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Weve added to the record to this file a letter from the San Francisco Health Commission supporting this request. And recognizing brandons mother, louise lee, has been a dedicated staff member at the department of Public Health for the last 40 years. Alongside supervisor haney we have been advocating on this issue for over a month. In that month, Community Members have come together to raise funds and to send a delegation to the philippines to visit brandon, including supervisor haney and to organize an incredible breadth of grassr509s advocacy, fueled by hope, anger and love. In that month we havent seen enough from our federal government or national media. In addition to security for brandon, and an investigation, with this resolution we are calling on congress to end u. S. Military aid to dutertes regime until the extradition killings and and to provide immediate support to bring brandon back to San Francisco, away from his assailants and that he can receive the medical care that he needs and deserve. We call on the conscience of this country to stop subsidizing abuses and violence that have now hit so close to home. So thank you again, everyone, for turning out and not just this afternoon, but so often and in such a powerful way over the past month. And, colleagues, thank you so much for your support on this. President yee okay, supervisor safai . I will be brief and i appreciate the speakers who came out today and thank you to the leadership from haney on this. And i think that one of the things to underscore is that a threat to democracy anywhere is a threat to democracy everywhere. And this young man being a u. S. Citizen and being an environmental advocate and being one that wants to fight for justice around the world in his country of, you know, where his mother is from and family is from, i think that its an important thing. And so i want to thank you to all of the advocates who came out here today and say that we stand firmly shoulde shouldertoshoulder with him and we want to see the speedy return of brandon to the united states. So thank you for all of your hard work on this. President yee supervisor stefani . Thank you, president yee. I want to thank my colleagues for their passion and relentless courage to speak out and to thank all of those who came out. Im so sorry for what youre going through. And i wanted to be added. President yee supervisor brown . Yes, thank you. Its pretty powerful when you come out and you speak about it, friends, family, and advocates. And i would like to also be added to item number 23. Thank you. President yee supervisor haney. Thank you, president yee. I want to thank supervisor mar for your leadership, as well as your staff, edward wright, for being there for brandon and his family from the beginning. And for preparing this resolution. Its been, you know, humbling to partner with you as well as brandons friends and family who are here. I want to thank them. I want to thank all of the organizations. I know that brandon was very much a part of San Francisco and was raised in and politicized in many of the organizations that are here. The malai movement, and c. P. A. And the league of filipino students. I want to thank you all for fighting for brandon. When i visited him and his family i was able to share with him that you are all fighting for him, that you are sending your love and your solidarity. And he was able to mouth back, thank you. So i wanted to be able to share that with all of you. And i know that he knows that youre fatin fighting for him. His strength is incredible. I cant imagine the level of resilience and strength that it takes to survive being shot four times, three bullets that are still in his body. Eight cardiac arrests. And he will not give up. And so i know that this conversation and its in this spirit that he sai is leading ho continue to fight. And i know that you are all fighting for him. What we do know is that the work that were doing to raise attention and to put this on the agenda of our federal representatives and the u. S. Embassy is making a difference. They are responding. They werent before, but they are now. But as supervisor mar said, theres so much more that they can do and we finally got a response related to how they can do a humanitarian evacuateion and they said something about providing a loan to the family and so this is information that wasnt previously provided. It should have been provided immediately to the family. And because of the attention theyre now responding. Brandon represents the best of San Francisco. He his Cross Cultural and Cross National solidarity represents a tradition and a history and a legacy in this city that i think that we should all be very proud of. And the last thing that i want to say is that we during our time in the philippines we were able to meet with many of brandons comrades and his colleagues, indigenous leaders, Leaders Within manila and in all of them they shared with us that what happened to brandon should not be viewed as an isolated and random incident. But its part of a campaign of targeting people who are standing up for environmental rights and for human rights across the philippines. And i think that brandon would want us to connect with what happened to him with what is happening with so many people, especially poor people, especially Indigenous People in the philippines. And to say that that their stories and their experiences are not going to be silenced and that to the extent that our government is quiet about this, were going to be louder, were going to demand that we no longer be complicit by funding such mass murder and political assassination that now has impacted one of our own in brandon lee. So thank you all for your leadership with the passing of this resolution and we have a lot more work to do to make sure that brandon comes home safely and that this campaign of terror and murder that the Philippine Government has been responsible for that we do everything that we can to end it. Thank you for being here. President yee supervisor mandelman. 