Submit Public Comment, email me at victor. Young sfgov. Org. If you submit via email, it will be included in the file as part of the matter. Comments may be sent to city hall, 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place, San Francisco, california. That completes my comments. Thank you so much, mr. Clerk. Can you please read item number one . Item number one is an emergency ordinance to temporarily require private employers with 500 or more employees to provide Public Health emergency leave during the Public Health emergency related to covid19. Thank you so much. This is supervisor mars item. Would you like to introduce the item, supervisor mar . Yes. Thank you so much, chair ronen, for allowing us to hear this item today. An emergency ordinance before us is in response to a true emergency. The lack of sufficient paid leave for workers to follow our Public Health order to weather this crisis. While there is no Silver Bullet to our health and humanitarian emergency, this measure will give an additional twoweek paid leave to hundreds of thousands of san franciscans and make a meaningful difference to countless people trying to take care of themselves and their family and make ends meet. Congress took action to expand paid leave for workers but they left out more than 50 of our workforce by excepting the largest employer. This is inexcusable. So, where our federal government is falling short, im taking immediate Emergency Action to close the gap here in San Francisco. With this emergency measure, employees of private companies will be able to immediately access additional weeks of paid leave, closing the major loophole in the federal legislation in making sure that in health emergencies, workers are able to take time off take the time off that they need for themselves and their families. When sick people have to choose between their livelihoods or incomes, we are all worse off. When parents have to choose between a paycheck or staying home with their kids whose school is closed, were all worse off. San francisco led the nation when we adopted our paid sick leave ordinance in 2006. In this time of crisis, San Francisco must lead again in supporting our workers. Over the last two week, my office has worked with labor leaders and business stakeholders to strengthen this proposal. Around today ill be proposing a series of amendments for clarity and to ensure this measure is as inclusive and impactful as possible. I wanded to briefly go over what the ordinance is right now and summarize the key provision. First, what the ordinance does. It wont immediately give an additional two weeks of paid leave to any San Francisco employee of a private company with 500 or more employees. Who it covers every single s. F. Employee of a private company with 500plus employees. Even if youre furloughed and even if you are the employee in San Francisco, even if you started working a month before shelter in place, even if you are a temp worker, even if you dont live in San Francisco, but you work here. Employers and Health Care Providers are allowed to opt out. However, were amending it to especially sure Health Care Providers are given additional paid leave if they get sick or have to get quarantined. And all workers are presumed to be employees and covered until and unless then their employer demonstrates they are an independent contractor. Now who this emergency ordinance does not cover people who are unemployed, Public Employees and theyre covered bier our executive action, private employees of companies with fewer than 500 employees and theyre covered by the federal law, people who do not work in San Francisco and independent contractors. And when employees can use their immediate leave. If you cant work because theres shelter in place, if you have to stay home to take care of a family member, if its replaced with work and a you cant work remotely, if you are a member of a vulnerable population, if youre showing symptoms and if your doctor recommends you not work. So, again, i presented or today im presenting some set of amendments and there are seven different amendments and theyre probably i believe you received a copy of the amended emergency ordinance and im going to summarize this up in amendments right now. Number one, provide Public Health emergency leave to Health Care Providers when theyre subject to quarantine or sick or otherwise do not meet c. D. C. Returntowork guidelines. In number two, ex. Expand uses of the leave for vulnerable populations including 60 or older. Number three that benefits Like Health Care cant be taken away while employees are on leave. Number four, require employer notice in english, spanish, chinese and any other language spoken by 5 or more of the workforce. Number five, as information on local, state and federal resources to the notice language that theyll draft. Number six, matches the Health Care Provider definition to provider regulation. And number seven, additional paid leave voluntarily provided during the emergency toward this new requirement if the composition offered meets the standard. You know, i would like to request that deputy City Attorney anne pearson provide her assessment of these amendments and whether any of these are substantive and would require continuance before the Committee Takes action. Good morning. Can you all hear me . Yes. Thanks. So ive had a chance to review all of the amendments that supervisor mar just described and the first one on his list is one that is substantive and that is the amendment that would require Health Care Employers of Health Care Providers to provide them with leave under some limited circumstances. The other ones are not substantive and would not require a continuance today. Thank you. Supervisor mar, do you want to split the file and move forward the portion thats not substantive and we can continue the other just to get this moving as quickly as possible or just move them all at the same time . Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, deputy City Attorney pearson and chair ronen. Yes, i in answer to your question, chair, i would like to i will be making a motion to duplicate the file so we can move the nonsubstantive amendments forward as the Committee Records to the full board hopefully for vote and adoption tomorrow and then we can move the substantive amendment forward or continue it as we will need to but then move that forward hopefully a week later. I would say we want to ensure that our Health Care Providers working on the frontlines have paid leave. So, thats important. But we dont want to hold that the overall important provisions of the ordinance while we have to continue that amendment. That makes perfect sense. I just wanted to thank you so much for bringing this forward, supervisor mar. Its pretty outrageous that the Congress Left out of the law the employers that most can afford to provide this benefit. They are the biggest employers making the most money in this society and perhaps their donors to the Congress Members who left them out and that is why they got a break when the smaller employers didnt. We are all in this together. We are all sacrificing. We have to all sacrifice to make sure that everyone [inaudible] and im so grateful for you bringing this forward and if i could be added as a sponsor, i would appreciate that. Supervisor stefani, do you have any comments . Yes, thank you, supervisor ronen and i want to associate myself with your comments. I do agree on the importance and i want to thank supervisor mar for bringing this legislation forward to address the members of our workforce struggling during these difficult times. It is so important that we do everything that we can to protect the working people who faced this crisis. And just, you know, when we think about what happened over a month ago, mayor breed directed our residents to shelter in place earlier than almost any other municipality in the united states. Im grateful to her and our neighboring bay area counties for taking Decisive Action to save lives. And in doing so, when that order went into place, a number of businesses stepped up to provide extra paid time off and income security to their employees. Really recognizing that there were challenging times ahead and i want to thank them and system of them are employers that had more than 500 employees so as this situation involves and this legislation has come to us quickly, which again were reacting quickly and i thank you again for that, supervisor mar, i want to make sure were not being punitive to those companies that have gone above and beyond to support their workers and my hope is that, as we implement this law, wi dont punish those and i know that is not your intention, supervisor mar, i just want to call out the fact that there are precise steps in this ordinance and the legislation has specific requirements to add sick leave that may add up with some of the things that employers with 500 or more have done. For example, when an employer created a fund to pay employees who arent working. I just want to make sure that we dont punish those who have stood up for their employees and even if the actions they have taken dont exactly fit the legislation today. I do plan to be supportive, of course, of this legislation. But just wanted to call that out. And make sure as we move forward, we dont punish those good actors because thankfully there are some because it does restore our faith in humanity when we see Companies Taking care of their employees, as they should. Thank you again and i do plan to support this today. Supervisor . We will now open up this item to Public Comment. Members of public online, please press 1 and then 0 to be added to the queue to speak. You have four questions remaining. Hello, im an organizer with sviu, United Service workers west. We are an organization of almost 10,000 essential workers in San Francisco. Our members help to carry essential operations, including drugstores and banks and the San Francisco international airport. Workers should not be forced to come to work sick, ever. Especially at this time. We support the Emergency Paid Sick leave for workers and we also encourage the board to use its authority to ensure that they pass this immediately and introduce language to cover s. F. O. Airport workers next. Work ers should not have to choose between taking care of themselves, getting a paycheck and protecting their families. Thank you. You have four questions remaining. Thank you. Next speaker. Caller yes. Im a member of the California Faculty Association at San Francisco state and im very appreciative of this legislation. I want to say that im inundated we mails from students who are really, really desperate so this is essential to students. Thank you. Thank you so much. Next speaker . You have two questions remaining. Caller ok. [inaudible]. Sorry. Are you still there on the phone . Now youre able to speak. Caller right now . Yes. Caller i can speak now . Yes. Caller they can hear me now . Yes. Caller ok. I work for a retail store and i would like the see if you can help us out with the bill so we can afford it to stay as [inaudible] and we can get paid when were not working. Because we have a lot of needs, medical and that is why we really should not be working outside. And people who are sick, too. I am 63 years old and have diabetes and im high risk to be working. Because i work in the retail. And i work with the public. With the customer. [inaudible]. I feel like we dont have to [inaudible] help us out. Thank you. My number is 415800[inaudible] 0008. Thank you. Thank you so much. Next speaker, please. You have two questions remaining. Caller hi, this is collan, im the executive director at the [inaudible] of justice and this is really one of the defining workers rights issues of our time which is that we see, you know, our Workers Health is impacting all of us and, you know, weve had the leadership of being the first city in the country to pass paid sick leave and it is our time to lead again bypassing this Health Emergency leave and really rising to this moment. So much of you as supervisors really helped us, you know, take incredible action to stop this pandemic and being the first county to be in shelter in place. Its so important. And now we have another chance, i think that is key to preserve the Public Health by having a Public Health emergency leave. Some of these difficult moments that people are testing, too. But one thing that i do take away as a bit of hope is that folks are realising how much of our health is linked with others around us. Were only as healthy as our neighbor, as our neighbors neighbor. Afternoon some of the people have come together to take care of each other in this moment. And this Public Health emergency were taking care of some of the most vulnerable workers who are actually serving the public every day. It is an important step. I hope you take that tomorrow. Thanks. Thank you so much. Any other speakers . You have two questions remaining. Next speaker, please. Caller this is emily abraham. From the San Francisco chamber of commerce. On behalf of the San Francisco chamber of commerce, i would like to note that we are proudly supportive of this resolution. We sincerely thank supervisor mar to work with his efforts to work with the San Francisco chamber of commerce and offering clarifications on specifics of the ordinance and we thank supervisor stefani for her support and we appreciate the clarity around the hours and voluntary paid leave credit [inaudible] mandate. And also clarification that [inaudible] will not occur and compensation for companies that however unlimited leave qualify. Thank you for your support and efforts during this Public Health crisis. Thank you. Next speaker, please. You have one question remaining. Hello, my name is chris wright. Im the executive director of the committee on jobs and association that represent the citys largest private sector employers. Much of [inaudible] has been focused on our citys Small Businesses who are struggling. That said, every employer is suffering in this global catastrophe and each face serious threats of [inaudible]. Since the mayors stay in place order, many of our members have been closed to outright stop operations many of our own members are covered by government mandate and subsidy [inaudible]. The city clearly recognized that additional Employee Benefits are credited to their obligations under this new measure. Prohibiting businesses from offsetting existing benefits would effectively penalizing employers with general policis in place. Additionally the requirement for changing pay stubbs [inaudible] in light of the leave of this ordinance. And prior to the alleged [inaudible] of reasonable, timely and likely more effective notice, including electronic notice to their eligible employees. I want to echo the other concerns raised by the chamber of commerce letter come friday afternoon. The main issues are complex and they deal with multilayers. As such, we respectfully act for an additional week to review the language and to improve the [inaudible] clarity. Were commited to the goals of the legislation to working with the sponsors to achieve that, which is why wed like to make sure that it is done right. Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you very much. Any other speaker . You have one question remaining. Caller hi. Good morning. My name is angelica. Im with [inaudible] south of Community Action network. We want to thank supervisor mar for moving forward with this legislation and really hope that the committee will move this forward. Its a very important legislation. As we take care of all the workers in San Francisco this legislation this cover 200,000 workers in San Francisco and we really think this legislation is much needed. Thank you. Thank you. Again, other speakers . You have zero questions remaining. Thank you for all the public speakers and if there are no other speakers in line, we will close Public Comment. Im making sure there are no other speakers. Ok. Thank you. Mr. Clerk, can you please have a role roll call vote. Supervisor mar made a motion to look at the file. I believe theres no objection to that motion. Is that true . Actually, im sorry, chair ronen. I actually had it is a little complicated what im proposing to do here. Theres actually five motions that i want to make. Got it. Sorry. Go ahead. Ok. Actually, before i do that t i did want to acknowledge the comment by supervisor stefani and also that were reinforced by chris wright from the committee on [inaudible]. Acknowledging the fact that Many Employers in San Francisco have already stepped up and voluntarily provided additional paid leave to their employees in this time of crisis. So that certainly has happened. And we definitely dome want to penalize employers that have already stepped up so that is why one of the amendments that is included today is making sure that those employers get credit for the additional paid leave that theyve already voluntarily provided towards the 80 hours that is required under the ordinance, as long as the paid leave that has been provided is comparable to whats specified in the ordinance and i wanted to acknowledge the different folks weve worked on in this important legislation. Starting with deputy City Attorney matt pearson and Matt Goldberg as well as our early cosponsor, supervisor haney, jobs of justice San Francisco, the San Francisco labor council, sieu, United Service workers west and Legal Aid Network and San Francisco chamber of commerce. Again, i have a series of motions that id like to make that will allow us to move the nonsubstantive amendments to ward as soon as possible and then also come deal with the would be substantive amendment regarding allowing Health Care Providers to ask that Public Health emergency leave, when theyre quarantined or sick. So, the first motion is id like to move that to adopt the amendment before us, except for references to 5b included therein. Can you please take a roll call vote on that motion . On the motion to amend . Supervisor stefani. Aye. Stefani, aye. Supervisor mar . Aye. Mar, aye. Chair ronen. Aye. Motion passs to amend the ordinance. And i move to duplicate the file as amended. I need to send the original file as amended as a Committee Report to the april 7 meeting of the board. Roll call . On the motion to refer to the board of Committee Report . Supervisor stefani. Aye. Stefani, aye. Supervisor mar. Chair ronen. Aye. The motion passes. And next, i would like to move to amend the duplicated file with the remaining amendments that references to 5c. We need a role call for that. Yes. That motion to amend. Supervisor stefani. [roll call] the motion to amend has passed. And then finally i move to continue the duplicated file as further amended to the monday, april 13 meeting of the rules committee. Roll call. On that motion, supervisor stefani. Aye. [roll call] those are the five motions you wanted to make, correct . Correct. Thank you so much. So mr. Cook, are there any other items on todays agenda . Before i state, id like to summarize that the original motion has been amended and refered to the board as a Committee Report. The duplicated file has been continued to the april 13 meeting and that completes the agenda for today. Thank you so much. Then the meeting is adjourned. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. Take care. Thanks. Clerk, i would like to call to order todays meeting of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission. Todays date is april 14, 2020. Madam secretary, roll call, please. [roll call] clerk madam president , we have a quorum. Thank you. Before we begin today, i would like to make an announcement. Due to the covid19 Health Emergency and given the recommendations issued by the San Francisco department of Public Health and that Governor Newsom and mayor breed have lifted the restriction on teleconference. This meeting is being held with the members and staff participating today via teleconference. This will ensure the safety of the commission, sfpuc staff, and members of the public. While this Technology Allows us to hold this meeting via teleconference, there may be some gaps as staff is moving between speakers. Thank you for your understanding, and we ask for your patience. So to say, this is our maiden voyage. We ask the public to participate remotely by writing the commission or leaving a voice message. Going forward, we will continue to urge the public to write to the commission at commission thats a capital c at sfwater. Org. Again, thats commission sfwater. Org. By a leaving a message at 4155543165. Again, thats 4155543165 in advance of the meetings. If they havent already done so, im asking the members of the commission to mute themselves to minimize background noise. Commission members will have to remember to unmute themselves to speak. Lastly, on behalf of the commission, i want to thank you who have been working long hours to make this meeting possible starting with donna hood, our Commission Secretary, lee sales, and Javier Torres at the p. U. C. Department and the entire sfgovtv staff. Madam secretary, please continue. Clerk thank you, madam president. At this time, id like to make a statement regarding Public Comment. This meeting is being televised by sfgtv. For those of you watching the live steam, please be aware that there is a 20to30second lag between what you are watching and what is happening at sfgtv. If you wish to comment on an item, please call the phone line when the item is called. For members of the public who make Public Comment on agenda items, dial 8882733658. Again. Thats 8882733658, and access code 3107452. Absays code 3107452, and i believe thats also scrolling on the bottom of the sfgtv feed, and then followed by pound and then pound again to join the meeting as a participant. Then dial one and zero to be added to the speaker line. This is the Public Comment period. You will be queued up in the order your call was received. You will hear an auto mated voice when it is your turn to speak. When your mit is your turn, yo will be unmuted, and your speaking time will begin. Make sure you are in a quiet location, that you turnoff any t. V. S or radios, and if you are Live Streaming the meeting via sfgtv, mute your sound to eliminate any reverberation. I will repeat these instructions during Public Comment periods as i am aware that some members of the public may join the meeting late and may not have heard this information. Thank you very much. And madam president , your first order of business is item 3, approval of the minutes of march 10, 2020. Commissioners, before you, you have the minutes of march 10, 2020. Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes . Hearing none, is there any comment by public on this . Mr. Moderator, please open Public Comment. If you wish to comment on this item, please dial 8882733658, access 3104752, and we will give allow for about 30, 45 seconds for the phone lines to be opened. Clerk okay. Do we have any callers, mr. Moderator . Caller madam secretary, there are three callers in the queue. Clerk okay. These are for the yes. Are these regarding the minutes . Go ahead and open Public Comment and if its not the Public Comments, i will have to ask the speakers to please dial in at the appropriate dial. Can you go ahead and add the first speaker . You have three questions remaining. Clerk hello, speaker. Are you calling regarding the minutes . Speaker . Speaker, go ahead. Mr. Moderator . There are two callers remaining in the queue. You have two questions remaining. Clerk hello, caller. If youre calling regarding the minutes, please start speaking. Caller no, im not calling about the minutes. Ill get on later. Thank you. Clerk okay. Thank you. You have one question remaining. Clerk hello, speaker, if youre calling about the minutes . Not call about the minutes, but you reversed a couple of numbers in the access code. It is 3107452. Clerk okay. Thank you. Madam president , there are no other speakers. Okay. The item is closed. Id like to move the item. Second. Madam secretary, could you please call a roll call vote. [roll call] clerk thank you. The item passes. Next item, please. Clerk next item is item number 4, general Public Comment. Members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commissions jurisdiction and are not on todays agenda. Again, members of the public who wish to provide general comment, dial 8882733658, access code 3107452. And before we open the phone lines, i did receive one email for Public Comment. Im going to start the timer and read that email right now. It is from mr. Dave warner. He says dear president caen and commissioners, thank you for your service and our commission for your willingness to provide services to the citizens of San Francisco and Holding Meeting including Public Comment. Youll recall that a potential winwin proposal was made by the Tuolomne River trust this year, still fully meeting the requirements of our designed drought model should this year turn out to be the first year of an eightyear drought. As gracious rerequesting by you, mr. Ritchie, through the general manager kelly, i wrote this letter and presented it at the february 25, 2020 meeting, however, it was ambiguous. The first significant paragraph mentioned that the sf puc was in a lawsuit but it did not prohibit sfpuc from releasing any of those flows. The secondsive paragraph mentions the need to get on the need to get other Water Districts the need to let any additional sfpuc pass through but makes no mention if we need to get their agreement. It seems like the water wat other Water Districts should have some wish to support sfpucs decision. The time frame for waiting to get additional water for the fish cannot be measured in decades. Because of its winwin nature, the program deserves better than ambiguous and inconcluesive statements from staff. Dave warner. That concludes his letter. Mr. Moderator, do we have any calls . Caller madam secretary, there are three calls in the queue. Clerk okay. Caller correction, we now have four callers. Ill queue them up now. You have five questions remaining. Clerk go ahead, speaker. Ill start your time when you begin speaking. Thank you very much. This is peter dreickmeyer from the Tuolomne River trust. Its good to communicate with all of you again. I just want to remind you that next week is the 50th anniversary of earth day, quite a milestone, april 15, 1970. In response to that milestone of support, shortly therefore the clean water thereafter the clean water act and environmental species act. Weve seen a lot on this issue, but not on the tuolomne. In 1970, the New Don Pedro Dam was completed. Though only so much water could be captured before it had to spill in the tuolomne. In 1944, there were 144,000 salmon spanning in the river. But new don pedro holds 2 million acre feet, so were getting much worse flows, and the salmon population has crashed. This last year, we just had 2500 salmon spanning. So weve seen sfpuc do some very good things in the past. A little over ten years ago, there was a problem with steel head dying in the summer, and it convinced the Water District