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There was about seven of us that have come religiously for the past 10 years they were all on vacation except paul, and i think theresa is going to speak. Here is a set what you got by email when you are in executive session. Two things. This has been going on for a long time. I have been involved with this since 2005. No one from the Planning Department would be here except for the community, banking heads against to wall to start complaining. It is insulting. There were no notices given to any of the people who have spoken because you dont have to keep a list to give notices to so literally everyone is on vacation except for paul and myself and hopefully theresa is going to speak. The academy of art is for profit and it owns every site by an individual llc and makes it impossible to track them. The commission has been their stock and trade. You are doing the institutional master plan with no notice to the public over the break for thanksgiving, for the fourth of july. It is rubbing it in. You should have the courtesy to the public to have the hearing to continue the hearing for input. One of the things going on is the management of the academy of art is not explained. It is for profit with no board mechanism that i have been able to determine. Who manages the academy of art . A corporation with a bomb line of doll bottom line. Who defines the Academic Mission . Ms. Stevens and only ms. Stevens . What is your role regarding the academy . I am very, very glad the City Attorney sued them. I am glad that this fund has had all kinds of negotiations that are private between themselves, but at some point you have got to say what is the role of the public and the Planning Commission . We have to have the ability to read the document every 200 pages of documents. I only get three. I have been working on this issue. Thank you for your courtesy. President melgar thank you. Next speaker, please. Theresa flanders. I cant believe we are at this stage. It has been a long time. In living in north beach i encountered the aau on a regular basis. We lost so much housing, there were so many things missing in terms of oversight, in terms of honesty, transparency. Above all what i hope we learn and that we do actually learn from this long, long period of time with this particular institution is what is needed to be in place that we do not lose any more housing, and i really wish that a lot more housing was going to be returned to our Housing Stock in this particular case. I also, the idea of schools Building Student housing, that would be a really good lesson to learn in this. That is still not part of what im seeing, losing the Da Vinci Hotel for Student Housing doesnt feel right at all. There could be so many Different Things done with that hotel. Furthermore, as we are seeing so many buildings as corporate rentals, vacation rentals, a motor lodge, it is something i know my family of 10 when i was a kid, that is the kind of place we would stay. That eliminates a certain population with less money not staying in the three or five star hotels, there would be a place. Again, its wanting the aau to actually build the Student Housing. That would be on them and not removing housing from our rental stock that we so need so lots of lessons to be learned. I hope we really learn them. Thank you very much. President melgar thank you. Any other Public Comment on this item . Good afternoon, commissione commissioners, test melbourne. I would like to support the comments previously about the loss of controlled Housing Units in rent controlled Housing Stock. 40 million. I have heard the Mayors Office say a Million Dollars a unit to build the Affordable Housing maybe 900,000. 40 units. If it was only 500,000, that would be 80 units. I object to the secrecy around the negotiations and the internal workings of the university there. Again, mcdonalds makes money from actually land leasing. They buy the land and then they get a tenant to be a franchisee. It looks like the aau is in the same boat as the people who own the university on the one hand through various llcs own the sites that in the future they can choose to sell off in different ways. They are not owned by the university. There has to be more scrutiny there. It is not a compact campus. I agree it moves in the right direction, but as long as they are allowed to remain spread all over the map the way they are now and the way things have been going, we are just going to get more of the same so please give a lot more scrutiny. This was not a very good chance for the public to weigh in before your review in october, but the fact about student debt, too, i want to reenforce that. The feds are starting to say if a school is producing a lot of debt and a lot of students who dont get jobs in their field when they graduate maybe they shouldnt guarantee the student loans. Maybe that should also play into our consideration. President melgar thank you. Any other Public Comment on this item . Public comment is closed. Commissioner fung. In the development of the Student Housing metering as indicated by the project sponsor approximately 30 of their enrollment, were statistics provided to staff on the other enrollees in terms, as an example percentage of commuters versus noncommuters . Thank you. That is a question of comparative analysis of the academy to other institutions . No in terms of balance of students. That was part of the discussion was looking at the student body. How many are on site versus how many are Online Students . They have the percentage of the student body that is fulltime but may take one class online. We have that breakdown. Are you also speaking where they reside . Yes. That was a thorough analysis done as part of the e. I. R. And estm in 2016. A lot of that was part of that document. Give us an idea. How many as a generality, how many are commuters . I would refer to the academy for the current figures on that. While he is looking at it, ms. Sanchez, since they have a shuttle system that is fairly extensive, any discussions on electric buses . Excellent question. I do not know if we have had that discussion. That