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The meeting has started. The meeting will come to order. This is the april 8th meeting of budget and finance committee. I am calling it to order at 10 00 a. M. It is a rescheduled meeting at 10 05 a. M. And the meeting scheduled for 10 10 a. M. There are other supervisors present. Will you please identify yourself. Anybody else who is not on the budget and Appropriations Committee . Thank you very much. I would like to thank Daniel Williams from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. Madam clerk, do you have any announcements . Yes, the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect City Employees and the public the board of supervisors legislative chamber and Committee Room are closed. Members will participate remotely. This is taken pursuant to the state way stay at home order. All proceeding local and state and federal orders and directives. Committee members will attend through Video Conference or telephone and participate to the extent as if they were physically comment. Comments will be available on each item. Channel 26 and sfgovtv. Org are streaming at the top of the screen. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes. You can call 888 2045984. 888 2045984 access code 3501008. When connected Public Comment is open and dial one and zero to be added to the cue to speak. Speak clearly and slowly and turndown your television or radio. Alternatively yo you make Public Comment by emailing myself sfgovtv at lindawong at sfgovtv. If you submit by email it will be included as part of the official file. Finally, items acted upon today will appear on the april 14th board of supervisors for consideration unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Madam clerk can you call items one and two together. Items one and two on the regular budget and finance agenda authorizing the treasure to secure a short term line of credit in an amount not to exceed 20 million for the purpose of providing short term emergency unsecured loans to Small Businesses in San Francisco that are unable to meet rent or mortgage costs. Item two. 20 million of short term load proceeds and 600,000 to to t the office of the treasure and tax collector. Individual loans for Small Businesses impacted by sarscov2. The items from last weeks agenda. At last weeks meeting i announced i worked with oewd to create 10 million Small Business package launched within days. Also, last week the committee granted my request for one week continuance. Just to be sure that we had this up and running before filing the ordinances. Oewd has done amazing work and moved to add 1 million to replenish the Small Business grant fund. After the enormous credit on monday evening they went live with the launch of Hardship Emergency Loan Program with 4. 5 million available immediately and 4. 5 million to be added within the month. I am especially grateful that oewd is partnering with Community Bank organizations to get the word out and that district nine as well as mainstream launch and working solutions are participating to get the fundings to the most vulnerable communities. I am so grateful to oewd director and his hardworking staff who made this happen so quickly to help Small Business in crisis across the city. I also want to thank amy from my staff who has been working tirelessly to fight for and on behalf of Small Businesses in the city. Today i asked that these two items be filed. I will let yo you make a motn to file these items. Any Public Comment . Any members of the public like to make a comment . Is there anyone on the cue . Madam chair, please allow me a second to check the cue. Supervisor yee. Good morning everybody. Hold on. I just want to make a simple comment. I want to thank supervisor ronen for spearheading this effort and working to make this happen. Thank you, supervisor walton. Supervisor walton. I want to thank supervisor ronen for taking the lead and working with the ma the mayorse to make this possible. One of the things we are fighting for to make sure from prioritization standpoint that the Grant Funding reaches all areas of San Francisco. We have a lot of businesses suffering and need the support. I have been having conversations with oewd about how to administer the Grant Funding. I appreciate everyone for working closely together to come up with the solution. Thanks again. Anyone in the cue for Public Comment . Madam chair, there are no callers waiting to speak. I would like to add thank you to supervisor ronen. I am assuming that you are working to get the word out to the chinese speaking Small Businesses and working through the Chinese Chamber of commerce and africanamerican chamber of commerce. I made a motion to file this item. Second. Thank you. Roll call vote please. On the motion to file items one and two. Supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Supervisor fewer. Aye. Three ayes. Thank you very much. I am sorry, supervisor fewer. You have to do that over. I seconded. I am not on that particular committee. Thats right. I am corrected. Shall we rescind that vote. You dont need a second. I only need a second when it is five members, is that correct . Thats correct. Because supervisor yee seconded do we have to do another vote on that . It is recommended that we take another vote. I make a motion to resend to tto rescind the vote. The motion to rescind the vote. Fewer aye. Walton aye, three ayes. Thank you very much. Now, i make a motion to file this item and another roll call vote. On the motion supervisor walton. Aye. Mandelman. Aye. Fewer. Aye. Three ayes. Can you please call item three. Resolution approving second modification much the grant between the city and low Income Investment fund for the provision of child care facilities and Technical Assistance to support the citys implementation of the San Francisco citywide plan for early care and education and to extend the term up to two years for a total term of july 1, 2017 to june 30, 2022 and to increase the grant amount by 37. 2 million resulting in a revised total grand of 66. 3 million to commence following board approval. Members of the public should call the number across the screen and press one and zero to line up to speak. Thank you, madam clerk. We have a request from the office of early care and education to continue this item for one week. I would like to make a motion to continue the item. Before we do that, we will hear Public Comment. It is open for Public Comment. If anyone would like to comment please call the number and press one and zero. Operation please let us know if there are callers that are ready. Madam chair, there are no callers. Thank you very much. I make a motion to continue this for one week. Roll call vote please. Walton. Aye. Mandelman. Aye. Fewer. Aye. There are three ayes. Item four. Ordinance retroactively authorizing the department of Emergency Management to accept a 1. 4 million grant from the United States department of home lansecured for the realnal catastrophic Grant Program for october 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020 and amending the ordinance to provide for the two grant funded parttime positions. Members of the public who wish to comment call the number on the screen and press one and zero to line up to speak. Do we have the department of Emergency Management on . Yes marry landers from the department of Emergency Management. Yes from the Emergency Management department. Thank you very much. Would you like to give us a report, please . Yes, please. The legislation before you is to accept and expands funding for the regional catastrophic preparedness Grant Program and amend the salary ordinance to add twopart time positions. The project is for Regional Support for a logistics and supply Chain Management project to develop commodity points of distribution throughout the 12 counties in the San Francisco bay area. Twopart time positions will manage the project and the contractor. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Thank you. Any questions . Seeing none we will open up for Public Comment. Any members of the public to comment on item 4. Please call the number and press one zero to get in the cue. Madam chair, i have one caller. You have two minutes. Hello, caller. Does the caller need assistance. Can you hear . It appears he might have hung up. Thank you very much. Public comment is now closed. I would like to make a motion to move this for positive recommendation. Roll call vote. Walton. Aye. Mandelman. Aye. Fewer. Aye. Three ayes. Madam clerk, can you please read the first item on one, two, three for the budget Appropriations Committee. Clarification i couldnt hear you very well. My apologies. Could you call the first item on the budget Appropriations Committee. One. To review the budget process and related updates for fiscal year 2020 and 202122, requesting the Controllers Office and the budget and legislative analyst report. Members of public should call the number across the screen and press one and zero to line up to speak. Thank you very much. I believe today we have with us the mayors budget director Kelly Kirkpatrick and our controller. Are you there . Yes, chair fewer. I am the budget director and i believe the controller is also on. I will kickoff the presentation with a screen share. I also shared a copy by email with the members of the committee and aids should you want to follow along. Give me one second. Can you see the presentation . No, it is not up on the screen. Okay. Give me one second. It is my own laptop. This is my last try. Otherwise, i will kick it to ben to pull up the presentation. I apologize. It is showing up on my screen. Is it showing up on other folks . Supervisors you cant see it, is that correct. No. Ben. Let me unscreen share. I believe i stopped sharing my screen. Yes, i can see it now. So today the controller and i will walk through a summary of current Year Spending sorry. Covid19 relating spending by city departments as well as refined numbers from state and federal resources. This is all work in progress at all times. This is the updates since last week. We will also speak to some estimates related to alternative housing and give two funding rereceived to date and walk through the timelines. To begin on city spending for covid to date, departments will spend an estimated 50 to 100 million for core operations related to covid response. Vast majority is anticipated at the department of Public Health related to increased staffing, ppe as well as transportation needed for individuals. To date the departments have gotten money out the door of 15 million, and this includes 10 million for staffing. We have spent, i think there is some accounting here checks out the door for 2 million. Department of Public Health has funding in the cue and pays to spend 10s of millions related to ppe and testing and safety equipment. We have announced the Grant Program which is reallocation of current year funding. Of course, there is a couple Million Dollars for the it needs and additional supplies for our vulnerable populations. We are working and the Controllers Office is leading the reimburse meant to the extent possible for these costs to fema recovery to help us offset those costs. Ben will walk through the next couple of slides. Sure. Good morning. We are working to get our arms around the costs related to the event. We are working with the departments to forecast the number of different expenses. Those include medical staffing by facilities, temporary housing, including hotels there be a significant cost. Inspection and Contact Tracing programs throughout the city. Food service expansion, Emergency Responders support programs including child care and others. Then inspection and hygiene services. We are working on this daily as we speak. A lot of these costs will depend on the ultimate ark of the Health Emergency in San Francisco. We will update you and include full estimated costs in the april projection update from our up the mayors budget office. I know there were specific questions related to costs related to hotels. We did pull together some information related to costs and forecasts of expenses working with eoc in the last several days. The city currently has approximately 2000, 1977 hotel units currently under contract or that the city expects to be in contract within the next couple of days. Our preliminary estimate of the costs for the units for a 90 day period comes to about 35 million. That including the cost of the hotel lease itself, what security, janitorial and other support services at those facilities. Our expectation is that fema will reimburse us for a significant portion of that cost. In particular, fema guidance at this point, which is evolving almost daybyday at this point, is that fema will reimburse for either congregate or nonkong agree gat housinnoncongregate hl reimburse for housing costs related to certain at risk individuals. They are defining for fema purposes over 65 and with certain medical conditions. The ultimate reimburse mat from fema will depend how we filthies units with who and whether or not those individuals are eligible for reimbursement under the fema program. Our current estimate that we expect about 20 million potentially of the 35 million will be fema reimbursesible. I think the two categories here at least under current fema guidance are not reimbursable. First is for any First Responder housing that the local government sets up unless those First Responders are covid positive or exposed. Second broader housing programs that reach to the homeless or other congregate housing not in that Vulnerable Group are not currently reimbursable under currentfina guidance. That explains the difference. The estimate of the balance for the units under contract or will this week comes to 15 million. We would expect that cal will reimburse us for some portion of the fema eligible piece and some sources that we are tracking in the federal stimulus bill we hope to further reduce that. Broader planning goals, Shelter Branch is working on at the moment is to get up to 7,000 units. Well beyond what the city has been able to get contracted to date. Using estimate of cost from 2000 under contract, we would estimate the total three month cost of the larger universe is about 105 million, with about potentially 55 million of that claimable against fema, 50 million yet unsolved. One caveat on the numbers above is these dont yet currently include on site Health Services required at some of these units, depending on population served in different ones. We are estimating those costs but dont have them at this point. The other thing that is not on the page, of course, are other shelter expansion costs in congregate settings as opposed to housing. I will pause for questions. Supervisor ronen. Thank you so much, mr. Controller. How much is the shelter expansion costing . Good question. I dont know that i have that number at my fingertips but i can certainly follow up immediately after the meeting with more information on that. That would be great. Then the only shelter expansion, the administrations plan changes several times each day so it is hard to follow. My understanding right now is moscone west is the only shelter expansion. They mixed the plans for the other two at the tennis club and the palace of fine arts, correct . I am not certain of the status of the tennis club or palace of fine arts. I will get back to you on that. I think you are correct. Other than the fact there is some expansion of hours and services at the existing shelter system in the city. In terms of new shelter beds, the west is the significant one at this point. The major expense thus far is for moscone west . I believe so. I think the state has provided a certain number of trailers at a lesser expense. We can certainly pull together a summary for you of the shelterrelated costs. That would be great. I would appreciate that. Will fema be for 60 or 65 and older . I believe the current fema guidance is 65 and older, which differs somewhat from the citys guidance of 60 and older as the vulnerable population. What are the other categories people that fema will reimburse anyone with out a home that is covid19 positive . Covid positive or exposed. Then i believe those are the two primary categories above and beyond those that dont have the ability to selfquarantine and are over 65 with these health conditions. This is possibly not in your area of knowledge. If someone is sleeping in a congresacongregate area with soe positive would that be someone exposed . I will get back to you on that one. Thank you, ben. There is a pot of money from hud that we did not use. I believe it is in, you know, the tens of millions if not more. Could we repurpose that for the hotel rooms . Understanding all of these different Revenue Streams flowing down from the state and the feds is part of the puzzle we are putting together at the moment. There is an expansion of money through hud. The state itself has allocated funds for shelter and hotel use. We will receive a portion of those funds. There is changes and additional allocations ms. Kirkpatrick