in modesto to join it in releasing water in the summer. So we know that cooperation can happen, and we know that the sfpuc can be a leader. I sent you that peter moyle has been a consultant for p. U. C. In the past, and the idea that we can improve fisheries without adding nonflow measures doesnt work. Its really time to face the fact that fish need water. So we have put forward or interim proposal. We very much appreciate commissioners viators request at the end of the meeting. We did hope that it would have come back by now. We understand we live in different times, so we need to be flexible, but we would like to see that come forward. I thank you for your time serving, and appreciate the comments. Clerk thank you, peter. Next speaker, please. You have five questions remaining. Clerk hello, speaker. When you start, i will start the timer. Hi. My name is jessie raider. I grew up in california, and i now live in San Francisco. I called to echo peters comments. I wont repeat them, because he stated them well, as well as the letter you read. I conserve water for the environment. Thats my main motivation, and im very conscientious about it, and i put a lot of energy into conserving water, as well as many in San Francisco. There have been surveys about that, that conserving water for the environment, knowing that that water is going to benefit the environment is one of the main motivators. The problem is its not happening. The water that we save is, you know, sitting up in a dam in a reservoir, evaporating away. Its not benefiting the fish, and knowing that makes our efforts feel futile. Its so frustrating, knowing that were saving water and its not going to where its needed. I want you to know it makes me less likely to do so, less likely to do so in the future, listen to the advice from our city and state to conserve water for a drought because i i want to know its going to the fish. Now that i know the operation of the river, i know the fish never see a goodyear. Even when we have a good year in california, the fish never see it. They need that, just like we need good years to recover. So i think the item for the sfpuc to release the water is a good one. Its upsetting to San Francisco because i know that residents have these values. The 40 is already a compromise. The scientists said whats needed is 60 . Id like to see San Francisco increasing its values, and i thank you very much for the opportunity to comment, and thats all i have to say. Thanks. You have five questions remaining. Hi, commissioners. My name is susan stansbury. I design water conserving gardens as a profession, and the main motivation of me ayse and my clients is to conserve water. Im calling on behalf of the Tuolomne River trust. As you know, demand is already low. Its already 192 million gallons a day, and clerk thank you, speaker. Your time is up. Im sorry, madam secretary, i believe this is a new speaker. Clerk okay. Im sorry. I got kicked off the meeting for a moment. Go ahead. Im sorry. Okay. So demand is very low, and the tuolomne would benefit from a higher inflow. So im asking for this because i am greatly disturbed by this tragic loss of habitat for the salmon and their reduced numbers. They feed many species and benefit the system, and i have put [inaudible] and i tie this to the magnificent orcas that are dying, and their babies are starving to death because there arent enough salmon to eat. We can have Healthy Rivers and healthy species that rely on the river habitat. As you probably know, our rivers and watersheds are in crisis, and you have the power to restore the rivers and leave a legacy of healthy habitats for us, and i urge you to do so. And i appreciate your time, and thank you for your service. Thank you. Caller madam secretary, well queue the next caller. You have five questions remaining. Thank you. My name is bill martin. Im a San Francisco resident and an sfpuc customer. Im also a member of the sierra club San Francisco water bay. As you may recall, december 2018, the state Water Resources control board ordered a flow recre recre regime requiring unimpaired flows. [inaudible] well over one year ago. During those many months, fish and wildlife, really, the entire ecosystem, could have benefited from higher flows. Instead of making any effort, the sfpuc continues to promulgate start times. Mr. Dreickmeyers models are good to consider. As mr. Warner said earlier today, this is a winwin, but the sfpuc has refused to evaluate mr. Warners work, let alone provide a response. Please consider his work. The environment awaits. Thank you. Caller thank you for your comments. I im going to queue up the next speaker, madam secretary. You have five questions remaining. Good afternoon. Thank you for your service and making this opportunity available. My name is norma wallace. I own a home in San Francisco, im a fourth generation San Francisco, and im also ohlone. I would echo the prior speakers comments regarding the proposal made regarding the Tuolomne River trust and peter dreickmeyer. I want the p. U. C. Staff to address commissioner viators specific request, and im a bit puzzled by the staffs reluctance to move forward. The fish have waited decades. My concern is for the fish. I want to read a brief quote. In june 1860, c. A. Kirkpatrick wrote, salmon fish are fast disappearing from our waters all that in which mining are carried onto any extent. He said in before that, they could literally be picked up as many as desired. We are so far from that situation. Not 200 years have gone by. Please allow the fish a little bit of water. Thank you. Caller thank you, caller, for your comments. Madam secretary, ill queue up the next caller. Clerk thank you. Caller you have four questions remaining. Good afternoon. My name is mary butterwick. Im a botanist, and ive lived in San Francisco for 40 years. Ive supported the Tuolomne River trust interim proposal. Under this proposal, the commission would volley release its 40 flow and do so for at least two years. If we experience a dry year, they could revert back to the base flows and the countys eightyear drought plan. Managing the tuolomne requires both flow and nonflow measures. Nonflow measures in the absence of sufficient flows will not work. The good news is that the flow measures recommended here are doable. In a hetch hetchy area, water decreased 40 between 2000 and 2016. The plan gives the p. U. C. More flexibility to increase level surface flows. Under a scenario where we experience three or more dry areas, the water system on the Tuolomne River would benefit from higher instream flows. Some benefits including providing spring flows high enough to get water onto flood plains, and maintaining downstream water temperatures low enough to support a cold water fishery. San francisco residents such as myself care deeply for the environment. We look to the commission to be responsible stewards for the river by increasing the flows in the Tuolomne River. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Clerk thank you, speaker. Mr. Moderator, do we have more speakers . Caller yes. There are three speakers in the queue. I will queue up the next caller. Clerk clerk thank you. You have three callers remaining. Clerk hi, speaker. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I hope all of your friends and family are healthy and safe during this time. My name is john roads, rhodes, and id like to ask you to take a look at the Tuolomne River true. Im a former fisherman, angler, love rivers, and im concerned about the health of the tuolomne. The whole river concerns not only just flows for humans but for the fish and other animals, organisms, that are part of the river. You as stewards have a responsibility to basically play god on whether fish survive or not, and i hope you are more flexible and look at other situations where you find water for people and also to find water for fish. Again, being 68, ive seen other utilities, other entities, make possible coexisting with fish, and thank you for the opportunity to talk. Caller thank you, caller, for your comments. Madam secretary, i will queue up the next caller. There are two callers remaining. You have two callers remaining. Hello. Good afternoon. My name is libby higgs. I am a resident of modesto, california. I have spent many hours of my life enjoying the Tuolomne River. I fully support the Tuolomne River trust and appreciate their efforts to restore our river to its natural habitat. Ive also participated in some of the nine river cleanups, planted trees, and have enjoyed some of the wonderful activities that the trust has at some ti put on. Today, i respectfully request that the p. U. C. Adopt commissioner viators three requests made in february of this year. I believe that you have very little to lose, and that our precious river has much to gain. Thank you very much for your time. Good afternoon. Clerk thank you. Next speaker, mr. Moderator. Caller this is the last caller in the queue, madam clerk. You have one question remaini remaining. Thank you, speaker. Go ahead and start. Hello . Go ahead . Caller my name is francisco de costa, and i want to speak on three topics. The first one is the sheriffs system improvement project. It started as a 6 billion project, and now, its going to be a 20 billion project. Recently, i received a very detailed report from the sanitary engineers, and the sanitary engineers are now made to work more, and they are totally stressed out. And i think the commissioners have to look into this. Again and again, the sanitary engineers have done a wonderful work. Theyve done the best they can, and we need to come to their assistance. Finally, id like to end this general Public Comment by giving you a general description about the rivers and the salmon. Theres nobody to speak for the salmon. We describe this situation in whatever way we want to, but its a shame that we cant put some extra water into the rivers to save our salmon, that we did not do it. So commissioners, im asking you, on behalf of the ohlone tribe and my various pleadings before, that do something to save the salmon and listen to the model that peter has provided you in detail. I mean the least you c i mean, the least you can do is take the water that people are not using and put it in the rivers and save the salmon. Thank you very much. Caller thank you, caller, for your comments. Madam secretary, if youre there, and you can hear me, we have no more callers in the queue. I think madam secretary is having some technical problems, so i will move ahead and call the next item, which is item 5, communications. Commissioners, any comments or questions regarding communications . Clerk okay. Would you like for me to call for Public Comment . Yes. There are no comments from the commissioners, is that correct . Clerk presently no comment from me. Donna, there were no commissioner comments. This is francesca, so i do not believe we need to call for Public Comment. All right. We dont have to call for Public Comment . If there is no Commission Discussion of the item. Oh, all right. Thank you. Donna, are you there . Caller commissioners, i believe donna has dropped off the call. Okay. I will continue on. I would like to say a few things in our meetings, and i want to start by thanking and taking this opportunity to thank our City Government representatives, our civic leaders, and our elected officials who have demonstrated such impressive displays of leadership, compassion, and direction during these incredibly difficult times. We have been so fortunate for the quick, decisive, impressionsiimpressive actions taken by mayor breed. Ah, yes, she was the first in the nation. Mary carroll from the department of emergency management, and every other leader who has played a role in helping to combat and contain this deadly virus. And, of course, the impressive role that our governor has taken. It has been very fortunate for all of the state of california, but, and most importantly, i want to thank general manager kelly and the rest of the executive team at the sfpuc. We have done a great job in taking steps to protect the health of our workers and employees while also ensuring that the essential functions of our agency are carried out each and every day. It has been a delicate and difficult balancing act, but our Leadership Team has responded to this pandemic in a professional, thoughtful manner, and i think that they are very much deserved of our great praise and accolades. So lets remember to give them resounding applause when we are back at city hall, room 400. Do we still not have a secretary . I am back. I apologize. Okay. For some reason, i keep getting kicked off from the system. Im going to dial in during the general managers presentation. So the next item is item 6, report of the general manager. Good afternoon, commissioners, and thank you for making it possible for us to hold this meeting today remotely. It would definitely be an understatement to say that things have changed significantly. [inaudible] over the past couple of weeks, the coronavirus outbreak has turned into a Global Pandemic impacting communities throughout the world and including San Francisco. An advantage is that our city leaders have taken bold and decisive steps to end this deadly virus. And here at the sfpuc, we are taking steps to ensure that our own employees are safe and healthy, and that we are continually delivering water, power, and Source Service to our customers. So the moment we established the emergency operating center, we call it the e. O. C. , the p. U. C. Did its part to support this vital and critical