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Sure the folks do the census at those sites, as well, and weve initiated a campaign to motivate the citizens and make sure they participate in census 2020. Because of the language issues that many Chinese Community and families experience, there is a lot of mistrust in the federal government and whether their private information will be kept private and confidential. So its really important that communities like bayviewhunters point participate because in the past, theyve been under counted, so what that means is that funding that should have gone to these communities, it wasnt enough. Were going to help educate people in the tenderloin, the multicultural residents of the tenderloin. You know, any one of our given blocks, theres 35 different languages spoken, so we are the original u. N. Of San Francisco. So its our job is to educate people and be able to familiarize themselves on doing this census. You go online and do the census. Its available in 13 languages, and you dont need anything. Its based on household. You put in your address and answer nine simple questions. How many people are in your household, do you rent, and your information. Your name, your age, your race, your gender. Everybody is 2,000 in funding for our child care, housing, food stamps, and medical care. All of the residents in the city and county of San Francisco need to be counted in census 2020. If youre not counted, then your community is underrepresented and will be underserved. People of San Francisco. I am proud to introduce the honorable mayor of San Francisco, london breed. Mayor breed all right. First of all, thank you all for coming out here. As you know, thousands of people take caltrain in and out of San Francisco every day. Since 2009 we have seen ridership increase by 76 . We know that this is the location where we have at least eight municipalny lines that frequent this neighborhood. As people move around this an effort to get to their train, their bus, hospital on the bike, walk around, move around, we have to continue to develop safe Transportation Networks so people are able to move around safely in San Francisco. The improvements here today we are excited about do just that. It allows for people to get around safely, which is clearly what we care about the most. As our city grows, as more people are working in San Francisco who are coming from all parts of the bay area, we know that we are going to have more crowded city. Making sure that people could use different modes of transportation to get around safely is critical, whether by bicycle, jogging, scooter, or vehicle or what have you. Our ultimate goal is safety. That is why we are committed to moving forward the changes to our infrastructure that will ultimately lead to what the goals are about, no fatalities on our streets. We know in 2019 we had about 29 people who died on the San Francisco streets. In fact, this year we have already had two deaths. That is two deaths too many this year. We have to do more. Last year i set a goal of doing 20 miles of bike lanes throughout the city. So far we are at 7. 5 miles of those dedicated bike lanes. We are on the way to meeting that goal. This is not about pleasing one group over another. This is about public safety. It is about making sure no matter how you are trying to move around San Francisco you know you can do it safely. San francisco is changing. We want to make sure that people are moving around in a way that provides an opportunity for us to feel safe and secure. I am excited about this project. It looks great down here. The streets are clean and smooth and paved. Your bus ride wont we bumpy in this section of townsend. I want to thank s. F. M. T. A. , San Francisco public works for the work they have done to move this project forward quickly along with other projects in San Francisco that we have seen improvements on. I want to thank walk sf and the Bicycle Coalition and the folks who advocated for improvements that are going to lead to a better experience for all of us here in San Francisco, and also ultimately saving countless lives. That you also much for being here today. [applause] i would like to introduce the acting director of the San Francisco department of public works. Thank you, jeff. Thank you, mayor breed. It is great to be here this morning. It is a beautiful day. As i stand here, this is an amazing project. It shows we as a city can do. This is a city that has traveled with folks off buses, bicycles and skateboards. It takes it all to come together to make this happen. It was public works and urban foresty that constructed this island we are on right now. They built the bus pad and loading zones. Overall, and the workers and 1300tons of asphalt on this project along with 750 cubic yards of concrete. Keep in mind, this was a project not done by just public works. It was a collaboration with m. T. A. , San Francisco Bike Coalition along with walk sf. Again, i want to say thank you all. After being here today, public works is happy to be part of this celebration. Thank you all. [applause] next is the partner at the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Good morning. I am claia. I am the organizer for the Bicycle Coalition. For the last five years i worked on advocacy in district six. You grew up in the tenderloin and live in the south of market. Traffic is superimportant to me. I know what it is like to bike, skateboards and bike on streets without the proper infrastructure. It is not safe. Town send is one of the important streets in soma for biking, walking and transit with bus lines connecting. Town send is a critical connection to get through soma and beyond. When this project was under threat of a years long delay we made sure the city didnt drop the ball. We are thrilled today we get to celebrate these improvements we won together. Before the changes people were walking in the streets because there was no physical sidewalk in place. People biking had to compete with buses, uber and lyfts. Now