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15 years, which is almost the whole building. Its easier to gentrify the building when no one is there. They just emptied out all the longterm tenants, and some were there over 20 years. You know, i mean this is a real thing. Its a no brainer. I want to echo that its really important that as we get these new state laws that werent fully thought out, that they go under the rent board. We dont have many enforcement agencies in general and the rent board does a really good job of holding that piece before things have to go to court. So that would be the other request. Thank you all for hearing this. I hope you all support it. Thank you very much. Thank you supervisor haney, ronen, mar. My name is victoria. I came to this city as a young business owner, Small Business owner. I raised my children in the tenderloin. My children went dreading school. Im now a senior. I have developmentally disabled adult son. The last time i spoke here, i was grateful for the Housing Rights Committee because i had protection under rent control. Now im on the next level of homelessness. Im couch surfing. My daughter and i got the benefit of the property, but because of the loopholes and the lack of resources, we were forced to take a buyout. There is no option. So, i thank you for closing this loophole. I think there should be a moratorium on all evictions as los angeles has done until we get to the bottom of this crisis. This is the face that you will see on the homeless streets in the future. The people that you see out there once were productive citizens and the ones that have survived and moved out of the area are suffering. Thank you. Hi, jennifer, coalition on homelessness. Thank you supervisors. I wanted to mention as you know the overwhelming majority of people in San Francisco what we know is a lot of them became homeless through evictions. Assignmen sometimes its not immediately. You lose your housing, stay with family and friends, and then eventually end up on the streets. Its a series of event that is often times catastrophic for people. This is one piece of the puzzle we have to do. I think its incredibly important to recognize for a long time that we have to go upstream and take these measures if we want to really address homelessness. So, thank you and i know you guys will be supporting this. Thanks. Good morning supervisors. Im sarah, with the Community Partnership now, i use to be with the housing committee. I dont have much to say but i wanted to remind everybody. We tried to do this many years ago and it was only our mayor at the time who vetoed it. Thats to say this is long and coming, and the crisis has only worsened since that time. I applaud supervisor haney and the rest of the sponsors for reviving this, and the housing committee. The time is long overdue and people are really suffering as you just heard. Its really only fair. Its arbitrary and it was really just compromising in the legislation that was politics at the time. Thank you very much for fixing this important piece of legislation. Thanks. Thank you, are there any other members of the public that wishes to speak on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] supervisor haney. Thank you sarah for your work on this and thank you to everyone thats here, who have been fighting for this for so long. As sarah said, this was the past 10 years ago, it was vetoed and passed narrowly on the board of supervisors and i think its been your work, continuing to fight for this, continuing to raise the urgency that has gotten us to the point where we are today. Not only the state is taking action on it and the governor has changed his tune on it, but this board, i hope is poised to pass this. I hope its our board now is poised to pass it unanimously. So thats how much things has changed. Sadly theres been so many people who have been evicted and faced harassment without rights and protection during that time that shouldnt have had to gone through that. I want to thank all of the folks, everyone in the room who has continued to fight along the way to help us to get to this point and the understanding of the urgency around this. I also, you know, do find it interesting, especially because there are folks that say the solution to the housing crisis is just build, build, build, and yet those folks arent here and you are here defending the rights of the people that will be in those buildings. Tenant protections should be for everybody, and that is important. This is a critical piece of how we address the housing crisis. There are a couple things i wanted to address. This will bring all of the units under the protection of the rent board. It takes us a lot further than what the state legislation would have done, including the units that are covered under the state legislation, but arent part of the gap that were closing with this legislation. So, this will also provide for that. Were doing something not just for the units that were built in the last 15 years, but all the units th units that will be under our legislation. We looked at an eviction moratorium. I agree thats something that would be good to do. We were told we couldnt do it under our city charter. Just understanding