system which acted as the center of the San Francisco covid19 response. We immediately dispatched dozens of San Francisco p. U. C. Employees to join the e. O. C. Joint Information Center as well as its planning, operational, and lodge stick team and other essential functions. Our employees have been instrumental in helping the city manage and plan its response to the outbreak. More than 60 employees have already completed e. O. C. Assignments, and another 40 employees are currently serving. As you know, we bring decades of crisis project Management Experience that comes from our own experience handling large scale events like the rim fire and other disaster managements. In addition, we set up our own Operational Management center, we call it the o. M. C. , using it to dispatch essential services and employees while ensuring that our own frontline employees have the safe and healthy protection they need to continue their duties. At the same time, we quickly update our continuity of Operations Plan which provides guidance on how the p. U. C. Can continue doing business even during this disaster and disruptive event. Today, about half of our workforce is working remote, and about half still reports to the work site every day. Even prior to the city issuing a shelter in place health directive, we began encouraging employees to telecommute, to practice social distancing and selfisolation. We quickly put resources in place to support telecommuting, helping our staff with laptops, expanding our operations and the reach of our i. T. Department. We sent out an agencywide email providing them resources and assistance from our public resource team. We took a hard look at our [inaudible] currently, only Capital Projects that have been deemed essential by the city and repair and replacement projects determined necessary by the p. U. C. Was sent over to the city administrator, and the city administrator worked out, identified those projects to the Public Health officer, and they deemed these projects essential, so those are the projects that are moving forward. At those sites and all other facilities, we remain diligently committed to approach the safety in implementing strict social distancing practices to ensure that our workers have the necessary personal protective equipment that they need. They all follow the guidelines of state and local agencies. Last week, we standardize how we enhance the disinfecting procedures occurring at all p. U. C. Facilities and buildings that are still occupied by staff in order to ensure that all the high tech areas are covered. This information is being compiled into a checklist for each facility and will be managed by each facility staff and also staff at p. U. C. This week, we began Health Screening for everyone coming into the p. U. C. Facility for work assignments. These screenings will be volunteer at first but eventually will be required for staff to be able to work onsite. We know our friends and neighbors are struggling through this uncertain times. Thats why were suspending shutoffs due to lack of payment at this time and were aware of the Financial Impact this crisis will have on our budget and the city budget. In partnership with the city administrator, we are reviewing our plans and were doing scenariobased planning to see how this will impact our budget. We also have paused hiring efforts and created a review process to determine which critical processes should move forward through the fiscal year and also the calendar year. Finally, i want to thank you for your support, guidance, and patience as we continue to respond to this pandemic and tackle the daytoday work. You know, we havent forgotten about the issues that were important to you and have set up meetings on topics that youre concerned about. As you know, our main focus is on the covidrelated topic, so well hopefully get back where we can address a lot of the issues that are important to you that are not covid related. And also, i am incredibly proud of our work team and how we responded to this pandemic so that we can provide this essential service to all of our customers. I think the city is doing an outstanding job, and that is the end of my comments. Thank you, general manager. Commissioners, any comments on this report or questions . This is commissioner viator. I just want to express my appreciation for the general manager and the staff on behalf of the commission. This is not an easy time. Weve been getting briefs that the staff have had to take on during this pandemic, during this crisis, and it really has stretched a lot of the staff pretty thin, and thats on top of all the other activities of keeping our services running, which was not insignificant in the first place. So i just wanted to express that and show my appreciation for all of the hard work that you, general manager, and your staff have been engaged in to keep the city healthy and safe and continue providing essential services to San Francisco. Any other questions or discussions from commissioners . Yeah, this is commissioner falzon. I also want to build on what commissioner viator just said. I want to thank general manager kelly for all his extra attention, governance, and response that was used at the p. U. C. In order to make sure that people were taking care of their jobs and taking care of the system in such a way that needed to be done, and i really think the p. U. C. Has really set the example for a lot of different departments in San Francisco that have construction building, not getting into details. And then secondly, also in the private sector, we have all of these, you know, sewer and water projects that are continuing to move forward that are essential to the infrastructure of not just San Francisco but the entire bay area. And the fact that he put together a team of contractors, staffers, and labor leaders to actually discuss what is a safe job going to be and how can we move this further so that we can work on infrastructure in a seamless way, so both taking care of and being mindful of workers that are directly employed by the city and the p. U. C. As well as the contracted out work that is being done to continue the buildout of the infrastructure. I think its been commendable, and obviously, were continuing to monitor all that stuff and making sure that people are safe and the work gets done as we move forward, so thank you. Are there any other commissioners that would like to speak . Hearing none, madam secretary, could you open Public Comment . Clerk yes. Members of the public who wish to make Public Comment on item 6, report of the general manager, dial 8882733658, access code 3107452, and pound, followed by pound again. Dial one, and then zero to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, do we have any calls at this time . Caller madam secretary, we have one caller in the queue. Clerk okay. Go ahead, caller. You have one question remaining. Clerk hello, caller. Go ahead and comment for item number 6. Okay. I want to talk about being an Incident Commander, and hello . Clerk yes, go ahead. Caller hello . Okay. I want to talk about being an Incident Commander here in San Francisco, and i was listening to the general manager talking about a completely different type of system that maybe the sfpuc is suited to. But commissioners, we have some very serious issues at our Navigation Centers. We have hot spots that we have to attend to. You have to understand the nature of this pandemic, and over 300,000 people being asymptomatic, and so earlier, when i spoke about our sanitary engineers and im telling you all that theyre overworked, and theyre traumatizing them, and they need to support them, i see you praising the sfpuc workers who really are trained as we are addressing the pandemic. So let me state again, it is critical that we have a really strong Incident Commander, that we divide the city in quadrants so we have other captains or Incident Commanders to establish a single i. C. P. For any incident, to establish consolidated incident auditors and strategies, with guidance updating them every operational period. We learned this in the military, but for some people, they dont get it, you know, because ive been writing about this for a long time. Now, this Navigation Center already is spreading the virus. Now, what are we really doing when it comes to our operation, sfpuc . Im telling you all, our sanitary engineers are overworked. Do you have any empathy and compassion for them . I dont like to Say Something and shame you all, but i am ashamed. Do not praise yourself. The public has to praise you. Do not praise yourself. Do the right thing. Have a strong Incident Commander who can really unify this city to do the right thing. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you, mr. De costa. Next speaker, please, mr. Moderator. Caller madam secretary, there are no more callers in the queue. Clerk okay. Public comment on item 7 is closed. Madam secretary, could you read the next item . Clerk yes. Item 7 is new commission business. Commissioners, any new Business Today . Hearing none, because there is none, we will not call for Public Comments. Madam secretary, the next item, please. Clerk the next item is item 8, consent calendar. All matters listed hereunder are a consent calendar by the San Francisco Public Utilities commission, and will be acted on by a single vote of the commission. There will be no action or discussion on any item unless the public or a commissioner requests, in which case, it will be handled as a separate item. Commissioners, is there any item that you wish to remove from the consent calendar today . Madam secretary, could you open this to open Public Comment . Clerk yes, madam president. Members of the public who wish to make Public Comment on the consent calendar, dial 8882733658, access code 3107452, then pound, and pound again. Then press one, then zero, to be added to the queue. Your time will begin when you begin speaking. Mr. Moderator, do we have any calls . Caller madam secretary, there is no Public Comment. Clerk okay. Seeing none, then Public Comment on item 8 is closed. Commissioners, may i have a motion and a second to approve the consent calendar . There is commissioner moran. Ill move the item. Ill second. Is that commissioner paulsen . Correct. Madam secretary, could you take a roll call vote . [roll call] clerk you have five ayes. So the motion carries. Next item, please. Clerk item 9, approve amendment number 2 to Agreement Number cs1053, increasing the agreement amount by 150,000, for a total nottoexceed agreement amount of 508,000, and with a time extension of three years, for a total agreement duration of seven years, eight months, and i believe employee ritchie will provide introduction. Very good. Mr. Ritchie, are you there . Caller dial starsix to unmute your phone. Are we trying to reach mr. Ritchie . Clerk he was originally on the meeting. Okay. Commissioners, do you have any comments on this item . Do you feel prepared to vote on this item . Madam chair, this is commissioner moran. Im comfortable proceeding, and ill move the item. Commissioner maxwell, and ill second it. Okay. Shall we open this to Public Comment, madam secretary . Clerk yet. Members of the public who wish to make Public Comment, dial 8882733658, access code 3107452, then press pound, and pound again. Then press one and then zero to be added to the queue. Mr. Moderator, do we have any calls . Caller madam secretary, there are no callers in the queue. Clerk okay. Thank you. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed on item 9. So we have a motion and a second, so madam secretary, could you please take a roll call vote. [roll call] clerk there are five ayes. Thank you. And the item passes. Madam secretary, the next item, please. Clerk item 10, approve the plans and specifications and award contract number 33694, in the amount of 967,980, and with a duration of 90 consecutive calendar days to, the responsible bidder submitting the lowest responsive bid, marinship development interest, l. L. C. , to modify the existing sewer diversion juncti diversion. And this will be presented by kathy how. Good afternoon, commissioners. Were hoping to avoid an emergency because this part of the Collection System is in dire need of repairs. There were three bidders. The first two bidders were deemed nonresponsive because they did not meet the c. M. D. Goal. The third bidder does meet the c. M. D. Goals, and their bid is still within the engineers estimate. And this project also was committed to the city administrator and the d. P. H. Health officer for approval to proceed with construction. Commissioners, any questions or further discussion . Id like to move the item. Commissioner moran, second. Fine. I would like to call for Public Comment. Madam secretary . Clerk members of the public who wish to make Public Comment on item 10, dial 8882733658, access code 3107452, followed by pound, and pound again. Dial one, then zero to be added to the speaker line. Caller a reminder to all callers on the Public Comment line, dial one, then zero to be added to the queue. Clerk mr. Moderator, do we have any speakers . Caller madam secretary, there are no callers in the queue at this time. Clerk thank you. As such, Public Comment on item number 10 is closed. Commissioners, we have already moved and seconded item number 10. Madam secretary, could you please take a roll call vote. [roll call] clerk there are five ayes. Therefore, the motion carries. Madam secretary, the last item, please. Clerk item 11, public hearing and possible action to approve the march 2020 proposed revised Water System Improvement Program, which would extend the completion dates of five wsip projects and the Overall Program completion of wsip from december 2021 to may 2023 and direct staff to send a notice of charge report to the state Water Resources control board and the alfred e. Alquist Seismic Safety Commission in compliance with water code section 73500. And kathy how will present this. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im not sure if slides were presented for your review. Caller the slides are on. The slides are on . Caller yes. Let us know when you want us to advance the slides. Okay. Thank you very much. I want to say thank you very much. I my name is katie miller, and im the acting director of the water program, and i would like to thank brad and lee and especially the Commission Secretary donna, and sftv. Gov for allowing this technology to help move our business forward. As you are aware, im going to give you a short presentation for the march 2020 proposed revised wsip. And as youre aware, the wsip, the Water System Improvement Program is a 4. 8 billion program to upgrate sfpuc water facilities. It includes 87 projects within seven counties, from tuolomne to San Francisco. At this time, the wsip is 98 complete and only 7 projects are ongoing. The wsips ongoing schedule and budget were last revised in march 2018, and the changes were adopted by the commission in april 2018. As you are aware, California Water code requires a public hearing for your consideration for certain types of wsip projects. In early 2020, San Francisco City Management reviewed the wsip projects and determined that five projects are scheduled for completion beyond the project completion date. On march 13, the sfpuc posted on our website a notice of public hearing. This notice includes the proposal to revise the project completion date for five wsip projects and explains the justification for each project. This revision would extend the wsip date to may 5, 2023. No changes to project budgets or scopes are proposed at this time. The commission met with rbawsca on march 6, 2020 and april 8, 2020, and this letter is included in your packet. The five wsip projects that are proposed to have revised completion dates are listed here. Most of these projects require minor schedule extensions to allow for final completion of closeout items. Some of these are seasonal or dependent on a larger seasonal shutdown. The Alameda Creek recapture project, which is the second one in this table, requires a schedule extension of 18 months. This project is in the final stage of environmental approval. The Planning Commission is scheduled to consider approval and certification of this project next week, on april 3, 2020. Then, this project will be presented for your approval at the next meeting, on april 28, 2020. All permits should be obtained by august 2020. The design documents are being updated with operational parameters and updated code requirements, but that all will be completed by july 2020. The advertisement is forecasted for august 2020, with n. T. P. In january 2021, and general construction forecasted to be completed in november 2022. All the changes forecasted in this change were forecasted and proposed prior to covid19, and any additional changes from this have not been considered at this time but may be considered at a later date. Completing wsip projects is a very high priority for the sfpuc, so we hope to keep these projects on track as much as possible regardless of any covid19 impacts. In march 2018, the revised wsip im sorry. Next slide, please. Regional groundwater storage and recovery. The march 2018 revised wsip included changes to scope schedule and budget for the regional groundwater storage and Recovery Project. In the past six months, since bringing some of the wells into testing phase, several issues have emerged that will require additional improvements for treatment, reliability, and Sustainable Operations and maintenance. These needs are currently being analyzed. In meeting with bawsca, they expressed concerns that the wsip projects need to meet their wsip concerns. In our two meetings in march and april of this year, we shared project information fully with bawsca, and together, we agreed to not make any changes to wsip project scope at this time. As we further develop any needed changes or improvements from the groundwater storage and Recovery Projects, we will share this information with bawsca, and we will work on achievements of projects and objectives. Until further decisions are made for the groundwater program, the regional groundwater storage and Recovery Project may intend beyond their original 2018 budget scheduled and dates. The letter from bawsca dated april 8, 2020 expressed bawscas concerns for the Regional Storage project and the wsip moving forward. It includes recommendations. We are currently reviewing this letter, and we will respond to bawsca in writing and share a response with you. Last slide, please. At this time, we would like to request that the commission respectfully consider adopting the march 2020 proposed revised wsip to extend completion dates for five wsip projects and extend the completion dates from december 20, 2021 to may 5, 2023. We also ask the commission direct staff to send a notice of change report to the state in compliance with the California Water code requirement. And with this, i would like to thank you all very much for the opportunity to propose these Program Changes to you during this critical time, keeping the wsip on track as much as we can as safely as possible, even during this unprecedented Public Health emergency moves the sfpuc closer to meeting our level of Service Goals and keeping our Capital Projects on track, and i would be happy to answer any questions. Commissioners, any questions . Comments . Hearing none, madam secretary, could you open it for Public Comments . Clerk yes, madam president. Members of the public who wish to make Public Comment, dial 8882733658, and access code 3107452, and pound, followed by pound again. Dial one, and then zero to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, do we have any callers . Caller madam secretary, there are no callers in the queue. Clerk okay. Madam president , we have no speakers, so Public Comment on this item is closed. Thank you. Commissioners, i need a motion and a second. So moved. This is commissioner paulsen. Thank you. May i have a second . Commissioner moran. Second. Madam secretary, could you please do a roll call vote. [roll call] clerk and we have five ayes. Thank you. Commissioners, any further Business Today . Hearing none, this meeting is adjourned at 2 47. [gavel] good morning. The meeting mr. Come to order. Thithis is the april 17, 2020 regular meeting of the. Commission. Our clerk is here and i would like to thank jason from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. Do you have any announcements . Yes. Due to the covid19 Health Emergency, and to protect commissioners, staff and public, city hall is closed. Commissioners will participate in the meeting remotely to the same extent as if they were physically present. Public comment will be available for each item. Cachannel 26 andsfgovtv will st. Comments will be available by calling 18882045984. Dial the access code 3501008. Then press pound and press pound again. When you are connected, dial 1 and 0 to be adde added to the qo speak. All callers will remain on mute until their line is open. Everyone should account for time delays and speaking discrepancies between live coverage and streaming. Best practice call from quiet location, speak slowly and turndown your television or radio. You may have submit Public Comment in either of the following ways. Email me. If you submit via email it will be in the legislative file as part of the matter. Written comments may be sent through the u. S. Post office to city hall. 1 Carleton Place room 244, San Francisco, california 94102. That concludes my remarks. Thank you very much. Can you please call item 1. Would you like me to call the roll first . Yes, please. Chairperson fewer. Present. Commissioner pollock. Here. Commissioner haney. Present. Commissioner mar. Not present. Commissioner singh. Present. Madam chair, you have a quorum. Thank you. Can you please call item 2. Approve of the lafco minutes from the february 21, 2020 meeting. Are there any callers for this item . Press one and zero now to be added to the list. Checking our Public Comment. Is there anyone in the list . No caller to speak. Public comment is closed. Would someone like to make a motion to approve the lafco minutes from the meeting of february 21, 2020. So moved. Second. Roll call vote, please. On the motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner fewer. Aye. Commissioner pollock. Aye. Commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner maris absent. You have three ayes. Item 3 Community Companies activities report. Thank you very much. We asked mr. Hyams to present on covid19 on clean power sf. He is klein joining joining us today. Can you hear me . Yes, we can. Great. Once again. I am the director of clean powers sf for the San Francisco Public Utilities commission. I want to say i hope everyone is healthy and safe and remain that way as we navigate through this challenging pendemic. As the commissioner mentioned the executive officer asked me for a short update how the clean power sf program is giving given Current Events around covid19. Clean power sf is fully operational. Our Electricity Service will not be impacted by covid19. We recognize that the Society Response has required sacrifice and many members of the community are facing economic hardship. I wanted to take this moment to emphasize we are here to help our community. We have created a covid19 information page on our website. We continue to update this page with the latest information on covid19 response and support service as it relates to clean power sf elect service. You can find it at our website. In addition to making sure that we are communicating efficiently with our members of the community and customers, a number of measures have been taken by the city and county and the state of california to ensure that electricity customers have access to electric service. First, if a customer is unable to pay the electricity bill, power will not be shut off. This is part of the emergency proclamation of march 13th and the governors executive order of march 16th. Pursuant to the emergenc emerger payment delinquency. Flexible payment plans are also available to support clean power sf customers. Customers interested in more information can find that on our website at the page i mentioned before. Pg e is providing Additional Support to medical baseline customers for the next 12 months starting as of the beginning of march. That Additional Support includes suspending all customer removals from the medical Baseline Program. Customers will also be able to recertify excuse me. Not need to recertify eligible through a doctor or other eligible medical professional during this period of time. Customers will be able to selfcertify eligibility to enroll in the medical Baseline Program. For information the medical Baseline Program increases the allotment of Energy Available at the lowest price to qualifying customers. If any members of the public are interested in applying for this program they can find more information on our website. Some customers may qualify for monthly discounts on electricity bills through the california alternate rates for energy or care program. Under care qualifying households save 20 or more each month on the energy bills. The public and members of customers can obtain information on the website about eligibility in this program. Finally, i wanted to highlight clean power sf customers will receive a 35. 73 credit and 17. 87 on their may and june bills respectively under the california climate credit program. This Program Provides credit to Customers Using revenues from the state of california Greenhouse Gas cap and trade program. To help with the Economic Impact of the covid19 response, the second of the two credits which is for october each year is provided this year in may and june. The october amount is split 50 50 across the months of may and june. That is where the 17. 