You [gavel]. Supervisor fewer good morning, everyone. This is the budget and finance committee, wednesday, october 23, 2019. I am sandra lee fewer, chair of the budget and finance committee. I am joined by supervisors Raphael Mandelman and catherine stefani. Madam clerk, do you have any announcements for us all today . Clerk yes. [agenda item read]. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Madam clerk, would you please call item number one. Clerk yes. [agenda item read]. Supervisor fewer thank you very much, and we have mr. Jeremy spitz from the department of public works. Good morning, chair and supervisors. I am jeremy spitz from the department of public works. This is an emergency to repair the hvac at 1235 mission street. It is owned by the San Francisco Unified School District and leased by the distribution agency. There are three hvac units on the top of the building. Two of them were unoperational. Then, on october 3, the final unit failed, and temperatures in the building reached over 90. H. S. A. Is currently using portable units so it is comfortable. I am joined today by scby seve of the staff, and we are happy to answer your questions. Supervisor fewer thank you. Supervisor stefani . Supervisor stefani just a quick question. Did we understand the extent of the repairs at the time we entered into the lease . Sure. Im going to turn that over to scott wall. Yes. Would you mind repeating that . Supervisor stefani yes. Im wondering if we understood the tenant improvements that were needed at the time we actually entered the lease . So the lease was entered into before my time as director, but i would say mantha estimathat estimate was on the low end for tenant costs. That was about 6 million per the lease, but after further investigation and going through the systems, that does look like it was not enough to complete all the necessary repairs to the building. Supervisor stefani okay. So Going Forward, is there a way that youve identified to prevent that from happening in the future . Yes. Quite frankly, we need to do a much better job at assessing Building Systems Going Forward and make sure that those are accounted for in any lease negotiations, especially lease renewal. Supervisor stefani okay. And so will any protocols be put in place to ensure that happens . Absolutely. What i will do as director of h. S. A. Is i would shawork with colleagues at the department of public works to make sure they have an opportunity to design on what repairs may be necessary Going Forward. In addition to that, weve been actively entering items into the citys srrm system through real estate to flag any future potential issues using the standard useful life of various equipment. Supervisor stefani okay. Thank you. Supervisor fewer im sorry. Your name, again . My name is robert walsh. Im the director of operations for human services. Supervisor fewer thank you, mr. Walsh. It seems in the b. L. A. Report that under the terms of the lease of 2014 between h. S. A. And sfusd and actually, i was sitting on the board of education at that time, i vaguely remember this agreement there were tenants improvements of 6 million of which 2. 5 were h. S. A. And 3. 5 were the citys share, and the repairs were to be made by 2017. According to mr. Walsh, which i believe would be you, the repairs were not made because it went to correcting other issues in the building at that time, including elevator repairs along with associated soft costs, so what we see here is that at the time of their agreement, there was 6 million being put toward tenant improvements and the hvac system was supposed to have been upgraded by 2017, and so were here at 2019 with no surprise that it failed. And im just wondering if you might respond to that. Certainly. I would say that i wish it were repaired, but to be just very honest about it, we did know that there were some issues with hvac system, we did not know the extent of it. And the difficult decision was to put the dollars that sfusd had remaining in their 3. 5 million was to the more immediate things. And it was one of those situations where there is no good decision to be made. And while im here now, discussing hvac, we may have had issues with the life and safety system, so we im getting long winded here, but i just supervisor fewer sure. It was a difficult decision to make, most definitely, we tried to do some repairs, but the repairs were not enough to get the system back online. Supervisor fewer so it seems as though the patching up was what you might need, but a complete overhaul was never done. Yeah, thats absolutely correct. Chair fewer you, mr. Walsh, i think itsdits you know, these buildings are old, but my concern is for the people in these buildings. These buildings are old, and it got to the situation where we had to evacuate those people. We got to this point, and it is an emergency situation. So could i hear from the b. L. A. , please . Chair fewer, members of the committee, fred burso from the budget and legislative analysts office. Declaring the emergency allows for the sole source procurement for the project. We did review the 6 million that was initially allowed