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To be followed in every parts of our lives. We deserve a right to feel to move on and still feel empowered thank you so much and i hope to have your support for this resolution. Next speaker. Good afternoon. Im speaking on behalf of [indiscernible] it is really bad. Please speak directly into the microphone. And q. They are determined to destroy yes. It wont be the same with us. They are waiting relentlessly. [indiscernible] we are the poorest of the poor, we cannot battle with this financial crisis. Our financial problems are compounded and cannot continue making these payments. We have no confidence in the sfmta because they broke it and are not sending money to us. We appreciate your support. Please buy back our medallions and get us rid of this misery. The supervisor Good Behavior is priceless to us. It could win over hundreds of hearts. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Good afternoon. Thank you for supporting us. We have not seen a response on the s. S. Sfmta. I do feel like i am a hostage. I feel like i am a slave. A hostage because i cannot leave , it is to too expensive to support my family. I cannot support my family in this area. That is why i feel like a hostage. I cannot go any other place because im stuck in slavery with the medallion. If i didnt have the medallion, i could have gone some other city to serve my case. I feel like the American Dream is dead for me. What about my kids . Is there future dead, too. I wish you guys could just push them a little harder and get these things and lets have this Beautiful Life for my kids and we would pray for you forever and we would see that change because we live in america, we deserve the American Dream for us and for our family. I know you guys are working hard for us, we salute you, but it is not hard enough. They are still going under the water. They need to come up and fix this problem. I really appreciate it, god bless you guys and thank you for being there, otherwise if you werent there, we would still [indiscernible] thank you. I appreciate your kindness. God bless you. Thank you. Next speaker. Thank you very much. One thing i want to remind you for all of you guys, you look at this place and all this beautiful color on this side. Did you hear what he said . He said [indiscernible] he says very nice things, but most of these people are losers, america for them is suffering. [indiscernible] we want to keep the hope. I love this country. Fifty years i am fighting for anybody who says anything about this country. Dont do it like that, please. Get serious. [indiscernible] we cannot get to the airport. This is in suffering. Four hours waiting. Five hours, i am sorry, i have to tell you [indiscernible] you get exhausted mentally, please, make as be free. [indiscernible] thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is victoria, resident in district four. Regarding your votes to support the resolution to name the central subways and central subway station after rose pack. Some of you did it because you feel you were merely following the offices lead on this. It is understandable for you to do it but i have a couple of points for you to consider. One is that, what if the views of the authors of this bill do not represent district three or those of other districts . What does your support of him mean . Two, it is indisputable that this resolution is very controversial and has provided the Chinese Community and has angered the Chinese Community. Why do we want to aid to stir up the community . And three, it is a matter of the principal. San francisco is known for supporting the rights of the minority and religious freedoms. By agreeing to insert rose pak name [indiscernible] including the residents and people of religious faith who are affected by rose pak carrying the chinese come communist governments policies. I urge you to use your own judgement and principles on this issue which would definitely earn respect from the Chinese Community and your constituents. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, my name is kimberley. I have lived and worked in the pulp neighborhood for 15 years. We need more services to get people off the street for good and, pretty much please pass the resolution for the Navigation Center today. Thank you. Next speaker. Honorable supervisors, my name is chris. I am the chairperson of lower polk neighbors. Im here today in my own capacity. Im here today to urge you to pass a resolution for the house Navigation Center. Our neighborhood, among other neighborhoods has significant impacts with homelessness and we have an opportunity to provide significant resources in our neighborhood. We are supportive of it. Myself, my family, a number of my, you know, neighbors, merchants, folks in my organization, we believe that this is a message that you can send today to folks that you are supportive, as well, and i appreciate your consideration, but it also like to thank supervisor peskin for engaging with our organize i were Neighborhood Organization and spent some time on this issue, both broadly about having a Navigation Center within the district, as well as this specific location. We have had a dialogue for some time, this is an important step. Thank you so much. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, my name is erica. I work for the lower poke lower poke community district. Im in support of the Navigation Center at the site. Thank you for the opportunity to let me speak about this most important issue facing our city. In our neighborhood, as in many other neighborhoods, the site of on housed people as an everyday reality and it has only gotten worse in the last few years. I believe that most san franciscans have become numb to the fact that these are human beings with stories, with dreams and with agency. We numb ourselves because we feel helpless. The problem is too fast, too big for one person to accomplish anything. The opportunity of our Navigation Center in our neighborhood is one that all san franciscans should support. These Navigation Centers are controversial. If it is not in our neighborhood , then the problem only persists on our streets and in our alleys and on our sidewalks. Please pass this resolution today. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. My name is andrea. I have been a resident of district three for the last 25 years and i am also here to speak in support of the Navigation Center. As a neighbor who feeds the people in the alleys, and in my role as pizza lady for the past whatever many years, i used to worry at the lower poke benefit districts that cleaned up and beautified each alley and pushed people out, where would they go . Where they have gone is closer and closer to Navigation Centers this is a Perfect Place and opportunity because the few people who have been successful in helping have responded to the proximity of having that help right in front of them and i appreciate Aaron Peskins work, and especially the tireless work of the people of the lower poke Community Benefit district. That is a c. B. D. I would like to support, not the c. B. D. , but the pot retail stores. It is the exact kind of usage for a building that we have been hoping and praying for and i think most of the members of the surrounding Community Want to support it. Those same neighbors will be there whether this center is there or not. So how fabulous to have 80 beds and Outreach Services for them. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is dan, i am the Community Liaison at [indiscernible] we are a rehearsal space and hotel and an ongoing construction project for musicians in the city. Im here to express my support and personally as a representative of our company, our support for the house Navigation Center. As members of the community and also managers of rental properties throughout San Francisco, including a building which just sold across the street from this location, we would be delighted to see that in our neighborhood. I think we all know how much more support the homeless need. It is a simple numbers game and we need more Navigation Centers. We will be happy to have it. I would like to submit some letters of support to the clerk, please. That is about it. Thank you very much. Have a great night. Okay. Next speaker. Good afternoon, board of supervisors. On behalf of the coalition, we urge the board of supervisors to [indiscernible] there are several reasons for you to consider. This resolution has divided our community, rose pak is [indiscernible] erecting statues of Public People named after controversial figures will be reversed in the near future. For example, languard in russia [indiscernible] it makes the board of supervisors to put us to push the investigation. [indiscernible] thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, board of supervisors. My name is jenny. Im a business owner. According to the report on june 5th, supervisor peskin says if m. T. A. Will offset the records and named the subway station after rose pak, he will [indiscernible] they have already decided to give m. T. A. This power. Why go against the vultures . They voted ten years ago to give the m. T. A. The power to name the new station. The m. T. A. Has already decided, three years ago, to not put a known chinese agents name on the station and call it simply chinatown station. I urge supervisors to respect the voters and m. T. A. In this matter. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Next speaker. Somebody come on up otherwise i am closing. Good afternoon. Good afternoon fellow american citizens. I exercise my american citizenship authority, my United States constitutional rights, my leadership rights, and my admitted residency rights and my joint venture exercise rights. My name is kathleen wells and i am a National Executive entrepreneur. I have a very Important Message and opportunity for you today to move this city forward as the model city for other cities to follow. I formerly i formally move on a record for the American Military and the california state militia to exercise the insurance of domestic tranquility contract clause in the United States constitution with bill of rights. I have a copy in my possession right here for the Public Record and thereby enforce Eminent Domain to immediately seize five buildings to be converted to medical facilities for homeless american citizens who are living in the streets and on subways, trains et cetera. And also to seize ten more buildings for the necessary housing. The legal and United States Constitutional Authority for these property seizures is Thomas Paines dissertation on government, affairs of the bank and paper money delivered on the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1787 , and the direct application of the United States constitution, specifically article one, section eight, section ten, with first through the 14th amendment protections for all american citizens. Thomas paine asserted that while operating a temporary monetarism [indiscernible]. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you. Next speaker. Im translating for her. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator i request following Public Comment to be included in the minutes of the board of supervisors meeting on july 9th 2019 according to the sunshine ordinance, the total is within 150. And with what i said during the Public Comment section. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator some supervisors voted for the resolution to change the name of the chinatown station to rose pak station. Please consider several points below. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator what are the views of the office if they dont represent districts three . [speaking foreign language] voice of translator this is a very controversial and has divided the Chinese Community. The simplest way out is to reason, so why do you want to disrupt the community . [speaking foreign language] voice of translator it is a matter of principle. [indiscernible] including the merchants, and people of religious faith who were attacked by rose pak to clear out communist chinas policy. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator i urge you to use your own judgement and principles and when respect the respect from the Chinese Community and constitution. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator good afternoon, my name is angela, living in district ten. I am here to oppose the naming of the central subway station after rose pak. We should never use someone as controversial as her for a public facility. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator since the last Public Comment session, you have heard from 70 residents voicing their opposition to the subway station naming including myself. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator we have to step away from our work, from our lives, and had to sacrifice payment for that day and we spend three hours to get our time for this meeting and the opportunity to talk in front of you. We made a good effort to be here to tell you our concerns about this, however, im very disappointed. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator lets step back for a second. Some of us made an effort and a sacrifice to address our concerns about the naming, but where are the supporters of the naming . Nobody came to support the naming of this. It is a good indication of the community. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator my understanding is our board of supervisors dedicate resources to meet the communitys needs and made Work Together to make the country as efficient as possible. [speaking foreign language] voice of translator it provides the highest Priority Services under this jurisdiction that are needed by constituents. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. About ten days ago i heard the news. As long as i have been coming here, there has been a girl in the clerks office, wellrounded , not a sharp edge, a pleasant smile, nice is nice, retired. I will do a toast next time i get a jamaican rum cocktail. Maybe the clerk of the board would like to join me representing the clerks office. Absolutely. [laughter] on Navigation Centers, getting people off the street, amen, amen, amen. Lets offer them more benefits and the neighborhood more benefits by getting some shape Safe Injection Sites and a doctor prescribing the drugs that they are addicted to. Get them off the street, break the bonds of dealing on the street, have them have a little bit more respect, give them a better chance. We can establish trials with hospitals. The feds are not going to help us, but they are separating children and families and they are denying their climate deniers. Look how bad they are on marijuana. We need to create new trials, new policies to get us out of where we are and we are stuck. Affordable housing bond, yes, congratulations. It would be really nice if that bond was funded by the public bank of San Francisco and the public bank of the state of california. We need new policies, we need new directions, and we need to work with it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. I have spoken with immigrants from mexicans. Several members have stated that it results in unlawful transportation and runs into the amount of 20 to 25,000 for several weeks journey. Anyone thinking of picking up a travel guide can tell you more accurately that the trip takes only several days and costs several hundred dollars. It is more accurate to state that the majority of these individuals are seeking a higher standard of living and improved quality of life and are enjoying some adventure. Some are simply trying to earn as much as they can to send money home to their families for consumption or investment, some individuals are fleeing lawful arrest and prosecution. It makes perfect sense that they will enter the country unlawfully. Others are in gangs, some are simply fleeing their responsibilities. There are as many motives as there are individuals. I believe, however, that boundaries and borders are help healthy among people and among nations when we do not respect borders or personal boundaries when we access fundamental documents belonging to others in order to access whatever it is we want, be it employment employment, goods, services, or access to other resources. This is neither healthy or lawful conduct. It is in measurement, it is dysfunctional, it is socially disruptive. It also contravenes international law. I cant embrace your politics of transgression of illegal immigration or of men dressed as women, following women and girls and two bathrooms as transgender , what have you. Or state laws that outlaw employers to have cooperation with federal investigators, particularly when thank you. Seeing no other speakers, Public Comment is now closed. I guess there is one more speaker. Go ahead. Do you need help, sir . Can you show the document that i have on the laptop there . Basically i just want you to take a peek at this. This just came out by Jeff Kaczynski and his group. Basically what it is saying is that the people that go into the Navigation Center, they are only going to house 5 , so just consider that. 95 of the people who go to the Navigation Center are not going to get housed. The limited stay, let me see, the end of stay, 30 1 choose to exit by choice. Fortyone , are the navigations really that bad where 41 of the people who actually go there would actually leave . That is what Jeff Kaczynskis numbers imply. San francisco administrative code 106 says that the controller is supposed to provide reports involving the Navigation Centers and i dont have any to date. Also consider the denial of service. 