would be with transportation folks with the academy. I think there have been changes if they are biodiesel. I do not know what extent they have considered electrification of the fleet. I can ask the project spons sponsor. Jim abrams, council for the academy of art. In the imp, what we have done is reported all of the enrollment for students who are fulltime and parttime. Then we have broken them out for fulltime one, two and three and more classes online. We have not indicated where the students live with their commuting or not. We have said that the students that are fulltime students who take up to one class online thanks is the universe of students we have to house regardless where they live currently. When i was speaking about the 30 number, i should have clarified that number goes up over time. What the current agreement requires is that at the time of the signing of the Development Agreement we have to house 32 of the fulltime. By 2026, 36 . Then we have to get 45 and above. As i indicated that is greater than any other private university in the city. Now we house 36 of the fulltime. It is above the 32 requirement in the da. There is a provision that requires we have to exceed 90 occupancy rate on the beds for the triggers to occur. In order for the rate at 36 we have to show we are exceeding 90 occupancy on the beds. The other question. Did you folks ever consider going electric on your shuttle system . The shuttles, currently, i believe, they are clean energy vehicles. Your report indicates they are going from diesel to gasoline. Correct the diesel engines are being phased out. I am not sure about electric vehicles whether or not we would do that. I want to say the shuttles are not being provided for the sake of providing the shuttles. The school is adjusting the shuttles on the basis of demand for the students. The t dm Program Gives points for the program. Notwithstanding the fact there is a muni system. Thank you. President melgar commissione r koppel. Vice president joel koppel g was talking about. I was asking about sustainability within the buildings and transportation. This is a small city you dont need a gas tank of 300 miles to shuttle students from believes to buildings that are very close together. You know, it is simple to install solar panels on one of the many buildings and feed into batteries charges up small shuttles and eliminate the noise to the neighbors. As i mentioned last week mayor breed is intending to take the Ground Transportation to 100 full electric vehicles. That is the way we are going as the city and we should follow suit as the university, too. President melgar can i share more . The Gold Standard for master plans in the city is very high. This is the first time the aau is submitting an imp. We have golden gate university, California College of art, hastings, university of San Francisco. Many of the commissioners have been in these things and the document twice to emulate the form mat of those imps, the critical comment. It stea still reads as a doct responding to the specific legal challenges the aau has recently gone to. That is probably editorial more than anything else. I have a substantive question in what form you are quantifying the student body. I heard you quote minimum of one class taken on campus. I think that is what this document says. That standing in contrast to the typical metrics where the student body is quantified in fulltime equivalent for both on campus and offcampus student. How are you accounting for the students you actually have . It is harder to understand when it comes to speaking about your buildings in other typical institutional master plans, Square Footage is counted by an accurate utilization of space for the actual count of how many students are in each class with an actual number of teaching hours. Somewhere along the line while you believe your metrics are accurate, i would like to see an equivalency accounting of how you have both do the same thing as other institutional master plans to. Mathematics simplifies the tabulations but i think we need to have some apples and apples here in order to bring this imp just into the same level of documenting the operation of this institution. That is i think perhaps a matter of clarification on your part. I have heard frequent mention of clustering the campus, and while i am very interested in seeing that you are consolidating operations in more specific concentrated locations of the Real Estate Holdings of the academy, i am still wondering when i look at page 55 of your document as to whether or not the way your curriculum lays itself over your real estate that is really fully an expression of clustering. I see, for example, the discipline of photography spread over three buildings which are quite far away from each other. I see the teaching of fashion doing the same thing. One would expect for all of us having gone to universities that related curriculum in proximity to each other architecture, interior and landscape in divergent places. I would like to perhaps have that explained better. One does not want to think you would be duplicating resources, including making it difficult for students and teachers who operate in similar environments to move back and forth which reflects on the Shuttle Service. When you cereal lecluster the purpose really cluster. The purpose is to make the turnover a short minimum walking distance. The university of california davis modeled in the 1970s is the most desirable model of campus operations. In an urban environment that would be equally desirable including public transportation. Also the use of public bicycles which cities are offering in abundance with the use of e scooters. Speaking about clustering, it is classroom utilization and the overlay of transportation strategy which really speak to a campus model that you are expressing as a goal but not fully realized. I have a question that is more suggestion. I had a difficult time for you to start utilizing 1946 vanness as an auto exhibit andy sign center and the Design Center behind on 1849 washington you seem to have a Similar Program that could perhaps be a little bit more detail how the auto