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Your permit application is conditionally granted. Please follow up with our Deputy Director for next steps. Congratulations. Okay. Great. The final item on the agenda is item number eight, commissioners comments and questions. Okay. Nothing. You must have something. I do have something. I knew you would. Go ahead. Make your so starting this sunday for eight weeks, waverley alley, theyre going to be doing sunday play streets, and were going to be doing things for the kids, and also, theres line dancing for the tourists to see. And on the other alley, therell be activation of different nonprofits. In fact, on the 18, theyre going to be doing a big safety the sfpd will be there for the recruitment team. Fire department will be doing first aid and c. P. R. Its kind of a healthy safe chinatown promotion, but theres a lot of Different Things happening, so come down. Its the launch party. And how many weeks . Eight weeks starting the 11, so itll be finished on the 29 of september will be the last one. Beiokay. Id like to open this up to Public Comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Id like to close this meeting i. Shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local services we help San Francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the 49. My name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if San Francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop off of a lot of bookstores both National Chains and neighborhoods by the Neighborhood Stores where coming you dont want to one of the great things of San Francisco it is neighborhood neighborhood have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their own thats [ ] i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world, you shouldnt just be something in museums, and i love that the people can just go there and it is there for everyone. [ ] i would say i am a multidimensional artist. I came out of painting, but have also really enjoyed tactile properties of artwork and tile work. I always have an interest in public art. I really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world. You shouldnt just be something in museums. I love that people can just go there, and it is there for everyone. Public art is art with a job to do. It is a place where the architecture meets the public. Where the artist takes the meaning of the site, and gives a voice to its. We commission culture, murals, mosaics, black pieces, cut to mental, different types of material. It is not just downtown, or the big sculptures you see, we are in the neighborhood. Those are some of the most beloved kinds of projects that really give our libraries and Recreation Centers a sense of uniqueness, and being specific to that neighborhood. Colette test on a number of those projects for its. One of my favorites is the oceanview library, as well as several parks, and the steps. Mosaics are created with tile that is either broken or cut in some way, and rearranged to make a pattern. You need to use a tool, nippers, as they are called, to actually shape the tiles of it so you can get them to fit incorrectly. I glued them to mash, and then they are taken, now usually installed by someone who is not to me, and they put cement on the wall, and they pick up the mash with the tiles attached to it, and they stick it to the wall, and then they groped it afterwards. [ ] we had never really seen artwork done on a stairway of the kinds that we were thinking of because our idea was very just barely pictorial, and to have a picture broken up like that, we were not sure if it would visually work. So we just took paper that size and drew what our idea was, and cut it into strips, and took it down there and taped it to the steps, and stepped back and looked around, and walked up and down and figured out how it would really work visually. [ ] my theme was chinese heights because i find them very beautiful. And also because mosaic is such a heavy, dens, static medium, and i always like to try and incorporate movement into its, and i work with the theme of water a lot, with wind, with clouds, just because i like movements and lightness, so i liked the contrast of making kites out of very heavy, hard material. So one side is a dragon kite, and then there are several different kites in the sky with the clouds, and a little girl below flying it. [ ] there are pieces that are particularly meaningful to me. During the time that we were working on it, my son was a disaffected, unhappy high school student. There was a day where i was on the way to take them to school, and he was looking glum, as usual, and so halfway to school, i turned around and said, how about if i tell the school you are sick and you come make tiles with us, so there is a tile that he made to. It is a little bird. The relationship with a work of art is something that develops over time, and if you have memories connected with a place from when you are a child, and you come back and you see it again with the eyes of an adult, it is a different thing, and is just part of what makes the city an exciting place. [ ] clerk with that [roll call] clerk mr. Chairman, you do have a quorum. Go ahead and call your next item . Yes, please. Clerk item three is communications. And i did want to