. E. O. S less. Big companies that can afford to pay their executives milliondollar salaries every year can afford to pay their fair share in tacks to help us recover as a city. In the last 30 years executive salaries in the United States have skyrocketed by 940 . But regular workers salaries have grown by just 11 . The overpaid executive tax only applies to companies that gross over 1. 7 million annually and pay their executives over 2. 8 million and a year and are also at 100times plus their median worker. Big businesses all over San Francisco can join us, i hope n this effort. And be on the right side of history. It is a modest tax that will be going to the best use possible, which is hiring the nurses, doctors and essential workers that will save lives when san franciscans get sick. We, as has been said many times, are in one of the most challenging situations weve ever been with regards to our budget deficit and we are going to need to seek a revenue as well as look at efficiencies and we all know that there will be cuts. But asking a little bit more from companies that we know can give a little bit more, while at the same time, addressing inequality in our city is the right thing to do. The rest i submit. Thank you. I would ask to be added as a cosponsor to supervisor stefanis in memoriam. Ok. I dont see any name on the roster so i believe that includes the introduction of new business. I believe youre right. So why dont we just go ahead and jump right into Public Comment. Ok. At this time we are hosting at this time, the board of supervisors is hosting Public Comment via teleconference. The board believes it is essential that the public can fully participate remotely in this meeting. If you need assistance, please contact my office at 4155545184. Each speaker will have up to two minutes to provide Public Comment. If you join the meeting early to listen to the proceedings, now would be a good time to get into the line to speak. If you have not already, please press star three. The key is to only press star 3 one time as pressing it twice will remove you out of the speakers line and back into listening mode. Once the queue once youre in the queue and standing by t system will prompt you when it is your turn to speak. So it is really important that you call from a quiet location. That way you will hear the system prompt you when its your turn. For those of you calling in now t telephone number is displayed on our website. It is also crawling on channel 26. Its 4156550001 and, when prompted, enter the access code 1451302268 and press pound and pound again. Each person will have the opportunity to speak on items within the jurisdiction of the board and youre able to speak on adoption without reference to committee. There is no electioneering at these Board Meetings. Address the board as a whole, not individual supervisors. The last two points are that the director of office of civic engagement, adrian pawn, has assigned three interpreters during this local emergency to be on standby to assist any members of public who would like to provide Public Comment in language and i will ask each of them to introduce themselves. Well start with agnes li and then fay lapanuoa and arturo krizenz oh,. Ms. Li . [speaking mandarin] thank you. [speaking spanish] anyway, madame clerk. [speaking in spanish] thank you, madame clerk. Thank you so much. We appreciate having all three of you here. And we encourage the public to utilize their services. And finally, if members of the public had the internet, please submit your written correspondence to email. Board. Of. Supervisors sfgov. Org and we can include your comments with this meeting. You are able to watch the meeting live streamed on www. Sfgov. Org. You are able to watch channel 26. Note that it is cablecast on channel 26, which represents in a 20second broadcasting delay. If you have a smart phone or if you have a regular phone and having difficulty accessing or connecting to this meet, please contact my office at 4155544584 and we have an individual in the office to assist you to access this meeting. Mr. President , thank you for your patience, for the length of this communication. If you are in line and you would like to speak, press star 3 to get into the queue. We have 81 listeners and 37 in the queue. Mr. President , i believe you just expect us to call the first speaker. Yes, im sorry. Go ahead. Lets start the Public Comments. Each has two minutes. Ok. Operations . Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller good afternoon. My name is david gershell speaking on item number 28. I own moms body shop and piercing facility in hating ash bury and i support item 28 and dr. Arragon, id like to see tatoo shops reopen as soon as covid19 [inaudible] pursuant to state of california guidelines. Weve been out of work for a while. This is something that we can do and do safely. We already have procedures for cleanliness and sterility and infection in place that weve practiced for decades on a daily basis and this is not much of a difference for us to make a few minor changes to what were already doing. A lot of us need to get back to work to take care of our families, pay our bills, pay our rent and with the new guidelines in place, we would like to see this item moved forward. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hi. Im calling in support of item number 28. I want to thank all the supervisors for their extraordinary leadership during this troubled times. Small Business Community is in crisis. And urgently needs help. Without this variance, businesses are unable to fully participate in the shared Spaces Program. If a business does not currently hold an outdoor tables and chairs permit or would like to utilize those Parking Spaces and parklets, they knead to apply for a temporary catering authorization application through the alcoholic Beverage Control office to serve at the outdoors. The abc is not accepting applications until San Francisco has submitted the attestation seeking a variance from our Health Officer with the state of california. We, the small Business Community, urgently need this variance. Many of our businesses are on the brink of closure. They need your help. I hope you will support this variance request. Again, i appreciate everything that you guys are doing. And all the hard work that you engage in, in supporting our city during this time. Thank you. Thank you for those comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller yes, hello. Board of supervisors, this is matthew sutter. Im sure you well know im one of the purchasers of the taxi medallion. I have not gone back to work. Im afraid to go back to work. Its definitely not safe. Five cab drivers caught the covid19 and i dont want to be [inaudible] in San Francisco. [inaudible] step in with the bank and go forth and do whatever i takes to help us, you know, gain a little 90day forebearance because it is out of control. There is no way we can keep up with bills and then on top of it, you know, just pay the bank another 850 payment for interests for something im not even driving. And, you know, you talk about supporting Small Business and trying to think about future and stuff and where are we going to be if we dont get some help now . Thank you for your time. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. G frn. My name is ramsey nichols, im the Vice President of politics for local ccu 1021. Im here today to talk about the importance around item 28 and progress related to the covid19 response. I think that we need to also include the input of Public Health workers. I think were hopeful to dont progress to ward and with covid, unfortunately it is not always a shared sentiment when youre a Frontline Worker in Public Health, right . Either in San Francisco or any of the surrounding areas. To city and county of San Francisco. You can take train, buses. Theres many ways that this thing can get out of control again and what were asking is that, moving forward with it, that you also include the Public Health workers. So, we represent thousands throughout the bay area and asking that there be a [inaudible] with Public Health workers and our union and any other unions recommending in the Public Health side to make sure that when decisions are made before how to continue to move forward on the road map and has the input of the Frontline Workers there. We believe it is extremely important. Were not done yet. We understand the other issues around the base like Small Businesses and such s. However, you know, you look at news, you look at the numbers, covid19 cases are still up the. Our country has become one of worst in the whole world. Taking care of this. We have a long way to go to defeat this. So, please make sure you guys get the input of the front line workers at all times in this. Thank you. Thank you for your comment. Operation, if youll pause for a moment. I want to report that there is a caller in line who is requesting an accommodation which we would like the provide to him. He is just notified my staff that he would like to take advantage of this accommodation to be moved to the front of the line and as soon as that caller identify himself with my staff, we will take him next. So, please, sir, get in touch with my staff and they will let us know the telephone number and well pull you out of line, based upon your accommodation and youll be able to provide your comments to the board of supervisors. Ok. Thank you. Operations, please proceed s. