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Also with us tonight or chief chief scott and director henderson from the Police Accountability board. You have a quorum. Thank you. Good evening, everyone. This is the december 11th, 2019 meeting of the San Francisco police commission. We do have a lengthy meeting tonight due to items on closed session and the complexity of the issues on the agenda so we will be limiting Public Comment to two minutes. Just a few housekeeping matters before we get started, there are some line items on the agenda that we will be removing from the agenda. Line item two is being removed from tonight agenda at the chief s request so sfpd and d. P. A. Can review and discuss. A line item one a is also being removed from the agenda. This is the presentation of the first and Second Quarter 2019 firearm discharge review board findings. That is an item that is obviously very important and we take seriously. I know many of us received the materials yesterday so we need additional time to look at the cases and prepare for the meeting. We will be moving that to the january 8th agenda. And then finally, in the closed session agenda, item c. Is being removed. Just a couple things, commissioner taylor. With a the juvenile policies and procedures and fdr, are they both being removed for january 8 th . Line item two, i will leave that to d. P. A. And the chief. I know d. P. A. Wanted time to be able to look at the proposed changes and perhaps talk about it with the department. I dont know the next Commission Meeting we didnt. That wasnt from us. Heres my concern. It has been seven months since the ordinance passed and this issue has been come has become ripe. We do not have a bulletin or some policy by the Police Department on how to deal with these situations. So i dont want to kick it further down the road too long because i think this is very important and, you know, chief, you and i have spoken about the youth issues and incidences that happened at balboa and how important it is to get something in place. That is my first question. My second question is whether or not the Police Department and d. P. A. Have reached out to the community, including people like patty lee from the Public Defenders Office who has received National Awards on her work in juvenile issues, juvenile detention, and miranda warnings. I think has also helped, you know, the legislation that was crafted by the board of supervisors. Those are my two issues. Then i have an issue with fdrb after that. Chief, january 8th, will that be enough time . I think it should be. Do we have room on the january 8th calendar . We do. We will move line item two to the january 8th agenda. My other thing with the fdrb report, we did not receive that until yesterday and i have been noticing instances where the department has things put on the agenda on the calendar and it will hit friday when we have to post it online, but we as commissioners do not receive the material until monday late monday or even tuesday, which isnt fair to us because as you know, we all have fulltime jobs most of us read this stuff on night and weekends. The fdrb report is very important. I received it yesterday, because apparently the department did not provide it, and it should have been in on friday. I will ask you, chief, to hold the department accountable and make sure these materials are provided to our Commission Office by friday at five or at the latest, saturday morning. Because it is difficult for us, who do have fulltime jobs, and to use any extra time we do have to read the materials and make sure we are apprised of the issues so we can have an intelligent and coherent conversation about these issues. Im scrambling at the last minute to try and get this stuff done when it is handed to me at the 11th hour. Im going to ask you to police personally to please hold the department accountable. I would agree with that. I know it would be good to have more than 24 hours to review this with a fulltime job. I understand. We will make that happen. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. We apologize for the stress that caused you. Thank you. With that, can we call the first line item . One a is chiefs report. Weekly crime trends. Provide an overview of offences occurring in San Francisco. Significant incidents. The chiefs report will be limited to a brief description of the significant incidents. Commission discussion will be limited to determine whether to calendar any of the incidents for future Commission Meeting. Major events. Provide a summary of planned activities and events occurring since the previous meeting. This will include a brief overview of any unplanned events or activities occurring in San Francisco having an impact on public safety. Discussion on unplanned events and activities be limited to determine whether to calendar for a future meeting. Thank you. Good evening, commissioners. I will start with our crime trends. I will be brief on the crime trends and move on to the rest of the report including the significant incidents that happened over the weekend. With the crime, yeartodate we are down 5 overall for crime. That break down his property crimes are down 5 , highlighted by 15 reduction in burglaries yeartodate and a 2 reduction in car breakins. Our Violent Crime is down 6 . We have had a total of 37 homicides for the year compared to 43 this time last year. This represents 14 decrease. We had three homicide incidents recorded last week. One of which was an incident that occurred on december 1st in which the person succumbed to injuries