87 comes from. Shifting gears to our staffing and operations. Our staff is now mostly working remotely with only Staff Members reporting to the Head Quarters to support department mental Emergency Operations or complete tasks that must be done there. For example, receiving mail and sorting and distributing it. Staff are reporting to the office or Field Operations are following personal safety and using protective equipment. On the power supply side. We have had no problems with our supply of power or our solvers ability to operate. However, shelterinplace has impacted construction schedules and disrupted disapply chains for supply chains for new development. We are in communication with clean power sf. I am happy to report that neither of the two projects under construction this year have reported delays. These projects are expected to begin operations and deliver the power in september and december of this year respectively. On the demand side of our business, as you might expect, the shelterinplace order was issued on march 17. We have seen a reduction in clean power surge of 7 to 9 relative to preshelterinplace usage. As for the specific customer groups, we are seeing trends similar to what other Community Choice Energy Programs in the bay area are also reporting. With most households in place we have seen an increase in residential customer usage of about 12 , and with only essential businesses open we have seen when a 20 to 25 decrease in nonresidential customer usage. We will be tipping to track and analyze the customer usage and demand to understand the impact to our business and also to individual customer groups and will share further information as it becomes available. That concludes my prepared remarks for the meeting. I am happy to take questions from the commissioners. Thank you very much. Commissioners, any comments or questions . I see commissioner marhas joined us. Any comments or questions for mr. Hyams . Seeing none, i have a question. I will go after you. Thank you. Please go ahead. Thank you so much for the report. One of my questions had to do with whether or not customers would be sent back to pg e for nonpayment. I am pleased to hear that clean power sf has decided to take the stance of not returning customers to pg e and no shutoffs. That is all good news. I wanted to ask the decrease in usage. What do you attribute that to or do you . Yes, the principal thing that i attribute it to is some businesses are closed. All nonessential businesses are closed for the time being. Just the reduced traffic in our Office Buildings and other businesses throughout the city as a result of the shelterinplace. The figures that i shared, we are seeing a pretty significant reduction in commercial customer or nonresidential usage as high as quarter of normal usage has disappeared. As we know, people are working from home. We have seen residential usage increase. It hasnt compensated one for one. There is more commercial demand reduction than residential demand growth. That makes sense. I wanted to ask not included in your report is there a Recovery Plan . Do you know in the city or if you have a sense of how economically we recover from covid19 . Is there something built in, you know, future planning for Recovery Period whenever that should be . I think that planning work is being under taken right now as we speak. I think that we are coordinating clean power sf Recovery Planning with sfp citywide planning. That is coordinating with the city and mayors office. I know the regular budget process is suspended for the year so there is work done to forecast the expected impacts on the economy and what that might mean for the budget. We are similarly making our own sort of projections as we get what have been sort of realtime information about changes in our customers usage. The big challenge, of course, is uncertainty. We know what demand is now under shelterinplace, but shelterinplace will, we expect, be lifted in some way over time. We will start to see people go bacback to work in some form or fashion. From a clean power sf standpoint we do expect that demand will start to pick back up to normal levels. We just dont know if it will go all of the way given the Economic Impacts and what the pace of recovery will be. I know that doesnt directly answer be your question. I think the direct answer is we are working on plans right now, and we are also still trying to understand the magnitude of the impact that we will see as a result. Are the plans connected to the irp and capital plans . Absolutely. Our budget in capital planner are connected. Those will be going together to the board of supervisors for approval, my understanding as of now that will be late summer or early fall, but i imagine there will be more information on that coming fairly soon. We are looking at what those impacts may be or what the impacts may be to those plans. We will have more information soon. I dont have any at this point in time to share any new updates. I read that the irp was delayed from may to july. Do you think it will be pushed out . I do have news on that. It has been postponed by the california p. U. C. From july to september. We continue to work on our power irp, integrated resource plan. A really big challenge we faced has been uncertainty around what the california Public Utilities commission is requiring of us. There was a decision voted out by the california p. U. C. A couple weeks ago that set in place the more or less final direction for the i rp. That decision extended the due date from july to september. It also identified midmay delivery of final guidelines from the california p. U. C. Energy division staff. Those final guidelines will shape what we will need to submit to the california p. U. C. In the meantime we are getting ready to quickly do analysis, modeling work after that time and prepare a report to the stakeholders and run through the approval process. Commissioner maxwell had asked about who was present for the roundtable in terms of the irp process, meeting with stakeholders. I know that is probably delayed as well starting in february and everything hit and is pushed out andy layed. Do you know if you will be inviting some of the lafco stakeholders like 350 bay area and seand those groups to the rd tables . They are on the invitee list. We have delayed that engagement on when that is going to happen. I am happy to share more information as it becomes available. I am also happy to share through the executive office our stakeholder list. That would be great. If mr. Gobbel could be brought in. I dont know if it started in february due to all of the shifting priorities, but if he could be brought in to identify the lafco stakeholders to be included and have those stakeholders and mr. Gobble be included in the report review early to report out to lafco after your commission has been updated. Yes, absolutely. That is wonderful. Thank you. I know that i was on Maternity Leave in january. I know that the build out plan agenda item was continued to the call of the chair. You know, those items are tied together, obviously. When you start to do that Recovery Planning and the irp and how that looks and i think i would be interested to know if part of the Recovery Plan includes making some of those sites identified as a better site, if those might be shovel ready as part of the Recovery Plan. I am not asking the question now. I realize you are sort of on the spot and things are shifting and moving and pushed out. When the item is called again, i would be interested in hearing how that dovetails with recovery from covid19. I know there is talk of getting the country back to work and those are essential jobs. That would be wonderful to be able to work, especially with building and trades and construction and electrical workers, just howther work within the city and that whole process. That would be great to sort of include in your report out on that. That concludes my questions. Thank you so much. Thank you. Any other questions or comments . Seeing none. I have a couple questions. The relief measures. What are we doing proactively to let customers know there are these things available to them . Are we instead of asking them to look it up, are we putting things in mailings, sending emails out to Customer Base to let them know about not forgiveness but these efforts . We have not well, we have not been using physical mailinglers yet. Although i will take that suggestion back, commissioner. We have been prepared a newsletter electronic newsletter to distribute. These opportunities will feature prominently in that communication. We are also using or intend to use social media messaging to try to direct some traffic to our website so people know it is available. You bring up a good point about making sure that folks know where they can get information to provide assistance. Of course, we are arming our call center with this information. If our customers reach out to our call center looking for assistance, they will be able to get that information through the call center as well. I will take back this idea potentially for proactive physical mailinglers to direct attention to assistance measures. Also, are we contacting any sf media to make sure the nonenglish speaking customers are aware of these relief efforts available to them . I will follow up on that as well. The status of our media coordination. I have heard from the chinese folks that they arent reading newspapers but they are on the radio and, of course, seeing ads and Public Service announcements on television. Television viewing has gone up dramatically. You might do a public announcement on the ethnic media. I think a lot of customers who may need these relief packages or opportunities might be the nonenglish speaking customers. Yes, thank you very much. I will definitely take that back. Those are great suggestions. Thank you very much. No commissioners, no comments or questions . Anyone who would like to comment on item 3, please get in the queue and press 10. Could you please check to see if there are any speakers waiting. There are no callers wishing to speak. Thank you very much. Public comment is now closed. We dont need action on this item. It is informational. Madam clerk please call item 4. Item 4. Consideration and approval of the proposed lafco budget for fiscal year 20202021. If there are any members of the public to speak please press 1 and 0 now. Bryan goebel, i believe you have a presentation. I do, thank you madam chair and good morning, commissioners. I hope you are coping well during this crisis. Thank you for your leadership right now. I do have a presentation this morning on the lafco budget. Today i am proposing a status quo budget that is based on the latest city projections of a growing deficit. The status quo budget we are required to pass a budget, a draft budget by may 1st and final budget by june 15th. The budget i bring you today includes no increase in the amount requested from the city. It maintains the level of funding the city is required by state law to provide from the general fund. It is the same amount provided to lafco over the past 10 years. This slide is our work order balance with the San Francisco Public Utilities commission for lafcos oversight of clean power sf. It outlines the balance through the years and the current fiscal year. We have spent minimal funds. We spent to pay interns and Research Associates like mr. Parsons who produced the report. We will be ending this fiscal year with a balance close to 200,000. We are very close to bringing on a consultant to help us with oversight. In fact, that r. F. Q. Process is wrapping up. I hope to bring a recommendation for a consultant to you at our may 15th meeting. This will be providing expertise for oversight of clean power sf and help us analyze the local buildout report that you heard in january, and also providing feedback on the capital plan and the irp as discussed earlier. The process was disrupted because of the crisis. Under your direction, i do anticipate a lot of work on clean power sf in the next fiscal year. This shows the amount of funds lafco was able to raise this fiscal year for the survey of on demand workers. It is about 330,000 actually 335,000 we got a 5,000 grant to help with our urgent covid19 survey of workers. It will be possible to fundraise in the next fiscal year to support similar work we undertake. The climate for fundraising has changed. However, i imagine a lot of what we are do in the coming year will be impacted by the impacts of covid19. This shows the general fund balance. That is the budget we are talking about today. The amount we receive from the city and county. This is over the years and projected balance by the end of june. Today we anticipate a 37,000 carryover to the next fiscal year. These are the expenditures to date as of april 7th. Right now we have about 105,000 remaining funds to get to the end of the fiscal year. All spending is pretty much on track, maybe a little over budget. We have been calling on them a lot to do public bank work, that might be a little higher but not anything substantial. This is my proposed budget for fiscal 2021. I have provided a description of each line item in your packets. Similar to last year. Increases for clerk of Boards Office based on this years spending. They are critical and helpful. Increase in the dues. It amounts to a little over 292,000. I would ask you to approve the fiscal 2021 budget for that amount while reserving the right to the full statute amount of 297,342 lafco receives each year from the city and county. With that, commissioners, i am happy to answer any questions. Are there any questions, commissioners for our executive officer . Mr. Global, i have a quell. I wonder, this is not the budget we submitted to the mayor as part of the boards budget, is that correct . Thats correct i revised it based on consultation with your staff and in light of the citys deficit reverted to status quo budget to use the executive officer as an independent contractor and the status quo budget from all previous years. I think for the meeting in may where we will approve the budget, can you present the two proposed budgets for us so we have an explanation of the budget proposed to the mayor as part of the boards budget. This committee is able to see that and we are able to have discussion on that. I would be happy to do that, madam chair. Thank you very much. I want you to know we had proposed, i think, a larger budget for lafco in light of for so many fiscal years we were so solvent and we thought it was time to add to the lafco budget as it has not been added to i think we have had this budget for many, many years and it was time to increase the budget but given the landscape now, i actually think everything is pretty much in the air. I am the budget chair. The budget land