will speak to regarding cvg and other funds. We are working to see what those look like and how to maximize the use of dollars for the local response efforts, which includes both public house and what we are talking about. As we alluded to, there will be other moneys available to close some of the gaps you see on this chart. Looking back at my notes. I guess there was a 5 million amount of money from hud that we cant spend now and that hud has issued a mega waiver that we can apply for to then use those funds for this purpose. I guess it is not in 10s of millions. I think it is around 5 million that you could look into reusing that money for this purpose, that would be great. Will do. Ms. Kirkpatrick might have an update later on some of the questions you are asking related to other Revenue Streams. My last question is that i am trying to find we are paying 197 perennities for each hotel room if you divide 1977 by 35 million for 90 days. That is the figure i got, is that right . Let me do that same math. Yes, i get a comparable number. That is not only for the room but also for security, cleaning and other services other than the Health Services provided on site. The reason i bring this up is because, as you know, supervisor preston and haney hav secured hl rooms together with shelter providers and donations they fund raised. Their overall rate is coming to about half of that. The shelter providers that they have emptied are providing the same services that they did to people when they were in the congregate setting so their contract remains the same to provide food and oversight and they have got that number cut in half. I am just wondering if we are doing all we can t to get the bg for our buck here. I have not reviewed the alternated model and i will be more than happy to. I think there would be i see that sidebyside comparison. I would be happy to do so. I do think 197 is really high. I would love to see the breakdown of what we are actually paying to the hotels and for food and staffing, if that is possible if you could get that to me. We can pull that together for you. This is the very forecasting work that we are doing. Getting to a more grand level. As we have more information i will provide it to you and other members of the board. It would be really helpful. I think especially supervisors preston and haney could sit down and show the city how to cut the number in half. That would be great if we could do that. Thank you so much. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you, chair fewer. I have a simple question. You have chosen to use a three month period as the basis for the calculations. I know you have got to start somewhere. I am wondering if there is any basis for picking that three months other than you have got to start somewhere. It could be shorter or longer, right . You are right. We are using this for a model. Two months felt too short. Longer than three months was too speculative. You are right, it is very uncertain. Thank you. Anyone else, comments or questions from colleagues at all . We will move to the next slide, if that is helpful. I promised a short update when we make presentations on philanthropy. As the committee know, the gift was modified by the mayors Emergency Declaration under that fund established to accept the citys response. Emergency donations are accepted by my office and programmed expenditured are recommended by the eoc and then those expenditures are required to be approved by me, the city administrator and the Emergency Management director. Our status on funds raised through april 5th, which is the last report i have from a couple days ago indicates we received 2. 4 million in philanthropic gives there is another 6 million pledged that we expect to received in the coming weeks. No payouts have happened as of april 5th. The committee has approved two allocations for the week ahead of that received money. 1. 3 million for the Small Business Relief Program supervisor ronen spoke to earlier and 1 million for food secured. There are two accounts used for this. Funds received into the city fund itself and additionally to encourage gifts from organizations that have bylaws or other restrictions that only permit them to make charitable contributions to 501 c3s with the Sf Foundation and those are included in the totals here. That my short update on philanthropy. With that i can hand it back to ms. Kirkpatrick to talk through other federal and state revenues we are tracking. Any comments or questions for our controller . Seeing none, lets move on to ms. Kirkpatrick. Thank you. As we have been discussing, we believe that many of the costs we are incurring and we work to capture as many as we can will be reimbursesible through fema through the cares act 2. 2 trillions. 45 billion of fema funding across the country is allocated. We will try to capture as much of that as possible and also work with state partners. Also, as part of the cares act there was a Coronavirus Relief fund of 1. 5 billion across the country that we estimate in San Francisco will receive 150 million. The controller and i have walked through earlier, we have significant costs already outlined for various staffings operations dph and ppe and testing depending on the patchwork of costs related to alternative housing. Parameters around this funding are that it has to be for necessary expenditures incurred due to the Public Health of covid19 budget costs unpresident l accounted for and unaccounted for. We are working to better understand the rule making and parameters around this. It is our understanding it is not a an apply for allocation this. Is our best estimate. It doesnt at this time the rule making does not include lost revenue or backfill of lost revenue to city. We are exploring if that would be a possible use given the projected shortfalls we released last week of 1. 1 to 1. 7 billion between the current year and upcoming two budget years. Additional allocations we have better our arms wrapped around from last week i want to highlight. The m. T. A. Estimates they will receive 300 million to 400 million from the cares act. That may be used to cover operating expenses making up revenue shortfalls and ppe and administrative leave costs due to Personnel Service reductions. Airport estimates they will receive at least 200 million from the faa to cover operating expenses and make up for revenue shortfalls as well. We are tracking allocations as supervisor ronen noted for various hud programs. Cdbg homeless assistance grants which look to have eligible uses related to housing. As the controller noted we are working to figure out a variety of sources with the costs we have and this will definitely play apart for these housing needs. Also, we are working with partners. It looks to be funding for Law Enforcement agencies to cover expenses related to covid and we are on the allocation for that, for the aging and Disability Services and trying to figure out the San Francisco allocation for Meal Services and trying to understand support for Healthcare System. State emergency funds that has been made available, the governor allocated 150 million for homelessness specific and alternative housing costs. We now know that of is 100 million allocated for homelessness emergency spending, that our flexible dollars to address the homelessness needs we will get a 6 million allocation for that. The governor has included a 50 million statewide funding pot for hotels and alternative housing. It is our understanding they will take in all needs across the state and moneys expended and figure out an allocation plan from there. There is no formula like with the emergency homeless funding which was based on the point in time count and various allocation cost models. 