on december 7th. There was also a homicide reported in november with that the victim of an aggravated assault from august of 2019 who passed away from injuries sustained in the august attack. I will talk a little bit more about the homicide event over the weekend when i get to the significant incidents. Looking at gun violence, that is defined as number of people injured shooting injured in a shooting incident with a firearm , we have had 103 shooting incidents resulting in a total of 126 gun violence victims. Twentytwo of those were fatal and 104 of those were nonfatal. In looking at our shooting victims, we are 5 below where we were this time last year and in terms of our homicides with firearms, we are even with where we were this time last year. The homicides are at 14 reduction from yeartodate, december 2018. Significant incidents, i will start with the homicide over the weekend in the bayview district. This occurred and the 1100 block of oakdale on december 7th at 8 10 p. M. Luminary information of the victim who was 50 years old, he was at home preliminary information of the victim who was 50 years old, he was at home and other relative saw a suspicious person walking on the other side of the street. As the relative entered the house, is suspect pushed open a door, walked into their location and shot the victim who was shot multiple times. The suspect fled on foot. The victim was transported to hospital and later succumbed to his injuries. Investigators have located evidence in the area and the investigation is still very much in full swing. We have not identified a suspect at this time. There were also three shooting incidents that caused injuries to five people over the last several days. Two of the shooting incidents occurred on december 10th. Within 20 minutes of each other. They maybe related as the vehicle description is similar. The first one, one of them happened in the bayview and the other was located in the terra vale area. The three people who were injured in the two incidents we believe, based on description of the vehicle which is almost exact on both incidents, that these are related. The investigation is ongoing. No suspects have been identified at this point. Also over the weekend, we had an officer involved shooting in the mission district. Our first of the year. The officers one officer was injured during the incident and the person who was shot was also injured. The person who was shot is still hospitalized. And as we do with all officer involved shootings, we will have our town hall within 10 days of the incident. At this time, that is scheduled for tuesday at 6 00 p. M. At cesar chavez elementary school. We will post that to the public and confirm that address and let the public know if that changes, but we are set for now for tuesday at 6 00 p. M. As i said, the individual who was shot was hospitalized. Charging decision by the District Attorney on this case has not been made at this time and remains under investigation. The investigations are being conducted by first the San Francisco District Attorneys office, the officer involved shooting the shooting itself is being investigated by the d. A. s office. Theyre independent into the investigation bureau. The department of Police Accountability also has an investigation on this incident as well as the San Francisco Police Department, internal affairs. During the town hall, we explained the processes and how everything works in terms of our officer involved shootings. I would note that this is actually the first shooting in our city under this recently signed an m. O. U. With the District Attorneys office. All parties were at seen on saturday. In terms of major events that are upcoming, this week there are several events at the chase center. The warriors have two home games this week beginning with the New York Knicks tonight and the Sacramento Kings on sunday. There are several concerts that will be held at the chase centre this week next week. We are deployed to handle those events. We did not have any major incidents as a result of the event this weekend. A lot of people were out having a good time but no major incidents. There were five arrests for people being drunk in public and five people that were taken to the hospital for severe intoxication. That was pretty much the extent of any incidents related to that tonight. This weekend we are having in conjunction with united players, we are having a gun buyback or we will participate in a gun buyback. Located at 1038 Howard Street on saturday, december 14th from 8 00 a. M. Until noon. We encourage any members of the public who have guns that they want to destroy our have destroyed to bring them to the gun buyback. You will receive cash or gift card in exchange for your gun. We normally get very good participation from the public. The more guns that are taken off the streets, the less of a probability that those guns will be used by somebody for purposes that arent good. Please, if you have guns in your house that you dont want or need anymore, we ask that you bring them to the gun buyback and turn them in. This is the 11th gun buyback that we have participated in with united players. We have had Great Results that have resulted in hundreds of firearms being turned in over the events that we have already had. That is the extent of the significant events and that is the extent of this portion of the chiefs report. Thank you. Chief, regarding the shooting that occurred, the officer involved shooting that you mentioned, is the individual i think i saw a press release earlier and i was wondering, the