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Not a signed Lease Agreement. But it is something that you guys are working on it and it is doable and very intend to pursue it. I dont think we will have any time of any kind of Lease Agreement any time soon, but we do have the specs, which was a wish list for what they want. Within priced it out, we have a study, and the next section will be engagement with a catchment designer and going over the next level of detail. I dont know in terms of timing. We are planning on pursuing that next step. Again, i think that in between what you described, there is a spectrum of possibilities. They have been around and been doing this for a long time. They have done tenant improvements and build outs and other places. They do know both what is doable and what their funding is and what they can take on. Commissioner richards . I guess, i looked on the last couple pages of the revised motion. A talked about what was actually going to be given because of the state density bonus, but it does not quote the hardship or the financials. I look look at office space going for 80 a square foot. Office space is in high demand now. We are giving concessions and incentives to enable a very high yield asset to be built. It seems like it is the wrong way around. We were building more housing because of could see, but this is a huge giveaway. I would love to see what these hardships are or what the justification is in the numbers that they have handed in. This to me is almost an abuse of the state density bonus. Staff looked at this quite carefully. Obviously this is a really unique project. We havent encountered Something Like this with the state density bonus. We didnt really look into this with the city attorneys, with upper management to make sure that this was something that, legally could be done and it was they provided the Financial Information that was required to substantiate the costs to support the waivers where the concessions and, and supporting that, it would be a cost hardship. It would substantially impact their ability to provide the Affordable Housing. We had our Housing Specialist look at this and work with the sponsor very carefully to make sure that the information they have provided us was adequate and sufficient, and they also made some amendments to our findings. So should take should a continuance pass, i would really like to see that. The financials are included in the back of the revised motion that i handed out today. These came to us and were still working through this at the last minute before the may 9th meeting, and then it was continued, and since it was continued again, i didnt have an opportunity to get everything to you. That is why it is in this packet it is in this thing here . Correct. What page . After the end of the motion there are three or four letters from the sponsors architect detailing out the cost and showing the justification for the reason i am asking his mind does not have that on it. Mine just ends. That is why. That is probably my error. I wrote on this but you can have this. Thank you. Im not trying to harass you, i just dont see it and i dont know why i dont have it. Commissioners, keep in mind, with the concessions and incentives that are invoked by the sponsor, these are things that staff does not have the ability to grant or not to grant these are things they can invoke under the state law, similar to what the waivers do as well. Can i just ask you to help us supposedly were not building a single unit of housing on the site, but were just adding office space. How much office space could they add . They are allowed to the zoning does not restrict a number. It restricts a floor level, for example, the floor level, the current zoning is 68 x. So they would only be allowed the amount of floors that are permitted for the zoning. Which is what . If it is under four stories, it is one floor of office. If it is between five and seven, it is two floors of office. And right now they are at five . Correct. So they could go up to seven . Correct. And could they build office space in the parking lot right now . They could, but not on the ground floor. Not on the ground floor, but they could go up to seven floors in that parking . Theoretically, yes. Okay. Commissioner moore . This is a very interesting question that i want to tag on. If they then merge those two buildings, one being illegally nonconforming, what rules kick in for that . Do you get illegally nonconforming building with all of its space to be legal . As long as they are not touching the nonconforming space , they get to keep it. The minute they start doing a substantial amount of work for that existing space and adding square footage, for example, that is only have to conform back to the current codes and rules that we have. If they have the space, they get to keep the space. By definition, merging two spaces alters the space in a significant way. So if you are adding why to ask, you will get a major alteration. Which rules kick in . The space that they have, they are still able to keep. I understand the merging of it causes, you know, a perception that they would lose it, in this instance, they wouldnt. So they would still be allowed to build some office there as per the zoning. It is fascinating. We could geek out here all day. Commissioner richards . One question just to be clear we are not getting Additional Office space with the state density bonus, they are getting additional housing space. Correct. One other question, just thinking out loud, i could go there and put a tower up and add five units of housing on top and say i want a tower separation, i want to waive this and waive that, can i do this for a building of that scale even if it has five Housing Units in it . Major waivers like that . Miss stacey, i think that is for you. That is a rhetorical question i can see where this is going. This is nuts. Kate stacey in the city attorneys office. Im sorry i cant answer that hypothetical question, but there are demonstrations that need to be made when asking for waivers and incentives. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioner moore . In light of the fact theres a lot of soulsearching, i make a motion that we continue this project to get a little bit more clarity from the applicant, as well as answering some basic questions. Second. To when . That would be probably september. Your september calendars are closed at this point. We could fit august 22nd or we can go october. October. October 10th. Can you make it a bit later . October 17th. Go ahead. I would avoid the 17th. It is a big day for Office Projects. Why is that . That is when the new camp comes in for office. [laughter] did you want to the august 22 date if it is available, we would love to take that. If the commission feels we are not ready we can always be continued again. They asked for a oneweek continuance, so i wonder if that is okay with them to have august 22nd. [indiscernible] i cant make a motion. This is up to the maker of the motion. August 22nd, we should give that a shot. Second. Very good then, commissioners if there is nothing further, there is a motion that has been seconded to continue to august 22nd. [roll call] so moved. That motion passes unanimously 6 0. Theyll place us on items nine a , b. , c. , and d. For the property of 610690 brandon street brandon brannan street. Excuse me, folks. Excuse me. If you need to have a conversation, take it outside. We would greatly appreciate it. Good afternoon, commission. I am with Planning Department staff. I just distributed a response letter from our Environmental Review officer, lisa gibson, in response to the july 16th letter from the trust that we all received. As mentioned, the request before you is for four separate actions relating to the project at 610 698 brannan street, more commonly known as the flower mart site. It is one of eight key sights in central soma plan. In order to proceed, the project requires the Planning Commission to grant a large project authorization for construction of a new building within 85 feet in height, a new construction over 50,000 gross square feet in area, granted Office Allocation under prop them, recommends that the board of supervisors approve the planning code text amendment and associated zoning map amendment to establish the special use districts and create additional key sites, and finally, recommend that the board of supervisors approve the Development Agreement for this project. Following my presentation, the office of economic and Workforce Development will give a presentation regarding the development of the agreement, and following her, alexandra and ben representing the project sponsor and project architect will give a detailed presentation regarding the program and design of the project. The project site is approximately six and a half acres. Is comprised of six parcels located on the north side of brannan between fifth and sixth street. Is part of the project, all these lots would be merged. The site has split zoning. It has both types of zoning. It also has split height and bulk zoning. A portion being in the 130 and another portion in the 270 height and bulk district. The project would demolish the ten existing buildings on the site, including those that house the San Francisco wholesale flower market and construct three new 818 story mix used Office Buildings containing a total of 2,032,165 square feet of office, 113,036 square feet of production and distribution and repair, this would be the new San Francisco flower mart. 83,000 square feet of retail, 769 Parking Spaces, 30 loading spaces, and 496 bicycles Parking Spaces. It would also develop 35,450 square feet of publicly accessible openspace. Theres also project variance. At the behest of the wholesale flower market vendors, the project sponsor and the Safety Incorporated into the development and agreement an option for the wholesale flower market to permanently relocate to another site within the city in lieu of it being constructed on site. Should this option be exercised, the project variance would contain a total of 2,061,003 had an 80 square feet of office, 90,960 square feet of retail, 22,690 square feet of childcare facility, and 950 square feet of Community Room. It would have a reduced parking of 632 offstreet loading spaces, nine loading spaces, and then have increased bicycle parking at 608 spaces. It also would provide 38,450 square feet of privately owned Public Open Space. It is a very large project, and this project in the project variance would be developed in three phases. Phase one would include the construction of the northernmost building, also known as the block building. The underground parking garage and all of the bicycle parking, the mid block passage, and the majority of the plaza off of brannan street. Collectively, this phase would result in the relocation of the flower market vendors in the interim location. 1,355,363 square feet of office. The 113,000 p. D. R. , the flower market, 8,043 square feet of retail, 769 vehicle Parking Spaces or loading spaces and 96 part bicycle Parking Spaces. 