why we didnt do that, but we did make this retroactive in so far as someone is facing eviction currently could assert this as a defense as soon as this goes into law. I completely agree that this is not enough. This goes as far as we can go with regards to just cause eviction protections, but we obviously need to repeal to extend rent control to all buildings and vacancy control for every reason that its arbitrary to have this apply to these eviction protections apply to buildings, that are built at a certain time, its arbitrary to have rent control on buildings, based on when theyre built. Thats something we need to continue to change and hopefully this is a big step forward. I do want to under score that the state legislation was a huge victory and it is very important, but those exceptions, those gaps were unacceptable as far as were concerned here in San Francisco. San francisco has a history of being on the forefront of tenant protections, and this is another step, a big step in that way. I hope other cities and counties follow us and close those gaps as well and dont just accept the state legislation as is. Those were political decisions. They were made because of the Apartment Association and land lord lobby and they shouldnt be in place for any Public Policy reason. Can i ask director collins, can i ask you a question here that i had through the chair . What impact, if any, will this have on relocation benefits in terms of the someone is being evi evicted . Director of the rent board, the relocation process is part of the eviction scheme. Under the rent control ordinance, there is an eviction relocation payment under ab1482, but this would control if this legislation passes, so that folks living in newer housing would be subject to the right to have the relocation payments that we have in San Francisco for rent controlled units. This will be the difference. Just so im clear. Currently if youre in a building after 1979, and you build after 1979, before ab1482 or our legislation, and youre evicted for one of the reasons that would trigger relocation benefits, youre not entitled to those benefits currently . That is correct. You are not entitled to any relocation payments. And when the legislation passes, you will be entitled to the same relocation benefits that are available to people, if one of those reasons youre evicted. Thats right. It goes along with an eviction but not rent increase protections. That will be available for every resident that lives in a building covered by the rent ordinance for eviction controls. There are about 7,000 for tenants and tripled for the unit. I want to under score that is a big deal as well and its something that hasnt gotten much attention. We are not just extending the just cause protections, but were extending the relocation benefits for people that may be facing an ownermove in. They will have a right to significant relocation benefits and it provides some protections in terms of preventing, i would say deterrents for landlords that may want to take these steps, might reconsider evicting someone if they know they have to pay relocation benefits. So its very significant and very important, and huge part of this as well. So thats another reason to do this. Thank you for your work and for coming up and clarifying that. Supervisor walton. Thank you chair ronen. Im going to be brief to say that we obviously have a lot of work to do at the state level and here locally to protect tenants. Just know that this board will be working very hard to institute any protections we can so tenants can stay in their homes. A lot of us are renters as well so we understand personally what that means. We will continue to fight for protections for tenants. I would love to be added as a cosponsor to this legislation as well. Supervisor mar. Thank you, i just wanted to thank supervisor haney and all the tenant and housing advocates for their work on this legislation. I am very happy to support it for all the Important Reasons that have been stated. I would just add that i think this is really important for the west side and for district 4 in particular, given that like my district has by far the worse commutative housing balance based on the planning departments housing report. The negative 225 housing balance in district 4 is a result of the lack of creation of Affordable Housing in our district, which im aggressively working with my constituents to address. Its also equally a result of the loss of protected units and rental units in my district, which had over 500 rent controlled units lost in the last decade. Thats the highest among any district in this city. From these figures, its very clear that we need to do everything we can to preserve and protect rent controlled housing in our city and especially in district 4. This expansion of just cause eviction protections to newer buildings is a modest, but very significant and important step forward in addressing our housing crisis. Thank you. Thank you so much. Wow, what a difference a board makes, right . I have been in this building working for about 10 years now as a legislative aide and now as a supervisor. I have been involved in countless pieces of tenant rights legislation and its never felt there