5d aadd me as a cosponsor. President yee supervisor . I asked to be a cosponsor and if im not already on there and i would like to be added. And i wanted to thank everyone so much for coming out today. Your love and your fight for brandon and for all of the people of the philippines that are being abused by the government came across so clearly. And were with you. And just really appreciate all of your work on this issue and your fight for brandon. So, thanks. President yee supervisor walton . I would love to be a cosponsor. President yee supervisor fewer . I just wanted to say thank you for coming out today. And i have already added my name as a cosponsor and to include me in any of your fundraising efforts. Thank you. President yee okay. I also want to add my voice to this, which is to thank the friends and relatives and organizations that came out to support brandon lee. And as you can see we stand in solidarity with the community on this issue. I think i believe that everybody has added names as a cosponsor. And so thank you very much. And right now, madam clerk, i say that we take this item, same house, same call. Without objection. Then this item passes unanimously. Thank you very much. Lets see. Madam clerk, read the memorial. Clerk todays meeting will be adjourned in the memory of the following beloved individuals. On behalf of supervisor peskin for the late jerry crawly, and on behalf of president yee, for the late Lawrence Joseph fonk and on behalf of supervisor brown for the late marcia marcela harvey. President yee colleagues that is the end of our agenda. Madam clerk, any other further business before us today . Clerk that concludes our business for today. President yee okay, thank you. We are adjourned. This is the regular meeting of the board of education for the San Francisco unified School District. It is september 10, 2019. [roll call] tonight, i would like to open this meeting in owner of carmichael, who said our grandfathers had to run, run, run. My generation is out of breath. We aint running no more. Section a, general information, number one, information for the public. Number one, teleconference information for there is none tonight. Number one approval of board minutes. The approval of minutes for the meeting for august 27, 2019. Can i have a motion to second . So moved. Speaker cards for the regular agenda, roll call. [roll call] speaker cards for the regular agenda and closed session unnecessary if you wish to address the board of education. Members of the public are reminded that individual to complete a speaker card, prior to the item being called. Presented to our executive assistant, members of the public have two minutes to address the board, as set by the president. Speaker cards will now be accepted for an item already before the board. The superintendents report. Doctor matthews . Good evening everyone. Beginning this thursday evening, september 12, any member who goes to our district website will experience something new and different. I am excited to announce our new website goes live this thursday evening. It is accessible, and mobile friendly, and translations are available for every page, it has a modern design with content organized by topic and user. This will eventually be our home for all school, public and employee information, and it has more features. You need to check out the School Search if you are exploring what our schools have to offer. I also want to acknowledge that a new website is still a work in progress. A lot of important content is not yet built on our new website. Many links on our website will take viewers to content on other websites while we continue to build this website out. We appreciate your patience, with this transition, and your feedback is always welcome. You can find the link to give feedback on the top of every page. It goes live this thursday evening. I would like to congratulate and thank everyone who played a part in the 20th annual historically black colleges and universities fair yesterday. Over 30 historically black colleges and universities attended to meet with students. This is the first time that the event was held in city hall, and it was a great success. Our thanks go out to mayor and breed for attending the event, and for speaking to our students commissioners cook, collins and thank you to the africanamerican achievement and leadership team, the San Francisco alliance a black school educators, blacks for the future, the San Francisco human rights commission, opportunities for all, and to anyone and everyone who played a part in this event. Hundreds of students came and met with recruiters from nearly all of our high schools. Many students were accepted on the spot and they received scholarships on the spot. Congratulations. [applause] i would like to remind families and caregivers over the next few weeks, our district is having our back this week, the week of september 9, is Elementary School backtoschool week. Next week, the week of septembes back backtoschool week, and that week of september 23 is a backtoschool for our high schools. If you would like to attend a backtoschool event and meet your students teachers and see what they are doing this year, please contact your school. President cook that