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Within the commissions jurisdiction and does not appear on the agenda. Speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or Department Personnel. Commissioners are not to enter into a debate or discussion with a speaker. The lack of a response by the commissioners or Department Personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support of the statements made during the Public Comment. Any member wish to give Public Comment . If you do, please approach the podium for Public Comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Clerk approval of the minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve the Meeting Minutes august 28, 2019. If there is a member of the public to give Public Comment on item three, please approach the podium. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam secretary, in terms of this mornings meeting, members of the public, chief nicholson needs to attend an all Staff Required meeting with the mayor in terms of the Mayors Office this morning so i am going to request that we take the chiefs report out of order and following the chiefs report we traditionally have the deputy operation chief give his report because simply when chief nicholson attending the mayors meeting this morning we have the chief come up and represent the chief of the department at this position on the commission seat. Madam secretary, can we move then to item 6. Clerk did you want to do approval of the minutes . Yes, thank you. I did Public Comment on april approval of the minutes. Any questions or discussions from the commissioners on this approval of the minutes . At this point, colleagues, i need a motion and second to approval the minutes. I have a motion from commissioner hardeman to approve the minutes and second from the Vice President. All in favor say aye. No opposition. The minutes are passed. Clerk i think we need to do a motion to change the agenda. President nakajo thank you for that. Colleagues, i need a motion to move the chiefs report followed by the Operations Report up in the agenda. So moved. Second. President nakajo thank you very much, Vice President covington and thank you for the second, commissioner veronese. Any member of the public on that motion . Public comment is closed. Madam secretary. Clerk is that a unanimous . roll call . Thank you very much. Clerk item 6. Report of chief of department on current issues, activities and events since the Fire Commission meeting on august 28, 2019 including budget, special events, communications and outreach to other Government Agencies and report from operations deputy chief on overall Field Operations including greater alarm fires, emergency medical services, bureau of Fire Prevention and investigation. Homeland security and the airport division. President nakajo thank you very much. Good morning, chief nicholson. Good morning. Chief janine nicholson. This is my report since our Previous Commission meeting. Thank you for moving the agenda around for me, and good morning, president , Vice President and commissioners. Obviously, today is 9 11. This morning we had a commemoration ceremony at every firehouse in the city. I thank those who came to station five, commissioners, command staff and others to commemorate the 18th anniversary. Mayor london breed was in attendance as were several supervisors, the head of dem and our Public Safety partners. I also do want to recognize that two of our command staff actually self deployed back then to new york city to work. They really put service above self and thank you for that, gentlemen. Also, with 9 11, tonight chief cochran will throw out the first pitch at the giants game. If anybody wants an autograph from him, you can get that later today. He is a lefty, by the way. That is the neatthat is the 9 1. On saturday we had a stair climb, thank you commissioner for putting that on. Thank you for showing up. The mayor hiked up 61 flights as did i and quite a few other people to raise money for First Responder mental health. Thank you so much, commissioner. Great stuff. The department worked closely with the Cancer Prevention foundation and conducted at the division of training conducted urnary tract Cancer Screening program september 3 through 5. We were able to detail our members to get those tests. They ran out of kit on the last day. They will follow up with those members who were not able to get tested. This is just another piece of our, you know, working with Cancer Prevention and working towards the health and safety of our members. Speaking of the health and safety for our members, myself and chief attended a memorial to Harvey Walker who was instrumental to bringing to light cancer and toxic chemicals. She passed away from cancer as well. We attended that on the fifth. Back to health and wellness again. Cd2 and 3 myself met with and our nursepractitioner met with doctor Jennifer Brokaw who worked with the Cancer Prevention foundation to get our ducks in a row for the health and safety and wellness program, and that chief will be announced this week. We will likely be starting them in their position in a week and a half. Not this coming monday but the following monday. There will be an announcement today about that. Some of us attended the Ribbon Cutting of chase center on tuesday, the third. That first event went off without a hitch, and last night was the first double event at chase and at the giants ballpark. I think people are getting the message to take public transportation, and we are really gratified by that and all of the hard work that a lot of different departments across the city have put in to make that happen. Speaking of the giants, several of us met with george c asta regarding the giants and the Fire Department partnership. What we are looking to do is conduct drills with them with our incident management team, and we are really excited about seeing what this partnership can hold for us moving forward. As you know, at 9 30 a. M. I have to attend the meeting with mayor breed, department heads, and that concludes my report for today. President nakajo thank you very much. At this particular point we will ask for Public Comment in terms of the chiefs report. Any member of the public wishes to give Public Comment, please approach the podium. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Questions and comments from the commissioners, please. Commissioner covington thank you for your report, chief. It is short and sweet. I want to thank you for this morning, the commemoration of the firefighters who were lost in new york on this day 18 years ago, and i would also like to ask chief cochran and the chief to come up and say a few remarks about their self deployment to new york on that day. Good morning. Deputy chief victor. It was a significant number of us. It was 11 of us. We got on the first plane we could to new york. We worked for approximately seven days at ground zero. During that time, we worked usually from the evening all the way to the wee hours of the morning. It was a difficult time. It was, like i told the News Reporters this morning, i havent seen a picture that clearly depicts the magnitude we felt every time we climbed out of a hole and looked around. It is a somber day for us. We all seem to communicate with each other the night before, this morning, checking in on each other to see how we are doing. I am proud of everybody that went out there, again, thank you for the acknowledgment. Good morning, deputy chief mike cochran. So many thoughts. To mirror what the deputy chief said. We appreciate everybody thanking us. The her heroism that day were the real heroes. I dont know how we got the 11 together. We went there to assist. That is our job nationwide. If it happened today, we would go again. I think some of the we tried to help for seven days. After that we realized there were plenty of other responders to help. There was a need for people to go to the funerals. There was firefighter funerals with no attendance. All of the firefighters were on duty or working at ground zero. It was a better utilization of our time and efforts to wear our uniforms and go to funerals. After that we deployed home. Thank you very much for the first hand account and for self deploying and not waiting to be called, which, you know, is just a wonderful testament to you and the nine other members of the department who said we are not going to wait for a call for help. We know help is needs, and we are going. Thank you for that. [applause. ] i dont have any questions for you, chief. Thank you very much. The Cancer Screening, i am happy to hear that happened. I think the times are changing. People are stepping up to do that. That is really cool. What is the next steps for that type of stuff . Is there going to be some sort of announcement to them . There is hipaa stuff. Is there going to be another one so other members have the opportunity . Can you give me a little bit around that . What we did, i asked the chief to see if we could detail companies down there on those three days without impacting us operationally. We had to rotate. We wanted to rotate people through and get as many people as we could, and that is why the Cancer Prevention foundation ran out of kits on the last day. Yes, if there are any issues, anything flagged about those tests, the individual will be notified themselves and either, you know, instructed with next steps. There have been people who have tested, you know, positive for something and have gone to the doctor and there is nothing. We have also found cancer in some of our members, active and retired. It is a lifesaver. I dont know how often Cancer Prevention foundation does this, but it is an ongoing part of what they do for us. Are they using the statistics or data behind it to learn from it . I assume this isnt just blind testing for the benefit of the members there. Is an important component of knowing statistically speaking what the incident of cancer are. There are a lot of scientists and physicians on the Cancer Prevention board. Some of the other things they do, when i was talking about when we met with doctor Jennifer Brokaw, she is more as assisting people in the hospital, figuring out treatment. Some of the other folks are number crunchers and people who put studies together and the like. Chief, i want to thank you for coming on saturday. You were there, you are always there and you always climb. I really, really appreciate the support you have given both to the cause and to the event that we do every year. We raised a record amount of money this year, and we had about 600 people climbing with almost 2500 people donating, different donations. It is a big part of what we do is syndicating the message and getting it out. That is just as important as raising the money. Thank you, chief for your efforts and support. The mayor also climbed and so did supervisor stefani. Every year i finish the climb as a tradition. The former cleave and i cleared the stairs. We do the climb together to end the event. Special thanks to everybody that came out and volunteered and members of the