Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

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Opposed . It is unanimous in favor. We are moving right along here, with the heat. Before anybody passes out lets move onto item number number 13. Item 13, reports and updates from contracted health plan representatives. Anything from the health plans . Seeing then. None. Come forward, claire. Public comment on this item . Thank you, clear, retired and play San Francisco. The reason im bringing Public Comment for, i have been hearins item in this action. Ive been hearing for members that their physician are asking them for certain annual fees. Ive heard it anywhere from about 200 1,500 per year that the physicians are asking. We are not sure if it is what they call for concierge service. These are from u. H. C. Members, not kaiser. Basically none of the retirees have discussed this issue, mentioned it, brought it forward, or responded to my questions, want to be identified. They are real people. Im not making this up. The question is, are physicians allowed to do that . Make a request of their members and say, if you want to stay on my patient list, and if you want to get a better response, or you want me to be your physician, pay me that extra 500 per year, or 1,500 per year, or 200 per year, so i keep you on my patient list to get i thought we have equal access, across acrosstheboard, to all of our physicians. Because we have United Healthcare coverage, or we have blue shield. I really cannot say if any of these people are blue shield. Most of the ones i have talked to have all been medicare. We are questioning what this practices, and is it legal within the contract with United Healthcare. What this means for our members . Some members cannot afford that. They dont want to reveal this, because they do not want to lose their physicians as their primary care physicians. They like those doctors, they have been with them for another five years. You understand what the issues are here. The question i have, it seems like it is some kind of extortion. Is this something our retirees are going to look forward to, is it something that people are required to pay, not required to pay . And then, what does that mean . One of do you move to the bottom of the patient list . What happens if you dont pay those prices. I have been in communication with abby and mitchell, this is brandnew to them, from what i understand. The members, retirees, are fearing the danger of losing their primary care physicians if they come forward and reveal who they are. Thank you. Could summary from United Healthcare come up and asked blaine how this works somebody from United Healthcare come up and explain how this works . We have the Medicare Advantage ppo plan, which has an on differential benefits and out of participating providers that are in our network cannot charge a fee to the members to be seen. Not participating providers can do that, its up to the member to choose the provider and pay that fee if they want to see the provider. We cant do anything about that. If you can get some examples, you have to identify the member, if you can identify some of these providers we can follow up and see if they are in our network. If they are we will definitely take action with those providers. Thank you for that information. This practice, from my perspective has been going for quite a while. This is not new. The concierge services, which is the reason why it has been becoming more and more popular. I think the solution that you have offered, is a good one. That is, if members have concerns than they ought to be able to check with their carri carrier, United Healthcare, for example, to find out what the status of the provider i am quite sure, theres a reason why no kaiser physician does this, because is prohibited. In any ppo network, it would be prohibited as part of the contractual relationship with that carrier. I think there should be a mechanism for them to find out. There are some providers who will, in fact, say, i have a Practice Management consultant and he or she has advised me to change my practice. And now charges additional fees and that will give my population better access. I will ask you to find another provider if they are not in the ppo network. They cannot have both. They cant be in the Provider Network and do that. There is a mechanism. It is not legal for a certain group, but for another group, physicians are independent practitioners, and they have the ability to do that. It can be up to 15,000, per person, or i think it may have gone up. I know a practice where it was starting at 15,000 per person, or 25,000 per year for a coup couple, that was over and above their healthcare plan. This is not substitute for any healthcare. You cannot give up your United Healthcare, or kaiser, or blue shield, if you sign up Something Like this, it is not Health Insurance it is just improved access. Would anybody that did that be considered a concierge, even if they just say we want 125 a year, or Something Like that . Ive heard this before i have seen all kinds of promises being made, certain physicians have said, you know, i dont have saturday off hours, but if you sign up for this additional service, at whatever rate, i will have expanded office hours, including late afternoon, saturday hours. I will promise promise responsive to phone calls i will promise responsive phone calls and email access. They offer a menu of benefits for this category. I have seen people promise this, and actually not deliver. Members pay 500 to have a saturday appointment, and the office is never open on saturday. It is a buyer beware. There is a menu of what this entails. I will say, you know, for members who pay 10,000 or whatever, its an incredible service. Those providers accompany members to their specialty appointments. They close their office, close their availability to other members so they can go see the oncologist. That is White Glove Service in a way that most of us probably dont benefit. Those members who can pay that, do get some service on it may be worth it to them. Any other comments on the subject . Seeing none. Okay, item number 14, please. Item 14, opportunity for the public to comment on matters within the boards jurisdiction. Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is erica, and i recognize that the item i am concerned about, typically speaking is not on the agenda today, the fertility benefits. But my understanding, you do not meet next month, so i wanted to share my thoughts again, just to keep it on the radar. Again, i want to thank you for listening, and really hearing my concerns, and also thank the staff are all of the time they have spent on this. I want to states, as a reminder, that the investigation that was conducted by the department did show that my experience was not unique, or isolated, and it was validated. Also, a reminder, should you make this policy change it does not make the process any easier. I do not think people are going to flock to come do ivf. It is not an easy process. Even with the windows of coverage that i have been able to get, i am Something Like 34,000 in, and i failed in my attempts. So, i think this is an amazing opportunity, although it does not make the process easier, it will allow equity and access to the benefits, which is really priceless. The three things i wanted to point out is in order to make the benefits a fertility benefit, versus an infertility benefit what should be considered for deletion is the demonstrated condition that leads to infertility. That is what makes the difference between something being a fertility benefits, or infertility benefit. If you delete the necessary demonstrated condition, then it would be a fertility benefit. What was being proposed last month, a 50 coinsurance benefit for insemination services. Insemination services is a medical term. It means something very specific. Insemination services is not ivf. It is not retrievals. Its when you take a sperm and an egg to serve to fertilize it. It is not the transfer. It is not genetic testing. It is not egg freezing. Something along the lines of insemination services, egg freezing, ivf and all fertility related services would really get you at, what i think, the commission is looking for his equity and access for all fertility benefits. The last thing is, in the proposed policy, it says 50 coinsurance. My suggestion, for consideration, is to delete the number 50 , it ties the hands of the department to negotiate in the future, potentially more, 55 , 60 . I am not a city attorney, just maybe using the word coinsuran coinsurance. I dont know if that means 50 , or that can mean whatever the differences. To put it in that the policy of the department wanted to negotiate higher benefits, in the future, they would have to come back and change the policy. Thank you for your time. And thank you for giving me more than three minutes. All right. Item number 15. Item 15, opportunity to place items within the boards jurisdiction on future agendas. Any suggestions . Anybody have something they would like to put on our next agenda . Seeing none. Our next meeting, a reminder, is november, not october. Any Public Comments on this it item . All right. We are on item number 16. This meeting is adjourned. Welcome to the San Francisco Planning Commission regular hearing for thursday, september 12, 2019. I would like to remind members of the public the commission does not tolerate outbursts of any kind. Please silence your cell phones and if you speak before the commission, please state your name for the record. We will not have speaker cards. Commissioners, i would like to take roll at this time. Pai roll call . We expect commissioner moore to arrive shortly. Commissioners, first is consideration of items for continuous, 201500258cua at hamilton avenue. Conditional use authorization proposed until november 7th, 2019. I have to other items for continuance. Any members that would like to comment on items proposed for continuance . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner hillace . Moved to continue. Seconded. Move to continue to november 7th. The motion passes 40. That places under the consent calendar for item 2, case 202 2, cua, 21 avenue. Any member who would like to pull this avenue out for consent . Commissioners . Commissioner hillace . Approve. Second. Item two under consent calendar. roll call . So moved and that motion passes unanimously 40, placing us under commission matters 3, consideration of Adoption Draft minutes for august 29, 2019. Are there any members of the public that would like to comment on draft minutes . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed, commissioner johnson . Moved to approve draft minutes. Second. Thank you, commissioners and on that motion to adopt minutes. Minutes. Missiothemotion. Motion passes 40. Seeing no comments, that will place us under 5, directors announcements. This is Anne Marie Rogers and no announcements. Past event to board of supervisors, board of appeals, no Historic Preservation hearing yelled. Good afternoon, commissioners. This weak, the committee considered supervisor safye to allow overnight camping at 2340 san jose avenue. The Committee Recommended approval with recommendation. The modification was to alter so it may be used on other sites. Public comment was in support and many speakers express add desire to see this citywide. The Committee Recommends this as a Committee Report to be heard at the full board of supervisors this week. The other item on the agenda which would authorize interim activities by the mayor was continued to the call of the chair. At the full board this week, supervisor sorry, a Planning Commission sponsored ordinance that would allow im sorry, the herst building passed the second read and chinatown use district passed a second read and overnight camping in vehicles passed the first read. On the introductions this week, supervisors haineys ordinance to allow the linkage fee was reintroduced. In the new version, the fee increased from 19. 96 to 69. 69 for office space and 16. 36 for laboratories to 6. 43. The original ordinance only had the increase of 38 for office space and did not change any other fees. This ordinance will be brought to you next week. Its packet is in your packet this week. That concludes my report. If there are no questions, commissioners, i have the reporm the board of appeals. They considered three items that may be of interest to the Planning Commission. All three were disapprovals of Building Permit applications under discretionary reviews. The board of appeals considers the item de novo, which means they hear the case anew and not referring to findings o finding, 6camino delmar. This was a discretionary review and cited private agreement between requester and applicant. This was for a review in 201 ultimately withdrawn based on changes to the permit by the permit applicant. They included removal of a proposed deck similar to that proposed under the current permit. The board found this to be problematic continuing this to november 23rd, to allow the parties additional time to resolve their dispute. This subject seeks to configure the layout on three existing dwelling units which would extend into the rear yard requiring a variance. The Planning Commission header as a disagenciary review on february 20 2019 and voted to d. The thirdfloor dwelling unit would not be affordable. They denied the request for the rear yard variance, while the appellant, the permit holder, appealed the permit. They did not appeal the variance. At the hearing, they requested a proposed thirdfloor addition such that the project is code compliant and included an adu in the nonconfirming ground floor space and found these changes resulted in a project compatible with the carna character and thd continued the item to october 23rd, to allow the apentant to work with staff to finalize the project. This subject permit seeks to vertical addition to an existing building containing two dwelling units. The Planning Commission heard this as a public initiated review and denied this that the project had been used as a means of dislodging existed tenants under rent control. They noted it did not add dwelling units. The board cited the fact that the permit before them did not maximize appropriate density on the lot. And if there are no questions, commissionerrerings, we can move commissioners, we can move on to general comment. Members may address the commission, jurisdiction of the commission, except agenda items. Your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when this is reached in the meeting. Each public may address up to three minutes and those wishing to submit public testimony could line up on the there are screens on both sides of the rooms here, to my left, thank you. Its like being in england, you know, with the overhead here. Dont know what do or how to drive. Good afternoon. I sent you an email last night, two minutes. Thank you, four. With a fourpage pdf and i dont know if you got it but i think you did. In this is for you today and if i could have the overhead, please. I watched the hearing on the 29th of august and i was fascinated by that back and forth by what a demolition and whats not. I realized it was, like, the light bulb went off, all of the things youre dealing with with the demolition issue have to do with after the fact. When things are demolish and gone and how do you prevent demolitions and what do you want . What is the policy . And if you look at this overhead thing, this is the numerical criteria for the rh1, since its been in place. Theres only officially three years printed, 2014, 2015, 2017 and was raised in july. I found other numbers on the internet. It was high, went down and shot up. My contention is that as this has gone up, the demo calcs, which are a part of the section 317 and your responsibility to adjust, for policy efficacy to preserve housing have stayed flat and have not changed. And i think that its something you can do. It says its not legislative. I think it should have been on four timed. I wrote a letter in june asking about that and asked you to ask the city torn. Attorney. Its proactive and solves the issue of the confusion over 103 in the Building Code or 106. If you look at that email i sent you last night, 103 relates to demos without a permit. It doesnt have to do anything with demos, per say. Ive given you copies of this little chart i made and shows this socalled Pacific Heights exemption should be removed from the planning code because the prices have just swept up and people sometimes adjust their appraisals to meet that and demolish a house and get administrative approval. I hope you look at this and think about the demo cals and adjusting them. Thank you very much. Have a good day. Thank you. Anyone else for Public Comment . inaudible . This is general Public Comment for items that do not appear on the agenda, thats right, no