50 million is something that we have to work with the state to figure out how much we would be eligible for across in San Francisco. Finally, looking forward eye eye are working on updates. The controller is working on refining the revenue projections from the updates we provided last week on the range of projected revenue shortfalls as it related to covid in the city. We will continue, i gave you a brief update on federal and state revenues. We will work to provide updates and incorporate those into the april Financial Reporting updates. Of course, the Controllers Office will continue to monitor through the nine month report underlying Department Revenue and expense trends to give a picture of where our financial positioning is better narrowed in on in the coming weeks. My office is working on a current year rebalancing plan to bring the current year short fals between 180 to 280 million into alignment. We will bring those rebalancing plans, i believe, in early may, late april for your consideration. In order to help us develop that current year rebalancing plan we issued instructions which i walked through last week only allowing hiring positions for essential work related to health response, freezing and evaluating new programs which funding has not gone out the door yet. We will pull together a plan to balance those expenditure reductions and potential use every serves to try to balance the current year with an eye to offset together for the significant shortfalls we anticipate for the upcoming budget year as well. As always, this will be a work in progress. We will keep you updated as we move along. Supervisor mandelman. That was left over from the last. No problem. Any comments or questions for the controller or mayors budget director . President yee. In regards to the rebalancing plan you are talking about. I know that a lot of it will be a guesstimate, and are you anticipating that probably a few months after the fiscal year will you do a rebalance of the rebalance once you find out what funding is coming in . Everything is up in the air right now. As you saw, that is a great question, it is a range as well. We will work to come up with contingency planning. My goal would be to do the exercise once and provide enough choices, but i will say we are in an every involving land scape we will keep you evolved should we have to rebalance should something deviate from the anticipated shortfall. Thank you. Supervisor ronen. Thank you. Have you been able to calculate cost savings from the reduction of work that the city is doing during this process . I know there is so much to get to. I wonder if there is any information related to that . The city has made a commitment to maintain city employment for City Employees through may 3rd. We made the same commitment to our nonprofit providers. Those costs are the same, perhaps there might be something due to slower hiring. That is what my team will work on over the next couple works to capture some type of savings related to that for the rebalancing plan. That makes sense. Thank you so much for doing that. What about we had talked about this at one earlier hearing . What about the Capital Projects . Any updates about potential cost savings of Capital Projects we had planned on completing this year but were not longer going to do so . Any updated information about that . No new updated information. My team is issuing instructions to departments this week to have them provide us with a variety of projects and the implications of canceling or pausing those. That is part of the rebalancing plan that we will bring you in the next three weeks. I just had a couple more questions about the 2sf fund. I am not sure if that is for you. I am wondering if we could get some information. Whatever you can share about who is giving with the donations. I know that i have been asking members of the public who want to help to give to this fund. I am sure they are giving, you know, in the smaller range, but given how many billionaires we have living in the city, i am curious who is it that is giving and at what level . I dont have that information with me, supervisor ronen. It is in discussions with the citys attorneys office. Let me add this to the list of things to get back to you with. We can talk about it in future weeks. [please stand by]. Supervisor walton again, these are folks who are not qualifying for other state benefits. As you know, we had these pieces of legislation were cosponsored by supervisors peskin, supervisor haney, supervisor mar, supervisor safai, and supervisor preston, and i just wanted to thank them for understanding that this is a commitment that we have to make here as a city as we have populations that are being left out during this major health crisis. I also want to thank major rosenfeld making sure that there were funds in the general reserve because it is important in fighting for this lem legislation to be passed so 500 families a month would have 500 a month for food, necessities, and basic needs. I had a conversation with the mayor this morning, and she has committed 6 million to make sure that we have the resources to implement the components of whats proposed in this legislation, and shes also committed to making sure that we get to the 10 million, so i am going to move to continue all three items as we finalize the details and the plan and working with the mayor, knowing that we already have 6 million committed to fund the resources for the population. Im excited to know we will be able to get the resources out the door quicker, not having to do this legislatively and working with the executive branch. I do have some amendments that are not substantive for both ordinances, but i know that some other people may want to speak, so at this point, i will wait to propose these amendments. Chair fewer thank you, supervisor walton. I was mistaken, we do have a report for it. So before i take comments, may i please have the b. L. A. Report. Yes. Good morning, chair. File 200339 and 200340 establish the covid emergency family relief fund, this would be a category 8 fund, which means the fund would be disbursed without an appropriation approval by the board of supervisors. And then file 200341 appropriates 10 million from the general reserve. Three, because this is a new program and new spending, we considered this a policy matter for the board, but we do have two recommendations from the board to clarify the ordinances the in the in the first, the way the propose is written, we recommend the ordinance be clarified it states that the controller can move money into the fund once the fund is formally established. And the other recommended is an amendment to all three ordinances related to disbursement of the funds. Otherwise, id consider it approved as amended to be a policy matter. Chair fewer thank you very much. Supervisor ronen. Supervisor ronen thank you, chair fewer. First, i just wanted to thank supervisor walton for his incredible leadership to look out for undocumented members of our community but has been left out of the federal relief package. You know, i always feel so grateful to live in a city that, you know, the theme of covid19, were all in this together. And whether you were born in this country or born outside of this country, youre a human being who deserves to survive and live with dignity, and i just very, very much appreciate supervisor walton for his perfect, incredible work here, and his staff, tracey brown. I also, you know, want to thank the mayor for creating this fund immediately so that it does not need to be delayed. Thats fabulous news. Thank you for standing up for immigrants, mayor breed. I did learn this morning, which was very surprising to me, from supervisor walton, that there was an effort to combine an effort that im working on last minute with this effort. Nobody it talked to me about it, so it took me by surprise. I just want to make clear to this committee and to the city, mayor breed, joaquin torres, office of workforce development, that groups had approached me many weeks ago that undocumented workers, many of which are individuals who do not live with their families here. Many have been separated from their families because of poverty and the need to migrate to survive, and they said just like families were left out of the relief package, that workers have been left out of Unemployment Insurance at the federal level and at the state level. So as of friday, i had a conversation with the director of oewd, joaquin torres. This was after my Office Hosted a phone conversation between mr. Torres and Worker Rights works, which includes jobs with justice, the colectiva mujeres, the chinese progressive association, the asian law caucus, and countless other groups. I cant even remember all. It was a conversation bilingual conversation with many workers. The result that we worked at the end of that phone call was that oewd was going to come back with a proposal with an amount of money that they used from the Philanthropic Community for the undocumented workers who dont qualify for Unemployment Insurance. I spoke to mr. Torres as late as monday, and he told me i would get that proposal, and ive been waiting for it ever since. The news was that low wage workers were going to be able to weighin on that proposal, and we would be able to solidify that legislation. Then, this morning, i woke up to emails from supervisor