scape is undetermined now and we are trying to get numbers. It is too early to make a final determination on a status quo budget. I am going to ask mr. Gobel to present two budgets to deliberate on. I am wondering any commissioners have comments or questions at all . Chair fewer, this is commissioner mar. I have a few questions and comments. I appreciate the work that you have done with mr. Goebel to come up with a new budget for lafco for next year based on the new budget environment we are facing throughout the city. I do have questions about what this means for the important work, looking ahead. If lafco is involved in work around clean power and on demand worker and lane important study where there is a need for important follow up policy work, and then the public bank work. I know the original budget that you referred to included more capacity to Carry Forward on these important priorities. I think my question is when we get to the presentation of the budget at the next meeting, it could include some explanation about how a reduced budget and staff capacity for lafco would impact the important work that lafco is doing in the coming year or years. Mr. Goebel, would that be included in your next presentation . Yes. Thank you, commissioner mar. I appreciate your input and i would be happy to analyze the impacts of cutting back that work abinclude as part of my presentation. I do see mr. Global has fund raised 330,000 on his own for our labor study. I want to recognize and thank him for that work. We wouldnt be able to do that study without his initiative to get that money. Thank you, mr. Goebel. I want to appreciate that. Commissioner martha could be included in the discussion. Any further questions . Thank you for the budget. I want to ask in past years the budget has been presented in april for approval and second approval in may. I wanted to ask is that tied to the city budget processor something legally we need to do by a certain date . Can we extend tha that . Is our attorney on the line . Good morning. It is nice to see everybody. Yes that is required under thelas costatutes. We have to look at the budget twice. We also, of course, are coordinating with the city since the lafco budget comes through the city. It is a lafco requirement, not a city requirement. Does that answer the question . Is it tied to the date of april and mayor can it just be approved in two meetings, you know, with a date to be determined by the San Francisco lafco . I believe we have until july to hold the two meetings. That is great to know. Our own budget process is delayed and wont start until august. That goes together nicely. I just really think we should give it more thought. As commissioner mar talked about the important work, i feel like covid19 impacts on the economy will be huge. They are huge now. That work is so important that we continue, and also in terms of clean power sf, people needy electricity. How does covid19 impact clean power sf and how it moves forward with the m. O. U. Expiring with the San Francisco p. U. C. . That money will be part of what we use as what we get from the city and county of San Francisco. We need to just think about the fiscal impact of the budget and what that means for the important work that lafco can do. At this time i wouldnt feel comfortable voting on the budget. I agree with chair fewer this needs to come back in the next meeting or may would be a great time unless that was pushed to june. With a june and july approval process that it could go to the city for the full budget process. Chair fewer is wil is well positioned to advise lafco. I cant vote on a budget today. The second part of the question is with our executive Officers Services being transitioned from contract to a City Employee, does that impact the budget or does salary plus benefits equal 150,000 . I believe we have done that calculation, mr. Goebel, if you can respond with the proposed budget. It included mr. Goebel being considered a City Employee rather than contracted employee. Thank you. The line item budgeted for that which was given by the clerk of the Boards Office is 193,000 total, 80,000 of that, i believe, was benefits. That is the figure for that. It would impact. It is about a 43,000 increase. If i could interject. I just want to point out government code 56381 requires lafco to adopt the proposed budget by may 1st and final budget by june 15th. I dont know if there are suspensions of that government code but i want to point that out for the commission. Thank you very much, madam clerk. Back to our attorney we need two hearings but not two approval voting. Is there something to delay this vote since the budget process in San Francisco is delayed also. Today you were asked to adopt the proposed budget. This would not be the time budget adoption. You will have one hearing where you adopt proposed budge eat and then the final budget. We did look into what would happen if the deadlines were pushed. We did not find anything in terms of a penalty that lafco would suffer if it had to adopt the budget later. There is a legal obligation to adopt the final budget in june, however, there doesnt seem to be any negative ramifications for pushing that deadline if necessary. We did feel we would not want to do so without clear rationalization for that missed deadline. This is also in light of what madam clerk just explained about the government code, that is correct . Is that correct. Is it your opinion we may be able to continue this item, then commissioners are holding a vote on this budget together since we have time because the city budget is not to start discussions until august. Would we be able to in your legal advice be able to continue this item until the meeting in may and have mr. Goebel continue the discussion with both proposed budgeted and what the implication for the reduced budget might mean for the work we are doing. Am i understanding that we would review the proposed budget in may. What is the date of that meeting, bryan . May 15th is the next scheduled meeting. Would the commission entertain a final budget in june or later in the summer . If we could have a discussion with both budgets and then at that time the next may 15 meeting have a deep discussion on the we were to reduce and prioritize but increase the budget so that the board had an opportunity to see what the impact might be on the work we have already done and are doing, i think we would have a discussion in may. Tentative approval and final approval in june. Does that sound like that would give you enough time . That makes sense to me. That is great. I also think that by that time we will have a clearer picture on the covid19 impact on the city and county of San Franciscos budget and as budget chair we are pushing hard for the numbers. If we could do that, i shy that would work well for us. When is our june meeting and would that be in time to meet the june 15th deadline . Yes, i am looking at my calendar here. I believe the june meeting is just one second. I believe it is june 12th. My question in terms of government code to have take extended would that go to the board of supervisors budget and finance and then to the full board . I dont understand. What was the question . I think i can answer that, commissioner. It would then be going to the boards budget. Lafco is part of the boards budget. The revised budget would go the boards budget and be part of the overall process under the board of supervisors budget. Then it would be miss ca c. E. O. Who would present it. Our our numbers would be pushed forward as well . Yes revised numbers. Okay. Great. Thank you so much. Mr. Goebel are you sure it is the 12th . I look at the calendar. It could be the 19th. Itant correcte i stand co. It is the 19th. It is a mistake on my part. To our attorney if it is four days later or how many days later than the statutory requirements, that is actually we wouldnt suffer any penalty by submitting it four or five days later . I see a delay of days rather than weeks or months being fairly low risk. As i noted there arent any legal ramifications for delay. We dont want to be seen to be blowing off our statutory obligations. That said, i think four to five days sounds like we can easily rationalize that. Commissioners, i would like to make a motion to continue this item to the meeting of may 15th where mr. Goebel will bring the proposed two budgets to us. Proposed budget in the board packet before the covid19 crisis and also he will bring to us a discussion on the impacts that the budget cuts would make to the current work that we are doing. Madam clerk, would i need a vote . I assume yes, is that correct . Yes you need a roll call vote. I need a motion. Could i have a second please. Thank you. Roll call vote, please. Who was the second . I was. The name . Commissionier singh. You are an alternate. I need another second. I second that pollock. If you could state your name it would be helpful. We cant tell who is doing it. The motion to continue item 4 to may lafco meeting. Commissioner fewer. Aye. Commissioner pollock. Ice. Commissioner haney aye. Commissioner mar. A ye. We should rescind this vote. I make a motion to resend this vote. Second vote. Commissioner pollock seconds the motion. Madam clerk, roll call vote. On the motion to resined commissioner fewer. Aye. Pollock. Aye. Haney. Aye. Mar. Aye. There are four ayes. I would like to open up for Public Comment. Any members to comment on item number 4 . There are no callers to speak. I would like to make a motion to continue this item 4 until the may 15th meeting. Could i have a second, please. Commissioner pollock second. Roll call vote please. The motion to continue. Commissioner fewer. Aye. Commissioner pollock. Aye. Commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner mar. Aye. There are four ayes. Can you please call item 5. Item 5 approval of a resolution to accept and expands a grant from the San Francisco foundation in the amount of 5,000. Any members of the public to speak please press one and zero now. Thank you. Mr. Goebel you are going to walk us through this . Yes. Straightforward item. When we pivoted to a covid19 survey of gig workers, i sought additional funding for staff time and also the worker incentives for the survey. We did receive a grant from the San Francisco foundation in the amount of 5,000 for this purpose, and this item would allow us to expend that money. I would recommend your approval. Thank you very much. Open this up for Public Comment. Any members of the public to comment on item 5. There are no callers wishing to speak. Public comment is closed. Any comments or questions by colleagues . Seeing none, please roll call vote. I make a motion to approve this item. Second please. Commissioner haney second. Thank you very much. Could i please have a roll call vote. Item 5, commissioner fewer. Aye. Commissioner pollock. Aye. Commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner har. Aye. There are four ayes. Thank you very much. These call item 6. Item 6 is executive officers report. Mr. Goebel again. Thank you, madam chair. We are running late. I want to give you a brief update on our gig worker survey. The work our new intern is doing on public bank. Hopefully you can see my screen. My powerpoint so on both of these items, we have shifted our focus to assess covid19 impacts. The results will be a series of timely reports not only to report much needed data but give recommendations to help and form and guide your local policy decisions going forward. First i would like to talk about the survey of on demand workers. For those who are not uptodate on this. Lafco was in the process of a large survey of on demand survey of 1200 workers to get the city good data about the vulnerable workers who are front line workers. They were struggling before the virus. Now it is much, much worse. Before shelterinplace was issued. The survey Team Suspended the survey a month ago. When that work stopped they managed to get about 700 completed surveys up until then along with a number of in depth interviews. We suspended the survey three weeks to a month ago, and quickly pivoted to do a survey of covid19 impacts. The survey addressed these four categories. How is covid19 impacted the number of gig jobs . We know that there is a shift. We know uber and lyft is down. It has impacted pay as well. There are more workers out doing delivery. Many of the companies have waiting list for folks applying for these jobs. We know it has caused a big impact. We are also as in the broader survey asking about the lack of access to Health Insurance and paid sick leave. We are also asking what do you most urgently need now . Emergency funds, healthcare, pro protections from exposure, how are the companies doing . What are you doing to prevent spread of virus . How likely to work while sick due to the financial situation. Before this with some of the focus groups and results the team was getting, there were workers that said they would work even if they were sick. The plan here with the covid19 survey is to get around 300 responses. Combine that analysis with the 700 completed surveys the team has already. They are going to follow up or have been following up within depth interviews combined with research. We expect to have a preliminary report on the findings on may 2 and present those to you at the may 15 meeting. Along with those findings, working with the survey team and collaborating with stakeholders, lafco will produce a number of recommendations based on the findings. They will address these categories. Improving economic