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3107452 and and dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. The auto prompt will see callers are entering question and answer time but this is Public Comment period. You will be cued up in the order in which your call is received and you will hear an automated voice that when tell you when it is your turn to speak. When your microphone has been unmuted, you will be asked to speak and your speaking time will begin. I will alert you when your time has expired and move on to next speaker. Make sure youre in a quiet location, you turn off any tv or radios and if youre livestreaming, mute the sound to reverbate any communication. Madam president , your first order is business item 3, approval of the minutes of apri. Commissioners, you have before you the minutes of the march 10th motion to accept. Commissioner paulson, do we have a second . Second, commission maxwell, second. Thank you. Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes . Seeing none, is there any Public Comment for the minutes of march 10th . Mr. Moderator, members of the public who wish to make Public Comment on item 3, approval of the minutes of apri, access code 3107452 and followed by again and dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. And we will wait. Madam secretary, im going to enable question and answer mode on the line. Thank you. Operator your question is now in question and answer mode. To summon each question, press 10. Madam president , mr. Moderator, do we have any calls . We have no one wishing to give Public Comment. Closing Public Comment. I will again call for the motion, all those in favour . Aye. Commissioner we need a role call. Im doing that, city attorney. President cane . Aye. Vice president viatore . Commissioner moran. Commissioner maxwell and commissioner paulson. We have five ayes. Ok, the motion carries. Next item, please. The next item is item number 4, general Public Comment and members of the public may address the commission on matters within the commissions jurisdiction and not on todays agenda. Members the public who wish to make Public Comment on item 4, general Public Comment dial 888 2733658, access code 3107452 and pound followedpy pound again. Dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, can you please open the lines and well give it 45 seconds or so. Madam secretary, there are two callers on the line. First caller, please. Operator you have two questions remaining. Question can you hear me . Yes, go ahead. Question my name is chris gilbert. Im representing the cr club bay chapter, particularly the water committee. I want to urge the sf puc to continue to address a question of how to restore the bay delta and the tawalmai river in particular. There was a directive given last year, i believe, for the staff to answer the question, what would it take to manage the design drought with the bay delta plan in effect which hasnt been fully answered and i request that that be pursued. We are concerned about the decline in the environment there and the fish stocks and with a possible new drought coming, we need to make sure that the environment and the peoples livelihoods that depend on that environment in the bay delta are considered along with making sure that water gets provided to San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you. Next caller, please. Operator you have one question remaining. Question good afternoon. This is peter drechmyer and i appreciate the opportunity to comment. As you know, the San Francisco bay area is one of the most environmentally conscious regions of the world and, yet, weve seen very little progress on environmental protections from the sf puc. I was loo looking back over the documents from the 1995 Settlement Agreement and theres a lot of discussion about the need, the sf puc, to develop alternative water supplies, but in reality, weve had little progress, especially compared to places like los angelos. And then in 2008, with the water system improvement program, the issue came up again and weve been great with conservation, but weve only averaged about one mgd and thats the recovery and storage property in san matteo county and progress on the recycled water. So we did a lot of reports saying these are things that could be done and timelines, but nothing get launched. Weve actually lost opportunities and theres a regional waste water plant is valley water, recently, entered an agreement with Mountain View to build a 9 mgd advanced purified water system to make recycled water healthier for plants. So the 2 mgd could opt that river water because its used in the river area, but the 9 mgd is giving it a second life in a different Water District and that was a real lost opportunity. We need to think about what we need to do to move forward on these projects. As i mentioned before, the kirkwood agreement was signed in 1988. Thank you, peter. Thank you very much. Thank you. bells ringing . Madam secretary, theres one more caller in the cue, my apologies. Thank you. Go ahead, speaker. Operator you have one question remains. Question good afternoon, utilitys boards and president and members. Alita dupree for the record and ive spoken to you on occasion before. My miscellaneous feelings about puc is to continue the work of clean power sf and to increase the percentage of renewables that are offered in all classes of service. And i have been following clean power sf since 2013. So im very aspirational in this idea. I want San Francisco to use more renewables and i ask thaw continuthat youcontinue to be ae city to reduce the amount of particularettes and Greenhouse Gases being emitted. I ask that you continue to stay the course with the work of creating a