Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240714

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We have seen a dramatic increase in inhabited r. V. S moving into our neighborhood. Who we have a few People Living in vans on this block, theyre always quiet, friendly, we would have them over for holidays and we would pay them to do all jobs around the neighborhood. Where whether as one or two vans, there is now 20 inhabited vehicles and trailers, debris, feces, needles, water, wastewater, dumping, and blocking of the sidewalk. At the moment there is a drug operation right across the street from my home. At night there are a group of eight cars that come out and park on the sidewalks all night. They blast music and sell drugs. That attracts other cars are outside of our community to drive through the main purchases there is a constant flow of traffic, loud music, altercations and gas and Power Generators making noise all night from about 10 00 p. M. Until 8 00 a. M. We have asked the People Living in the r. V. S and cars to keep the noise down, but it is only getting worse and there were more people yelling and fighting at all hours of the night. The music is so loud and our children cannot sleep. We have had to move them to sleep on the other side of the house to lessen the noise at night. There are some new cars and debris blocking the sidewalk. We now have to go around the corner with our strollers. We have been using a nonemergency. You can have your own two minutes. Thank you so much. I will reset the clock for you. I appreciate that. We have been using the not Urgent Police line on multiple times for multiple weeks, and sometimes we have to call multiple times and nights. We have yet to have a patrol car come to check it out. There are people who have been unsafe with drug use, they have filed numerous 311 request online we have never heard regarding our calls and request which has brought us here today. Five years ago we had a bullet go through our house. Our older sons exterior belgium bedroom wall, and it ended up in our living room. With a the new escalation of drug activity, we fear this could happen again or worse. Here is what we need and what we humbly request your help with. One, we want the r. V. S moved out and signs to be put up prohibiting camping in the neighborhood and we immediately asked that the r. V. S on the 1500 block move between from between our streets to at least around the corner outside of the residential part of our neighborhood to a street that is more industrial so we can have enough sleep and function and work, and kids can go to school, and three we want the noise ordinance and forced noise ordinance and forced. I am a musician, and i make a loud music for a living, but there is a time into place for it. A neighborhood where theres working families were trying to sleep and go to school, there is a time and place for loud music. We really appreciate this. Thank you. My name is bruce. I have moved into a senior apartment a year ago. I have a studio apartment and an embarrassment of riches. I stayed in shelters a great deal of my life, but i have to tell you, theres still people that are out on the street. We actually need more shelters. It is cheaper to put people at my place, i could put half a dozen people in their. I think there are there is the agreed ethic and the elitist ethic. There are people who are trying to get either people in s. R. O. Places or out on the street and they dont have anything in between. We need that. We desperately need shelters because theres not enough room for everybody. As well as private shelters as well as public. We need to get people out of tense if they want to get out of tense and put them in places. We need at least warehouses for people. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Board of supervisors, my name is john. I am an attorney and a member of direct action everywhere which was one of five organizations that reached out to mayor breed and this body during the recess to ask for your support for a bill of rights for nonhuman animals. We did so because what happens to nonhuman animals in the bay area, as well as everywhere is an atrocity, and i use that word because this is not an issue around which much rhetorical clarity exists. Governments and Industries Use terms like humanely raised and Animal Welfare standards to reinforce the idea that there is a right way to inflict violence on other beings, but when the we shed our cultural conditioning and we step back and objectively look at the facts that billions of animals are just as smart, just as emotive as our dogs and cats are being confined and mutilated and killed, the degree to which reality and our values diverge becomes apparent. I would encourage everyone here, as well as your staff, to look at documentaries like earthlings , or dominion, on the investigations and rescues of direct action everywhere to get a real sense of what is going on we are approaching this body because San Francisco has always been at the forefront of social causes that soon became adopted everywhere, including the Disability Rights Movement and marriage equality, and including the Animal Rights movement. We worked closely with katy tang last year to make San Francisco the first city in the whole world to ban the sale of fair, and now cities everywhere are starting to adopt similar bands. Thank you. Next speaker. Hi, good afternoon. I have made that mulch was drive today from reno, nevada. On august 24th, my vehicle was burglarized at Mission Street in a parking lot. I am a nevada resident, so my life is in nevada. My vehicle, that day in broad daylight, at 3 30 p. M. , they got into my car and took everything under the sun that i had owned. I lost over 55,000 worth of stuff, including my wedding ring i implore all of you, board