note that due to some time constraints, were going to go ahead and call item 14, i believe its the resignation of director reiskin, and then follow with the remaining items. Other than that, i note no other communications. Chair nuru okay. I wanted to note that i have to leave at 10 30. Clerk with that, well go ahead and move into your next item. Chair nuru yes please. Clerk seeing none, item five, executive directors report. Good morning, directors. Im pleased to provide you this morning with our experience today of reopening the Salesforce Transit Center to the public and our move to provide services to both legal and commercial operators. We opened it on july 1, in advance of the reopen, we relaunched or website, salesforcecenter. Com, and utilized traditional and social media to educate the public about the reopening of the center and the services. The park, grand hall and other areas of the Transit Center and other popup retail returned on july 1. The reopening also included a full schedule of free events and activities in the park and im happy to report that we have seen steady and growing use and interest in the park. On july 13, bus Service Began at the bus service with muni and golden gate service, and this sunday, august 11, a. C. Transit and other bus services will resume on the bus deck. We continue to work closely with our transit partners, neighbors, and security Operation Staff to provide a smooth transition back to full operations, and our final milestone will be reached this weekend when we reopen the bus deck for regional service. Our goal it to provide ride is to provide riders with a worldclass service to their destinations. I look forward to working with our partners to do just that. Im happy to report that interest has been robust since the opening and today for your consideration, we have three additional leases representing approximately 4700 square feet and five additional spaces leased. Approval of these leases will increase the Square Footage lease at the Transit Center to 64 . We will discuss the leases in detail as part of the facility operations and leasing updates. Moving on to phase two on the downtown extension, as you know, the federal Transportation Administration or f. T. A. Approved moving forward on phase two next month. I would like to thank f. T. A. For their cooperation in getting this process approved. Its a significant milestone for the advancements of phase two in the downtown extension. Having the approved environmental document and having taken steps to replace the design would place the downtown extension in a position to capture other opportunities under senate bill 1. According to m. T. C. , the program has a funding level of approximately 1. 2 billion statewide over the next two years, a portion of which is already committed. As you know, we applied for funding in january 2018, but we were unsuccessful partly because we did not have an approved environmental document and were not making significant progress on the downtown extension. The next transit application for the program is october 2, and weve already completed our application for submittal. We also look forward for the San Francisco Transportation Authority to complete their peer review so we can complete our project priority the next steps. I would like to share with you the next steps to advance the d. T. X. To be ready in the next two to three years, and dennis, if you can put up that slide. Director, this is a slide that ive been sharing with you and our partners in the last couple years as the specific next steps that we need to do to get to shovel ready in the next three years. Having a solid 30 design will provide us with a robust cost estimate and a robust Risk Assessment that we can use to perform our vallue engineering to determine what our costs to the project would be, what costs to be deferred to later on if theres no funding, and so forth. And then, after that, we could decide on delivery methods and update our project budget based on that information. In the meantime, well also be working with our partners on developing a funding plan. Developing a funding plan is a regional and state effort as well as tjpa effort, so well be working with our federal partners, regional partners and local partners. And then, we would also enter the new starts program in order to capture the 1 billion for funding to the bay area, and then after that, we would be shovel ready at that point. This is a twotothreeyear effort, and it requires a lot of work on behalf of our tjpa partners to do that, and im committed to doing that. So thats d. T. X. At this time, id like to ask dennis tershawn to present the project Labor Agreement reports. Good morning, directors. This may be one of our last p. L. A. Reports for a while, but ill go through some of the details of the meeting in june, and why this may be going into a hiatus at this point. We did hold our meeting on june 20, and the carpenters and electricians were in attendance. Went through the construction temporary update with them, retail leasing. Martha valez gave that, and then, we talked to apprenticeships and veterans. Apprenticeships is incredibly robust, especially with the carpenters, i think theyre noting 6400 apprentices in their group in Northern California at this point. Regarding labor for the last quarter, we had no work stoppages or incidents and zero recorded incidents in the Second Quarter of 2019. And then, the statistics which will be pretty close to our number of 5. 