municipal in the utility district. I think this will make San Francisco a cleaner and greener city. Mr. Moderator, any other callers . No, the cue is empty. Thank you. Madam president , having no other public callers, Public Comment on item number 4 is closed. The next item is item 5, communications. Yes. Commissioners, any comments on communications . Seeing none, i will move on to the next item. Im sorry. Public comment on number 5 . Yes, mr. Moderator, can we please open the phone lines and members the public who wish to make Public Comment on communications, dial 888 2733658 and access code 3107452, followed by pound and pound again and dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. Madam secretary, we have one caller in the cue to far. Ok. Go ahead and operator you have one question remaining. This is on item number 5, communications. Question yes, thank you. President cane, this is a mr. Dupree for the record. Please use pronounces she and her in the minutes and correspondence and this is concerning 5c, which is leds and leds are very important to me and i practise leds in my home and im very pleased that this city has, although belatedly, has worked very aggressively to convert the streetlight to led. We save a lot of electricity as i read in the report. They save about one third over the previous mode. So i know that the decorated streetlight is something that is challenging, but i think that we can do led lighting and also preserve the historical significance of these fixtures. I think its important to the as aspirational because every kilowatt hour is a benefit we can do Something Else here which will make our great city cleaner and green. Greener. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Moderator, any other callers on item 5 . No other callers in the cue. Thank you. Madam president , Public Comment on item 5 is closed. Yes, next item, please. Next item is item 6, report of the general manager. Mr. Kelly. Good afternoon, commissioners. Can you guys hear me . Yes. But we cant see you. [ laughter ] you wanna see me . [ laughter ] ok, we can do that. Where is that . There it is. So good afternoon, commissioners, and thank you for your support and for helping us to continue our essential work. We would like to keep delivering water and power and Sewer Services to our customers. Over the past several weeks, we have transformed the way we do business. Many of our employees are working remotely, representatives are taking calls from their homes, accounting and finance and payroll from their homes. Our Water Conservation teams are doing evaluation evaluations one instead of inperson. And a lot of folks are reporting at the puc facilities and job sites to do their work. In all of our pause well, a lot folks have paused their daytoday work so they can lend work for our city or the puc Departmental Operations Center and thats really to help a citywide effort. And i am just proud to say despite the operational challenges, our customers receive a wider power and Sewer Services without any interruption. From start of this pandemic, we definitely focus on the health and safety of our employees first. Employees who can do their job remotely are doing so and they have equipment and they need to make it happen. For employees who are still working and are at the puc facilities and work site, we are remain steadfast in our approach to safety and social distancing practises and ensuring that workers have the necessary ppe or personal protective equipment they need. Its all following the guidance of the federal, state and local agencies. Last time we met, i told you that we are standardized the enhanced distancing procedure at the puc facility and work site and put in place voluntary Health Screenings for anyone coming spot locations. But since then, we began mandatory Health Screening at our bright street facility and southeast treatment plant. Later this week, well do the same city distribution. These screenings include Health Questionnaires and inperson temperature checks. Employees who show symptoms are not permitted on site and are provided information on covid19 testing appointments. We also have taken steps to ensure customers continue to have access to water, power and Sewer Services, especially those who arthose. inaudible . There were power setoffs due to late payments and we waive late fees and we provided rental payment deferments for tenants of our facilities. This week, we announced a new 500,000 Grant Program to support small and local businesses in the bayview neighborhood an that are being impacted by this pandemic. This is made possible by our social impact partners, our mayor london breed, supervisor walton and the office of economic and workforce development. But we know that we need to do know and in the coming days, we will approve and expand our customer assistance program, our regular place for residential customers to maximize discount opportunities who need it the most. This effort will include the online forum, automatically extending the program for current roles and new criteria for new enroleee enrollees who e experiencing Financial Difficulties during this covid19. This will save a 15 on your water bill through september of 2020, a 30 savings on your power bill and a 35 savings on your waste water bill. Finally, we are continuing to respond to this pandemic. We are also looking forward or towards recovery and also the future. This week, we are finalizing the number of vacant positions are essential to our operations and well move forward in recruiting and the hiring process between now expect end of the fiscal year. Or at the end of the calendar year. And so, we are working diligently to identify savings for this current fiscal year and build out a revised budget for the next fiscal year. And we are collaborating with utilities from across the country to create a plan to bring employees back to work and return our operations to normal while keeping our workplace healthy. And so i want to thank you again for your support on all of these efforts and on the support to continue to work with the commission over the coming weeks and months and so, thats the end of my report. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Commissioners, any comments . Seeing none, madam secretary, could we open this up to Public Comment . Members of the public who wish to make comment on item number 6, dial 888 2733658, access code 3107452 and fouled bfollowed by pound and pound again and 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, my calls . No callers in the cue. As such, i will close Public Comment. To the general manager, thank you for your very good service and the entire staff of our 2500 employees who are moving forward in this very unfortunate time. With that said, next item, please. The next order of business is item 7, the bay area water supply and Conservation Agency written update. And a written memo was provided from bosco for the update for this month and its included in the packets. Commissioners, any comment on new business . Thats the boscoe report, madam president . Correct. Seeing none, moving on to the next item. Actually, madam president , i will call Public Comment on item 7. Member of the public who wish to make Public Comment on item 7, dial 888 2736558, access code 3107542 and followed by pound and pound again and dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Mo moderator, any calls . No callers in the cue. Having none, Public Comment on item 7 is closed. Next item, please. Item 8 is new commission business. I believe were in the consent calendar. No, item 8, no commission business. Lets see. According to me, the consent calendar is item 8. I believe there is an issue with your script. Witem 8 is new commission business. Oh, ok. Thats probably why things are i have this as item 7. Ok, so new commission business. Commissioners, any new business to speak to . Seeing none, next item, please. Next item is item 9 and consent calendar and all matters listed here to constitute a consent calendar to be retained by the San Francisco utilitys commission and acted upon by the vote of the commission and there will be no separate vote unless the public so requestions, in which the matter will be removed and considered as a separate item. Commissioners, any others to be removed for further discussion . Hearing none from the public, any item to be removed from the consent calendar . Madam secretary, could you please instigate the Public Comments on this item . Yes, members of the public to make a comment on item 9, the consent calendar, dial 888 273365 888 2733658, and y pound and pound again and dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, do we have any calls . Madam secretary, no callers in the cue. Thank you. And as such, Public Comment on item number 9 is closed. Commissioners, may have a motion and a second . Move to approve sophie maxwell, move to approve consent calendar. Ill second, this is commissioner victoria. Thank you. All those in favour . Actually, madam president , shall i call a role call vote on that . Yes, indeed, thank you. President cane. Aye. Vice president viatore. Aye. Commissioner moran. Aye. Commissioner max well. Well. Commissioner paulson. Aye. There are five ayes. Next item is item 10, approve cuw 35210, the recapture project, adopt the required California Environmental quality act findings including a statement of overriding considerations and the mitigation monitoring and reporting program and authorized the general manager to implement the project and agm howe will provide a brief introduction. Good afternoon. Go ahead. Calling for mr. Ritchie. This is kathy howorowe. This is to adopt the ceqa project, this is under the water system improvement program. The project will allow us to recapture water that is released from the calaveris dam and recaptured at one of the quarry pits and downstream of the calaver issue s dam. We will advertise the project for construction bids and thats sometime this is june or july of this year. This is commissioner vitore, and i would like to remove the item. Commissioner moran seconds that. And commissioners, any further discussion . Any questions . Seeing none, madam secretary, open it up to Public Comment. Thank you. Members who wish to make a comment, dial 888 2733658, access code 3107452 and pound followed by pound again and dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. While were opening up the speaker line, we did receive a letter that was forwarded to the commission from a from alemeda y and they are in support of the project. Moderator, any additional callers . There are no callener callere cue at this time. Thank you, Public Comment on item 10 is closed. The item has been moved and seconded and could you please call the role call for the vote . President cane. Aye. Vice president. Aye. Commissioner moran. Aye. Commissioner maxwell. Aye. Commissioner paulson. Aye. There are five ayes. The motion carries and next item, please. Item 11, approve project number 10014227, transmission and distribution project and authorize the release of 56,608 in funding for construction for contract dd130, corridor transmission and phase 3. This action authorizes a second notice to proceed for equipment purchases only and no construction. And this will be introduced by agm howe. Good afternoon, commissioners. Again, this item is to release the funding for the construction portion of the design build contract for the bay