of supervisors, where you guys know that this is an imminent and a prevalent issue in your city to make this a safer city for People Like Us who are travelling. This is not time not the first time my vehicle was burglarized. In 2012, the same thing happens. I should not be coming into the city and removing my belongings and valuables just so i can go and shop into safeway at 3 30 p. M. In the afternoon. It is not fair, nor is it right. I also an challenging your separation of power, like you went ahead and said, that come together and do something about this, police because last month, august long, you had 2,153 burglaries that have only been reported. That is 59 averaging even one day. It is not safe, it is not okay. This is not acceptable. I understand that you guys have a lot on your agenda and there are a lot of things that need to be done but this is not safe and it is not okay for this to happen. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. I am a member of s. O. S. Nicaragua San Francisco. We are a social Political Organization based in the bay area. We came together last year in april of 2018 because of the repression by the ortega dictatorship that is going on in nicaragua, and we do several events. We have an ongoing purchase every friday at 21st street. We have a speaker coming next week from nicaragua who is a political prisoner and a leader in the Prison Movement and my friend will speak more on that. Thank you. Thank you for your time. We will be having [speaking spanish] the national leader, the worker with nicaragua which is similar to what to watch they were doing here. Protecting the rights of farmworkers. In nicaragua at the moment, the crisis that is happening is already being suffered here in the San Francisco bay area. We are having many people come into the San Francisco bay area due to the humanitarian crisis. At the moment, i hear that it has to do with land rights. It has to do with human rights, and [indiscernible] he will be stopping by here to provide a conference in the San Francisco bay area, which all of you are invited. I encourage you to be, if you cannot make it, send one of your representatives to represent you in this conference. We really need the San Francisco supervisors to understand that they limit the nicaraguan community. Thank you. For more information, youll be receiving a letter in your offices with more information on how to rsvp for this event. Thank you. Thank you. Im also a member of the group. I really appreciate that we can have the time to address you in this regard, but it is so important for the nicaraguan american community. Thank you for your support in the future. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Welcome back to reality. My name is matt sutter. Im here speaking on behalf of [indiscernible] it is pretty upsetting, guys. We have big problems going on here. I am here today to speak because i refuse to be reticent. I want to remind you what it means to be self expressed and come back to the truth of who we are. You should all ask yourselves, why are we working in this career, which we have chosen, and then examine how your decisions are affecting people and their families. We have been pleading with you to help us and make an important and necessary decision to buy back our medallions now. And also, in return, i believe we deserve a chance to have a nontransferable medallion. The pain and suffering that we have gone through and a couple meetings ago, supervisor walton pointed out, although unfortunately after you had made a decision to push the vote on the homeless issue to march. He said, and i will quote, i dont see the word delay with crisis. We are in a crisis. It is time to step up like i have been asking you guys. We need some answers. Thank you. Thank you. August, a period of recognition. One from marijuana, a slang, to cannabis. Something that gives it a little bit more respect because it has been medicinal for thousands of years. Hookers and prostitutes now are sex workers. Lets give them a little bit more dignity. When i was in grade school, that started the fall of rome. I couldnt understand it but it was basically incompetence and the emperors. Here we are in the United States of america, moving on up. Trumps words inspire killings, inspire people to pull guns and shoot. That leads to the assault weapon semiautomatic his, they need to be banned. I have come to this just in the past month, useless, worthless in our society. It is time to bend them completely. Directv, the last three months, my television hasnt had channel four or channel five. If you have a local station in your area that is broadcast and given to you over directv or any other sport cast supplier, they should not be able to ban a local news station ever. We have enough problems trying to get as little news as we can. Distributors should not be able to ban our local t. V. Networks. Inc. You. Okay. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Okay, madame clerk, please call the for adoption without committee agenda. Items 2323 out of order not out of order. Items 2323 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee, unanimous vote is required for a resolution on First Reading today. Alternatively a member may require a resolution to go to committee. Would any of my colleagues like to sever any items . Supervisor stefani . Item 20. Item 23 . Twenty. I would like to sever item 23 okay. Thank you. On the remaining balance of items, please call the role please call roll call. [roll call] there are 11 aye. Okay. Items 20 and 21 passes. Twenty and 22. Mr. President , 21 and 23 were approved today, were adopted. Okay. Correct. Supervisor stefani wanted to sever item 20. Item 20 is a resolution to declare that the National Rifle association is a Domestic Terrorist Organization and urging