for for repairs and as you have summarized, the hvac system was not repaired as originally anticipated, nor were Electrical Systems or Plumbing Systems all of which the city is responsible for. So we are recommending approval of the resolution, but adding to it a requirement that h. S. A. Come back to the board with a report by november 30 on what has been done, detailing the costs of the improvement program, and then what has to be done, so thats our recommendation. Chair fewer supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman thank you, chair fewer. My question is for mr. Walsh again. So and not to beat a dead horse, and both vice chair stefani and chair fewer have kind of asked questions along these lines, but we have this recommendation from the b. L. A. Which seems like a reasonable thing, and it seems like a reasonable thing to do before entering into any lease. And i know you werent there, but is it when h. S. A. Enters into a lease, it would seem to me that it would be a best practice to look at the term of the lease, figure out what is likely to break during that time, what money is going to need to get put into fixing those issues or avoiding those issues during that time, and have that kind of, like, forwardlooking assessment for each lease. Sounded like you dont know that that happened with this lease. I cant say. Supervisor mandelman what is your protocol back in 2014 to do that . Unfortunately, im not familiar. Supervisor mandelman and it is the protocol now to do that assessment prior to entering into a lease . Absolutely. This is the case in point right here, to avoid situations like this, quite frankly, and i would agree with you. Supervisor mandelman i would be curious. Did they do the assessment in 2014 and just miss a lot of stuff and you dont know, or did they just think that well, we need a building. School district has a building, well work it out . Who knows. All right. Its hard to speculate, but its probably the latter . Supervisor mandelman okay. I would be more than happy to sit down with my colleagues at sfusd. Supervisor mandelman maybe a little retrospective analysis of what happened here, explaining what the department was doing in 2014 and if it in fact, yes, actually we looked, and we thought there were 3 million of work that needed to be done and we thought there was adequate cushion of the money that was set aside. It would be good for us to have that kind of maybe. And i know youre not asking that question, but it would be a good thing to do just so we dont have it happen again. I completely appreciate and fully agree. Chair fewer supervisor mandelman, so would you like to add that information to the report that was requested by the b. L. A. . I would like to also request that we get an itemized accounting of what happened to the 6 million because it included sidewalk repairs so tell us what you spent the 6 million that was supposed to part of it be spent on the hvac system. So id like to add to the recommendation of the b. L. A. I think there are two more things were requesting. Supervisor mandelman is requesting that you follow up on the 2014 m supervisor mandelman a retrospective analysis of what was done, and whether in hindsight, it was adequate. May i say one thing . Again, i agree with everything that the board and the b. L. A. Is putting forward. I simply may need a little more time than the end of november to do a thorough analysis and dig in what happened. I also need to give time to my colleagues at b. B. R. To look at the systems and do a thorough analysis. I dont want to do this fast and scratch the surface because i do think this is a learning moment and i do understand the goal here. Chair fewer okay. So since we actually, the board was a recess in december. Would the first of the year give you enough time to gather this information and bring it back to the board. Certainly. And i would make it happen if you would insist on the end of november, but i would request time to do it properly. Chair fewer i would amend this to the first meeting back in january. Is there any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. [gavel]. Chair fewer i would like to make a motion to accept the recommendations of the b. L. A. As amended by the budget here. And we can take that without objection. Thank you very much. [gavel]. Chair fewer and then id like to move that to the full board with a positive recommendation, and we can do that without objection. [gavel]. Chair fewer madam clerk, would you read the next item. [agenda item read]. Chair fewer thank you very much, and we have catherine petrocioni here. Good morning, supervisors. Im here to propose that the board except a resolution to accept a resolution to accept a grant and match from fema. This grant will support the development of an alternative Operations Center for the port at pier 50. The ports primary d. O. C. Is located at port 51, which weve learned is vulnerable in the case of a major earthquake. The court intends to use this funding to install fiber as well as purchase emergency radios and audio visual equipment. I do want to note that while the resolution states that the grant is retroactive, the port has not yet expended any of these funds, and im happy to answer any questions. Chair fewer thank you very much. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Any member of the public like to comment on this . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. [gavel]. Chair fewer and can we take this without objection . [gavel]. Chair fewer and madam clerk, would you call the next item. Clerk yes. [agenda item read]. Chair fewer and we have mitch sutton, department of Emergency Management. Good morning. Im mitch sutton, and im here to talk about the Computer Aided Dispatch system. Its a system that we use for dispatching police, medical, fire to 911 calls. This is an important system for us, and we as important that and its important that we keep this system under 247 maintenance. You may recall we have a project to replace the c. A. D. System. Its been approved by coit. We have a project team. Were in the process of hiring a consultant, but that system, were not expecting, to be online until around late 2023, so thats why were here today to extend the Maintenance Agreement with the current vendor for another five years. Now if you have any questions about the c. A. D. Replacement project, the project director is here for that to answer any questions. The document that you have before you is the 2012 agreement which will extend it to october 2024, and it would add 1. 9 million to that agreement for a total not to exceed amount of 1. 5 million. And i believe that sums it up, so if you have any questions, id be free, happy to answer. Chair fewer thank you. Can which hear from the b. L. A. . Item three, and fred russo from the budget and legislative analysts office. This is coming to the board because its going to extend the contract over ten years, and the details on it are on page nine of our report. Because the original contract, 5. 5. 5. 2 million, included acquisitions and other costs, weve provided a contract that showed what the other costs were. Now thisll be 1. 9 million. We do recommend approve of the resolution. Chair fewer thank you very much. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Any members of the public like to comment on item three . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. [gavel]. Chair fewer colleagues, any comments or questions . I do have a comment. So mr. Sutton, i understand that this is your last time before the board because you are soon to be retired, is that correct . That is correct. Im not going to dispute that. Chair fewer after three decades of Public Service, is that correct . That is correct. Chair fewer and how long were you in the department of Emergency Management . 20 years. Chair fewer 20 years. So i think wed like to take this opportunity on behalf of the board of supervisors to say thank you for your Public Service, and we wish you much luck and good health in your retirement. My husband retired after 35 years of Public Service as a Police Officer in 2012, and upon his retirement, his last paperwork was in, i remember i kissed my husband and i said, i felt like im kissing a free man. I hope that is with you, too. With that, i thank you for your service. With that, id like to make a motion to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. We can take that without objection. [gavel]. Chair fewer madam clerk, would you read the next item. [agenda item read]. Chair fewer thank you very much, and we have with us today, marian carroll, the director of the department of Emergency Management. Good morning, supervisors. Chair fewer good morning. So thank you for hearing this today. I am the director of the department of Emergency Management and just want to take a few minutes to explain the purpose of the grant. San francisco is the regional preparedness grant fiscal agent for the 12 bay counties that encompass the bay area ewasi program. One area is the urban Area Security grant initiative, which we anticipate to be approximately 27. 5 million. The state Homeland Security grant program, the Emergency Management performance grant program, the local Government Oil spill contingency plan grant, and a 2019 Hazard Mitigation grant. So the resolution fulfills our responsibility as the fiscal agent to apply for these grants with a governing body resolution to approve San Francisco as the fiscal agent on behalf of the region. And normally we have not received the grant yet. We anticipate funding levels similar to 2018, but we wont know until that grant comes through. And the grant moneys from the main grant, the ewasi grant, go to fund our management team, which is around 3 million, our core cities allocation, of which San Francisco is one of them. We get 1 million of those 3 million, and then, theres 10 million for regional projects. These grants, San Francisco receives or received last year about 3. 