corridor transmission and distribution project. This contract is to build the new substation will be at 398 quinnton street in sanfrancisco and approving the release of the remaining funding is to allow us to proceed with the procurement of Electrical Equipment which usually has a long lead time. Weve received approval for this part of the project as being essential from the city administrator and the San Francisco county health officer. And we dont anticipate proceeding with actual field work until the shelterinplace order is lifted. Commissioners, any discussion, questions . Mr. Moran moves the might. Commissioner maxwell seconds it. Thank you. And madam secretary, could you please open this up to Public Comment. Members of the public who wish to make Public Comment on item 11, dial 888 2733658 and access code 3107452 and pound followed by pound again and dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, do we have any calls. Madam secretary, no callers in the cue. Thank you. Public comment on item 11 is closed. Will we have a motion and a second on this item . Commissioner secretary, can you please call the role. President king. Aye. Vice president viatore. Aye. Commissioner moran. Act. There are five ayes. And the motion carries. Next item, please. Item 12 approve amendment number 1 to pr00078, Helicopter Services for water and power with a p Helicopters Incorporated and let the general manager to execute this amendment, extending this by three year for an agreement of six years with no change to the agreement amount and this is introduced by atm ritchie. This is steve ritchie, the assistant general manager for water. Did i make it in this time . [ laughter ] yes. Good. This is the extension of a contract for Helicopter Services for hetchhetchi power and water. This is used for inspections best done from the air and this is a time extensiononly from three years to six years and no increase in the amount of the contract. Commissioners, any questions or discussion . May i have a motion . Commissioner maxwell moves to approve. I second, this is tim paulson, commissioner. Thank you. Madam secretary, could you please open this up to Public Comment . Members of the public who wish to make Public Comment on item 12, dial 888 2733658 and access code 3107452 and pound followed by pound again and dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. Item 12 is closed. Moved and seconded. Madam secretary, can you please take the role call. President cane. Aye. Vice president. Aye. Commissioner moran. Aye. Commissioner maxwell. Aye. Commissioner paulson. Aye. There are five ayes. The motion carries. Nois there any further business . Madam president , we have three more items . Oh, obviously my agenda is not up to date. We have items 13, 14 and 15 to go. I dont even know what they are. Item 13, approve the terms and conditions of general manager to execute a personal and Sales Agreement in the amount of 1,227,500 for the purchase of approximately 146. 5 acres of Agricultural Land commonly known as driscoll ramp froranchfor each of the allen mr trusts and deputy carlin will introduce this. This is Michael Carlin and so this is selfexplanatory. Its come on the market and we believe that its in our best interests to acquire this property at this time. Very good. Commissioners, any questions . Commissioner moran. Commissioner maxwell seconds this. I have a question, if i could. Were the chair. And mr. Carlin, how did this come on the market . Could you give us a little bit of context . I know how important it is for us to have our eye on ajoining properties t for our watershed with could you give more context on this . Mr. Carlin, your mic may be muted. Lets see. He may have left the call. This is the assistant manager for water and i dont know exactly the situation in this case, but what generally happens in most of these properties out there is, frankly, theyre usually held by the family trust as a ranch and the owners just desire to move on to Something Else. Thats virtually always the situation, so i assume its the same situation here. If there is something extraordinary we should know about and you could circle back, i would appreciate it. Absolutely. This is Vice President vitore. Should we hold this off until the next meeting . Do you have a question on this . No, im ok moving forward with this. I just want to make sure it doesnt sound like theres anything out of the ordinary but these unusual times and this is great. I just would want to know if theres some context we should know about. These take quite some time to come to fruition. The process for the acquisition of this started last calendar year. This is commissioner paulson. I agree with commissioner vitore. I need a little bit more and im not willing to stop it by any means, but these land deals are important and i want to make sure that were fully aware of any glitches that could possibly come up, thank you. This is commissioner maxwell. I agree. For any of these acquisitions that we have a context, so that we have how it came about and a little bit more information, i would be more comfortable with that. And i would also be comfortable with putting it off. But i will vote with the rest of you. We can do that. We can do that in the future. Well, then, can you give us context now since youre back. Im back and negotiating Something Else at the same time. I apologize for that virtual world. These acquisitions just come up when they do, and its not like we go out and strategically find these properties, but rather, they just become available. To buy properties in the watershed is important to protect Water Quality and so, our longterm goals are to purchase properties as they become available from the Family Holdings to