individual that was involved, no charge in decision has been made , so is he in custody or is he not in custody . He is not in custody right now. And then there was did you happen to see the Mission Local article this afternoon that recounted some observations from video of the shooting . Yes. I saw it. They seem to conflict with the press releases that have come out. Are you still comfortable with the facts that exist in the press release . We will be covering that in the town hall. And as we do always, we will make the video available per our policy. I think youll be premature for me to come in on that, but we have reviewed all the evidence that we have that we have taken in at this point, and plan to release everything in the town hall that we can release at this point in the effort to be transparent. I think a lot of those questions will be answered at that point. Okay. I guess my concern is if theres anything that is outstanding that is based on the review that is currently going on, not accurate or in some way there is concern in the past about the department and putting out information that wasnt always accurate. And actually, i defended the department to a reporter over the weekend and i was asking who was asking for more information. I said wait and see. I just want to make sure that we dont end up in a situation where things come out later that are contradicting and then we are in a position of defending the information that has been released. I attended the last town hall on the ground avenue and i thought that that was done really well. So im looking forward to the town hall in this event. I appreciate your question. We should do it in the parameters that we set up and i dont know what video we saw a, but we do have video. We have Video Evidence and we will release it per our policy. I think the public has a right and a need to know that and we will put it to the town hall. And this is the extent that something that will most likely come before the commission. We have to strike a balance of not delving too deeply into facts and opining on things before the matters come before us. Everyone obviously has questions and wants to know what is going on. Yes. Thank you for the report. I do want to echo a commissioner from last week. When looking at our trends, a lot of them are trending downwards. I want to commend you for the work that you do to stay on that trajectory. One of the things i would like to see coming into the new year is while the trends are going down, i would like to see how they are per district. I would want to see how the fatalities and how homicides look in certain districts last year compared to this year. While we see the trend overall in the city going down, i would like to see it in any of our districts in the city that there has been a spike as something we can look at. And also, chief, correct me if i was wrong, but i was reading in the paper today, there was a fatality with a pedestrian who was struck by a car over the weekend, too . There was. There was a fatality. It was bayshore and bayview. I do have some details on that. Okay. One of the things i was going to request is another report on vision zero. So while we have this program, we are consistently saying fatalities rise seeing fatalities rise. I want to see what type of solutions we are looking into two assists this number in trending downward. Yes, sir. We definitely can do that. On our page on the website, Crime Statistics are broken down by district, but i would be happy to bring that to the commission as well. Please. I would like to invite community groups, bicycle coalitions, for example, to come and talk about vision zero. Is a problem and we all recognize it as a problem. I think we need to put our Heads Together to figure out how to decrease what is a concerning trend. What time is this town hall meeting on the 17th . 6 00 p. M. Thank you. I have been on a long time and we used to get notifications before press releases were done. I have to say, saturday i was getting phone calls and i finally read it in the examiner before i was notified by the department that there was an o. I. S. I just remember when we first got here, we were the first ones to get notified and now the community notifies me. Even after they notify me, i still have to wait. All we get is the press release. I would ask if you can look into that and we can get notified much quicker than that. We get called, as you here, not that we want to discuss it, but we should be informed that some thing has happened. We already have. There were some issues with doc is under reconstruction, if you will. There were issues with the phone systems on saturday that caused some notification issues and also, we have looked into it. A lot of new faces on these teams and that causes a few of our issues as well. It is something we debriefed on already and that should not be a problem in the future. Okay. Next line item. Line item one b. , d. P. A. Directors report. Report on recent activities and announcements. The report will be limited to a brief description of announcements and activities. Discussion will be limited to determine whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future Commission Meeting. Presentation of the august, september, in october 2019 statistical reports and presentation of the first, second, in Third Quarter 2019 quarterly reports. Okay. I have my ongoing information in terms of the cases. We have talked a little bit about them in the past, the numbers are continuing to go up. We are at 709 cases that have been opened this year which