museum manifests itself into vanness corridor because it spreads out and it seems to be using a rather large amount of Square Footage. It is not quite clear what that program is. I think a little extra detail on other programs would be desirable, where they are located, how the existing Square Footage interact how the teaching and resources in those particular centers come together. I couldnt quite understand the utilization of the concordia club. There seems to be an indication it is being used an expansion of the fashion program. I could see it being a historic rated building, not resource but rated building that was originally, i think, a social club. It has a Swimming Pool in the bottom and probably has presentation and meeting rooms. How a building like that adapts to school is not fully clear. I see the same question with the bakery how that would adapt. I would like to see a little more detail on that building as well. Those are my comments. President melgar any other comments . Okay. I just i want to first of all, thank our legal team, and particularly ms. Watty for your hard work over the years, and director ram and the Mayors Office of housing for all of the work they put into this issue, and also members of the public, particularly, ms. Hester, who have stayed on the problem to help us make progress towards a resolution. I want to thank the academy of art. To commissioner moores comments, this is not the first submittal of the institutional master plan. There have been others that we have turned down. I think this is the first real institutional master plan that has been submitted and not something that reads like a pr document so i am grateful for that because, you know, it is being taken seriously. I think, you know, it is important to plan for the future and for how you use land in the city. I will say that i am glad that we are working towards the resolution. Is it perfect . No, there are a lot of things we would all like to see in it, but i think on the whole, i am appreciative that we are making progress towards resolving a whole host of issues that have to do with land use and compliance,anticly the loss of land controlled housing which is important. Director ram, did you want to Say Something . Well to reiterate thanks to everyone, the Attorneys Office and scott and liz and andrew perry was very much involved in this. The question before you today, before the commission is whether to close the public hearing is the point where you accent the master plan to start the 90 day clock for approvals. In the past you have not taken action on that but through informal agreement by the commissioners they agreed to close it or you can vote to continue it and not close the public hearing if you feel additional notice is needed. It is not notice of an action item but we can vote to close it . I would recommend as the chair you ask if there is objection from the commissioners to close the public hearing or if there is Additional Information they would like to have included in the imp then you could continue the matter. President melgar i think what we should do is see if there are objections. If there is a majority of commissioners who object we continue. Commissioner richards. If you could go 304. 5 how you feel this imp meets that section of the planning code i could be swayed to close this hearing. The main points in 304. 5 as i stated in the initial presentation would be that it addresses the nature of the institution, it is history and growth. I think this document as well as the numerous documents we prepared over the years, the previous imp, i think we have a better understanding of that. Physical changes that have occur understand the neighborhoods as a result of the growth. I think we have documented that through this as well. Services provided and service populations. We have analysis there with the changes that have happened over the years. Employment characteristics are covered, the fiscal plant in San Francisco. We have a clear concise appendix there. The parking means we have a discussion on the Transportation Development plans of the institution for the next decade. We outlined that. In addition the Background Information provided by the term sheet as well. Maybe to the transportation issues raised at Public Comment. I note the original term sheets including requirement the Academy Provide muni passes to students and faculty. That was in the original settlement in 2016. We worked to ensure the they an compliance with bike requirements of the planning code. They have a large number of bike parking to add to address the transit issues. Through the Environmental Review there is a dramatic change in the shoalings system and rationalization of the shuttle system. They didnt have a program before. They have a more systematic approach to the Transit System now. Not to say things chant change in the future cant change in the future. We have made a lot of improvements. The transit passes and bike parking we have made strong progress on there in addition to physical changes to consolidate the facilities. President melgar commission. Commissioner moore i would ask to ask the shuttle system the public clearly said was the introduction of Rapid Transit and all lines basically connecting to the other campus locations. Let me look one more time at the concentration of the university on vanness and perhaps not needing as intense of a Shuttle Service as the document still indicates. I believe i would like, i could support letting the imp go out today. I still would like to see it to account for the student body by fulltime equivalent. That makes it compare annual to other Institution Master plans that can be done without us stopping the clock. I would like to see a couple other adjustments which came through my previous comments. Look at shuttle regarding vanness, look at fulltime student equivalent, look at Teaching Centers clustered on vanness rather than the scattered pattern which the university actually originally indicated to us was their preferred mode of operation. That goes way back when but hasnt changed to the way we know the university to organize itself. President melgar commission. Vice