easy before. Felt this easy before. Its generally a massive, massive struggle to win every single vote. I think thats both a reflection of the times we live in and how difficult it is for regular people to afford to live in San Francisco and its about the hard work that tenants and housing groups have done to elect leaders that support their interests. I just had to remark on it because its quite extraordinary. Ive been through dozens and dozens of tenant rights legislation and its never been this given before. As supervisor haney said, i didnt realize the full extent of the legislation regarding relocation benefits. This is massive. This is very meaningful legislation. Of course, what we really want is you know, to extend rent control to everyone and were going to get there overtime. In the interim, this will make a massive difference in peoples lives. I want to thank you for championing this and thank everyone advocating for this legislation, for your lifetime of work building a movement overtime to protect tenants in the city. Youre seen and so appreciative by me and my colleagues. With that, does someone want to make the honor of moving this forward . Supervisor mar, looking at you. Yeah, i would move that we recommend this to the full board with positive recommendation without objection. And without objection, that motion passes. Congratulations. [gavel] [cheering and applause] yeah. And mr. Clerk, can you please read item number 3. Item number 3, hearing to consider appointing four members, terms ending april 22, 2021, to the our city, our home Oversight Committee. Sorry, youre waiting for me, arent you . Im just letting people trickle out. So i just wanted to make a note that supervisor brown would have been here today, but shes stuck out of town with airport delays, like so many of us this weekend. I wanted to call up the applicants that are applying for these seats. Im going to go in order, although i know some folks couldnt make it today. Julia, are you here . Please come up. Hi, good morning. Good morning, welcome. Thank you so much for having me guys. I havent prepared much. I know victor sent out an email. I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. Your office was open and i was able to meet your staff. I live in the district. I guess let me start off by telling you about myself. So, i was homeless at 15. I dropped out of high school. I was chronically homeless until age 21. I had my first daughter at 18 and we lived in a shelter, Star Community home. I worked seven years in the community, doing Community Work on the coalition of homelessness, as well as the outreach by c. B. D. C. And then we went to the shelter advocate for two years, and now im actually getting my bachelors degree at berkeley in business. So, just to speak on sort of my journey through the city, from being homeless and then being hou housed. I had my first lease in district 10. Yeah, i got a b. M. R. Unit at the dog patch. Yeah, the reason i want to be on this board is i feel a deep sense of responsibility. I feel that im in a place now where im able to contribute to be positioned to impact peoples lives the way that Certain Services and programs impacted mine. I feel that not only have i experience and being a member of the community. I really see the gaps that are lacking in services and in certain places. Its not just money, but awareness. Part of what victor wanted us to talk about is things we want to work on, on the board. Obviously this is not like, i think there are so many things like if we had time to sit down and have an hour long conversation, we could get into it. I guess really being a single mom, family is super important to me, considering the amount of money that went into families before 2011 was micro. It was very small. Having worked directly in the shelters, seeing the amount of people with disabilities, and not just Mental Health, but physical disabilities, youth especially, seniors, and also women experiencing Domestic Violence is something im passionate about. I feel those services are lacking. In terms of the funds, i think as a city, we should be building more Affordable Housing, like 100 affordable units. I think a lot of the money can go into investing into that. Yeah, i feel that if you have any other questions, im happy to discuss it. Thats really my background. Sorry, i didnt want to take too much of your time up. Yeah, but, thank you, i look forward to being on board. Do you want me to say what seat im applying for . No, we have that here. Thank you so much guys. Your presentation was perfect. Thank you so much. Was it . Okay, i wanted to touch on all these things and have it prepared before thanksgiving. Thank you. Thank you. Next were going to call up jennifer friedenbach. Hi, thanks. I want to thank sally brown, and the three of you, and your staff for all the careful appointment work coming up. A little bit about myself, im as you know, the executive director. Im going on 25 years at the organization here. I did some Mental Health organizing when i came to the coalition of homelessness and i worked as part of the hunger coalition. Im committed to the struggle to end mass homelessness by addressing the structural causes and crafting permanent