staff that were there. Thank you so much. Now we get to spend money on cool stuff to support the members. That is appreciated. Chiefs cochran and chief we could never thank you for the work you do in the way most deserving. You guys like to, i know it is who you guys are to downplay the importance of what you did, but, obviously, if everybody responded the way i did, nobody would have been there. You know, the people that did show up, it is a big deal, and it shouldnt be downplayed. I know that is the character what you guys do because you feel like it is what you do and it is who you are and that is what makes this more extraordinary. Thank you very of what you do and continue to do for the membership. They know you are there throughout the nation. It is people like you there to support in the hardest times of need. It can never be understated. Thank you again. Thank you very much. Commissioner hardeman. Commissioner hardeman thank you. Chief nicholson, very good this morning. Your brevity is going to be your legend. People love brevity. You can get through so far. A lot of Different Things i have been involved with, you say what you have to say as briefly. I give you a pat on the back for that, and you recognize the people that sign the checks for the Fire Department, the important people at city hall and making sure they dont get overlooked. You talk about 9 11, i think everybody wanted to do something at 9 11, but the 11 that went from this department deserve a pat on the back, especially the two here today. It is funny how you said going to funerals. You are not construction workers. That wouldnt be your thing. What are you going to do push a shovel or attend to give a little respect to the families. That was a good idea. I didnt know you did that. That was terrific. I always try to think of a somber day. Everybody feels the same on 9 11. It seems like it was yesterday. I thought what i could do today. I wore a new suit and american flag. Sometimes i bring to the firehouse and bring a box of candy. It is moving when all 343 names are read. I like the fact they lead with the first name because we are just a diverse country, and we all have interesting last names from where our roots are. It is a very moving day and pats on the back to how it was handled this morning, very good. My favorite restaurant on Market Street was closed at 7 30 a. M. So i had to find another one a couple blocks away. It was good. I got a benefit today finding a new place to eat breakfast. Congratulations to commissioner veronese on the stair climb. I would be dead. There was a time i could have ran there. We would resuscitate you, dont worry. I didnt want to temperaturet myself. Thank you, commissioner hardeman. Since there are no other questions or comments we will ask the deputy chief to come and present his report on operations. I know, chief nicholson you have to leave in a few minutes. Good morning. Deputy chief of operations. Here is my Operations Report for august. We had 21 working fires in august. I have a video of one. We were able to keep them all at first alarm assignments. There was a rescue. This was on commonwealth on august 5th. Again, rapid extinguishment of the fire and rescue, and everything went well. We also had three cliff rescues, five bay rescues, and the San Francisco Fire Department rescued 15 civilians in august, not counting the medical side. Our pio was involved in 50 functions and Community Outreaches. One i would like to mention in particular is on august 19th was the first day of our Mission High School fire ems program. This consists of theory tired and active members of the Fire Department. It consists of San Francisco fire instruction, field trips, and in this class we have 37 students, 15 are female, of those 10 are accepted into the girls fire camp. Station 7 and 6 assisted with a lot of events. I would like to acknowledge them. Wwe willwe will filter through e employee groups through the classes so students can relate to diversity. We want to build on mentorship. First semester is introduction to fire, second introduction to e ms. We are pursuing the ideas to certify as emts in the future. Ems division update. We had 20 selections made for the h3l1 Academy Started on august 26. Iit is a six week program. August 24th is the graduation. Ems expanded with additional unit be to provide coverage from 0600 to 0200 hours seven days an week. On the medical incidents the trend is same from july to august. To the ems6 report, notable total number of calls generated by High Frequency callers was 1,021. 47. 8 percent self identify as homeless. The total number of unique individuals engaged by ems6 was 83. That is up from last months number of 58. We have much more contact. Of the 20 specific people that we track, there was a reduction in call volume from 17 of the 20. That is with the top 20 call volume changed to a drop in 30 . A single Success Story a 61 year old male that accumulated 42 transported in the first four months. In the subsequent four months this is reduced to 10. He is now housed in an sro. Referrals offered, we had 85 referrals offered. We made 40 connections out of those. It is close to 50 in making connections. The xm pages report. The narcan. We had an increase in use by 29 incidents. The percentage of unidentifiable home address were the same. 29 incidents were perhaps due to the opoid strain that is out there right now. I have included the average turnaround time for the hospital and the overall transport medical call turnaround time next month i will make these a little