6 million. The majority of the ewasi grant is used to staff our programs. There are 39 Emergency Management and Public Safety positions that are funded. The remaining funds go toward Public Safety equipment or Technology Upgrades and we anticipate that the 2019 grants will be spent similar ly. Chair fewer thank you very much. There is no b. L. A. Report on this. Any comments or questions from my colleagues . Seeing none, lets open this up for Public Comment. Any members of the public like to comment on item number four . Seei seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. [gavel]. Chair fewer miss sutton, i know theres a lot of question around urban shield. I know thats not part of this grant and is sort of the funk at this point, correct . Yeah. Urban shield is a program that was administered under alameda county. Alameda county decided earlier this year that they would no longer administer the program, so essentially, urban shield no longer exists. We in this past year had to reallocate Training Exercise funds to the counties, and were currently going through an r. F. P. Process for all of the training and exercise programs. Chair fewer okay. So that is good news. Id like to make this to a motion to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. Thank you. [gavel]. Chair fewer madam clerk, can you please read the next item. Clerk yes. [agenda item read]. Chair fewer thank you very much, and we have monica chinchilla, who is the legislative aide for supervisor fewers office. Yes. The matter before you is allowing the director of real estate to waive base rent for the nonprofit tenants clinic by the bay and arts ban for up to six months. We are bringing this matter before you because we know that Construction Costs are high, and we want to allow these nonprove tenants the ability to nonprofit tenants to complete their application as soon as possibility. Also here with me is the director of real estate, enrique pena, who can answer any questions. Chair fewer very good. Lets open this up to Public Comment. Any comment from the public on this . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Any comments or questions from my colleagues . And we can move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. [gavel]. Chair fewer madam clerk, would you please the next item, please. [agenda item read]. Supervisor fewer colleagues, id like to make a motion to continue this one week. Before i do, id like to open this up for Public Comment. Any member of the public like to comment on this . Id like to continue this to week o one week to the meeting on october 30. Any objection . Well do that without objection. Madam clerk, is there any other business before us today . Clerk theres no further business. Chair fewer we are adjourned. Thank you. [gavel] hi. My name is carmen chiu, San Franciscos elected assessor. In our seven mile by seven mile city, we have over 210,000 properties and close to 90 of their are residential like the homes you and i live in, so you might ask, how can we possibly value all these properties . Well, to better understand our work, we need to explain the states proposition 13 law. In 1978, california voters passed proposition 13. Under prop 13, we value your property at market value when you first buy it. Every year after, that value goes up by the c. P. I. Or the California Consumer price index. But if the c. P. I. Is more than 2 , prop 13 caps the increase at 2 . Well walkthrough the maximum increases prop 13 would allow. Lets take a home with initial value of 400,000. In the second year your assessed value grows by a maximum of 2 , growing from 400,000 to 408,000. In year three, that 408,000 is increased by 2 to roughly 416,000. Every year, the value grows by the maximum rate of 2 , and that is called your prop 13 value. Keep in mind as time goes by your prop 13 value may not be the same as market rate. What do we mean by that . Lets say over the last ten years, home prices in San Francisco have gone every roughly 10 every year. Despite that, your prop 13 value is capped at 2 growth creating a difference between your market value and prop 13 value. Know that the value recessed when theres a change in ownership. A change in ownership means that the property has a new zoner. Maybe through a new owner. Maybe through a sale, a gift or adding or dropping names through title. At that time the home will be assessed a new market rate. That value becomes a new starting point for the property. Just like before, the Growth Continues to be limited at 2 until the next transfer happens. Remember, the new owners are responsible for paying taxes at the new level from the first day that they own it. Value might also be added when construction happens on your property. That would be another instance when growth in your value might exceed 2 . Here, we would add the value of construction on top of your existing prop 13 value. Every july, well let you know what your assessed value is by sending you a letter called a notice of assessed value. You can use that information to estimate your property taxes early. Please note that a separate office called the treasurer Tax Collectors Office will send you a letter in october and theyre responsible 230r collections. For more information, visit our website, shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses, and challenges residents to do their shopping within the 49 square miles of San Francisco. By supporting local services in