ends my announcements for this evening. Thank you, doctor matthews. Number three, student delegates report. Our first item, we had the Student Leadership opportunities to serve. We would like to promote leadership and engagement the Student Voice representation, as well as the funding specifically in arts, physical education, last night, it was clear that a lot of our representatives werent really interested in being a part, on monday we will deliberate, on who art interested, and would nominate for representatives in the next cabinet meeting. On student delegates, we will elect to members each. Thank you. It would like to thank mr. Diaz, who camped came to us yesterday and presented. Thank you. Thank you, betsy. On our second item which is our sec cabinet elections. Our last meeting representatives were nominated, they campaigned and were elected to serve as cabinet officers for this year. The cabinet team, and to student delegates, president kevins zell, thurgood marshall, Vice President jessica chen, secretary hanan from galileo, kenny from thurgood marshall. Treasurer megan law from burton, and ethan, congratulations. [applause] thank you. Our third item is our committee up mission. During our our retreat we discussed as a whole, companies that we would like to form, and these communities were what students were interested in, programs and ideas that they want to commit fully to pursuing this year. Our goal is to have communities that will effectively support and encourage our Community Led projects. We will continue to work on any ongoing projects, but also research and develop new ideas and our perspective communities. That is all. Our fourth item which is the Student Leadership and engagement retreat this Labor Day Weekend we hosted our annual Student Leadership retreat during which we were able to structure and help our team team build. This teambuilding retreat was held at the bohemian reservation in sonoma. Besides developing our leadership skills, we had a great time taking we would like to think mr. True attend the Outward Bound team for supporting student leaders, providing us a pathway to being better advocates. Our next meeting will be september 23, at 5 00 p. M. In the board of education room. Thank you. Thank you for your report. Number four, recognitions and resolutions of commendation. Proposal brought before this board by the superintendent, its resolution 19910 sp1, honoring the 40th anniversary of peer resources. [applause] this evening im proud to introduce this resolution to honor peer resources in 40th anniversary in advance of their celebration on september 28. Peer resources trained youth as leaders of systemic change and service as peer and mediators to 16,000 piers each year. I will now be this resolution of accommodation into record. Honoring the 40th anniversary of peer resources. Whereas in 1979, after a violent incident School District high school, peer resources was founded to give students the tools, resources and training to be first responders, advocates, and allies for young people, and whereas peer resources is committed to just change institutional change, Restorative Practices and putting love into action. And, whereas the goals of peer resources are that students are empowered as agents of change, and schools are transformed institutions. And, whereas a peer resources trains you to see themselves as leaders of systemic change by working with 700 middle and High School Youth across 14 severed cisco Public Schools as peer mentors, serving 16,000 piers each year. And, whereas peer resources is a Founding Member and lead agency for the San Francisco educator Pathway Coalition who in partnership with the District Youth Development Organizations expanded learning and youth worker employers, k19 educational institutions and Community Nonprofits are committed to growing educated leaders of and for San Francisco that reflect the student population of the district and, whereas peer resources celebrates its 40th anniversary on september 28, 2019, and whereas peer resources honors 40 changemakers for their socially just and pack for our Community Engaging in advocating for their peers and acting as champions of youth leaders, making our world a safer for young people to grow, and find their purpose. Therefore be it resolved that the superintendent of schools recognizes september 28, 2019 as peer worse resources changemakers day at the San Francisco unified School District in celebration of its 40th anniversary. [applause] i need a motion to second on the proposal. Second. So moved. Thank you both. We do have people signed up for Public Comment. You will have two minutes. Whenever youre ready. All right. Good evening, my name is gabrielle de la cruz, im a coordinator. First i want to thank you say thank you for recognizing peer resources and honoring us for the 40 years of work that teachers, coordinators, behind the current staff, and young people have been doing for 40 years. Peer resources has allowed me to be the teacher ive always wanted to be. A teacher that helps young people to understand and have knowledge of themselves, and to apply to address systemic oppression. Lastly, peer resources has allowed me to elevate young peoples voices, in places that i would not be able to as a sfusd teacher. In that spirit come i would like to say a few things that young people have said about peer resources. Peer resources has given me a sense of community. We are a community was never there before me. Peer resources has allowed me to become who i am today. As a reader for my people, my school. Peer resources has affected me positively by helping me improve that my public skills and help me