22,000 of popo his, and then it would also provide an additional 4,000 square feet of off site open space and as per the Development Agreement, would implement and enhance workforce programs, have a dedication of 14,000 square feet piece of property to the Mayors Office of Housing Affordability to construct Affordable Housing, streetscape improvement, and contribute 5 million towards a sunnydale hub project in the construction of a gateway or marker for the soma filipina cultural district or in lieu fund. The project variance would change the first space by reconfiguring their ground floor of the blocks building to replace the wholesale flower market would 22,960 square feet of childcare and an additional 7,517 feet of retail, 29,215 square feet of Additional Office and the 950 square feet of Community Room. Would also increase the amount on site by widening the market alley. The other two phases will remain unchanged. Phase one b. Would include the construction of the building of the corner of fifth and brannan, most commonly known as the market hall building. The completion of the brannan plaza and construction of the fifth street plaza. This phase would have 351,895 square feet of office, 60,930 square feet of retail, so the majority of the retail will be in the second phase, 12,000 square feet of popo and streetscape improvement along the adjacent frontage. And the in the final phase, this would be constructing the building at the corner of sixth and brannan, commonly known as a Gateway Building and the dog park. This last phase would have 324,900 and square feet of office, over 6,000 square feet of neighborhood serving retail, 800 square 830 square foot dog park and then they would dedicate another 703 square feet for off site Public Open Space and complete out those streetscape improvement. The project is requesting a large project authorization pursuant to planning code 329. They are permitted to seek exceptions from the planning code. The code allows additional exceptions in the case of key sights within the central soma district, dependent upon the project providing qualified amenities. In excess of what is required by code. The qualified amenities proposed for this project include the provision of p. D. R. And greater amount and lower rents then is otherwise required by code. That would be the relocation provision of the new flower mart as well as the dedication of the 14,000 squarefoot parcel land for the construction of Affordable Housing. As such, under the large project authorization, the project and project variant are seeking the exception into the planning code requirement as detailed out for each project in the staff report the project is also requesting approval of an Office Allocation as a proposed project, it would construct over 2 million square feet of office and as of july first, approximately 1. 7 million of square feet of office is available in the largecap Office Development. The Department Recommends the Commission Grants the Office Development authorization for the first phase, phase one a, of the project, which would be for the 1,355,000 square feet or phase one a of the project variance which would be 1,000,384 thousand square feet today, staff soc four letters in support of the project from the San Francisco bicycle coalition, neighboring businesses, in a neighboring resident. Stuff is also received four letters and opposition to the project from the Neighborhood Consortium and the river trust, and attorney for three neighborhood residents and a neighboring property owner. The Department Also received comments from adjacent neighbors recommending that if the flower market relocated is offsite in the shared Service Drive on the northern side of the property be more pedestrian in character. In summary, this terrifies a project is on balance consistent with the central soma plan and relevant objectives and policies of the general plan. The project will facilitate the retention of a long operating p. D. R. Use in the city and provide a new mixeduse development with office, p. D. R. , retail or alternatively, childcare and will provide substantial Public Benefit as provided in the Development Agreement. This concludes my presentation and im available to answer any questions. Thank you. Project sponsor . Good afternoon, commissioners im with the office of economic and Workforce Development. There are three key components of the Development Agreement for which i will provide an indepth description for you today. They include the need to provide an option for both an onsite and an offsite scenario, the payment structure for the offsite scenario, and the agreement to prioritize the projects phase one b. Prop m. Allocation in the fall of 2021. Before i get into the d. A. , i like to remind everyone of this projects Community Benefit obligation approved under the central soma area plan. As you know, under this plan, each of the nonresidential sorry. Each of the nonresidential key sites was assigned a specific set of Community Benefits that the projects would be required to achieve in order for there to be diverse and comprehensive portfolio of cumulative benefits the key amenity assigned to this project as a replacement and upgrade of the wholesale flower mart. The plan acknowledges that the production, distribution, and repair or p. D. R. Sector is critical to San Francisco. Companies in the p. D. R. Sector serve the needs of local residents and businesses and tend to provide highpaying jobs and Career Advancement opportunities for people without necessarily requiring a four year college degree. P. D. R. Jobs also enhance a city s Economic Diversity and therefore our ability to whether times of economic stress. While this project has anticipated replacing the flower mart on the existing site, this developed agreement now addresses a possibility for the flower mart