our neighborhood, we help San Francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. So where will you shop and dine in the 49 . I am the owner of this restaurant. We have been here in north beach over 100 years. [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language] [ ] [ ] manufacturing in cities creates this perfect platform for people to earn livelihoods and for people to create more economic prosperity. Im kate sosa. Im cofounder and ceo of sf made. Sf made is a Public Private partnership in the city of San Francisco to help manufacturers start, grow, and stay right here in San Francisco. Sf made really provides wraparound resources for manufacturers that sets us apart from other Small Business support organizations who provide more generalized support. Everything we do has really been developed over time by listening and thinking about what manufacturer needs grow. For example, it would be traditional things like helping them find capital, provide assistance loans, help to provide Small Business owners with education. We have had some great experience doing what you might call pop ups or temporary selling events, and maybe the most recent example was one that we did as part of sf made week in partnership with the city Seas Partnership with Small Business, creating a 100 Company Selling day right here at city hall, in partnership with mayor lee and the board of supervisors, and it was just a wonderful opportunity for many of our smaller manufacturers who may be one or twoperson shop, and who dont have the wherewithal to have their own dedicated retail store to show their products and it comes back to how do we help Companies Set more money into arthur businesses and develop more customers and their relationships, so that they can continue to grow and continue to stay here in San Francisco. Im amy kascel, and im the owner of amy kaschel San Francisco. We started our line with wedding gowns, and about a year ago, we launched a ready to wear collection. San franciscos a great place to do business in terms of clientele. We have wonderful brides from all walks of life and doing really interesting things architects, doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, other like minded entrepreneurs, so really fantastic women to work with. I think its important for them to know where their clothes are made and how theyre made. My name is jefferson mccarly, and im the general manager of the Mission Bicycle company. We sell bikes made here for people that ride here. Essentially, we sell city bikes made for riding in urban environments. Our core business really is to build bikes specifically for each individual. We care a lot about craftsmanship, we care a lot about quality, we care about good design, and people like that. When people come in, we spend a lot of time going to the design wall, and we can talk about handle bars, we can see the riding position, and we take notes all over the wall. Its a pretty fun shopping experience. Paragraph. For me as a designer, i love the control. I can see whats going on, talk to my cutter, my pattern maker, looking at the designs. Going through the suing room, im looking at it, everyone on the team is kind of getting involved, is this what that drape look . Is this what shes expecting, maybe if weve made a customization to a dress, which we can do because were making everything here locally. Over the last few years, weve been more technical. Its a great place to be, but you know, you have to concentrate and focus on where things are going and what the right decisions are as a Small Business owner. Sometimes its appropriate to bring in an expert to offer suggestions and guidance in coaching and counseling, and other times, we just need to talk to each other. We need to talk to other manufacturers that are facing similar problems, other people that are in the trenches, just like us, so that i can share with them a solution that we came up with to manage our inventory, and they can share with me an idea that they had about how to overcome another problem. Moving forward, where we see ourselves down the road, maybe five and ten years, is really looking at a business from a little bit more of a ready to wear perspective and making things that are really thoughtful and mindful, mindful of the end user, how theyre going to use it, whether its the end piece or a he hwedding gown, are they going to use it again, and incorporating that into the end collection, and so thats the direction i hear at this point. The reason we are so enamored with the work we do is we really do see it as a platform for changing and making the city something that it has always been and making sure that were sharing the opportunities that weve been blessed with economically and socially as possible, broadening that the goal is simple. Its to raise womens voices. Learn a little bit about what you should be thinking about in the future. We had own over 300 over 300 people who signed up for the oneonone counseling today. I think in the world of leading, people sometimes discount the ability to lead quietly and effectively. The Assessors Office is a big one. There are 58 counties in the state of california and every single county has one elected assessor in the county. Our job is to look at property taxes and make sure that we are fairly taxing every single property in San Francisco. One of the big things that we do is as a result of our work, we bring in a lot of revenue, about 2. 