walton and his staff, tracey brown, saying that the mayor and others were trying to amend his proposal to include my proposal. Again, i dont have a proposal. Im waiting to get the proposal that oewd comes to us with. So i would ask joaquin torres, the director of oewd to please talk directly to me if the plan has changed. Im still waiting for the proposal. I would ask any member of this committee if you have comments or questions on something that im working on, come talk to me. Id be happy to answer your questions or try to get the answers to your questions. As far as the project goes, im not dropping it. The immigrant and workers rights group that im working with are not dropping it. I havent heard from oewd, and well take it up at the board of supervisors if thats necessary. Im not trying to raise the 10 million fund. Im a cosponsor of that fund, and i believe that immigrant families need and deserve this money, and i will work with immigrant workers to create an Additional Program which will be similar to Unemployment Insurance for undocumented workers. How these two funds work together, if at all, we can talk about, and we can figure that out together, but i would just ask everyone to speak to me directly if working on a proposal that im meeting the effort on. Thank you so much. Chair fewer thank you very much. President yee . President yee yeah, thank you, chair fewer. And supervisor walton, again, i want to thank you for your leadership on this issue. When you spoke to me about it, it was a Quick Reaction by me. I realize it was a gap in terms of what the state was doing and the federal government was doing. Theyre really, especially the federal government, theyre not doing as much as they should for the groups thats impacted, that the group that this was trying to serve was almost left out of this. I realize this is going to be a fiscal impact, but i realize its one that almost no one is paying attention to. Thank you very much. Chair fewer supervisor walton . Supervisor walton thank you, chair fewer. I did have a couple of questions on the b. L. A. Report and find out if theyre substantial or not. No, i dont think they are, and they would not require a continuance. Supervisor walton thank you very much. I would, of course, thank all of my colleagues who are attending the meeting, but also everyone who are supporting these amendments as supplemental as they are required to maintain the structures of some of our families that have been forget forgotten about. I do feel in times of emergency, it is very appropriate to use resources to support what were proposing here with the two pieces of legislation and supplemental, and, also, some Additional Needs that are going to arise as were in this crisis. We will, of course, be doing everything we can to try to get philanthropy, trying to get private sector to participate and support, but the reality of it is, in some cases, were going to have to provide our own safety nets as a city, and im just excited to have people who know and understand that and are willing to fight for our communities. So just want to thank everybody for listening. I will put the amendments on record since i do have the floor now. So for the for file number 200339, the emergency ordinance, if we look at page 1, line 4 and also page 3, line 4, and page 3, line 10, we just want to change the word emergency to disaster. So throughout the report, were changing emergency to disaster. And if you look at page 2, line 21, were just adding the site to the federal stimulus bill. And that those amendments are for the first file number 200339. And then, for file number 200340, same amendments in terms of changing the word emergency to disaster throughout the ordinance. And so if we look at page 1, line 4, page 2, line 21 and line 22, changing emergency to disaster, and then, on page 23, line 22. And then, on file 200340, page 5, section 4, we would have add the letter b, and this is regards to the operative date. After it becomes effective. This shall become operative upon expiration of the executive ordinance of file 200339, and the City Attorney proposed we include that language in that file number. Chair fewer okay. So before we vote on the amendments and to move the item, lets take Public Comment. Are there any members of the public wishing to comment on this item . If youd like to do so, call the number, and remember to please press onezero. Madam clerk, can you please ask the administrator if there are any members on the queue . Clerk yes. Madam chair, the moderator are letting us know if there are any callers in the queue. Caller madam chair, i have two callers. Chair fewer thank you very much. Clerk hello, caller . Your two minutes begin now. Caller one second while its queueing. Clerk hello, caller . Caller hello, caller, can you hear us . Chair fewer mr. Chiu, can you please see if the next caller is prepared to speak . Sure, one second. It appears those callers have dropped. No callers wish to speak. Chair fewer Public Comment is now closed. So we have some amendments that we need to vote on, and then, we also have motion. First, i want to say that i support legislation in terms of undocumented people. I hosted an undocumented woman in my home for several family, so i am aware of what theyre going through, yet not qualifying for any of the federal stimulus money. As the chair of finance and budget committee, i cannot support taking 10 million out of the general fund. We need to balance that with caution so we are not exasperrating that deficit and adding to the concern of organized labor. For the last few days, my office has been working with the Mayors Office to identify another potential source of funds, and im glad that the mayor is in discussion with supervisor waltons office. And i want to be very clear that i dont have any amendments today, and i dont know where this came from, as the mayor has been in Constant Contact with supervisor waltons office. But weve heard that my office has some amendments. I am not personally involved in the design of these programs, and i am not a cosponsor. My staff has been involved in many of these discussions so we can identify a funding support and bring it to a full vote before the board of supervisors. So having said that, i would like to make a motion to approve the amendments from supervisor walton, and could we have, please, a roll call vote. [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer and supervisor walton has made a motion. Supervisor, would you like to continue that item next week or to a further date . Chair fewer to next week. Clerk im sorry. My apologies, madam chair, for interrupting, but the b. L. A. Has recommended to amendment all three items. Would you like to consider those amendments, as well . Chair fewer id say lets consider those recommendations at next weeks meeting, after supervisor walton has had discussions with the Mayors Office, and they may want to add to that or they may want to change it. Im going to leave it to the discretion of the supervisor to see whether we should accept the amendments or not. So supervisor walton has made a motion to continue this item these three items, items 1, 2, and 3 until the next meeting of the budget and finance committee. Could we have a roll call vote on that, please, as amended. Clerk as amended, yes. Roll roll well do a role call. [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer okay. Madam clerk, is there any further business before us today . Clerk there is no further business. Chair fewer okay. We are adjourned. Mayor breed good morning, e. Thank you all so much for being here. I am San Francisco mayor london breed. I am joined today by the director of the department of Public Health, doctor grant colfax, department of department of Emergency Management. Mary ellen carol, director of department of human services, trent rhorer, Abigail Stewart conas well as director of the department of m. T. A. , jeff tumlin, police chief, bill scott, and we have a special guest today from the Interface Council who will be speaking directly after my comments. As of today, we have confirmed 676 cases of the coronavirus, sadly, 10 people have passed away as a result of this disease. This is clearly a challenging time for San Francisco. What we have done time and time again, especially during this press conference is to reiterate is importance of staying at home. We know that a couple weekends ago we had real challenges with that. Over the past two weekends people complied and have been wonderful. We also think that weather might have played a