7 million hours worker hours, which is a very impressive number with the program. With the anticipated final acceptance from webcor, technically, what happens in phase one construction is the p. L. A. Goes into a hibernation until phase two starts up again unless the committee chooses to continue it on through the tenant improvements, and we are working with the unions through the tenant improvement process, but technically, the p. L. A. Does carry through final acceptance, and then, it goes back in for phase two. But that completes my presentation for the p. L. A. This quarter. Thank you. My last items to you is to introduce to you lilliana coe. Lilliana, you cant be shy. Youve got to standup over there. Tell the directors how youre going to help me deliver the downtown extension. Oh. As he said, im leilani. I go to high school in the city. So im helping them with the downtown extension, how to put that out there cause it hasnt been publicly announced on any social media platforms, and i think its i live actually in the area. I live downtown, so its actually really cool to see the Transit Center, like, as it progressed over the years . Because i remember seeing it when it was just completely, like, nothing, so yeah. Director, this completes my report. Thank you. Chair nuru thank you. Clerk all right. Well go ahead and call your next item. Item six is a construction closeout update. Good morning, directors. Ron and myself will provide this months construction update. Ill go through the basic contract work status, and then ron will complete with the contract closeout, status, contingency and phase one project. Contract work, this is a graphic that weve been carrying quite a while now to track how long its going to take to get that base contract work done. Anything from the west end breezeways to those rub willing Traffic Signals that took a while to get activated, so im going to give you a quick update and closures on each one of those. A quick update on several things here. Shaw alley, it is a beautiful art display, as well, if you have not seen it, it is a highly beautiful area, and then, the breezeway on the righthand side we call it the breezeway. Its really at the far west end of the Transit Center level. Its closed off to go to the second level until all of the activation for the retail is up there on the second floor, until that gets completed, so those two areas are done. Those Traffic Signals, we did get those done. That was quite a that was one of the more arduous things that we had to deal with, but we got there. Theyve been functioning beautifully and everything seems to be going well with the jay walkers have gone away, and a lot of issues seem to have gone away now that we have those midblock crosswalks fully activated. There are still some ceiling panels, minor, at very, very small areas. Weve finally made some progress, youll see in rons graphic, that southwest is the one that has the most panels out there. But at least from a bus deck standpoint, itll look beautiful come this sunday. Its got a few things to work on, but its been cleaned up and sparkling, its going to look that way for sundaymonday activation. And then, the path. I like walking the path and its great hearing the incredible comments and how packed it is at any time of the way. Its great to see the new pathway is working great. And then, there was one element on the bus ramp that we were tracking. Right underneath on natoma, this is where the food trucks are. That skin that covers up where the structural girters are for the bus ramp, that got completed. So all those projects that we were tracking were done, and ron will talk to you about that in the next few slides. Thank you. Good morning, directors. Thanks, dennis, were true low buttoning truly buttoning up and closing things up and winding out of phase one so mark can have full focus on phase two and operations and i can return to my day job. The trade group status is coming right along. In fact, weve got 14 subcontractors out of 47 done and gone. Weve got 20 that are all but done, whether its a signature away or the last throes of discussions, but that would be whats shown in the blue and the green on the graphic, so were winding up very nicely. That leaves us with 13 subcontractors with webcor that are going to be going through the some sort of dispute resolution process, whether it be a d. R. A. , continued discussions and negotiations or lawsuits of last resort. But were trying to muscle through that. Were looking at the first d. R. A. To be in place or initiated in october, and that would be with mcguire and hester. Theres been a bit of a back and forth with terms and conditions on the on the dispute resolution. Moving along to close out in terms of punch list, were in a handful or couple few hundred items, fairly incidental. This graphic kind of shows you who has punch list items still, and as dennis mentioned, southwest has the bulk of them because they have the skin and the buttoning up. And most of the trends between july and august, youll see, are starting to wind down in terms of number of items. Some are levelled out over the month because theyre waiting for predecessor work to happen. Or in the case of schindler and otis, they have a bulk of items that they want to tackle at the end when predecessor work is complete. So no issues to onmention, really, just processing the closeout of the punch list. Moving on to contingency cost, as you would expect, drawdown on contingency is tapering off. Just the last of the activity out there in terms of signage, and i think the bulk of it was around finishing up the Emergency Response items. In terms of bottom line is we have 43. 