other cities, states, in the federal government to do the same. Supervisor stefani . Thank you. Colleagues, i know that you know i introduced this after the mass shooting at the gilroy festival, being outraged just by that shooting, since we have been on recess. We have seen more carnage across this country. Mass shootings in el paso, texas , where an individual filled with hate and racism targeted our latin x. Community, armed with an ak47 Assault Rifle with extra magazines. He killed 22 people and injured many more. Hours later, in dayton, ohio, nine dead and in 302 seconds and 22 injured. This person was armed with an a. R. 15 pistol fitted with an extended magazine that can hold 100 rounds. This weekend in odessa, texas, seven people were killed by a gunman, 22 others were injured, with 15 different crime scenes, as the individual, it was banned from owning a firearm, purchase one from a private seller because no background check was required. The n. R. A. Has done more to graduate and create the gun violence epidemic terrorizing our country. They buy off politicians, that gun violence legislation, prevent Gun Violence Research and tell us and everybody that it is video games, movies, mental illness, every country on this earth is exposed to these issue and influenced in equal measure yet only in the United States faced this mass gun violence. The difference is guns. None of our. Countries have Assault Rifles on their streets. The homicide rate in the United States is 25 times higher than any other high income country in the world. The n. R. A. Want you to believe that the solution to gun violence is more gun ownership. We have a gun ownership rate two times higher than that of any other country in the world. There are 393 million guns in this country which means there are more guns than people and we know if more guns meant more safety, then america would be the safest country in the world. The n. R. A. Exists to ask to spread information and puts weapons in the hands of those who would harm and terrorize us by blocking commonsense, gun violence prevention legislation, and by advocating for dangerous legislation like stand your ground laws, permit list carry and guns and schools from kindergarten on up through university. When they use phrases like i will give you my gun and you pry it from a cold, dead hands on bumper stickers, they are saying , there is debate about Public Safety that should be met with the violence. When they hold and National Conferences and expeditions, they aim to intimidate those who have already been terrorized and knowingly threaten anyone who would organize against the financial interest. The n. R. A. Conspires to limit Gun Violence Research, with strict gun violence data sharing , and most importantly, aggressively trying to block every piece of sensible gun violence prevention legislation proposed on any level, local, state, or federal. Over the recess, we had a rally on the steps of city hall, and i want to thank mayor breed and supervisors walton and brown for joining me. We held that rally to urge majority leaders of the senate, Mitch Mcconnell, to bring a background check bill to a vote in the senate. One that passed in the house. It has been sitting on his desk for over 200 days, and he refuses to bring it up for a vote. Had that passed, the gunman in odessa, texas, might have had a background check in the private sale. Mitch mcconnell refuses to bring that legislation up. Why . Because the n. R. A. Has given Mitch Mcconnell 1. 4 million, it is no surprise that he puts the n. R. A. s business over safety of our families and communities, and it is time this ends. The n. R. A. Stokes fear and promotes a culture of hate that is killing our fellow americans. They are misogynists who are fine with arming domestic abusers, even knowing 92 of all women killed with guns in high income countries, 92 in 2015 were from the u. S. In an average month, 52 american women are shot and killed by an intimate partner in this country and many more are injured. It is time to read this country at the n. R. A. And call them out for who they really are. They are a Domestic Terrorist Organization. I urge your support and i urge the support of every county in this state. Thank you. Okay, can we take this item same house, same call . Without objection, this resolution passes unanimously. Madame clerk, call item 302. Item 22 is a resolution to urge the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing to implement urgent policy changes to serve pregnant individuals, families living in single occupancy units are doubled up families and urging the department to pursue additional policy changes in coronation with the board of supervisors. Thank you. Colleagues, go ahead, you can speak first. We looked at this resolution at our last Board Meeting prior to the recess and i want to refresh our recollection because of the content. This urgent resolution catches the just of a certain urgent policy change under discussion between the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing. Individuals struggling with homelessness and their representatives in the mayors office. These include policies that will help pregnant women to gain access to services and housing much earlier in their pregnancies than the third trimester which is the current situation. It helps to eliminate the difference in the definition of homelessness that the city utilizes versus the federal government, and the impacts on on house families and individuals as a result. Finally, it supports the continued dialogue about how we can address the homelessness crisis in our city, with a focus on developing and implementing best practices as situations and demographics change. I want to thank supervisors fewer and haney for your leadership and your staffs work to help put forward this