vendors to select an alternative location of the permanent replacement site inside the San Francisco city limits. The need for two scenarios became necessary late last year. Once a central soma plan was finalized, the vendors realized that the increased residential and Office Density along with the Infrastructure Improvements designed to safely accommodate greater bike and Pedestrian Access would result in challenges for the vehicle intensive reality of operating a major wholesale flower distribution business. The flower mart is made up of over 50 independent, Small Business owners who accommodate 4,000 small and Large Businesses across all of Northern California on a weekly basis. Most of these floors, roasters, caterers, design is, and wedding planners arrive in small or large trucks, delivery vans, or other vehicles in which they need to load pallets of flowers and supplies. They rely on easy circulation and adjacent access to the warehouse. In order to ensure that San Francisco is able to retain and support the continued success of the flower mart, we have developed a developed agreement structure that will allow the vendors to make an election at their sole discretion to either return to brandon to brannan street and scenario a or elect an alternative permit location in scenario b. This election must take place within six month following the project approvals. This post entitlement election will allow the flower vendors have the necessary time they need to fully explore potential alternative sites. In both scenarios, the project sponsor will be responsible for constructing a temporary facility or another mutually agreeable, temporary location. As soon as the first phase of the primary project is approved, the developer will begin the site improvements in construction of the interim site once a temporary site is ready for occupancy, the sponsor for the sponsors is responsible for paying the relocation costs and moving the vendors to the interim location. The developer will enter into a minium four for your a minimum four year lease. Most importantly, within 30 days of the Effective Dates of this project, kilroy will make a one milliondollar payment which will provide the flower marked with the resources to perform Due Diligence of predevelopment work so that they can make an informed decision about staying at brannan street or relocating to an alternative permanent flower mart within the city. This and all of the payments are referred to below will be made to the city, which will disperse the payments as appropriate. In scenario a. , which is straightforward, the vendors elect to return in the developer moves in from the tempera site into the new building upon completion. In this scenario, developers are providing the following Community Benefits. I will not go through the whole list that ella went through. Her listing of all those numbers was impressive. I do want to call attention specifically to the 15,000 squarefoot off site parcel that will be dedicated for 100 Affordable Housing within the central soma area plan. The two milliondollar contribution to enhance safety and security and cleaner streets in central soma, formally dollars of public art in addition to the 1 arts fee, and the 5 million dedicated to sunnydale. In addition to that, the project pays a hundred 6 million in impact fees, including 58 million in jobs, housing linkage fees. It will direct 20 million of those jobs housing linkage fees to be used to stabilize housing for existing summer residents by securing small sites for rehabilitation. Scenario b. Is triggered if the flower mart elects not to return to brannan street. The flower vendors will have up to 120 days after project approval to make this election to stay or move. If they choose not to return, scenario b. Sets up the structure by which the total alternative site project design and cost will be determined. The city has worked closely with the project sponsor and the flower mart tenants to develop this copy has a process. The developed agreement outlines a detailed set of structural standards and specifications required for the new permanent facility including the necessary tenant space, parking, and loading needs. This exhibit also outlines the process by which the city will determine the final cost required to cover all of the Development Cost for the permanent site. Once these costs have been confirmed and approved by the city, kilroy will make a series of payments that together with the debt supported from the rent that the flower mart tenants will pay, it will cover the total Development Costs. No later than three years after the Development Agreement Effective Date, kilroy will make these payments to cover the cost of developing a new flower market facility. They will not be able to receive a certificate of occupancy for the primary project from the city until this payment obligation has been satisfied. The city will hold these funds and disbursed to the developer of the new flower mart facility and may use them for no other purpose. The actual amount of these payments will be determined by a detailed cost estimate which will be made when the flower might tenants in the developer of the new flower mart building have finished design of the new facility. Under scenario b. , the developer provides all of the Community Benefits under scenario a. , in addition with a 23,000 squarefoot childhood childcare center, Community Room and a menu of the onsite programming for neighborhood organizations that would give many things. Finally, in light of the extensive Financial Investment in the temperate and permanent replacement sights for the flower mart, as well as