is up from 620 at the same time last year. In terms of cases closed, we have closed 621 cases versus 578 at the same time last year. We have 413 open cases that are pending right now on our caseload. This year last time we were at 213. For sustained cases, so far this year we have sustained 83 cases. Last year at this time we sustained 48 cases. And cases that are older than the nine months are having investigations that have gone beyond nine months. Theyre 25 of those cases this time last year. We had 22 last year that were at the same level. The mediated cases are also up. We are at 35 so far completed this year versus 23 this time last year. Of the 25 cases that we talked about that the investigations have gone beyond or have taken longer than nine months, 11 of those cases are tolled. And i know we received a more indepth report last week about what that process looks like. In terms of the operation monthly statistic report, you will get that section as soon as i finish the review. I promise to try and keep that as short as i can. I know we have a long evening ahead of us, but i wanted to point out that we have had a steady increase of the complaints. As of october 301st, we had 637 complaints, which is a 14 increase over just this last year. It doesnt count to the increase that we had the year before that i just want to point out and we will go over it, is our Case Summaries are much more detailed now in these quarterly reports which you will be seeing. Part of that is because of the new Case Management system. So before we were limited to 50 characters to describe a complaint and now we can actually put in full sentences. Again, a large part of it was working with this new operating system which took essentially everything offline for a period of time throughout the year. He will have all of that in front of you. That will also be presented because i want you guys to be able to compare what the system looks like in terms of these quarterly reports before we revamped all of them. I went back as far as i could to give you the updated information in terms of 1421 updates, we talked a little bit about you had the presentation last week, but i want to give you an update on what has been going on with that. The commissioner had asked for more regular updates about what was going on. Since last week, we have concluded our review of all of the cases that were potentially disclose a bull under the category. That was a big category we are working on for a long time and we disclosed one more additional case and request that we received. In terms of the mediation, we continue to have a successful year in mediation. Nothing new to report other than the statistics i have already shared with you in terms of the outreach. We participated in a number of events as an agency. On december 7th we participated in the district five family summit on the 6th of december where we participated in the Youth Commissioners mixer. On december 11th, our attorneys will be presenting an overview of d. P. A. For the Senior Center community. On december 11th we will also be participating in the power of Community Engagement, the blueribbon event at the bayview ywca. We also will be participating in many of the Station Community meetings and i will report on those as we participate in them. We do not have any cases in closed session this evening. In the audience joining me this evening, in case there issues throughout the evening were d. P. A. Can be helpful and answer questions, is my chief of staff and my senior investigator and our operations manager. Also my policy director. Thank you. Just one followup question. So you have reviewed all potentially disclose a bowl Sexual Assault cases in d. P. A. s whole history . Yes. Impressive. How many were disclosed . If i may, lets just go to the source. [laughter]. Good evening, commissioners. This is much ado about nothing. I am unclear. I know that it was not a high number, but i want to confirm before report back to the commissions with specificity so that exact number will be included in the next commission agenda. I appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Thats it. Thank you. Anything else . We have to [laughter]. Yeah,. Next line item. Here we are. Before we begin, i want to pass out these books. These are what the quarterly reports looks like before. Theyre all in the record, but this is what i have converted things from what you are about to be presented with right now. Good evening. Good evening. I am here to represent the first , second, and thirdQuarter Reports for the department of Police Accountability. Each of the three reports follows the same format, so all of them contain summary investigation statistics which include the number of cases that we received each quarter, the types of allegations associated with those cases. They all have demographic information about complainants and officers and the outcomes of cases, which includes the cases mediated as well as the cases sustained. Those are all broken down by quarter. And note about some of the charts. All of the charts that are compiled by unit, there is a little bit of a formatting issue we consolidated them so they sit on one page. In the process it eliminated some of the delays for the district station. I just wanted to point that out. We expanded them and created bigger versions which we brought over brought this evening and will post to our website. It is the same concept in the reports currently but bigger and easier to read. In addition to investigation statistics, h. Quarterly report contains updates on our operations