fixes. My work is about developing consensus on solutions with folks with personal experience with homelessness, who survived it or are still experiencing it. I have some skills around and i think i have been able to unstick ambivalence in transbureaucracies and entrenched mindsets from im look always learning from the brilliance around me. I have a long history of community organizing, working in collaboration with many others and worked on a range of poverty issues, homeless prevention, disability, working alongside Homeless People. I think youre aware that Community Members and Front Line Service providers, i helped craft the campaign our city, our home. This is the oversight body for this. My other accomplishments is playing a leadership role for families, thousands of units of housing, exits, major expansion of prevention, and co authored several reports on the coalition of homelessness. I feel awkward talking about myself. I was just going to say in 16 years, i have never seen you talk about yourself. [laughter] this is extraordinary. Im having so much fun listening to this. This is so embarrassing. All of us are. Were like oh my gosh. [laughter] so anyway, if i were appointed to this body, i wrote a bunch of stuff but im skipping it all because its too embarrassing. I would continue, if i were selected for this and appointed to the body, i would continue this is a massive undertaking. One Silver Lining of the lawsuit is that we can get the system turn ceo ready. Turnkey ready. We have to get ready for when the funding is released. This Oversight Committee has a tremendous amount of work do in getting us there and im more than willing to do that work and bring this to the table. If im appointed, i will be listening to everyone of all strifes. We need to ensure a work product that is what San Francisco represents. Thank you for your consideration. Any questions . Im jennifer. I dont have any questions, but i just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your 25 years of tremendous hard work and advocacy in this field. Youre one of my heroes and youre someone i look to on a regular basis as and i want to thank you because you amaze me everyday. Thank you. The admiration is mutual. Thank you. Next we have Chanelle Williams but she texted me that she is home desperately ill and she was planning to be here and is very much excited and willing to serve and would be here if she could. Is alice chu here . Yes, come on up. Good morning. Everyone. I cant believe im speaking after jennifer. [ laughter ] this is so not fair. [ laughter ] because, mind, come on, seriously. But good morning, supervisors. Can i just see who is here . So im the chair and right in front of you, hilary ronan and then im facing you and to my left is supervisor gordon mar and then shamar walton. I know supervisor ronan and mar know me from my work but i can say a little more if you want. This is a little scarry speaking after her. Im still processing what she says. Its wonderful. I have been an advocate, kind of working in the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault field in the past 20 years. Mostly working with people in Domestic Violence shelters and people who are facing homelessness because of violence. Right now im the Program Manager of the hope center and were part of the San Francisco safe house. The hope center is centered in the tenderloin where theres a lot of stuff going on, as it is for a big part of the city. I like to be able to offer myself on the committee because i really see the need to support in a different way, a different aspect. Ive been sort of like a background person for a long, long time and i feel this is an opportunity for me to step up, to do this work. Didnt i am privileged to be a person with a disability and i see the disadvantage, either a physical or mental disability to be homeless. As we home 20 minutes ago, im a rent control renter and i know what i face is significant as a renter with disabilities, you know. I have lower income compared to people with other disabilities and im a woman of colour. So i just think that those are my qualifications and thats my thinking. Theres a lot of qualified people who are applying for this seat. I was reading it before i come here and i would really, really hope that, you know, any of us who are qualified to be able to serve on the seat and i will be so happy. Jennifer is great. Ive been watching her and shes my neighbor. A lot of people, william, who couldnt be here. And anybody who could serve, i would love it, with all of the qualified people. But if i could have that chance, i would be more than happy to give of myself to do this work. Anybody have any questions . Im so nervous. [ laughter ] youre all do such a great job. No reason to be nervous. Are there any questions . No, it was perfect, thank you so much. And next is charelle jackson. I know its just passed thanksgiving so happy thanksgiving. Ive been doing any soulfood cooking. I have a fasters degree in political science, Public Policy and i have a bachelors degree in psych and sociology and i work for connor house, a nonprofit organization. We serve Mental Health and Substance Abuse as well as supportive housing, as well as i work on the health