6 billion worth of revenue to the city. Often, people will say, what do you do with that money, and i like to share what we do with property taxes. For every dollar we collect in property taxes, about 68 cents of it goes to support public sstss, our Police Officers, our fire departments, our streets, our cleaning that happens in the city. But i think what most people dont know is 34 cents of the dollar goes to public education. So it goes to the state of california and in turn gets allocated back to our local school districts. So this is an incredibly important part of what we do in this office. Its an interesting place to be, i have to say. My colleagues across the state have been wonderful and have been very welcoming and share their knowledge with me. In my daytoday life, i dont think about that role, being the only Asian American assessor in the state, i just focus on being the best i can be, representing my city very well, representing the county of San Francisco well. By being the only Asian American assessor, i think you have a job to try to lift up and bring as many people on board, as well. I hope by doing the best that you can as an individual, people will start to see that your assessor is your elected leaders, the people that are making important decisions can look like you, can be like you, can be from your background. I grew up with a family where most of my relatives, my aunties, my uncles, my parents, were immigrants to the united states. When my parents first came here, they came without any relatives or friends in the united states. They had very little money, and they didnt know how to speak english very well. They came to a place that was completely foreign, a place where they had absolutely nobody here to help them, and i cant imagine what that must have been like, how brave it was for them to take that step because they were doing this in order to create an opportunity for their family. So my parents had odd jobs, my dad worked in the kitchens, my mom worked as a seamstress sewing. As we grew up, we eventually had a Small Business. I very much grew up in a family of immigrants, where we helped to translate. We went to the restaurant every weekend helping out, rolling egg rolls, eating egg rolls, and doing whatever we need to do to help the family out. It really was an experience growing up that helped me be the person that i am and viewing Public Service the way that i do. One of the events that really stuck with me when i was growing up was actually the rodney king riots. We lived in Southern California at the time, and my parents had a restaurant in inglewood, california. I can remember smelling smoke, seeing ashes where we lived. It was incredibly scary because we didnt know if we were going to lose that restaurant, if it was going to be burned down, if it was going to be damaged, and it was our entire livelihood. And i remember there were a lot of conversations at that time around what it was that government to do to create more opportunities or help people be more successful, and that stuck with me. It stuck with me because i remain believe government has a role, government has a responsibility to change the outcomes for communities, to create opportunities, to help people go to school, to help people open businesses and be successful. Make sure to be safe, and of course to have fun. And then, i think as you continue to serve in government, you realize that those convictions and the persons that you are really help to inform you, and so long as you go back to your core, and you remember why youre doing what youre doing, you know, i think you cant go wrong. Its funny, because, you know, i never had thought i would do this. I became a supervisor first for the city under very unusual circumstances, and i can remember one day, im shopping with friends and really not having a care in the world about politics or running for office or being in a public position, and the next day, im sworn in and serving on the board of supervisors. For many of us who are going through our Public Service, its very interesting, i think, what people view as a leader. Sometimes people say, well, maybe the person who is most outspoken, the person who yells the loudest or who speaks the loudest is going to be the best leader. And i think how i was raised, i like to listen first, and i like to try to figure outweighs to work with out ways to work with people to get things done. I hope that time goes on, you can see that you can have all sorts of different leaders whether at the top of City Government or leading organizations or leading teams, that there are really different kinds of leadership styles that we should really foster because it makes us stronger as organizations. Take advantage of all the wonderful information that you have here, at the vendor booth, at our seminars and also the