with both sides of arguments and concepts. Peer resources has been positive for me, and helpful, because it shows me that justice looks and sounds like. Peer resources has given me the space and opportunity to not only learn about our community, but make an impact on the struggles that we face. I also get to bond with my peers in ways that other classes do not allow me to. Peer resources has helped me realize the Bigger Picture of everything that comes my way. It affects everything in my life, it makes me want to change the world. Once again, board members, thank you for this recommendation and it has been an honor to serve. [applause] good evening. I am samantha sherman. Nice to meet you all. I first encountered peer resources, in the seventh grade at 13 years old. There was a program at my middle school. Dot provided the opportunity to hang out with my friends i will never forget how incredibly safe i felt. As i transitioned into high school, i had love, support, and coaches. In high school, i got the chance to represent Youth Council. For context, peer resources, the previous class i took was the only class in my High School Career that i discussed street violence, mental health, selflove which are all topics that should be after my father was shot and paralyzed. After high school, i got the chance to work as an intern. And then after college i was also given the chance to join the advisory board. I feel like peer resources has always given me chances to engage in our community and the most meaningful ways. In fact, i know that to be true. Thousands of young people get to engage in the topics and issues that they feel passionate about each year. Now, 27, i teach at the same high school i went to still engaging my community. [applause] so, i feel safety, belonging, social justice and empowerment. Peer resources provided that me. If you asked me what my hopes were for peer resources, i hope this program will ignite the passion, activism, and advocacy of each student in the San Francisco unified School District. I hope students can find refuge, joy, and hope and know that i and thousands of others have. In short, im here to celebrate thank you. What high school do teach at . I have been a part of peer resources since seventh grade. Im 17 now. Peer resources has been such a big impact in my life. Ive had so many multiple peer educators that have helped me become who i am today. Its something i cant say a lot about the regular teachers i had in the past we had peer resources has taught me the harsh realities of how it is in life and taught me social justice upbringing i didnt have growing up. I feel like that was big for me, because i did not know what i was missing overall. Peer resources has given me a lot of opportunities overall. I am part of the student advisory council. That was a very big issue, because we always all school. We are a school for social justice. When i joined peer resources i was a young girl, but now i see myself as a grown young adult, trying to find her way through this harsh world. They changed me to be a leader, not just in my school but as a they see i am the representative, and they see i am the leader they want to go to which is Something Big to me. I feel like peer resources have been a very big help for me. I truly dont understand where i would without it. I feel like it makes me very emotional, because its a space where people come to have their voice heard. [applause] i feel like thats a very big thing to me. Thank you. [applause] whats up, folks. My name is mario. Im a graduate of sfusd. I am mexican and filipino and i am non binary queer. I was in peer resources in Balboa High School my senior year. Peer resources allowed me the opportunity to examine my life as a person, as a non binary person. To see how i can change the world. That led me to a 20 year career in the Youth Developmental fields. Im working with young people so they can advocate to change policy on a statewide level, a city level. Helping change food policy across the bay area. I want to thank you all, that you know that peer resources has an impact and has young people who are now old people working in the Youth Development field, changing the world, changing San Francisco. Our mayor was in peer resources. There is somebody who used to do parent organizing here, i want you all to know the impact it has. Ive also had the opportunity with my niece, who came to me in third grade, and she would not have been able to graduate high School Without the support of gabe here, who is one of the teachers who supported her, pushed her through, helped her examine what it meant to be a woman of color and help push her to apply and get into San Francisco state when that was never an option for her. Peer resources has a large impact. There are popular people changing the world, their people like me who have been doing this for a long time trying to impact young people. And now i have the opportunity to be the director of programs here at peer resources to continue to support this work. Thank you for this accommodation. I am sarah brandt, i just want to say, mario, i think youre very popular. I also want to appreciate the young people who have come out to lend their voices, their passions. Some of them are doing homework right now, as they speak out on things they really care about. When i described the transformative work of peer resources to other people, they almost always tell me how different their lives would have been if they had had such a classic program. As a San Francisco unified students i feel like my life would have had a different trajectory, had i been in the program, had there been a peer resources in my school at