and Safety Committee and i work on the Budget Committee for connor house. And so im here today to get a chance to serve on the committee for our city, our home. And i think its really important to serve on a committee thats doing a lot and i think that what i have to offer, day in and day out, services the people that i do service, it means so much to me. I think were serving them in so many ways and to be quite honest, when i see the sort of situations theyre in and what i can do, i can do much more at a larger capacity by sitting in a seat. And i see those peach day and i know their storie stories. I know i can be a voice. Thats why im here today. I know you have the information about my background but what im here to talk about is what i can do for them and i know i can make an impact and i know im serious and i hope you can see that, as well, so thank you so much and if you have any questions. Any questions . No. Thank you so much. Appreciate this. And then Julie Ledbetter was unable to make it but sent a letter to the committee. And so i will now open up this item for Public Comment. If you would like to speak on any of the items, please line up to your right. Good morning. Im with the Community Housing partnership and i just want to point out that it would be an incredible misstep to not appoint both jenny and julie. Ive had the pleasure of working with them for decades now and i find their steeped in the issues of homelessness and also have an incredible compassion and a great moral compass when it comes to these issue. They have both workd with organizations that really understand the systems around Homeless Services and are very, very bright, passionate, incredible people that need to be at the table. Jennifer, in particular, because of the constituency, she represents, she works with homeless folks on streets and in the shelters and the organizations approach is about listening to them and having them be a part of the leadership and part of the decisionmaking and so for that reason alone, i think its important to have her have a seat here, but i just have no reservations. As a matter of fact, highly, highly recommend both jennifer and julie and i think that they would be tremendous, tremendous assets. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Good morning. Im mary kay representing compass family. Were so grateful to jenny for her partnership. Shes a phenomenal leader. I did want to say how instrumental her leadership is in moving policy, increasing resources and improving systems to a better place for everybody, in particular for marginalized communities. Jennifers advocacy is so social to moving this to a place where families can get in the door and get immediate access to shelter when people are pregnant and changing those policies and so we highly endorse jenny for this appointment. Thank you. Im brian edwards. That was so worth it to watch jenny speak about herself. I wanted to run up here and go, no, you dont have to do that. Theres probably no one ive learned more from about San Francisco and how it actually works than jenny. Theres no one who has been more patient and better about making sense of that and ive seen how she moves policy through city hall. Ive seen how she crafts policy and how she can build coalitions and i cant think of anyone better. It could be a travesty and you didnt appoint jenny to this. Theres a couple of Homeless People in San Francisco who have stuff going on but they wanted to speak on jennys behalf. Shes jenny fin freidenbach, appoint this woman. [ laughter ] im here because of jennifer. I mean, honestly. When i heard this was happening this morning, i wanted to be here because i cant imagine this moving forward without her seated as one of the members of this committee. You know youre in the presence of someone youll learn from and spending time around you, you gain experience and knowledge and patience and its been great having the opportunity to work with her. It really has. I know that she is absolutely the right person for this. If you really want the best result, the best outcome and we all do, then she must be on this committee. So i know youre going to do the right thing and thank you for your time and ill see you soon. Hi supervisors. Im sam lu. I was the Campaign Manager for our home prophecy and ive loving this love fest for jenny. We love you so much. Folks before me have said so many of the wonderful things jenny has done executiv and i wo voice support for julia ledbe ledbetter and julie who has been a powerful advocate, particularly for unhoused mothers and young people experiencing homelessness. Julia is amazing and you should seat her. Thank you so much. [ laughter ] is there any other member of the public who wishes to speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor walton . I wanted to be the first to say this is the one part of my job that i do not like because we have six qualified candidates that are obviously dedicated and committed to this work. But we can only choose four and so, if we do not make an appointment for you today, i would just say please continue to stay encouraged. Please continue to serve this population and folks who need us in San Francisco, there will be other