the significant upfront Public Benefits contribution that kilroy is required to make under this agreement, we are asking the commission to prioritize the projects second phase for roughly 350,000 square feet in the fall of 2021. We recognize that in order to satisfy the financial contributions were demanding, the project should receive a certain amount of insurance that the next phase will be realized so they can make these contributions to the city and the flower mart. I will ask the director of develop into come up and walk you through the final slide, but i will be available for questions. Afternoon, commissioners. Very quickly, last week director ram gave you an update on where we are with the large landscape of prop m. , but given the magnitude of this allocation, i thought it might be helpful for you to see it in a different format and highlight some aspects of this. I hope it is pretty visible. The print is a little bit small. What this chart attempt to show you is how this will play out for the next five years. When you see across the top, that is the amount we expect every year. And then you see the nonpoor allocations expected, which in early years, are almost all centrosome allocations. And then you see in the next line, the port allocations. I actually did want there are some concerns and a slight lack of understanding about how this works in that the port may come along and upset this whole applecart because port projects, pier 70 a previously approved by you and mission rock, are considered to be stage projects which dont need permission to take prop m. , although what happens is when they pull a building permit, it just comes out of the bank. So what i want to remind everyone, because it has been a while, the Development Agreement for the port projects prevent them from doing that willynilly and constrained them to pulling prop m. By certain amounts on certain days. And what you essentially see here under the port to row in my table is the most that a port the two port projects combined can pull in these years. We have taking that into account in order to look at this and see how it all plays out. I guess what i would point you to is the lower lefthand side, which is blocked a little bit on our screen, but hopefully you can see it. In response to concerns that have been voiced that it will take five years, ten years, forever to get all of the central soma Office Projects allocated, the actual facts are that by the end of this year, you will have allocated 70 of all the Office Allocation requested by a central soma projects, about 5. 5 million. At the end of 2021, 87 . 2023, 95 and a little bit dribbling into 2025. Those even number of years ten to be the years in which the port has taken the bank down to nothing so nobody gets anything. I just wanted to put this out there. Im happy to answer questions because i know it is a lot of numbers when we get to the question period. In the last point i wanted to make, it is interesting. Even though these are big numbers, this is prop m. Operating exactly as the voters intended. There are no changes because we cant take a initiative to change prop m. There is no smoke, no mirrors, no boring from the future which people have suggested various times. This is just prop m. Operating the way to wait is supposed to and making sure that, on average , not every year, but on average, 875,000 feet are added to the building stock. Some years there are many and it builds up, but if you were to average all the way back, you would see 875 all the way through. It is prop m. Whether you like it or dont like it. It is operating exactly as intended. Thank you. Thank you. Is that it . Okay. Come on up. Can afternoon, members of the Planning Commission. Im with Kilroy Realty. Happy to be here again to talk to about the flower mart project we also have a Senior Development and matt griffin here from kilroy to answer questions after. I just wanted to give a quick refresher before going to the design presentation. Not that you have had a chance to go through the commission package. This project is five years in the making. Since 2013, working with the flower mart vendors, the city, the neighborhood and to have a unique mix used project and provides a muchneeded new home for the wholesale flower market. While the design has evolved, the plant has always been to build a new stateoftheart sale flower market as part of the project where they are currently located. As i explained in june, we are surprised by the request of the Tenants Association to have the option to move offsite permanently due to concerns of the viability of operations and the new central soma neighborhood. We will prefer them to return to the project to hear their concerns, and we want to preserve this hundredyearold institution in San Francisco. Weatherby on or off site. Therefore, what you are considering today is a two variant plan which gives the vendors the power to decide without influence for kilroy or the city, which is best for them if the vendors elect to stay, well go forward with our original plan and build a new flower market as part of the project. It will be codified in the d. A. If the vendors elect to move to an offsite mac location permanently, kilroy has agreed to provide 100 of the equity to develop that site. The groundfloor experience has been thoughtfully reimagined and includes childcare, increased open space, smaller truck space and community facilities. As a reminder, timing is key. It is a port into approve all of the vendors this year. Both of their eos require the vendors to be relocated temporarily despite which is available now. To be clear, the move will not affect our