10 the Navigation Centers that were built, they were viable, not the best, but somewhat viable. What Jeff Kaczynski is doing is illegal. Look at the seven day stay. Seven day stay, that is a violation of the shelter extension policy. We need some legislation from this body to protect the homeless from the manipulation of the wordage that Jeff Kaczynski uses to violate the law and the San Francisco policy that we fought for for the past ten or 20 years. Thank you very much. Seeing no other speakers, Public Comment is closed. Madame clerk, please go back to item 26. Item 26, the renewal and expansion of the Union Square Business Improvement District. The ballot count is in. The result, the returned wait of valid ballot voting for the district was 84. 8 7 and the return waited balance voting against it was 15. 1 3 further indicating there was no majority protest. Okay. There is no majority approach as protest. Without objection can we take a vote on item 26, the resolution to establish, renew, and expand the Union Square Business Improvement District . Okay. I think, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, the resolution passes unanimously. Madame clerk, lets go to our adoption without committee agenda, number 31 through 37. Items 31 through 37 were introduced for adoption without reference to committee, unanimous vote is required for resolutions on First Reading today. Alternatively, any supervisor may require a resolution to go to committee. Would any of my colleagues like to sever any items . Seeing then colleagues well you have to be quick. [laughter]. Supervisor peskin . Since everyone is leaving, congratulations. 85 is extraordinary. [cheers and applause] i would like to sever items 31, 33, and 37, mr. President. Madame clerk, lets take items 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, colleagues, can we take these items same house, same call . Without objection, then these resolutions are adopted and the motions are approved unanimously madame clerk, please call item 31. Thirtyone is a resolution to oppose California State Assembly bill number 68 authored by some remember philip tang unless amended to provide jurisdictional deference to the city and county of San Francisco and other early adopters of permissive accessory dwelling unit regulations. Supervisor peskin . Thank you. Colleagues, this is the second time that this has appeared on our agenda. I absolutely salute and concur with our Assembly Members desire to spread accessory dwelling units throughout the state of california, however, there are two profound concepts that are important for the city and county of San Francisco. First is since the advent of a. D. U. S in this municipality is that the vast majority of them are subject to regulatory agreements pursuant to the costa hawkins act that allows them to be subject to a rent stabilization ordinance, chaptee code and i would like to make sure that anything that is done statewide continues to honor that in the city and county of San Francisco as well as other municipalities that have rentcontrolled regulations. In addition, there are provisions as it is currently written that could undermine San Franciscos eviction protection controls. Our staff have been in close communication. I am hopeful that, how should i say this appropriately, given the unfortunate dynamics in the california state legislature, even though we have a majority of democrats in both the assembly and the senate, rent control and eviction protection continues to be a bad word up there. I am hopeful that the Assembly Member can incorporate and get his colleagues to agree to some amendments that will honor our longstanding eviction and rent control regulatory regimen in San Francisco. With that, i would like to continue this one week. I dont take this lightly, i dont like to oppose something that is offered by one of our Assembly Delegation members, so i would like to make a motion to canoe continue item 31 for one week. There has been a motion to continue this item 31 for one week and seconded by supervisor safai. Can we take this motion without objection . Mr. President , for the record , that is july 16th. Thank you. Then, same house, same call. Motion passes. Madame clerk, item 33. Thirtythree is a resolution to urge the department of real estate to pursue a financially feasible option to lease or purchase assessor parcel blocks 0300 lot zero zero nine at 888 post street for the use of a Navigation Center or Workforce Development and multiuse Service Center serving homeless and our phone formerly homeless individuals. Supervisor peskin . The comment i am about to make is out of order but i wanted to acknowledge that supervisor haney as a cosponsor of item 26. I try to put my name on the roster but that ate and came and went and it was totally out of order. As to item 33, which is a resolution urging the city and our department of real estate to pursue an option to purchase or lease property at 888 post street, commonly formerly known as the house of fans, i commended to all the view, i want to what is that . And a supervisor fewer says that she bought a fan from there, and so did i. So by way of background, as i said in the chronicle the other day, hopefully the fourth time is a charm. One mare breed and i did the groundbreaking at 88 broadway today, which i proposed as a temporary Navigation Center, a number of years ago when ed lee was mayor after supervisor ronen was able to secure 1515 south van ness for a period of less than one year, that was my first attempt. My second attempt, actually that was my second attempt. My first attempt was our lady of waterloo bay church. This is my fourth attempt. I just want to say, the neighbors and neighborhoods of district three are remarkably cool. Thank you to miss michaels, a. K. A. The pizza lady who is still here. To the folks from the lower pole neighbors and the lower polled c. B. D. This is a neighborhood that is an pricing embracing it. Im tired that hearing persevering that