there are dedicated, safe and welcoming spaces for people to bike and block. A block long boarding island separates the chaos. This is smart design to make the street so much more inviting and will encourage more people to walk, bike and take transit in one of the busiest neighborhoods in San Francisco. When we set the bar high for City Planners they can rise to the challenge and deliver. We want to thank the hardworking staff at the s. F. M. T. A. And matt haney to see this through to construction. Setting a high bar we want to thank mayor london breed for pushing the s. F. M. T. A. To deliver 20 miles of new bike lanes within the next two years. We will work with you all and the city departments and our membership to make streets safer for pedestrians and people on bikes. I would like to introduce jody, executive director for walk San Francisco. Thank you. Good morning. Thank you, mayor breed, berrum m director and our partners of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. I am the walk San Francisco executive director. This is one of the places in San Francisco where there are huge numbers of people walking every single day. For so long it is dangerous for pedestrians. No sidewalks, mixing with cars and unable to get to the Caltrain Service where we heard of the buses and trains and people moving about the bay area. Today town send is making a step towards safety for thousands of people every day. I want to give the s. F. M. T. A. A big thank you for doing this very quick league. We encourage them to keep it up. How can we do this more often . There is no time to waste in ending fatal traffic clashes. We have a goal to end all fatalities and serious injuries in the next five years. There are so many more areas where thousands are walking every day need to be made safe asap. We need to create streets that put people and safety first. This is reality for San Francisco. Thank you to the staff at the s. F. M. T. A. , department of public works, mayors on the Supervisors Office who are part of the important project to keep us all safer. Thank you so much. [applause] i am jeffrey tumlin, director of transportation for the San Francisco municipal transportation agency. I am so proud of my entire agency and the San Francisco department of public works who collaborated together. The planners, engineers, work crews representing a dozen different trades, concrete, asphalt, signs, striping. They all worked to advance the quick build project which for the first time is designed to accommodate every mode of transportation. I am very proud of the spring design decisions they have made. For example right here, the curb work to allow us to save 5 million and two years of delay required to move the utility polls. This is quick build. We moved quickly. Everyone worked and we delivered this is a city family to serve thousands in San Francisco in a part of the Transportation Network where every mode comes together. Caltrain, public and private buses, light rail, pedestrians, bikes, scooters and the entrance to the central subway observing a year and a half from now. This is amazing work. I hope this is considered the pilot for another five years worth of intensive quick build work that we owe deep gratitudes to the staff of both agencies but the leadership of the board of supervisorboardof supervisor. I would like you to join us to cut this ribbon. Mayor, would you like to lead us. Five, four, three, two, one. There we go. [applause] [ ] i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world, you shouldnt just be something in museums, and i love that the people can just go there and it is there for everyone. [ ] i would say i am a multidimensional artist. I came out of painting, but have also really enjoyed tactile properties of artwork and tile work. I always have an interest in public art. I really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world. You shouldnt just be something in museums. I love that people can just go there, and it is there for everyone. Public art is art with a job to do. It is a place where the architecture meets the public. Where the artist takes the meaning of the site, and gives a voice to its. We commission culture, murals, mosaics, black pieces, cut to mental, different types of material. It is not just downtown, or the big sculptures you see, we are in the neighborhood. Those are some of the most beloved kinds of projects that really give our libraries and Recreation Centers a sense of uniqueness, and being specific to that neighborhood. Colette test on a number of those projects for its. One of my favorites is the oceanview library, as well as several parks, and the steps. Mosaics are created with tile that is either broken or cut in some way, and rearranged to make a pattern. You need to use a tool, nippers, as they are called, to actually shape the tiles of it so you can get them to fit incorrectly. I glued them to mash, and then they are taken, now usually installed by someone who is not to me, and they put cement on the wall, and they pick up the mash with the tiles attached to it, and they stick it to the wall, and then they groped it afterwards. [ ] we had never really seen artwork done on a stairway of the kinds that we were thinking of because our idea was very just barely pictorial, and to have a picture broken up like that, we were not sure if it would visually work. So we just took paper that size and drew what our idea was, and cut it into strips, and took it down there and taped it to the steps, and stepped back and looked around, and walked up and down and figured out how it would really work visually. [ ] my theme was chinese heights because i find them very beautiful. And also because mosaic is such a heavy, dens, static medium, and i always like to try and incorporate movement into its, and i work with the theme of water a lot, with wind, with clouds, just because i like movements and lightness, so i liked the contrast of making kites out of very heavy, hard material. So one side is a dragon kite, and then there