plan to break ground next year. While the city is reviewing our permits for the flower mart park project, willie permitting and building out the site be able to Start Construction about a year after the Effective Date of our approvals. The d. A. Includes an immediate payment which has been described by kilroy. Again, kilroys goal is to ensure that there is a new permanent home in San Francisco for the wholesale flower market with guaranteed affordable rent and firstclass development in central soma that provides thoughtfully curated, neighborhood focused retail, allinclusive Public Open Spaces and good jobs and revenue for the city. Kilroy is proud to partner proud to partner with the wholesale flower vendors, the city, in the neighborhood to proposed a good afternoon. I am with the studios here to present the San Francisco flower mart on behalf of Kilroy Realty. The San Francisco flower mart is three building sitting on a site composed of open spaces and plazas. In the foreground of the image, you have the market hall, anchored a fifth and brennan street, which you which we like to think of as the jewel box of the project. It is over a vibrant mix of retail and europeanstyle market hall. Immediately behind that you have the blocks building, which we consider to be the workhorse of the project. A series of nested, rectangular volumes that create really Dynamic Office space that is fluidly blended two outdoor balconies and terraces, and picking up at six and brannan, you have the gateway tower which is essentially the anchor and entryway from the west side of the city to the project. Really early on, the design team was faced with a challenge of uniquely large site at a uniquely Large Program in the San Francisco flower mart, and about 100,000 square feet of floor space, it was a challenge to place it on the site in bulk the buildings in a way that permitted street presence to all of the different buildings and frontages. We came to the concept of lifting the market hall up and opening up the groundfloor to permit the city to flow into the site. This is a view midway along brannan of the oculus, and this is one of the lateral connections in from brannan street to the project. You can see here, this is essentially a cut through one of the buildings and the kind of the creation of a passageway into the project. If you look at the ground plane a fairly simple organization. We have the Office Lobbies and the San Francisco flower mart. The retail has been located in key positions to activate all of the popo and Public Open Space of the project, but at the same time, it is configured to speak to the wider city. It is really playing a dual role of trying to hold the street frontage, but at the same time, really activate some of those spaces. They are key locations of retail that are designed to really bring activity to those inner locations. Adding to this, the project is being configured in a way to view the office to enhance the public spaces, steering traffic through the public spaces and into the project. And finally we had the San Francisco flower mart on the north portion of the site. It is the key component of the program and it is located at the north portion to facilitate connection to the Service Drive into morris street and to create a space that is capable of holding a free plan in all of the required area. As mentioned previously, there is the project alternate if they choose not to return. If so, in the northeast coowner northeast coowner, childcare and about 20 thousand square feet for the childcare facility that will replace the San Francisco fire mart in addition to a Community Room, and critically critically the widening of the market alley to add to our space. On the screen, just to zoom back out and discuss bulk a little bit, given the program and given the project site, a prescriptive bulk massing of the project in line with central soma would yield the solution somewhere in this world. I think as a project team moves through the project, we really felt that it was a very restrictive and walled off massing. Essentially we have looked at reducing the bulk on the market hall lifting the market hall up, and shifting that bulk to the interior of the building. This essentially allows us to create the linkages and connections between the market alley and brannan street, and it places the majority of the bulk in the central portion of the block where it is the least objectionable. I think this is a good image to see that. This is a view from fifth street looking down the market alley. We are essentially looking directly at the bulky is portion of the site. It is screened off by the market alley and the tears of spaces that are placed in front of it. We worked to really make that feel a little bit more gracious and accommodating in the city. That allows us to put our attention into the public space. This is the view around brannan adjacent to the market hall. The market hall, though it is a block along brannan, we like to think of it as a spongelike form it allows people in multiple points along brannan and fifth and the oculus, and it permits people to transfer into the market alley. Furthermore, we have site organization. We have brannan on the south and we have the market alley that bisects the site. We have three vertical stitches that stop it altogether. Fifth street plaza, the oculus plaza, and brannan plaza. It is our large mixeduse open space. Is activated by a childrens play structures, art exhibits and general. You can host concerts, Community Events and others. The oculus plaza is a little bit more transitory, but it has key positions where it can be inhabited and it can be