and our Core Practice areas. Those include the policy division, mediation, outreach, and auditing division. Because we all are very similar in structure, i will take some differences and some of the highlights from each of the quarters. In the first quarter, for the first time ever, d. P. A. Investigated share ofs misconduct cases at the request of sheriff hennessy. We also prepare the changes and obligations under the California Public records act, which made, as you have been discussing, confidential records disposable be . Held a mediator Refresher Training for our large staff of volunteer mediators and we had a swearingin ceremony for new staff. In the Second Quarter we worked with the Marriages Office and the board of supervisors to reach a balanced budget which will cover the next two fiscal years. Our division came and presented to the commission on the status of the audit and the difference between our audit and sfpds 96 a report. Our agency developed a Strategic Report plan and the Second Quarter a report contains a lot of information about our internship program, which is most robust during summer. In the Third Quarter we incorporated the new findings into our workflow under 2. 04, we were to adopt consistent findings language with sfpd so that was implemented when we rolled out our new Case Management system, which was the other huge project for the Third Quarter. That concludes my remarks about the reports and im here to answer questions that you have. Go ahead. Please. Okay. [laughter] i might have just missed this, but why do we get the threeQuarter Reports all at once . I will go ahead and answer this. Essentially this is for 2019 and we will have the reports were presented chronologically. That report was ready to be presented to the commission but then delayed for scheduling reasonings and to make sure all of the commissioners were present for that. And then these all, based on commission scheduling needs had to be put on one calendar and we wanted that done before the end of the year. Also, we revamped how they did the report. We could have gotten them done a little sooner but they follow the old format and would not have had the new details and consistent format that we wanted to present to you. [please stand by] will every single month i get calls from the deaf advocates who are at the table and they are so distressed that this has taken so long. I just want to underscore the great work that happened and that the delay has caused innumerable stressor points for those throughout the table. Where do they get bogged down i would ask the department in part. I know ultimately the d. G. O. Is it sent to cala d. O. J. For comments, but there were significant delays. And again, this was a working group. We had done best practice research. This is based on federal consent decrees across the country. We met you were there. You were there. Did i miss a meeting and we passed it . Absolutely not. The delays undermine the fabulous work. These advocates were coming to the east bay. They are individuals who work in the city. I look forward to us being able to present this next phase but it is urgent that we get it. Thank you. I appreciate that. Before you move on, are you able to speak to the delays . Part of what happened, as you all know in the commission, you have been involved in many of these policy developments. After we finished the policy, we actually had the california d. O. J. Weigh in as part of their Collaborative Reform Initiative pack. They had some recommendations for us. That process is part of the reason for the delay. A lot of it is just the negotiations that happened along the way. I know i said in some of those meetings myself with the mayor and others that it is just the process we have. It takes probably longer than all of us would like. However, when we get the recommendations from the california d. O. J. , then it sets us back to negotiating those. That is where we are on this. I will followup with the executive director to go to the commission. I think we are through everything. Just a comment, this is something that we talked about earlier in the year, which which was having a quicker turnaround of the documents and policies that are going through the department and not getting things bogged down in the process. I do understand having worked as part of the state d. O. J. Process , when they are a fort unfortunately overwhelmed. I do want to see things turnaround on the commission side. Please feel free to reach out to me if we are not if this is not moving forward in the beginning of the year. Thank you. I have a question on a few areas of the report. I will start with youth. On page seven of your thirdQuarter Report, the demographics of complainants. It appears, from my understanding, that ages 14 to 16, there were 46 complaints within that age bracket, which is essentially a 20 increase from the Second Quarter report, and then the first Quarter Report didnt even have the category in the cable. So i am trying to figure out why that is a pretty significant jump in terms of the complaints for that demographic, especially those youth. Im trying to see why. We have not looked at that particular statistic or the reason behind it. I am happy to drill down on what could be the cause and provide answers in the future. As of right now, i dont know what caused it. I would really like to know. A 20 increase is huge from last quarter for young adults. I know this is an issue that we are dealing with in terms of the new legislation that is being passed by the board of supervisors and the m. O. U. With