are several different kites in the sky with the clouds, and a little girl below flying it. [ ] there are pieces that are particularly meaningful to me. During the time that we were working on it, my son was a disaffected, unhappy high school student. There was a day where i was on the way to take them to school, and he was looking glum, as usual, and so halfway to school, i turned around and said, how about if i tell the school you are sick and you come make tiles with us, so there is a tile that he made to. It is a little bird. The relationship with a work of art is something that develops over time, and if you have memories connected with a place from when you are a child, and you come back and you see it again with the eyes of an adult, it is a different thing, and is just part of what makes the city an exciting place. [ ] [ ] i just wanted to say a few words. One is to the parents and to all of the kids. Thank you for supporting this program and for trusting us to create a Soccer Program in the bayview. Soccer is the worlds game, and everybody plays, but in the united states, this is a sport that struggles with access for certain communities. I coached basketball in a coached football for years, it is the same thing. It is about motivating kids and keeping them together, and giving them new opportunities. When the kids came out, they had no idea really what the game was. Only one or two of them had played soccer before. We gave the kids very simple lessons every day and made sure that they had fun while they were doing it, and you really could see them evolve into a team over the course of the season. I think this is a great opportunity to be part of the community and be part of programs like this. I get to run around with my other teammates and pass the ball. This is new to me. Ive always played basketball or football. I am adjusting to be a soccer mom. The bayview is like my favorite team. Even though we lose it is still fine. Right on. I have lots of favorite memories, but i think one of them is just watching the kids enjoy themselves. My favorite memory was just having fun and playing. Bayview united will be in soccer camp all summer long. They are going to be at civic centre for two different weeklong sessions with america scores, then they will will have their own soccer camp later in the summer right here, and then they will be back on the pitch next fall. Now we know a little bit more about soccer, we are learning more, and the kids are really enjoying the program. We want to be united in the bayview. That is why this was appropriate this guy is the limit. The kids are already athletic, you know, they just need to learn the game. We have some potential collegebound kids, definitely. Today was the last practice of the season, and the sweetest moment was coming out here while , you know, we were setting up the barbecue and folding their uniforms, and looking out onto the field, and seven or eight of the kids were playing. This year we have first and second grade. We are going to expand to third, forth, and fifth grade next year bring them out and if you have middle school kids, we are starting a team for middle school. You know why . Why . Because we are . Bayview united. Thats right. We have private and Public Gardens throughout the garden tour. All of the gardens are volunteers. The only requirement is youre willing to show your garden for a day. So we have gardens that vary from all stages of development and all gardens, family gardens, private gardens, some of them as small as postage stamps and others pretty expansive. Its a variety all of the world is represented in our gardens here in the portola. I have been coming to the portola garden tour for the past seven or eight years ever since i learned about it because it is the most important event of the neighborhood, and the reason it is so important is because it links this neighborhood back to its history. In the early 1800s the portola was farmland. The regions flowers were grown in this neighborhood. If you wanted flowers anywhere future bay area, you would come to this area to get them. In the past decade, the area has tried to reclaim its roots as the garden district. One of the ways it has done that is through the portola garden tour, where neighbors open their gardens open their gardens to people of San Francisco so they can share that history. When i started meeting with the neighbors and seeing their gardens, i came up with this idea that it would be a great idea to fundraise. We started doing this as a fundraiser. Since we established it, we awarded 23 scholarships and six work projects for the students. The Scholarship Programs that we have developed in association with the portola is just a winwinwin situation all around. The Scholarship Program is important because it helps people to be able to tin in their situation and afford to take classes. I was not sure how i would stay in San Francisco. It is so expensive here. I prayed so i would receive enough so i could stay in San Francisco and finish my school, which is fantastic, because i dont know where else i would have gone to finish. The scholarships make the difference between students being able to stay here in the city and take classes and having to go somewhere else. [ ] [ ] you come into someones home and its theyre private and personal space. Its all about them and really their garden and in the city and urban environment, the garden is the extension of their indoor environment, their Outdoor Living room. Why are you here at this garden core . Its amazing and i volunteer here every year. This is fantastic. Its a beautiful day. You walk around and look at gardens. You meet people that love gardens. Its fantastic. The portola garden tour is the last saturday in september every year. Mark your calendars every year. Welcome, everyone. Press mute if you come on to the phone. The first item on the agenda i dont want to be muted because the people need to speak. For those of you who are jt

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