utilized it is the grand architectural midblock passage sorry, not the midblock passage, the break in the market hall. And then we close up with the plaza which we would like to make the front porch of the project. Your time is up. You can finish up. The market alley connecting the whole building, project phasing as discussed earlier and the block building is phase one a. , followed by the market hall and gateway. I think that doesnt. Thank you for your time. Thank you so much. We will now open this item up for public comments. Do i have speaker cards . We have three. Anybody else who wants to come up and speak, go ahead. Okay. Commissioners, good afternoon. My name is tim paulson, im secretary and treasurer of the San Francisco building and construction trades council. As you know, we have historically been supportive of the central soma plan, and i have looked at this particular plan because it is pretty unique , and there is a lot of boxes that have been checked for both the community and for the attention not only to the historic flower market, but to a lot of the design and looking at good ways to put this particular project together. And so i just want to say, on behalf of the building and construction trades council, we are supportive of this project moving forward, and we are looking really excited to getting to that particular place i will conclude right there. Thank you, commissioners. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners i am president in the south of market business association. I also am in the business. I am here to express our support for this project. The kilroy foy folks seem to be very responsive to our community before us and they will shake loose with their plans. So we are here to support you and to support the kilroy project and ask you to approve the alternatives that they presented. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Hello. This is a really, truly, wonderful project. South of market is starting to bloom like a beautiful garden. This is going to create an area, a Little Community where you can have shops and offices and everything will be right there. It is such a great project. We met with kilroy the other day and they showed us the images on and what they are planning to do it is really stunning. I urge you to support this project. It is really wonderful. We are really happy with it. It will create a lot of traffic for businesses and create a lot for our community. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. I am a floral designer here in San Francisco. I have appeared before you before in this project. Before coming here today, i was in my workroom prepping flowers for a wedding. I was working with roses from ecuador, hydrangeas from holland , and dahlias from half moon bay, so just to give you a sense of the work that we bring amazing projects from all over the world. As much as i would like to, i cannot shop in holland, maybe next year. It is an essential part of what makes my business possible and the business of thousands of other Small Business owners, event planners, caterers across Northern California. And sitting here looking at the presentation, it looks like an amazing building and i would love to come visit it, but i am saying that i would ask you to approve this project on the condition that it contained the alternative where the market can move to an offsite mac location , because as beautiful as it is, it really isnt compatible with the kinds of things that we do there on a daily basis, and it will be very difficult for those of us who have to access the market and rely on the projects that we have now to make it work in the central soma location. With the caveat that option b. Is in there, i would say that myself and my fellow florists would ask you to approve this project. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners i am the general manager of the San Francisco flower mart. I represent the Ownership Group and the 50 plus tenants that make up the San Francisco flower mart. We are proud to say we have operated in San Francisco for over 100 years. Twentysix of the over 50 Small Businesses houston the San Francisco flower market or legacy businesses in San Francisco. We employ over 375 bluecollar workers in the flower market. We are the face of what some might say is vanishing in San Francisco. The floral industry in the u. S. Is a 26 billiondollar industry, with retail sales in the u. S. With over 7 billion annually. Our market generates hundreds of millions of dollars annually in the city of San Francisco. We have over 4,000 registered buyers in the market. They come from all over the bay area and Northern California. We are the main source of floral products in Northern California. Our customers are retail floors, wedding, event designers, interior decorators, caterers, restaurants, churches, and grocery stores. You see our products in every corner store, office, building, restaurant and hotel in the city we know we are beloved in the bay area and we are indebted to the city of San Francisco for helping to ensure this market is not lost. We are internally grateful to the supervisor, aaron peskin, who fought through these Small Businesses for years now. Supervisor haney has been equally supportive the Mayors Office, the Planning Department and the staff of oewd. Kilroy has worked with our vendors since they purchased the property in 2014. They too are committed to building a home for the flower market in San Francisco. We are continuing to work on a developed agreement with our partners. This agreement would allow the vendors to make a choice on their permanent home. We know the temporary market move