president joel koppel i want to clarify my comments earlier. We are not objecting to moving forward today. I am pleased with the progress we made with all parties inclusive. I didnt think we would get this far. I am impressed where we have got today in support of closing. President melgar commission. Commissioner richards fulla semester . Everybody equal to that level . Commissioner moore that is the way you do master plans. You quantify what else you have the basic understanding of the full student body. Commissioner richards if i am flee credits on three credits online that is one f. T. E. Commissioner moore the mathematics are a mathematical model by which that is done. I get it. It brings it into account and understanding which by the way described in the plan at the moment. That is reasonable. I do think f. T. E. Doesnt really talk to impact on the physical environment because you have six students at three credits at three classes versus one student going to one class. There is a whole different impact the apples to apples is a good idea. I dont see a reason not to close the hearing. I agree with commissioner moore on the vanness transportation program. I suggest you folks look at that and concentratorring the teaching curriculum or whatever on vanness as well and the f. T. E. I support closing the hearing. We have made eons of strides. I move to close the hearing. I think there is no objection to closing the hearing. President melgar we will do that now. We are closed. Very good item 10 . The Mission Rock Phase one lot 337 and pier 48. This is an informational presentation. Good afternoon, i am with the department staff. I am joined by Michael Christian son who will act as the manager and the planning staff Going Forward and Phil Williamson the project manager on behalf of thepert. Before you is an forcal presentation on the phase one submit of the mission rock mixeduse project. You approved this project in october of 2017. The overall project comprises of roughly 20acres of seawall lot 337 and pier 48. Generally in the mission bay neighborhood. It is a port property. The Planning Department has joint jurisdiction of guiding the build out of this project. We will jointly review the design of the buildings, however, per the master approves the port is the review. They are referred to as the horizontal. Pursuant to the agreement the port is required to approve a phase submittal application for each phase prior to commencing approval of buildings or commencing construction. The purpose is to lay out the phases land use and related infrastructure and also enable the port to confirm compliance with the dba related to financing, park programming and management and retail strategy among other topics. While the review and approval is the ports jurisdiction the special use district does require an informational presentation to this Planning Commission prior to their final approval. With that i will turn it over to the project sponsor team you will hear from the San Francisco giants and from maggie cook and karl shannon. This concludes my presentation. I am happy to answer any questions. President melgar thank you. Hello, mr. Bear. Good afternoon, commissioners. It has been over a year since we were before the Planning Commission in the process to get entitlement and approval for the mission rock project. I am pleased we made it through that process, through the port, city agencies and the state lands commission. It has been a long a long journey. We started it 12 years ago. The port sent out an r. F. P. , we responded, we were selected for negotiation rights. There was an economic slowdown, an election, and then we went through the entitlement process. That brings us to today. We are in the implementation phase. One of the first decisions we needed to make what was going to be phase one . That is what we are going to speak to you about today. The first thing that we do is that we recruited our team to implement the project. I want to introduce karl shannon and heather and maggie cook who will speak in more detail about the first phase. We have been very busy for the last year on multiple fronts. We have been planning the infrastructure, the streets, parks, sewers, telecom, Sea Level Rise, sustainability systems. We have been working on the building designs, park designs and so many other aspects, the mapping, the street vacations. This is a complicated project. We are trying to tie all the loose ends together to break ground by the end of the year on the project. A little context, this is a brief timeline i just went through. This project in its entirety is 28acre, 11 buildings, parking structure, three parks and rehabilitating on one pier. This is a land use map going through the different land uses in the project. In yellow are the housing parcels, brown are the office parcels, there are three parcels that are flex parcels that can be housing or office. There are three parks. China basin park, north edge of the development, Mission Rock Square in the heart of the project, channel wharf overlooking the water between the two piers and open space surrounding pier 48 itself. The main change we made over the last year is to what buildings we would build in phase one. We are going to go into a little more detail later. These side by side maps show the original phasing plan haddings a, g, k and b lining the china basin park. We swapped outbuilding f for building k. Building f is 240 feet tall involving more Housing Units to accelerate delivery of housing more to the first phase. It is a more complete first phasein terms o every tail. What you see today is the plan for proposed phase one which is different than we originally proposed when we started the project. I will turn the microphone over to heather gonzalez. Good afternoon i would like to share the key goals of the first phase. First deliver a substantial amount of Housing Market rate and affordable. This is more through swapping k through f. This allows a strong sense of place on the grounds and creating a complete intersection to lead directly to a world class waterfront park. Now to sharing more detail about the specific components of the project first phase. The first component of work to be under taken at the site is Critical Infrastructure to develop the buildings to accommodate 66 inches in sea level wise, district wide energy and site work streets and sidewalks and stormwater treatment. As part of the first phase we will deliver a marquis 5. 