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller my name is owen miller. I tatoo in San Francisco. I did want to start to address the numbers especially in california, at least in northern california. As of now in San Francisco, we have. 00033 of cases of our entire population with only. 00005 deaths occurring. And this is similar to or lower than surrounding counties that are going to be reopening their tatoo shops. This is in response to item 28 and dr. Arragon and in support of that. As was already said, we are already trained in p. P. E. Annually by law. It wouldnt take much to learn anything new. Our shops are relatively low traffic or can be. It doesnt need to be an open door policy. We can implement some stations that would keep people out or in an orderly line. We work oneonone with people. Currently we are set to open in the middle of august while barbers are set to open in the middle of jufm however, they arent trained in the same ways we are. And they were they will be working facetoface with people. Now i dont want them to not open. That is still something that they can do. But as ours is even a more elective profession, youre seeing people that wont be coming in if they dont feel comfortable. People will be going to get their haircut. Another issue that can happen is that there will be people there are people even now that go out of their way to get tatoos thats just not safe and if we can open earlyier, thatd be great. Thank you, caller, for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller thank you, supervisors. My name is Mark Bloomberg with San Francisco taxi workers alliance. Im speaking in support of item 25, resolution introduced urging the San Francisco federal credit union to forebear on medallion loan payments for an additional 90 days. I want to thank the supervisors for introducing this. It is desperately needed. The situation is really at the point of desperation for most of these medallion holders who bough their medallions. Even before the pandemic, close to 200 had gone into default and those were the highest that were foreclosed on and it is going to be possibly another 500 or more that will be foreclosed in very short order if something isnt done. So, this resolution, if the credit union sees the light, will be the first step, but much more needs to be done here. For one thing, the m. T. A. Needs to step up and give some ground on this. Youre probably aware that the credit union has sued the m. T. A. And there are discussions going on right now. We dont know what they consist of. But, you know, there is responsibility on both sides is here and the m. T. A. , you know, has tremendous responsibility as the Regulatory Agency and, frankly, as an agency that is partly responsible for the predictment that not only these medallion users but the whole industry is in. So i hope you can use your good offices to bring about and [inaudible] some accommodation that will allow [inaudible] thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hi. Thank you. My name is robert and i live in lower haigh, the. Im here because of a discretionary review last thursday. They wanted to stop a competing ice cream shop from opening across the street. I decided to tweet the hearing while waiting for the next item on the agenda, but i was surprised when Public Comment saw a flood of people about ice cream. Comments talked about community representation, gentrification k Economic Diversity and so on. In total, 6 people gave comment before the new shop was finally approved. By the time i finished posting the play by play, my phone was blowing up with notifications. My thread was retweeted a lot by journalists, urban planners, even politicians around the country. They could not believe that San Francisco would be having a Commission Hearing to debate an ice cream shop. People even called it game of cones. A friend even texted me that someone she knew in shanghai was sharing it and to date over 800,000 people have seen it. Everyone wants to know, why did San Francisco put itself through this anja answer them. The delay from our planning process cost the new ice cream shop tens of thousands of dollar and months of time. That is shocking. For every trendy show that is open in the mission lately, i have to ask how many businesses have been deterred by the cost . Our permit process is horrifickly expensive and deprives neighborhoods of afford tbl stores and the only businesss that can survive are ones with investors or deep pockets. So, please, i urge you. You just do something s. Discretionary review is failing everyone. Covid19 is killing my neighborhood and many around the city. Reduce the cost of opening and running new business. Kill discretionary review before it kills us. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Hi. My name is charla. Im an African American Business Owner. I have three Fitness Studios in district 1, district 8 and district 5. I just wanted to give my support to item 28 for dr. Arragon to have more discretion as to which businesses open. Hes been kind enough to meet with a coalition of independent Fitness Studios that we put together and he does see that we could open at some capacity before august mid august, possibly just oneonone personal training before groups are allowed inside and then before its open gym. So he has taken the time and i know District Supervisors have taken the time to see our safety plans. All of the Small Business owners have taken this seriously since the state of emergency was announced in february. And since february, he has been working on every possible way we can National Convention safe for ourselves and our kleins because no one Business Owner wants to go out of business because they get covid. So, we are all taking this seriously but it is really difficult to keep going like five months, six months. We dont know if we have to close at the end of year. So, even just being able to open a month earlier would be really helpful to get some income coming in. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Before the next speaker, if youll pause for one moment. To the individual who is in line requesting the accommodation, my staff are trying to reach you to get your telephone number so we can call you and dial you into this meeting. Thank you. Ok, operations. Next speaker, please. Caller hi. My name is zack. Im a disability advocate, Community Organizer and im disabled myself. I was the person trying to seek an accommodation to call into this meeting and was denied that accommodation. The Mayors Office on disability was founded in 1998 to assist meetings like this with disability accommodations. For many year, they have had a callin number that does not have a pass code and does not have the access barriers that are present here today. These access barriers are making it incredibly difficult for me and for other people with disabilities and people without disabilitis to call into these meetings and be part of the public process that is happening here today. The callin feature has a time limit that is very strict. After the third attempt, it just says thanks for calling. Goodbye and its very hard to get through to these meetings. I attempted three different times to get in and never had this much trouble trying to get into the a Public Meeting. Ive been calling Public Meeting for years at city hatch city hall. I urge this department to take it seriously not just as a personal accommodation for me but thousands of disabled san franciscans that deserve to have their voice heard today. As we heard in comments earlier today, many are silent and dont know whats going on with this system and how to use it and having an additional number to call is really hard when youre already on a call trying to leave a Public Comment. This is clearly in violation of title 2 section 8. 22000 the americans with disables act that says a Public Entity must review its policy and practices if it excludes persons with disabilities. Why would you make access worse than it was before covid . It doesnt make any sense. I really really urge also that Mayors Office and disability meetings not be canceled. The last four months of disability meetings have been canceled at city hall. Blaming it on covid, which i think is crazy. We deserve to have a voice, the disabled, in the programs and services that govern our lives, especially when were super high risk for covid and accounting for a large part of the death toll under covid. Thank you so much. And please consider eliminating the pass word system. Thank you. [beeping] thank you for calling. Im looking forward to catching up with you and we appreciate your comments. Ok. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up the two minutes. Hi. My name is sarah harris. Im a resident of district 58 and i wanted to call and comment on a few things. Firstly i wanted to call to comment on the urgency of having some sort of oversight or some sort of accountability for mayor breed and the lawsuit with u. C. Hastings. I think that what shes trying to what she settled on is completely inhumane. I think that she has been on national tv accredited as this voice to watch in the conversation of Police Reform at the same time calling for increased enforcement of unhoused residents who are disproportionately black in San Francisco. In the tenderloin. I think that is just ridiculous. I think we really need to hold her accountable. So, i really appreciate hearing that thats something that supervisor ronen is spending time on. I also wanted to echo what zack just had said about the pass word and to get into this meeting and the ability to participate in our local politics. I think that aside from being against the americans with disabilities act, this is an issue that is not just because of law, but because of the meaning behind the law, which is humanity, compassion and the inclusion of all people, people with disabilities in our public discourse. So, i think that we should really reconsider having a pass word and thank you for your time. Great. Thank you so much for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hello, madame clerk. President yee and members of board of supervisors. My name is sandra costello, senior Vice President of Public Policy at the San Francisco travel association. Im calling in regards to item number 28 on your agenda today. San francisco travel is a notforprofit organization that markets San Francisco as a destination globally and we also sell publicly owned [inaudible] to large group business. Weve been really proud the way San Francisco has managed the covid19 pandemic. The leadership shown by the mayor, our Health Officer, this board of supervisors and city departments has been strao ed extraordinary and now as we carefully and thoughtfully continue our phased reopening strategy, we want to ensure a balanced approach of the citys economic and physical health and we support the Health Officer, dr. Thomas arragon and his efforts to prepare in support of the variance to progress further into the states covid19 resilience road map. Well continue to work with the doctor as he uses his discretion to reopen certain business sector. Our attractions and museums and accommodations have carefully developed thoughtful safety reopening plans and are ready once again to welcome the public when the Health Officer deems it appropriate to do so. Thank you for your time. Thank you, ms. Costello. Good to hear from you. Former colleague of ours here. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Caller hi, there welcome. You have up the two minutes. Caller thank you so much. My name Solange Starr and im from district 5 and im calling in support of item 28 and dr. Arragon. I would like tatoos shops to open up as soon as june 19 under the state and california guidelines. As businesss that already use extensive cleaning and sterilization procedures, the transition for us to reopen under these new covid19 guideline would be very easy to accommodate. As tatooers, we are trained in bloodborne pathogens and licensed by the s. F. Department of Public Health. We take our Clients Health and safety seriously and work diligently to keep our spaces clean, safe and sterile. As a selfemployed resident of San Francisco, i believe we should be given the chance to reopen safely alongside our neighbor and community to serve our waiting clientele. Thank you for your support and consideration. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hi, everyone. Im the president of the Entertainment Commission but also speaking today not from that role but as a bar owner and Restaurant Owner in San Francisco. Im urging you to support to approve the variance and item number 28. I think you heard from me in my letter, but were in a tough situation right now, restaurants and bars and hospitality and this item will allow the city to use all of its facilities and its leadership to determine how and when health in a healthy manner bar and restaurants can reopen on our own timeline. Were not asking to return to packed bars and this is kind of a mischaracterization that ive been hearing. Were asking to open at the same timeline that restaurants do with the same restrictions that they have, meaning practicing all of the conditions that department of Public Health and the leaders would put on us. I just want to be clear of that. And i urge you to support this and just give you a sense that were really slipping into extinction here with each passing day, were finding land lords and creditors and our financial situation to be more and more dire. Thank you very much. Wish i could see all of your wonderful faces instead of speaking over the phone. Thanks. Thank you for your comments. Next eke spaoer, please. Welcome. You have up to two minutes. Caller hello . Yes. We can hear you. Welcome. Caller excellent. Sorry s. I couldnt hear the prompting. My name is joshua and im a tatooer at trudys tatoo parlor in beautiful San Francisco. Im calling today to support item 28 and dr. Arrago. Id like to see tatoo and piercing shops reopen as soon as nail salon and barbershops, which is dated for june 19 under the state of california guidelines. We want to get back to work as soon as possible, as you already know and were prepared to follow any new guidelines for reopening such as p. P. E. , be it masks or face shields and were also willing to limit our room capacity, of course. Adhering to strict rules and guidelines to operate our business safely and legally and p. P. E. Is not foreign to our business. Theyre held to ahooer standard than salons and barbershops and were actually closer to dental offices. We use singleuse disposable item, sterilized equipment, p. P. E. Already such as gloves, aim rons, gown, et. Sanitized aseptic surfaces such as piercing, tatoo stations, countertops, sinks, floors and we understand the need for safety for everyone. Workers and clients alike. We also are l gladly limb the amount of people in our shops at one time and require all of them to wear masks. This has been a trying time for all of us and were grateful to be a Small Business thats made it through this pandemic with the ability to reopen and not close our doors forever. We already see this as a kind of therapy if you will and we need to resume the healing. So, please allow body art establishments to reopen with new and modified guidelines the same day salon and barbershops, june 19. Thank you very much for your time. Have a great day. Thank you for your comments. Before the next speaker, i know theres been some concerns regarding the necessity for a pass code. I just want to state that it is necessary for a telephonic participation. Its synonymous to a phone extension or meeting room number which ensures connection to the correct meeting among the many different meetings that are being hosted by the Microsoft Teams vendor. Without this access code, there is no other alternate mechanism. There is a new feature were working with the department of telecommunications on, that the director and i spoke about linda gurell, which would hopefully allow for a for taste pant to be able to dial the telephone number and the access number would dial on its own. But that is a future change that were going to try to fix on. Please dial my office if there is an accommodation that we can assist you with. Perhaps my staff can work with you to get you into this meeting. Thank you, operations. Next public speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hello. My name is henry beckwith. Im calling in about item 28. I work at a tatoo and piercing shop in San Francisco. Tatoo and piercing shops are already wellversed tan protection against bloodborne pathogens and very wellequipped to maintain a sterile environment. If any business is deemed ready to reopen within the next month, tatoo shops should be at the top of the list. Because of high standards we carry for sanitation that are already in practice. Those practices on top of those specifically protected against covid19 are why i believe myself and my community should be allowed to return to work as soon as possible. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hello, supervisors. My name is theo gordon. Im a renter in district 5. Im calling to ask the supervisors for a couple of things. First off, retract one of supervisors statements comparing exclues their neighborhoods to all lives matter. That was a disgusting tweet to send out and unacceptable to appropriate the language of black lives matter to perpendicular perpetuate racist and housing segregation. Also, drop the appeal of [inaudible] groceries. You just received our petition that i send out at the beginning of hearing today. Basically you have youre listening to those living in multibillion dollar homes trying to say im sorry, my . Aibl full and preventing housing on vacant land. Why are you waste, i dont you are time on this . We already had two Planning Commission hearings. There is no reason to come to the full board. You have Better Things to do with your time. To supervisors in the other districts who signed on to this, why . Whose interests are you serving . Why do you care what gets built on a vacant plot of land that will never have anything else there . Its for use. Just let it happen and spend your time doing something meaningful like identifying more funding for Affordable Housing. And ive gotten a few questions about how much were doing in the support of Affordable Housing. We are trying to get as much Affordable Housing built in throughout district five and were asking that the board of supervisors go on the record, saying that all Affordable Housing projects should be built to the maximum density. Were waiting to find out what the maximum height of the 730 scan i dont know project will be, whether it will be built the full eight stories or capitulate to the wealthy who think that it is a progressive housing policy as long as its not in their neighborhood. Again, reject the appeal and get on to working on important things. It should not take over a year to get permitted. Get it built. Let more familis have a new place to live. Thank you, caller can. Thank you for your comments. Before the next speak, we have 86 members of the public listening and we have 42 ready to speak in the queue. Ok, operations. Send the next public speaker through, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hi. Thank you. My name is cliff. I primarily get around San Francisco on transit and by riding a bike. I chair the cal tran [inaudible] of how these issues work. I applaud sfmta of doing their great work in my [inaudible] transportation around San Francisco and as cars return to the roads, they really need to have a full board to be able to meet the needs [inaudible]. In particular, jane natoli was appoint by the mayor to sit on the m. T. A. Board over two months ago and shes been waiting for a hearing. Im familiar with janes experience. I know that she would be a fan [inaudible]. She really has a lot to add from a lot of different angles and has a lot of great relevant spaoefrjs i dont know why she hand had a hearing yet. Im just really asking you that, in addition to all the things that the board of supervisors is doing to improve our transportation system, please hold a hearing to appoint jane natoli to the sfmta board. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Hi. My name is suzann and i work in a Beauty Lounge bordering chinatown and nor beach. And the owners completely transformed the salon so they do nails and also eyebrow tatooing and i met her because i had cancer and she i did my tatoo i tatoo my eyebrows. But she has transformed her salon so theres plexiglas between each nail station and as many of the tatoo artists have explained, their level of cleanliness and being sanitary and using gloves and using p. P. E. , and using masks and requiring everyone to wear a mask is what she is going to do. So im just puzzled why people can go to costco and go shopping and not everybodys wearing a mask, but we cant roll this out so that people can have an appointment and sign in, you know, where have they been and keep it safe so that these Small Business owners who are waiting to speak, so that they dont die and become extinct. We have this beautiful city that we live in. We want to be as safe as possible. But, you know, just i totally agree with item 28 and dr. Arragon and speak on behalf here and thank you very much for your time. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hi. Good afternoon. Im calling in to also express that the Current System for calling in is unnecessarily complicated. The justification and explanation for why this is is not an excuse for creating a password for these meetings. We havent needed one in the past at all. This method is cumbersome and severely limits access to these meetings especially for disabled folk and is in violation of the a. D. A. Im urging you to rectify this issue immediately. Thank you. Thank you, caller, for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hello . Yes. Welcome. We hear you. Caller ok. My name is [inaudible]. I am [inaudible]. And now we have no work. It is very hard to pay the bills but dwronl go back to work until it is safe for everyone. [inaudible] we need to rush to reopen, but i dont think so. [inaudible] and all my family members who work in the hotel and for the guests. [inaudible]. That way the guests can feel comfortable and come back to [inaudible] and cheng into their hotel. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Nex speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hello. Can you hear me . Yes, we can. Welcome. Caller hello . Im sorry. Good afternoon. My name is matthew parrdo and im calling today in support of item 28, file number 200633 and dr. Arragon in regards to opening the tatoo businesses. This june 19, along with other cities like los angeles and san diego, i work at black art tatoo in district 9. We have been there, a part of the Community Since 2004. And it is obviously hurrying us as a business there. And we dont want to go anywhere. And the tatoo industry is one of cleanest businesses operating or trained in cross contamination, p. P. E. Certified through the city in coordination with osha and the Health Department. We thoroughly clean every station with medicalgrade sanitizer or sterilizing after every client and were prepared to start checking temperatures oneonone appointments with people with masks, face covering, Hand Sanitizer available and were in wellventilated areas. We stay updated on all the latest covid news and were following all the rules of our or we plan to follow all the rules of social distancing within our lobby as well for our kleins. Clients. So, but i just believe that were all prepare and ready to operate sifly in the community and were just asking you to please allow us to continue working. To provide for ourselves and our family. Yeah. June 19. If we could shoot for that, that would be great. Thank you so much for your time and i hope it works out. Thank you, caller can. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Caller hi. My name is dean ericsson. Im from a small familyowned gym and network of gyms. Im also participating in the recently developed San Francisco independence coalition. Which recently had a meeting reopening protocols and requesting the board of supervisors to support item number 28, file 2000633 in order to establish a variance to give San Francisco public Health Officers greater flexibility and progressing further into the [inaudible] streamlining the process. Specifically we believe small Fitness Studio and neighborhood gyms can establish safe and healthy operational protocols allowing a process sooner than mid august. The number of Fitness Studios are on the brink of close toing due to economic distress. We look forward to collaboration with the Mayors Office, supervisors and dmik Recovery Task force and Small Business commission in order to preserved a quat health for San Francisco residents moving forward. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You will have up to two minutes. Caller hello . Hello. We can hear you. Hello. Yes. Welcome. Caller thank you. My name is h. Joseph herman, im the owner of the elixir, a bar on the corner of 16th and guerrero on in districtle and im also the Property Owner and resident of the district as well. And calling about number 28 as well to try to get bars to pass the variance so bars can open with restaurants just as were responsible and vital as the restaurants are. We have not only changed the way that america and the world drinks as a Bar Community within the last decadeplus of San Francisco, we changed the way the world looks at the already impressive culinary culture of San Francisco and without the bars, were going to be hurting. We are dropping like flies as the weeks go by. There is no reason that we cannot or should not open with the restaurants and we need this variance to pass. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your comments, sir. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Welcome. Caller my name is spencer hello . Yes. Welcome. Woke hear you. [barking] caller me. My name is spencer carlin. Im calling to voice my support for item 28, dr. Arragon. My concern is that many in the tatoo industry have been hit hard by these closures and i fear they will not survive another month without income. Theres extensive training on Communicable Diseases already required. Two tatoo artists already use protective equipment on a daily basis. Studios can operate on an employmentonly basis and most already do. Please support their artist and Business Owners by allowing them to open their doors as soon as possible. Thank you. Thank you for your comments, sir. Next speaker, please. Welcome. You have up to two minutes, caller. Hello, caller . Hello. Welcome. Caller yes. Good afternoon. This is barry toronto. I want to profusely thank supervisors ronen and preston for bringing up item number 25 before you today. I urge you to support this resolution unanimously because they need some relief at this point. Those drivers who actually have purchased their medallions have im not actually able to work at this time. A lot of them are older a lot of them have families and they have not wanted to risk getting the virus. Although the airport has picked up somewhat in business. It is not enough to generate enough income to cover these loan at this point. Although some people have been able to find the money to pay the credit union. The m. T. A. Needs to come to the table and work with the credit union. I didnt know if youve seen the memo from Jonathan Oliver last week, but it is important that there is some compromise that comes forth because the situation wouldnt have been so bad if the if the m. T. A. Had not had to acquiesce to the previous mayor by not enforcing the transportation code t rule and regulations against uber and lyft that, for over a year, did not have any regulation and there could have been a stop to that and prevented all these foreclosures at this time. Almost 200 of them at this point and there could be a lot more if something is not done in the next few weeks. I appreciate passing the relosesing and i hope you work with the m. T. A. To find some relief for these purchase medallion voters. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Caller hello . Hello, and welcome. Caller im a tatooer in San Francisco. Im calling in support of item number 28 for the variance of dr. Though mas. And i just want to say that im been out of work since the stay at home order has been issued in march. And i believe that we would be able to open up safely as per our strict guideline for operating. And our training in preventable diseases. That is all i have to say. Thank you. Ok. Thank you for your comments, sir. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hi. Im the creative director of Power Foundation in San Francisco and im a client at a tatoo shop in San Francisco. I support item 28 and dr. Arragon. I would like tatoo shops to reopen as soon as june 19 under the state of california guidelines. San francisco is already losing so many types of cultural and art institutions, including galleries, supply stores and Studio Spaces due to high cost of rent, even before the pandemic and many tatoo shops are now on the verge of closing their doors if the shelter in place continues on. Tatoo shops, in my mind, is one of remaining places that play an important part on maintaining the unique art culture in San Francisco. Tatoo shops are already clean and safe due to their hygiene and Safety Standards to prevent infection and contamination and some new standards like mask wearing, i would feel much safer at tatoo shop than any of the Grocery Stores i have been going to on a regular basis during shelter in place. San francisco is known around the world for its rich, artistic expressions that come in a variety of forms and i hope we can protect the value that they bring to that reputation by letting them ohm on june 19. Thank you t. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Twoem to the speaker. You have up to two minutes. Thank you, supervisors is. Im renter in the fillmore. Please support item 24, opposing senate bill 1085. This bill must be understood as part of a package of housing bills undully rushed through the legislature. Senate bill 902, 1120, 995, and 1085. These bills are checkively designed to exclude Community Participation in residential construction. Together they will lead to more speculation and displacement. They do so with mechanisms refered to euphemistically as buyright, streamlining, ministerial, not project under ceqa or just removing bureaucratic obstacles. In truth, they enable market rate housing and eliminate public protections or exclusions. Ker concerns like tenant harm, cultural preservation, raising surrounding area housing costs and, of course, foremost on all of our minds, concerns of racial and social justice. These are all bypassed under the buyright umbrella. Sb1085 claims Developers Need bonuses to build Affordable Housing. These special favors block public scrutiny and move the affordability needle, tilting i toward higherpriced units and away from lower priced units. Please, pass item 22. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hello . We can hear you. Welcome. Caller hi my name is [inaudible]. Im the owner of [inaudible] tatoo in San Francisco. Ive had my business in the district for over 17 years. Im not going to reiterate all of the procedures that the other tatoo artists have already stated that were trained in in Infectious Disease control and bloodborne pathogens. But in counties like marin and sonoma being able to ohm their tatoo studio this is friday, doesnt make a whole lot of sense for San Francisco tatoo studios to remain closed for another month or two when people can travel just across the bridge and get tatooed. Well lose an awful lot of our existing clientele as well as the future clientele and as many as my fellow [inaudible]. Were struggling as it is right now just to hang on. So please consider leting us open. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your comments, sir. We have approximately 77 people listening and 30 in the queue. Next speaker, please. Welcome caller, you have up to two minutes. Caller hello . Hi, there. We can hear you and welcome. Caller oh. Good afternoon. Im jill bonnie. I own studio kozukua tatoo shop in district 5. Im speaking on behalf of item 28 and support of dr. Arragon and the opening after tatoo shops in San Francisco. Ive been tatooing for 25 year, 20 in the bay area. Although i understand the value to the safety of the community of the mayors shelter in place order and have abided by it respectly, were ready to resume tatooing. On march 16 before the shutdown was officially announce we shut our doors on our own accord. Now were ready to protect ourselves and our clients from the stem of covid19. We feel we can go back to work safely. We implement the highest level of protocols and adhere to the same Health Standards as dentist and doctors office. Were strictly regulated by the department of Public Health and registered businesses with the city of San Francisco. We canceled months worth of apartments and continued paying rent and bills without any Financial Support and no expectation of when business would resume. We, along with everyone else, made the sacrifice for the good of our beloved city. As we sheltered, our rent and bills have continued to pile up. We would like to continue to enrich our local communities in the future. And in other words to do so must reopen june 19 as per the governors updated guideline and alongside the rest of our surrounding retail spaces and restaurants. It will be increasingly difficult to sustain our businesses without the opportunity to safely rejoin our neighbors in reopening our doors. Tatooing is a significant expression of individualtalty that has deep roots historically in San Francisco. We have always lead the way in the global tatoo community. If we remain closed can any longer, our diverse and internationally recognized artists will pack up and move away. This will be an unfortunate and irreversible tragedy for the Art Community we all love. So i ask you, the board of supervisors, to please support dr. Arragon so we can gate fair shot at reopening. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you. And next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Up to two minutes. Welcome. Hello, caller. Ka um hi. Im calling in support of item 28. Im asher wilson. Personally, prior to the quarantine, i was making a lot of progress as a tatooer so naturally i would like to see the shop open and Mohammed Atta shops open as soon as possible. Id like to express my support and i dont think i need to reiterate what everyone else has said regarding this matter, but we are held to extremely high standards in terms of sanitation and cleanliness. So it would be more than safe to allow us to open june 19. Thank you very much. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Caller hello. My name is tyler erring. I tatoo in district 5. Im here to voice support for item 28, file 200633 and dr. Ark rr ark gon. Im calling to recommend reopen tag too shops as soon as june 19. As tatooers, were kept up to date with Stringent Health codes tan San Francisco Health Department works nanlds hand very close on any relations with us and checks in with us frequently. We used hospitalgrade sterilization equipment and sanitation productss from the medical supply companies. Were also required, as tatooers within the city here, to take certification annually. A lot of the other businesss that are able to open do not do that. We are trained in methods of avoiding cross contamination and working safely without the spread of germs and disease. Based on this and the exact nature of our trade and profession, with the strict set of standards we hold ourselves to, youll find tatoo hat shops are much safer and sterile and clean than any other place you are going to enter during the pandemic or another time. Other than a few small parts for some artists is not single use, then the ing things are sterilized. The medical and Health Standards with hospital grade disinfect tanl and the use of ultrasonickage theys toer and autoclaves. All hard suerses fas are wiped with sprays and wipes before and after each client. Barrier film that is disposable and disposable containers are used for every procedures, sharps containers for every needle. Gloves and p. P. E. Such as gowns will r also used to prevent any kind of contamination. I truly believe we can work with restrictions in place Going Forward. Next caller, please. Tell us whats on your mind. You have up to two minutes, please. Caller yeah, hi. My name is jillian im from San Francisco general emergency departments. I wanted to thank you for all of your extra time and energy during this crisis. Weve been very founder shelter in place and whatever else [inaudible] happens in new york or happening. Or happening in italy. Right now the Health Commission is meeting and this meeting is happening and theyre looking at the Budget Proposal from d. P. H. Were very concerned about the management developing a budget that increases upper and middle management. It cut frontline staff [inaudible]. Thousands of people medical and Mental Wellbeing will rely on the Frontline Workers of sfpch. On their Budget Proposal on pages 5 and 6, they basically are asking an increase for quality Management Department for 6 million, 2. 7 million and then are forced to increase Human Resources by 2. 7 to 3. 8 million. And cut per diem staff and other frontline people. I hope we can do something to prevent this and to look at cuts from the topdown. The oversight of management maybe through your health are continuing. I want to thank supervisors stefani and gordon mar as well for that meeting and hoping [inaudible] meetings again. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. We have 72 listeners and 27 members of public in the queue. Next speaker, please. Welcome, speaker. You have up to two minutes to tell us whats on your mind. Caller hello. Can you hear me . Yes, we can. Welcome. Caller my name is luke stewart. Im in district 6. Im calling in support of item 28, dr. Arragons decision to let tatooing reopen. A lot of tatoo artists have made good points. Another thing i want to reiterate is our ability to limit the amount of clients in our facilities and also the amount of [inaudible] unlike barbershops and hair stylists. Often times we only see one to two clients per day. Sometimes three, but we can also limit this. And i think with the space, depending on the size, its in our interest to maintain social distancing and we purchased lots of p. P. E. That we can implement and i think Going Forward, were able to really use our experience with [inaudible] tech anythings that weve already been using. And we really appreciate dr. Arragons consideration and allowing us to reopen. Thank you very much. Great. Thank you so much for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. We can hear you. Hello. Welcome. Caller excellent. Thank you. Hi. Good afternoon. My name is jason stein. Im the owner of cyclops tatoo in the Mission District 9. I have run and operated the shop for 22 years and im just calling, like all the other callers have called to see if we can speed things along with the reopening of tatoo shops in june along with state accordance and the other counties. I dont want to reiterate what everyone has been saying is that were sterile as can be. Certainly much more so than other businesses already being allowed to operate. But i definitely want to reiterate the hardship that being closed this much longer is going to be for all of these Small Businesses. You know, most of us dont have a big safety net and were just operating handtomouth here and even an extra month or two months of staying closed is really going to hurt. In addition to what one of the other commenters said earlier about many of our clients going to other counties that are close by and opening sooner, i had several emails from clients who did not want to wait until august to get tatooed and that is money flying out the door. Wi are definitely able to implement covid specific safety protocol. Were only adding p. P. E. And more of a physical distancing situation. Were able to alternate clients, alternate artists so very few people are in the shop at the same time. The other thing about tatoo shops, it is usually a lowvolume situation. We have restaurants that are already open that have tens or more people going in throughout the day who are eating together, not Wearing Masks and while theyre outside, its a much more safe and crowded situation than a tatoo shop where everyone is in masks with face coverings. Maybe two or three or four people a day will rotate through per artist at the very most so it is a low volume weight of transference. Thank you, caller. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. You have up to two minutes. Hello. My name is dylan and i work at ucsf and im calling in support of dr. Arragon. I would like tatoo shops to open as soon as june 19 under the state of california guideline by working in a noncovidrelated research lab. Currently two researchers are allowed to be in relatively closed Spaces Together comparable at the time to giving and receiving a tatoo. Like scientists, tatooers are passion na about their work and familiar with extensive safety measure and will easily and willingly comply with any necessary covidrelated Safety Measures for chance to return to work. Just as ucsf researchers have done. I feel comfortable with businesses where people are Wearing Masks and gloves and id feel just as conferable comfortable in a tatoo chair or barber dhair. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Welcome. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Caller hello. Yes, we can hear you. Caller hello mark dam clerk and board of supervisors. Thank you for your time. Im calling in support of item number 28 and the variance suggestioned by dr. Arragon. Im katie gray and im a 20yearlong resident of San Francisco, professional tatooers of 11 years and hold an m. S. A. From California College of arts. Ive had the honor of working in some of San Franciscos top tatoo shops. I represent district six and district 11. Im calling today in support of item 28 and believe it is necessary to reopen San Francisco tatoo shop an june 19 to coincides with governor newsoms reopening plans for california. I personally have been fighting diligently to try to keep [inaudible] alive in San Francisco and the city seemed determined to see its demise. Tatooing has had a long history in San Francisco and for many immediate reopening will devastate tatooing and whats left of the Creative Community in San Francisco. Ive been a resident long enough to withstand the economic collapse, wall street riot and bailouts but nothing has been detrimental as the shelter in place. Its on the verge of yet another mass exodus of the creative working class. Please help your citys Small Businesses. Tatoo ers across the fwloek and especially in San Francisco have safe, sterile and sanitary places in place who are trained yearly and implementation of personal protective equipment and prevention of cross contamination. We have tatooers across the city that have already prepared significant protocol in support of the safe and urgent reopening. Of all the businesses allowed to reopen, tatoo shops thank you for your comments. Next caller, please. Welcome, caller. Hello, caller. Ok. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Caller hi. I own a bar on dolores. The only bar on the oldest street in San Francisco. Hello . Yes. We are here and listening. Caller ok. Great. Im here to support number 200633, the file number, to not let us open bars, to not let us open is just discriminatory. Were the same as restaurants. Were a gathering place. Were a place where people can Exchange Ideas and feelings, etc. Theyre not allowed to do that right now. And the best place to do that is in a place that is regulated like a bar. Instead of, you know, people gathering in open places, etc. So we are trying so desperately to not only save our business, but save our community. Save our groups. Save our people that are looking to to speak, to talk, to communicate and the only place we can do that legally is a bar where it is regulated and where were responsible. Weve always been responsible. Weve always been responsible people. Were just simply trying to do business. At the same time, were trying to do it in a safe manner. Its the best Case Scenario is to let us open. The same as restaurants. Thank you for your comments. All right. There are 67 listeners and 22 members of public in the queue. Next speaker, please. Hello. Welcome. Caller hello . Yes. We can hear you. Welcome. Caller my name is natalie phillips. I coown frisco tatoo in the mission. Im calling in support of item 28 and dr. Arragon. Like everyone already said, were already held to high standards. You can ask anyone whos been tatooed and theyll tell you that there is no cleaner place than a tatoo shop. Currently botox and fillers are legal at the med spas as of yesterday but it is still illegal to get a tatoo. I think that is a capricious and arbitrary decision. Were really struggling to survive right now. Last years art museum said it was the year of the tatoo because of the number of exhibits held all over San Francisco and maums and i really think were in danger of losing our Art Community. But weve spent such a long time building. So, thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing your comments. Next speaker, please. Callers have up to two minutes to tell us whats on their mind. Welcome. Caller hi. Am i on . Yes. Welcome. Caller thank you. My name is adrian lee. Im the owner of a tatoo parlor in San Francisco. Im advocating for the studios to open on june 19. Everyone has gone into dems about our best practices. So ill skip all than ajust want to say that i feel tatoo ers are real essential part of the cultural thread in the bay area of San Francisco. Many artists have been driven out and tatooers are one of last creative groups who can nooning afford to live here. But not for long. So we need to get back to work and were hoping youll consider everything that everyone said and allow us to do that on june 19. Thank you very much for your giving me space for my voice. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, caller. Welcome. You have up to two minutes. Caller hello . Hello. You found us. Caller hello . Hello. Hi. This is gilbert of district 8 and i wanted to talk on transit and the lack of transit. Its time to open up the s line and open up the subway so that you can get around in district 8. I live a ka guerrero and market. And its been closed since the stay at home and it needs to open now. So the only ability for me to get to the castro is walking from aguerro to market street. If you want people to shop in the castro during pride month and to go out to restaurants, you need to have transit that works in the district. I cant even go to the valley from where im at. Im like the mayor that gets shaufrd around to the valley and twin peak and then have the supervisor jump in a limbo with me. You need to open the transit for people that are disabled and seniors that have been stuck in their neighborhoods and cant get around to pay their rent or even to get a haircut. You need to open up the barbershops and dental offices. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Caller hello . Hi, welcome. You found us. Caller ok. Hi. My name is amy and im an employer at moms body shop and i also work at several San Francisco bars. Im calling in today in support of item 28. Id like to offer a little bit of perspective as an employee of Small Businesses here in the city as you heard a lot from Business Owners. I have not been able to work since march. And my increased unemployment benefit ends in july. Unfortunately none of the places that i work will be open until august which causes a big gap in income for me personally. I simply must get back to work asap in order to maintain living in San Francisco, which is a very expensive city by any standard. Im also a musician and i see a lot of our arts and culture disappearing every month because of financial pressures. Every month people that i know are out of work and theyre moving artist and sisterings and cultural figures are leaving the bay area for good. Many other callers today have already touch on the sterility of tatoo shops which is of paramount importance. Someone also touched on the low incidents of covid19 here in the city with all of these factors in mind, i think it is time to reopen these Small Businesses. s really time for you to help those of you who live and work here in the city to be able to survive. Thank you very much. Thank you for your comments. We have 18 speakers in the queue. Next speaker, please. Welcome. Caller hello. This is anastasia, district 8 tenant. I appreciate that every supervisor on the board is working in earnest to improve conditions for all of us in the city. Im excited to hear about supervisor prestons proposed ballot measure for removal of article 34 from the charter and supervisors yee, peskin and fewers tax relief ballot measure. I strongly support the resolution opposing sb1085 unless amed amended and im asking all supervisors to join in to vote to oppose the expanded state density bonus law unless amended. Dont be fooled. Giving additional concessions to developers does not improve upon what our city is already doing. San franciscos local planning and Affordable Housing tools are more than sufficient for addressing our Affordable Housing and planning needs. The publics participation in the planning process would be removed if buy right approval of Housing Development is mandated. Sb1085 would exclude ceqa review from local decisions. And i have to point out that sb10le 5 would set rent for students and lowincome residents at 30 below market rate rent. This is not fair. Please oppose. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes. Hi. My name is ross. I live in engelside and i work as an social creative director in San Francisco and im calling to voice my support for item 28. Dr. Arragon. Ive been tatooed by many of the folks that have called in and spoken prior and i would just like to point out, as a customer of San Francisco tatoo shop, that they add something immeasurable to the citys [inaudible] and i also feel very, very safe because all the artists and employees of San Francisco tatoo shops have undergone extensive bloodborne pathogen certification and cross contamination training and my heart really goes out to them. Most of them have been completely out of work and without any income for three months plus now. If we could get those folks back to work, i know it would do a lot for them. Thank you for your time. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Caller can you hear me . We can. Welcome. Caller hello . Welcome. Caller hello. Im the manager of tatooing in north beach. Ive been tatooing for 28 year and kansas and i support the two shops reopening as soon as june 30. I think 2633. The reason i support these is because we go with a tatoo artist. We get trained out a year and bloodborne pathogens and cross contaminations and universal precautions, especially for tatooing. Approved by the Health Department and osha. For us, every day routine and hand wash before and after tatoo. We were p. P. E. The right way. We use hospitalgrade disinfectants, proper use of sterilized equipment and were always adopting new methods and techniques for safe procedures. We only have to make a few additional changes and were willing to work with the Health Department for guidelines. I want to let you know that this is not the first time that tatoo artists face big changes. It seems we had to learn how to deal with aids, hepatitis and mersa. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes to tell us whats on your mind. Caller hi. My name is peter and i live in district 5. I encourage the supervisors to pass item 26. Police should not be able to murder innocent civilians with immunity. When the victim is a San Francisco resident as Sean Monterosa was, the police need to speak [inaudible]. And prohibiting racial profiling on representation of 911. It should be a lifesaving pool, not a lifethreatening weapon. Last lie i support it to amend the Police Staffing the requirements from 1994 to proposition d. We should not mandate an arbitrary number in our chart kerr. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes to tell us whats on your mind. Caller hello. Im a personal training the Fitness Studio owner in district 8, district 1 and district 5. I just wanted to speak on behalf in support of item 28 and dr. Arragon. Fitness studios keep people healthy physically which prevents the severe effects that can come from covid19. We also help people who strugle with mental with depression and addictions. Small businesses like ours are predominantly owned and operated by families, women minorities and members of the lgbtq communities. These delayed strategies are not keeping anyone safer as weve seen in our safeways and theyre crowded and filled with people who dont take things as seriously as Small Businesses would. We hope that you act fast in hoping us reopen sooner rather than later. Thank you. Have a good day. Caller thank you, caller. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker is, please. You have up to two minutes. Caller good afternoon. Thank you, madame clerk. I am calling in support of item number 24. Id like to thank supervisor peskin and other supervisors, you know, who are supporting in opposition to senate bill 1085. We are grateful that you brought this resolution to the floor and we are whole heartedly against this awful bill that is nothing but another shameful gift that keeps giving to developers. I just want to give you a glimpse of how corrupt and antidemocratic this bill s. Ill read you a few nuggets from this text. This bill would remove the specified adverse impacts on the physical environment from the list of reasons for which a city or county is authorized to refuse a concession or incentive. Who would try to call for disregard of Environmental Impact of Construction Projects on a city or neighborhood. I guess guting Environmental Protection is not a monopoly after trump administration. And then heres another one. This bill would prohibit [inaudible] related to Affordable Housing including inclusionary benefit fees from being imposed on a Housing Developments affordable units or bonus im sorry, bonus units. Why should we waive fees for developers . Sure, building Affordable Housing is important, but developmenters dont deserve to get their fees waived out. Developers do Building Construction that is for profit. So, whatever theyre making out of all the market rate units would definitely pencil out. Otherwise, they would not initiate building a project. So, we dont believe in waiving fees. Supervisors, please approve this item and support this resolution. I also want to support item number 26. Its about time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. With 15 callers in the queue, lets go to the next speaker. Welcome. You have up to two minutes. Caller good evening, supervisors. My name is kevin carroll. Im the president and chief executive officer chief executive officer of the Hotel Council of San Francisco. Were a nonprofit trade association that represents hotels, small, medium and largesized hotels. We fully support item 28 on the agenda today seeking the Health Officers variance for the state of california to allow the city to progress further into californias covid19 resilience road map. San francisco has been a leader in fighting covid19 , the pandemic, and we believe that leadership can be allowed to show hotels for opening safely for our employees and our guests. As weve done since the onset, hotels will continue to put the health and safety of our employees and traveling public first. Our hotels are prepared to open safely with the Hotel Councils enhanced prevention and cleaning protocols which were developed with c. D. C. And calosha requirements and guidelines. Weve met with dr. Arragon to review those guideline and protocols. It not only benefits our industry, but our 24,000 employee and all the businesss that rely on their hotel guests. We ask that you support dr. S arragon and the variance to reopen our economy. Thank you for your comments, sir. Next speaker, please. Welcome. Youll have up to two minutes to tell us whats on your mind. Caller hello. Welcome. We can hear you. Caller hello . Hi. My name is mary. I tatoo and pierce in San Francisco in the Mission District. I would like to call and voice my support for item number 28 and dr. Arragon to reopen on june 19. Because we need to allow everyone similar standards and not leave others out. We need to get our xhis going and tatoo shops are generally a very safe and sterile environment. Its part of the culture of the community. As an artist, ive seen the design in the artistic communities and we have to keep our culture and arts alive. And help Community Feed their families. And yeah. I just want to voice my support for item number 28. Thank you for sharing your comments. There are 14 speakers in the queue. Next speaker, please. You have up to two minutes to share your thoughts with the board of supervisors. Caller hi can you hear me . Yes. Welcome. Caller hi. Im the owner of alliance cab. Were a small taxi company but ive been in the business for 30 years and have seen receive level of this process and i can say that this is the worst of the worst. The taxi industry has been hard hit by the pandemic crisis. Taxi ridership has gone down 90 with most hotels still closed and Airport Services severely cut. I want to thank supervisor preston and supervisor ronen for this resolution number 25. Which i strongly support. The drivers are in desperate need just to put food on the table and keep the lights on. Its hard enough. Let alone keep up with the loan when there is zero income. The whole industry is on the brink of collapse. Without the driver, wi, the fleet owners or taxi companies, are bleeding like crazy. So this is a plea for the supervisors for urgent help. You have the platform to bring about positive change. We need sfmta to step up, take action and drive change. You cannot miss this moment and look at the broken system in the face and simply ignore. Im asking all the supervisors to join the every. We need all of your help in charting the next course and thank you very much, supervisor ronen in sponsoring this resolution. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Caller hello. Can you hear me . Yes. Welcome. Caller were talking about impending consequence of a traj ing nature should those governing fail to immediately intervene. As the topic of homelessness and moratorium on evictions gets mentioned in the news on a daily basis, what is apparently almost a secret to policymakers, media and the general public is that those protections extended to those at risk of eviction are not extending whatsoever to tenants already scheduled to move out. [please stand by] please stand by] i ask the supervisors to immediately meet with each other, discuss this issue, get it into the media, spread the word. I believe the action will be taken on behalf of these people should anyone know about this issue. Everyone ive spoken to has been surprised. Clerk thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Youll have up to two minutes to share your thoughts with the board of supervisors. Thank you, supervisors. My name is fernando, and im speaking on behalf of item 24, the [inaudible] now i want to thank you for finding this state build that would reduce the market housing that we can build in this city. Its important that we preserve what we have here in San Francisco, and thank you for all youve done. Urge you to support the resolution and to send a clear message to our state delegation in sacramento to amend sb 1085 in order to preserve our Affordable Housing game. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. We have 12 callers in the queue. Youll have up to two minutes to tell the board what youre thinking. Welcome. Yes, hello. This is Peter Warfield from Library Users association. Sounds like a lot of places are open or being opened, but unfortunately not the library. On march 13, friday, the 13, the library, with no notice, just simply closed all of its branchs and was basically dropped dead from the perspective of Library Users who do not have internet at home. There was a shrunken Reference Service which was down from more than 60 hours a week to 35 hours a week, monday through friday, 10 00 to 5 00. As we know, the poorest among san franciscans and at this time, particularly of note, minorities in San Francisco are the hardest hit with the least access to internet. There are, according to the mayor, a Mayoral Office report, there are over 100,000 san franciscans who do not have access to the internet more than 100,000. Now with a budget of 160 million or so, and touting all of the wonderful ways in which the library, in fact, normally does accommodate folks who cant read very well, especially for kids, with a kids well, if you cant see very well, large print or a blind library, a deaf library, materials in 40 or 50 languages, and yet folks who do not have Internet Access are completely left in the cold when it comes to access to materials they might be able to use. How about Curbside Service . How about Mailing Service . Quite a few libraries do have Curbside Service. We dont, and clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Well co welcome, caller. Youll have up to two minutes to share your thoughts. Hello . Clerk hi, welcome. We can hear you. Hi. Thank you. My name is kristina, and i work at body manipulation tattoo and piercing in the mission. Im calling in support of item 24, dr. Aragons motion to allow Body Piercing shops to open as soon as july 13. Body piercings are already trained in all of the highest standards of cleanliness. I think that at this time, its really important to allow body art facilities to continue to provide a community with a safe space that uplifts and promotes personal expression, so, yeah. Thank you, and id appreciate it if you could get back to us as soon as you can. Clerk next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Youll have up to two minutes to tell us whats on your mind. Hello. Im mike sizemore, and i live in district 6, in soma. [inaudible] this is preventing us from going progressing forward on our transit goals in the city. This is a travesty of our bureaucracy in San Francisco, and im calling on the board to expedite this hearing as quickly as possible. Thanks. Clerk thank you for your callers. We have ten speakers in the queue. We will take the next caller, please. Welcome, caller. Youll have up to two minutes. Hi. My name is john, and im the owneroperator of azucar lounge in soma, district 6. Im calling to voice my support for item 26, calling to reopen businesses in a safe and responsible manner. Without this, many food and beverage establishments are not fully able to utilize the citys new shared Spaces Program as the alcoholic Beverage Control will not issue any permits. I strongly urge you to support business opening in this next phase. Thank you so much. Clerk thank you. Next speaker, please. Youll have up to two minutes. Welcome, caller. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is chabisani, and im the director of Public Policy on behalf of the San Francisco restaurant association. I urge you to support the local variance in San Francisco. As someone had mentioned before me, without this, restaurants who arent able to subm [inaudible] vital sales or worse, risk losing their liquor licenses at a time when our industry is fighting to survive. Thank you for all your work to support local restaurants, and we appreciate your consideration to support this variance. Clerk thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome, caller. Youll have up to two minutes to share your thoughts with the board of supervisors. Hello. My name is dave, and im the owner of mx3 fitness with locations in district 3 and district 5. Im also a board member of the castro merchants, and im a member of the San Francisco independent Fitness Coalition which represents more than 40 Small Businesses, 600 employees, serving more than 20,000 San Francisco customers. Im calling in support of item 28 and dr. Aragon. In addition, im asking to allow small Fitness Studios to be allowed to reopen with salons on july 13, if not sooner. Were able to provide the same, if not greater, covid safety protocols, as salon. This coalition has developed a detailed reopening protocols, often exceeding caloshas recommendations and we provided those to dr. Aragon. Were not big box gyms like equinox or crunch. Without swift action, the city runs the risk of losing this once fluorishing sector of the economy. Salons seem to have gotten preferential treatment on reopening because they have a larg Larger Client base. As any doctor will tell you, exercise is a key contributor to both physical and Mental Health, much more than getting your haircut. I appreciate you supporting all independent Fitness Studios and providing an even Playing Field for all businesses in San Francisco which provide oneonone, low and no touch personal services. Clerk thank you. Thank you, caller, for your comments. Before the next speaker, i will say there are 53 listeners and nine individuals in the queue. Sometimes the queue can move very quickly, so if any of the listeners listening would like to get into the queue, please press starthree soon because at the end of the line, i would hate for you to, at the last second, try to get into the queue and we close Public Comment. Well just keep going with whos in the queue now. Operations, please send through the next caller. Welcome, caller. Youll have up to two minutes. Welcome, caller. Hello . Clerk hi, welcome. Hello, we can hear you. Welcome, caller. Yes, we can hear you. Hello . Clerk hi. Welcome, we can hear you. Maybe thats a bad reception. Hello, caller. Are you still there . Welcome, caller. Hi, im sorry. Can you hear me now . Clerk yes, we can. Thank you. Thanks for trying. Thank you so much. Im calling because im really concerned about how the city is going to manage the rest of us, our feelings about the Police Department. I dont have any complaints about our current Police Department and our staff members, but i do have a concern about how the citys going about looking at what we call Police Reform, like maybe moving some of the funding from the Police Department to another area. I kind of think you need to do it differently, you really need to think differently. I was, in 1995, kind of helping to protest police brutality, and then in im sorry, 2015, this whole mario woods reignited all these protests, and now george floyd. After covid19, the first big thing that hits us after that is this george floyd experience. So my thinking is obviously, clearly, people, leaders are not thinking that drastic change needs to happen. So just to give you an example of drastic change, in large corporations, which someone mentioned today, making lots of up money, can afford to pay taxes, what they will do is they fire everybody, and theyll ask them to reapply for their jobs so they can revet them. I can no longer tolerate the Police Violence around citizens. I no longer feel comfortable around them. My thinks is that the city really needs to think about how are we going to do our policing . Really look at Community Policing and really look at different ideas and contact the large corporations who are so successful and find out what it is that they do to make sure that folks that work for them, like the Police Department works for us, follows the guidelines and the rules, so thats all i have to say. Clerk thank you. Thank you for your comments, and thanks for sticking with it. Well stick with it as long as youll stick with it. Okay. So i had 20 callers in the t queue. Operations, please send the next caller through. Welcome, caller. Youll have up to two minutes. My name is reilly brown, and i work at market tattoo in district 2. Were all fighting to make ends meet and support our families, and i would like to see tattoo shops opened as soon as june 19. Tattoo shops can provide an even higher than needed state of cleanliness and safe working. Thank you for your consideration, and thank you for allowing me to participate. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Welcome the caller. Youll have up to two minutes to provide your comments to the board of supervisors. Hi. My name is peter papadopoulos, and im calling on behalf of the Mission Economic development agency, and we are in support of item 24, the resolution opposing sb 1085 unless amended. Wed like to thank supervisor peskin for bringing this these forward, and we thank supervisor ronen and the other cosponsors for their support of this item. Our concern principleally, is written, this bill is another example of top down Sacramento State legislation that misses the point of its impact in cities like San Francisco. While some core elements in this bill may sound good in theory, as applied in San Francisco, it company devastating to communities in San Francisco that desperately need more Affordable Housing. Not enough Affordable Housing means more people crowding in together in order to be able to pay rent. This is now manifesting in part in lowincome latinos suffering the highest rates of covid19 infection and hospitalization rates in San Francisco, and members have testified in congress that these effects are due to longstanding housing inequities. So we thank you for the authorship of the bill, the sponsorship of the bill, and wed urge all the supervisors to vote in support today. Clerk thank you for your comments. Youll have two minutes. Welcome, caller. Hello. Im theodore randolph. I im [inaudible] clerk welcome, caller. You have up to two minutes to provide your comments to the board of supervisors. Hello, supervisors. My name is galen leach. Im a tattoo artist in San Francisco calling in support of item 28. I would like to say were trained in packaging exposure controls and trained to break the chain of infection. Please remember that the tattoo artists have been refraining from handshaking long before anyone ever heard of covid19. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Thats all. Clerk thank you. Please keep watching and listening to our Board Meetings. Next speaker, youll have up to two minutes. Kim tavaloni. Im calling regarding item 28. I know theres a huge push to open up as fast as possible but theres a little concern that theres not been any input from Frontline Workers on this issue and how they feel about it, and are they prepared for another go around. We know that the rates of infection are going to go up as we open up. They deserve at least some guarantees of whats been in place. I have a lot of concerns about dr. Aragon and some of the decisions that he has made or not made, for that matter, and i know that many of you share those concerns, too, and i think that deserves some process here. It is very, very evident that the chamber of commerce was told about this ahead of time, yet most progressives had no idea what the issue was, and it wasnt flagged for them. I know a lot of people that wanted to comment on this. I know the department of Public Health does not have a record on homelessness. What happens as the businesses open . Do people get shoved aside just like they were beforehand . No solutions. This Department Needs a lot of help and deserves Frontline Worker input before we pass this. I think the least you can do today is give us a one week delay on making this decision on number 28. I want bars and Everything Else to open up as much as the rest of you. Trust me, ill be the first in line at a number of bars, but at the same time, im just asking that you allow some of the Frontline Workers to have input on this. That department, d. P. H. , has been very clerk thank you for your comments. All right. We have about 15 callers in the queue. Lets go to the next caller. Welcome. You have up to two minutes to provide your comments to the board of supervisors. So supervisors, i want to talk about two topics. The first one you havent mentioned in all of your deliberations, which is very important, is called qualified immunity. If you understand what is qualified immunity, then you can put a stop to what is going on on the streets. Now, we cannot have the mayor and just one other person just arbitrarily take money from the Police Department. I havent heard kwone of you tk about the lgbtq issue where the Supreme Court has finally got some light and is shedding some light and is realizing that as human beings, everybody has to be treated equally. Im suggesting that the lgbtq Lgbtq Community work really hard, and the one or two that i know whose heart right side in the right place, reserve 100 million so that that segment of the population thats suffering and has been suffering for all these decades get some help. Theyre very educated. Everybody knows that. Theyve suffered too much. Everybody knows that, and its time for San Francisco to pull its best foot forward. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. We have 14 callers in the queue. Welcome, caller. Youll have up to two minutes to make your statement. Hello. Can you hear me . Clerk yes, we can. Welcome. Im gauge armstrong. Im the gage armstrong. Im a transtattoo artist. Ive been working in this Community Since 1996. All of my compatriots and my peers have spoken more than eloquently about the fact that we are more than able to deal with the covid19. If i have to wait till august, im going to be over 60k it would be a shame to see that go away. In this time, i couldnt imagine packing up and leaving. I hope you guys can help us get back to work as soon as possible. I thank you for letting us come and appeal to you. Thank you. Clerk thank you very much. Welcome, next caller. Youll have up to two minutes to share your comments with the board of supervisors. Good afternoon, board of supervisors. My name is maria with united to save the mission, and im calling in regards to number 24, opposition to sb 1085. It seems that every time our city moves forward in equity especially for our lowincome communities of color somebody in the state listens to special interests and seeks to undermine our planning and our local planning and Affordable Housing tools, and this bill will devastate our lowincome communities of color, so i just think its

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