it does not pencil. It penciled in supervisor ronen s district and dang it, we all want to be part of the solution and this supervisor is trying to be part of the solution, so i asked for all of your support and we all saw the numbers. Since 2017, i dont know why it take so long to get a point in time count back to the board and the electorate and our neighbors , but it says that the numbers have gone up 30 although i am informed by supervisor ronen that district nine and district three fared better then the rest of the city , or at least they did at that one point in time. I think my totally cool constituents for supporting a Navigation Center in the northeast county of the city and county of San Francisco. Thank you for your leadership and this and putting it forward as youre calling to the south. I support this. Also a somebody who lives three blocks from the site, just down the street, it is right across the street from district six. I want to thank all of the residents who came out here, and supervisor peskin for your leadership on this there is a myth out there that people dont want to see Navigation Centers, do not want to see shelters, do not want to see services in the district. I do understand we have shared responsibility in addressing this challenge. I want to thank you for your leadership. And whatever i can do support you on this and whatever i can do to support any of you who are also fighting to make sure you have the needed Urgent Services for our Homeless Population in your district, i know that there will continue to be a lot in district six and we are good with that but we also want to support additional supervisors in districts who want to expand services as well. I hope that the city takes you up on this opportunity. I do think this will pencil and i hope to see a Navigation Center right up the street from me very soon. Supervisor ronen . I just want to echo and say that i have bared witness to supervisor peskins very frustrating attempts to get a Navigation Center in its district. When i tried to get venice in my district, i was also told know and i was also told it doesnt pencil and i said i disagree. It is time to push. There are too many people that are sleeping and dying on the streets on district nine and we have to do something about it and it worked. We were able to get from 260 tenths of probably double the amount of People Living on the streets of the Mission District all the way down to 30 tenths at one point. That was the best we did. We ebbed and flowed between that and as supervisor peskin mentioned, it was a district three and nine there were the only two districts who had a decrease in unsheltered people in the district in this point in time count. So why the while the cities skyrocketed up, we went down. That was because neighborhood based commitment to a real solution to homelessness, which is to provide an alternative place for people to be and to allow them to stay there long enough to be able to resolve the situation that they were facing. That is something that i feel frustrated about our citywide strategy. Not only do we not have enough Navigation Centers all over the city and i do commend the mayor for trying to fix that, increase the Navigation Center beds, but the stays in the center are so short that they cycle in and out of that. That is not the way we did it in the mission. The way begot lasting change is people were allowed to stay in the Navigation Center until they resolved their situation. That is where we got the lasting effects. I too just want to offer my support to supervisor peskin and say i am behind you all the way and agree with supervisor haney. Any colleague who fights and demands resources for Homeless People in their district, i have your back 100 . I always well. Sometimes we have to push hard, even when the department of homelessness says no. Thank you. Lets see. Colleagues, can we take this item same house, same call . Then this resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call item number 37. Thirtyseven, motion to approve a phased final transfer map, portions of Treasure Island , a 98 Lot Subdivision and acknowledge the findings pursuant to the general plan. Supervisor peskin . Thank you. I had some technical questions on this and i actually asked that this city surveyor be here and he could not so i talked to miss kittler, the liaison from the Mayors Office and he can attend our next meeting. I am respectfully requesting and making a motion for a oneweek continuance. Is there a second . Seconded by supervisor fewer. This is to the date of july 16 th. Okay. Can we take this same house, same call . With no objection, then we will continue this item. Madame clerk, we have an imperative item. Yes, we have, from supervisor peskin. A resolution supporting Assembly Bill 1054, only if amended, to remove language unrelated to the goal of stabilizing state utilities that would effectively undermine San Franciscos ongoing efforts to access and acquire pg and e. Assets and to have Utility Service to its residents. Colleagues. Would you like to Say Something . I would like to make a motion relative to the centering ordinance, the need to take action is so important imperative. If action is deferred to a later meeting, i would like to further make the brown act findings as to the need to take immediate action and the action came to the attention of the city and county of San Francisco after the agenda was posted. I would also like to tell my colleagues that i promise that at the next several board meetings, i will not speak as much. There has been a motion. Is there a second for both of these . Supervisor mandelman, can we take those two motions together . Is there any objections to those motions . Seeing none, the motion passes. Now on the substance of the imperative resolution itself. Mr. President , Public Comment on the resolution. Is there any Public Comment on this particular imperative agenda . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Then and now for the substance of the imperative resolution itself, a roll call vote, please. [roll call] can you repeat the motion, please . This is on the imperative item, supervisor. There are ten aye. The resolution is adopted. Madame clerk, please read the in memoriam his. Yes. Todays meeting will be adjourned memory of the following beloved individuals. On behalf of supervisor walton, for the late mr. Caesar cornelius young, on behalf of supervisor peskin, for the late mr. Neil mollock and for supervisor mandelman [speaking spanish]. That brings us to the end of our agenda. Madame clerk, is there any further business before us today that concludes our business for today. Then we are adjourned. As a society weve basically failed big portion of our population if you think about the basics of food, shelter safety a lot of people dont have any of those im mr. Cookie cant speak for all the things but i know say, i have ideas how we can address the food issue. Open the door and walk through that dont just stand looking out. As they grew up in in a how would that had access to good food and our parent cooked this is how you feed yours this is not happening in our country this is a huge pleasure im david one of the cofounder so about four year ago we worked with the serviced and got to know the kid one of the things we figured out was that they didnt know how to cook. I heard about the Cooking School through the Larkin Academy a. Their noting no way to feed themselves so theyre eating a lot of fast food and i usually eat whatever safeway is near my home a lot of hot food i was excited that i was eating lunch enough instead of what and eat. As i was inviting them over teaching them basic ways to fix good food they were so existed. Particle learning the skills and the food they were really go it it turned into the is Charity Foundation i ran into my friend we were talking about this this do you want to run this Charity Foundations and she said, yes. Im a cofound and executive director for the cooking project our best classes participation for 10 students are monday theyre really fun their chief driven classes we have a different guest around the city theyre our stand alone colas we had a series or series still city of Attorneys Office style of classes our final are night life diners. Santa barbara shall comes in and helps us show us things and this is one the owners they help us to socialize and ive been here about a year. We want to be sure to serve as many as we can. The San Francisco Cooking School is an amazing amazing partner. It is doing that in that space really elevates the space for the kids special for the chief that make it easy for them to come and it really makes the experience pretty special. Im sutro sue set im a chief 2, 3, 4 San Francisco. Thats what those classes afford me the opportunity it breakdown the barriers and is this is not scary this is our choice about you many times this is a feel good what it is that you give them is an opportunity you have to make it seem like its there for them for the taking show them it is their and they can do that. Hi, im antonio the chief in San Francisco. The majority of kids at that age in order to get them into food they need to see something simple and the evidence will show and easy to produce i want to make sure that people can do it with a bowl and spoon and burner and one pan. I like is the receipts that are simple and not feel like its a burden to make foods the cohesives show something eased. I go for vera toilet so someone cant do it or its way out of their range we only use 6 ingredients i can afford 6 ingredient what good is showing you them something they cant use but the sovereignties what are you going to do more me youre not successful. We made a vegetable stirfry indicators hed ginger and onion that is really affordable how to balance it was easy to make the food we present i loved it if i having had access to a kitchen id cook more. Some of us have never had a kitchen not taught how to cookie wasnt taught how to cook. I have a great appreciation for programs that teach kids food and cooking it is one of the healthiest positive things you can communicate to people that are very young. The more programs like the cooking project in general that can have a positive impact how our kids eat is really, really important i believe that everybody should venting to utilize the kitchen and meet other kids their age to identify theyre not alone and their ways in which to pick yours up and move forward that. It is really important to me the opportunity exists and so i do everything in my power to keep it that. Well have our new headquarters in the heart of the tenderloin at taylor and kushlg at the end of this summer 2014 were really excited. A lot of the of the conditions in San Francisco they have in the rest of the country so our goal to 257bd or expand out of the San Francisco in los angeles and then after that who know. Wed never want to tell people want to do or eat only provide the skills and the tools in case thats something people are 2rrd in doing. You cant buy a box of psyche you have to put them in the right vein and direction with the right kids with a right place address time those kids dont have this you have to instill they can do it theyre good enough now to finding out figure out and find the future for hello now we can begin. This meeting will come to order. Welcome to the june 28th, special meeting of the joint City School District School District and city college select committee. Our clerk today is erica major. I would also like to thank San Francisco government t. V. For staffing this meeting. Madame clark, please call the role. The call of the role. [roll call] mr. Chair, you have a quorum. I would like to acknowledge commissioner lopez who has joined us here as well. Madame clerk, are there any

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