this time. This is my 21st school year with San Francisco peer resources and sfusd. Even though i only joined as an adult, it still and continues to shake me for it to my core. I have an honored and i have been humbled to be beside the voices on the creativity of young people as i imagine a world that centers the voices and the experiences of black, brown and native youth. Pushing us to shift our systems, our decisions and our actions to be more aligned with the volumes that we say in outer core. Thanking you for recognizing peer resources and create the power of young people, not as the future, but as the president to lead us towards more equitable worlds in which we can all give free together. [applause] thank you, that concludes the comment. Any comments from the board . My name is betsy, i have been with peer resources for almost two years now. I was serving on the Youth Council last year. Peer resources makes me so emotional. It is a safe space for people of color, especially youth, immigrants, lowincome students, students do not have twoparent, or just the people who struggle in their everyday lives, and peer resources is not just a class, its a community where students can feel safe and they dont feel judged. Adults always make sure that we are the center, we have a voice. Im so thankful to be a part of peer resources today. [applause] i am really thankful that peer resources is a program for students of color. Thank you. Vice president sanchez . I also wanted to say how much i appreciate peer resources, thats the 40th anniversary celebration, that gray area at 265 mission street, there are still Tickets Available . Go online and get them. 7 00 oclock, saturday september 28, 7 00 p. M. 10 00 p. M. I also want to commend i really appreciate the leadership you provide for peer resources. I also want to say, when i spoke at your event last year, i made a promise and i hope to keep it which is that sfusd though we support, continue to support, we have made it part of one of the anchors of our peace spending print i dont think sites should have to pay any and their own money for peer resources. I think all of our middle schools and our high schools have peer resources and can use peer resources which is pretty much all of them should have that fully funded centrally. That is a commitment that i really want to keep. There are some schools that have wanted it. But because they could not avoie cannot have it. These are schools are predominantly have students of color and low income. Congratulations on your 40th year. Heres to 40 more. Thank you very much. [applause] commissioner collins . I want to say how happy i am that peer resources is getting accommodation. When i first moved to San Francisco, over 20 years ago and i wanted to make a difference in the world, i listen to a radio show, and i heard somebody talking about the Peer Resource Program and peer education programs, and that i knew that is what i wanted to do. I became a peer resource coordinator, and i became an educator. It has informed my work as i became a parent organizer, as i have become a parent, now on the board. The work that i did with youth, i know the impact they are having, it has been big on me in my life, but i know it is having an impact in our entire district in our city at large. I would agree with commissioner sanchez, i mean, i was actually saddened, by the time my daughters went to middle school, the schools that they attended had to cut the program because of funding. It is a program that i feel like was really valued. I heard a lot about it when i was touring the school. Students should not have to make that decision, especially when you consider the services. Its not just good for peer resource students, its good for the entire school. We talked about safe climate, students are talking with other students about language, and culture, and how we make that visible, and how we value one. It went students leave that, that is the most powerful work. I want to express my admiration and support. If theres anything i can do to support more peer resources, i think it is exactly the work we should be doing. It is student centered, its fearless, it unified. It is a very diverse community. Thank you again to the superintendent for taking the time to recognize the organization. Thank you again for folks involved in peer resources and keeping it going all of our schools. [applause] i want to appreciate all of the work that has been done and everything peer resources has done to create a safe space. I think i really need to emphasize how little i feel i will tolerate, the reactions to things that are against everything we are fighting for, especially in this boardroom, and having that happen in this moment is something im having a pretty strong reaction to. I feel like as a board we need to ensure that we are calling it out, if we are saying this is a safe space, we cannot allow people to be laughing while others are sharing their experiences and the import of this work. Thank you. I want to take a brief second to also recognize elaine for your tremendous leadership and really leading peer resources so that transition. Taking a lot of commitment and support. Thank you for that. Thank you for engaging around your use conferences which are always inspiring. I dont think we have touched on much today, but i think the true great value of seeing our young people organize for themselves and other students across the city, this incredible work that i hope can be done around the country. It really is awesome. The final thing, it is about the pathway. I know that you will notice from over several decades is that peer resources students become