resolution, and also i want to thank supervisor peskin and supervisor brown for coauthoring. Colleagues, i thank you for your support on this. Supervisor haney . Yeah, thank you, president yee, for your leadership on this , and especially as well to supervisor fewer for all of your support on these critical policy changes these are two very important policy changes that would enhance access to some of the most vulnerable members of our community, particularly pregnant women who are homeless, and ensuring that they have access to Family Services and prioritizing the knees of families who are doubled up or living prioritizing the needs of families are doubled up or living in s. R. O. S. We know very well that the population of children and families in s. R. O. S is one that is very extensive in our city and has particularly a needs that must be addressed, social and emotional impacts have expensing homelessness with doubling up and living in s. R. O. S and right now, it does not provide the adequate access for them to get housing or even receive services. These policy changes have been Top Priorities for homeless Family Service providers and im very excited that we have now started a dialogue with the office of department of homelessness to be able to move these forward thank you to our other coauthors and supervisors , peskin and brown. Okay. Supervisor stefani . I wanted to thank my colleagues for this resolution and add my name is a cosponsor, please. Thank you. Supervisor walton . Same as supervisor stefani. Thank you. Can we take this item same house , same call . Without objection, this resolution passes unanimously. Okay. That will bring us to our next item, which is closed session. Madame clerk . Item 19 is a closed session for the board of supervisors to convene on september 3rd, today, for the purpose of conferring with our receiving advice from the City Attorney regarding the following existing litigation, in which the city is a petitioner, and Pacific Gas Electric co. Is an Adverse Party this closed session can occur today, this afternoon. It was pending approval of a motion that was approved a moment ago by the board of supervisors. Public comment actually did occur on that motion during general Public Comment, but i understand you were going to just ask for Public Comment on this item one final time. Correct. Before we convene closed session , are there any Public Comments . The californias youre putting aside california state funds and taxes, 21 billion to pay off lawsuits that have been filed against pg and e. For the destruction of personal property and wrongful death lawsuits with the fires that the transformers have caused throughout the bay area and causing well over 50 people on or about to lose their lives. Those people got on repairable harm, and for gavin newsom to sit up there and take funds to pay off their lawsuits, is a disgusting and an insult on everybodys intelligence. And by the same response, you got over 28,000 people Homeless People in the overall city and county of San Francisco bay area, and he is sitting up there, spending that type of money, paying off a lawsuit for pg and e. How come nobody have you complained about that . That is disgusting. And for him to sit up there and have approximately a minimum of 8,000 people that are homeless in San Francisco, and then turn around and give another billion dollars to the behavior section of the Overall Health department , and give a statement that that will help the homeless problem, is another insult on everybodys intelligence. What will the behavioral Health Department do . Tell them to behave differently than what they are doing . And what is he doing spending taxpayers money going over to guatemala . He is spending money to go over there. That is another example of misappropriation of funds. Youve got thousands of people that are homeless, and the main street that goes to the building in sacramento [indiscernible] thank you. Any other Public Comment on this item . San francisco government t. V. , overhead, please. Pg and e. Should have been taken over a long time ago by the city of San Francisco. They are wall street players. That is first and foremost, that is probably what america is all about right now. How about a new board of directors for pg and e. At some point in time . Fifty 7 bluecollar workers 57 , the bluecollar workers, the people that they put on the advertisement after they have a crucial fall down and say, our workers are the best in the world. Eleven engineers, 5 finance, 3 legal, 4 administrative, 13 residential, commercial rate payers on the board of pg and e. The next time we come around. If you guys want to take it over , you have my blessing. Thank you. Thank you. Any other Public Comments on this item . Seeing non, Public Comment on closed session is closed. We will be convening in closed session in just a moment. I failed to make some amendments on item 22, and i would like to ask that we send the vote rescinds the vote. I guess we need to take roll call. Without objection, we will resend the vote. As i mentioned, there are some amendments that i would like to incorporate into the resolution, just to basically clarify further what is intended. I dont know if i should read it does everybody have a copy of this . Yes . Okay. If everybody has a copy, do any to read this into the record . Mr. President , i dont believe the deputy City Attorney has a copy. Let me just hand him his copy. While youre looking at that, i will just read it into the record. These are three clauses. The sitting county of San Franciscos definition of homelessness in individuals and families living and supervise probably and privately operated shelter designated to provide a temporary living arrangement with the primary nighttime residence that is in the public and private place, not