is important to our vendors , and we are very appreciative of kilroys work with supervisor peskin and the p. U. C. To secure this temporary home. We urge you to approve this project. The San Francisco flower market vendors and the Management Group urges you to support this and approve this project. The goal we have been working for all these past five years is to ensure that the market will survive and continue to operate in San Francisco, and hopefully for another 100 years. Thank you very much for your time. Next speaker, please. In 1925, my grandmother took the train and ferry from oakland to the San Francisco flower mart to sell the flowers our family grew. When i was five, i started coming to the flower market with my father and uncle to sell our flowers. The San Francisco flower market has thrived as a major outlet for flowers produced both locally and around the world for over 100 years. The San Francisco flower mart supports kilroy realties flower market project. The Development Agreement is near completion and will provide vendors with the option of having a new flower market home built at a location yet to be determined in the city where our vendors can continue to thrive and sustain their Small Businesses. When the original agreement for the new flower mart was made about five years ago, we did not know that just at the corner of fifth street and brannan, they would be 4 million square feet of new office space. With the increased density and traffic from vehicles, pedestrians, scooters, bicycles or vendors, customers, suppliers , and delivery companies, they will have a difficult time operating at the San Francisco flower marts current location. We are the home to 50 Small Businesses that employ over 400 bluecollar workers. We have over 3,000 regular customers. We appreciate Kilroy Realty and the citys support through supervisors peskin and haney. The city attorneys office, the Planning Department, oewd, and the Mayors Office in supporting the creation of a Development Agreement that will give the option of having a new flower market built in a location with facilities for us to thrive for the next 100 years. The San Francisco flower mart urges you to support the approval of kilroys flower mart project. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is fleming and im a wholesale florist. We really appreciate the city and your support in approving this project and enabling us to stay and continue working in San Francisco. We have a very Loyal Customer support for many, many years, and same thing with our employees. They count on us for jobs and most of our employees have been with us for 25 years or more. We actually have one gentleman who is still working in the same spot as he did in 1956 in the flower market. Again, we would appreciate your support in approving this project. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, numbers at the San Francisco Planning Commission. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today. My name is vicky. My husband and i have had our photography studio on brannan street for the past 34 years. We have always enjoyed being close to the flower mart and knowing many of the vendors as our neighbors. We would like to have kilroys plans for the San Francisco site be approved. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is grace. This of businesses since 2,011, it has been a mistake years. Today i am here to support this project. We have been working on this project for five years. We have made many presentations, and a Small Group Discussion during that time. Recently some of the vendors for the option to move to a new location on sixth and brannan. They are giving us the option to make the decision on our own. We made this request because we have a question about the changes in the neighborhood. The neighborhood is already congested and the new development, and the street changes may make them more congested in the future. Our customers and drive, so it will make it difficult on harder to give them access to the market. They have been working with our sense of very beginning, and agreed to give us the ability to decide on our own whether we want to come back or move to another new location in San Francisco. The Tenant Association has spent a lot of time, as well, and with the office. [inaudible] that has been many years, and we have spent a lot of energy on that. No final decision has been made yet. No alternate location has been selected. They will happen after the project is approved. We need a new place and we are grateful for all of the work so we can come back to tran07. We know this will not be possible please approve the project so we can have our home and make a dream come true. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is john gomez. I am the owner of american flower brokers. I have been in business for 26 years, in tran07. I am here to ask you to please expedite and approve this project so that members of the San Francisco flower market can get on with our business in our lives. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is christy. Owner of. [inaudible] for 30 years. Having been a resident of our city for 38 years, i have seen it grow and go through many changes, like a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly. I am here to support the flower market project for this reason. Working out with the flower markets on their project for five years. Updating the customers come along the way, and have always been responsive to their comments. I know some of the vendors asked for the option to move to a new location. Instead of moving back to

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