speaker cards. Im with the united Public Workers for action. I think we have an example from San Francisco of the ongoing chaos in the city and county of San Francisco. People in San Francisco are aware this Planning Commissioner, along with the board of supervisors approve the warriors stadium without proper transit Facilities Partnership we have a further situation with further gri gridlock and this io serve the people who go to warriors games. This is reactionary and corruption. Who does this Planning Commission represent . Arent you supposed to be in charge of looking at how development will affect transportation . Isnt that one of your responsibilities as commissioners . Apparently not. So youre approving planning projects in San Francisco, all over the city, regardless of no transportation. You think its irresponsible and i think you really, along with the mayor who appointed you are responsible for this gridlock, in this chaos. Youre violating your authority, violating your responsibility. You should not be Planning Development projects without proper transit in San Francisco. Youre encouraging further gridlock in San Francisco and in case of the warriors, hurting the workingclass minority in west you know, in bay point, hunters point. Think that the people of San Francisco have to look carefully because this really is corruption of the developers. The easy hand effort developers means we dont have a Planning Commissioner. We have shells who call themselves a Planning Commission but basically, it has to be the developers. They approve regardless of the cost of the people of sanfranciscsanfrancisco. I think that the Planning Commission and mayor be held accountable for allowing Development Without transit which is a requirement in the law. Its a requirement in the law that you have to have proper transit before you approve development. Youre ignoring that. Youre ignoring that. I think we have to look carefully at what youre doing. Theres a Development Issue which will be coming up later today about 1500 condos, milliondollar condos on ocean avenue without serious planning for transit and youre ready to approve that. The city of San Francisco has spent millions of dollars without proper planning for transit. I think, again, it shows the culpability and who you really represent. Thank you. Anyone else for Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. That places us under the regular calendar case 2017440, 2222 broadway. Good afternoon, im sharon young, Planning Department staff. The item before you was for authorization at 222 broadway to increase the enrollment cap for an existing schools of the sacred heart, broadway campus with a student enrollment increase ranging from 850 to 1,050 student and an increase in the number of faculty and staff from 200 to 205. The proposal will involve modifying the conditions of a prior use authorization on 99. 217c, motion number 160le 2 an16082with a current age of stt enrollment. No construction is proposed as part of the project, no physical alterations through existing School Communities and sites are proposed. The proposed project will include implementation of a Transportation Management plan, a categorical exemption for this proposed project. As far as issues and considerations, the correspondents from several neighbors were, the panorama Condominium Owners Association at 2190 broadway, the Homeowners Association at 228 broadway and Pacific Heights association requesting Additional Information requesting concerns for opposition to the project. The project sponsor submitted doesnt support the project. The project was originally scheduled for the january 24th g Commission Hearing but was further requested to allow the project sponsors, neighborhood groups and parties for continued neighborhood discussions. In the response to the neighborhood concerns for project sponsor, they amended the conditional use application to legalize the operation within the current range of student enrollment by facing student enrollment over multiple school years and an agreement with Residents Association. They support action by planning staff and the Planning Commission to include the main provisions of the agreement and to the initial use authorization approval of the project. This concludes any presentation. Good afternoon. Thank you for your time. As you heard, were requesting an enrollment increase from 850 to 1,050 students and proposing a stepped enrollment to grow into those additional students. The broadway campus where the enrollment would be implemented has three schools. Theres no construction proposed as part of the project. The school has a good footprint to support additional students. And although we received a cu for a physical expansion in 2001, there hasnt been an enrollment increase since the 850 students were granted in 1984. And youll here in a few minutes from the president of schools, anabout how it would allow the school to better serve the community, including scholarship students and youll hear from head of physical plan about traffic measures taken recently. Were really excited to report that weve entered into an agreement with the Pacific Heights Resident Association to support the project. Its been a long path which has been great for the school to increase its communication and work with the community. You did hear that there was opposition to the project. Yoi think that is old opposition that was before we had many, Many Community meetings since then. If i could have the overhead. So you can see the numbers. One of thenings wer of the thie requesting we have increased 1,000 student and have an informational hearing so the