security, promoting accountability and lawful operations among the at base delivery and ride hailing companies, improving safety and health for at base workers and promoting Public Health and safety. These will be short and longterm recommendations. We are going to put out a table of ideas to comment already existing emergency measures taken and considered now by the board of supervisors. Also, we have a u. S. Tackling best practicing to address these. How are other cities responding to protect workers . What protections are being put in place around the globe . What kind of health and safety regulations are developed . What will the virus mean for the delivery industry and workers . What are the best practices around that . To comment the resolution passed calling on the City Attorney and the office of labor enforcement to enforce ab5 considering other aspects of ab5 or even force meant to protect the delivery industry. This will all come together in time for the may 15th meeting. We will have three presentations at that meeting. Combined findings of the survey and the team is pouring all resources into that preliminary findings. We will have the report from us f class on Delivery Services and lafco recommendations based on the combined findings and research. That is the latest on the gig survey. I do have one other item. I want to pause to see if there are questions from commissioners . Any comments or questions for our executive officer . I have a question. This is commissioner pollock. For the may 15th meeting, when do you anticipate we will get the three reports in draft form . Thank you for the question. May 21 when we may 2 we will have the draft. April 30 i expect a draft from usf. When i receive those i will send to you and your staff so we can get your feedback on those. We will be sending them out to a variety of other folks who have been involved in the research, various worker groups, unions and stakeholders. The gig workers, jobs with justice. Jobs with justice is doing a lot of outreach. They have been in touch with a variety of Community Organizations through this process. Thank you. Any more comments or questions for mr. Goebel . Is it too late to add a question to the survey . I can check with the survey team. The covid19 survey is going to wrap up next week. I could ask the survey team that. I wanted to know the federal relief package included gig workers. I wanted to know if they applied for that, what is the status, do they know about it, have they going to apply for it . I dont think the checks have been issued. They are coming, and if they had received any relief. That was my question. I had another question and i forgot about it. Sorry. That was the question. It is a very good point, madam chair in terms of unemployment. I have been reading reports about gig workers having difficulty accessing it. It is delayed until the end of the month. All kinds of problems. They might ask some of the workers they are doing interviews with. I am happy to do Additional Research and add to the presentation i give you on ma may 15th. Because we are just hearing, also, issues about the Small Business funding and the glitches there. I am wondering if the workers have gotten relief. My second thing is among your recommendations are you going to include legislative recommendations for the board of supervisors and the commissioners it is on the board of supervisors to actually put in some legislation to help these workers and protect these workers . We are crafting the recommendations with that in mind. Putting the ideas on the table to be legislated to protecting workers. Yes, we are very much considering that as we draft the recommendations. Thank you so much. Any more comments or questions for mr. Goebel . I have one other item, madam chair. Go ahead. I am very excited along the lines of Small Businesses and, particularly the banks responses to covid19, as its relates to Small Businesses. Our newest intern is working on some related topics to that. Kara has a Public Policy background and will attend law school this fall. She is a fellow in Public Affairs and has produced work for a number of agencies, including the mpc and office of management and budget in washington as well as working with immigration legal resource and graduate of princeton with a degree in Public Policy. I am excited to have her. I am going to turn it over to her to talk about the scope of work we have ask can see her to undertake. She came to work on public bank. She is working on related topics. I will turn it over to kara to talk about what she is doing. Thank you. Good morning, commissioners. Great to be here with you. As i am sure you are aware another focus area of work is the public work. This is putting that public bank in perspective of bank accountability. I believe moments like this like the one we are in now magnifies areas that need changes. Arguably i think the current pandemic is the perfect storm to evaluate bank accountability. I am looking at response by private and public actors in live time and assessing their epactions. The report has three key questions. In brief the report looks at incentive structure driving the large corporate banks andrews lessons to form Forward Solutions to Immediate Community needs and the report will look at what covid19 means for Accountability Community actors like small banks and credit unions. Given this present moment, i think we need the San Francisco public Bank Initiative in the changing system of needs. This will be completed by the end of the month. I will share the recommendations with you at the next lafco meeting. With that i am happy to field questions or comments. Thank you so much for your assistance with this. We look forward to that report. Any comments or questions for kara . I just want to say thank you, kara, for putting this together. I am very, very excited to see what you come up with next month because we think we need to start thinking at a public bank at this point like something to help us get back on our feet with regards to Affordable Housing and issues that are going to be adversely impacted by a deep precision or depression with budget cuts. I am glad we are framing the public bank as part of the covid19 response. Commissioner haney. Thank you, chair fewer. This is exciting. I am glad we are doing this. Thank you for coming on. One of the things we have been looking a lot at is what banks have been doing for people who have struggled to pay mortgages or rent, and what policies are set up across the different be banks and what opportunities there are. That will continue to be an issue after this is done just to put a word in there if that is something to look at forgiveness and Interest Rates and all of that for folks having challenges repaying loans or mortgages. That is an important piece. It sounds like that is included. I wanted to flag that. Definitely. Thank you. Thank you, kara. We also at the board of supervisors my office have been working with the public bank. We can use that information. Thank yothank you for your your. I echo what commissioner heavy y rain me said haney said. Open this up for Public Comment. Any otheany other items. That concludes my executive officers report. Any Public Comment on item 6. There are no callers wishing to speak. Public comment is closed. Thank you both. We look forward to hearing from both of you on may 15th, our next meeting. Madam clerk please call item 7. Public comment. Are there any members of the public to offer Public Comment . There are no callers wishing to speak. Thank you. Public comment is closed. Madam clerk can you please call item 8. Future agenda items. Colleagues any future agenda items you would like to see us discuss in the future . Seeing none, madam clerk is there any more business . We need Public Comment for this item. Public comment for item 8. Madam chair, no callers are wishing to speak. Madam clerk any more business before us today . That concludes the business for today. Thank you everyone. We are adjourned. First its always the hardest and when they look back they really wont see you, but its the path that youre paving forward for the next one behind you that counts. Hi, my name is jajaida durden and im the acting superintendent for the bureau of forestry and i work for public works operations. And im over the landscaping, the shop and also the arborist crew. And some tree inspectors as well. I have been with the city and county of San Francisco for 17 years. And i was a cement mason, that was my first job. When i got here i thought that it was too easy. So i said one day ill be a supervisor. And when i run this place it will be ran different. And i i didnt think that it wod happen as fast as it did, but it did. And i came in 2002 and became a supervisor in 2006. And six months later i became the permanent supervisor over the shop. With all of those responsibilities and the staff youre also dealing with different attitudes and you have to take off one hat and put on another hat and put on another hat. And shes able shes displayed that she can carry the weight with all of these different hats and still maintain the respect of the director, the Deputy Director and all of the other people that she has to come in contact with. Shes a natural leader. I mean with her staff, her staff thinks highly of her. And the most important thing is when we have things that happen, a lot of emergencies, shes right by me and helps me out every time that i have asked. My inspiration is when i was a young adult was to become a fire woman. Well, i made some wrong decisions and i ended up being incarcerated, starting young and all the way up to an adult. When i was in jail they had a Little Program called Suppers Program and i supers program, and i met strong women in there and they introduced me to construction. I thought that the Fire Department would turn me down because i had a criminal history. So i looked into options of what kind of construction i could do. While i was in jail. And the program that i was in, they retrained us on living and how to make the right decisions and i chose construction. And cement mason didnt require a High School Diploma at that time so i figured i could do that. When i got out of jail they had a program in the philmore area and i went there. My first day out i signed up and four days later i started to work and i never looked back. I was an apprentice pouring concrete. And my first job was mount zion Emergency Hospital which is now ucsf. And every day that i drive by ucsf and i look at the old mount zion emergency, i have a sense of pride knowing that i had a part of building that place. Yeah, i did. I graduated as an apprentice and worked on a retrofit for city hall. I loved looking at that building and i take big pride in knowing that i was a part of that retrofit. My first for formen job was a 40 Story Building from the ground up. And its a predominantly male industry and most of the times people underestimate women. Im used to it though, its a challenge for me. As a female youre working with a lot of guys. So when they see a woman, first they dont think that the woman is in charge and to know that shes a person that is in charge with operations, i think that its great, because its different. Its not something i mean, not only a female but the only female of color. I was the first female finisher in the cement shop and i was the first crew supervisor, in the shop as a woman. When i became a two, the supervisors would not help me. In the middle, theyd call me a rookie, an apprentice and a female trying to get somewhere that she dont belong. Oh, it was terrible. It was terrible. I didnt have any support from the shop. The ones who said they supported me, they didnt, they talked about me behind my back. Sometimes i had some crying, a lot of crying behind doors, not in public. But i had a lot of mentors. My mentor i will call and would pick up the phone and just talk, talk, talk, please help me. What am a i going to do . Hang in there. It was frustrating and disheartening, it really was. But what they didnt understand is that because they didnt help me i had to learn it. And then probably about a year later, thats when i started to lay down the rules because i had studied them and i learned them and it made me a good supervisor and i started to run the ship the way that i wanted to. It was scary. But the more i saw women coming through the shop, i saw change coming. I knew that it was going to come, but i didnt know how long it would take. It was coming. In the beginning when i first came here and i was the first woman here as a finisher, to see the change as it progressed and for me to become a permanent assistant superintendent over the cement shop right now, thats my highlight. I can look down at my staff and see the diversity from the women to the different coaches in here and know that no one has to ever go through what i went through coming up. And i foster and help everyone instead of pushing them away. Ill talk to women and tell them they can make it and if they need any help, come talk to me. And they com knock on my door ad ask how i move up and how i get training. Im always encouraging to go to school and encourage them to take up some of the training with d. P. W. And i would tell them to hold strong and understand that things that we go through today that are tough makes you stronger for tomorrow. Although we dont like hearing it at the time that were going through all of this stuff, it helps you in the long run to become a better woman and a person

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