the schools and all the work that the commission and the department has been doing about involving youth, so i think that we need an answer to that. And that is part of the value of the reports is to point it out in the analysis even that we would do is only coming from the complaint perspective. If there were complaints made or associated with those, that might be a question that is more appropriate for the department to answer about if it is correlating to the statistics that they have as well, but that is exactly why we have the reports so we can see stuff like this and chalk it. It will be important to see reports are being filed by this demographic and this particular age group. That was my first question. My second question is with respect to the next page on page eight with the demographics of officers with complaints. I noticed theres a rising trend in terms of the sergeant category. It appears in the Third Quarter it is about 10 and it is up from eight and a half or 9 from the Second Quarter, and i know it is a smaller category of officers compared to officer and inspector and captain, but i guess my concern is if there is a rising trend, i want to know more in terms of why that is happening. Again, i dont have a specific answer as to why that number is what it is. One thing that i think comments on this, as well as your previous question is we are working on the creation of the disciplinary review board that is newly required. And one of the purposes of that board is for us and the department to Work Together to analyse exactly those types of trends and statistics. These could be a good starting point for us. I will look into it further. I do think that the department and d. P. A. Have a plan in place where we will actually, on a quarterly basis, we talking about those trends and having a more of a conversation. In my third area, and then i will stop, is a supplement that you just passed out today that broke it down by unit, what is the unknown assignments . Are those the undercover units . What does that catch a good what is that category . Is significantly higher. Is that because it is a catchall if it is a catchall, what does the capital include . Unfortunately that number is high. It is a catch all. It is the default value when there is a data entry error or a data point that is not entered. That is something that we are working to resolve for the first and Second Quarter. Those numbers are based off of our old system. Now we have migrated everything over into the new system and we will backtrack and try to fill in those data points for the annual report. I think it is the Third Quarter. Do we not have it . I believe the Third Quarter had all of the data labels in their. Never mind. Thank you. Can you come back up . I was looking through the Language Access for the Third Quarter and i do remember these in the Third Quarter, but im wondering if you can update us. Can you update us on what has anything that has been accomplished or where we are currently . Thank you for the question. I met with d. H. R. On monday specifically to talk about what are the possibilities so we could expand certification for officers in languages beyond the five core languages. I also met with them to talk about institutionalizing the ability for recruits to be able to be tested, and also officers also be able to be tested from the academy. I also talk to d. H. R. About if we could get officers certification concerning translation. I was meeting with a new policy employee from d. H. R. , but the request that we had in that individuals mind seems quite reasonable, especially when i pointed out that employees have these opportunities for certification, but for some reason, sworn officers dont. So i had a good discussion with d. H. R. I invited them to come to our next meeting in january and they will do the research and hope that they would come. We also talked about the plan being that we would also like the chief to come to the Language Access working meeting. So we can really problem solve and be able to move forward on these parts. We have been working on them for quite some time. Can you let us know about the next meeting in january . It is the second tuesday at mission station in their Conference Room that is on the 17th avenue side. We meet from 9 00 a. M. To 10 00 p. M. I will also send out that specific date and the draft agenda. Thank you. Please call the next item. Line item one c. Is Youth Commissioners report. Is there anyone here from the Youth Commission . Good evening. Hello. I represent district 11 on the Youth Commission. Im filling in for commissioner jones, representative of district 10. I will be reporting back on what the commission has done and general requests. I havent done this before. [laughter] good to have you here. Thank you. And the Justice Committee we had talked about Police Officers and Community Engagement hours. We were informed that not all patrol officers are required to go out into the community and necessarily spend time in it. Is recommended, but not necessarily crucial. So we wanted to ask if there was some type of requirement for them to be out. Maybe a couple of hours within a sixmonth capacity or something around that so they can understand what communities they are serving. There is also yeah. As long as Police Officers are going and the communities are being represented. It is important for them to understand the members of the community and understand their issues. If were going to combat issues in regards of Community Communities of colour, trusting Police Officers is a twoway