role in that because it was rain, it wasnt as nice as it will be this weekend. I want be to remind people. It is important to really maintain our physical distance when we are out in public. We may need to run errands and take walks and we are hearing about a lot of data that indicates the early signs that San Francisco is in a decent place. The fact is, we need to be mindful that this virus is out there. We cannot get comfortable. We cannot get complacent because as well as it may seem like we are doing, as you can see, those numbers are still going up. We anticipate that they would be even higher and the worst is yet to come. I just want us to be mindful of the need to continue to follow the stay at home order and place comply. It has been almost a month. I know people are anxious and frustrated and wondering when will we get back to normal as we know it . I just want to reiterate that unfortunately now is a time for sacrifice and the sacrifice is for all of us to follow the order so that when this is over we can look back and look at, you know, the number of lives we possibly were able to save as a result of following the order. I just want to reiterate and talk about a couple things that we have planned for the coming week as well as provide you with some important updates because we know that this is a very challenging time. Not only is it challenging for people physically because of our concerns about the virus, but it is also having an impact on the Mental Health of so many people. Our First Responders are folks that we want to make sure are welltaken care of. They are working long hours under an enormous amount of stress. What i reiterated to people especially out there on the front lines working for the city, it is important we are doing everything we can to take care of the public. We have to make sure we take care of ourselves and our Mental Health. One way we are supporting the health of First Responders and other front line workers is through efforts like city test sf, the new covid19 testing facility which opened this past monday. It is not just about physical health. We need to provide the necessary Mental Health support. Today we are announcing an expansion of Mental Health resources for First Responders and City Employees. We will now be providing 24 7 oneonone counseling for any First Responder or any City Employee who is in need. If employees require longterm Mental Health counseling, they will be connected to Mental Health professionals provided by their healthcare plan. Our firefighters, police, sheriffs and 911 operators will have access to customized app on their phone to easily connect to this program and other Mental Health resources. It is not just enough to provide that support to First Responders. Our healthcare workers are under an enormous amount of pressure during this global pandemic. We need to do everything we can to support them. Today we are launching a new program called heal San Francisco to support healthcare workers throughout San Francisco. Heal San Francisco will provide free mental Health Services for public, private, nonprivate Health Care Workers with the covid19 counseling project. Licensed clinicals are volunteering time to support front line healthcare workers. Healthcare staff interested in heal San Francisco should speak with their hr department. They can help you sign up for this program. I also would like to take this opportunity to just really encourage people to take a moment to make sure that you are taking care much yourselves, taking care of your families. We know that this is having a tremendous impact on peoples Public Health but also just in general Mental Health plays an Important Role in that. We need to think about ways to be positive, to be supportive, we can be encouraging during this time because we all are going through this and we are in this together. On monday, dr. Colfax spoke to our efforts to increase capacity in our hospitals. We have increased our capacity. In fact in our intensive care unit beds we have increased our beds by 91 in our i c. U. S to 530 beds. We started with two 00 citywide. Now we are a at 5 30. Acute beds increase to 1068 beds total. While we are preparing hospitals, we know that all of our communications and communities need to access care, including communities traditionally underserved. Because we know that we cant just neglect other healthcare needs that we know people are experiencing. Yesterday we opened our first field care clinic at the Southeast Center in the bayviewhunters point community. This location will serve the surrounding community. It can serve up to 100 patients per day providing primary care, urgent care and screening for covid19. I want to be clear screening, not necessarily testing. Screening can provide an opportunity for testing. Ultimately we want be to make sure if you are not feeling good to the point where you need to go to the hospital, this is an opportunity to go to the local clinic and get the help and support that you need. Depending on the urgent care needs and extent of the hospital surge, we can mobilize up to three additional field care clinic nears existing Healthcare Centers as stand alone site. We will not just stop at bayviewhunters point, we want clinics all over the city to reduce other services in our hospitals. Field care clinics will help reduce the number of patients needing to go to the hospital, urgent care and Emergency Rooms which will help keep our hospitals focused on covid19 patients that we all know need to be served. Another need we have in some of our communities are more public toilets. A lot of people are struggling on our streets. We have fewer places to use the bathroom especially since so many locations are now closed. Starting today, our Public Works Department will be deploying the first five of 15 portable bathrooms and hand washing stations in the city. Public works with the department of homeless necessary to identify the high needs area in the tenderloin, castro andnition neighborhoods. Mission neighborhoods. These will be open 24 7 so everyone has access to a bathroom to keep hands clean to prevent the spread of this disease. I want to thank urban who will staff these for continuing the work to support public spaces. It is an incredible program. They are the folks monitoring all of our public restrooms. They e extended capacity to help us. These bathrooms are critical for making sure people have a bathroom to access and helping keep streets clean. Public works street cleaners are out there ever every day. I want to thank them for cleaning the streets, emptying the trash, thanking them to continuing to respond to 311 calls where there is illegal dumping, Power Washing sidewalks and the work they are doing every day. The hardworking men of the Public Works Department are doing everything to keep our streets as clean as possible. Thank you for your service. Yesterday we launched a new covid19 data tracker that greatly expands the amount of information we are able to provide to the public. As we said from the beginning, the decisions we are making are based off the recommendations of Public Health data and science. It is important that we try to be as transparent as we can with the information we are using to make the decisions that we are making. And that the public can see the effects of those decisions. This information is hosted by data sf website. Find it by going to data sf. Org. Dr. Colfax will provide an overview of this information and we will continue to add to this platform so that we can provide as much information as possible. I do know that people want to know what is going on, who has been impacted . People want to see the data. They want to know what is happening. Many of you know the challenges we have the Public Health have a lot to do, the ability to provide information has a lot to do with privacy lots around someones personal healthcare. As much information as we are able to share we will share that information with you. In the meantime, there are a lot of tools created out there, and one of the tools i personally started using is how we feel. It is an app that i uploaded on my phone. It tracks data and i basically log in every day. It asks how i feel and asks about my activities and locks in my zip code. This could help. John Hopkins University is facilitating this tool. It helps potentially predict based on zip code the hotspots related to the coronavirus. The more people we track and we know what is going on the better we can identify locations and figure out where there might be challenges in the