neighbors can be heard and there can be a public forum before we reached the last 50 students. If thats not granted, woe decrease or request and its important the Community Feels comfortable but rather than go through a full hearing and evaluate the 50 students, it would be best to have an additional hearing. In addition to the work with. Hraphra. Thanks for eurotunnel thanks to thyour time and youllhear froml staff now. Thank you. Good afternoon. Its been my pleasure to serve as the president of the school since the 20122013 school year. Schools of the sacred heart have played a vital role in the education of San Francisco since 1887 and we hope to be a positive force for good in the city and as a school and a source of service to the community. In my first year as president , i identified in enrollment in the cu conditions as one of the most Critical Issues for the school to focus on as we formed a Strategic Vision end plan. I was to alleviate the financial pressures facing the school that have been the primary source of historic overenrollment. The school afired to add enrollment opportunities in the high school levels. At the middle level, there are many applicants for limited openings. A Space Utilization study showed our Physical Plant had significant unused capacity. The school could grow its enrollment without growing its physical footprint. Once we identified there was room to grow, we analyzed our staffing needs and found that a student increase could be accomplished with minimal added faculty and staff. On april 7, 2018, in an effort to address the strategy and remedy the overall enrollment, the school applied for a 30yearold cup and applied for the increase of 200 students. It was critical that there was a low associated cost impact, since the hope was to provide increased admission opportunities and continuing to distribute significant Financial Aid to families. Providing excellent Education Opportunities to a Diverse School body reflective of the socioeconomic range of San Francisco is at the core of the sacred heart admission. The school is committed up to distributing 25 of the gross tuition at the high schools and 15 to 20 at the elementary in financiaFinancial Aid. We see this as a reflection of the founding principles. The School Awards over 8. 5 million annually in Financial Aid to serve 33 of our students, making us one of the most socioeconomically Inclusive Schools in San Francisco. The additional approval will help us to continue this addition. The school has worked through the process with the neighborhood developing a trusted relationship we hope will last a long time. It has been a rewarding experience to be at the table with the community and we have learned a lot. If you we look forward to continuing our work with our neighbors. Since the traffic impact has been central to these efforts to bring this application forward and is a critical factor to the safety of our students as well as important to our neighbors, youll hear from the director of our Physical Plant to share some highlights of our work to mitigate the traffic impact. The projects presentation has concluded, but the commissioners may invite you back up with questions later. If theres any member of the public who wishes to submit testimony, they can line up on the left side of the room or my left. Im a member of my schools hearttoheart programme. We host the peerto peer and Summer Reading programme. These programmes, our studen sts have an opportunity to serve as the western addition. They are prince hall, magic zone and booking t. Washington. I feel my position is to guide students to follow as globally conscious citizens. I thought it was important to have a role to exit to a larger community. This is exactly what i have found in the hearttoheart. As a coordinator, i work with the students and this gives us an opportunity to mentor in academics. The real focus is for students to build relationships. One way we are able to learn from other members of our communities is by engaging with each other. What i want for students to get out of this and what i believe is the greatest success of this programme is when students begin to see that the work between t u tutotutor and student is re. Ive been a Student Support coordinator. In this programme, we collaborate with prince hall, magic zone and university of San Francisco. For sick weeks of the summer, we would average 80 students from transitional kindergarten to eighth grade. This is for students to volunteer in the classrooms. While this engages in research to understand a drop that happens in reading from elementary to middleschool, it strives to promote diversity and inclusion amongst communities. My hope with this is to foster a strong sense of community between students but between faculty and staff members. As i reflect on the sacred heart goals, i see goal three, and goal four, the christian value that comes light with hearttoheart. Once a child of say credit heartsacred heart,always a chil. The responsibility i feel to my students on a daily basis is the same type of responsibility i feel to the students we work with in these programmes. The minute they step through our doors, they become one of our very own. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I joined this community, the schools of sacred heart since fifth grade and so ive been part of the community for about eight years now and for all of those years, i received Financial Assistance, which has been really helpful to my education. And so something that has been real convenient for me is that the transportation, because i live in the tende tenderloin, te transportation between my home and the schools have been convenient and i feel like the many kids that live in the tenderloin, it would be convenient for them to travel back and forth between school and the off mazin amazing finand schools offer, i feel like it can be helpful to the rest of the kids in the tenderloin because many families are looking for opportunities and Financial Aid so that they can create longlasting friendships and i feel like the most important part about my education at stewart hall has been longlasting friendships. For kids to attend these school, they will have an opportunity to have longlasting up froms and that is important. Good afternoon. Im currently the chair of the agent on the San Francisco youth commission, but im here in my capacity as a student of convent of the sacred heart school. Ive been a member of the community for four years. Theyve been a part of mine for much longer, given ive been a resident of d2 since i was in first or second grade. One thing that my Previous School community my Previous School is on the way between my house and the sacred heart so we would pass our campus everyday. One thing the school envied was the organization that the schools of the sacred heart had. They seemed to get students in at double the rate than my Previous School given the way they organized the campus itself and the resources that they use and the organization they have. As a member of the school community, theres a lot more assets to this body that i think that the city could be useful for the community, including the type of organization the type of education they provide to students. Schools educate students whether through public service, keeping the campus clean or being mindful of our neighbors and resources around the community. One thing, unfortunately, that students are known for is the exclusivity. By expanding the amount of students that can be enrolled in the sacred heart, you can expand that to include more students across the city to benefit from the education that these types of schools tend to offer. I hope this resonated with the board and i thank you for your time. Thank you, next speaker, please. Ar asiaim one of the parente community. My reason is for coming here is to have this school be . . . To alaccessible to all families. I picked this school of sacred hearts is because of the allincludesive opportunity they give and the voice they give to their kids. They create strong, embodied kids that do care about their community. It would be wonderful to see this expanded to other families, as well. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im the executive director of collective impact located in the western addition. As a former employee of schools of the sacred heart, i highly recommend the school for conditional use permit to increase student enrollment. During my tenure, i learned a social awareness to impact on social justice issues and to effectively advocate for all youth. While i began working there ten years ago, we began a Strong Alliance with the school, through the hearttoheart programme. Through this partnership, we created a space to celebrate diversity while engaging and receiving academic support from their peers. They have been a valuable supporter of the backpack give away every august and to secure 2,000 backpacks annually to return to school, prepare to succeed. The school hosts a benefit concert where the proceeds go to support the backpack drive as well. Students participate in the Linton School supply drive every spring to collect things to go into the backpack. The school has also provided classroom space and outdoor space during the summertime for our hearttoheart Summer Reading camp and this Partnership Includes the university of San Francisco, magic zone, booker t. Washington centre and prince hall computer centre. Students receive support to make sure what theyve gained over the school year. The Reading Programme sevens 200 students and our students receive tutoring during the school year, from middle school and convent hall. They prepare students to thrive and live responsibly. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good afternoon. I have had the privelege of being employed by the school for 17 years. My experience at the school has been amazing. I had a nephew there that just graduated two years ago and hes attending California State University or bakersfield. My son is attending the school and currently as a junior. I support the application because the whole community has begigiven my nephew and son a br opportunity. Any son socially engaged in this opportunity that is different from what he will see another school. I have also seen firsthand, how this community is something Everyone Wants to be a part of. My son is eagerer day to go to school. Something as a father, i did not think i would ever see. For these reasons, i support the application and hope to see more students have the same opportunity as my son and my nephew did. Thank you for your time. Good afternoon. Im terry mcguire, president of the Residents Association or phra. Phra has held numerous meetings over the past six months to negotiate an agreement that would allow our organization and neighbors to support this application. Our board approved the agreement and to the best of my knowledge, it is also supported by most, if not all, of the neighbors. Our agreement established enrollment caps for future Academic Years with a requirement that there be a public hearing prior to approval of the last increase of 50 students for the Academic Year of 20242025. Since the Planning Department staff did not know how to recommend the desired hearing for that last increment, the