larger so they are easier to read. They are there for us to explain if you would like. Also, we have been deploying our tems medic. We did it at outside lands and we will continue to try to deploy in light of what is going on in this country. We are working with with sfpd to include at all future large events. That brings us to the division of prevention investigation. We had 68,072,000 in permit application fees collected. The total number of complaints closed in the month of august which is exceptional was 391. We engaged in 22 Community Outreach presentations in education, we reached over 11600 Community Members in all of those outreaches. In training, we were lucky this month. We had a plan review class and we 433 members complete 33 members complete 21 hour six week class. The captain harold the total fire fees collected 1,450,000. 817s. Captain michael pat in charge of 15 horizontal designs. That means it is the site plan including the Fire Department access to a site and the street mapping is ongoing. He has 15 horizontals and working on ongoing 28 vertical in the vertical design. That means those are code requirements in the actual build they are going through at this time. The bureau of Fire Investigation update. We still have a low number of 53 open active Fire Investigation reports. Fire marshal is meeting next week with the state fire marshal to discuss the high rise and bart facilities and hopefully we will have closure. He is working hard to close these issues. On to the airport division. The airport participated in active shooter fullscale exercise at the grand hyatt hotel. They coordinated a live bay at Half Moon Bay airport. They attended weapons of mass destruction planning meetings and continue to do trains and tours and work group meetings. Their run totals at airport were 569 runs. I would like to notice the ongoing success of bike met medic program. 279 dispatches. Homeland security. Chief cochran is working hard and his staff with the Disaster Response manual review. We are continually revising the manual. It is a living document. We have reinstituted our incident management team. We have sent out to the field a request and many new members are signing up to assist us with that. We will be expanding our team. We had a mayoral directive for sffd planning or coupe. This is who is in charge of what, what are their duties. It is the citys homework they gave us. That was completed and submi submitted. The special events steering committee, Homeland Security is working hard with ems to assist with the many growing citywide events which continue to be a challenge for staffing. The delegation of the French Agency we were honored to have the french Homeland Division visit headquarters. They toured in our pump station and we discussed wild land fires, Homeland Security, natural disasters, active shooters and our auxiliary water supply system. The pio group did a great job. Fleet week as you know is coming up october 6 through 14. Homeland security is involved in the upcoming fleet week, active in supporting the military with many events and planning developing many event action plans. Homeland security met with u. S. Secret service when we discussed large events in San Francisco and we continue to protect the city. I have a drone update. Fema reviewed or calo request to use 2018 Homeland Security grant for the Drone Program. The equipment met the requirements and is here by approved. Our next step the city passed a surveillance ordinance. We were asked to be grandfathered in and we were denied so we have asked the City Attorneys for an exception. We probably can use some help. We are waiting for an answer from the City Attorneys. Also, in memor yum on this dale day we met with Sergeant John young to honor a distinguished Fallen Police officer. I would like to honor loren morrison. He was a friend of the Fire Department. He worked for abc 7 news. He passed away right after retiring. Another personal friend firefighter dennis petty is a victim of cancer in the fire service. May they all rest in peace. This concludes my daily Operations Report for august. Open to any questions or comments. President nakajo thank you very much. We will ask members of the public to please approach the podium. At this time, members of the public, seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Questions or comments from the commissioners. I see commissioner veroneses name on the docket. Commissioner veronese on the drone thing. Give us who, what, why it was denied. Who denied it and what is the impact much that . Basically, i think this was started by supervisor peskin in the issue of surveillance, stopping pd and Fire Department from hashtag the surveillance camera for privacy issues. Because of that we had to answer to the mayor and the city on every camera that we have in the department, for security reasons like we have in our Drug Cabinets that we keep at station 49 even to the cameras on the new apparatus backing up. We had to list every camera in the department. We requested a grandfather clause for this. There is a new privacy issue with the public. Now we are asking for a variance and we have to wait for the City Attorneys answer. We are up for any assistance that you have. There is a new law that was passed that requires us to report every camera including a backup camera on a vehicle that doesnt record . We had to list every camera the department has in operation on a vehicle or at a location or anything. There is a privacy issue with the city and we are trying to comply with it. Wasnt the privacy