designed for or ordinarily use as regularly regular sleeping accommodations for human beings, including car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport or camping ground doubled up in the homes of families or friends, staying in jails, hospitals, and rehabilitation facilities, and families living in single room occupancy, s. R. O. S. Whereas historically the city has made an effort to include individuals in these living situations by surveying nonna jails, hospitals, and rehabilitation facilities to identify individuals believed you otherwise be homeless, and has included this data in the appendix and the 2019. Of time count, but has not included this data in the body of the report due to an updated methodology, and where as using the updated methodology, the 2019. Of time count on the Homeless Population reviewed a 17 increase in homelessness from 2017 to 2019, so those are the three where as clauses. I dont think it will change anything. Correct . Okay. So i am making a motion to amend can i have a second . Okay. Without objection, can we take these amendments as is . Okay. Can i have a motion to pass this resolution as amended . Made by supervisor haney and seconded by supervisor walton. Can we take this same house, same call . This resolution as amended passes. Okay. Sorry about that. Lets go back to our closed session. Colleagues, we will now be convening in closed session. Members of the public, you will need to clear out and exit the chamber. Sheriff, lock the doors behind them. We will reopen the chamber once we finish this closed session and the public will be allowed to reenter. Okay. Are we ready . Okay. We are now backing open session. May i have a motion that the board finds that it is in the best interest of the public that we not disclose the closed session deliberations. Made by supervisor peskin seconded by supervisor ronen. Because this is a different house, do we need to take roll call . We will note for the record that a supervisor was not present. Then motion passes. Then i would like to have a motion to continue the closed session to october 1st, made by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor walton. Without objection, that passes. Okay. Madame clerk, please read the in memoriam. Todays meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals. On behalf of supervisor stefani the late kirby walker, on behalf of supervisor peskin, for the late charles redneck and mr. Lauren morrison. Colleagues, that brings us to the end of our agenda. Madame clerk, is there any further business before us today that concludes our business for today. All right, thank you. Meeting adjourned. Valencia has been a constantly evolving roadway. The first bike lanes were striped in 1999, and today is the major north and south bike route from the Mission Neighborhood extending from market to Mission Street. It is difficult to navigate lindsay on a daily basis, and more specifically, during the morning and evening commute hours. From 2012 to 2016, there were 260 collisions on valencia and 46 of those were between vehicles and bikes. The mayor shows great leadership and she knew of the long history of collisions and the real necessity for safety improvements on the streets, so she actually directed m. T. A. To put a pilot of protected bike lanes from market to 15th on valencia street within four months time. [ ] valencia is one of the most used north south bike routes in San Francisco. It has over 2100 cyclists on an average weekday. We promote bicycles for everyday transportation of the coalition. Valencia is our mission fits our mission perfectly. Our members fall 20 years ago to get the first bike lane stripes. Whether you are going there for restaurants, nightlife, you know , people are commuting up and down every single day. I have been biking down the valencia street corridor for about a decade. During that time, i have seen the emergence of ridesharing companies. We have people on bikes, we have people on bike share, scooters, we have people delivering food and we have uber taking folks to concerts at night. One of the main goals of the project was to improve the overall safety of the corridor, will also looking for opportunities to upgrade the bikeway. The most common collision that happens on valencia is actually due to double parking in the bike lane, specifically during, which is where a driver opens the door unexpectedly. We kept all the passengers the passenger levels out, which is the white crib that we see, we double the amount of commercial curbs that you see out here. Most people arent actually perking on valencia, they just need to get dropped off or pick something up. Half of the commercial loading zones are actually after 6 00 p. M. , so could be used for fiveminute loading later into the evening to provide more opportunities or passenger and commercial loading. The five minute loading zone may help in this situation, but they are not along the corridor where we need them to be. One of the most unique aspects of the valencia pilot is on the block between 14th street. We worked with a pretty big mix of people on valencia. On this lot, there are a few schools. All these different groups had concerns about the safety of students crossing the protected bikeway whether they are being dropped off or picked up in the morning or afternoon. To address those concerns, we installed concrete loading islands with railings railings that channel channeled a designated crossing plane. We had a lot of conversations around how do you load and unload kids in the mornings and the afternoons . I do like the visibility of some of the design, the safety aspects of the boarding pilot for the school. We have painted continental crosswalks, as well as a yield piece which indicates a cyclist to give the rightofway so they can cross the