9 reserves and contingencies to work with. Youll note that the Program Reserve in july actually went up by 3. 9 minimllion, and thata reflection of the first wave of reconciling the beam issue with contract reduction cost. So all in all, thats moving in the right direction, as well. And then, in terms of budget, the current budget remains at overall 2. 259. 4. Just a little bit of a breakdown. The g. N. C. Contingency remains at 2. 7. The breakdown target of 2. 16. 6 is holding with an anticipation of estimated completion of 2. 17 2. 174 billion, and thats a reflection of a slight uptick as we had gone over design and support contract. And then, again, the tenant improvements in the mission, 301 mission legal. Takes us to an estimated completion of 2. 237 billion, and putting us a bit under budget of overall budget of 2. 259. So were looking forward to wrapping up phase one a bit under the budget, and with that, i can take any questions. Chair nuru thank you. Thank you. Clerk okay. Next item . Chair nuru yes please. Clerk item seven is the facility operations update. Good morning, directors. Martha velez, project updater. So the focus of operations and security activities has been on the dates of july 1, july 13, and august 11. This slide lists the major actions to be ready for those dates. As noted on monday, july 1, we were open with the exception of the bus deck. The part reopened with a full calendar of activities. Ill go over that in a little more detail later on. The s. O. C. Was fully activated. Boston properties began operating the gondola, and the food trucks came back to natoma, and of course we were happy to have the buses and bus decks back on july 13, and were looking forward to the deck reopening on august 11. A common theme heard from residents and businesses was to have the park reopen as soon as possible. This was evident in the number of guests not only enjoying the park but participating in its programs. So in reopening, b. R. V. Brought back a full complement of activities, currently at 22 a week. The trend for the most popular are music events, childrens thank you ve tummy time, and toddler events. Also quite popular is the mix of programmed events while the bar is open. B. R. V. Keeps daily counts in order to continue to refine and enhance its programs. Also, the tjpa link and b. R. V. Are meeting once a month to review the Revenue Generating outreach. Site operations with lincoln, im just going to talk about a few of the items here, the operations, the security and response protocols, and the clipper machines. On cleaning, the staff for weekdays is five for day, two for swing, and two for grave. New to the Transit Center on august 12 is the b. A. R. T. Early bird service, so this service will add 200 to 300 commuters at 4 30 a. M. , but weve decided to wait and see the impact before we add janitorial staff. With regard to operations and Security Response protocols, over the last few months, the transit operators spent numero numerous hours with the tjpa and lincoln to coordinate how we respond to incidents. So in these scenarios, the transit operators communicate to their operations centers, o. C. C. , and to the Transit Center Security Operations center or the s. O. C. , and from there, appropriate personnel are dispatched. Many scenarios have the same response structure, but there are slight variations, depending on what it is, and there were several that we worked through as a team. Lastly, as a point of information, the clipper machines were activated a few weeks ago, and people are using them. On the digital advertising, the main point to highlight is that there are some major brands that wanted to be first on the screens upon the return of the commuters to the bus deck. As such, pearl has wrapped up these commitments with potential to the Transit Center in excess of 500,000 this First Quarter and note that the annual budget for the year is 1. 8 million. This is a really good start and provides a foundation in Building Momentum as pearl pursues other major brands. And as we are doing with b. R. V. , the tjpa, lincoln, and pearl are meeting on a monthly basis to review the revenuegenerating activities. The popup retail, a few highlights highlights. As noted, the food trucks came back online between noon and 2 00 p. M. There is a bar in the park, run by off the grid. They are currently open on wednesday through fridays, starting at 2 00 p. M. However, they are monitoring the counts that b. R. V. Keeps and will be adjusting accordingly. The grand hall is waiting on a wait and see pattern. The wayfinding and signs. As you may recall, this board authorized 100,000 in the fy 1920 to do a wayfind analysis in the Transit Center. As such, the