issue, isnt that the whole reason why the quite policy was made . We drafted the resolution in regard to our policy on drones around those specifications, right . So we should have met those. Sorry chief, i didnt mean to drill into something, but this sounds to me. Deputy chief mike cochran Homeland Security. I agree it is quite the journey, i will say. We are probably going to have to ask to speak on it. It is any software or Electronic Device that can be associated with any individual or group, report it, which we did. Like the deputy chief said, we are trying to get a variance for the drone. The policy we should have an emergency operation. That is where we are right now. We submitted everything with the cfo. Mark, can you give a quick update. Is the ordinance passed. Now we need a variance from the ordinance to run the Drone Program to save lives . Just to be clear what this means. Good morning. Yes, there was a new ordinance. The issue we have, we had to report on all existing technology, not just cameras, social media for all city departments. There is a clear separation between existing technologies used by departments and future proposed technologies. The issue with the drone is that it is in the middle. We have the policies approved. It is not in operation. We are working with the City Attorney to be grandfathered into the current existing technologies. That requires the board of supervisors to act and mayor to sign like ordinance . They are passed that ordinance. That has gone through the board there. Are certain reporting requirements to the board and in general. We are working on that. There are a number of reporting requirements to the board as far as types of technologies. Who makes the decision on the variance . City attorney and board. The board of supervisors makes that decision . There is language in the ordinance that gives exemptions and so there is the interpretation of the exemptions, the City Attorney is working with the board on. How can we help to push this over the line . This is another city obstacle that is ridiculous. Now that we have fema and everything approval. We will follow up with the City Attorney. I will update everybody. Do you need us to follow up with the City Attorney . At this time we just got word of the approval from the feds. I will follow up. If we need assistance i will reach out. Can you send me the name and number of that City Attorney . Absolutely. Thank you. When we get this done, it is going to be a running joke, i know. Chief, i love the part in your report that listed the challenges that ems is having. Two paragraphs there. I think if every commissioner if they havent read it, reread it. It is good information. It talks about detoxification and certain places where challenges that the ems staff are having with people overdosing, and i think since the solution here is kind of out of our hands, in other words, we are responding to 911 calls finding that the solutions to these problems city wide are not sufficient, it would make sense to put that in a letter to send to the department of health so they are aware what is going on in the street. They may be aware of it, but it would be nice to get that in the form of a letter to the department of health so they know, by the way these solutions arent good and we are left in a position responding to the calls without having a place to bring these people for help. That is not page no. D but the title is challenges. We will memorialize that. It is superimportant. In that same letter i love the data we are receiving. I think this is the first time i have ever seen it. The overall average transport unit medical cost turnaround time. If i am reading this correct. These are turnaround times. The amount of time the ambulances are sitting on the hospitals once they arrive. Correct. So it looks like on the code two calls, the average is about 30 minutes. Then on the code three calls the average looks like it is in the 40 minutes. Where do we want the that to be . What is ideal for the department . Do we know that . This data were compiled during the week. We are working on ways to analyze. In 2009 if you look at the chart, the average turnaround time from hospital to being back in service was 23 minutes. In 2019, it is on the very bottom yearly overall average. The code two on the left side, code three right side. Next month i will have this on a whole page to read it better. Can you show nethe page you are looking at. The draft in the middle so i have a cheat sheet so i will let you know. 2009 it was 23 minutes. In 2019 it was 33 minutes and 22 seconds. That is saincrease in nine minutes and 34 seconds. We are trying to analyze why has it increased. This is from the hospital time. Is it time waiting to get a bed . We are analyzing the code three turnaround time to hospital from in service went from 35 minutes and 30 seconds to a seven minute increase from 10 years ago. We are trying to analyze why the weakness is. When you do that analysis, i would take a look at that 2009 number to see if that should be the benchmark. You guys know this business better than i do. When you arrive at a hospital, what steps are occurring at the hospital in which you should be able to cut loose . After a certain amount of time at the hospital you are doing their work as opposed to being able to cut loose to do your work on the street. You get to the hospital, you are met by staff, you brief the staff, at that point that patient is theirs, right . I am hallucinating as to that process. The patient should be theirs but we are hanging