future. That is just something i think will be a great tool to help us track this. I also want to just say as i mentioned in the beginning of this press conference. We know the early data has been very encouraging so far, i want to just again reiterate we are not out of the woods. We are not in a place where we can get comfortable. San francisco is, as you know, receiving praise from all over the country. People, governors, mayors and other leaders throughout the country have reached out to me personally to ask a number of questions about some of the programs and things we are implementing because we were one of the first cities in the country to move forward with the stay at home order. While i am proud of what we have done, we cant let up. We cant get comfortable or complacent. We have a long way to go, and i want to reiterate how physical distancing ourselves from people as hard as it has been is necessary. It is necessary to deal with this pandemic, and i know that a lot of time has gone by, and i know that people are starting to feel again anxious and uncertain and frustrated. I just want to remind you that this will pay off, and this too shall pass. We also know this upcoming weekend is easter sunday. Tonight we celebrate passover. For people who are religious and spiritual like myself, every year since i was a kid, easter was the holiday i looked forward to the most. It signified the end of the rainy season and it also signified a new beginning, spring, sun was coming out. We would go outside to play, get new dresses for church, and so many great things. It brings back happy memories of Easter Basket fun and family and food and tradition. I know how hard it is for people who are religious, spiritual as they celebrate this very significant time, how hard it is going to be for many of you to basically stay at home and not go to church on sunday. It is hard for me not to do that as well. I want to impress upon you this is the first time this has ever happened to any of us during this time, and there are other weighs in which we can celebrate. Many services are doing online service. I know that many pastors and a number of priests and folks in the religious community are reaching out to congregations and connecting members with other members of the congregations who may not have access to social media so they can check on their members of their congregation to make sure they get the support and conversation and prayers tha tht they need. I want to reiterate how important it is as hard as it will be to stay at home on sunday, it is necessary. It is necessary for not only your own personal health but also the health of the people that you love. Especially when you think about many members of our elderly community, those who are the most vulnerable. We want to make sure we do everything we can to protect them. The way we protect the people we love and care about is to stay home and follow this order and to continue to uplift one another with our prayers, with our good thoughts, with our phone calls, with the things that can really help get us through this very, very challenging time. We are in this together, as i said. Part of being in this together means that we take the responsibility for one another to support and uplift and look out for one another. I am just really asking so many of the leaders of our religious community to continue to do your very best to communicate to your members how important this is. I also want to just go back to something that just happened a couple weeks ago that i read in the paper about a church in Washington State where 45 members of the choir came together, they had aquir a choir rehearsal and sadly not only did the 45 members get diagnosed with covid19, two people from the choir passed away. We want you to understand that this is really why it is important that you stay at home and that you look for religious services on television and reach out to your congregation and try to make sure people who would want to and would definitely be at church this sunday during this very holy time for so many of us that that is not the case. We are here to uplift you. We are here to continue to pray for you and to support you, and we just ask that you follow the stay at home order because this is going to be so critical to the Public Health of not only you and your family members but the rest of the city. Here to talk a little bit more about the religious community and someone who has been an incredible leader and who has brought together different faiths because regardless of what faith we are part of, we are still part of religious community that puts love and puts support ahead of everything else, and we come together to offer prayers and to offer support during this very difficult time for each and every one of us. I have heard so many pastors and priests say this is the most important time as we go through this pandemic, this is when we need each other and need prayers more than anything else. There is a way to continue to do that. The Inter Faith Council has played a vital role in reaching out and pushing for that message and to make sure that people get the help and support they need. Here to speak on behalf of the inner Faith Council is the executive director, michael poppus. Thank you very much, mayor breed, for this invitation to address San Francisco today. I want to thank the mayor on behalf of the 800 religious institutions for her leadership in very early on addressing and responding to this covid virus. There is no doubt that numerous lives have been saved. We are a model for the nation as a result. I have been thinking deep in the heart about services in each of our services it is an ageold tradition. We pray for our civil authorities and those who protect us. Those words have never had more meaning than they have now. I want to thank the mayor for her leadership and, you know, we are not only just praying, but since the declaration of emergency wasnt acted and the Community Branch was activated, the San Francisco inner Faith Council works arm and arm with the city to make sure that our leadership in all of our different houses of worship are appraised of uptodate information, aggressive recommendations and public orders from the department of Public Health on what needs to happen. I want to just commend the faith leaders of San Francisco for very quickly pivoting and closing their church doors, closing their mosques and synagogues and temples and using the best that technology has to Foster Community in the midst of isolation. In addition to this, they have been reaching out personally by telephone to their congregants. This is significant because they are some of the most vulnerable citizens in our city and county. We are ambassadors of the city to help in this emergency and this Public Health crisis. I would like to say, also, that and to reiterate the importance of staying home. We are entering into the most holy days for the christian and Jewish Community but also in short time the Muslim Community which will enter raum don. The importance of worshiping virtually is something that we need to stress. The San Francisco inner Faith Council has been harvesting, compiling and making available to our greater communities a particular link where all can access online worship. That would be at sf inner Faith Council. Org. We would encourage you to go there. We would encourage you to join your communities at worship during this season. We know that this season will always be remembered in the years to come, and i just want to express my gratitude to the many faith leaders on the front lines with some of our most vulnerable residents in San Francisco. Ministering in a way they never imagined. I want to make a small confession. Some weeks ago when i heard that people were encouraging people to go to worship on these holy days, i was troubled because i think that in doing so you put at risk the welfare and the health and safety of those who are entrusted to your care. I am so pleased here in San Francisco without exception to my knowledge that i have not heard of one community of faith who is encouraging that, and i want to wish you all a very, very blessed easter andsover and may god bless our world, our nation and our city. May god bless our mayor. At this point it is my distinct privilege to introduce the director of Public Health, doctor grant colfax. Good afternoon. I am doctor grant colfax, director of health. Thank you may or breed an and executive director for your support. Thank you for your sacrifice and community spirits. As we join