roadway. This is probably one of the most unique features. During the planning phase, the m. T. A. Came out with three alternatives for the long term project. One is parking protected, which we see with the pilot, they also imagined a valencia street where we have two bike lanes next to one another against one side of the street. A twoway bikeway. The third option is a Center Running twoway bikeway, c. Would have the two bike lanes running down the center with protection on either side. Earlier, there werent any enter lane designs in San Francisco, but i think it will be a great opportunity for San Francisco to take the lead on that do so the innovative and different, something that doesnt exist already. With all three concepts for valencias longterm improvement , theres a number of tradeoffs ranging from parking, or what needs to be done at the intersection for signal infrastructure. When he think about extending this pilot or this still this design, theres a lot of different design challenges, as well as challenges when it comes to doing outreach and making sure that you are reaching out to everyone in the community. The pilot is great. It is a nobrainer. It is also a teaser for us. Once a pilot ends, we have thrown back into the chaos of valencia street. What were trying to do is incremental improvement along the corridor door. The Pilot Project is one of our first major improvements. We will do an initial valuation in the spring just to get a glimpse of what is happening out here on the roadway, and to make any adjustments to the pilot as needed. This fall, we will do a more robust evaluation. By spring of 2020, we will have recommendations about longterm improvements. I appreciate the pilot and how quickly it went in and was built, especially with the Community Workshops associated with it, i really appreciated that opportunity to give input. We want to see valencia become a really welcoming and comfortable neighborhood street for everyone, all ages and abilities. Theres a lot of benefits to protected bike lanes on valencia , it is not just for cyclists. We will see way more people biking, more people walking, we are just going to create a really friendly neighborhood street. [ ] once i got the hang of it a little bit, you know, like the first time, i never left the court. I just fell in love with it and any opportunity i had to get out there, you know, they didnt have to ask twice. You can always find me on the court. [ ] we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. They provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. Behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a National Paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. It is great to have this opportunity here in San Francisco. We are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. Now that that is happening, you know, i im looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs that these people are here for everyone. I think it is important for people with disabilities, as well as ablebodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. People can come and check out this chairs and use them. But then also friday evening, from 6 00 p. M. Until 8 00 p. M. , it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. We offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. [ ] [ ] homelessness in San Francisco is considered the number 1 issue by most people who live here, and it doesnt just affect Neighbors Without a home, it affects all of us. Is real way to combat that is to work together. It will take City Departments and nonprofit providers and volunteers and companies and Community Members all coming together. [ ] the product homeless connect Community Day of Service Began about 15 years ago, and we have had 73 of them. What we do is we host and expostyle event, and we were the very force organization to do this but it worked so well that 250 other cities across the globe host their own. Theres over 120 Service Providers at the event today, and they range anywhere from hygiene kits provided by the basics, 5 to prescription glasses and reading glasses, hearing tests, pet sitting, showers, medical services, flu shots, dental care, groceries, so many phenomenal Service Providers, and what makes it so unique is we ask that they provide that Service Today here it is an actual, tangible Service People can leave with it. I am with the hearing and Speech Center of northern california, and we provide a variety of Services Including audiology, counselling, outreach, education, today we actually just do screening to see if someone has hearing loss. To follow updates when they come into the Speech Center and we do a full diagnostic hearing test, and we start the process of taking an impression of their year, deciding on which hearing aid will work best for them. If they have a smart phone, we make sure we get a smart phone that can connect to it, so they can stream phone calls, or use it for any other services that they need. San francisco has phenomenal social services to support people at risk of becoming homeless, are already experience and homelessness, but it is confusing, and there is a lot of waste. Bringing everyone into the same space not only saves an average of 20 hours a week in navigating the system and waiting in line for different areas, it helps them talk, so if you need to sign up for medical, what you need identification, you dont have to go to sacramento or wait in line at a d. M. V. , you go across the hall to the d. M. V. To get your i. D. Today we will probably see around 30 people, and averaging about 20 of this people coming to cs for followup service. For a participant to qualify for services, all they need to do is come to the event. We have a lot of people who are at risk of homelessness but not yet experiencing it, that todays