add to our watershed lands and then manage them in a sustainable way. So its not like we were seeking them out. They would just come on the market periodically and we keep or eyes open for them. So a better way to put it is that within our watershed, there are properties that are owned by families for a long period of time and we have our eyes open on those properties and those areas because it helps us to manage the watershed and keep our Water Quality high. So when they do become available, you know, we definite definitely pursue this. But it sounds in case, the Property Owner knew that we were interested in purchasing the property. And so i think its a mission of keeping the Water Quality and so i think, youll see these happening because of that. The other thing you have to remember is that in the unincorporated area of alameda county, its a large piece of land for a low cost is that were developers cant develop this property. Thats another thing and so thats one of the things why we also pick up these properties as they become available. Does that follow your inquiry about the plans or not . Yes, but just to confirm. Theres no extenuating circumstances. I mean sometimes these deals that somebody is forced to sell and just wanted to confirm that this was a pretty straightforward transaction. They know us and so it was mutually an acceptable deal. Thank you. So can we move forward to Public Comment . Members of the public who wish to make Public Comment on item 13, dial 888 2733658, access code 3107452 and pound followed by pound again, dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, do we have any callers . Madam secretary, we have no callers in the cue wishing to make Public Comment. Thank you. As such, Public Comment on item 13 is closed. May have i a motion for item 13 . We have a motion and second. Would you like me to call role vote . Yes, please. President cane. Aye. Vice president viatore. Aye. Commissioner moran. Aye. Commissioner maxwell. Aye. Commissioner paulson. Aye. There are five ayes. The motion carries. Next item, please. Next item is public hearing discussion and possible action to adopt a new electric generation tariff for the power customers called a green tariff that qualifies as Renewable Energy regeneration under the portfolio standard regulation. This would be voluntary, requiring customers to opt in and be made available for a premium charge on the otherwise applicable rate. And this will be introduced by agm sandler. Your microphone is muted. Sorry about that. Good afternoon, commissioners. Eric sandler, assistant manager of businesses in cfo. This seeks approval of a new voluntary generation tariff for the power customers and voluntary green tariff and its a premium product and allows the power customers to opt in to receive 100 Renewable Energy that meets the states renewable portfolio standard for a premium just under 1 kilowatt hour over what they currently pay. In addition to offering our customers a 100 product, it allows the enterprise for the attributes at the kirkwood power caspowerhouse. Theres a revenuesharing arrangement for purchase fitting in the area resources control board and low carbon fuel standards program. Utilizing the green tariff power allows those customers to meet the definition of zero carb intensity source and receive a significantly higher price for the low carbon fuel standard credit. They then share that value with the power enterprise. Combined, its expected that this tariff would bring in additional revenues to the power enterprise of about 3 million a year annually between the premium and the revenue sharing with an additional 4 million in the first year and associated with accumulated lowstandard credit. Im happy to answer any questions in the house. Any questions or comments . I have a question. So eric, is this a new Product Offering . Is that why havent pursued this before . We have a temporary Product Offering and this is making that Product Offering new. And its been well i mean, this is a part of the deep green or whatever we coalite. This is for our power enterprise customers, so its not clean power sf. Is there a down side . There is no down side here. And i woul would love to understand this better because i dont understand how it fits into our whole suite of renewable offerings. Because it sounds great. Im happy to sit down with you and power team to discuss where this fits. Great, thank you. So i would like to move the item. Item. Miss maxwell here and i will second it. Madam secretary, any Public Comment. Members who wish to make a Public Comment on item 14, dial 888 2733658, access code 3107452 and found followed by pound again and 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, any callers . There is one caller in the cue. Thank you. Operator you have one question remaining. Hello, caller, go ahead. Question yes, thank you. Ive been trying to get up to speed with this. Im not opposed, but it does look a little complicating. I am aware that there is a distinction between customers of hh cree and clean power sf and the power kirkwood house has considered renewable. I will accept that designation. It is important that we monetize this. My personal opinion is that will watt hours should be attributed across the system. But certainly anything that will help to monetize our renewable attributes, i would certainly hope that that inten benefit she spread to the city at large, especially, if possible, into clean power sf, which can benefit the customers of the economy rate class. I guess the best way to summarize this, im not opposed, but i think it should be clearer. Im in the neutral, but im not against. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Moderator, any other speakers . There are no more callers in the cue. Thank you. And as much, Public Comment on item 14 is closed. Madam president. Before i call for the role call vote, Vice President vitore, are you comfortable with this . Yes, i am. And mr. Dupree, i appreciate your response. It seems positive but its a complicated process but it seems positive, but im ready to proceed. Good. Madam secretary, role call, please. President cane. Aye. Vice president. A earthquakes. Ye. Commissioner moran. Aye. Commissioner maxwell. Aye. Commissioner paulson. Aye. We have five ayes. The motion carries. Next item. Final item to approve the word of a green structure grant in 480,958 to an excuse me if i dont pronounce this correctly to licee francis San Francisco and authorize the general manager to execute a Green Infrastructure Grant Agreement with the school for a duration of 20 years. And hem and norbee will be introducing this item. Good afternoon, commissioners. Greg norbee, assistant general manager with the waste water enterprise. What you have before you is the most recent in our series of Green Infrastructure grants. This one is for and thank you for the challenging pronunciation there. I will refer to it as the French School of San Francisco. [ laughter ] at this point, the staff is recommending approvalling of the Grant Agreement and the initial disbursement of funds, which is just for the design and the planning of the project. There is no construction being authorized at this point and no monies for construction being released at this point. And i emphasize that only because of the obvious sensitivities and limitations that the city is operating under right now and under the Public Health emergency. So if the commission does approve the grant, and the initial disbursement, which is 96,000, approximately, staff would come back to at a future date after design is complete for the ceqa certification and the approval of the remaining construction support dollars. The total grant amount is approximately 480,000. Its addressing a little over half an acre of impervious area, just off of 19th avenue, if you know where the school is located. And just on one note, this project does include the first, to our knowledge, the first Basketball Court with what will be permeable paving uses for that number sport facility. Otherwise it includes a mix of features that are common to the grant structure projects, including bioretention and rain harvesting and i will stop there and answer any questions. Thank you. Commissioners, any questions . Yeah, i have a question. Im excited about this project. Thank you for keeping these programs and projects moving forward, greg. I have a question. This is exciting about the Basketball Court. I want to make sure that youll be testing it in order to come back at a future date with a recommendation on whether we can really roll that out more broadly citywide or if there are problems with water retention, what have you, but that seems like a Good Opportunity for something that we could then apply to other places. Yes. So certainly, commissioner pardon me, commissioner v irkia. The overall use of permeable paving is well established and has been validated, so to speak in other municipalities and even though it is somewhat new to the city of San Francisco environment, but we certainly are interested in working with the school to monitor the performance of some of these features and then able to share that performance and the history of how it works with other applicants. So this will be similar to what were doing on some of the turfbased athletic facilities, such as the soccer fields that is included with the project that were pursuing in coordination with the rec and park department. We want to share any observations from these features. Ok, thank you. Any other questions . Madam secretary, could you please open this up to Public Comment. Do we get a motion didnt a second . I was going to do that afterwards, but we could do it now. Commissioner moran moves. Commissioner maxwell seconded. I would like to open it up to Public Comment. Members of the public who wish to make a Public Comment dial 888 2733658 and access code 3101452 and pound followed by found and 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, any callers . There are no callers at this time. Public comment on item 15 is closed and madam president , that was the last item for the day. Thank you. So we have a motion and a second and could you please call role call votes. President cane. Aye. Vice president viatore. Aye. Commissioner moran. Aye. Commissioner maxwell. Aye. And commissioner paulson. Aye. There are five ayes. The motion carries. And any further business for today. Seeing none, that concludes our business. Meeting is adjourned at 2 39. Thank you. Mayor im San Francisco mayor london breed. I want to thank you all for joining us here today. Im really excited about this Small Business forum that is so desperately needed for so many businesses in our city. This pandemic has had not only a tremendous impact on our overall city and our Public Health, but it has also had a tremendous impact on our financial health, and especially many of our businesses in the city. The people who own these businesses, the work force of these businesses, it all will be very difficult as the few as the months to come, when we begin to look at ways in which we can open and provide new guidelines around opening businesses. We know that financially so many of our businesses are hurting now. They need support now, and also will need support in the future. Some of the programs that we put forth here in the city, immediately, almost, was to defer the payment of business taxes until next year. We actually extended the deadline for fees, as