street. We have also had conversations with acting chief williamson chief scott regarding having plainclothes officers to have a more vulnerable and honest dialogue. Often times people may feel uncomfortable around seeing officers in full uniform, especially with the weapons that they may have. If theres any rumour flexibility around that, that would be greatly appreciated. Trust is necessary when building relationships with these communities, and investment into the relationships because history with communities can be so complex. Falling along with sfusd and the sfpd m. O. U. , we hope to see these voted on by the board of education with the recommendations we have submitted. We played a vital role in outreaching and putting our recommendations on the chief ordinance and we hope the department can make sure to follow the right procedures to make sure my people young people know their rights and their rights to council. In terms of what we can report back to what these commissioners have done since november, we have visited Juvenile Hall and met with the director from there and we had a conversation of what the daytoday schedule me look like for youth in there. We have had conversations with chief scott and conversations with yolanda and kevin. What we are working on currently is that person here . Sorry, kevin. And what we are applying to do in the next year, we are currently working on our budget priorities. We are ultimately hoping to do a resource fair or youth please youth police roundtable. Thank you. Wait, wait, wait. Not that fast. [laughter]. You have great ideas. I wanted to ask you about one of them. It was about plainclothes officers. Are you asking for uniformed officers to spend some time in plainclothes . Yeah, i was just reading off my phone. If they were to attend community events, for example, when the minister of justice attended a town hall, many of the officers were there and they were in full uniform with all of their weapons intact. And some of the individuals at the event and other commissioners had felt it was a bit uncomfortable, especially seeing it was if there is any way that a commissioner commissioner jones has said in adaptive uniform, away where they honor the rules that they have to be ready for anything that may happen, so an attacker, but also be aware that sometimes the uniforms that they may wear may scott justly or subconsciously trigger the environment and the culture that the room is an with certain members of certain communities. So if there is any wiggle room around that that would be appreciated. Thank you. I wanted to thank you, commissioner jones, because he came to our working Group Meeting this past monday and it was, number one, great to see him. I think commissioner taylor and i were very happy took us up on our offer to join or participate in the working group. Not only was he there, but he provided some invaluable input and advice in terms of us and a working group, because we are at the part where we are trying to roll out the bias free policing strategic plan. So it was really refreshing to have his young, youthful point of view, and not only that, he is a San Francisco resident. He was able to share with us some of the experiences he had growing up, as well as his family, which i think really helped put things in perspective when we are in those kinds of groups. I wanted to tell him thank you. Let him know i really appreciate it and i would welcome any other Youth Commissioners or youth to participate in this process because it is very important, and it does help us, especially when we are writing these policies and implementing these policies. Of course. I will pass that along to him. Thank you. Thank you. Chief, if you have any answers for the young commissioner tonight. Yes. I met with the board of the Youth Commission on monday and the discussion was around when we meet some of the members of the commission, and probably others feel uncomfortable when we are in uniform. The ask was, is there any way we could meet in a plainclothes capacity. What i told them is there are occasions where that can be worked out. I think we had our roundtable and many of the officers were in plainclothes. It can be worked out. But i also explained that when officers are on duty, they have to carry their equipment because they have to be ready to respond to whatever comes their way. They understood that part. It is just a matter of setting the parameters of the meetings where we can have officers like we did the last time come in plainclothes where it is appropriate. Is something we will work on together and hopefully have another roundtable here to discuss in the future. I did want to touch on that point because it is a twoway street. The communities will try to do is much as they cant have a more positive and more sustainable relationship with law enforcement. I want to honor that. Thank you. Thank you for your presentation. Of course,. One of the things i wanted to ask that you can do, and you might know about it because i thank you touched on the work you guys are doing around Youth Councils. I thank you have one in district 11. I thank you have one in district 11. I was asking about the Youth Councils. When you come up to the next Commission Meeting, it is worth mentioning the progress that you guys are happening having, and if there any issues working with groups to help you guys formalize those councils. I believe district one has developed a Youth Council. I know district 11 has and i believe. Commissioner jones that there is a d10 Youth Council in the works i am not part of