oneonone counseling. I wouldnt be where i was if i didnt have very strong people who believed in me. And even at times when i didnt believe in my own abilities or my own skills, i had a lot of people who trusted and believed i either had the passion or skills to accomplish and do what i did. If there was one thing that i can tell young women, girls, who are thinking about and dreaming about the things they want to be, whether its being a doctor or being in politics, running an organization, being in business, whatever it is, i think its really to just trust yourself and believe that who you are is enough, that you are enough to make it work and to make things successful. Hello. Youre watching the show that explores San Franciscos love affair with food. There are at least 18 Farmers Markets in San Francisco alone, providing fresh and affordable to yearround. This is a great resource that does not break the bank. To show just how easy it can be to do just that, we have come up with something called the Farmers Market challenge. We find someone who loves to cook, give them 20, and challenge them to create a delicious meal from ingredients found right here in the Farmers Market. Who did we find for todays challenge . Today with regard to made a pot greater thanchapino. You only have 20 to spend. I know peter it is going to be tough, but i think i can do it. It is a San Francisco classic. We are celebrating bay area food. We have nice beautiful plum tomatoes here. We have some beautiful fresh fish here. It will come together beautifully. Many to cut out all this talk, and lets go shop. Yeah. What makes your dish unique . I like it spicy and smoky. I will take fresh italian tomatoes and the fresh seafood, and will bring them to other with some nice spoked paprika and some nice smoked jalapeno peppers. I am going to stew them up and get a nice savory, smoky, fishy, tomatoy, spicy broth. Bring it on. How are you feeling . I feel good. I spent the 20 and have a few pennies less. I am going to go home and cook. I will text message u. N. Is done. Excellent and really looking forward to it. Today were going to make the San Francisco classic dish invented by italian and portuguese fishermen. Itll be like a nice spaghetti sauce. Then we will put in the fish soup. The last thing is the dungeon as crab, let it all blend together. It will be delicious. When i could, i will try to make healthy meals with fresh ingredients, whatever is in season and local. Those juicy, fresh tomatoes will take about an hour to cook down into a nice sauce. This is a good time to make our fish stock. We will take a step that seems like trash and boil it up in water and make a delicious and they speed up my parents were great clerics, and we had wonderful food. Family dinners are very important. Any chance you can sit down together and have a meal together, it is great communal atmosphere. One of the things i like the most is the opportunity to be creative. Hello. Anybody with sets their mind to it can cut. Always nice to start chopping some vegetables and x and the delicious. All this double in view is this broth with great flavor. But your heart into it. Make something that you, family, and friends will really enjoy. I am here with a manager at the heart of the city Farmers Market in San Francisco. Thank you for joining us. Tell us a little bit about the organization. Were 30 years old now. We started with 14 farmers, and it has grown out to over 80. What is the mission of the organization . This area has no Grocery Store spiller it is all momand pop stores. We have this because it is needed. We knew it was needed. And the plaza needed somebody. It was empty. Beautiful with city hall in the background. Thank you for speaking with us. Are you on the web . Yes, hocfarmersmarket. Org. Check them out. Thank you. Welcome. The dish is ready. It looks and smells amazing. Thank you. It was not easy to meet the 20 budget. I checked everybody out and found some great produce. Really lovely seafood. I think that you are going to love it. Do not be shy. Cyou know this can run you 35 to 45 for a bowl, so it is great you did this for 20. This will feed four to six people. Not if you invite me over for dinner. I am ready to dig in. I hope youll love it. Mmm. What do you think . I think i am going to need more. Perhaps you can have all you want. I am produce the that you have crushed this Farmers Market challenge by a landslide. The first, were going to have to tally of your Shopping List and see what you actually spend that the Farmers Market. And go for it. Incredible. You have shown us how to make super healthy, refresh chapino from the Farmers Market on the budget, that for the whole family. That is outstanding. Thank you peter i am glad that you like it. I think anybody can do it. If you like the recipe for this dish, you can email us at sfgtv sfgov. Org or reach out to us on facebook or twitter and we [roll call] item number 2, opportunity for the public to comment on any matter within the committees jurisdiction that is not on the agenda. Seeing none, were going to move on to item number

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