out for 40 minutes in a lot of cases. Those are 40 minutes and seconds count in our job. I would look at the process of what happens when you get to the hospital and at some point we should be telling them we are cutting lose at this point because this time is way too much for us. I thank you for adding this information. I am glad we are looking at that stuff and i am curious how we learn from it and what we do. This is all data they are helping us collect. We have what will be called a a pod report. Ambulance patient offload time report. It will be broken down by hospital and time of day and that will be in next months report. We gave him numb work with these right here. We hope to disseminate where the weakness is. Then i also noticed on the ems six calls up to 48 are homeless related. I think i dont have the old information. I think that is an increase. It used to be 30 . Now we are late 40s. We should keep our eye on that. As i mentioned in one of the last meetings. That is the Homeless Outreach team as opposed to frequent caller list. We should change the name of that unit at some point if it is predominantly homeless people. Thank you for your report. Outside of the report, yesterday i noticed that Apple Computers unveiled their new devices and a feet on the new devices which is obviously a surprise to everyone that if you hit the button on the phones or watches as well it calls 911. I am wondering in a Geographic Area like San Francisco where a lot of people have these phones if apple or anybody has reached out or done the analysis to what that will do to our 911 system. It was news to me yesterday. If we see a big wave of 911 calls because people are fidgeting with phones or watches, it is something to keep our eye on. Maybe somebody from the department can pick this up to determine what it works and make a call to dem so they are tracking this so we have to make sure this technology doesnt get out of hand and prevent real calls from coming through. Thank you, chief. I appreciate your part. President nakajo commission. Commissioner hardeman thank you for the great report. My favorite is on the first alarms only. It is not that you dont have anything to do, it is obvious by these graphics that you showed on the video the blazing infernos and you have the ladder trucks dealing with it. The person up in the ladder truck, that truck is really valuable and doing the job and not having to call a second alarm. Not that it is a big deal but it is a challenge for the department to do it in one, you do it. We used to say get the second one there as quick as you can. I think there is an attitude change over the last year or so to deal with the second one when needed. It is a good thing we didnt have the french in today they beat us in worlds cup basketball today. They might not have the same respect as we give them. Interesting about the drone. It is unmanned helicopter. We dont have rules on helicopters why do we have rules on drones . Should the cameras News Agencies stop taking drones. We have these privacy rules. There is no privacy when you have a helicopter taking video of what is there. There was one above us today at the event. It is comical. There have never been any rules against that. We could have used a drone in the Oakland Airport when they got in trouble. Who knows what kind of person he was. He went through a fence and was trying to evade police that were after him and ended up drowning themselves. They didnt know why he was. If they had a drone they might rescue him. He died over the real strict rules, which are good. If an airport had its own drone, it migh might be a good idea. We have the bays that a drone might be useful in emergency. That is neither here nor there. The narcan use. Johnson johnson got stuck with 550 million fine for their use in oklahoma for their involvement in narcotics. I have a friend who works for them. They are having parties. They thought it would be in the billions. 550 million they could careless. You would think they would make a big deal about it, that was the best thing that could happen to them. They consider that a huge victory paying that kind of money. In the cliffs in the day, you are very busy. I get a text message on the events that are going on. Very busy last month with rescues. Very good job, good work. I will be going to new york city later this month to see the memorial, and, hopefully, i will get around there and it wont be too crowded. That was it. Thanks for your report, chief. It is nice to have it documented and the photos are great, too. President nakajo Vice President covington. Commissioner covington thank you for your report. It is very comprehensive and much appreciated. Along with my fellow commissioner i would like to be appraised of what is going on with the Drone Program. It has been awhile, and we need to expedite this process as much as possible and so in that regard anything that we can do to assist, please feel free to call upon commissioner veronese and myself. Fema took awhile but they were engaged with everything going on weatherwise i in the country. Now that it is back in city hands we should move things along more quickly. Keep us appraised about that. Thank you. Also, i wanted to ask about the narcan. Are we paying the same amount of money for narcan as someone an average citizen would be paying . Have you ever reported how much increase there is in narcan application . This month we had an increase of 29 individuals that we administered the narcan to. It changes monthtomonth. If there is a bad strain of an opioid out