educators. Now we are doing it in a more intentional way. Im hoping that we can continue that cycle of graduates of the district coming back to do what tupac said and, raise roses. Thank you all. [applause] roll call vote. [roll call] congratulations area. [applause] Public Comment on non agenda items area Public Comment as an opportunity for the board to hear from the community on matters within the boards jurisdiction. We actually refrain from using employee and student names. If you have a complaint about a district employee, you may submit it to the employee supervisor in accordance with district policy. As a reminder board rules in California Law do not allow for us to respond to comments or attempt to answer questions during the Public Comment time. If appropriate the superintendent will ask staff and follow with speakers. I have a large amount of cards for Public Comment. If you hear your name, please make your way to the podium. You have two minutes. I know a little bit about as an elder queer mother. The first rule of eldership is to listen. Folks here, in this audience, please do that now. The school board did that. I want to be here to talk about the work this board is doing. I support that work, our students and our teachers we had not because some folks cannot accept this boards decision about the washington mural, so much they took to to the today to let us know that they would be here. They showed up at the school and violated the boundaries of our students. This board is not pressured, they didnt cave, they listen thoughtfully, and acted accordingly. As a queer mom come of a certain age, who raise my Public School students 2030 years ago, i know what it is like not to be heard. I know it is like to not be the majority, trying to protect my children, and my continuing children of choice right now from drama. This board made a decision they have work to do. [inaudible] while folks are doing right now is bullying. Let this board do their important work. For crying out loud, come back and Pay Attention to what other great work they are doing. If you really care about our schools and students show up for more than this. Show up and participate, theres plenty for us to do. Next speaker, please. Hi there. My name is tiana. I know the mural is not on the agenda tonight. Thank you for hearing me today. Those demanding that he be kept up, put out a call for comments. I am heeding that call with a rebuttal. I have not previously spoken up, as i mostly homebound. This is important enough to me that i am here, thanks to some friends. This mural is controversial. Many are arguing that the intent of the mural sorry, im a little uncomfortable today, depicting the brutality of George Washington, and this country i do believe this was the artists and tents, and i appreciated. It does not, however, exist in a vacuum. Nor does it belong in the california high school. Intention does not mitigate impact. I am pretty sure some, possibly many, who are fighting to keep this mural argue that point in other situations on a very regular basis. I am a product of public education, in california. Very recently changed curriculum about the mission system. Which creates missionaries completely it creates the best time they caused. I was like enhanced by the heavy embellished tales of women alone in the challenge i channel islands. It taught me to forget all of the tribes on entrenched mystical Indian Tribes as well as a white savior narrative. I had no idea the vast cultural richness that was, and remains here. I am also a generation away from forced adoption. I am someone whose heritage, history, family, and tribe were stolen away when my father was adopted off rose. Im out of time. Thank you. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. God bless america. Victims, heroes, and their descendents of 9 11. Sometimes that abuse is rape or incest, but those expectant mothers should have prenatal care so all of them can give birth thank you San Francisco board of education. My name is julie roberts, i heard on the tv that there would be a discussion we had i looked at the agenda, theres nothing on the agenda. Im hoping next tuesday, that im coming to speak at general Public Comment. I think, you know, there is a lot of important things happening at the district that is an important and things covered. Im not going to speak about the important issues, in terms of pinning down the George Washington mural. Weve now got instruments out to students students which is super exciting. We are here tonight to add vote on studies. One of the things im concerned about is that one of our most amazing schools, Martin Luther king Junior Middle School is in danger of losing 300,000. This is one of our pitch schools, a Poor Community school that is doing amazing work supporting africanamerican students in all the students in the school. As a parent, at of school, who has suffered the destabilizing cuts year after year, having this conversation has taken the focus away, and families for the first to full weeks of school they should be able to focus on what students need and how to make sure they have the best possible year. I want to remind the board that we passed a resolution, while i understand the resolution focuses on three schools, the intent of the resolution is to make sure none of our schools are destabilized after the ten day count. I want to ask the board to find their ad where that would protect mlks students, and community to be able to do the important work that they are doing. Good evening. I am aleta fisher. Youve heard my comments before about the mural. I echo previous comments. We need to get back to the work of educating our