school in a desire to comply with the agreement was willing to amend their application to request only an increase of 150 instead of the original 200 enrollment increase, but they had taken that action, perhaps, a little too late. The intent of the agreement was to require a simple hearing before that last increment of 50 was approved. The purpose of the hearing on that last increment of enrollment was to focus on progress and issues related to traffic and parking and the progress of the school in adhering to the enrollment caps and other provisions of the agreement. Phra and neighbors have no desire to require a new Environmental Impact report for the project. The new eir for the last 50 increment would be unnecessary and expensive. We hope there is an amendment before the final 50 is enrolled or approved. This action would be somewhere over 15 years ago when the conditional use permit for the stewart Hall High School at octa yoroctavian bush was approved. Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im greg scott, part of the pacific height Residents Association and i pratted i pra. They were forthcoming about coming up wit conditions in terms of our agreement. We are hoping that all of the terms for our agreement can be a part of the conditional use permit. Again, echoing what terry said without a separate eir. The school has been a good neighbor, open and cooperative and theyre to be commented for all theyve done in the neighborhood and theyre sensitive about parking in traffic and we expect that that will continue with this enadditional enrollment under the cu but were asking for an additional hearing before the last increment of 50 happens. Thank you for your time. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im max savage. This is an opportunity to support the Mental Health and wellbeing of students, teenaged students around the country. For the last year and a half, weve served as a startup in residence at convent and stewart Hall High Schools. The school has allowed for the Code Development of our platform, bringing together educators, students and Mental Health professionals and technology to breathe life into the platform. The platform is projected to reach over 100,000 students around the country free of charge. Many of these students live in San Francisco and go to different high schools in our city. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. I attended stewart hall for boys from 1994 to 2001 and then from 2002 to 2006. I went to stanford followed by oxford and recently from law school at berkley and now i work for the city and county of San Francisco, specifically the San Francisco d. A. s office and i work on collaborative courts with the office. Out i am born and raised in San Francisco. I grew up not very far from here in the tenderloin and where i grew up has a lot to what i do. My parents were very young and they recognised one thing, which is they were not going to be able to give us access to opportunities where we were growing up. They submitted my application as a first grader and i was lucky to be admitted. Thats why i think increased enrollment is important because i was one of the lucky ones. I learned how to speak english at the school of the sacred heart and made friends with classmates and their parents. I was lucky my parents saw this at a young age. Apart from the educational support, care and attention and wrapping of a blanket i received at the schools of the sacred heart, there was a great devotion of the city. I attribute that to a lot of the classes i took at stewart hall, where i was encouraged to volunteer year after year and i have continued to do so since then. Its not just the support and resources students from the background obtains, but the love and desire for the city when you are so ingraciated in a community. So i do hope that youll consider increasing enrollment and i thank you for the time. Thank you. Anyone else from the public wish to comment ton to item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I just wanted to say before i hand this off to the commissioners that im very well impressed with the students that turned out today. We always like when actual students show up to the hearing. Any school that prides itself on inclusivity, equity, Community Involvement and also offering Financial Assistance usually does it for me and im supportive of this project today. Commissioners . Commissioner hillis . I am, too, supportive and appreciate the school and the neighborhood working together to kind of work through some of their differences on this. We always we recognize that transportation is usually the driving force on these enrollment increases. Just a question for planning staff. Could we modify the ceu to give them those stepped increases and then just require i think weve done this in the past, the hearing when theyre before they exceed that 1,000student threshold . Yes, i think you could. Elizabeth, im on the planning staff. We have them on trained conditions, specifically condition 15 speaks to reporting. You can tack it on or add that on. As well as the stepped increases . We have an one under operation and you can add it there. Ok, great. You mean, i would support this with those changes being made. Commissioner fung . I have a question for project sponsor. What is the demographic breakdown of the population . Sorry, this is a little bit off the top of my head, but we did a publication for our High School Enrollment and i think we have people declare themselves how they want to be counted or whether they could consider themselves people of colour and

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