there. There was 29 more this month. I believe i just started putting this in my report last month. We will keep an eye to see if it is going up different times of the year. I am wondering if there is a need to adjust the budget in some way as the narcan as a line item in the budget. I dont think it is necessarily something that would drive the overall budget. We looked at that in previous years. It is industry wide because they had a lot of manufacturing done in puerto rico. Over the past few years after the storms there and the inability to produce, there have been shortages. There is price increases across the board. In recent years we have paid quite a bit more overall. I addressed that with the mayor and the budget. I dont think narcan, i believe it is about 5 per dose or Something Like that. That is what commissioner hardeman was saying. Just as you were approaching the microphone. He said i think it is only 5 per can. I think it is overall pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. I have a short question about vaping. Are you seeing any impacts in the city as a whole, particularly with young people and vaping . Not yet. I thought you would have mentioned it if that was the case, but i thought i would ask. Something definitely is reportable i will make sure it is in the next month report for sure. That is all i have right now. Thank you very much. I have a few comments. I appreciate your report. I also wanted to acknowledge that each report with the suggestions or recommendations to the commissions that different subject matters get enhanced and developed. Again, very much appreciate your comprehensive report. The photos help as well. We also have cover pages for your sections. I think that helps as well in terms of the ems division, the symbolism of that division is upon your cover and in terms of chief tong with the report in that particular section has been enhanced. The reference in response to ambulance times. We appreciate this. You can tell the commissioners are very keen in terms of information. If there is information that needs provided we certainly appreciate the cooperation of both of you and chief ellis. My last remark is that i very much am touched and pleased in your section we have recognition of colleagues within our city family. I know that Sergeant John young was a member of the San Francisco Police Department many, many years ago. I think it is really important that in a Department Reports this is the Fire Department that we have those kinds of acknowledgments as well, particularly because Sergeant Young served this city well and tragically had a death that occurred within that station. I also think and i appreciate because many times during the course of a daily week there is information that comes whether it is main line with 798 or other materials that talks about members of our department that have passed away and so to me it is always important to be able to see that and again i want to recognize the fact that you have recognized your colleagues in this report as well. I particularly just want to close and mention that i, too, was a very dear friend of loren Morrison Channel 7. He was my age. We got to know each other over 45 years. He would be the cameraman for kgot that would show up. In the day he was the only africanamerican cameraman i used to be. We talked all the time every time we saw each other. Last time we talked was when the California Pacific Medical Center was opening up. At that time i knew he was ill. He acknowledged to myself i had illnesses as well in the past. I remarked in terms of his zeal for doing his job as we do our job, the Fire Department. Loren was an individual, a friend that carried the camera and did his job very, very well. I truly appreciate the fact his passing is memorialized with a photo as well. I want to thank you for that, chief, in terms of the recommendation for loren morrison of abc. He worked until he couldnt carry a camera any more. Madam secretary we can return to our order. Clerk discussion and possible action to the Fire Commissions response to the 20182019 civil grand jury report entitle act now before it is too late aggressively expand and enhance our High Pressure emergency firefighting water system. President nakajo this is the Fire Commission response, not the Fire Department nor p. U. C. Or the Mayors Office the due date is the 15th, a sunday. We have an opportunity to present on monday, the 16th. I know both reports in p. U. C. As well as the Mayors Office are in draft format moving towards approval. I think p. U. C. Might have adopted. Their meeting was recently. We will find that out. I know you and the staff will present for us the Fire Commission and the objection or the goal this morning is to adopt this motion. With that, chief ellis, can you please give us a report of the commissions response to the awss civil grand jury report . Good morning. Yes, thank you for the introduction. I was going to say that. This is your response on behalf of the commission. I will present this on that. What i am going to first an introduction what the ewss is and then go straight to their responses line by line what the civil grand jury recommendations from the commissions response is going to be. We will start with the presentation. What is ewss . High pressure system built for the 1906 earthquake and graphty speedo gravity sped and the transfer happened from the Fire Department responsibility to p. U. C. In 2010. M. O. U. Is established with the puv for the use

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