5acre waterfront public park a draw for the entire Community Engaging visitors to experience vibrant and safe recreation. It features th the civic plaza, extension of the bay trail and areas of play. It will engage the public throughout the park. Active programs towards families, cyclists and pedestrians ballpark fans and those looking to get closer to the bay. China basin park is the largest. This network of Public Open Space goes hand in hand with the neighborhood. First phase will provide roughly 70,000 square feet of ground floor retail space across four buildings, much of which is park and pedestrian. Creating unique environment for shops and restaurants. A variety of sizes provides an opportunity for small and local businesses and options for workers and visitors. Next will create stores and restaurants to thrive given the steady population. I will hand it to maggie cook to tell you about the first stays. Good afternoon. Phase one of mission rock will include two residential buildings at 240 feet, two of the tallest buildings adjacent to future parks. In total the phase intends to deliver 550 rental units, 200 inclusionary. Parcel a northwest corner 400,000 gross square foot including 290 residential units. Parceling f more central will include approximately 260 residential units over 315,000 gross square feet. Inclusionary units will be spread across those. The residential units will be studios serving individuals and families. The Office Component of the project is commentary to the residential use. It brings daytime population to the site supporting retailers as well as keeping the area vibrant throughout the daytime hours. Phase one includes two Office Buildings totaling approximately 550,000 square feet. The building will be 13 stories, the building on the east side on third street will be eight stories. Mission rock will tie into and leverage existing transit options in bay including third street t line, 22 bus route, caltrain and existing walking and Bicycle Networks in mission bay. It will support additional bicycle use by building a new section of the may trail through china basin park as well as a passthrough the boulevard. Each building will include secure bicycle parking. In partnership with city agencies the mission rock team will use a range of Traffic Management tools to manage the event transportation to and from the site. Turning to karl. Good afternoon, commissioners. It is great to be here. Just want to first say thank you to the San Francisco giants for having the faith in us to execute on the project that they worked on for decades. Thank you to the port. This is a complex Public Private partnership. I cant stress enough without the cooperation of the city and the port we would not be in a position to be able to build housing today with 40 affordable. The economics of making that work only work because of the mixed use nature of this project. I will show you the schedule back to the screen. We submitted the phase one to the port several months ago. We have been working with them through the fair market valuation process. We are near the conclusion of that. I hope to be at the Port Commission on august 13th. Hope shortly there after to execute the vertical Development Agreements and to get the leases executed to begin construction shortly after the baseball season is over and be under vertical construction in the spring. We are all here to answer any questions. Thank you for taking the time. President melgar thank you very much. We will now take Public Comment on this item. Good afternoon, commissioners San Francisco housing coalition. I am exciting for the update here. One thing in the conversation about the percentage 40 on the site which is absolutely significant. The mixed use nature plus the public subsidies as well. As these Construction Costs rise after this originally came to the voters in 2015 it is significantly more expensive. Everybody is excited. With all due respects for the giants i am a diehard oakland as fan. As i watched it on the water we were having a beer talking about what would be coming and what the waterfront would look like. It will be beautiful and i am excited. Thank you for everybody involved. Lets keep this moving forward as fast as we can. Thank you. President melgar any other Public Comment . Public comment is now closed. Commissioner koppel. Vice president joel koppel i think the initial rendering says its all. We used to look from the ballpark into a massive street level parking lot that went on for days. What we saw today was the stuff we want to see. 40 Affordable Housing is just unreal, and we are going to welcome it. Mr. Bear, what are you feeding the giants lately . Nine out of the last 10 and 15 and three in july . Whatever you are doing, keep doing it. President melgar divisionner richards. Commissioner richards i want to stress for folks if they build housing like pouring a cup of coffee. You heard what they had to go through Sea Level Rise and vacations. It goes on and on. There is infrastructure you have to put in place. They are doing the right things. I cant wait to see it get moving. Thank you very much. President melgar commission. There are a couple items related to sustain ability . Is that the extent of what is required . There were several sustainability components. The standouts was the District Energy and black water. The sea wall. The general approach to Sea Level Rise, how they were adapting the site and thinking straiteningicly the strategically how it related to third street which remains amount its elevation. Thinking about that as well. I ask the same question of the project sponsor then. Mr. Fung we worked in close coordination with the port of San Francisco and the agencies. One of the goals of the port would be to raise the bar on sustainability issues. This site surpasses what is done on most sites in