well. We provided resources for paid sick leave so businesses can extend paid sick leave payments to their employees. We provided grants and loan opportunities with no interest and flexible repayment schedules. We have also provided arts grants for so many of our artists who rely on performances and other events in order to take care of themselves. As someone who not only loves San Francisco, but as someone who uses so many of our Small Businesses, whether it is the drycleaner that i have been going to since i could afford a drycleaner, or the person who does my hair or my nails or the musicians that play at the lounges and restaurants that i love to go to all over the city all of these very unique businesses are what matters to the people of this city. They are part of the fabric of our city. And i want to make sure that as we propose more funding and more support on the local level, that we are connecting to the people who need these resources the most. And we are also making sure that federal and state resources are reaching all of you. So today we are here with the director of the department of the office of economic and Work Force Development. Joaquin torres, and if you want to look up some of the services we have, visit oewd. Org. Joaquin runs that department. And even before this pandemic, i have been really laserfocused on trying to eliminate fees that make it difficult for Small Businesses, in particular, to be in business in San Francisco in the first place. So even though this pandemic is challenging, i am so hopeful it will be an opportunity to provide some muchneeded longterm relief for our businesses in San Francisco. Joaquin will be leading those efforts. We also have the president of the Small Business commission, cynthia huey, who will be moderating this discussion, and we have the director of the chamber of commerce here as well, native san franciscan rodney fong, who has been a business person pretty much his whole life. The wax museum i dont know about you, but i went to gallileo high school,and we used to sneak into the wax museum when i was a kid. So i owe you some ticket money, rodney. So between the wax museum, the restaurants and the hair and nail salons, the barber shops, the masseuse locations, all of these great things are really what make San Francisco so special. And we know that the sad reality is that because of the pandemic and because of the requirement around social distancing, it is not as simple as those institutions and those businesses can actually go back to work, number one. And, number two, when you go back to work, the likelihood that youre going to be able to make sufficient revenue to cover the expenses you havent been able to cover for months is going to be challenging. So this is our opportunity to hear from businesses, to make sure that not only are we putting forth good options to support you, but they are affectively working to serve your businesses, and that we are doing everything we can to come up with the kinds of things that are going to help you in the long run. So with that, i want to turn it over to our director of the office of economic and Work Force Development for a few words. And then rodney fong will say a few words, and then well get to cynthia, and shell moderate this discussion. Thank you all for joining us here today. Thank you so much, mayor breed, and thank you, again, for your leadership and the pressure you place on our office to make sure were reaching the needs of our Small Business communities across the city and in our neighborhoods. And thank you for the idea of bringing us all together through this townhall so we can have an opportunity to hear from each other, and our answers about some of the most pressing questions facing Small Businesses, and the relief you have been driving us to deliver for our Small Business communities. Whether we talked about grants or loan products or deferral of fees, it is all grounded in wanting to see our Small Businesses be successful here, not only with what the city can provide, but complementing the wraparound efforts of the state and federal resources that both essential to our relief and recovery efforts. A few things before we jump in, we know generally, based on some conversations that weve had, weve seen a 70 decrease citywide. And certain areas and industries are hit even harder in terms of the sales that are out there. We know that were already seeing 14,000 businesses being affected, 166,000 employees at this moment in time. Were expecting larger hits as time goes on. In addition to over 70,000 people that have already applied for unemployment in San Francisco alone. We know that we are dealing with unprecedented challenges here in San Francisco, but we, through our office of economic and Work Force Development, and mayor breed, were standing ready to support the Small Business community at this time, and especially with the partners we have joining us today and in our communities. Both in the past and also in the present, and were very much looking forward to the future. So looking forward to answering some questions here today. Now, ill pass it over to the president of the chamber of commerce rodney fong. Thank you, joaquin first of all, i want to say hello to everyone. Were in this together. Were all feeling the same things, were all feeling the same frustration, the level of fear going on, but hopefully well get through this together and support our way through a great recovery. I want to thank mayor breed and all that her office has been doing, and joaquin has been working like a work horse over the last four, five weeks it seems like months, im sure but he and his staff are doing a great job. Ey

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