appointments. There will be other opportunities to serve and i really appreciate everyone who submitted an application and your commitment and your service. Because this work is important. But understand that we do have a difficult task sometimes of having more qualified people than we have seats. Supervisor mar. I just wanted to thank all of the applicants for your willingness to step up to this incredibly Important Role on the committee for our city, our home funding. And thank you for all of the work that all of you have done for so many years. Its truly impressive and inspiring and yeah, i would sort of echo supervisor waltons comments about the challenge of selecting from such great candidates or applicants and specifically, i wanted to encourage ellis chu and Chanelle Jackson to apply for the seats the mayor has to appoint for our committee. And hopefully, you guys will be able to serve through a mayoral appointment. Seat number two, Chanelle Williams and seat four Julie Ledbetter, seat six julie. Thank you for that motion and i would make a different motion but this is an absolutely impossible process. Ive never seen a listing of six more qualifiemore qualified. I think ill just make this easy and second that motion. But i do personally want to work with alison, then, who would be in my motion with the Mayors Office to get appointed because i think we need you both on this body. And so, i will be reaching out today to kanishka who is the staffer in the Mayors Office to see if we can make that happen. Because i believe we need all six of your expertise on this extremely important committee. And so with that, im happy to second that motion, which isnt necessary. If we can take it without objection, that motion passes. Thank you. You want to confirm, miss williams in seat two, Julie Ledbetter to seat four, and to a in seat six. Thank you so much. Thank you. And mr. Clerk, can you please read item number 4. Item 4, appointing two members term ending september 6, 2024. Thank you so much. And i wanted to see inJeffrey Morris and eugene bia are here today. Good morning. Im jeff morris and its always interesting to learn about other important issues before the city and im here to seek reappointment that oversees downtown districts and properties. We adjudicate assessed value disputes between the asses asses office and property owners. I retiredded from a 35career with a firm called black rock ad i wanted to get more involved in Civic Affairs and i had lunch with an old friend of mine. Ive been on that board a few terms and im here to seek your reappointment. Ive had a chance to assimilate the board of equalization guidance, the assessor handbook and ive worked closely with don durand, representatives of carmen chus office, city attorneys that have come before us and its sustained my interest and i have a lot of interest and experienr most of our meetings. Theres another goround of assessed values with the giants and their ballpark. So thats helped me to sustain my interest to ask your reappointment to the board for another fle three years and i wd be happy to respond to questions or comments. I dont have any. Thank you so much for your willingness to serve again. Im seeking reappointment to board one, of the assessment appeals board. You may or may not have seen my credentials but very briefly, graduating in Accounting Finance and cpa firm and i am a cpa, state of california and ive been working in the Real Estate Industry since the late 60s, 40 years here in San Francisco. And ive been serving on the assessment appeals board, which has been a very unique experience because it has called upon my experience and commercial properties, hotels, retail and including residential and ive served with jeff on a number ofs hearings and we have, i think, an Excellent Group of board members. Theres a great balance of appraisers and cpas and real estate professionals. So i really have nothing else to say, figure youve seen my information and like jeff, if you have any questions me, im here to answer them. Thank you so much for your service. Thank you very much. We will now open this item up for Public Comment. Any member of the public wish to seek . Speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you both for your service and willingness to continue to serve in this role and with that, i will make a motion to reappoint Jeffrey Morris and eugenevala. Mr. Morris to seat one and mr. Vala to seat four and without objection, that motion passes. Can you please read 5. We appoint three members, and one member to amendment appeals board number two. Thank you so much and is john lee here . Good morning. Good morning, supervisors. Im john lee and i grew up in San Francisco, attended Public Schools and i was fortunate enough to go to uc berkley and ucla for a masters in business and real estate. I served for two terms already so im seeking reappointment no thareappointment tothat positio. I bring my knowledge of San Francisco. I grew up here. I have been selling real estate for 30 years and i live next to sunset 4. What i found aboard thats interesting in my last two terms is that the argument about price based on statistics. Property owners would make arguments on what they know about the property