existing signs was enhanced. What you see on the slides are samples on the enhancements. The tjpa is fortunate to be able to partner with m. T. C. The two vendors from the m. T. C. Design bench are preparing proposals due to the working group the week of august 19. The working group is a. C. Transit, m. T. C. , and the prospective jurtjpa. So the expectation is therell be a way forward the beginning of september. These next few slides are about transit operations. The ground level at muni is in full operations, and as dennis mentioned, m. T. A. Was able to complete its work at the crosswalks by july 1, so the circulation is pedestrian friendly. With regard to the bus deck, the major work was completing the beam repairs and putting everything back together. That work is now done with minor items being done this week, including a thorough cleaning of the bus clean, so we look forward to august 11. This slide is a summary of the Transit Centers occupancy. Note the greyhound and amtrak remain at the temporary terminal. The start of the season is august, so they decided not to move it over. They told us they plan to move over midseptember to late september but have not given us an exact date yet. With amtrak, a date has not been provided, but tjpa is working with capital corridors on working on a temporary agreement until the permanent is signed. This would be at no cost to tjpa in that the agreement with capital corridors is they would carry the operating cost. When a. C. Transit moved to the Transit Center starting august 11, blocks three and four of the temporary terminal will be fenced off, and then, block two will remain open or unfenced. So sydney is going to give a brief update. Good morning, directors. Sydney sansome. Tjpa Security Guard and ambassador contractor has completed restaffing and initial training in support of reopen. Moving forward our priorities will be on ongoing training and standardization. The ambassadors are providing a friendly helpful presence in salesforce park and trained to assist those in need. Theyve been working with b. R. V. To provide an exceptional Customer Experience in the park. The public is responding very well. Thank you. So im going to move on to the retail leasing. This first lease is is fev chocolates to occupy suite 119 in the natoma street side of the Transit Center. Its a chocolate shop. The owner has been in business in San Francisco for ten years, however, theyve distributed their hand crafted chocolates through other outlets like gift shops, restaurants, and also online, so this would be their first location. This next lease is dimbels to occupy a space in the Transit Center. It shows a positive cash flow over the term of the lease of 1. 2 million. It will be run by two locally renouned chefs with combined experience of more than 70 years in restaurant operations, however, for the owner, this is her first location. And then finally, we have dama. Dama is the legal name of the entity, which have an acronym for the owners. They are here today. They wanted to be a part of this. The restaurant will be named aquolina. The table in front of you shows a positive cash flow over the term of the lease of 3. 26 million. Loc locally owned, it will be an italian restaurant. This is their second location, however, they also have a location in coit tower. Their menuwill feature pasta cooked in front of you in three minutes, and also feature pizza and other fare. If you extrapolate the 4. 2 million in stable rent out to the 91,000plus square feet, were trending at about 6. 5 million in potential stablized revenue which is over the initial link in proforma. This is to show you the coming banners placed in the Transit Center on the lease spaces to continue to draw activity and interest as people are walking around, enjoying the artwork. These were installed in early july. When the leases presented to you today are finalized, they be lincoln will work with the owners to install additional coming soon banners on their storefronts. This table youve seen before, however its been modified or updated to show the signed leases to date as compared to what is projected for the fiscal year 1920. So the column on the left shows that the prior Fiscal Year Ended with 13 spaces leased. Then, the next column over notes that the fiscal year starts with seven leases or seven spaces, i should say, in their First Quarter thus far, for a total of 20 spaces. So the seventh spaces, then, is for kaiser, approved by the board in june. One for foundation cafe. This was approved by the board earlier, but they waited, and theyre signing it this First Quarter. And then, plus the five spaces on the consent calendar today, which is three leases, and the column on the right shows whats projected for the year. This, youve seen before. This is a ground floor. Its information to you to demonstrate that interest remains high. There is some discussion on every space in various stages. The second floor, interest continues to be serviceoriented types of businesses. And then, finally, on the rooftop, theres discussion continuing on both spaces. So in general, the execution of the merchandising plan that colliers first presents has borne out with its diversity and local flavor, including some firsttime operators mixed in with seasoned operators. This is