together we are helping fight the spread of the coronavirus. When you stay home, when you stay six feet apart from people, wash your hands and when you cover your nose and mouth with cloth, you are literally saving lives. I would also like to update san franciscans on a few developments in our ongoing work to respond to the coronavirus and to protect our community. I usually begin updates by summarizing the number of cases in the city and key data points. Today i am glad to be able to share this information using a new tool that we have created for the public. The San Francisco covid19 data tracker went up yesterday. It is a new online resource that will provide daily updates of key data that describe the impact of the coronavirus in San Francisco. Data are an important tool to help san franciscans see the picture of the coronavirus in our community. This knowledge will help us all do our part and see over time how this situation is changing. Our data analysts have been working tirelessly to collect information from across the city and create accurate i want to stress accurate reliable reports to guide our decisions and inform the public. The department of Public Health collaborated with the controller and open data sf and Emergency Management and i want to thank all colleagues for hard work and support. The tracker features information about cases, demographics of patients, hospitalizations and testing. We will add more Data Elements and they will be updated as we gather more information and continue to improve the tracker. Lets review the tracker now and go to the first slide. As you can see, today there are 676 San Francisco residents with confirmed cases of coronavirus out of 5994 test results. We will get to the testing patterns. Sadly, 10 san franciscans died from the disease. I would like to send my condolences on behalf of the entire department to their families, loved ones and friends. Now, we will continue to walk through the tracker. The report shows clearly that cases have been rising steadily since our first two cases were confirmed on march 5th. From march 5th to the data we are presenting today we have had dramatic increases in cases. I expect these increases to continue as coronavirus continues to spread throughout the community and as we increase our testing capacity. The more we test for the disease, the more we will find the disease. We do not know yet when we will peak. I also note that San Francisco has had no cases from travelers, which was such an early focus of the global coronavirus outbreak in december and january. Instead, the clear majority of cases are from community contact. This tells us and reinforces vitally how important it is for us to continue to stay at home and to practice physical distancing. This is one of the most important Public Health interventions we have. This is a vital tool. Please continue to socially distance. Now, lets move to slide two with regard to testing. As you can see on this slide, we have tested nearly 6,000 people in the city to date. We started with our own Public Health lab at the departments on march 2nd and have steadily added capacity at the zuckerberg San Francisco general lab and other labs and other commercial labs. We have developed great partnerships to ensure city workers and First Responders are able to be tested quickly. What is interesting here is the jagged line showing the percentage of tests that turnout positive. So far we are averaging 13 . It is very important on thisgraph to look at the trend over time. One day of high or low positive result is not the information that is vitally important here. It is really looking at the trend over time. Lets move to slide three. This shows hospital data. This is Important Information that i study carefully. The number of cases in the hospital and the number of those in intensive care is the best indicator of how our Healthcare System is going to be strained. Here we see the number of patients with coronavirus in hospital beds across the city. This tracker includes data from nine hospital systems. The tracker shows that there are 83 people in the hospital with diagnosed coronavirus. Roughly half are in the intensive care unit. The reason this information is so important is that it shows us the sickest people, those who are most in need of care. It also helps us measure the expected surge of hospital patients. You can see that there has been an increase since the data has been assessed. Not perhaps as rapidly as some other jurisdictions, but still a steady increase in numbers of hospital patients. So far, the numbers continue to go up, but they havent been rising at a rate faster than we can handle. I encourage all san franciscans to cut the data tracker and see how we are doing as a city. Working together we can flatten the curve and slowdown the spread of the virus. It is still a rapidly changing situation and we must not, cannot become place sent. We must continue social distancing. We must continue to remain resolute in this work in order to not see a dramatic surge of cases in our community. This virus will take off otherwise. I mentioned hospital surge planning. Every day that we prepare is a good day. All of our San Francisco hospitals are making way. Yesterday we opened a field care clinic in the southeast part of the city. To ensure that residents there can continue to get urgent care while keeping hospitals Urgent Care Services from getting overwhelmed. This field care clinic is an extension of the Southeast Health center, one of our vital primary care clinics in the department of Public Health system. The clinic will be open to the neighborhood and over time may expand to treat people from throughout the city. It is part of our hospital surge planning, and we have plans to open up to three more clinics like this if they are needed. As we continue together to fight the coronavirus pandemic, i would like to remind all of you that our top priority as a community are reducing the spread and slowing the spread of the virus in the community, protecting vulnerable populations, healthcare workers and First Responders, preparing our Health System for an expected surge of hospital patients, and expanding testing capabilities. In all of this work, we seek to continually do better as we incorporate the latest science, data and facts into our actions and recommendations. We are working quickly, as quickly as possible to integrate new information all of the time and adjust our recommendations accordingly. We are providing you the very best and most uptodate data and advice that we can. Now, i would like to provide an update on laguna honda hospital and the steps we are taking to protect residents and staff. We now have 17 confirmed cases of coronavirus at laguna honda. 13 of the confirmed cases are among staff and four are among residents. Of the staff, 10 have been in patient care positions and three have not. All four positive resident cases are in the south five ward or neighborhood. We retested the residents of south five this past week end and received only one positive result, which brought our total to four. We also tested all residents in the south four neighborhood on monday and have not received any positive results yet. The sum of those results are still pending today. Staff retesting on both units is continuing today. Overall, to date 298 laguna hospital staff have been tested either by the department of Public Health or their own healthcare provider. 208 residents have been tested. As part of our ongoing outbreak response, we continue to test staff and patients throughout the hospital who have been identified as being exposed through contact investigation or show symptoms of the virus. Unfortunately, we do expect more positive cases, but it is crucial that we know the facts so we can take evidence and informed action to preserve the health and mitigate the spread of the virus in the institution. We are working hard to keep our residents, their families and staff as supported and updated as possible. This weekend we launched a daily update via phone torres dents and families. When they call they will access a prerecorded covid19 update. It will be updated every day seven days each week at noon in multiple languages. It will include the number of cases, the units unquarantining and other key operational changes we are making to limit the spread of the virus. I encourage families and loved ones to call for these updates. The number is 415 7592190. This is a very challenging time for our laguna honda s

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