and im trying to put the two together and, basically, understand where theyre coming from and theyre understanding of value. I come from a unique position of evaluating prompt properties ev. On the outside of the street, you dont have the parking and someone is blocking access to your property. And so thats what i bring to the board and to my fellow commissioners. Ive enjoyed my time there and i hope i got reappointed. Any questions . No. Thank you for your willingness to serve. Is Mervin Conlin here and yosef sends regrets. He is in surgery, but would love to continue to serve. I will open this up for comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Is there a motion . I move that we reappoint john lee, Mervin Conlin, and yosef to appointment assessment board number two. Without objection, that motions passes. John lee to seat two, conlin to seat three and yosef to seat four. Correct. Thank you much. Thank you for your willingness to serve again. And mr. Clerk, can you read item number 6. A hearing appointing three members, ending september 5t tos board three. Is shawn rigile here . Thank you waiting to the bitter end. Very kind of you. Sure. Good morning, supervisors. This would be my third term as commission on the assessment appeals board and during my last term, i believe i was able to provide additional assistance to the board by serving on different types of matters. I found these casing to be interesting from a factual standpoint but there were legal issue, particularly in the hotels where the issue of intangibles comes up and those matters are subject to quite a bit of legal interpretation. I welcome the opportunity to serve again and i thank you all for your time. Thank you tor your willingnesthank you tor your fo, thank you for your patience. Good afternoon now. Ive been an appraiser for 19 years and 15 years in San Francisco and ive been on the board, this will be my second term. Thats about it. Im quiet. Any questions . Thank you for your willing to serve. Open up for Public Comment and seeing none, Public Comment is closed and i will make a motion to move forward with positive recommendation to the full board, mr. Regille to seat one and mr. Reynolds to seat two and without objection, that passes. Have a great rest of your day. And mr. Clerk, is there any further business before us . That completes the agenda for today. That completes the agenda for today. Thank you, we are adjourned. Our United States constitution requires every ten years that america counts every human being in the United States, which is incredibly important for many reasons. Its important for preliminary representation because if Political Representation because if we under count california, we get less representatives in congress. Its important for San Francisco because if we dont have all of the people in our city, if we dont have all of the folks in california, california and San Francisco stand to lose billions of dollars in funding. Its really important to the city of San Francisco that the federal government gets the count right, so weve created count sf to motivate all sf count to motivate all citizens to participate in the census. For the immigrant community, a lot of people arent sure whether they should take part, whether this is something for u. S. Citizens or whether its something for anybody whos in the yUnited States, and it is something for everybody. Census counts the entire population. Weve given out 2 million to over 30 communitybased organizations to help people do the census in the communities where they live and work. Weve also partnered with the Public Libraries here in the city and also the Public Schools to make sure there are informational materials to make sure the folks do the census at those sites, as well, and weve initiated a campaign to motivate the citizens and make sure they participate in census 2020. Because of the language issues that many Chinese Community and families experience, there is a lot of mistrust in the federal government and whether their private information will be kept private and confidential. So its really important that communities like bayviewhunters point participate because in the past, theyve been under counted, so what that means is that funding that should have gone to these communities, it wasnt enough. Were going to help educate people in the tenderloin, the multicultural residents of the tenderloin. You know, any one of our given blocks, theres 35 different languages spoken, so we are the original u. N. Of San Francisco. So its our job is to educate people and be able to familiarize themselves on doing this census. You go online and do the census. Its available in 13 languages, and you dont need anything. Its based on household. You put in your address and answer nine simple questions. How many people are in your household, do you rent, and your information. Your name, your age, your race, your gender. Everybody is 2,000 in funding for our child care, housing, food stamps, and medical care. All of the residents in the city and county of San Francisco need to be counted in census 2020. If youre not counted, then your community is underrepresented and will be underserved

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