the last slide. Im going to just give you an overview. The landlords work on the first round of leases is nearly complete by the end of september. Also done by the end of september is pouring the slab and building the demising walls for the unleased spaces. Recall this is done for two reasons. One, to squeeze out the schedule. In looking at spaces for a prospective tenant, its easier when walls are in and floors are laid. Even though landlords work will be completed, a couple of tenants in the first round are taking longer to move forward with their work because of the tight Construction Market and high bids, so final construction methods have not been made. For the second round of services, with the exception of pouring the slab and putting up the walls and procuring the canopy units, that landlords work has not commenced. This is primary the result of needing to rethink the kitchen concept as to capacity and configuration. Capacity because as planned, it needs a rich more robust than originally planned. And configuration, becaused on the market how based on the market how leasing has unfolded, it needs a new plan in general. It needs to be rethought for the Current Space as well as future spaces, whats called a type i system. Type i means it produces cooking grease and smoke. So analyzing and assessing is underway. This exercise is multilayered in that its the exhaust system, the landlord schedule, the tenant schedule, and original tenants on occupancy. This will be presented in fewer detail at upcoming meetings. So that concludes my presentation. Are there any questions at this point . Chair nuru yes. To the chair, can you give us a sense of the need. Is it just the static way finding, is it the dynamic or what is this customer or the peak feedback . The original feedback was the static wayfinding because the digital wayfinding wasnt fully up and running when the Transit Center first opened. Im going to say it was just a basic. So one of the things that we built into the proposal was that the original look at how the static way finding interacts with the digital way finding, how the customer is reacting on that because we just we dont know. Right. Right. Okay. Well, it would be interesting i think to keep updated on all those analyses. Chair nuru yes. Yes. Whats your best guess in terms of the next round of tenants . In terms of when they open. Oh, we exchanged emails with onsite dental. They are talking about moving in middle of november or earlier. Phils is looking at january. And that second wave is roughly how many months behind that . So i dont know. Thats part of the analysis that we need to work. Chair nuru yes. Just want to say on the one the leases that they bring forward, its nice to see that theyre consistently the other two, but one, theyre selling chocolates, but thats okay. Its good to see that the performance is picking up, and im sure as the center opens, and people see, that will help you in closing out the spaces. Im sure from here on out, theyll be going like hot cakes, so well done. Chair nuru thank you. Clerk go ahead and call your next item. Item eight, the citizens advisory committee. Hello, everyone. Thank you for having me today. Usually, you have the much mora more eloquent derek. Im sorry you got stuck with me. A lot of the folks on the c. A. C. For a while really excited to see all the activity and all the feedback that theyre seeing so far. Muni is coming back, and were excited to see that m. T. A. Is coming back this weekend. You know, shovel ready in two weeks or two to three years cant come soon enough, were very focused on seeing that through. I think getting the environmental consultation together will be a great help, too. There was some feedback on the c. A. C. That they were eager to see amtrak move over, as well. Theres some conversation ongoing, and i hope that conversation is resolved soon so all activity can move to the Transit Center. Theres a great review from the sfcta just in terms of how to think about sort of the organization for the tjpa Going Forward for phase two. I know we all found it very helpful. A few takeaways that i found interest, as well as the rest of the c. A. C. , its a regional initiative, not just San Francisco, to see this through. Definitely agree that we need champions at all levels. Thank you, director chang, for giving some feedback and answering some questions for us. We know that we need to be creative and find what are alternatives that are available because you recognize that funding is the biggest blocker in moving this forward. There is a conversation from c. A. C. On what would continue to be able to help. Im a daily caltrain rider of the c. A. C. Speaking for myself, ive been taking the caltrain for a number of years. My sister took it for a number of years before me, and when i told my sister that there was a plan to have the caltrain dead end in soma, and downtown, you should have seen her eyes light up. Because for years and years, they would get to sort of 4th and king and have nowhere to go. There was definitely a conversation as well, and ive heard from my own social channels, as well, the feedback on the roof park. Thats been really positive. Lots of really good conversations around the park. As you know, theres definitely a draw to public spaces that