the city. With the Sea Level Rise we are raising the site for five feet around the site. We are also treating blackwater, we are doing District Energy. We are pushing the envelope on all of the sustainability measures for the project and we are working in good coordination with the city. When you use the term all, other sustainability, what do you mean by that . The transportation Mitigation Program and aspects to sustainability. This is classic Transit Development it is near caltrain with muni right at the development site, access to Ferry Service down the line. It is a place where you could work and live in the same location or live and work with easy transit ride downtown or back to the peninsula. It is the site where housing and mixed use development should be located. We are also dealing with other Energy Systems with district incomenergy on site that are not standard. President melgar commission. Commissioner moore what is the timeframe for build out of phase one . How many years will it take . We anticipate starting horizontal construction on the infrastructure before the end of this year. We anticipate starting vertical construction around april and may of 2020, next year. We have approximately a two year construction cycle. Phase one would be open in the spring of 2022. Na sounds very exciting. I am excited about that and excited that you have expanded phase one. I am excited to have this be a place in San Francisco and the fact that you are building out that phase one. We will make it a place that people identify and want to be at. In anticipation of everything else, thank you so much for shepherding it through and for the whole time. It is really exciting. Nothing further we can move to item 11 for case 2014. 0948enk at 344 14th street. You continued this matter to june 6. Then you continued to june 27. On june 27th after closing Public Comment in the motion to approve conditions fail 32 with commissioners moore and richards against and johnson and melgar absent you continued to july 11 by a vote of 41. On july 11 you continued to jul. Commissioners melgar was absent. You need to state into the Public Record that you have reviewed the previous hearing and materials. I have, yes. Thank you as this is like the fourth hearing on this matter, we will limit public testimony to one minute and the presentation to three minutes. Good afternoon, commissioners. Planning department staff. The item before the Planning Department is large project authorization pursuant to 32 the. 329. I am seeking waivers to permit construction of the residential knowledge approximately 84,630 square foot. And the 58x district. The project including construction of the residential building with ground floor commercial. With 60 dwelling units. Approximately 5890 square foot retail sales and class one bicycle spaces and the project including the mix of four junior studios, 17 one bedroom students and 39 two bedroom units. No changes have been prepared since we last heard the project to june 27, 2019. A reminder that from the previously scheduled hearing in april 4, 2019, a project sponsor updated the project as follows. The pdr knowledge was remove building was removed. The additional height permitted under 262. 21 was removed and the parapet was lowered. The dark grey color was revised to blue. Per comments and feedback the catwalk unit access was revised to include two communal siding and planting on each area and privacy screens were added. Sample unit plans are included from the june 27th packets. The large three bedroom units were replaced with smaller units your one bedroom and two bedroom units. The project eliminated parking on the basement. The residential lobby was removed. Retail space is now five separate spaces. Streetscape spaces are discussed with the neighbors. The size of the windows were reduced to be more compatible. The ground floor entries unchanged. The mesthe project is consistenh the planning code. It is on balance consistent with the plan and the objectives and policies of the general plan. It results in new rental housing including below market rate units for rent at 334 14th street. They are more appropriate uses than the parking lot. We find it to be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and adaddadjacent neighborhoods. This concludes staffs presentation and i am happy to answer questions. I am here on behalf of the project sponsor. Thank you for time in the last two weeks. I has given us the opportunity to fully explore the potential for an agreement with the neighborhood. I will back up. We have a density bonus project. Eight bmr units. It is a good residential project. It has been in the process for so long that despite the grandfathering it is subject to the current bmr rules which it was grandfathered from and subject to the state density bonus fee. This is a solid residential project complying with all current laws in the city of San Francisco. Despite th the legal protectiond the unfortunate precedent for density bonus this project sponsor worked with the community. We have an agreement with the woodward street neighbors to take care of the design concerns as well as streetscape concerns. We have an m. O. U. With the woodward street folks. [please stand by] this project will be subject to that new legislation because the permit has been issued by the time he goes into effect. Thank you commissioners, i appreciate your consideration. Im here for questions. Thank you. We will open the side of Public Comment. Anyone who wants to provide any Public Comment. Please come up. Good afternoon commissioners. When we were last here we were sent away to work with project sponsor to reach an agreement, which we took very seriously. I reach out to mr. Nuppercaseletter that following day, and left a voicemail, did not hear back. I reach out again the following monday and left another voicemail, and no reply. When i did not receive a reply to either of my voicemails acknowledging my calls, i reached out by email, that following tuesday with no response ever received. This is the first time that i am hearing that this is going to be

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