event can ensure they stay house. Many people coming to the event are here to receive one specific need such as signing up for medical or learning about d. M. V. Services, and then of course, most of the people who are tender people experiencing homelessness today. I am the representative for the volunteer central. We are the group that checks and all the volunteers that comment participate each day. On a typical day of service, we have anywhere between 40500 volunteers that we, back in, they get tshirts, nametags, maps, and all the information they need to have a successful event. Our participant escorts are a core part of our group, and they are the ones who help participants flow from the Different Service areas and help them find the Different Services that they needs. One of the ways we work closely with the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing is by working with Homeless Outreach teams. They come here, and these are the people that help you get into navigation centers, help you get into shortterm shelter, and talk about housing1st policies. We also work very closely with the department of Public Health to provide a lot of our services. We have all types of things that volunteers deal do on a day of service. We have folks that help give out lunches in the cafe, we have folks who help with the check in, getting people when they arrive, making sure that they find the services that they need to, we have folks who help in the check out process, to make sure they get their food bag, bag of groceries, together hygiene kit, and whatever they need to. Volunteers, i think of them as the secret sauce that just makes the whole process works smoothly. Participants are encouraged and welcomed to come with their pets. We do have a pet daycare, so if they want to have their pets stay in the daycare area while they navigate the event, they are welcome to do that, will we also understand some people are more comfortable having their pets with them. They can bring them into the event as well. We also typically offer veterinary services, and it can be a real detriment to coming into an event like this. We also have a bag check. You dont have to worry about your belongings getting lost, especially when that is all that you have with you. We get connected with people who knew they had hearing loss, but they didnt know they could get services to help them with their hearing loss picks and we are getting connected with each other to make sure they are getting supported. Our next event will be in march, we dont yet have a date set. We typically sap set it six weeks out. The way to volunteer is to follow our newsletter, follow us on social media, or just visit our website. We always announce it right away, and you can register very easily online. A lot of people see folks experience a homelessness in the city, and they dont know how they can help, and defence like this gives a whole bunch of people a lot of good opportunities to give back and be supported. [ watching. Ever wonder about programs the city is working on to make San Francisco the best place to live and work we bring shine won our City Department and the people making them happy what happened next sf oh, San Francisco known for its looks at and history and beauty this place arts has it all but its City Government is pretty unique in fact, San Francisco City Departments are filled with truly Initiative Programming that turns this way our goal is to create programs that are easily digestable and easy to follow so that our resident can participate in healing the planet with the new take dial initiative theyre getting close to zero waste we 2020 and today San Francisco is diverting land filled and while those numbers are imperfect not enough. Were sending over 4 hundred thousand tons of waste to the landfill and over the 4 hundred tons 10 thousands are textile and unwanted listen ones doesnt have to be find in the trash. I could has are the ones creating the partnerships with the rail kwloth stores putting an in store collection box near the checks stand so customers can bring their used clothes to the store and deposit off. Textile will be accessible in buildings thought the city and we have goodwill a grant for them to design a textile box especially for families. Goodwill the wellknown store has been making great strides. We grateful to give the items to goodwill it comes from us selling those items in our stores with you that process helps to divert things it from local landfills if the San Francisco area. And the textile box will take it one step further helping 1230 get to zero waste. It brings the donation opportunity to the donor making that as convenient as possible it is one of the solutions to make sure were capturing all the value in the textiles. With the help of good will and other businesses San Francisco will eliminate 39 millions tons of landfill next year and 70 is confident our acts can and will make a great difference. We believe that Government Matters and cities matter what we side in San Francisco, california serve as a model phenomenal in our the rest of the country by the world. Whether you do not to goodwill those unwanted text told us or are sufficient value and the Greater Community will benefit. Thanks to sf environment San Francisco has over one hundred drop off locations visit recycle damn and thanks for watching join us [gavel] good morning. The meeting will come to order. This is september 4, 2019, regular meeting of the budgets and finance committee. I am sandra lee fewer, chair of the budget and finance committee. Im joined by supervisors Katherine Stefani and rafael manldsleman is on his way. Id like to thank Samuel Williams and Carmen Cooley from sfgov tv for broadcasting this. Do you have any announcements

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