students. The reason im here to talk tonight is to refocus us on transportation, for example. We are in in the midst of a transportation crisis right now for many of our families. Weve heard anecdotally their families and students, as well as some janet families, there were between 2025 routes uncovered in the last two weeks. We just found out today, we are hearing from families via email. We have links on our website we are asking people to fill out. Im getting a lot of emails. Weve got parents who are desperate to get their kids to school, and they cannot right now. We just found out monday, Transportation Department got 20 to 35 calls from families about unmet needs, about routes uncovered. This is the kind of work we need to be doing right now. Weve got kids who cannot get to school, i would have no way, i have a car, so i can request reimbursement at. 56 cents per mile. What about the families who do not have cars . What about the families that show up two hours late, theyre going to lose their jobs. We have families who are desperate, we need solutions now please help us fix this. Lets deal with the immediate needs right now. Thank you. [applause] i am a parent. Im not going to be talking about the mural today. We arty know the decision. Were taking a break right, and you will talk about that again sometime in the future, but not right now. I do want to talk about childcare. Childcare at the school meeting, i have a teenager, i used to come to these meetings. I remember in the back, i used to have childcare,. [inaudible] its a very, very frustrating, especially but for poor families from black families, low income families, we need childcare. Another thing i want to urge you all, also, by the way,. [inaudible] providing the district every childcare person to come. The second thing is i want to talk about representation of poor families in our district. They dont have any right now. There is no representation, there is no representation for. [inaudible] it forces people to pick their gender label. I think that is wrong. They include people of all genders. I really want to urge you to change those forms, be open to creating a family pack. Thank you so much for your time. Im glad i live in San Francisco and i get to attend a school board like this area this. Think you all for coming. I have a number of people signed up to talk about mlks budget. We also have students listed. [applause] we want to prioritize them, let them get home. When you hear your name, make your way to the podium. [reading notes] hello, my name is diane. My name is kylie. We are in the eighth grade at doctor Martin Luther king middle school. One of our Great Teachers out of the fact that our budgets are getting cut by the Superintendents Office because of the absence of students. Right here, right now, we are taking a stand and we are here to fight for the fact that the schoolmates, my peers, the people that make up our community are going because of the choices of the people above us. Most apparently, the relationships that we build throughout our middle school years are getting taken away from us, too. To the students, teachers, and everyone who comes to school every day, five days a week, mlk is an important place. Its where we go to learn, see our friends, but most and partly where we gain experiences. Middle school is supposed to be the place where you figure out who you are and what you are about, to find yourself. It is a place to build relationships with the people around you. To experience something you never thought you would. When you taking 300,000 from our budget, how are we supposed to have we were supposed to have when we came here . Our school has our own issues just like every other school. How do you expect us to deal with those things if you take away the people to help with that. 300,000 is a lot of money. If on so many important staff, and things that are supposed to be for the students. If this is implemented, there is a possibility that many important staff, in our school will have to leave. Members of the community that we have are so hard to build are gone. Which is why we are here to stand against this and fight for our school, staff, heres and many others. I hope you take into account what this budget cut could potentially do to mlk students, environment, staff, and school has a whole. Thank you. Hello. Im a student at mlk middle school. I just wanted to say black history class is a good education for me, and fellow students at my school. We go to learn about what we had been through back in the day, and what we are going through now. It is good for us now, and in the future for our kids, for us, and our parents and stuff. [applause] good evening to everyone. My name is nadine boyd, i am the aunt of shot low. I want to talk about how the resources that Martin Luther king i went there as well, back in the early 90s. [laughter] im just amazed at the trajectory of where theyre going, and i hope we continue to push forward in the right direction for the youth. I want to thank all of the use for coming and speaking out, it is very, very important, and im proud of all of you guys. Im proud of you, too, sean. I heard someone talk about transportation, you know, sometimes, you know, we come from from a low income family, you know, its hard, you know, for kids getting to school. Its good for my nephew to get to school and he has a counselor, and he, as well, to talk to, you know, kids need different people. It takes a village, you know. We need the resources on the funds to have the village and support to raise our kids, shape our future. Thank you to all of the teachers

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