that but i know that there has been evidence strides to make sure that the youth in the district 11 are represented because district 11 is representative of many marginalized communities, big families, immigrants, so there is a lot of political there is a big political culture there so to have that space i think with anybody, it is difficult to get the word out because of accessibility and who can hear these things. We have a little bit of accessibility for some communities. I think the Youth Commission has done a lot to help aid them around anything that they need of getting outreach and connecting with each other. Absolutely did. Thank you for that. I think that is worth noting just to see how active our Youth Commissioners are. The fact they have taken the time to say that they know either youth cannot come down to city hall, so we need to create councils within the district to make sure their voices are being heard. I want to speak to the activity that you guys are doing. Keep it up. Thank you. I am glad to hear that you guys are going into the community, and especially d11 where there is a huge Asian Community and their is a big need for translators. Do you have the capability to have translators follow different languages in that district . In regards to what exactly . When we go to those ones, we have to get translators to come because there is a heavy asian, and documented population and asian population. They speak a variety of dialects i am wondering how the Youth Commission, when you go out to these communities, are you able to bring interpreters or do you see that as a problem . It is a concern. It does go back to the point of accessibility. Many of the commissioners on these commissions are bilingual. We try to get as many people for any event. There is always a mix of languages. We tend to be very intersectional. We do come to issues, but it is one of those things we dont necessarily know because we know x amount of people are here, but who is missing from the table and that dialect . We do struggle with those things and we are making strides in order to make it more diverse. It is important to be aware of diversity but making sure these communities and people and spaces are safe for them. If you just have eczema out of marginalized people in a space, it is not safe for them and you are not doing anything and you are only contributing to the problem. We have made a number of interviews and meats and one on ones to work around communitybased organizations to get translators to get a workaround for and documented immigrants. That is a big population in d11. There is we want to go to these events, but we dont feel like we are seen. We are not historically allowed in these conversations in that language barrier. I want to say these things, but unfortunately i dont say it in a language that is socially accepted in america. How can i get my point across if they dont literally understand me . I want to thank you. So often i worry on this commission that we are in a small little bowl and we are not necessarily there is a very small segment of the population that can be here at city hall on a wednesday night at 5 30 p. M. People have jobs, people have families. I wonder i worry it is not reflective of the entire population. So much of what we do as a commission affecting people in San Francisco. I want to thank you for showing up here and showing up at the working Group Meeting we had. It is really important that we have the voices of young people. Just a little unsolicited unsolicited praise. Thank you very much for being here and giving your input and ideas. Of course. Thank you for saying that. I also think there is merit in being able to say that. Although there are 17 representatives, we are only 17 people and there are many districts. The issues are only intensified and we can only speak to my narrative in my story that. Hopefully that is something that not only this board, but our board as well can tackle and be aware of diversity and having everyone at the table. Because the concept of being a voices no longer a thing. Sometimes people just need to be able to pass the microphone. Thank you very much for that. You make us feel not good. [laughter] thank you, its amazing. Next line item. [please stand by] sorry about that. Thats okay. Its really just an announcement. I wanted to make sure i thank commissioner karen from the Southeast Community facility commission. Her organization has given help to underrepresented families. I think its the fourth or fifth giveaway shes done, correct . Tenth, i believe. The tenth giveaway. It was last friday. They do bike giveaways. I did want to make sure i acknowledged her and thanked her and her organization for their charitable donation to families in the community. Commissioner hamasaki thank you. Last week i attended a meeting at affirmative action for captain yick and one of the sergeants who i dont recall his name, as well as a number of members from the Chinatown Community to discuss the ongoing real problems that asianamericans, the Chinese Community are having in this city, both in chinatown and other districts where theres heavy asian populations and the Mayors Office as well. And really i think everybody is seeing the news reports and headlines so i dont need to repeat all of that. But people are really looking for new and Innovative Solutions to a problem that seems to have spiked up in a way that is causing a lot of real challenges within various communities. So it was good to be there and hear everybodys

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