people feel are accessible around the city. I think its good to point out that 700 and 1500 people on the regular is pretty exciting. And we think that once a. C. Transit is there and hopef hopefully amtrak, it will become a hub for the city. If youre like me and directionally challenged, i cant find my way anywhere. I think especially the more we can do there, the better, and the coming soon banners are a great way to get the word out. I think we definitely appreciate all of the local businesses that are sort of taking a chance, sort of always been interested in seeing the tjpa through. I think the banners are a great idea. In terms of questions and requests from the c. A. C. , there was a request to see what the rail yards as the d. T. X. Progresses. I think therell be discussion as well, but definitely just want to be helpful. Any questions . Thank you. Clerk go ahead and call your next item. Public comment. This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the authority on members that are n matters that are not on todays calendar. Roland brum. Good morning, directors. So what id like to do is follow up on the stress gauges that you had installed to monitor dozens of wells which you had designated as being susceptible to embrittlement. On this topic, i would like to inquire about why a low emissions train was considered, given this is the only method to predict crack formation before they occur. Moving on to the d. T. X. , id like to remind the board that a new transbay tube is in plan bay area 2050, and that the current d. T. X. Alignment as approved by the f. T. A. Would make it impossible to connect Transit Center to the east bay without approximately 2 billion in Collateral Damage between main street and embarcadero. In closing, with regards to the c. A. C. Comment and caltrain, i personally have given up on using caltrain between san jose and San Francisco. Because b. A. R. T. On the east bay is faster and is less expensive. If i go to warm springs. Its going to be even more so when the barrier expansion opens on the way to san jose, and a lot of people are essentially doing what im doing. The only reason i took caltrain this morning is i wanted to watch the progress of the daily ele electrification. The only thing that can compete with b. A. R. T. Now is the b. A. R. T. To market. That is going to change big time once the d. T. X. Is complete, and caltrain and everybody else had better be ready to this because youre going to have a huge shift from caltrain in the east bay. Clerk all right. Go ahead and call your consent calendar . Chair nuru please. Clerk all matters listed are considered to be retune and acted on by a single vote. There will be no action on items unless a member wishes to discuss an item separately. You have no items to be heard separately. So moved. Clerk a motion and a second. [roll call] clerk thats seven ayes, and the consent calendar is approved. Well go ahead and call item 14 as we had discussed earlier first on the regular calendar, which is going to be the resolution of appreciation for director ed reiskin. Chair nuru so on behalf of all board of directors, i think i just want to extend my appreciation just working in really all the insights and participation and leadership that director reiskin has provided our project. I think weve gone weve had some ups and downs, and things are looking much better. Its your work, your commitment, experience as really byebye vital in getting this station built and really connecting transportation, not just in San Francisco but the region. And so i know other Board Members will have a few things to say. But from the bottom of my heart, its been a pleasure, not just working with you on the m. T. A. , but many projects. I just want to thank you for your leadership, and thank you again. I want to add my personal thanks as a firsttime new c. E. O. , eds been somebody that i could pick up the phone or email and get immediate help. Hes been an instant partner at the Salesforce Transit Center. Im sad to see you leaving, but im thrilled that youre coming to the city of oakland. Thank you, ed, for your hard work and leadership here. I think id like to jump on. Youve been helpful in advancing highspeed rail here in california and in San Francisco and weve certainly valued that partnership and the guidance that youve given us and advice along the way. And obviously seeing this and every other piece of work that youve been involved with, ive had a chance to deal with you directly, but also having watched from before, youve been a good role model. So want to thank you for that. Youre not going far. We know how to find you, so youre not getting too far away from us. May i also just echo those comments from colleagues and appreciate director reiskin and leadership on this project and the region and for transit, really, our industry. Thank you, ed. You are one of the past president s of nacto, as well. In addition, i just wanted to acknowledge theres not the transit connections, but the street connections, all the traffic safety, the street management. Its due to your leadership and management and your staff, so thank you. Yes. Ive known ed for quite sometime and various capacities, and ive just come to enjoy watching him

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